Patches for ILU 2.0alpha14

Revised $Date: 1999/07/22 00:53:15 $ GMT

About Patches

Getting the "patch" program

The program "patch" is distributed from a number of places, and odds are you already have it on your system. If not, try for the sources. On Windows platforms, there appears to be a version in the Win32 distribution of the GNU tools:
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Absolute Newbie
Newsgroups: comp.object.corba
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:05:20 GMT

[email protected] (Bill Janssen) writes:
> I wonder if there's a version of the UNIX `patch' utility for
> Windows

There is! I'm sure it is available from several places, we got it as
part of the CVS package. Version 1.10 of CVS for Windows can be
downloaded from:

To use patch.exe you also need win32gnu.dll which comes in the same
zip file.

There are several different UNIX versions of patch. Older versions won't be able to handle raw HTML as input, so you may want to upgrade if you have an old version. To check the version, try typing "patch -v" at a command line. If your patch program doesn't like that, or if the version printed out is less than 2.1, you will probably want to fetch the newer version and build it.

Applying a patch

To patch your sources, copy any patch listed below into a patch file. If you're going to apply more than one, apply them in order, and put each patch in a separate patch file. Then change your working directory to the top of the ILU source tree (ILUSRC), and use the command "patch -p0", (that's a zero) redirecting standard input to come from this file. For example, if you had put the ILU sources in /usr/local/ilu/src, and had put the patch in /usr/local/ilu/src/this-patch, you'd type
  % cd /usr/local/ilu/src
  % patch -p0 < /usr/local/ilu/src/this-patch
  [...various output from the patch program...]
NOTE: On a fresh (unpatched) distribution, it usually works to just feed this entire patches.html file into the patch program, e.g. patch -l -p0 < patches.html
WARNING: copying these files from a browser may produce problems with some patches due to a conversion of tabs to spaces. If you have a patch application fail, try specifying the -l switch to patch. Also, when ftp'ing this page, use binary transfer. On Windows, some patches may be reported as malformed if you transfer the file in ascii mode. On UNIX, some patch versions may object to having carriage returns in the file, so if you observe problems, check to see that some intermediate step did not insert carriage returns.

Actual Patches

  • The webserver example in the httest directory had obsoleted uses of TRUE and FALSE (Note: this is not an issue on Win32 as the system headers files define these).

    *** 1.15	1998/10/09 06:08:04
    --- examples/httest/webserver.c	1999/01/26 17:48:52
    *** 797,803 ****
      		print_request (p_http_req);
    ! 	return server_iluhttp_Resource_GETorHEAD(http_obj, p_http_req, TRUE, ilu_env);
    --- 797,803 ----
      		print_request (p_http_req);
    ! 	return server_iluhttp_Resource_GETorHEAD(http_obj, p_http_req, ilu_TRUE, ilu_env);
    *** 813,819 ****
      		print_request (p_http_req);
    ! 	return server_iluhttp_Resource_GETorHEAD(http_obj, p_http_req, FALSE, ilu_env);
    --- 813,819 ----
      		print_request (p_http_req);
    ! 	return server_iluhttp_Resource_GETorHEAD(http_obj, p_http_req, ilu_FALSE, ilu_env);

  • The Python stubber in CORBA mode generates a reference to "ilu" instead of "iluRt".

    *** 1.26	1999/01/20 00:49:01
    --- stubbers/python/util.c	1999/01/27 19:46:17
    *** 239,246 ****
        printf ("import %s ; %s['%s'] = %s; %s['ilu'] = %s;\n",
      	  nameModuleIlu, nameVarImports, nameModuleIlu, nameModuleIlu, nameVarImports, nameModuleIlu);
    !   printf ("%s.CheckStubConsistency2('%s', '%s', ilu.TRUE);\n", nameModuleIlu,
        printf ("%s.CheckStubConsistency('%s', '%s');\n", nameModuleIlu,
    --- 239,246 ----
        printf ("import %s ; %s['%s'] = %s; %s['ilu'] = %s;\n",
      	  nameModuleIlu, nameVarImports, nameModuleIlu, nameModuleIlu, nameVarImports, nameModuleIlu);
    !   printf ("%s.CheckStubConsistency2('%s', '%s', %s.TRUE);\n", nameModuleIlu,
        printf ("%s.CheckStubConsistency('%s', '%s');\n", nameModuleIlu,

  • Build on PC fails if Java is JDK1.2
    The following patch fixes the offending .mak file. However to successfully build for JDK1.2 on PC's you also need to set up the following environment variables in addition to what the manual says:
        set JAVA_HOME to the jre directory
        set JDK_HOME to the jdk direcory
        set JAVAUSE12 to some value
    and apply this patch...

    *** 1.8	1999/01/20 23:07:40
    --- etc/javaobv/javawin32.mak	1999/01/27 23:51:12
    *** 24,29 ****
    --- 24,32 ----
      !IF "$(JAVA_HOME)" == ""
    + !IF "$(JDK_HOME)" == ""
    + !END
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == ""
      !ERROR JAVASDK environment variable not set - should be one of Microsoft or Javasoft
    *** 55,61 ****
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
      JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jvc
    ! JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    --- 58,64 ----
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
      JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jvc
    ! JAVAC = $(JDK_HOME)\bin\javac
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    *** 80,90 ****
          set ILUPATH=.;..\..\stubbers\parser
          java-stubber ilujava.isl
          if not exist $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\nul mkdir $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)
    !     set CLASSPATH=.;$(JAVA_CLASS_DIR);$(ILUHOME)\lib\classes;$(CLASSPATH)
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\xerox\ilujava\*.java
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\
          cd .\classes
    !     $(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar -0cf ..\ilujavaobv.jar *
          cd ..
      #   When know how to distinguish between 1.2 and 1.1.x, can conditionally add this line for 1.2
      #   before the jar file creation of course!
    --- 83,93 ----
          set ILUPATH=.;..\..\stubbers\parser
          java-stubber ilujava.isl
          if not exist $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\nul mkdir $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)
    !     set CLASSPATH=.;$(JAVA_CLASS_DIR);$(ILUHOME)\lib\classes;..\..\runtime\java\classes;$(CLASSPATH)
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\xerox\ilujava\*.java
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\ jsrc\xerox\ilujava\
          cd .\classes
    !     $(JDK_HOME)\bin\jar -0cf ..\ilujavaobv.jar *
          cd ..
      #   When know how to distinguish between 1.2 and 1.1.x, can conditionally add this line for 1.2
      #   before the jar file creation of course!

  • The CORBA Interoperable Naming Service submission introduces several new concepts. This patch addresses two of them:

    (1) The default object key exported by the CosNaming server root context is supposed to be "NameService". Actually, in the spec it says "NamingService", but I'm informed this is a typo, and will be fixed editorially.

    (2) The spec introduces two new required URL forms, "iioploc:" and "iiopname:".

    This isn't all that the INS spec introduces, but it's all that this patch covers.

    *** 1.240	1999/01/18 17:28:48
    --- runtime/kernel/iluntrnl.h	1999/01/27 03:25:28
    *** 1681,1686 ****
    --- 1681,1688 ----
      /*L1, L2 unconstrained*/
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOP (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    + extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    + extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR2 (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    *** 1.349	1998/12/05 02:48:37
    --- runtime/kernel/iluxport.h	1999/01/27 22:09:19
    *** 4679,4684 ****
    --- 4679,4699 ----
       * NIL if object is not exported through an IIOP ilu_Port.
    + /* Locking unconstrained */
    + ILU_PUBLIC ilu_string				/* PASS */
    +   ilu_IIOP_IHFromObjectKey (ilu_bytes,		/* object key */
    + 			    ilu_cardinal,	/* length of object key */
    + 			    ilu_Error *);
    + /* Converts the CORBA object key specified to the ILU instance handle
    +    which would be used with a "foreign" object key.  This can be used
    +    to create true instances which ILU doesn't recognize as ILU-ish,
    +    and thus treats in a strictly CORBA fashion.  It can also be used
    +    to create the instance handles for true instances which must be
    +    exported with a given object key, such as the "NameService" key for
    +    the root context of CosNaming.  The string return value is malloc'ed
    +    and owned by the caller.  Returns NIL on error.
    +  */
      #endif /* IIOP_PROTOCOL */
      #ifdef HTTP_PROTOCOL
    *** 1.216	1998/11/26 01:23:28
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/01/28 01:30:27
    *** 68,73 ****
    --- 68,76 ----
      static ilu_boolean Initialized = ilu_FALSE;
    + static ilu_Class  CosNaming_NamingContext = NIL;
    + static ilu_Method CosNaming_NamingContext_resolve = NIL;
      static ilu_string encode (ilu_bytes key, ilu_cardinal len)
    *** 788,803 ****
      /*=========== Mapping to and from IIOP classes and methods =============*/
    ! static ilu_Class FindClassFromObjectKey (ilu_bytes key, ilu_cardinal key_len)
        /* treat "key" as URL of an object, return its class */
        /* For an ILU object key marshalled over UNO, we have a full URL */
        ilu_Class	cl = NIL;
        if (strcmp((ilu_string) key, "ilu") != 0)
    ! 	    ("_IIOP_InterpretRequest:  object key not an ILU object key\n"));
          cl = ilu_FindClassFromID((ilu_string)(key + 4));
    --- 791,832 ----
      /*=========== Mapping to and from IIOP classes and methods =============*/
    ! static ilu_Class FindClassFromObjectKey (ilu_bytes key, ilu_cardinal key_len,
    ! 					 ilu_Server s)
        /* treat "key" as URL of an object, return its class */
        /* For an ILU object key marshalled over UNO, we have a full URL */
        ilu_Class	cl = NIL;
    +   ilu_Error	lerr;
        if (strcmp((ilu_string) key, "ilu") != 0)
    +       char ih[2048];
    +       char *newkey;
    +       ilu_Object kobj;
    +       ilu_string encoded_key = encode (key, key_len);
    ! 	    ("ILU(iiop.c:FindClassFromObjectKey):  object key <%s> not an ILU object key\n", encoded_key));
    !       ilu_free(encoded_key);
    ! #endif
    !       /* we assume that it's a "foreign" object key somehow placed in this server */
    !       strcpy(ih, CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX);
    !       newkey = _ilu_EncodeBuffer((char *) key, key_len, &lerr);
    !       if (ILU_ERROK(lerr)) {
    ! 	strcat (ih, newkey);
    ! 	ilu_free(newkey);
    ! 	if ((kobj = _ilu_FindObjectInServer(ih, s)) != NIL)
    ! 	  cl = object_class(kobj);
    ! 	else {
    ! 		   ("ILU(iiop.c:FindClassFromObjectKey):  no object in server <%s> with ih <%s>\n",
    ! 		    server_id(s), ih));
    ! 	}
    !       } else {
    ! 	ILU_HANDLED(lerr);
    !       }
          cl = ilu_FindClassFromID((ilu_string)(key + 4));
    *** 1001,1006 ****
    --- 1030,1050 ----
    + ilu_string
    +   ilu_IIOP_IHFromObjectKey (ilu_bytes key, ilu_cardinal key_len,
    + 			    ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   char *encoded_key;
    +   char *ih = NIL;
    +   encoded_key = _ilu_EncodeBuffer ((char *) key, key_len, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   ih = ilu_MallocE(strlen(encoded_key) + 1 + SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { ilu_free(encoded_key); return NIL; };
    +   sprintf(ih, "%s%s", CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, encoded_key);
    +   ilu_free(encoded_key);
    +   return ih;
    + }
      static void FreeIORData (struct IIOP_IOR_IOR *ior)
        ilu_cardinal i;
    *** 2163,2168 ****
    --- 2207,3210 ----
    + static unsigned int
    + strcharcount (char *str, char chr)
    + {
    +   register unsigned int count = 0;
    +   register char *p;
    +   for (p = str;  *p;  p++)
    +     if (*p == chr) count++;
    +   return count;
    + }
    + ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc (ilu_string iiop, ilu_string *ih, ilu_string *sid,
    + 				    ilu_string *mstid, ilu_string *cinfo, ilu_cardinal *cinfolen,
    + 				    ilu_boolean *pass_cinfo, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   /* Parse INS-style URL:
    +    *
    +    * iioploc://[iiopvers@][:]/
    +    */
    +   char *p;
    +   char *decoded_key = NIL;
    +   char addresses[1024];
    +   char object_key[1024];
    +   char sid_hostname[1024];
    +   unsigned int sid_port, key_len;
    +   unsigned int sid_major, sid_minor;
    +   if (strncmp(iiop, "iioploc:/", 9) == 0)
    +     p = iiop + 8;
    +   else if (strncmp(iiop, "iioploc:/", 9) == 0)
    +     p = iiop + 8;
    +   else
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    +   if (sscanf (p, "//%1023[^/]/%1023s", addresses, object_key) != 2)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    +   else if ((strlen(addresses) < 1) || (strlen(object_key) < 1))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	   ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc:  addresses are <%s>, key is <%s>\n",
    + 	    addresses, object_key));
    +   decoded_key = _ilu_DecodeBuffer(object_key, strlen(object_key), &key_len, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (strcmp(decoded_key, "ilu") == 0)   /* ILU object */
    +     {
    +       /* We have an ILU object, go ahead and transform it */
    +       ilu_cardinal comma_count = strcharcount(addresses, ',') + 1;
    +       if (mstid != NIL)
    + 	*mstid = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4);
    +       if (sid != NIL)
    + 	*sid = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1);
    +       if (ih != NIL)
    + 	*ih = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1 + strlen(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1) + 1);
    +       if (cinfo != NIL)
    + 	{
    + 	  static char cinfodivider[2] = { ILU_CINFO_DIVIDER, 0 };
    + 	  static char cinfomarker[2] = { ILU_CINFO_MARKER, 0 };
    + 	  char pinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char tinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char hostname[1024];
    + 	  int port;
    + 	  int major_version, minor_version;
    + 	  char *pinfo;
    + 	  char *addr_ptr;
    + 	  char *comma;
    + 	  *cinfo = NULL;
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  comma = strchr(addr_ptr, ',');
    + 	  if (comma) *comma = 0;
    + 	  major_version = 1;
    + 	  minor_version = 0;
    + 	  port = 9999;
    + 	  if ((sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]:%u", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname, &port) != 4) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname) != 3) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]:%u", hostname, &port) != 2) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]", hostname) != 1)) {
    + 		     ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc:  bad cinfo in URL <%s>\n", iiop));
    + 	    ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ci, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	    goto errout;
    + 	  };
    + 	  sprintf (pinfobuf, "iiop_%u_%u_1@tcp_%s_%lu", major_version, minor_version,
    + 		     hostname, port);
    + 	  *cinfo = ilu_StrdupE(pinfobuf, err);
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  if (cinfolen != NIL)
    + 	    *cinfolen = strlen(*cinfo);
    + 	  *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    + 	}
    +       else if (pass_cinfo != NIL)
    + 	*pass_cinfo = ilu_FALSE;
    +       ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +       return ilu_TRUE;
    +     }
    +   else
    +     {
    +       ilu_cardinal comma_count = strcharcount(addresses, ',') + 1;
    +       if (ih != NIL) {
    + 	*ih = _ilu_Strcat3(CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, object_key, NIL);
    + 	if (*ih == NIL) {
    + 	  ILU_ERR_CONS1(no_memory, err, nbytes, strlen(object_key) + SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX + 1, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	  goto errout;
    + 	};
    +       };
    +       if (mstid != NIL) {
    + 	*mstid = NIL;
    +       };      
    +       if (cinfo != NIL)
    + 	{
    + 	  static char cinfodivider[2] = { ILU_CINFO_DIVIDER, 0 };
    + 	  static char cinfomarker[2] = { ILU_CINFO_MARKER, 0 };
    + 	  char pinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char tinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char hostname[1024];
    + 	  int port;
    + 	  int major_version, minor_version;
    + 	  char *pinfo;
    + 	  char *addr_ptr;
    + 	  char *comma;
    + 	  *cinfo = NULL;
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  for (addr_ptr = addresses;  comma_count > 0;  comma_count--) {
    + 	    comma = strchr(addr_ptr, ',');
    + 	    if (comma) *comma = 0;
    + 	    major_version = 1;
    + 	    minor_version = 0;
    + 	    port = 9999;
    + 	    if ((sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]:%u", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname, &port) != 4) &&
    + 		(sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname) != 3) &&
    + 		(sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]:%u", hostname, &port) != 2) &&
    + 		(sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]", hostname) != 1)) {
    + 	      ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG,
    + 		       ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc:  bad cinfo in URL <%s>\n", iiop));
    + 	      ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ci, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	      goto errout;
    + 	    };
    + 	    if (sid != NIL) {
    + 	      strcpy (sid_hostname, hostname);
    + 	      sid_port = port;
    + 	      sid_major = major_version;
    + 	      sid_minor = minor_version;
    + 	    };
    + 		     ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc:  cinfo:  IIOP %u.%u at %s:%u\n",
    + 		      major_version, minor_version, hostname, port));
    + 	    sprintf (pinfobuf, "iiop_%u_%u_1_%s", major_version, minor_version, object_key);
    + 	    pinfo = _ilu_EncodeBuffer(pinfobuf, strlen(pinfobuf), err);
    + 	    sprintf (tinfobuf, "tcp_%s_%lu", hostname, ((unsigned long) port) & 0xFFFF);
    + 	    if (*cinfo)
    + 	      *cinfo = _ilu_Strcat5 (*cinfo, cinfomarker, pinfo, cinfodivider, tinfobuf);
    + 	    else
    + 	      *cinfo = _ilu_Strcat3(pinfo, cinfodivider, tinfobuf);
    + 	    if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	    if (cinfolen != NIL)
    + 	    *cinfolen = strlen(*cinfo);
    + 	    *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    + 	    if (comma) addr_ptr = comma + 1;
    + 	  }
    + 	}
    +       else if (pass_cinfo != NIL)
    + 	*pass_cinfo = ilu_FALSE;
    +       if (sid != NIL) {
    + 	ilu_cardinal sid2[2];
    + 	char pinfo_buf[1024];
    + 	sprintf (pinfo_buf, "iiop_%u_%u_1", sid_major, sid_minor);
    + 	sid2[0] = ilu_CRC32((ilu_bytes) decoded_key, key_len);
    + 	sid2[1] = (1 << 24) + sid_port;
    + 	sid2[1] = ilu_CRC32WithAccum((ilu_bytes) pinfo_buf, strlen(pinfo_buf), sid2[1]);
    + 	sid2[1] = ilu_CRC32WithAccum((ilu_bytes) sid_hostname, strlen(sid_hostname), sid2[1]);
    + 	*sid = (ilu_string) _ilu_EncodeBuffer((char *) sid2,
    + 					      2 * sizeof(ilu_cardinal), err);
    + 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    + 	  goto errout;
    +       };
    +       ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +       return ilu_TRUE;
    +     }
    +  errout:
    +   if (decoded_key != NIL)
    +     ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +   return ilu_FALSE;
    + }
    + typedef struct NameComponent_s {
    +   char *	id;
    +   char *	kind;
    + } NameComponent_s;
    + typedef struct NameList_s {
    +   int			nnames;
    +   NameComponent_s *	names;
    + } * NameList;
    + static int
    +   CountNameListComponents (ilu_string n)
    + {
    +   int count = 0;
    +   char *p = n;
    +   if (*p == '/') p++;
    +   while (*p != 0) {
    +     if (*p == '\\')
    +       p++;
    +     else if (*p == '/')
    +       count++;
    +     p++;
    +   }
    +   return count + 1;
    + }
    + static char *FindComponentEnd (ilu_string n)
    + {
    +   char *p = n;
    +   while (*p != 0) {
    +     if (*p == '\\')
    +       p++;
    +     else if (*p == '/')
    +       return p;
    +     p++;
    +   }
    +   return NIL;
    + }
    + static char *FindComponentIDField (ilu_string n)
    + {
    +   char *p = n;
    +   while (*p != 0) {
    +     if (*p == '\\')
    +       p++;
    +     else if (*p == '.')
    +       return p;
    +     p++;
    +   }
    +   return NIL;
    + }
    + static NameList
    +   ParsePathIntoNameList (ilu_string path, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   int components, i, j;
    +   NameList n;
    +   char *component, *ending, *possible_dot;
    +   ilu_cardinal decoded_len;
    +   components = CountNameListComponents(path);
    +   n = ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*n) + (components * sizeof(NameComponent_s)), err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   n->names = (NameComponent_s *) (n + 1);
    +   n->nnames = components;
    +   for (component = path, i = 0;  i < components;  i++) {
    +     ending = FindComponentEnd(component);
    +     if (ending != NIL) *ending = 0;
    +     n->names[i].id = _ilu_DecodeBuffer(component, strlen(component), &decoded_len, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errexit;
    +     if ((possible_dot = FindComponentIDField(n->names[i].id)) == NIL) {
    +       n->names[i].kind = n->names[i].id + strlen(n->names[i].id);
    +     } else {
    +       *possible_dot = 0;
    +       n->names[i].kind = possible_dot + 1;
    +     }
    +     if (ending != NIL)
    +       component = ending + 1;
    +   }
    +   return n;
    +  errexit:
    +   for (j = 0;  j <= i;  j++)
    +     ilu_free(n->names[j].id);
    +   ilu_free(n);
    +   return NIL;
    + }
    + static void
    +   FreeNameList (NameList n)
    + {
    +   int i;
    +   for (i = 0;  i < n->nnames;  i++)
    +     ilu_free(n->names[i].id);
    +   ilu_free(n);
    + }
    + static ilu_cardinal
    +   SizeOfNameList (ilu_Call call, NameList nl, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   ilu_cardinal size = 0;
    +   int i;
    +   size = ilu_SizeOfSequence (call, nl->nnames, 0xFFFFFFFF, NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return 0;
    +   for (i = 0;  i < nl->nnames;  i++) {
    +     size += ilu_SizeOfString (call, nl->names[i].id, strlen(nl->names[i].id), 0xFFFFFFFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return 0;
    +     size += ilu_SizeOfString (call, nl->names[i].kind, strlen(nl->names[i].kind), 0xFFFFFFFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return 0;
    +   }
    +   size += ilu_EndSequence (call, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return 0;
    +   return size;
    + }
    + static void
    +   OutputNameList (ilu_Call call, NameList nl, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   int i;
    +   ilu_OutputSequence (call, nl->nnames, 0xFFFFFFFF, NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +   for (i = 0;  i < nl->nnames;  i++) {
    +     ilu_OutputString (call, nl->names[i].id, strlen(nl->names[i].id), 0xFFFFFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +     ilu_OutputString (call, nl->names[i].kind, strlen(nl->names[i].kind), 0xFFFFFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +   }
    +   ilu_EndSequence (call, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    + }
    + static NameList
    +   InputNameList (ilu_Call call, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   NameList n;
    +   ilu_cardinal count;
    +   int i, j;
    +   ilu_InputSequence (call, &count, 0xFFFFFFFF, NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   n = ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*n) + (count * sizeof(NameComponent_s)), err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   n->nnames = count;
    +   for (i = 0;  i < n->nnames;  i++) {
    +     n->names[i].id = NIL;
    +     n->names[i].kind = NIL;
    +     ilu_InputString (call, &n->names[i].id, &count, 0xFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    +     ilu_InputString (call, &n->names[i].kind, &count, 0xFFFF, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    +   }
    +   ilu_EndSequence (call, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    +   return n;
    +  errout:
    +   for (j = 0;  j <= i;  j++) {
    +     if (n->names[j].id != NIL)
    +       ilu_free(n->names[j].id);
    +     if (n->names[j].kind != NIL)
    +       ilu_free(n->names[j].kind);
    +   };
    +   ilu_free(n);
    +   return NIL;    
    + }
    + static ilu_string
    +   StringifyNameList (NameList nl, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   int i;
    +   char *p, *q, *s;
    +   int size;
    +   for (size = 0, i = 0;  i < nl->nnames;  i++) {
    +     size += strlen(nl->names[i].id) + 1;
    +     size += strcharcount(nl->names[i].id, '/');
    +     size += strcharcount(nl->names[i].id, '.');
    +     if (nl->names[i].kind[0] != 0) {
    +       size += strlen(nl->names[i].kind) + 1;
    +       size += strcharcount(nl->names[i].kind, '/');
    +       size += strcharcount(nl->names[i].kind, '.');
    +     }
    +   }
    +   s = ilu_MallocE(size, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   for (q = s, i = 0;  i < nl->nnames;  i++) {
    +     p = nl->names[i].id;
    +     while (*p != 0) {
    +       if (*p == '.') {
    + 	*q++ = '\\';
    + 	*q++ = *p++;
    +       } else {
    + 	*q++ = *p++;
    +       }
    +     }
    +     if (nl->names[i].kind[0] != 0) {
    +       *q++ = '.';
    +       p = nl->names[i].kind;
    +       while (*p != 0) {
    + 	if (*p == '.') {
    + 	  *q++ = '\\';
    + 	  *q++ = *p++;
    + 	} else {
    + 	  *q++ = *p++;
    + 	}
    +       }
    +     }
    +     if ((i + 1) < nl->nnames)
    +       *q++ = '/';
    +     else
    +       *q++ = 0;
    +   }
    +   return s;
    + }
    + static void
    +   Initialize_CosNaming_NamingContext (ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   static ilu_boolean initialized = ilu_FALSE;
    +   ilu_Exception ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +   ilu_Exception ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +   ilu_Exception ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +   ilu_Exception ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_AlreadyBound;
    +   ilu_Exception ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotEmpty;
    +   ilu_Error lerr;
    +   ilu_Class cl;
    +   ilu_Method m;
    +   if (initialized)
    +     return;
    +   if (!ilu_EnterMutex(ilu_otmu, err))
    +     goto fail2;
    +   /* set up exceptions */
    +   ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound = ilu_DefineException(ILU_NIL, "", "", err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto fail1;
    +   ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed = ilu_DefineException(ILU_NIL, "", "", err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto fail1;
    +   ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName = ilu_DefineException(ILU_NIL, "", ILU_NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto fail1;
    +   ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_AlreadyBound = ilu_DefineException(ILU_NIL, "", ILU_NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto fail1;
    +   ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotEmpty = ilu_DefineException(ILU_NIL, "", ILU_NIL, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto fail1;
    +   { ilu_string supers[] = {
    + 	"",
    + 	NULL};
    +     cl = ilu_DefineObjectType("CosNaming.NamingContext",	/*name*/
    + 	NULL,	/*no brand*/
    + 	"",	/*uid*/
    + 	NULL,	/*singleton*/
    + 	ilu_TRUE,	/* optional */
    + 	ilu_FALSE,	/* collectible */
    + 	NULL,	/*doc string*/
    + 	10,	/*n methods*/
    + 	1,	/*n supers*/
    + 	supers,	/* supers */
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     CosNaming_NamingContext = cl;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[4];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     exns[3] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_AlreadyBound;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 0,
    + 	"bind",	/*name*/
    + 	1,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	4,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	2,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 1, "obj", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[3];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 1,
    + 	"rebind",	/*name*/
    + 	2,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	3,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	2,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 1, "obj", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[4];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     exns[3] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_AlreadyBound;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 2,
    + 	"bind-context",	/*name*/
    + 	3,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	4,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	2,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 1, "nc", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[3];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 3,
    + 	"rebind-context",	/*name*/
    + 	4,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	3,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	2,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 1, "nc", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[3];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 4,
    + 	"resolve",	/*name*/
    + 	5,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	3,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	1,	/*n args*/
    + 	"",	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     CosNaming_NamingContext_resolve = m;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[3];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 5,
    + 	"unbind",	/*name*/
    + 	6,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	3,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	1,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	*exns = NULL;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 6,
    + 	"new-context",	/*name*/
    + 	7,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	0,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	0,	/*n args*/
    + 	"",	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[4];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotFound;
    +     exns[1] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_CannotProceed;
    +     exns[2] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_InvalidName;
    +     exns[3] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_AlreadyBound;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 7,
    + 	"bind-new-context",	/*name*/
    + 	8,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	4,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	1,	/*n args*/
    + 	"",	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "n", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	exns[1];
    +     exns[0] = ex_CosNaming_NamingContext_NotEmpty;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 8,
    + 	"destroy",	/*name*/
    + 	9,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	1,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	0,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +   { ilu_Exception	*exns = NULL;
    +     m = ilu_DefineMethod(cl, 9,
    + 	"list",	/*name*/
    + 	10,	/*id*/
    + 	0,	/*functional*/
    + 	0,	/*asynch*/
    + 	0,	/*n exns*/
    + 	exns,	/*exceptions*/
    + 	3,	/*n args*/
    + 	ILU_NIL,	/*return type ID*/
    + 	err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 0, "how-many", ilu_FALSE, ilu_In, "ilut:a9utKC9pScVOm5pXhcjtN2yJ5nO", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 1, "bl", ilu_FALSE, ilu_Out, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +     ilu_DefineMethodArg (m, 2, "bi", ilu_FALSE, ilu_Out, "", err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto fail2;
    +   }
    +  fail1:
    +  fail2:
    +   ilu_ExitMutex(ilu_otmu, ilu_TRUE, &lerr);
    +   return;
    + }
    + typedef struct _ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s {
    +   enum {
    +     ilu_rine_Success,
    +     ilu_rine_SystemError,
    +     ilu_rine_NotFound,
    +     ilu_rine_CannotProceed,
    +     ilu_rine_InvalidName } whicherr;
    +   union {
    +     ilu_Error		SystemError;
    +     struct {
    +       enum {
    + 	ilu_rine_nfe_missing_node,
    + 	ilu_rine_nfe_not_context,
    + 	ilu_rine_nfe_not_object }	why;
    +       ilu_string			rest_of_name;
    +     }			NotFound;
    +     struct {
    +       ilu_string			context_sbh;
    +       ilu_string			rest_of_name;
    +     }			CannotProceed;
    +   } error_data;
    + } ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s;  
    + static ilu_Object
    +   CosNamingResolve (ilu_Object ns, NameList namelist, ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s *errout, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   ilu_Call_s      call_s;
    +   ilu_Call        call = &call_s;
    +   ilu_cardinal    reqSize;
    +   ilu_cardinal    estatus = 0;
    +   ilu_ProtocolException internal;
    +   ilu_Server      s = object_server(ns);
    +   ilu_Object	result = NIL;
    +   ilu_Connection  newconn = NIL;
    +   NameList	nl;
    + 	("(iiop.c:CosNamingResolve):  name service object %p\n", ns));
    +   (void) ilu_StartCall(call, s, CosNaming_NamingContext,
    + 		       CosNaming_NamingContext_resolve, 0, NIL, &newconn, err);
    +  retry:
    +   if (newconn != NIL)
    +     (void) _ilu_HandOffNewConnection(newconn, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     return ilu_FALSE;
    +   _ilu_AcquireServerMutex(s);
    +   reqSize = ilu_SizeOfObjectID(call, ns, ilu_TRUE, _ilu_rootClass, err);
    +   _ilu_ReleaseServerMutex(s);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   reqSize += SizeOfNameList (call, namelist, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   if (!ilu_StartRequest(call, reqSize, err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   ilu_EnterServer(s, object_class(ns));
    +   ilu_OutputObjectID(call, ns, ilu_TRUE, _ilu_rootClass, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   OutputNameList (call, namelist, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   if (!ilu_FinishRequest(call, err))
    +     goto faild;
    +   internal = ilu_GetReply(call, &estatus, &newconn, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err) &&
    +       (err->ilu_type == ILU_ERRTYP(transient)) &&
    +       (ILU_ERRSEL(transient,*err).minor == ilu_tm_retry)) {
    +     ILU_HANDLED(*err);
    +     ILU_CLER(*err);
    +     goto retry;
    +   };
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +   if (internal != ilu_ProtocolException_Success) {
    +     errout->whicherr = ilu_rine_SystemError;
    +     switch (internal) {
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_NoSuchClassAtServer:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_typecode, &errout->error_data.SystemError, minor, ilu_btm_unknownType, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_ClassVersionMismatch:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_typecode, &errout->error_data.SystemError, minor, ilu_btm_unknownType, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_NoSuchMethodOnClass:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_operation, &errout->error_data.SystemError, minor, ilu_bom_noSuchOperationOnType, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_GarbageArguments:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(marshal, &errout->error_data.SystemError, minor, ilu_mm_unknown, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_RequestRejected:
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_Unknown:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS0(unknown, &errout->error_data.SystemError, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_LostConnection:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(comm_failure, &errout->error_data.SystemError, minor, ilu_cfm_conn_lost, 0);
    +       break;
    +     case ilu_ProtocolException_RequestTimeout:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS0(no_response, &errout->error_data.SystemError, 0);
    +       break;
    +     default:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS0(unknown, &errout->error_data.SystemError, 0);
    +       break;
    +     }
    +   } else if (estatus == 0) { /* successful completion */
    +     errout->whicherr = ilu_rine_Success;
    +     ilu_InputObjectID(call, &result, ilu_FALSE, ilu_rootClass, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto faild;
    +     if (result != NIL)
    +       ilu_ExitServer(object_server(result), object_class(result));
    +     ilu_ReplyRead(call, err);
    +     goto faild;
    +   } else if (estatus == 1) {
    +     /* NotFound */
    +     ilu_shortcardinal which;
    +     NameList nl;
    +     errout->whicherr = ilu_rine_NotFound;
    +     ilu_InputEnum (call, &which, NIL, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +     switch (which) {
    +     case 0:
    +       errout->error_data.NotFound.why = ilu_rine_nfe_missing_node;
    +       break;
    +     case 1:
    +       errout->error_data.NotFound.why = ilu_rine_nfe_not_context;
    +       break;
    +     case 2:
    +       errout->error_data.NotFound.why = ilu_rine_nfe_not_object;
    +       break;
    +     default:
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS1(marshal, err, minor, ilu_mm_enum_value, 0);
    +       goto faild;
    +     };
    +     nl = InputNameList(call, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +     errout->error_data.NotFound.rest_of_name = StringifyNameList(nl, err);
    +     FreeNameList(nl);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +   } else if (estatus == 2) {
    +     /* CannotProceed */
    +     ilu_Object nctx;
    +     errout->whicherr = ilu_rine_CannotProceed;
    +     ilu_InputObjectID (call, &nctx, ilu_FALSE, CosNaming_NamingContext, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +     errout->error_data.CannotProceed.context_sbh = ilu_SBHOfObject(nctx);
    +     ilu_ExitServer(object_server(nctx), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +     nl = InputNameList (call, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +     errout->error_data.CannotProceed.rest_of_name = StringifyNameList(nl, err);
    +     FreeNameList(nl);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto faild;
    +   } else if (estatus == 3) {
    +     /* InvalidName */
    +     errout->whicherr = ilu_rine_InvalidName;
    +   } else {
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(marshal, err, minor, ilu_mm_excn_id, 0);
    +     goto faild;
    +   }
    + faild:
    +   ilu_FinishCall(call, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) {
    +     ILU_HANDLED(*err);
    +   }
    +   return result;
    + }
    + /* Returns object result of contacting the specified CosNaming service,
    +    and doing "resolve" on the specified path.  If an error occurs remotely,
    +    returns NIL, with "err" indicating success, and sets "errout"
    +    to indicate the error.  If an error occurs
    +    locally, returns NIL, and sets "err" to indicate the error.
    +  */
    + static ilu_Object
    +   ResolveIIOPName (ilu_string iiopname,
    + 		   ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s *errout,
    + 		   ILU_ERRS((bad_locks, inv_objref,
    + 			     no_resources, IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   char *p;
    +   char addresses[1024];
    +   char object_path[1024];
    +   char ns_url[2048];
    +   ilu_Object ns_obj;
    +   ilu_Object user_obj;
    +   NameList namelist;
    +   Initialize_CosNaming_NamingContext (err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   if (strncmp(iiopname, "iiopname:/", 10) == 0)
    +     p = iiopname + 9;
    +   else
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    +   if (sscanf (p, "//%1023[^/]/%1023s", addresses, object_path) != 2)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    +   else if ((strlen(addresses) < 1) || (strlen(object_path) < 1))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    + 	   ("ilu_IIOP_ResolveIIOPName:  addresses are <%s>, path is <%s>\n",
    + 	    addresses, object_path));
    +   /* Form an iioploc: url for the NameService */
    +   sprintf(ns_url, "iioploc://%s/NameService", addresses);
    +   /* Turn the path into a list of name/extension pairs */
    +   namelist = ParsePathIntoNameList(object_path, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   /* Get an object corresponding to the name service */
    +   ns_obj = ilu_ObjectOfSBH (ns_url, CosNaming_NamingContext, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout1;
    +   ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, +1);
    +   ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   /* call resolve on the name service */
    +   user_obj = CosNamingResolve (ns_obj, namelist, errout, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout2;
    +   /* free up the ns_obj, and the namelist */
    +   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    +     ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    +   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    +     ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   FreeNameList(namelist);
    +   /* return the user_obj */
    +   return user_obj;
    +   /* return with an error */
    +  errout2:
    +   ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    +   ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +  errout1:
    +   FreeNameList (namelist);
    +   return NIL;
    + }
    + static void
    +       FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s *err)
    + {
    +   switch (err->whicherr) {
    +   case ilu_rine_Success:
    +   case ilu_rine_InvalidName:
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_SystemError:
    +     ILU_HANDLED(err->error_data.SystemError);
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_NotFound:
    +     ilu_free(err->error_data.NotFound.rest_of_name);
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_CannotProceed:
    +     ilu_free(err->error_data.CannotProceed.context_sbh);
    +     ilu_free(err->error_data.CannotProceed.rest_of_name);
    +     break;
    +   default:
    +     break;
    +   }
    + }
    + ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName (ilu_string iiopname, ilu_string *ih, ilu_string *sid,
    + 				     ilu_string *mstid, ilu_string *cinfo, ilu_cardinal *cinfolen,
    + 				     ilu_boolean *pass_cinfo, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   ilu_Object kobj;
    +   ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s usererrs;
    +   ilu_Server s;
    +   kobj = ResolveIIOPName (iiopname, &usererrs, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    +   switch (usererrs.whicherr) {
    +   case ilu_rine_Success:
    +     {
    +       s = object_server(kobj);
    +       if (ih) {
    + 	*ih = ilu_StrdupE(object_ih(kobj), err);
    + 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
    +       };
    +       if (sid) {
    + 	*sid = ilu_StrdupE(server_id(s), err);
    + 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
    +       };
    +       if (mstid)
    + 	*mstid = NIL;
    +       if (cinfo || cinfolen) {
    + 	if (cinfo) {
    + 	  *cinfo = ilu_StrdupE(s->sr_cinfo.icb_base, err);
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
    + 	};
    + 	if (*cinfolen) {
    + 	  if (cinfo)
    + 	    *cinfolen = strlen(*cinfo);
    + 	  else
    + 	    *cinfolen = s->sr_cinfo.icb_len;
    + 	};
    + 	if (pass_cinfo)
    + 	  *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    +       }
    +     }
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_SystemError:
    +     *err = usererrs.error_data.SystemError;
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_NotFound:
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_CosNaming_NotFound, 0);
    +     FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(&usererrs);
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_CannotProceed:
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_CosNaming_CannotProceed, 0);
    +     FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(&usererrs);
    +     break;
    +   case ilu_rine_InvalidName:
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_CosNaming_InvalidName, 0);
    +     FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(&usererrs);
    +     break;
    +   default:
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_badEnumValue, 0);
    +     FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(&usererrs);
    +     break;
    +   }
    +   return (ILU_ERROK(*err));
    + }
      static ilu_boolean
        _IIOP_ParseCDR (ilu_bytes iorbytes, ilu_cardinal nbytes, ilu_string *ih, ilu_string *sid,
      		  ilu_string *mstid, ilu_string *cinfo, ilu_cardinal *cinfo_len,
    *** 3533,3541 ****
            if (key == NIL || strncmp((ilu_string) key, "ilu", 4) != 0)
      		("_IIOP_InputObjectID:  incoming oid not an ILU object-key"));
    ! 	  ILU_ERR_CONS1(marshal, err, minor, ilu_mm_alien_disc, 6);
    --- 4575,4600 ----
            if (key == NIL || strncmp((ilu_string) key, "ilu", 4) != 0)
    + 	  char ihbuf[2048];
    + 	  char *newkey;
      		("_IIOP_InputObjectID:  incoming oid not an ILU object-key"));
    ! 	  /* we assume that it's a "foreign" object key somehow placed in this server */
    ! 	  strcpy(ihbuf, CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX);
    ! 	  if (newkey = _ilu_EncodeBuffer((char *) key, keylen, err), ILU_ERROK(*err)) {
    ! 	    strcat (ihbuf, newkey);
    ! 	    ilu_free(newkey);
    ! 	    ilu_EnterServer(server, static_type);
    ! 	    if ((*h = _ilu_FindObjectInServer(ihbuf, server)) == NIL) {
    ! 	      ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG,
    ! 		       ("ILU(iiop.c:FindClassFromObjectKey):  no object in server <%s> with ih <%s>\n",
    ! 			server_id(server), ihbuf));
    ! 	      ilu_ExitServer(server, static_type);
    ! 	      ILU_ERR_CONS1(marshal, err, minor, ilu_mm_alien_disc, 6);
    ! 	    } else {
    ! 	      ILU_CLER(*err);
    ! 	    }
    ! 	  };
    *** 7326,7332 ****
    !       putative_class = FindClassFromObjectKey (iiop_objKey(call), iiop_objKeyLen(call));
            if (putative_class == NIL)
    --- 8385,8391 ----
    !       putative_class = FindClassFromObjectKey (iiop_objKey(call), iiop_objKeyLen(call), call_server(call));
            if (putative_class == NIL)
    *** 1.199	1998/12/09 16:37:42
    --- runtime/kernel/object.c	1999/01/28 01:14:04
    *** 384,389 ****
    --- 384,391 ----
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("ior", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR);
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("IOR2", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR2);
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iiop", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOP);
    +       ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iioploc", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc);
    +       ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iiopname", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName);
      #ifdef W3NG_PROTOCOL
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("w3ng", _ilu_w3ng_ParseURL);
    *** 805,810 ****
    --- 807,815 ----
      #ifdef IIOP_PROTOCOL
            if (strncmp(sbh, "IOR:", 4) == 0 ||
      	  strncmp(sbh, "iiop:", 5) == 0 ||
    + 	  strncmp(sbh, "IOR2:", 5) == 0 ||
    + 	  strncmp(sbh, "iioploc:", 8) == 0 ||
    + 	  strncmp(sbh, "iiopname:", 9) == 0 ||
      	  strncmp(sbh, "ior:", 4) == 0)
    *** 1.123	1998/12/05 02:49:27
    --- runtime/kernel/iluerrs.h	1999/01/27 03:04:33
    *** 271,278 ****
      				 * set */
        ilu_iom_char_codeset,		/* unsupported character code set */
        ilu_iom_relocate_loop,	/* detection might be conservative */
    !   ilu_iom_conc_serial		/* serializer used when contact info
      				 * is concurrent */
      }               ilu_inv_objref_Minor;
    --- 271,281 ----
      				 * set */
        ilu_iom_char_codeset,		/* unsupported character code set */
        ilu_iom_relocate_loop,	/* detection might be conservative */
    !   ilu_iom_conc_serial,		/* serializer used when contact info
      				 * is concurrent */
    +   ilu_iom_CosNaming_NotFound,	/* CosNaming returned NotFound */
    +   ilu_iom_CosNaming_CannotProceed,/* CosNaming returned CannotProceed */
    +   ilu_iom_CosNaming_InvalidName	/* CosNaming returned InvalidName */
      }               ilu_inv_objref_Minor;
    *** 369,374 ****
    --- 372,380 ----
        ilu_mm_cantConvertCharset,	/* can't convert string to specified charset */
        ilu_mm_mst_unreg,		/* LSR can't make surrogate */
        ilu_mm_fixedpoint_range,	/* bounded fixedpoint value out-of-range */
    +   ilu_mm_excn_id,		/* Exception reply has bad excn indicator */
    +   ilu_mm_enum_value,		/* Value for enum out of range */
    +   ilu_mm_unknown,		/* Unknown marshalling error */
        ilu_mm_url_quoted_char	/* Bad quoted hex char in URL form */
      }               ilu_marshal_Minor;
    *** 437,443 ****
      ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(obj_adapter);	/* not used */
      ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(data_conversion);	/* not used */
    ! ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(codeset_incompatible);	/* added in 2.1 revision */
      /* This is the end of the prefix that corresponds to CORBA's list. */
    --- 443,449 ----
      ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(obj_adapter);	/* not used */
      ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(data_conversion);	/* not used */
    ! ILU_DECL_PARMLESS_ERR(codeset_incompatible);	/* added in CORBA 2.1 revision */
      /* This is the end of the prefix that corresponds to CORBA's list. */
    *** 1.23	1998/10/08 21:48:22
    --- etc/CosNaming/NamingImpl.c	1999/01/28 02:18:34
    *** 1005,1011 ****
      static void usage(char *pname)
    !   fprintf (stderr, "Usage:  %s [-f BACKING-FILE] [-p PORT] [-ior] [-sid SERVER-ID] [-ih ROOT-INST-HANDLE] [-h HOSTNAME-OR-IP-ADDR] [-sid_and_ih_from_IOR STRINGIFED-IOR]\n", pname);
    --- 1005,1011 ----
      static void usage(char *pname)
    !   fprintf (stderr, "Usage:  %s [-f BACKING-FILE] [-p PORT] [-ior] [-object_key OBJECT-KEY] [-sid SERVER-ID] [-ih ROOT-INST-HANDLE] [-h HOSTNAME-OR-IP-ADDR] [-sid_and_ih_from_IOR STRINGIFED-IOR]\n", pname);
    *** 1031,1041 ****
        char sid[1100];
        char ih[1100];
        unsigned long rawport;
    !   ilu_shortcardinal port;
        ilu_boolean ior = ilu_FALSE;
        int i = 1;
        ilu_boolean sid_set = ilu_FALSE;
        ilu_boolean ih_set = ilu_FALSE;
        gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
    --- 1031,1042 ----
        char sid[1100];
        char ih[1100];
        unsigned long rawport;
    !   ilu_shortcardinal port = 9999;
        ilu_boolean ior = ilu_FALSE;
        int i = 1;
        ilu_boolean sid_set = ilu_FALSE;
        ilu_boolean ih_set = ilu_FALSE;
    +   char *object_key = "NameService";
        gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
    *** 1100,1105 ****
    --- 1101,1111 ----
          } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-ior") == 0) {
            ior = ilu_TRUE;
    +     } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-object_key") == 0) {
    +       if (i++ < ac)
    + 	object_key = av[i++];
    +       else
    + 	usage(av[0]);
          } else if (strcmp(av[i], "-v") == 0) {
            Verbose = ilu_TRUE;
    *** 1109,1118 ****
        /* initialize simpbind interface */
    !   if (!sid_set)
    !     sprintf (sid, "CosNaming_%s", hostname);
    !   if (!ih_set)
    !     strcpy (ih, "root");
        sprintf (tcpinfo, "tcp_%s_%d", hostname, port);
        tinfo[0] = tcpinfo;
        LocalServerID = sid;
    --- 1115,1143 ----
        /* initialize simpbind interface */
    !   if ((!sid_set) && (!ih_set)) {
    !     /* Initialize to values compatible with INS submission */
    !     ilu_Error err;
    !     ilu_string s = ilu_InventID();
    !     strcpy (sid, s);
    !     ilu_free(s);
    !     s = ilu_IIOP_IHFromObjectKey ((ilu_bytes) object_key,
    ! 				  strlen(object_key), &err);
    !     if (ILU_ERRNOK(err)) {
    !       fprintf(stderr, "Can't create instance handle for object key "
    ! 	      "\"%s\".  Error <%s>.\n", object_key, ILU_ERR_NAME(err));
    !       ILU_HANDLED(err);
    !       exit(1);
    !     }
    !     strcpy (ih, s);
    !     ilu_free(s);
    !   }
    !   else {
    !     if (!sid_set)
    !       sprintf (sid, "CosNaming_%s", ilu_InventID());
    !     if (!ih_set)
    !       strcpy (ih, "root");
    !   }
        sprintf (tcpinfo, "tcp_%s_%d", hostname, port);
        tinfo[0] = tcpinfo;
        LocalServerID = sid;

  • The Python stubber, in CORBA-mapping mode, doesn't actually output classes for many of the types defined at the module level! This patches fixes that. It also removes a dangling debugging message seen in CORBA-mapping mode.

    *** 1.99	1999/01/20 01:55:07
    --- stubbers/python/genstub.c	1999/01/28 03:36:01
    *** 1482,1494 ****
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	/* no special I/O */	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:	stFixedpointTypeIO(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeIO(t);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeIO(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		stArrayTypeIO(t);	break;
    !   case sequence_Type:	stSequenceTypeIO(t);	break;
        case object_Type:		/* built-in */		break;
    !   case optional_Type:	stOptionalIO(t);	break;
        case alias_Type:		/* no special I/O */	break;
        default:			/* null */		break;
    --- 1482,1494 ----
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	/* no special I/O */	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:		stFixedpointTypeIO(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeIO(t);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeIO(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		stArrayTypeIO(t);	break;
    !   case sequence_Type:		stSequenceTypeIO(t);	break;
        case object_Type:		/* built-in */		break;
    !   case optional_Type:		stOptionalIO(t);	break;
        case alias_Type:		/* no special I/O */	break;
        default:			/* null */		break;
    *** 1503,1509 ****
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	stEnumerationTypeClass(t);	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:	stFixedpointTypeClass(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeClass(t,0);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeClass(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		/* no class needed */	break;
    --- 1503,1509 ----
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	stEnumerationTypeClass(t);	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:		stFixedpointTypeClass(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeClass(t,0);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeClass(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		/* no class needed */	break;
    *** 1524,1534 ****
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	stEnumerationTypeReg(t);	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:	stFixedpointTypeReg(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeReg(t);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeReg(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		stArrayTypeReg(t);	break;
    !   case sequence_Type:	stSequenceTypeReg(t);	break;
        case object_Type:		stClassReg(t);		break;
        case optional_Type:	stOptionalReg(t);	break;
        case alias_Type:		stAliasTypeReg(t);	break;
    --- 1524,1534 ----
        switch (type_kind(t)) {
        case enumeration_Type:	stEnumerationTypeReg(t);	break;
    !   case fixedpoint_Type:		stFixedpointTypeReg(t);	break;
        case record_Type:		stRecordTypeReg(t);	break;
        case union_Type:		stUnionTypeReg(t);	break;
        case array_Type:		stArrayTypeReg(t);	break;
    !   case sequence_Type:		stSequenceTypeReg(t);	break;
        case object_Type:		stClassReg(t);		break;
        case optional_Type:	stOptionalReg(t);	break;
        case alias_Type:		stAliasTypeReg(t);	break;
    *** 2060,2065 ****
    --- 2060,2066 ----
        int nExceptions = 0;
    +   list_enumerate (ns->types, (EnumProc) stTypeClass, NULL);
        list_enumerate (ns->types, (EnumProc) stTypeIO, NULL);
        list_enumerate (ns->types, (EnumProc) stTypeReg, NULL);
        list_enumerate (ns->exceptions, (EnumProc) stExcType, NULL);
    *** 1.12	1998/12/08 23:40:49
    --- stubbers/python/name.c	1999/01/28 03:35:43
    *** 306,313 ****
    --- 306,315 ----
            basename = (char *) list_ref(t->scoping, i);
            strcat (buffer, basename);
    +     /*
          fprintf (stderr, "scoped name for %s.%s is %s\n",
      	     interface_name(type_interface(t)), type_name(t), buffer);
    +     */
          translateNameString(buffer2, buffer);
          name_set_lang_name(t->name, corba_scoped, buffer2);
          result = name_lang_name(t->name, corba_scoped);

  • The Python runtime file,, isn't being installed by "make Install". This fixes that problem.

    *** 1.69	1998/11/03 01:36:53
    --- runtime/python/Imakefile	1999/01/30 02:12:26
    *** 247,250 ****
    ! InstallRO(, $(DESTDIR)/lib)
    --- 247,250 ----
    ! InstallRO(, $(DESTDIR)/lib)

  • The Python runtime file, isn't being installed on Win32. This fixes that problem.

    *** 1.10	1998/10/13 17:48:45
    --- runtime/python/iluwin32.mak	1999/02/04 21:01:51
    *** 82,93 ****
    --- 82,95 ----
          echo Building for Python 1.4 - read $(ILUSRC)\runtime\python\iluwin32.mak and 
          echo $(ILUSRC)\stubbers\python\iluwin32.mak to change python version
          copy pythonversion.h
    +     if exist copy
          nmake -f iluPr.mak CFG="$(CFG)"
      PMAKE15 :
          echo Building for Python 1.5.1 - read $(ILUSRC)\runtime\python\iluwin32.mak and 
          echo $(ILUSRC)\stubbers\python\iluwin32.mak to change python version
          copy pythonversion.h
    +     if exist copy
          nmake -f iluPr15.mak CFG="$(CFG)"

  • The etc/java ISL file will break if --enable-new-keywords-plain is specified, because "string" then becomes a keyword. This patch quotes use of "string" so that it can still be used as a type name even if it is a keyword.

    *** 1.3	1999/01/20 19:06:17
    --- etc/javaobv/ilujava.isl.dist	1999/02/05 03:00:30
    *** 61,67 ****
      TYPE MarshalledObjectBase =      (* Base type for "marshalled" java Object *)
          sb: ObjectBytes,             (* State of this java.lang.Object instance *)
    !     accessMethod: String,        (* Mechanism to choose the class loader *)
          accessor: ClassAccessor      (* For the benefit of certain class loaders *)
        (* A "marshalled" java object (typicly serializable)
    --- 61,67 ----
      TYPE MarshalledObjectBase =      (* Base type for "marshalled" java Object *)
          sb: ObjectBytes,             (* State of this java.lang.Object instance *)
    !     accessMethod: "String",      (* Mechanism to choose the class loader *)
          accessor: ClassAccessor      (* For the benefit of certain class loaders *)
        (* A "marshalled" java object (typicly serializable)
    *** 80,95 ****
      TYPE ClassBytes =                (* The bytecodes for a class *)
    ! TYPE String =                    (* Unicode *)
    ! EXCEPTION AccessError: String;   (* class (bytecodes) not found *)   
      TYPE ClassAccessor =             (* input mechanism for certain class loaders *)
          DOCUMENTATION "Accessing the bytecodes of the class"
    !       GetBytes(classname: String): ClassBytes RAISES AccessError END
      TYPE JavaObjectBase =            (* Base type for "life" java Object *)
    --- 80,95 ----
      TYPE ClassBytes =                (* The bytecodes for a class *)
    ! TYPE "String" =                  (* Unicode *)
    ! EXCEPTION AccessError: "String"; (* class (bytecodes) not found *)   
      TYPE ClassAccessor =             (* input mechanism for certain class loaders *)
          DOCUMENTATION "Accessing the bytecodes of the class"
    !       GetBytes(classname: "String"): ClassBytes RAISES AccessError END
      TYPE JavaObjectBase =            (* Base type for "life" java Object *)

  • Augment the Python runtime to understand the -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef switches as arguments to CORBA.ORB_init().

    *** 1.15	1998/11/21 00:54:43
    --- runtime/python/	1999/02/05 01:34:24
    *** 31,72 ****
      import iluRt
    - InvalidName = "CORBA.InvalidName"
    - InitialReferences = {}
    - class ORB:
    - 	def object_to_string (self, obj):
    - 		return iluRt.IOROfObject(obj)
    - 	def string_to_object (self, str):
    - 		return iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(iluRt.CORBA_Object, str)
    - 	def resolve_initial_references (self, str):
    - 		if (InitialReferences.has_key(str)):
    - 			return InitialReferences[str]
    - 		else:
    - 			raise InvalidName, str
    - theORB = ORB()
    - Object = iluRt.CORBA_Object
    - def ORB_init (argv=(), orb_id='ilu'):
    - 	import os
    - 	if (os.environ.has_key("ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR")):
    - 		try:
    - 			import CosNaming
    - 			naming = iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(CosNaming.NamingContext, os.environ["ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR"])
    - 			if naming:
    - 				InitialReferences["NameService"] = naming
    - 		except:
    - 			import sys
    - 			sys.stderr.write("CORBA.ORB_init:  Note:  Can't bind to COS Naming service specified in value of environment variable ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR.\n")
    - 			pass
    - 	return theORB
      if iluRt.CORBAMapping:
      	from CORBAExceptions import *
    --- 31,36 ----
    *** 102,107 ****
    --- 66,151 ----
      		class Any (iluRt.Pickle):
      			def __init__(self, typecode, value):
      				iluRt.Pickle.__init__(self, typecode, value)
    + if iluRt.CORBAMapping:
    + 	class InvalidName (UserException):
    + 		# raised to indicate a bad name passed to resolve_initial_references
    + 		pass
    + else:
    + 	InvalidName = "CORBA.InvalidName"
    + DefaultInitialReference = None
    + InitialReferences = {}
    + import regex
    + InitRefPattern = regex.compile('\([^=]+\)=\(.*\)')
    + class ORB:
    + 	def object_to_string (self, obj):
    + 		return iluRt.IOROfObject(obj)
    + 	def string_to_object (self, str):
    + 		return iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(iluRt.CORBA_Object, str)
    + 	def resolve_initial_references (self, str):
    + 		import types
    + 		if (InitialReferences.has_key(str)):
    + 			value = InitialReferences[str]
    + 			if (type(value) == types.StringType):
    + 				return iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(iluRt.CORBA_Object, value)
    + 			elif (type(value) == types.InstanceType):
    + 				return value
    + 			else:
    + 				raise InvalidName
    + 		elif DefaultInitialReference:
    + 			value = DefaultInitialReference + '/' + str
    + 			return iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(iluRt.CORBA_Object, value)
    + 		else:
    + 			raise InvalidName
    + theORB = ORB()
    + Object = iluRt.CORBA_Object
    + def ORB_init (argv=(), orb_id='ilu'):
    + 	import os
    + 	global DefaultInitialReference
    + 	if orb_id != 'ilu':
    + 		raise 'unknown orb_id', orb_id
    + 	if (os.environ.has_key("ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR")):
    + 		try:
    + 			import CosNaming
    + 			naming = iluRt.ObjectOfSBH(CosNaming.NamingContext, os.environ["ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR"])
    + 			if naming:
    + 				InitialReferences["NameService"] = naming
    + 		except:
    + 			import sys
    + 			sys.stderr.write("CORBA.ORB_init:  Note:  Can't bind to COS Naming service specified in value of environment variable ILU_COS_NAMING_IOR.\n")
    + 			pass
    + 	i = 0
    + 	while i < len(argv):
    + 		if argv[i] == '-ORBInitRef':
    + 			if (i + 1) >= len(argv):
    + 				raise 'bad ORB_init parameter list', argv
    + 			else:
    + 				import regex
    + 				i = i + 1
    + 				if (InitRefPattern.match(argv[i]) < 0):
    + 					raise 'bad ORBInitRef parameter', argv[i]
    + 				matchname, matchurl =,2)
    + 				InitialReferences[matchname] = matchurl
    + 				del argv[i-1:i+1]
    + 		elif argv[i] == '-ORBDefaultInitRef':
    + 			if (i + 1) >= len(argv):
    + 				raise 'bad ORB_init parameter list', argv
    + 			else:
    + 				i = i + 1
    + 				DefaultInitialReference = argv[i]
    + 				del argv[i-1:i+1]
    + 		i = i + 1
    + 	return theORB

  • Removing an (unnecessary) #include of a non-ansi C header file from the Java stubber
    *** 1.28	1999/01/04 22:57:17
    --- stubbers/java/context.c	1999/02/11 17:58:00
    *** 28,32 ****
    - #include 
      #include "iluptype.h" 
      #include "shared.h"
    --- 28,31 ----

  • The patch "Build on PC fails if Java is JDK1.2" had a bug in the patch itself. This patch fixes the output generated by the bad patch...
    *** etc/javaobv/javawin32.mak	1999/01/27 23:51:12
    --- etc/javaobv/javawin32.mak	1999/02/12 21:33:42
    *** 26,32 ****
      !IF "$(JDK_HOME)" == ""
    ! !END
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == ""
      !ERROR JAVASDK environment variable not set - should be one of Microsoft or Javasoft
    --- 26,32 ----
      !IF "$(JDK_HOME)" == ""
    ! !ENDIF
      !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == ""
      !ERROR JAVASDK environment variable not set - should be one of Microsoft or Javasoft

  • Contributed patch to fix a problem in some PC configurations, because the makefile for Java on win32 got islscan from the wrong directory.
        *** 1.62	1998/12/23 19:34:44
    --- runtime/java/iluwin32.mak	1999/02/12 21:51:44
    *** 370,376 ****
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) $(JAVA_SRC_DIR)\xerox\ilutools\
          set CLASSPATH=.\classes;$(CLASSPATH)
          $(JAVAI) $(ILU_CLASSPATHARG) xerox.ilutools.gnh $(ILU_GNH_FLAGS) 
    !     ..\..\..\bin\islscan -I ../../stubbers/parser build.isl >$(JAVA_BUILD_DIR)\typeids.scanned 
          $(JAVAI) $(ILU_CLASSPATHARG) xerox.ilutools.GenIluTypeIds 
      !IF "$(JAVAUSE12)" == ""
      !MESSAGE Compiling the omg classes
    --- 370,376 ----
          $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) $(JAVA_SRC_DIR)\xerox\ilutools\
          set CLASSPATH=.\classes;$(CLASSPATH)
          $(JAVAI) $(ILU_CLASSPATHARG) xerox.ilutools.gnh $(ILU_GNH_FLAGS) 
    !     $(ILUHOME)\bin\islscan -I ../../stubbers/parser build.isl >$(JAVA_BUILD_DIR)\typeids.scanned 
          $(JAVAI) $(ILU_CLASSPATHARG) xerox.ilutools.GenIluTypeIds 
      !IF "$(JAVAUSE12)" == ""
      !MESSAGE Compiling the omg classes

  • The build on NT didn't build the Java stubs for the CosNaming service. This patch adds it.
    *** etc/CosNaming/javawin32.mak
    --- etc/CosNaming/javawin32.mak	1999/02/15 21:35:38
    *** 0 ****
    --- 1,99 ----
    + # Top level makefile to build Win32 java version of ILU CosNaming feature
    + !IF "$(CFG)" == ""
    + CFG=Win32 Release
    + !MESSAGE No configuration specified.  Defaulting to Win32 Release.
    + !ENDIF 
    + !IF "$(CFG)" != "Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" != "Win32 Debug"
    + !MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
    + !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE on this makefile
    + !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line.  For example:
    + !MESSAGE 
    + !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "javawin32.mak" CFG="Win32 Release"
    + !MESSAGE 
    + !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
    + !MESSAGE 
    + !MESSAGE "Win32 Release"
    + !MESSAGE "Win32 Debug"
    + !MESSAGE 
    + !ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
    + !ENDIF 
    + !IF "$(JAVA_HOME)" == ""
    + !ELSE
    + !IF "$(JDK_HOME)" == ""
    + !ENDIF
    + !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == ""
    + !ERROR JAVASDK environment variable not set - should be one of Microsoft or Javasoft
    + !ENDIF 
    + JAVA_CLASS_DIR=.\classes
    + JAVA_STUBS_DIR=.\javastubs
    + !IF "$(CFG)" == "Win32 Release"
    + !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    + !ELSE
    + !ENDIF
    + !ELSE
    + !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    + !ELSE
    + !ENDIF
    + !ENDIF
    + !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    + JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jvc
    + !ELSE
    + JAVAC = $(JDK_HOME)\bin\javac
    + !ENDIF
    + !IF "$(JAVASDK)" == "Microsoft"
    + !ELSE
    + !ENDIF
    + !ENDIF
    + ################################################################################
    + JAVAJAR :
    +     cd .\classes
    +     $(JDK_HOME)\bin\jar -0cf ..\iluCosNaming.jar *
    +     cd .. 
    +     echo JAVA_HOME environment variable not set, not building Java CosNaming
    + JAVAMAKE :
    +     set ILUPATH=.;..\..\stubbers\parser
    +     java-stubber -prefix xorg.omg CosNaming.idl
    +     if not exist $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\nul mkdir $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)
    +     set CLASSPATH=.;$(JAVA_CLASS_DIR);$(ILUHOME)\lib\classes;..\..\runtime\java\classes;$(CLASSPATH)
    +     $(JAVAC) $(ILU_JAVAC_FLAGS) $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\xorg\omg\CosNaming\*.java $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\xorg\omg\CosNaming\NamingContextPackage\*.java  $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\xorg\omg\CosNaming\NamingContextExtPackage\*.java
    + clean :
    +     if exist $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\nul rmdir $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR) /s
    +     if exist $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR)\nul rmdir $(JAVA_STUBS_DIR) /s
    +     if exist iluCosNaming.jar del iluCosNaming.jar
    + # End 
    + ################################################################################
    *** 1.31	1999/01/06 20:56:28
    --- iluwin32.mak	1999/02/15 21:35:38
    *** 55,60 ****
    --- 55,61 ----
      $(ILUHOME)\interfacefiles : $(ILUHOME)\interfaces
          xcopy $(ILUSRC)\stubbers\parser\ilu.isl $(ILUHOME)\interfaces /d
          xcopy $(ILUSRC)\stubbers\parser\iluhttp.isl $(ILUHOME)\interfaces /d
    +     xcopy $(ILUSRC)\etc\CosNaming\CosNaming.idl $(ILUHOME)\interfaces /d
      $(ILUHOME)\includefiles :   $(ILUHOME)\include
    *** 99,104 ****
    --- 100,107 ----
          if exist $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ilujavaobv.jar copy $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ilujavaobv.jar $(ILUHOME)\lib 
          if exist $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ilujava.isl copy $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ilujava.isl $(ILUHOME)\interfaces
          if exist $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ copy $(ILUSRC)\etc\javaobv\ $(ILUHOME)\interfaces
    +     if exist $(ILUSRC)\etc\CosNaming\classes xcopy $(ILUSRC)\etc\CosNaming\classes $(ILUHOME)\lib\classes /s /d 
    +     if exist $(ILUSRC)\etc\CosNaming\iluCosNaming.jar copy $(ILUSRC)\etc\CosNaming\iluCosNaming.jar $(ILUHOME)\lib 
      CLEANOUT : 
    *** 1.2	1997/10/28 18:56:34
    --- etc/CosNaming/iluwin32.mak	1999/02/15 21:40:04
    *** 29,35 ****
      $(ILUHOME) : 
          if not exist $(ILUHOME)\nul mkdir $(ILUHOME)
    --- 29,35 ----
      $(ILUHOME) : 
          if not exist $(ILUHOME)\nul mkdir $(ILUHOME)
    *** 40,49 ****
      $(ILUHOME)\bin : 
          if not exist $(ILUHOME)\bin\nul mkdir $(ILUHOME)\bin
    ! 	set ILUPATH=.;..\..\stubbers\parser
    ! 	c-stubber CosNaming.idl
    ! 	nmake -f ILUCosNaming.mak CFG="$(CFG)"
      clean :
          if exist WinDebug\nul del /q WinDebug\*
    --- 40,52 ----
      $(ILUHOME)\bin : 
          if not exist $(ILUHOME)\bin\nul mkdir $(ILUHOME)\bin
    !     set ILUPATH=.;..\..\stubbers\parser
    !     c-stubber -nodefaulttrueclassfor CosNaming.NamingContextExt CosNaming.idl
    !     nmake -f ILUCosNaming.mak CFG="$(CFG)"
    !     nmake -f javawin32.mak CFG="$(CFG)"
      clean :
          if exist WinDebug\nul del /q WinDebug\*

  • The java build depends on isl identifiers which turned out to be keywords in certain future build options. While this does not cause problems for most users we use this patch so that the public sources keep matching our sources...

    *** 1.1	1998/11/27 20:47:52
    --- runtime/java/build.isl	1999/02/15 21:33:12
    *** 1,5 ****
    --- 1,5 ----

  • Python 1.5.2 renames a header file for thread support, and removes some previously existing alternate names for thread procedures. This patch addresses that.

    *** 1.11	1998/10/09 21:44:44
    --- runtime/python/pythonthreads.h	1999/02/27 02:05:50
    *** 39,44 ****
    --- 39,49 ----
    + #define PyThread_start_new_thread start_new_thread
    + #define PyThread_init_thread init_thread
    + #define PyThread_exit_thread exit_thread
    + #define PyThread_get_thread_ident get_thread_ident
      #define EXIT_INTERPRETER(if_what) { PyObject *_save; { if (if_what) { _save = PyEval_SaveThread();  } }
      #define ENTER_INTERPRETER(if_what) { if (if_what) { PyEval_RestoreThread(_save); } } }
      #define NEW_THREAD_ENTER { { if (ilupython_threaded_operation) PyEval_RestoreThread(NULL); }
    *** 1.70	1999/01/30 02:12:26
    --- runtime/python/Imakefile	1999/02/27 01:56:01
    *** 31,36 ****
    --- 31,41 ----
      	$(RM) pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION >pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MINOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION >>pythonversion.h
    + 	if test -r $(PYTHON_PREFIX)/include/$(PYTHON_INCLUDE_SUFFIX)/pythread.h ; then \
    + 		echo '#include "pythread.h"' > pythonthreadheaderfile.h ;\
    + 	else \
    + 		echo '#include "thread.h"' > pythonthreadheaderfile.h ;\
    + 	fi
      	echo "#define ILU_PYTHON_THREADS 1" >>pythonversion.h
    *** 39,45 ****
      	$(RM) pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION >pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MINOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION >>pythonversion.h
      #endif /* (defined(ILU_OS_THREADED) && defined(ILU_PYTHON_HAS_THREADS)) */
    --- 44,50 ----
      	$(RM) pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION >pythonversion.h
      	echo "#define ILUPYTHON_MINOR_VERSION " PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION >>pythonversion.h
    ! 	echo "" > pythonthreadheaderfile.h
      #endif /* (defined(ILU_OS_THREADED) && defined(ILU_PYTHON_HAS_THREADS)) */
    *** 1.271	1999/02/26 01:11:30
    --- runtime/python/iluPrmodule.c	1999/02/27 02:04:22
    *** 118,124 ****
      #include "oscalls.h" /* for OS_SLEEP */
    ! #include "thread.h" /* from the Python include files */
      static void bootstrapAlarm(ilu_private);
      static PyObject *ilupython_thread_push_call(PyObject *, PyObject *);
    --- 118,124 ----
      #include "oscalls.h" /* for OS_SLEEP */
    ! #include "pythonthreadheaderfile.h"	/* either thread.h or pythread.h */
      static void bootstrapAlarm(ilu_private);
      static PyObject *ilupython_thread_push_call(PyObject *, PyObject *);
    *** 130,136 ****
      static void ilupython_watch_outgoing_connection(void *arg);
      /* start_new_thread is defined by Python but has no "Py_" synonym */
    ! #define ilupython_fork_thread(proc, arg) (start_new_thread(proc, arg)) 
        static PyObject *thread_call_stack_map;
      /* This flag is also accessed by ivobject.c */
    --- 130,136 ----
      static void ilupython_watch_outgoing_connection(void *arg);
      /* start_new_thread is defined by Python but has no "Py_" synonym */
    ! #define ilupython_fork_thread(proc, arg) (PyThread_start_new_thread(proc, arg)) 
        static PyObject *thread_call_stack_map;
      /* This flag is also accessed by ivobject.c */
    *** 150,156 ****
      static ilu_Mutex ilupython_MainLoopMutex = ILU_NIL;
      static ilu_Condition ilupython_MainLoopCondition = ILU_NIL;
    ! #define current_thread_id() PyInt_FromLong(get_thread_ident())
        PyInterpreterState *_ilupython_interpreter_state = ILU_NIL;
    --- 150,156 ----
      static ilu_Mutex ilupython_MainLoopMutex = ILU_NIL;
      static ilu_Condition ilupython_MainLoopCondition = ILU_NIL;
    ! #define current_thread_id() PyInt_FromLong(PyThread_get_thread_ident())
        PyInterpreterState *_ilupython_interpreter_state = ILU_NIL;
    *** 8477,8483 ****
        ilupython_threaded_operation = ilu_TRUE;
    !   init_thread();
        return Py_None;
    --- 8477,8483 ----
        ilupython_threaded_operation = ilu_TRUE;
    !   PyThread_init_thread();
        return Py_None;
    *** 9013,9019 ****
            ilupython_fork_thread(runConnection, (void *)conn);
    !   exit_thread();
      static void
    --- 9013,9019 ----
            ilupython_fork_thread(runConnection, (void *)conn);
    !   PyThread_exit_thread();
      static void
    *** 9076,9082 ****
    !   exit_thread();
      static BORROWED(PyObject *)
    --- 9076,9082 ----
    !   PyThread_exit_thread();
      static BORROWED(PyObject *)
    *** 9187,9193 ****
        ilu_OutgoingConnectionThreadProc(conn, &err);
    !   exit_thread();
      static void
    --- 9187,9193 ----
        ilu_OutgoingConnectionThreadProc(conn, &err);
    !   PyThread_exit_thread();
      static void

  • The mechanism for setting Passports, Serializers, and Pipelines is broken in Python. This patch fixes it. It also adds a new constant string to the Python module, ilu.BuildDomain, containing the fully-qualified domain name of the build domain. Finally, it adds two attributes to the Python GSS identity instance, "name" (a string) and "local" (a boolean).

    *** 1.2	1998/10/09 21:44:43
    --- runtime/python/ilugiobject.c	1999/03/10 21:56:16
    *** 60,72 ****
        return (PyObject *) v;
      static int
      ilugi_print(PyObject *o, FILE *fp, int flags)
        IlugiObject *v = (IlugiObject *) o;
        PyObject *retval;
        ilu_Error err;
    -   gss_name_t name;
        ilu_boolean localp;
        ilu_string s;
    --- 60,78 ----
        return (PyObject *) v;
    + static int fleshout (IlugiObject *v, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   gss_name_t name;
    +   return (ilu_DecodeGSSIdentity (v->id, &name, &v->good_till, ILU_NIL, &v->localp, ILU_NIL, err) &&
    + 	  (v->name = ilu_GSSNameToString (name, err), ILU_ERROK(*err)));
    + }
      static int
      ilugi_print(PyObject *o, FILE *fp, int flags)
        IlugiObject *v = (IlugiObject *) o;
        PyObject *retval;
        ilu_Error err;
        ilu_boolean localp;
        ilu_string s;
    *** 78,85 ****
        else if (v->name == ILU_NIL)
    !       if (!ilu_DecodeGSSIdentity (v->id, &name, &v->good_till, ILU_NIL, &v->localp, ILU_NIL, &err) ||
    ! 	  !(v->name = ilu_GSSNameToString (name, &err), ILU_ERROK(err)))
      	  fprintf (fp, " (error: %s)>", ILU_ERR_NAME(err));
    --- 84,90 ----
        else if (v->name == ILU_NIL)
    !       if (!fleshout(v, &err))
      	  fprintf (fp, " (error: %s)>", ILU_ERR_NAME(err));
    *** 91,96 ****
    --- 96,128 ----
        return 0;	  
    + static PyObject *
    + ilugi_getattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
    + {
    +   ilu_Error err;
    +   PyObject *retval;
    +   IlugiObject *v = (IlugiObject *) self;
    +   if (v->id != ILU_NIL) {
    +     if (v->name == ILU_NIL) {
    +       if (!fleshout(v, &err))
    + 	{
    + 	  ILU_HANDLED(err);
    + 	  Py_INCREF(Py_None);
    + 	  return 0;
    + 	}
    +     }
    +     if (strcmp(name, "name") == 0) {
    +       retval = PyString_FromString(v->name);
    +       return retval;
    +     } else if (strcmp(name, "local") == 0) {
    +       retval = PyInt_FromLong ((long) v->localp);
    +       return retval;
    +     }
    +   }
    +   return 0;
    + }
      PyTypeObject	Ilugi_Type =
    *** 100,106 ****
      	ilugi_dealloc,		/*tp_dealloc*/
      	ilugi_print,		/*tp_print*/
    ! 	0,			/*tp_getattr*/
      	0,			/*tp_setattr*/
      	0,			/*tp_compare*/
      	0,			/*tp_repr*/
    --- 132,138 ----
      	ilugi_dealloc,		/*tp_dealloc*/
      	ilugi_print,		/*tp_print*/
    ! 	ilugi_getattr,		/*tp_getattr*/
      	0,			/*tp_setattr*/
      	0,			/*tp_compare*/
      	0,			/*tp_repr*/
    *** 1.44	1999/01/20 04:16:15
    --- runtime/python/	1999/03/10 21:07:55
    *** 38,43 ****
    --- 38,44 ----
          Version,            \
          CORBAMapping,	\
          DictionaryPassing,	\
    +     BuildDomain,	\
      # Methods
    *** 1.273	1999/03/01 18:29:06
    --- runtime/python/iluPrmodule.c	1999/03/10 21:07:31
    *** 78,88 ****
      static void cleanupUninterestingObjects (ilu_private junk);
      static void singleThreadedReadServiceRequest (ilu_refany);
    ! enum ContextSlots {
    !   ContextSlots_Serializer = 0,
    !   ContextSlots_Pipeline = 1,
    !   ContextSlots_Passport = 2
    !   };
    --- 78,86 ----
      static void cleanupUninterestingObjects (ilu_private junk);
      static void singleThreadedReadServiceRequest (ilu_refany);
    ! #define ContextSlots_Serializer	0
    ! #define ContextSlots_Pipeline	1
    ! #define ContextSlots_Passport	2
    *** 1585,1590 ****
    --- 1583,1590 ----
      static ilu_ObjectTable  createObjectTable(PyObject *objectOfIh);
      static void     setObjectTableServer(ilu_ObjectTable self,
      				     PyObject *server);
    + static PyObject *
    +   ilumod_GetPassport (PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
      static PyObject *
        ilumod_CreateServer(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    *** 1596,1601 ****
    --- 1596,1603 ----
        PyObject *    objectOfIh;
        PyObject *    result;
        ilu_boolean	trans_precious = ilu_FALSE;
    +   PyObject *	ppobj;
    +   ilu_Passport	pp = ILU_NIL;
        if (PyArg_Parse(args, ""))
    *** 1657,1664 ****
        if (proto == 0)
          proto = getDefaultProtocol();
    !   if ((result = createTrueServer(serverId, objTab, trans, proto, ILU_NIL)) == 0)
            if (objTab)
    --- 1659,1669 ----
        if (proto == 0)
          proto = getDefaultProtocol();
    +   ppobj = ilumod_GetPassport(self, Py_None);
    +   if (ilupp_Check(ppobj))
    +     pp = ilupp_AsPassport((IluppObject *) ppobj);
    !   if ((result = createTrueServer(serverId, objTab, trans, proto, pp)) == 0)
            if (objTab)
    *** 3913,3927 ****
            static PyObject *tup = ILU_NIL;
            if (tup == ILU_NIL) {
    ! 	tup = PyTuple_New(3);
      	if (tup == 0)
      	  return 0;
    ! 	PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Serializer, Py_None);
    ! 	PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Pipeline, Py_None);
    ! 	PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Passport, Py_None);
            return tup;
    --- 3918,3932 ----
            static PyObject *tup = ILU_NIL;
            if (tup == ILU_NIL) {
    ! 	tup = PyList_New(3);
      	if (tup == 0)
      	  return 0;
    ! 	PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Serializer, Py_None);
    ! 	PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Pipeline, Py_None);
    ! 	PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Passport, Py_None);
            return tup;
    *** 3978,3995 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   else if (!PyTuple_Check(context))
            PyErr_SetString(_ilupython_GeneralError, "Bad context in BeginCall");
            return 0;
    !   val = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
        if (ilupl_Check(val))
          pipeline = ilupl_AsPipeline((IluplObject *) val);
    !   val = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
        if (ilusz_Check(val))
          serializer = ilusz_AsSerializer((IluszObject *) val);
    !   val = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
        if (ilupp_Check(val))
          passport = ilupp_AsPassport((IluppObject *) val);
    --- 3983,4000 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   else if (!PyList_Check(context))
            PyErr_SetString(_ilupython_GeneralError, "Bad context in BeginCall");
            return 0;
    !   val = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
        if (ilupl_Check(val))
          pipeline = ilupl_AsPipeline((IluplObject *) val);
    !   val = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
        if (ilusz_Check(val))
          serializer = ilusz_AsSerializer((IluszObject *) val);
    !   val = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
        if (ilupp_Check(val))
          passport = ilupp_AsPassport((IluppObject *) val);
    *** 4263,4271 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
    !   Py_INCREF(serializer);
    !   PyTuple_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer, serializer);
        return prev;  
    --- 4268,4278 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
    !   if (PyList_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer, serializer) < 0)
    !     return 0;
    !   else
    !     Py_INCREF(serializer);
        return prev;  
    *** 4277,4283 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
        return prev;  
    --- 4284,4290 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Serializer);
        return prev;  
    *** 4299,4307 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
    !   Py_INCREF(pipeline);
    !   PyTuple_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline, pipeline);
        return prev;  
    --- 4306,4316 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
    !   if (PyList_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline, pipeline) < 0)
    !     return 0;
    !   else
    !     Py_INCREF(pipeline);
        return prev;  
    *** 4313,4319 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
        return prev;  
    --- 4322,4328 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Pipeline);
        return prev;  
    *** 4344,4350 ****
        PyObject *passport;
        PyObject *context;
        PyObject *prev;
    !   ilu_Passport s;
        if (!PyArg_Parse(args, "O", &passport))
          return 0;
    --- 4353,4360 ----
        PyObject *passport;
        PyObject *context;
        PyObject *prev;
    !   PyObject *foo;
    !   int retval;
        if (!PyArg_Parse(args, "O", &passport))
          return 0;
    *** 4355,4363 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
    !   Py_INCREF(passport);
    !   PyTuple_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport, passport);
        return prev;  
    --- 4365,4375 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
    !   if (PyList_SetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport, passport) < 0)
    !     return 0;
    !   else
    !     Py_INCREF(passport);
        return prev;  
    *** 4370,4376 ****
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyTuple_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
        return prev;  
    --- 4382,4388 ----
        if ((context = CurrentContext()) == 0)
          return 0;
    !   prev = PyList_GetItem(context, ContextSlots_Passport);
        return prev;  
    *** 8827,8832 ****
    --- 8839,8845 ----
        PyObject *    Version;
        PyObject *    RootClass;
        PyObject *    RetryCall;
    +   PyObject *	BuildDomain;
        PyObject *    TypeUIDVersion;
        PyObject *    TypeKind_cardinal;
        PyObject *    TypeKind_integer;
    *** 8881,8886 ****
    --- 8894,8908 ----
          Py_FatalError("ilu can't define Version");
    + #define STRINGIFIED_DOMAIN(x)	#x
    +   if ((BuildDomain = PyString_FromString(THIS_DOMAIN)) == 0 ||
    +       PyDict_SetItemString(modDict, "BuildDomain", BuildDomain) < 0)
    +     Py_FatalError("ilu can't define BuildDomain");
    +   Py_DECREF(BuildDomain);
        if ((TypeUIDVersion = PyString_FromString(ilu_GetILUTypeUIDVersion())) == 0 ||
            PyDict_SetItemString(modDict, "TypeUIDVersion", TypeUIDVersion) < 0)
          Py_FatalError("ilu can't define TypeUIDVersion");
    *** 9118,9132 ****
          return 0;
        tup = PyDict_GetItem(ilupython_ContextDict, tid);
        if (tup == 0) {
    !     tup = PyTuple_New(3);
          if (tup == 0)
            return 0;
    !     PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Serializer, Py_None);
    !     PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Pipeline, Py_None);
    !     PyTuple_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Passport, Py_None);
          PyDict_SetItem(ilupython_ContextDict, tid, tup);
        return tup;
    --- 9140,9154 ----
          return 0;
        tup = PyDict_GetItem(ilupython_ContextDict, tid);
        if (tup == 0) {
    !     tup = PyList_New(3);
          if (tup == 0)
            return 0;
    !     PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Serializer, Py_None);
    !     PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Pipeline, Py_None);
    !     PyList_SetItem(tup, ContextSlots_Passport, Py_None);
          PyDict_SetItem(ilupython_ContextDict, tid, tup);
        return tup;

  • In that part of the Java runtime which manipulates GSS identities, the method "aquireForName" uses a non-standard and surprising spelling. This patch amends that spelling to the common usage.

    *** 1.65	1998/12/02 02:33:35
    --- runtime/java/IluJava_IluPort.c	1999/03/12 02:19:49
    *** 756,762 ****
    ! JAVAEXPORT(IluGssCred_nIluGssCredAquire, void)
          JIluGssCred jh_self,
          JString jh_principalName,
          Jint lifetimeSecs,
    --- 756,762 ----
    ! JAVAEXPORT(IluGssCred_nIluGssCredAcquire, void)
          JIluGssCred jh_self,
          JString jh_principalName,
          Jint lifetimeSecs,
    *** 1.12	1999/01/14 22:39:28
    --- runtime/java/jsrc/xerox/ilu/	1999/03/12 02:09:03
    *** 62,68 ****
          private IluGssCredId() {
          } //constructor
    !     /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdAquire(
              java.lang.String principalName, 
              int lifetimeSecs,
              IluGssOid mechanism,
    --- 62,68 ----
          private IluGssCredId() {
          } //constructor
    !     /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdAcquire(
              java.lang.String principalName, 
              int lifetimeSecs,
              IluGssOid mechanism,
    *** 72,86 ****
           * Constant value which can be used to specify
    !      * an indefinite lifetime in aquireForName
          public static final int GSS_INDEFINITE = -1;
    !      * Aquires a IluGssCredId.
           * [in ilu_kerneleese: AcquireGSSIdentity
    !     public static IluGssCredId aquireForName(
                  java.lang.String principalName, 
                  int lifetimeSecs,
                  IluGssOid mechanism,
    --- 72,86 ----
           * Constant value which can be used to specify
    !      * an indefinite lifetime in acquireForName
          public static final int GSS_INDEFINITE = -1;
    !      * Acquires a IluGssCredId.
           * [in ilu_kerneleese: AcquireGSSIdentity
    !     public static IluGssCredId acquireForName(
                  java.lang.String principalName, 
                  int lifetimeSecs,
                  IluGssOid mechanism,
    *** 93,104 ****
                  throw new org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION("no mechanism");
              IluGssCredId ci = new IluGssCredId();
    !         ci.nIluGssCredIdAquire(
                  principalName, lifetimeSecs, mechanism, acceptOnly
              ci.state = 1; 
              return ci;
    !     } //aquireForName
          /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdToIdentity(IluIdentity id);
    --- 93,104 ----
                  throw new org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION("no mechanism");
              IluGssCredId ci = new IluGssCredId();
    !         ci.nIluGssCredIdAcquire(
                  principalName, lifetimeSecs, mechanism, acceptOnly
              ci.state = 1; 
              return ci;
    !     } //acquireForName
          /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdToIdentity(IluIdentity id);
    *** 169,175 ****
           * Explicitely null-out any accumulated credentials
    !      * aquired
          public void free() {
              int oldstate = 0;
    --- 169,175 ----
           * Explicitely null-out any accumulated credentials
    !      * acquired
          public void free() {
              int oldstate = 0;
    *** 1.10	1998/12/23 20:51:33
    --- runtime/java/jsrc/xerox/ilu/	1999/03/12 02:09:08
    *** 63,69 ****
          private IluGssCred() {
          } //constructor
    !     /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredAquire(
              java.lang.String principalName, 
              int lifetimeSecs,
              IluGssOid mechanism,
    --- 63,69 ----
          private IluGssCred() {
          } //constructor
    !     /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredAcquire(
              java.lang.String principalName, 
              int lifetimeSecs,
              IluGssOid mechanism,
    *** 73,87 ****
           * Constant value which can be used to specify
    !      * an indefinite lifetime in aquireForName
          public static final int GSS_INDEFINITE = -1;
    !      * Aquires a IluGssCred.
           * [in ilu_kerneleese: AcquireGSSIdentity
    !     public static IluGssCred aquireForName(
                  java.lang.String principalName, 
                  int lifetimeSecs,
                  IluGssOid mechanism,
    --- 73,87 ----
           * Constant value which can be used to specify
    !      * an indefinite lifetime in acquireForName
          public static final int GSS_INDEFINITE = -1;
    !      * Acquires a IluGssCred.
           * [in ilu_kerneleese: AcquireGSSIdentity
    !     public static IluGssCred acquireForName(
                  java.lang.String principalName, 
                  int lifetimeSecs,
                  IluGssOid mechanism,
    *** 94,100 ****
                  throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION("no mechanism");
              IluGssCred ci = new IluGssCred();
    !         ci.nIluGssCredAquire(
                  principalName, lifetimeSecs, mechanism, acceptOnly
              ci.state = 1; 
    --- 94,100 ----
                  throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION("no mechanism");
              IluGssCred ci = new IluGssCred();
    !         ci.nIluGssCredAcquire(
                  principalName, lifetimeSecs, mechanism, acceptOnly
              ci.state = 1; 
    *** 104,110 ****
              ci.idt = ci.real_toIdentity();
              return ci;
    !     } //aquireForName
          /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdToIdentity(IluIdentity id);
    --- 104,110 ----
              ci.idt = ci.real_toIdentity();
              return ci;
    !     } //acquireForName
          /*friendly*/ native void nIluGssCredIdToIdentity(IluIdentity id);
    *** 184,190 ****
           * Explicitely null-out any accumulated credentials
    !      * aquired
          public void free() {
              int oldstate = 0;
    --- 184,190 ----
           * Explicitely null-out any accumulated credentials
    !      * acquired
          public void free() {
              int oldstate = 0;

  • From Joachim Achtzehnter: ``The marshaling functions defined by the macro define-class-type for the purpose of (un)pickling objects don't work. They pass a class object instead of a class name to object-size, object-read, and object-write. The attached patch fixes the problem.''

    *** 1.81	1999/01/14 04:24:42
    --- runtime/lisp/ilu-macros.lisp	1999/04/02 02:55:27
    *** 896,906 ****
      	 (dig-out-class-info ,the-info info-type))
             (add-type ,type-uid ',name
      		 #'(lambda (call value)
    ! 		     (object-size call value (find-class ',name)))
      		 #'(lambda (call value)
    ! 		     (object-write call value (find-class ',name)))
      		 #'(lambda (call)
    ! 		     (object-read (find-class ',name) call ',name)))
      (defmacro define-class (name &optional c-class-get-fn)
    --- 896,906 ----
      	 (dig-out-class-info ,the-info info-type))
             (add-type ,type-uid ',name
      		 #'(lambda (call value)
    ! 		     (object-size call value ',name))
      		 #'(lambda (call value)
    ! 		     (object-write call value ',name))
      		 #'(lambda (call)
    ! 		     (object-read ',name call ',name)))
      (defmacro define-class (name &optional c-class-get-fn)

  • Lisp doesn't build when security is enabled, due to a boo-boo in the Imakefile. Here's a patch:

    *** 1.37	1998/10/09 21:23:30
    --- runtime/lisp/Imakefile	1999/04/06 00:00:38
    *** 93,99 ****
      OBJ_FILES=ilu-lisp-skin.o $(LispImplCFile).o
    ! SharedLibraryTarget(ilu-lisp, $(OBJ_FILES), ../kernel/libilu.a, $(SECURITYLIBS) $(ILU_ZLIB_LIBRARY))
      pdefsys.lisp: pdefsys.lisp.dist Makefile
      	sed -e 's;ANSI_C_LIBRARY;$(ANSI_C_LIBRARY);g' -e 's;ANSI_C_COMPILER;$(ANSI_C_COMPILER);g' pdefsys.lisp
    --- 93,99 ----
      OBJ_FILES=ilu-lisp-skin.o $(LispImplCFile).o
    ! SharedLibraryTarget(ilu-lisp, $(OBJ_FILES), ../kernel/libilu.a, $(BUILD_SECURITY_LIBRARIES))
      pdefsys.lisp: pdefsys.lisp.dist Makefile
      	sed -e 's;ANSI_C_LIBRARY;$(ANSI_C_LIBRARY);g' -e 's;ANSI_C_COMPILER;$(ANSI_C_COMPILER);g' pdefsys.lisp

  • Use of '@' in etc/testing/Imakefile breaks when a temporary file created by Python is used as a directory, since the Python tempfile mechanism uses '@' in file names. Change to vertical bar.

    *** 1.8	1999/01/14 03:28:28
    --- etc/testing/Imakefile	1999/04/02 18:39:05
    *** 24,35 ****
      	rm -f
    ! 	$(SED) -e "s@ILU_C_CONFIGURATION_FILE@$(ILUSRC)/imake/iluconf.h@g" -e "s@ILU_C_IMAKEDEFS_FILE@$(ILUSRC)/imake/" < >
      	rm -f
    ! 	$(SED) -e "s@ILU_C_CONFIGURATION_FILE@$(ILUHOME)/include/iluconf.h@g" -e "s@ILU_C_IMAKEDEFS_FILE@$(ILUHOME)/imake/" < >
      InstallRO(, $(DESTDIR)/lib)
    --- 24,35 ----
      	rm -f
    ! 	$(SED) -e "s|ILU_C_CONFIGURATION_FILE|$(ILUSRC)/imake/iluconf.h|g" -e "s|ILU_C_IMAKEDEFS_FILE|$(ILUSRC)/imake/|g" < >
      	rm -f
    ! 	$(SED) -e "s|ILU_C_CONFIGURATION_FILE|$(ILUHOME)/include/iluconf.h|g" -e "s|ILU_C_IMAKEDEFS_FILE|$(ILUHOME)/imake/|g" < >
      InstallRO(, $(DESTDIR)/lib)

  • The w3ng protocol would pass an improper server ID if the SID was a prefix of the SID of the immediately previously passed object -- it would pass that old SID instead of the correct SID. This patch fixes that.

    *** 1.84	1999/03/16 20:49:39
    --- runtime/kernel/w3ng.c	1999/04/06 22:37:39
    *** 1343,1350 ****
          sidlen = strlen((const char *) sid);
          use_cached_sid = ilu_FALSE;
          if (instance_data->outgoing_last_sid != NIL) {
    !       use_cached_sid = (memcmp((void *) instance_data->outgoing_last_sid, (void *) sid, sidlen)
    ! 			== 0);
            if (!use_cached_sid) {
      	/* new sid, so free old one */
    --- 1343,1350 ----
          sidlen = strlen((const char *) sid);
          use_cached_sid = ilu_FALSE;
          if (instance_data->outgoing_last_sid != NIL) {
    !       use_cached_sid = (sidlen == instance_data->outgoing_last_sid_len) &&
    ! 	(memcmp((void *) instance_data->outgoing_last_sid, (void *) sid, sidlen) == 0);
            if (!use_cached_sid) {
      	/* new sid, so free old one */

  • Install an Imakefile in the $(ILUHOME)/examples directory, so that we can recurse through the subdirectories.

    *** Imakefile.orig	Tue Apr  6 19:16:47 1999
    --- examples/Imakefile	Tue Apr  6 19:16:58 1999
    *** 96,98 ****
    --- 96,100 ----
    + InstallRO(Imakefile, $(DESTDIR)/examples)

  • Add default rule for "ptest" so that directories with no Python test scripts won't complain.

    *** 1.42	1999/01/14 18:22:11
    --- imake/ilu.tmpl	1999/03/31 20:04:23
    *** 169,174 ****
    --- 169,176 ----
    + ptest::
      dependInstallClean:: depend install clean

  • The Python stubber generates buggy code when an exception is imported from another module, in some cases.

    *** 1.15	1999/01/20 00:49:01
    --- stubbers/python/util.h	1999/04/07 20:34:05
    *** 58,64 ****
      extern void		sprintTypeRef(char *buf, Type t);
      extern void		printArgList(list argList, int nPrevArgs);
      extern void		printClassVarName(Type t, const char *varName);
    ! extern void		printExceptionName(Exception e);
      extern void		printExceptionIDString(Exception e);
      extern void		printTypeIoFuncName(Type t, const char *prefix);
      extern void		printNameScopes(list scopes);
    --- 58,64 ----
      extern void		sprintTypeRef(char *buf, Type t);
      extern void		printArgList(list argList, int nPrevArgs);
      extern void		printClassVarName(Type t, const char *varName);
    ! extern void		printFullExceptionName(Exception e);
      extern void		printExceptionIDString(Exception e);
      extern void		printTypeIoFuncName(Type t, const char *prefix);
      extern void		printNameScopes(list scopes);
    *** 1.13	1999/01/28 03:35:42
    --- stubbers/python/name.c	1999/04/07 20:34:37
    *** 98,103 ****
    --- 98,104 ----
      static char	language[] = "python";
      static char	corba_innermost[] = "corba_innermost";
      static char	corba_scoped[] = "corba_scoped";
    + static char	simple_exception[] = "simple_exception";
      static char *
      setItemName(Name n, char *importInterface)
    *** 177,183 ****
          fatal("getSimpleExceptionName: exception %s is external", exception_name(e));
        return result;
    !   return getExceptionName(e);
    --- 178,198 ----
          fatal("getSimpleExceptionName: exception %s is external", exception_name(e));
        return result;
    !   char *	result;
    !   char    buffer[1024];
    !   result = name_lang_name(e->name, simple_exception);
    !   if (result == 0) {
    !     char *basename = name_base_name(e->name);
    ! /*
    !     fprintf (stderr, "basename for %s.%s is %s\n",
    ! 	     interface_name(e->interface), exception_name(e), basename);
    ! */
    !     translateNameString(buffer, basename);
    !     name_set_lang_name(e->name, simple_exception, buffer);
    !     result = name_lang_name(e->name, simple_exception);
    !   };
    !   return result;
    *** 1.27	1999/01/27 19:46:16
    --- stubbers/python/util.c	1999/04/07 20:34:12
    *** 295,304 ****
    ! printExceptionName(Exception e)
    ! 	printf("%s", getExceptionName(e));
    --- 295,304 ----
    ! printFullExceptionName(Exception e)
    ! 	printf("%s", getSimpleExceptionName(e));
    *** 1.102	1999/03/01 18:29:18
    --- stubbers/python/genstub.c	1999/04/07 22:48:46
    *** 1677,1683 ****
        if (++*pCount == 1)
    !   printf ("__%s__ExcnID = ", getExceptionName(e));
    --- 1677,1683 ----
        if (++*pCount == 1)
    !   printf ("%s__ExcnID = ", getExceptionName(e));
    *** 1700,1706 ****
          printf ("%s = %s\n\n", getSimpleExceptionName(e), getExceptionName(e));
    !   printf ("%s = __%s__ExcnID", getExceptionName(e), getExceptionName(e));
    --- 1700,1706 ----
          printf ("%s = %s\n\n", getSimpleExceptionName(e), getExceptionName(e));
    !   printf ("%s = %s__ExcnID", getExceptionName(e), getExceptionName(e));
    *** 2089,2096 ****
        boolean idlish;
        idlish = (et != NULL) && isPrefixOf(prefixIdlExcType, type_name(et));
    !   printf("    %sif %s == __%s__ExcnID:\n", ++*pCount > 1 ? "el" : "",
      	 nameVarExceptName, getExceptionName(e));
        printf("\t%s = ", nameVarExceptValue);
    --- 2089,2095 ----
        boolean idlish;
        idlish = (et != NULL) && isPrefixOf(prefixIdlExcType, type_name(et));
    !   printf("    %sif %s == %s__ExcnID:\n", ++*pCount > 1 ? "el" : "",
      	 nameVarExceptName, getExceptionName(e));
        printf("\t%s = ", nameVarExceptValue);
    *** 2189,2203 ****
        list_enumerate (ns->subspaces, (EnumProc) genTypeIO, NULL);
    - static void
    -   enumerateExceptions (namespace ns, list l)
    - {
    -   int i, lim;
    -   for (i = 0, lim = list_size(ns->exceptions);  i < lim;  i++)
    -     list_insert(l, list_ref(ns->exceptions, i));
    -   list_enumerate (ns->subspaces, (EnumProc) enumerateExceptions, l);
    - }
      generateStub (namespace ns)
    --- 2188,2193 ----
    *** 2215,2223 ****
        genTypeIO (ns);
        list_enumerate (ns->subspaces, (EnumProc) stSpace, NULL);
        list_enumerate (ns->exceptions, (EnumProc) stException, &nExceptions);
    !   exceptions = new_list();
    !   enumerateExceptions(ns, exceptions);
    !   stFuncCatchExceptions (exceptions);
    --- 2205,2211 ----
        genTypeIO (ns);
        list_enumerate (ns->subspaces, (EnumProc) stSpace, NULL);
        list_enumerate (ns->exceptions, (EnumProc) stException, &nExceptions);
    !   stFuncCatchExceptions (namespace_interface(ns)->exceptions);
    *** 1.29	1998/12/01 19:49:49
    --- stubbers/python/genskel.c	1999/04/07 20:33:48
    *** 93,99 ****
      	char	namebuf[2048];
      	printf("    except ");
    ! 	printExceptionName(e);
      	if (et)
      		printf(", %s", nameVarExceptValue);
    --- 93,99 ----
      	char	namebuf[2048];
      	printf("    except ");
    ! 	printFullExceptionName(e);
      	if (et)
      		printf(", %s", nameVarExceptValue);

  • The implementation of CORBA IIOP still has some problems marshalling typecodes for union types, which can result in memory smashes. This patch fixes those bugs.

    *** 1.220	1999/02/25 20:54:58
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/04/12 23:36:38
    *** 5778,5784 ****
        for (i = 0;  i < n_arms;  i++) {
          for (j = 0;  j < arm_count;  j++) {
    !       if (strcmp(rarms[j], arms[i] == 0) {
      	rarms[j].values = (ilu_ConstantValue_s *) ilu_ReallocE(rarms[j].values, sizeof(ilu_ConstantValue_s) * (rarms[j].n_values + 1), err);
      	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
      	rarms[j].values[rarms[j].n_values] = arms[i].values[0];
    --- 5798,5805 ----
        for (i = 0;  i < n_arms;  i++) {
          for (j = 0;  j < arm_count;  j++) {
    !       if ((strcmp(rarms[j], arms[i] == 0) &&
    ! 	  (rarms[j].base.type == arms[i].base.type)) {
      	rarms[j].values = (ilu_ConstantValue_s *) ilu_ReallocE(rarms[j].values, sizeof(ilu_ConstantValue_s) * (rarms[j].n_values + 1), err);
      	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
      	rarms[j].values[rarms[j].n_values] = arms[i].values[0];
    *** 6002,6030 ****
    --- 6049,6087 ----
      		ilu_byte foo;
      		_cdr_get_u8(pk, &foo, err);
      		arm->values[0].value.boolean_val = (foo != 0);
    + 		arm->values[0].kind = ilu_boolean_cvk;
      	    case ilu_byte_tk:
    + 	      _cdr_get_u8(pk, &arm->values[0].value.byte_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_byte_cvk;
    + 	      break;
      	    case ilu_shortcharacter_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_u8(pk, &arm->values[0].value.byte_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_byte_cvk;
      	    case ilu_integer_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_s32(pk, &arm->values[0].value.integer_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_integer_cvk;
      	    case ilu_shortinteger_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_s16(pk, &arm->values[0].value.shortinteger_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_shortinteger_cvk;
      	    case ilu_cardinal_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_u32(pk, &arm->values[0].value.cardinal_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_cardinal_cvk;
      	    case ilu_shortcardinal_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_u16(pk, &arm->values[0].value.shortcardinal_val, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_shortcardinal_cvk;
      	    case ilu_enumeration_tk:
      	      _cdr_get_u32(pk, &enumcode, err);
      	      if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
      	      arm->values[0].value.enumeration_val = FigureEnumVal((ilu_shortcardinal) enumcode,
      								   type_desc(t).Union.discriminant, err);
    + 	      arm->values[0].kind = ilu_enumeration_cvk;
      	      ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_badTypeKind, 0);

  • When passing pickles containing object values via IIOP, the IIOP marshalling code raises an exception unless the most-specific object type of the pickled object value is known at the receiving side. This is unnecessarily severe, and prevents the implementation of things like CORBA Event services with ILU. This patch relaxes this restriction by using the dynamic typing of ILU objects to determine the object types to put in the re-formed pickle after its receipt as a CORBA `any' value over IIOP. The patch also fixes some bugs in the pickle format 3 implementation having to do with string marshalling.

    *** 1.31	1999/03/24 02:38:40
    --- runtime/kernel/pickle2.c	1999/04/15 20:21:50
    *** 90,95 ****
    --- 90,96 ----
      #include "iluntrnl.h"
      #include "ilutypes.h"
    + #include "object.h"
      #include "call.h"
      #include "connect.h"
      #include "iluprotocol.h"
    *** 849,854 ****
    --- 850,875 ----
        return (0);
    + /* ==================== object ==================== */
    + static ilu_boolean 
    +   _pickle_OutputObjectID(ilu_Call call, ilu_Object h,
    + 			 ilu_boolean discriminator_p,
    + 			 ilu_Class static_type,
    + 			 ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   unsigned typekind = PICKLE_TYPEKIND(PICKLE_BUF(call)[0]);
    +   ilu_string type_string;
    +   if (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) {
    +     type_string = _ilu_ClassToString((h == NIL) ? static_type : object_class(h));
    +     _pickle_OutputByteVec (call, (ilu_byte *) type_string, strlen(type_string) + 1, err);
    +     ilu_free(type_string);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    +   }
    +   return _ilu_OutputObjectID (call, h, discriminator_p, static_type, err);
    + }
      /* ==================== error trap ==================== */
      static void catchErr (void) {
    *** 1135,1141 ****
        /* objects */
    !   _ilu_OutputObjectID,			/* pr_output_object_id */
        _ilu_InputObjectID,			/* pr_input_object_id */
        _ilu_SizeOfObjectID,			/* pr_size_of_object_id */
    --- 1156,1162 ----
        /* objects */
    !   _pickle_OutputObjectID,		/* pr_output_object_id */
        _ilu_InputObjectID,			/* pr_input_object_id */
        _ilu_SizeOfObjectID,			/* pr_size_of_object_id */
    *** 1251,1256 ****
    --- 1272,1278 ----
        call->ca_callee = NIL;
        call->ca_caller = NIL;
        call->ca_irq = ilu_FALSE;
    +   call->ca_prbit1 = ilu_FALSE;
        call->ca_prdata1 = 0;
        call->ca_prdata2 = (void *) prefix_type;
        call->ca_msg = nomsg;
    *** 1427,1434 ****
        ilu_Class	objtype;
        ilu_byte	version_typekind;
        ilu_Type	t2;
    !   ilu_string	type_string;
        ilu_boolean	extensible_record_type;
        version_typekind = TypeKindCode(type_id, &needs_explicit_type_id, &objtype, &extensible_record_type);
    --- 1449,1457 ----
        ilu_Class	objtype;
        ilu_byte	version_typekind;
        ilu_Type	t2;
    !   ilu_string	type_string = NIL;
        ilu_boolean	extensible_record_type;
    +   ilu_boolean	type_string_malloced = ilu_FALSE;
        version_typekind = TypeKindCode(type_id, &needs_explicit_type_id, &objtype, &extensible_record_type);
    *** 1442,1470 ****
        if (needs_explicit_type_id) {
          if (objtype != NIL)
    !       type_string = _ilu_ClassToString(objtype);
          else if (extensible_record_type) {
            type_string = _ilu_ExtensibleRecordTypesString (type_id, err);
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    !     else
            type_string = type_id;
    !   PICKLE_LEN(call) = argSize + 1 + (needs_explicit_type_id ? strlen(type_string) + 1 : 0);
        PICKLE_BUF(call) = ilu_MallocE(PICKLE_LEN(call), err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
        PICKLE_NEXT(call) = 0;
        _pickle_OutputByte (call, version_typekind, err);
    !   if (needs_explicit_type_id) {
    !     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call)); return ilu_FALSE; };
          _pickle_OutputByteVec (call, (ilu_byte *) type_string, strlen(type_string) + 1, err);
    !   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call)); return ilu_FALSE; }
        else return ilu_TRUE;
    --- 1465,1502 ----
        if (needs_explicit_type_id) {
          if (objtype != NIL)
    !       /* type_string = _ilu_ClassToString(objtype); */
    !       type_string = NIL;
          else if (extensible_record_type) {
            type_string = _ilu_ExtensibleRecordTypesString (type_id, err);
    +       type_string_malloced = ilu_TRUE;
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    !     else {
            type_string = type_id;
    +       type_string_malloced = ilu_FALSE;
    +     }
    !   PICKLE_LEN(call) = argSize + 1 + ((needs_explicit_type_id && (type_string != NIL)) ? strlen(type_string) + 1 : 0);
        PICKLE_BUF(call) = ilu_MallocE(PICKLE_LEN(call), err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
        PICKLE_NEXT(call) = 0;
        _pickle_OutputByte (call, version_typekind, err);
    !   if (needs_explicit_type_id && (type_string != NIL)) {
    !     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
          _pickle_OutputByteVec (call, (ilu_byte *) type_string, strlen(type_string) + 1, err);
    !   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
        else return ilu_TRUE;
    +  errout:
    +   if (type_string && type_string_malloced) ilu_free(type_string);
    +   ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call));
    +   return ilu_FALSE;
    *** 1.106	1998/11/26 01:23:49
    --- runtime/kernel/type.c	1999/04/15 19:56:16
    *** 1319,1333 ****
        if (types != NIL) {
          c = _ilu_StringToClass(types);
    -     if (c == NIL) {
    -       ilu_DebugPrintf("ILU Error:  Unable to determine the object type of object <%s/%s>.\n",
    - 		      server_id(object_server(o)), object_ih(o));
    -       ilu_DebugPrintf("            The specified type codes <%s> are unknown in this address space.\n",
    - 		      types);
    -       ilu_DebugPrintf("            This may indicate either an ILU version mismatch, or an ISL interface version mismatch.\n");
    -     };
    - #endif
    --- 1319,1324 ----
    *** 1.221	1999/04/12 23:53:01
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/04/15 01:08:01
    *** 694,699 ****
    --- 694,713 ----
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +   {
    +     ilu_boolean newreg;
    +     ilu_AcquireMutex(ilu_otmu);
    +     ilu_RegisterObjectType ("Object", "ilu",
    + 			    class_brand(ilu_rootClass),
    + 			    class_unique_id(ilu_rootClass),
    + 			    ilu_rootClass, &newreg, err);
    +     ilu_ReleaseMutex(ilu_otmu);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +   }
    + #endif
        Initialized = ILU_ERROK(*err);
    *** 5833,5844 ****
        switch (ctk)
          case CORBA_tk_object:
    !       type_kind(t) = ilu_object_tk;
    !       if (!GetHeader(pk, t, err)) break;
    !       type_desc(t).Object.objdesc = ilu_FindClassFromID(type_uid(t));
    !       if (type_desc(t).Object.objdesc == NIL)
    ! 	ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_param, err, minor, ilu_bpm_typeID, 0);	
    !       break;
          case CORBA_tk_record:
    --- 5868,5902 ----
        switch (ctk)
          case CORBA_tk_object:
    !       {
    ! 	ilu_string typeuid = NIL;
    ! 	ilu_string typename = NIL;
    ! 	ilu_cardinal len;
    ! 	ilu_Type t2 = NIL;
    ! 	type_kind(t) = ilu_object_tk;
    ! 	/* read type info */
    ! 	_cdr_get_bytes(pk, (ilu_bytes *) &typeuid, &len, 0xFFFF, err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
    ! 	_cdr_get_bytes(pk, (ilu_bytes *) &typename, &len, 0xFFFF, err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
    ! 	ilu_free(typename);
    ! 	/* if we don't know the actual object type, we truncate it down to
    ! 	   ilu.CORBA-Object.  This will break later on if the object is not
    ! 	   a descendant of CORBA-Object. */
    ! 	if (((t2 = ilu_FindTypeByUID(typeuid, err)) == ILU_NIL) && ILU_ERROK(*err))
    ! 	  t2 = ilu_FindTypeByUID((char *) ilu_TypeID_ilu_CORBA_Object, err);
    ! 	ilu_free(typeuid);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    ! 	  ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_param, err, minor, ilu_bpm_typeID, 0);
    ! 	else {
    ! 	  type_uid(t) = _ilu_Strdup(type_uid(t2));
    ! 	  type_name(t) = _ilu_Strdup(type_name(t2));
    ! 	  type_interface_brand(t) = _ilu_Strdup(type_interface_brand(t2));
    ! 	  type_interface_name(t) = _ilu_Strdup(type_interface_name(t2));
    ! 	}
    ! 	break;
    !       }
          case CORBA_tk_record:
    *** 6964,6969 ****
    --- 6964,6970 ----
        if (tp == _IIOP_DefaultPickleType) {
          size += _IIOP_SizeOfBytes (call, pickle.pi_bytes, pickle.pi_len, 0, err);
    +     ILU_CLER(lerr);
        } else {
          /* now figure out the size of the marshalled value by unpickling it
             on the fly, and then interpreting it */
    *** 7200,7206 ****
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { if (h != NIL) ilu_ExitServer(object_server(h), ilu_rootClass); break; };
            if ((h != NIL) && (!class_collectible(object_class(h))) && server_is_true(object_server(h)))
    !       oc = (h != NIL) ? object_class(h) : ilu_rootClass;
            protocol_output_object_id(call_proto(output_call), output_call, h, ilu_FALSE, oc, err);
            /* now outside server */      
    --- 7214,7220 ----
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { if (h != NIL) ilu_ExitServer(object_server(h), ilu_rootClass); break; };
            if ((h != NIL) && (!class_collectible(object_class(h))) && server_is_true(object_server(h)))
    !       oc = (h != NIL) ? object_class(h) : ilu_FindClassFromID (CORBA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID);
            protocol_output_object_id(call_proto(output_call), output_call, h, ilu_FALSE, oc, err);
            /* now outside server */      
    *** 1.201	1999/02/16 02:32:36
    --- runtime/kernel/object.c	1999/04/15 20:03:07
    *** 692,698 ****
    --- 692,708 ----
      	  ilu_DeltaServerHolds(s, -1, err);
      	  if (cl != NIL) {
      	    object_class(o) = cl;
    + 	  } else if (static_type == ilu_rootClass) {
    + 	    object_class(o) = ilu_rootClass;
      	  } else {
    + 	    ilu_DebugPrintf("ILU Error:  Unable to determine the object type of object <%s/%s>,\n",
    + 			    server_id(object_server(o)), object_ih(o));
    + 	    ilu_DebugPrintf("            which means that this object cannot be instantiated in this address space!\n");
    + 	    ilu_DebugPrintf("            No object types for the type UID \"%s\" are registered.\n",
    + 			    (mstid ? mstid : "NULL"));
    + 	    ilu_DebugPrintf("            This *might* indicate either an ILU version mismatch, or an ISL interface version mismatch.\n");
    + #endif
      		     ("_ilu_FindOrCreateObject:  Couldn't determine"
      		      " type for object %p, given mstid \"%s\".\n",
    *** 1.27	1999/02/25 20:58:15
    --- runtime/kernel/pickle3.c	1999/04/15 20:49:13
    *** 40,45 ****
    --- 40,46 ----
      #include "ilutypes.h"
      #include "call.h"
      #include "connect.h"
    + #include "object.h"
      #include "iluprotocol.h"
      #define CURRENT_VERSION			3
    *** 49,54 ****
    --- 50,57 ----
      #define OBJECT_TYPEKIND			((unsigned) 15)
      #define PICKLE_BUF(call)		((call)->ca_msg.msg_base)
    + #define PICKLE_BUF_VERSION(call)	((((call)->ca_msg.msg_base[0]) >> 5) & 0x7)
    + #define PICKLE_BUF_TYPEKIND(call)	((call)->ca_msg.msg_base[1])
      #define PICKLE_LEN(call)		((call)->ca_msg.msg_len)
      #define PICKLE_NEXT(call)		((call)->ca_prdata1)
      #define PICKLE_REMAINING(call)		(PICKLE_LEN(call) - PICKLE_NEXT(call))
    *** 440,445 ****
    --- 443,449 ----
      		    ilu_cardinal *current_encoding,
      		    ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    +   *current_encoding = expected_encoding;
        InputBytes (call, (ilu_bytes *) s, len, limit, err, ilu_TRUE);
    *** 723,728 ****
    --- 727,766 ----
        return (0);
    + /* ==================== record ==================== */
    + static void
    +   OutputPickleHeader (ilu_Call call, unsigned version, unsigned typekind,
    + 		      ilu_string type_string, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   _pickle_OutputCardinal (call, (version << 29) | (typekind << 16) |
    + 			  (((typekind == 0) ||
    + 			    (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) ||
    + 			    (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND))
    + 			   ? strlen(type_string)+1 : 0), err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return;
    +   if ((typekind == 0) || (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) || (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND)) {
    +     _pickle_OutputByteVec (call, (ilu_byte *) type_string, strlen(type_string)+1, err);
    +   }
    + }
    + static ilu_boolean 
    +   _pickle_OutputObjectID(ilu_Call call, ilu_Object h,
    + 			 ilu_boolean discriminator_p,
    + 			 ilu_Class static_type,
    + 			 ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_string type_string;
    +   if (call->ca_prbit1) {
    +     type_string = _ilu_ClassToString((h == NIL) ? static_type : object_class(h));
    +     OutputPickleHeader (call, 0x3, OBJECT_TYPEKIND, type_string, err);
    +     ilu_free(type_string);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    +   }
    +   return _ilu_OutputObjectID (call, h, discriminator_p, static_type, err);
    + }
      /* ==================== error trap ==================== */
      static void catchErr (void) {
    *** 1010,1016 ****
        /* objects */
    !   _ilu_OutputObjectID,			/* pr_output_object_id */
        _ilu_InputObjectID,			/* pr_input_object_id */
        _ilu_SizeOfObjectID,			/* pr_size_of_object_id */
    --- 1048,1054 ----
        /* objects */
    !   _pickle_OutputObjectID,		/* pr_output_object_id */
        _ilu_InputObjectID,			/* pr_input_object_id */
        _ilu_SizeOfObjectID,			/* pr_size_of_object_id */
    *** 1126,1131 ****
    --- 1164,1170 ----
        call->ca_callee = NIL;
        call->ca_caller = NIL;
        call->ca_irq = ilu_FALSE;
    +   call->ca_prbit1 = ilu_FALSE;	/* TRUE if an object type */
        call->ca_prdata1 = 0;
        call->ca_prdata2 = (void *) prefix_type;
        call->ca_msg = nomsg;
    *** 1234,1240 ****
        ilu_Class	objtype;
        ilu_byte	typekind;
    !   ilu_string	type_string;
        ilu_Type	the_type;
    --- 1273,1280 ----
        ilu_Class	objtype;
        ilu_byte	typekind;
    !   ilu_string	type_string = NIL;
    !   ilu_boolean	type_string_malloced = ilu_FALSE;
        ilu_Type	the_type;
    *** 1244,1250 ****
        if (typekind == 0) {
          if ((objtype = ilu_FindClassFromID(type_id)) != NIL) {
            typekind = OBJECT_TYPEKIND;
    !       type_string = _ilu_ClassToString(objtype);
          } else if (the_type = ilu_FindTypeByUID(type_id, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) {
            return ilu_FALSE;
    --- 1284,1290 ----
        if (typekind == 0) {
          if ((objtype = ilu_FindClassFromID(type_id)) != NIL) {
            typekind = OBJECT_TYPEKIND;
    !       type_string = ILU_NIL;
          } else if (the_type = ilu_FindTypeByUID(type_id, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) {
            return ilu_FALSE;
    *** 1254,1259 ****
    --- 1294,1300 ----
      		(type_desc(the_type).Record.supertype != NIL))) {
            typekind = EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND;
            type_string = _ilu_ExtensibleRecordTypesString(type_id, err);
    +       type_string_malloced = ilu_TRUE;
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
          } else {
    *** 1262,1285 ****
        PICKLE_LEN(call) = argSize + 4 + (((typekind == 0) ||
    - 				     (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) ||
      				     (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND))
      				    ? PADDED_SIZE(strlen(type_string)+1) : 0);
        PICKLE_BUF(call) = ilu_MallocE(PICKLE_LEN(call), err);
    !   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
        PICKLE_NEXT(call) = 0;
    !   _pickle_OutputCardinal (call, (0x3 << 29) | (typekind << 16) |
    ! 			  (((typekind == 0) ||
    ! 			    (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) ||
    ! 			    (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND))
    ! 			   ? strlen(type_string)+1 : 0), err);
    !   if ((typekind == 0) || (typekind == OBJECT_TYPEKIND) || (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND)) {
    !     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call)); return ilu_FALSE; };
    !     _pickle_OutputByteVec (call, (ilu_byte *) type_string, strlen(type_string)+1, err);
    !   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) { ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call)); return ilu_FALSE; }
    !   else return ilu_TRUE;
      static void
    --- 1303,1329 ----
        PICKLE_LEN(call) = argSize + 4 + (((typekind == 0) ||
      				     (typekind == EXTENSIBLE_RECORD_TYPEKIND))
      				    ? PADDED_SIZE(strlen(type_string)+1) : 0);
        PICKLE_BUF(call) = ilu_MallocE(PICKLE_LEN(call), err);
    !   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
        PICKLE_NEXT(call) = 0;
    !   if (typekind != OBJECT_TYPEKIND) {
    !     OutputPickleHeader (call, 0x3 /* version */, typekind, type_string, err);
    !     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    !   } else {
    !     call->ca_prbit1 = ilu_TRUE;
    !   if (type_string_malloced)
    !     ilu_free(type_string);
    !   return ilu_TRUE;
    !  errout:
    !   if (type_string_malloced)
    !     ilu_free(type_string);
    !   ilu_free(PICKLE_BUF(call));
    !   return ilu_FALSE;  
      static void

  • When using the Lisp bindings with IIOP, the Lisp expansion of the method call sizes the discriminant after the other parameters, to avoid having to re-acquire and re-release certain mutexes. Unfortunately, this conflicts with the assurance of sizing the discriminant first, which the IIOP code relies on. The following patch changes the Lisp behavior to size the discriminant first.

    *** 1.82	1999/04/26 22:38:27
    --- runtime/lisp/ilu-macros.lisp	1999/05/11 03:29:51
    *** 1034,1056 ****
      			       (watch-outgoing-connection ,new-conn))
    ! 			      (+ ,@(remove-nils
      				    (mapcar #'(lambda (dir type name)
      						(if (or (eq dir :in) (eq dir :inout))
      						    (make-size-form call type name)))
      					    other-arg-dirs other-arg-types
    ! 				 ,(if singleton-p
    ! 				      0
    ! 				    `(object-id-size
    ! 				      ,call (kernel-obj ,self) 1 ,class-record
    ! 				      nil ;; signal to object-id-size not to release server lock
    ! 				      ))))
    ! 			     ;; since server lock is now held, can use ilu-cached-kernel-obj
    ! 			     ;; instead of having to call kernel-obj again
      			     ,@(unless singleton-p
    ! 				    ,call (ilu-cached-kernel-obj ,self) 1 ,class-record)))
      			     ;; note that object-id-write releases the server mutex,
      			     ;; so now not Inside the server
    --- 1034,1055 ----
      			       (watch-outgoing-connection ,new-conn))
    ! 			      (+ ,(if singleton-p
    ! 				      0
    ! 				    `(object-id-size
    ! 				      ,call (kernel-obj ,self) 1 ,class-record
    ! 				      (cons (ilu-server ,self) (ilu-class ,self))
    ! 				      ))
    ! 				 ,@(remove-nils
      				    (mapcar #'(lambda (dir type name)
      						(if (or (eq dir :in) (eq dir :inout))
      						    (make-size-form call type name)))
      					    other-arg-dirs other-arg-types
    ! 				 ))
      			     ,@(unless singleton-p
    ! 				    ,call (kernel-obj ,self) 1 ,class-record)))
      			     ;; note that object-id-write releases the server mutex,
      			     ;; so now not Inside the server

  • From Joachim Achtzehnter: ``ILU's unmarshaling of bounded strings fails when the actual string is exactly as long as the bound. This happens because the string length encoded in an IIOP stream includes the terminating zero, while the limit of a bounded string doesn't. The attached patch corrects the problem. The patch fixes both strings and wide strings, but was tested only with strings.''

    *** runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/05/13 00:46:29	1.9
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/05/14 16:50:45	1.10
    *** 3946,3952 ****
          ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_param, err, minor, ilu_bpm_char_codeset, 0);
    !   _ilu_InputWString(call, s, len, limit, err);
      /* ==================== string ==================== */
    --- 3946,3952 ----
          ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_param, err, minor, ilu_bpm_char_codeset, 0);
    !   _ilu_InputWString(call, s, len, (limit == 0 ? 0 : limit + 1), err);
      /* ==================== string ==================== */
    *** 4038,4044 ****
      		     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) *err)
        *s = NIL;
    !   _cdr_get_bytes (iiop_packet(call), (ilu_byte **) s, len, limit, err);
        if (expected_encoding == 0)
          *current_encoding = figure_iana_charset(iiop_short_char_codeset(call));
        else if ((expected_encoding == ILU_StringEncoding_Unicode_1_1) &&
    --- 4038,4045 ----
      		     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) *err)
        *s = NIL;
    !   _cdr_get_bytes (iiop_packet(call), (ilu_byte **) s, len,
    ! 		  (limit == 0 ? 0 : limit + 1), err);
        if (expected_encoding == 0)
          *current_encoding = figure_iana_charset(iiop_short_char_codeset(call));
        else if ((expected_encoding == ILU_StringEncoding_Unicode_1_1) &&

  • Thanks to Ken Pier for noticing that in the Python true side stubs, names of exceptions imported from another interface are not generated with the right interface prefix. Here's a patch:

    *** 1.2	Thu May 20 13:04:53 1999
    --- ./stubbers/python/util.c	Thu May 20 19:31:49 1999
    *** 297,304 ****
      printFullExceptionName(Exception e)
    ! 	printIfcPrefix(e->interface);
    ! 	printf("%s", getSimpleExceptionName(e));
    --- 297,304 ----
      printFullExceptionName(Exception e)
    ! 	printIfcPrefix((e->importInterfaceName == NULL) ? e->interface : e->import->interface);
    ! 	printf("%s", getSimpleExceptionName((e->importInterfaceName == NULL) ? e : e->import));

  • Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:30:14 PDT
    From: Joachim Achtzehnter <[email protected]>
    Subject: python reserved words as IDL struct fields
    To: ILU Bugs <[email protected]>

    When a Python reserved word, e.g. 'from', is used as the name of a field in an IDL struct the python-stubber prepends the field name with an underscore, e.g. it uses the identifier '_from'. In the __init__ method of the class definition a second underscore is prepended to obtain an argument name. Such identifiers seem to conflict with internal names used by the Python runtime. The Python language specification states that identifiers beginning with two underscores are reserved for "class-private name mangling".

    With the attached patch the python-stubber avoids this problem by prepending the string '_arg_' instead of '_' to obtain argument names for a struct initializer. Have not checked whether similar problems exist in other places.

    *** stubbers/python/genstub.c	1999/04/19 19:25:15	1.3
    --- stubbers/python/genstub.c	1999/05/26 23:10:08	1.4
    *** 613,619 ****
      initRecordField (Argument f, void *junk)
        listFieldParam (f, "        self.");
    !   listFieldParam (f, " = _");
        printf (";\n");
    --- 613,619 ----
      initRecordField (Argument f, void *junk)
        listFieldParam (f, "        self.");
    !   listFieldParam (f, " = _arg_");
        printf (";\n");
    *** 645,653 ****
        printf ("    __ilu_type_name__ = '%s.%s'\n",
      	  interface_name(t->interface), type_name(t));
        printf ("    def __init__(self");
    !   enumerateRecordFields (t, (EnumProc) listFieldParam, ", _");
        printf ("):\n");
    !   enumerateRecordFields (t, (EnumProc) initRecordField, ", _");
        printf ("\n");
        printf ("    def __getinitargs__(self):\n");
        printf ("      return (");
    --- 645,653 ----
        printf ("    __ilu_type_name__ = '%s.%s'\n",
      	  interface_name(t->interface), type_name(t));
        printf ("    def __init__(self");
    !   enumerateRecordFields (t, (EnumProc) listFieldParam, ", _arg_");
        printf ("):\n");
    !   enumerateRecordFields (t, (EnumProc) initRecordField, 0);
        printf ("\n");
        printf ("    def __getinitargs__(self):\n");
        printf ("      return (");

  • Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:40:10 PDT
    From: Joachim Achtzehnter <[email protected]>
    Subject: Lisp mapping hangs when connection attempt fails
    To: ILU Bugs <[email protected]>

    Executing: metamail -m messages -z -x -d -q /tmp/MrH9LMYB0KGW82fQ9: 2>&1 The Franz Lisp mapping uses function ilufranz_OutputPossibleP in a polling loop when waiting for output on a file descriptor. This function is implemented using select. The function only used the 'write' fdset. It turns out that this function is also used to wait for a new connection to complete. In this case errors are reported via the 'except' fdset. When the peer dies during a connection attempt the Lisp mapping locks up because ilufranz_OutputPossibleP never returns true in this case.

    The attached patch fixes this problem by modifying the call to select in ilufranz_OutputPossibleP to use both 'write' and 'except' fdsets.

    *** runtime/lisp/ilu-franz-skin.c	1999/04/15 23:07:45	1.4
    --- runtime/lisp/ilu-franz-skin.c	1999/05/26 23:31:45	1.5
    *** 71,84 ****
      ILU_RUNTIME_PUBLIC int ilufranz_OutputPossibleP (int fd)
        fd_set writefds;
        int width, stat;
        static struct timeval to = { 0, 0 };
        width = fd + 1;
        FD_SET(fd, &writefds);
    !   stat = select (width, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &to);
    !   if (stat > 0 && FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds))
          return 1;
          return 0;
    --- 71,87 ----
      ILU_RUNTIME_PUBLIC int ilufranz_OutputPossibleP (int fd)
        fd_set writefds;
    +   fd_set exceptfds;
        int width, stat;
        static struct timeval to = { 0, 0 };
        width = fd + 1;
    +   FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
        FD_SET(fd, &writefds);
    !   FD_SET(fd, &exceptfds);
    !   stat = select (width, NULL, &writefds, &exceptfds, &to);
    !   if (stat > 0 && (FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds) || FD_ISSET(fd, &exceptfds)))
          return 1;
          return 0;

  • This patch adds a transport filter that does compression, based on the free zlib library. Applying this patch, and using the necessary command line arguments at the "configure" step of the ILU build process, makes the transport filter available. The filter produces a transport that is boundaried iff the underlying transport is boundaried. The filter and its underlying transport are reliable. The "tinfo" syntax is "zlib[_boundaried|nonboundaried]"; if omitted, the optional part defaults to nonboundaried.
    *** /dev/null	Tue Jun 15 08:01:00 1999
    --- runtime/kernel/zlib.c	Tue Jun 15 10:56:58 1999
    *** 0 ****
    --- 1,1140 ----
    + /*
    +  BeginILUCopyright
    +  Copyright (c) 1991-1998 Xerox Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
    +  Unlimited use, reproduction, modification, and distribution of this
    +  software and modified versions thereof is permitted.  Permission is
    +  granted to make derivative works from this software or a modified
    +  version thereof.  Any copy of this software, a modified version
    +  thereof, or a derivative work must include both the above copyright
    +  notice of Xerox Corporation and this paragraph.  Any distribution of
    +  this software, a modified version thereof, or a derivative work must
    +  comply with all applicable United States export control laws.  This
    +  software is made available AS IS, and XEROX CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL
    +  EndILUCopyright
    + */
    + /*
    +  * Zlib Transport Filter for ILU
    +  *
    +  * Paul Bennett 
    +  * Thursday, 18 June 1998
    +  *
    +  * Some bizarre BT copyright statement ought to appear here.
    +  *
    +  * RCS Id: zlib.c,v 1.12 1999/06/05 08:27:33 spreitze Exp
    +  */
    + /* Last edited by Mike Spreitzer September 13, 1998 9:27 pm PDT */
    + /*
    +  * This is a compression transport filter for Xerox PARC's ILU system.
    +  * The code has been developed as part of the World Wide Web Consortium's
    +  * Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Next Generation (HTTP-NG) project.
    +  *
    +  * 	ILU:
    +  * 	HTTP-NG:
    +  * 	zlib:
    +  *
    +  * Points where I've been particularly hacky and taken a short-cut
    +  * or some such are marked !!!pab!!!.
    +  *
    +  * The canonical form is the name "zlib" followed by underscore-separeted
    +  * parameters.  The parameters are:
    +  *
    +  *	boundaried	- zlib is boundaried
    +  *	nonboundaried	- zlib is not boundaried
    +  *	0-9		- compression level; 0 worst -> 9 best
    +  *	10+		- buffer size
    +  *
    +  * The zlib layer can be boundaried if and only if the lower layer is.
    +  *
    +  * If no parameters are specified, the zlib's compression level
    +  * is Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (defined in ),
    +  * buffer size is 1024 (Z_BUFSZ, defined below),
    +  * and the zlib is boundaried iff the lower layer is.
    +  *
    +  * Some examples:
    +  *
    +  *	zlib_0		- default buffer size, no compression
    +  *	zlib_9_2048	- best compression, buffer size 2048
    +  *
    +  * Note that some magic bytes are sent down the wire so that the decoding
    +  * end can use the correct decompression level; thus it *is* possible that
    +  * this transport will increase the on-the-wire byte size, but very unlikely
    +  * unless you're using a compression level of 0.
    +  *
    +  * Also, there may be some scope in having asymmetric compression levels.
    +  * Currently both streams (input and output) use the same compression level.
    +  */
    + /*
    +  * The code here is based on $ILUSRC/runtime/kernel/simptran.c by
    +  * Bill Janssen of Xerox.  The original copyright message follows.
    +  */
    + /*======================================================================*/
    + /*
    + */
    + /*======================================================================*/
    + #include "iluntrnl.h"
    + #include "ilutransport.h"
    + #include 
    + #define MSGORNIL(m) ((m)?(m):"(null)")
    + /*
    +  * *SIGH* Zlib requires memory management routines with plain weird
    +  * prototypes.  We can't get away with just passing the ILU ones in,
    +  * so we have to patch the calls here.
    +  */
    + static voidpf _zlibtran_alloc(voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
    +   {return ilu_malloc(items*size);}
    + static void _zlibtran_free(voidpf opaque, voidpf address)
    +   {ilu_free(address);}
    + #define BUFFERSIZE	1024
    + #define Z_BUFSZ		1024
    + typedef struct {
    +   ilu_TransportCreator	lower;
    +   ilu_boolean		lower_boundaried;
    +   ilu_boolean		boundaried;
    +   ilu_cardinal		compression_level;
    +   ilu_cardinal		buffer_size;
    + }              *ZlibtranCreatorParms;
    + typedef struct {
    +   ilu_Mooring		lower;
    +   ilu_boolean		lower_boundaried;
    +   ilu_boolean		boundaried;
    +   ilu_cardinal		compression_level;
    +   ilu_cardinal		buffer_size;
    + }              *ZlibtranMooringParms;
    + typedef struct {
    +   /* L2 >= {ymu} */
    +   ilu_boolean	busyIn;	/* currently processing input msg? */
    +   ilu_TransportReport trLower;
    +   /* L2 >= {xmu} */
    +   ilu_boolean	busyOut;
    +   /* L2 unconstrained */
    +   /*
    +    * The unboundaried transport from which (self) is constructed. We
    +    * don't want an exposed buffer in (lower).  lower's xmu = self's
    +    * xmu; same for ymu.
    +    */
    +   ilu_Transport	lower;
    +   ilu_boolean	lower_boundaried;
    +   /*
    +    * These structures hold the state of the compression library
    +    */
    +   z_stream     *zstr_in;
    +   z_stream     *zstr_out;
    +   ilu_cardinal	compression_level;
    +   ilu_cardinal	buffer_size;
    +   /*
    +    * Buffers for use on the lower-level of the transport stack
    +    * (these hold compressed bytes).
    +    */
    +   ilu_bytes	zbuf_in;	/* holds uncompressed data */
    +   ilu_bytes	zbuf_out;
    +   /*
    +    * Holds compressed data.  [zbuf_out, zstr_out->next_out) need to
    +    * be written before any other output operations are performed.
    +    */
    + }              *ZlibtranParms;
    + /* What goes in the data field of a ilu_Transport.  If boundaried,
    +    while closed, exposed input buffer is empty. */
    + /*L1, L2 unconstrained*/
    + #define ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(a) ((ZlibtranParms)(a))
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 unconstrained*/
    + static          ZlibtranCreatorParms
    + _zlibtran_InterpretInfo(ilu_TransportInfo info,
    + 			ILU_ERRS((no_memory, inv_objref)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms cp;
    +   ilu_TransportCreator lower;
    +   ilu_boolean     boundaried = ilu_FALSE;
    +   ilu_integer     compression_level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
    +   ilu_cardinal    buffer_size = Z_BUFSZ;
    +   if (info[0] == NIL || info[1] == NIL || strncmp(info[0], "zlib", 4) != 0
    +       || !(info[0][4]=='_' || !info[0][4]) )
    +     /* We check info[1] because "zlib" is not a transport endpoint */
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ts, NIL);
    +   {
    +     /* Break apart the tinfo. */
    +     char           *next, *prev;
    +     next = info[0]+4;
    +     while (*next) {
    +       int n;
    +       prev = next+1;
    +       next = strchr(prev, '_');
    +       if (next)
    + 	n = next - prev;
    +       else
    + 	next = prev + (n = strlen(prev));
    +       if (strncmp(prev, "boundaried", n) == 0)
    + 	boundaried = ilu_TRUE;
    +       else if (strncmp(prev, "nonboundaried", n) == 0)
    + 	boundaried = ilu_FALSE;
    +       else {
    + 	long int             i;
    + 	if (sscanf(prev, "%ld", &i) == 1) {
    + 	  if (i <= Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)
    + 	    compression_level = i;
    + 	  else
    + 	    buffer_size = i;
    + 	} else
    + 	  return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ts, NIL);
    +       }
    +     }
    +   }
    +   lower = _ilu_GetTransportCreator(info + 1, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     return NIL;
    +   if ((!lower->tcr_reliable) || (boundaried  != lower->tcr_boundaried)) {
    +     (*lower->tcr_close) (lower);
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ts, NIL);
    +   }
    +   cp = (ZlibtranCreatorParms) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*cp), err);
    +   if (cp == NIL) {
    +     (*lower->tcr_close) (lower);
    +     return NIL;
    +   }
    +   cp->lower = lower;
    +   cp->lower_boundaried = lower->tcr_boundaried;
    +   cp->boundaried = boundaried;
    +   cp->compression_level = compression_level;
    +   cp->buffer_size = buffer_size;
    +   return cp;
    + }
    + /* L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu, ymu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_SetInputHandler(ilu_Transport self, ilu_TIH tih,
    + 			  ILU_ERRS((no_memory, internal, no_resources)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   if (p->zstr_in->avail_in)
    +     return !ILU_CLER(*err);
    +   return _ilu_SetTransportInputHandler(p->lower, tih, err);
    + }
    + /* Main Invariant holds; L2 >= {ymu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_WaitForInput(ilu_Transport self, int *disabled,
    + 		       ilu_FineTime * limit,
    + 		       ILU_ERRS((broken_locks, interrupted)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   if (p->zstr_in->avail_in) {
    +     if (disabled)
    +       *disabled = ilu_TRUE;
    +     return ILU_CLER(*err);
    +   }
    +   return (transport_wait_for_input(p->lower, disabled, limit, err));
    + }
    + /* L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_InterruptST(ilu_Transport self, ILU_ERRS((bad_param)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   return (transport_interruptST(p->lower, err));
    + }
    + /* L1 >= {cmu}; L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_DisableWait(ilu_Transport self,
    + 		      ILU_ERRS((broken_locks, bad_param,
    + 				internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   return (transport_disableWait(p->lower, err));
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_EnableWait(ilu_Transport self,
    + 		     ILU_ERRS((broken_locks, bad_param,
    + 			       internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   return (transport_enableWait(p->lower, err));
    + }
    + /* L1.sup < trmu; L2 unconstrained */
    + static          ilu_integer
    + _zlibtran_FdUsage(ilu_TransportCreator self, ilu_boolean mooring)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms    cp = (ZlibtranCreatorParms) self->tcr_data;
    +   return (*cp->lower->tcr_dfd) (cp->lower, mooring);
    + }
    + /* mayBlock ? Main Invariant : L1.sup < trmu */
    + /* L2 >= {xmu}; input => L2 >= {ymu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + ClearOut(ilu_Transport self, ZlibtranParms p,
    + 	 ilu_boolean flush, ilu_boolean * flushed,
    + 	 ilu_cardinal mayBlock, ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   if (p->zstr_out->next_out > p->zbuf_out) {
    +     ilu_cardinal    nOut, wrote;
    +     nOut = p->zstr_out->next_out - p->zbuf_out;
    +     wrote = (transport_write_bytes_full
    + 	     (p->lower, p->zbuf_out, nOut, flush, flushed,
    + 	      mayBlock, err));
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) wrote %lu of %lu queued bytes%s.\n",
    + 	      self, (long unsigned) wrote, (long unsigned) nOut,
    + 	 flush ? (*flushed ? ", flushed" : ", not flushed") : ""));
    +     if (wrote < nOut && ILU_ERROK(*err)) {
    +       memmove((void *) p->zbuf_out,
    + 	      (void *) (p->zbuf_out + wrote),
    + 	      nOut - wrote);
    +       p->zstr_out->avail_out += wrote;
    +     } else {
    +       p->zstr_out->next_out = p->zbuf_out;
    +       p->zstr_out->avail_out = p->buffer_size;
    +     }
    +     return ILU_CLER(*err);
    +   } else {
    +     if (!flush)
    +       ILU_CLER(*err);
    +     else if (mayBlock)
    +       *flushed = (*p->lower->tr_class->tc_push) (p->lower, err);
    +     else
    +       (void) ((*p->lower->tr_class->tc_write_bytes_nonblock)
    + 	      (p->lower, NIL, 0, ilu_TRUE, flushed, err));
    +     return ILU_ERROK(*err);
    +   }
    + }
    + static          ilu_ReadHeaderResultCode
    + _zlibtran_BeginMessage_Full(ilu_Transport self,
    + 			    ilu_boolean input_p,
    + 			    ilu_boolean mayBlock,
    + 			    ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   if (!self->tr_class->tc_boundaried) {
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcNotBoundaried,
    + 			 ilu_rhrc_error);
    +   }
    +   if (p->busyIn || p->busyOut)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_beginMessage,
    + 			 ilu_rhrc_error);
    +   if (!ilu_Check((p->zstr_out->next_out == p->zbuf_out
    + 		  && p->lower_boundaried),
    + 		 err))
    +     return ilu_rhrc_error;
    +   if (!(input_p || mayBlock)) {
    +     if (!transport_begin_output_nonblock(p->lower, err))
    +       return ilu_rhrc_error;
    +   } else {
    +     ilu_ReadHeaderResultCode result;
    +     result = transport_begin_message(p->lower, input_p, err);
    +     if (result != ilu_rhrc_ok)
    +       return result;
    +   }
    +   if (input_p) {
    +     p->busyIn = ilu_TRUE;
    +     p->trLower.tr_eom = p->trLower.tr_eof = ilu_FALSE;
    +   } else {
    +     p->busyOut = ilu_TRUE;
    +     self->tr_outLimit = BUFFERSIZE;
    +     self->tr_outNext = 0;
    +   }
    +   ILU_CLER(*err);
    +   ILU_NOTE(ZLIB_DEBUG, ("zlib(%p) %s message begun.\n",
    + 			self, input_p ? "input" : "output"));
    +   return ilu_rhrc_ok;
    + }
    + static          ilu_ReadHeaderResultCode
    + _zlibtran_BeginMessage(ilu_Transport self,
    + 		       ilu_boolean input_p,
    + 		       ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   return _zlibtran_BeginMessage_Full(self, input_p, ilu_TRUE, err);
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_BeginOutputMessageNonblock(ilu_Transport self,
    + 				     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   return (_zlibtran_BeginMessage_Full(self, ilu_FALSE, ilu_FALSE, err)
    + 	  == ilu_rhrc_ok);
    + }
    + static          ilu_cardinal
    + WriteBuf(ilu_Transport self, ZlibtranParms p, ilu_bytes buf,
    + 	 ilu_cardinal len, ilu_boolean flush, ilu_boolean * flushed,
    + 	 ilu_cardinal mayBlock, ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   z_stream       *zout = p->zstr_out;
    +   ilu_cardinal    taken = 0, toWrite, dWrote, offset = zout->total_in;
    +   ilu_boolean     dun = ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (!ilu_Check(zout->next_out == p->zbuf_out &&
    + 		 zout->avail_out == p->buffer_size,
    + 		 err))
    +     return 0;
    +   zout->next_in = buf;
    +   zout->avail_in = len;
    + 	   ("zlib(%p) compressing %lu bytes, %sflushing, may%s block.\n",
    + 	    self, (long unsigned) len,
    + 	    flush ? "" : "not ",
    + 	    mayBlock ? "":" not"));
    +   while (ILU_ERROK(*err) && !dun) {
    +     int             zerr;
    +     long unsigned    totOut0 = zout->total_out, nOut, wrote0;
    +     long unsigned    totIn0 = zout->total_in;
    +     long unsigned    avIn0 = zout->avail_in;
    +     long unsigned    avOut0 = zout->avail_out;
    +     ilu_bytes        nextOut0 = zout->next_out;
    +     zerr = deflate(zout, flush ? Z_SYNC_FLUSH : Z_NO_FLUSH);
    +     nOut = zout->next_out - nextOut0;
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) compressor consumed plain bytes [%lu,same+%lu) out of same+%lu,"
    + 	      " produced compressed bytes [%lu,same+%lu) limited by same+%lu,"
    + 	      " returned code %d, msg=%s.\n",
    + 	      self, totIn0, avIn0 - zout->avail_in, avIn0,
    + 	      totOut0, nOut, avOut0, zerr, MSGORNIL(zout->msg)));
    +     taken = len - zout->avail_in;
    +     if (zerr != Z_OK) {
    +       /* return ILU_ERR_CONS1(zlib, err, code, zerr, ret); */
    +       return ILU_ERR_CONS0(unknown, err, taken);
    +     }
    +     if (!ilu_Check(zout->avail_in == 0 ||
    + 		   zout->avail_out == 0, err))
    +       return taken;
    +     toWrite = zout->next_out - p->zbuf_out;
    +     wrote0 = zout->total_out - toWrite;
    +     dWrote = (transport_write_bytes_full
    + 	     (p->lower, p->zbuf_out, toWrite, flush, flushed,
    + 	      mayBlock, err));
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) wrote compressed bytes [%lu,same+%lu) out of same+%lu.\n",
    + 	      self, wrote0, (long unsigned) dWrote, toWrite));
    +     if (dWrote < toWrite && ILU_ERROK(*err)) {
    +       memmove((void *) p->zbuf_out,
    + 	      (void *) (p->zbuf_out + dWrote),
    + 	      toWrite - dWrote);
    +       zout->next_out -= dWrote;
    +       zout->avail_out += dWrote;
    +       break;
    +     }
    +     dun = (zout->avail_out && !zout->avail_in);
    +     zout->next_out = p->zbuf_out;
    +     zout->avail_out = p->buffer_size;
    +   }
    +   if (((ilu_DebugLevel & PACKET_DEBUG) != 0) &&
    +       (taken > 0))
    +     _ilu_debug_DumpPacket_Offset(buf, taken,
    + 				 offset, "uncompressed outgoing");
    + #endif				/* ENABLE_DEBUGGING */
    +   return taken;
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_EndMessage_Full(ilu_Transport self,
    + 			  ilu_boolean flush,
    + 			  ilu_boolean * flushed,
    + 			  ilu_Message * msgh,
    + 			  ilu_boolean mayBlock,
    + 			  ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p;
    +   ilu_boolean     ans, bytesDropped = ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (!self->tr_class->tc_boundaried) {
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcNotBoundaried,
    + 			 ilu_rhrc_error);
    +   }
    +   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   if ((!p->busyOut) && (!p->busyIn))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_endMessage,
    + 			 ilu_FALSE);
    +   if (p->busyOut) {
    +     if (!ClearOut(self, p, flush && !self->tr_outNext, flushed,
    + 		  mayBlock, err))
    +       return ilu_FALSE;
    +     if (self->tr_outNext > 0) {
    +       ilu_cardinal    wrote;
    +       wrote = WriteBuf(self, p, self->tr_outBuff, self->tr_outNext,
    + 		       flush, flushed, mayBlock, err);
    +       if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    + 	return ilu_FALSE;
    +     }
    +     self->tr_outNext = 0;
    +     p->busyOut = ilu_FALSE;
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) ended output message (flush=%d).\n",
    + 	      self, flush));
    +   } else if (p->busyIn) {
    +     ilu_TransportReport rpt = {ilu_FALSE};
    +     bytesDropped = self->tr_inNext < self->tr_inLimit;
    +     self->tr_inNext = self->tr_inLimit = 0;
    +     while (!rpt.tr_eom) {
    +       ilu_cardinal nRead;
    +       nRead = ((*self->tr_class->tc_read_bytes)
    + 	       (self, NIL, 0, &rpt, err));
    +       if (nRead)
    + 	bytesDropped = ilu_TRUE;
    +       if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    + 	return ilu_FALSE;
    +       if (rpt.tr_eom)
    + 	break;
    +       if (self->tr_inLimit)
    + 	self->tr_inLimit = 0;
    +       else {
    + 	if (!_ilu_TransportWaitForInputNoClose(self, NIL, err))
    + 	  return ilu_FALSE;
    +       }
    +     };
    +     self->tr_inLimit = 0;
    +     p->busyIn = ilu_FALSE;
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) ended input message.\n", self));
    +   };
    +   ans = transport_end_message(p->lower, flush, msgh, err);
    +   if (bytesDropped & ILU_ERROK(*err))
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcBytesDropped, (void) 6);
    +   return ans;
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_EndMessage(ilu_Transport self,
    + 		     ilu_boolean flush,
    + 		     ilu_Message * msgh,
    + 		     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_boolean     flushed;
    +   return _zlibtran_EndMessage_Full(self, flush, &flushed, msgh,
    + 				   ilu_TRUE, err);
    + }
    + static          ilu_TransportEndReport
    + _zlibtran_EndOutputMessageNonblock(ilu_Transport self,
    + 				   ilu_boolean flush,
    + 				   ilu_Message * msgh,
    + 				   ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_TransportEndReport ans;
    +   ans.iluter_ended = (_zlibtran_EndMessage_Full
    + 		      (self, flush, &ans.iluter_flushed,
    + 		       msgh, ilu_TRUE, err));
    +   return ans;
    + }
    + /*Main Invariant holds; L2 >= {xmu}*/
    + static ilu_boolean
    +   _zlibtran_Push (ilu_Transport self,
    + 		  ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   return ((*self->tr_class->tc_write_bytes)
    + 	  (self, NIL, 0, ilu_TRUE, err));
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_SendWholeMessage(ilu_Transport self, ilu_Message * msgh,
    + 			   ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcReliable, ilu_FALSE);
    + }
    + /* mayBlock ? Main Invariant : L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu} */
    + static          ilu_cardinal
    + _zlibtran_WriteBytes_Full(ilu_Transport self, ilu_bytes b,
    + 			  ilu_cardinal bufferSize,
    + 			  ilu_boolean flush,
    + 			  ilu_boolean * flushed,
    + 			  ilu_boolean mayBlock,
    + 			  ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   ilu_cardinal    wrote, taken = 0;
    +   if (self->tr_class->tc_boundaried && (!p->busyOut))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_bytesWithoutMsg,
    + 			 0);
    +   if (!ClearOut(self, p, (flush
    + 			  && !(self->tr_outBuff && self->tr_outNext)
    + 			  && !bufferSize),
    + 		flushed, mayBlock, err))
    +     return 0;
    +   if (self->tr_outBuff && self->tr_outNext) {
    +     wrote = WriteBuf(self, p, self->tr_outBuff, self->tr_outNext,
    + 		     flush && bufferSize == 0, flushed,
    + 		     mayBlock, err);
    +     if (wrote < self->tr_outNext) {
    +       self->tr_outNext -= wrote;
    +       memmove((void *) self->tr_outBuff,
    + 	      (void *) (self->tr_outBuff + wrote),
    + 	      self->tr_outNext);
    +       return 0;
    +     }
    +     self->tr_outNext = 0;
    +   }
    +   if (bufferSize && p->zstr_out->next_out == p->zbuf_out)
    +     taken = WriteBuf(self, p, b, bufferSize, flush, flushed,
    + 		     mayBlock, err);
    +   return taken;
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_WriteBytes(ilu_Transport self, ilu_bytes b,
    + 		     ilu_cardinal bufferSize,
    + 		     ilu_boolean flush,
    + 		     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_boolean     flushed;
    +   (void) _zlibtran_WriteBytes_Full(self, b, bufferSize, flush, &flushed,
    + 				   ilu_TRUE, err);
    +   return ILU_ERROK(*err);
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu}*/
    + static          ilu_cardinal
    + _zlibtran_WriteBytesNonblock(ilu_Transport self, ilu_bytes b,
    + 			     ilu_cardinal bufferSize,
    + 			     ilu_boolean flush,
    + 			     ilu_boolean * flushed,
    + 			     ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   return _zlibtran_WriteBytes_Full(self, b, bufferSize, flush, flushed,
    + 				   ilu_FALSE, err);
    + }
    + /*Main Invariant holds; L2 >= {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static          ilu_cardinal
    + _zlibtran_ReadBytes(ilu_Transport self,
    + 		    ilu_bytes buffer,
    + 		    ilu_cardinal len,
    + 		    ilu_TransportReport * rpt,
    + 		    ILU_ERRS((IoErrs,zlib)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   z_stream       *zin = p->zstr_in;
    +   ilu_cardinal    ans, effLen, offset = zin->total_out;
    +   ilu_bytes       dest;
    +   if (self->tr_class->tc_boundaried && (!p->busyIn))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_bytesWithoutMsg,
    + 			 0);
    +   if (self->tr_inNext < self->tr_inLimit)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcInputSkipsBuff,
    + 			 0);
    +   if (buffer) {
    +     zin->next_out = dest = buffer;
    +     zin->avail_out = effLen = len;
    +   } else {
    +     zin->next_out = dest = self->tr_inBuff;
    +     zin->avail_out = effLen = p->buffer_size;
    +     self->tr_inNext = self->tr_inLimit = 0;
    +   }
    +   rpt->tr_eom = rpt->tr_eof = ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (zin->avail_out == 0) {
    +     ILU_CLER(*err);
    +     return 0;
    +   }
    +   /* Loop inspired by the one in gzread in gzio.c. */
    +   while (1) {
    +     int             zerr;
    +     ilu_cardinal    totIn0 = zin->total_in;
    +     ilu_cardinal    totOut0 = zin->total_out;
    +     ilu_cardinal    availIn0, dIn, dOut;
    +     ilu_cardinal    availOut0 = zin->avail_out;
    +     /* Get more bytes from the lower layer if needed. */
    +     if (zin->avail_in == 0 && !p->trLower.tr_eom) {
    +       zin->next_in = p->zbuf_in;
    +       zin->avail_in = (transport_read_upto_bytes
    + 		       (p->lower, zin->next_in,
    + 			p->buffer_size, &p->trLower, err));
    +       if (p->trLower.tr_eof)
    + 	p->trLower.tr_eom = ilu_TRUE;
    +       ILU_NOTE(ZLIB_DEBUG,
    + 	       ("zlib(%p) got %lu bytes from lower"
    + 		" (whose eom=%d, eof=%d).\n",
    + 		self, zin->avail_in,
    + 		p->trLower.tr_eom, p->trLower.tr_eof));
    +       if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    + 	goto dun;
    +     }
    +     availIn0 = zin->avail_in;
    +     zerr = inflate(zin, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
    +     dIn = availIn0 - zin->avail_in;
    +     dOut = availOut0 - zin->avail_out;
    + 	     ("zlib(%p) expander consumed compressed bytes [%lu,same+%lu)"
    + 	      " out of same+%lu,"
    + 	      " produced plain bytes [%lu,same+%lu) limited to same+%lu,"
    + 	      " returned code %d, msg=%s.\n",
    + 	      self, totIn0, dIn, availIn0,
    + 	      totOut0, dOut, availOut0, zerr, MSGORNIL(zin->msg)));
    +     if (!(zerr == Z_OK || zerr==Z_BUF_ERROR && !availIn0 && !dOut)) {
    +       ILU_ERR_CONS0(unknown, err, (void) 6);
    +       goto dun;
    +     }
    +     if (!ilu_Check(zin->avail_in == 0 || zin->avail_out == 0, err))
    +       goto dun;
    +     if (!zin->avail_out || !availIn0
    + 	|| ((!zin->avail_in) && p->trLower.tr_eom))
    +       break;
    +   }
    + dun:
    +   rpt->tr_eof = zin->avail_out && p->trLower.tr_eof;
    +   if (self->tr_class->tc_boundaried)
    +     rpt->tr_eom = zin->avail_out && p->trLower.tr_eom;
    +   else
    +     rpt->tr_eom = ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (buffer) {
    +     ans = zin->next_out - buffer;
    +   } else {
    +     ans = (self->tr_inLimit = zin->next_out - self->tr_inBuff);
    +   }
    + 	   ("zlib(%p) delivered plaintext bytes [%lu,same+%lu)"
    + 	    " into buffer of size %lu.\n",
    + 	    self, (long unsigned) offset, (long unsigned) ans,
    + 	    (long unsigned) effLen));
    +   if (((ilu_DebugLevel & PACKET_DEBUG) != 0) &&
    +       (ans > 0))
    +     _ilu_debug_DumpPacket_Offset(dest, ans, offset,
    + 				 "uncompressed incoming");
    + #endif				/* ENABLE_DEBUGGING */
    +   return ans;
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_Close(ilu_Transport self, ilu_integer * dfd,
    + 		ILU_ERRS((bad_locks, broken_locks, internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranParms   p = ACCESS_ZLIBTRAN_PARMS(transport_data(self));
    +   ilu_Transport   lt = p->lower;
    +   int             zerr;
    +   ILU_NOTE(ZLIB_DEBUG, ("zlib(%p) closing.\n", self));
    +   /*
    +    * Close down the zlib streams
    +    */
    +   if ((zerr = deflateEnd(p->zstr_out)) != Z_OK)
    + 	     ("zlib(%p): deflateEnd(out) returned %d, msg=%s.\n",
    + 	      self, zerr, MSGORNIL(p->zstr_out->msg)));
    +   if ((zerr = inflateEnd(p->zstr_in)) != Z_OK)
    + 	     ("zlib(%p): inflateEnd(in) returned %d, msg=%s.\n",
    + 	      self, zerr, MSGORNIL(p->zstr_in->msg)));
    +   ilu_free(p->zstr_out);
    +   ilu_free(p->zstr_in);
    +   ilu_free(p->zbuf_out);
    +   ilu_free(p->zbuf_in);
    +   ilu_free(p);
    +   ilu_free(self);
    +   return transport_close(lt, dfd, err);
    + }
    + /*L1, L2 unconstrained*/
    + static struct _ilu_TransportClass_s myclass = {
    +   ilu_TRUE,			/* boundaried */
    +   ilu_TRUE,			/* reliable */
    +   _zlibtran_SetInputHandler,
    +   _zlibtran_WaitForInput,
    +   _zlibtran_InterruptST,
    +   _zlibtran_DisableWait,
    +   _zlibtran_EnableWait,
    +   _zlibtran_BeginMessage,
    +   _zlibtran_EndMessage,
    +   _zlibtran_BeginOutputMessageNonblock,
    +   _zlibtran_EndOutputMessageNonblock,
    +   _zlibtran_Push,
    +   _zlibtran_SendWholeMessage,
    +   _zlibtran_WriteBytes,
    +   _zlibtran_WriteBytesNonblock,
    +   _zlibtran_ReadBytes,
    +   _zlibtran_Close
    + };
    + static ilu_TransportClass
    +   NewClass (ilu_boolean boundaried, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   ilu_TransportClass n;
    +   if ((n = (ilu_TransportClass) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*n), err)) == NIL)
    +     return NIL;
    +   *n = myclass;
    +   n->tc_boundaried = boundaried;
    +   return n;
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= result's {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static          ilu_Transport
    + NewTrans(ilu_Transport lower,
    + 	 ilu_boolean boundaried, ilu_boolean lower_boundaried,
    + 	 ilu_cardinal compression_level, ilu_cardinal buffer_size,
    + 	 ilu_integer * dfd,
    + 	 ILU_ERRS((no_memory, bad_param)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_Transport   ans = NIL;
    +   ZlibtranParms   parms = NIL;
    +   if (boundaried && !lower_boundaried)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(bad_param, err, minor, ilu_bpm_duh, NIL);
    +   parms = (ZlibtranParms) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*parms), err);
    +   if (parms == NIL)
    +     return NIL;
    +   parms->lower = lower;
    +   parms->lower_boundaried = lower_boundaried;
    +   parms->busyIn = ilu_FALSE;
    +   parms->busyOut = ilu_FALSE;
    +   parms->trLower.tr_eof = parms->trLower.tr_eom = ilu_FALSE;
    +   /*
    +    * Zlib initialisation.  First the algorithm parameters
    +    * - these should really be taken from the tinfo.
    +    */
    +   parms->compression_level = compression_level;
    +   parms->buffer_size = buffer_size;
    +   /* Next the malloc'ing */
    +   parms->zstr_in = parms->zstr_out = NIL;
    +   parms->zbuf_in = parms->zbuf_out = NIL;
    +   if (   NIL == (parms->zstr_in =
    + 		 (z_stream *) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*parms->zstr_in), err))
    +       || NIL == (parms->zstr_out =
    + 		 (z_stream *) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*parms->zstr_out), err))
    +       || NIL == (parms->zbuf_in =
    + 		 (ilu_bytes) ilu_MallocE(parms->buffer_size, err))
    +       || NIL == (parms->zbuf_out =
    + 		 (ilu_bytes) ilu_MallocE(parms->buffer_size, err)))
    +     goto fale_2;
    +   /* Now initialise the zstreams */
    +   parms->zstr_in->zalloc = parms->zstr_out->zalloc = _zlibtran_alloc;
    +   parms->zstr_in->zfree  = parms->zstr_out->zfree  = _zlibtran_free;
    +   parms->zstr_in->opaque = parms->zstr_out->opaque = 0;
    +   parms->zstr_in->next_in  = parms->zbuf_in;
    +   parms->zstr_in->avail_in  = 0;
    +   parms->zstr_out->next_in = NIL;
    +   parms->zstr_out->avail_in = 0;
    +   if (Z_OK != deflateInit(parms->zstr_out, parms->compression_level))
    +     goto fale_1;
    +   if (Z_OK != inflateInit(parms->zstr_in))
    +     goto fale0;
    +   parms->zstr_out->next_out = parms->zbuf_out;
    +   parms->zstr_out->avail_out = parms->buffer_size;
    +   /*
    +    * That's it for the zlib stuff... back to the main plot.
    +    */
    +   ans = (ilu_Transport) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*ans), err);
    +   if (ans == NIL)
    +     goto fale1;
    +   ans->tr_outBuff = (unsigned char *) ilu_MallocE(BUFFERSIZE, err);
    +   if (ans->tr_outBuff == NIL) { goto fale2; };
    +   ans->tr_inBuff = NIL;
    +   ans->tr_inNext = ans->tr_inLimit = 0;
    +   ans->tr_outNext = 0;
    +   ans->tr_outLimit = BUFFERSIZE;
    +   if ((ans->tr_class = NewClass(boundaried, err)) == NIL)
    +     goto fale3;  
    +   ans->tr_data = parms;
    +   ans->tr_wc = lower->tr_wc;
    +   ans->tr_estFDs = lower->tr_estFDs;
    +   ILU_CLER(*err);
    + 	   ("zlib(%p) created, lower=%p, level=%d.\n",
    + 	    ans, lower, parms->compression_level));
    +   return ans;
    +  fale3:
    +   ilu_free(ans->tr_outBuff);
    +  fale2:
    +   ilu_free(ans);
    +   /* zlib failure */
    +  fale1:
    +   inflateEnd(parms->zstr_in);
    +  fale0:
    +   deflateEnd(parms->zstr_out);
    +  fale_1:
    +   if (parms->zbuf_out != NIL) ilu_free(parms->zbuf_out);
    +   if (parms->zbuf_in  != NIL) ilu_free(parms->zbuf_in);
    +   if (parms->zstr_out != NIL) ilu_free(parms->zstr_out);
    +   if (parms->zstr_in  != NIL) ilu_free(parms->zstr_in);
    +   /* back to the main story */
    +  fale_2:{
    +    ILU_ERRS((bad_locks, broken_locks, internal)) cerr;
    +    ilu_integer     cdfd = 0;
    +    ilu_free(parms);
    +    transport_close(lower, &cdfd, &cerr);
    +    ILU_HANDLED(cerr);
    +    *dfd += cdfd;
    +    return NIL;
    +  }
    + }
    + /* Main Invariant holds */
    + static          ilu_Transport
    + _zlibtran_CreateTransport(ilu_TransportCreator self, ilu_boolean buffer,
    + 			  ilu_integer *dfd, ilu_Passport pp,
    + 			  ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms    cp = (ZlibtranCreatorParms) self->tcr_data;
    +   ilu_Transport   lower;
    +   lower = (*cp->lower->tcr_createTransport) (cp->lower, buffer, dfd, pp, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     return NIL;
    +   if (!transport_reliable(lower))
    +     /* He promised! (We checked earlier) */
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, err, minor, ilu_im_tcBug, NIL);
    +   /*
    +    * Initialise the zlib stream objects
    +    */
    +   /* pretend to acquire result's xmu, ymu */
    +   return NewTrans(lower, cp->boundaried, cp->lower_boundaried,
    + 		  cp->compression_level, cp->buffer_size, dfd, err);
    +   /* pretend to release result's xmu, ymu */
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static ilu_integer
    +   _zlibtran_MooringDFd(ilu_Mooring self, ilu_boolean add)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   return ((*mp->lower->mo_dfd) (mp->lower, add));
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_SetReqHandler(ilu_Mooring self,
    + 			ilu_TIH tih,
    + 			ILU_ERRS((no_memory, imp_limit, no_resources,
    + 				  broken_locks, internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   return ((*mp->lower->mo_set_req_handler) (mp->lower, tih, err));
    + }
    + /* Main Invariant holds; L2 >= {ymu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_WaitForReq(ilu_Mooring self, int *disabled,
    + 	   ILU_ERRS((interrupted, broken_locks)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   return ((*mp->lower->mo_wait_for_req) (mp->lower, disabled, err));
    + }
    + /* L1 >= {cmu}; L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu} */
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_DisableReqWait(ilu_Mooring self,
    + 	       ILU_ERRS((broken_locks, bad_param, internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   return ((*mp->lower->mo_disableWait) (mp->lower, err));
    + }
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_EnableReqWait(ilu_Mooring self,
    + 	       ILU_ERRS((broken_locks, bad_param, internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   return ((*mp->lower->mo_enableWait) (mp->lower, err));
    + }
    + /* Main Invariant holds; L2 >= self's {xmu, ymu} */
    + static          ilu_Transport
    + _zlibtran_AcceptClient(ilu_Mooring self, ilu_string * tinfo_out,
    + 		       ilu_integer *dfd, ilu_Passport pp,
    + 		       ILU_ERRS((IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   ilu_Transport   lower;
    +   ilu_string      subtinfo = NIL;
    +   ilu_Transport   ans = NIL;
    +   lower = ((*mp->lower->mo_accept_connection)
    + 	   (mp->lower, tinfo_out ? &subtinfo : NIL, dfd, pp, err));
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err) || lower == NIL)
    +     goto dun;
    +   if (tinfo_out) {
    +     *tinfo_out = ilu_Strcat3E("zlib", " over ", subtinfo, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       goto dun;
    +   }
    +   ans = NewTrans(lower, mp->boundaried, lower->tr_class->tc_boundaried,
    + 		 mp->compression_level, mp->buffer_size, dfd, err);
    + dun:
    +   if (subtinfo)
    +     ilu_free(subtinfo);
    +   return ans;
    + }
    + /*L1.sup < trmu; L2 >= {xmu, ymu}*/
    + static          ilu_boolean
    + _zlibtran_CloseMooring(ilu_Mooring self, ilu_integer * dfd,
    + 		       ILU_ERRS((bad_locks, broken_locks,
    + 				 internal)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) self->mo_data;
    +   if (!(*mp->lower->mo_close) (mp->lower, dfd, err))
    +     return ilu_FALSE;
    +   ilu_free(mp);
    +   ilu_free(self);
    +   return ilu_TRUE;
    + }
    + /*L1, L2 unconstrained*/
    + static struct _ilu_Mooring_s mooringProto = {
    +   _zlibtran_MooringDFd,
    +   _zlibtran_SetReqHandler,
    +   _zlibtran_WaitForReq,
    +   _zlibtran_DisableReqWait,
    +   _zlibtran_EnableReqWait,
    +   _zlibtran_AcceptClient,
    +   _zlibtran_CloseMooring,
    +   NIL				/* data */
    + };
    + /*L1.sup < trmu*/
    + static          ilu_Mooring
    + _zlibtran_CreateMooring(ilu_TransportCreator self,
    + 			ilu_TransportInfo * tinfo_out,
    + 			ilu_boolean buffer,
    + 			ilu_integer *dfd,
    + 			ilu_Passport pp,	/* unused here */
    + 			ILU_ERRS((no_memory)) * err)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms	cp = (ZlibtranCreatorParms) self->tcr_data;
    +   ZlibtranMooringParms	mp;
    +   ilu_Mooring     lower, ans;
    +   ilu_TransportInfo      subtinfo = NIL;
    +   lower = ((*cp->lower->tcr_createMooring)
    + 	   (cp->lower, tinfo_out ? &subtinfo : NIL, buffer, dfd, pp, err));
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     return NIL;
    +   ans = (ilu_Mooring) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*ans), err);
    +   if (ans == NIL)
    +     return NIL;
    +   mp = (ZlibtranMooringParms) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*mp), err);
    +   if (mp == NIL) { ilu_free(ans); return NIL; };
    +   if (tinfo_out) {
    +     char buf[1024];	/* !!!pab!!!  Don't hard-code it */
    +     sprintf (buf, "zlib_%s", cp->boundaried ? "boundaried" : "nonboundaried");
    +     if (cp->compression_level != Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
    +       sprintf(strchr(buf,'\0'), "_%d", cp->compression_level);
    +     if (cp->buffer_size != Z_BUFSZ)
    +       sprintf(strchr(buf,'\0'), "_%d", cp->buffer_size);
    +     *tinfo_out = _ilu_ConcatTinfo (buf, subtinfo, err);
    +     if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +       return NIL;
    +     else
    +       ilu_free(subtinfo);
    +   }
    +   *ans = mooringProto;
    +   mp->lower = lower;
    +   mp->lower_boundaried = cp->lower_boundaried;
    +   mp->boundaried = cp->boundaried;
    +   mp->compression_level = cp->compression_level;
    +   mp->buffer_size = cp->buffer_size;
    +   ans->mo_data = mp;
    +   return (ans);
    + }
    + static void _zlibtran_CloseCreator(ilu_TransportCreator self)
    + {
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms    cp = (ZlibtranCreatorParms) self->tcr_data;
    +   (*cp->lower->tcr_close) (cp->lower);
    +   ilu_free(cp);
    +   ilu_free(self);
    +   return;
    + }
    + static struct _ilu_TransportCreator_s myCreatorProto = {
    +   ilu_TRUE,				/* boundaried */
    +   ilu_TRUE,				/* reliable */
    +   0,				/* tcr_holds */
    +   ilu_FALSE,			/* tcr_wantClose */
    +   _zlibtran_FdUsage,
    +   _zlibtran_CreateTransport,
    +   _zlibtran_CreateMooring,
    +   _zlibtran_CloseCreator,
    +   NIL				/* data */
    + };
    + /*L1.sup < trmu*/
    + ilu_TransportCreator
    + _ilu_zlib_TransportCreator(ilu_TransportInfo tinfo,
    + 			   ILU_ERRS((no_memory,
    + 				     inv_objref)) * err)
    + {
    +   ilu_TransportCreator ans;
    +   ZlibtranCreatorParms    cp;
    +   cp = _zlibtran_InterpretInfo(tinfo, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    +     return NIL;
    +   ans = (ilu_TransportCreator) ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*ans), err);
    +   if (ans == NIL)
    +     return NIL;
    +   *ans = myCreatorProto;
    +   ans->tcr_data = cp;
    +   ans->tcr_boundaried = cp->boundaried;
    +   ILU_CLER(*err);
    +   return ans;
    + }

  • This patch fixes a bug in examples/test2/fprog.c; a missing variable initialization would sometimes cause the program to attempt to set the ILU FD budget to a random value. To make such things clearer, this patch also makes the program print out what it did when it successfully set the ILU FD budget.
    *** 1.20	1999/01/20 19:16:43
    --- examples/test2/fprog.c	1999/06/16 00:35:16
    *** 354,360 ****
        char           *progname = argv[0];
        ilu_boolean     threadit = ilu_FALSE;
        ILU_C_ENVIRONMENT env = {0};
    !   unsigned fds, setFds, gotFds = 0;
    --- 354,360 ----
        char           *progname = argv[0];
        ilu_boolean     threadit = ilu_FALSE;
        ILU_C_ENVIRONMENT env = {0};
    !   unsigned fds, setFds=0, gotFds = 0;
    *** 412,417 ****
    --- 412,418 ----
      	      fds, gotFds);
    +     printf("Asked for ILU FD budget of %u, got %u.\n", fds, gotFds);
        if (threadit) {
      #ifdef ILU_OS_THREADED

  • Thanks to Ken Pier for pointing out a race condition in Python runtime initialization of threads which, on sufficiently fast hardware (or with a sufficiently perverse scheduler), can result in a spurious error. Here's the fix:
    *** 1.1	1999/07/21 00:15:50
    --- runtime/python/iluPrmodule.c	1999/07/21 00:17:15
    *** 8335,8350 ****
    -   ilu_NewConnectionGetterForked(&err);
    -   ilupython_fork_thread(ilupython_collect_outgoing_connections, NULL);
    -   if (!ILU_ERROK(err))
    -     return _ilupython_RaiseILUGeneralError(&err);
        ilupython_threaded_operation = ilu_TRUE;
        return Py_None;
    --- 8335,8353 ----
        ilupython_threaded_operation = ilu_TRUE;
    +   ilu_NewConnectionGetterForked(&err);
    +   if (!ILU_ERROK(err)) {
    +     ilupython_threaded_operation = ilu_FALSE;
    +     return _ilupython_RaiseILUGeneralError(&err);
    +   };
    +   ilupython_fork_thread(ilupython_collect_outgoing_connections, NULL);
        return Py_None;

  • Thanks to Janet Waugaman for the following (and for kindly including a source patch):

    I am working on a distributed application with ILU clients and omniORB2 servers. The ILU client is running 2.0alpha13, which I ported to VAXELN. The omniORB version is 2.6.1, running on RedHat 5.2.

    From the ILU client I make a CreateFromSBH call, and in some cases omniORB returns the OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception which is unknown to ILU. The client program then hangs in the CreateFromSBH call.

    I traced through the ILU source code, and found that the FigureExceptionIndexFromIDLName function in iiop.c is returning 0 if the exception is unknown to ILU. 0 corresponds to ilu_ProtocolException_Success. I think this leads the ILU code to think everything is ok, and then it hangs somewhere in the ilu_InputBoolean call from the IsOfTypeViaRPC function.

    I checked the alpha14 source code, and it also returns 0 in the case of unknown exceptions.

    I changed FigureExceptionIndexFromIDLName to return ilu_ProtocolException_Unknown instead of 0 if it comes across an unknown exception. That seems to clear up the problem - at least the program doesn't hang anymore.

    *** 1.1	1999/07/22 00:37:49
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	1999/07/22 00:41:52
    *** 1002,1008 ****
            ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG, ("(FigureExceptionIndexFromIDLName):  no standard exception '%s' known.\n",
    !       return 0;
    --- 1002,1008 ----
            ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG, ("(FigureExceptionIndexFromIDLName):  no standard exception '%s' known.\n",
    !       return ilu_ProtocolException_Unknown;
    *** 8615,8622 ****
      	  return ilu_ProtocolException_Not;
      	*exception_code = minor;
    ! 		 ("_IIOP_InterpretReply:  system exception <%s> received, minor code %lu,"
    ! 		  " completed %s\n", ilu_PEName(i), (unsigned long) minor,
      		  (completed == 0) ? "YES" : ((completed == 1) ? "NO" : ((completed == 2) ? "MAYBE" : "INVALID"))));	     
      	return (i);
    --- 8615,8622 ----
      	  return ilu_ProtocolException_Not;
      	*exception_code = minor;
    ! 		 ("_IIOP_InterpretReply:  system exception <%s> (mapped to protocol error %s) received, minor code %lu,"
    ! 		  " completed %s\n", exception_name, ilu_PEName(i), (unsigned long) minor,
      		  (completed == 0) ? "YES" : ((completed == 1) ? "NO" : ((completed == 2) ? "MAYBE" : "INVALID"))));	     
      	return (i);

  • End of patches