
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

lib	manpak
for	Computations on Implicitly Defined Manifolds
by	W. C. Rheinboldt <[email protected]>
#	also: algebraically explicit differential algebraic equations (DAEs)

file	pcon61.f
title	PITCON 6.1
for	continuation and limit points
by	Werner Rheinboldt and John Burkardt, University of Pittsburgh.
,	[email protected]  [email protected]
prec	single
age	stable
gams	f2

file	dpcon61.f
title	PITCON 6.1
for	continuation and limit points
by	Werner Rheinboldt and John Burkardt, University of Pittsburgh.
,	[email protected]  [email protected]
prec	double
age	stable
gams	f2

file	pcon61subs.f
for	LINPACK routines needed by contin/pcon61.f
prec	single

file	pcon61subd.f
for	LINPACK routines needed by contin/dpcon61.f
prec	double

file	pcprb1.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb2.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb3.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb4.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb5.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb6.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb7.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	pcprb8.f
for	sample problem for contin/pcon61.f

file	abcon.f
for	predictor-corrector continuation
alg	variable order Adams-Bashforth
by	Bruce N. Lundberg and Aubrey B. Poore;  [email protected]
prec	single
age	research

file	changes