Art Crimes: New Zealand 2

All artwork on this page is © copyright 2005 the artists. Please email corrections to [email protected] and mention New Zealand 2.

Photos thanks to Scream:
nz_cre_trex.jpg Credit, Tre nz_dcypherx.jpg Dcypher

nz_dyledivaphatmowglix.jpg Dyle, Diva, Phat nz_dyle_01x.jpg Dyle

nz_dyle_blkx.jpg Dyle nz_dyle_phat1_mangerex.jpg Dyle, Phat1

nz_ecb_vincex.jpg ecb (Germany) nz_fesasqwebs_mornf_cx.jpg Fury, Askew, Webs

nz_fiaskox.jpg Fiasko nz_gaspx.jpg Gasp

nz_hatesx.jpg Hate nz_hateskullx.jpg Hate

Hate.RCD (Brizz) was tragically killed in January 2005 in a car accident, along with his fiance, Phili, and their child, Cedes.

A memorial painted for Hate and his family, in Auckland. Hate by Bask, Pigout by Dyle, characters by Askew, Hate by ?, Pigout by Some, Hate by Exist, Hate by Sens, Pigout by Phat1


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