Last update: 20 okt 2000
All Debian users should now, as well, be able to
compile and run GTKtrue! Simply upgrade your old Slink (2.1) to the
latest release, 2.2 (Mashed Potatoes ;). Slink includes older versions of
the command line option parser, popt, and Gtk+. I am terribly sorry for this
inconveniance, but nevertheless thankful to Juhapekka Tolvanen for pointing
this out to me. Thanks also goes out to Martin Vermeer for spreading "the
gospel of GTKtrue" on Linux
Today. Finally I have to extend my humble "geez, people are still
actually using this - I'd better update the homepage" to Rick Moen.
See the README file for more information on GTKtrue
0.1.2 or look at the ChangeLog if that suits you more.
Another option is to type gtrue --help at the prompt for a complete
listing of the command line options.
Unless you're even more bored than I am right now you could take a look
at the TODO file and perhaps make a patch and send to me.
If you do I promise you I'll include it in the next release. :) One such
feature would be to write an ncurses interface to gtrue - it's not in the
TODO yet because a friend suggested it just now.
If you have any questions that you somehow think I can answer, then send
me an email and I'll see what I can do about it. :-)
BTW, this page is HTML 4.0 compliant so you should be able to view it with
any browser. Unless it's not hopelessly outdated, like IBM Webexplorer for
OS/2 for instance.
[email protected]