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Bochs-Tools are a collection of scripts and programs to be used together with the Bochs-emulator (see Main goal was to provide a more Unix-like interface to the emulator and to enable access to Bochs disk-images from outside of Bochs. With Bochs-Tools, it is very simple to clone an existing OS-installation to a Bochs-image (as long as Linux has write-access to the relevant file-system).

The tools were developed under Linux. They might also work on other operating-systems. Feedback on this issue is appreciated.


For a detailed usage-example, see below section EXAMPLE.

bxtactivate : Activate a partition of a disk-image

bxtclone     : The all-in-one create, copy, lilo script
bxtcopy      : Copy a directory-tree to a disk-image partition
bxtcreate    : Create a partitioned disk-image. Only primary partitions
               are currently supported.
bxtdd        : Dump data to and from a partition of disk-image
bxtlilo      : Install lilo on the disk-image
bxtmkfs      : Create a filesystem on a disk-image partition. Supported
               filesystem-types: swap, minix, ext2, ext3, reiserfs, fat, fat32
bxtmount     : Mount a disk-image partition

bxtptinfo : Outputs information about a disk-image bxtsettype : Set the partition-type of a partition of a disk-image bxtsfdisk : Run sfdisk on a disk-image

bxtstart     : Start the emulator. Floppy and disk-images are passed
               on the commandline using Unix-compliant options. The
               geometry and size of the floppy and disk-images is autodetected. : (shared functions, internally used)

The bxt*-scripts also work with images created with bximage and which were partitioned within the emulator. They also support images created with dd as described in the "old" Bochs-documentation.

The Bochs-Tools need sfdisk in the PATH, sfdisk is part of the util-linux-package and normally installed on every Linux-system.


The following steps are only necessary if you did not install the rpm-package.

Unpack the Bochs-Tools archive (something like bochs-tools-1.6.0.tar.bz2) and run "make install" as root.

# tar -xvjf bochs-tools-1.6.0.tar.bz2 -C /tmp # cd /tmp/bochs-tools-1.6.0
# make install PREFIX=foo

PREFIX defaults to /usr/local. All executables will go into the PREFIX/bin-directory, man-pages go to PREFIX/man/man1


Man-pages are available. Every script/program supports the option "-h" for runtime-help. And you have the sources!

EXAMPLE: Cloning an existing Linux-distribution

Let's assume we have installed the Debian bootstrap installation of Woody on /dev/sdb3 (about 110MB). We want to put this distribution on a disk-image and start the emulator afterwards. The disk-image should have two partitions, one for the distribution and a second for swap-space (128MB).

# bxtcreate -1 200m -2 128m hda.img # create the image

# bxtmkfs -t ext2 hda.img:1           # make ext2-fs on first partition
# bxtmkfs -t swap hda.img:2           # make swap-space on second partition
# mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt                # mount Woody-installation
# bxtcopy /mnt hda.img:1              # copy Woody-tree to first partition
# umount /mnt                         # umount source
# bxtmount hda.img:1 /mnt             # mount first partition (the copy!)
# vi /mnt/etc/fstab                   # change mountpoint of / to /dev/hda1
                                      # and swap to /dev/hda2
# ln -fs hdc /mnt/dev/cdrom           # make sure that /dev/cdrom points to
                                      # /dev/hdc
# umount /mnt
# bxtlilo hda.img                     # install the lilo boot-loader
# bxtstart -b disk -1 hda.img         # start the emulator and boot from disk

The given procedure is much much faster than installing within the emulator! It is probably not a good idea to use the disk-image from within Bochs and from outside at the same time (although I haven't tested that).

With the new bxtclone-script, things are even much simpler. If you don't need fined-grained control, you can just use these commands:

# mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt                # mount Woody-installation
# bxtclone /mnt hda.img               # create, copy, lilo, ...
# umount /mnt
# bxtstart -b disk -1 hda.img         # start the emulator and boot from disk

bxtclone has a number of options to control partition-sizes, see the man-page for details.

DOS/WINDOWS considerations

The above procedure can also be used to clone a DOS/Windows (exept NT and XP) installation. If you create a pure DOS/Windows Bochs-image, you also need to activate the first partition of your image and install the boot-code.

To do this, run "bxtactivate hda.img:1". Then boot the emulator with an appropriate rescue-disk and run "sys c:". Note that the rescue-disk created from within Windows98 does not contain by default, you have to copy it from c:\windows\command\

Dual-boot DOS/Windows and Linux

The script bxtlilo will add a DOS/Windows partition to the boot-menu, if it is on a partition before the Linux-partition (e.g. DOS: hda1, Linux: hda2, swap: hda3). In this case, you only have to add the boot-code with "sys c:" as described above, you do not have to activate the DOS/Windows partition.

Additional notes

If lilo complains "Sorry, don't know how to handle device 0x0701", you should upgrade lilo to a more recent version. Note: the version of lilo shipped with Red-Hat 8 is definitely too old!


"bxtcopy srcdir hda.img:1" is a shortcut for:

# bxtmount hda.img:1 /tmp/mnt
# tar -cpf - -C srcdir . | tar -xpf - -C /tmp/mnt # umount /tmp/mnt

(In fact, bxtmount uses a temporary directory created with mktemp instead of /tmp/mnt).


"bxtptinfo -b hda.img" outputs the geometry suitable for your bochsrc-file.


Due to a bug in Bochs up to 2.0.1, ata-definitions can't be changed from the commandline. If you use bxtstart, you should comment out the definitions for ata0-master, ata0-slave and ata1-master. These are set automatically by bxtstart. There are two advantages of bxtstart compared against the standard commandline interface of Bochs: geometry and size are autodetected, and you can use filename-completion.


Bochs-Tools are placed under the GPL version 2, see file COPYING.


If you think you found a bug or want to contribute some code please drop me a note. Include as much information as necessary (and possible). Be aware that I only check my mail once or twice a week, so be patient.

Bernhard Bablok
[email protected]

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