NA Digest Sunday, January 24, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 4

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Dirk Laurie [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: The FORTRAN 66 standard

This post started out as a request to NA Digest members for the source
of the remark that the Fortran 66 standard reads like a loving
compilation of the bugs in early Fortran compilers.

One place where the remark might have been, but isn't, is Martin
Greenfeld's essay on _The History of FORTRAN Standardization_ .

That does contain some other gems, e.g.
"Once a feature was standardized, its life would be semi-eternal even
if the feature were a mistake."

I also found what is essentially the same thought:

"The ANSI standard is essentially a specification of the behaviour of
the early compilers, bugs and all. (How else can one account for the
remarkable rules about jumping in and out of the extended range of a
DO-loop, or the subtleties of second-level definition?)"
_Introduction to Programming Languages_ by David William Barron, p144.

Still, I can't rid myself of the memory that the quote I seek contains
the word "loving". Can anyone help?


From: Natalia Alexandrov [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: NASA Sky-forAll Crowdsourcing Challenge

NASA has issued a crowdsourcing challenge for concepts and
technologies in support of safe and efficient air transportation
system in the presence of massive autonomy and diversity of air
vehicles, in the airspace of 2035 and beyond. This message to
na-digest is in the hope of engaging greater numbers of applied math

The challenge is at

Deadline 26 February

The associated NASA story is at


From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: New Book, Electrical Transmission System Cascades and Vulnerability

Electrical Transmission System Cascades and Vulnerability: An
Operations Research Viewpoint by Daniel Bienstock
viii + 294 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611974-15-7 / List Price $93.00 /
MOS/SIAM Member Price $65.10 / Order Code MO22

The power grid can be considered one of twentieth-century
engineering's greatest achievements, and as grids and populations
grow, robustness is a factor that planners must take into
account. Power grid robustness is a complex problem for two reasons:
the underlying physics is mathematically complex, and modeling is
complicated by lack of accurate data.

This book sheds light on this complex problem by introducing the
engineering details of power grid operations from the basic to the
detailed; describing how to use optimization and stochastic modeling,
with special focus on the modeling of cascading failures and
robustness; providing numerical examples that show "how things work";
and detailing the application of a number of optimization theories to
power grids.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: New Book, Riemann-Hilbert Problems

Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Their Numerical Solution, and the
Computation of Nonlinear Special Functions, by Thomas Trogdon and
Sheehan Olver
xviii + 373 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-19-5 / List Price
$91.00 / SIAM Member Price $63.70 / OT146

This book, the most comprehensive one to date on the applied and
computational theory of Riemann-Hilbert problems, includes an
introduction to computational complex analysis, an introduction to the
applied theory of Riemann-Hilbert problems from an analytical and
numerical perspective, and a discussion of applications to integrable
systems, differential equations, and special function theory. It also
includes six fundamental examples and five more sophisticated examples
of the analytical and numerical Riemann–Hilbert method, each of
mathematical or physical significance or both.

It is intended for graduate students and researchers interested in a
computational or analytical introduction to the Riemann-Hilbert

To order or for more about this book, including links to its Preface,
Contents, and Index, please visit


From: Mike Heroux [email protected]
Date: January 18, 2016
Subject: European Trilinos User Group Meeting, Germany, Apr 2016

The 2016 European Trilinos User Group meeting will be hosted by
Michael Gee from Technische Universitat München, April 18th-20th,
2016 at the Leibniz Rechenzentrum (LRZ), Garching, Germany.

Registration information and other details are at the meeting website:

We have slots for user presentations, so if you are interested in
talking about your Trilinos-related work, please send a message to
[email protected] .

On behalf of the EuroTUG program committee:
- Mike Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories
- Peter Arbentz, ETH Zurich
- Christophe Calvin, CEA Saclay
- Simone Deparis, EPFL Lausanne
- Michael W. Gee, TU Munich
- Arndt Bode, LRZ Garching


From: Chad Vidden [email protected]
Date: January 19, 2016
Subject: MWNADay 2016, USA, Apr 2016

The annual Midwest Numerical Analysis Day conference will take place
from 8:00am-5:30pm on Saturday, April 23, 2016, at the University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse. Plenary lectures will be presented by

Douglas Arnold (University of Minnesota),
Hailiang Liu (Iowa State University),
Chi-Wang Shu (Brown University).

The conference is free of charge. However, advance registration is
required so that we can prepare name tags, conference packets and
refreshments. Deadline for registration as well as for submission of
titles and abstracts for contributed talks, is April 1. Please pass
this message along to interested students or colleagues. For further
information you may contact the organizers Drs. Song Chen
([email protected]) and Chad Vidden ([email protected]).

For registration and conference details, see the conference website


From: David Anderson [email protected]
Date: January 18, 2016
Subject: Non-Spatial Stochastic Dynamical Systems, UK, Apr 2016

4 April, 2016 - 8 April, 2016 INI, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

This workshop focuses on numerical methods and mathematical analysis
for non-spatial stochastic dynamical models that arise in molecular
biology. New experimental techniques at a molecular level boosted the
interest for such models in recent years, for example for gene
regulatory networks, biochemical signaling and transduction cascades,
molecular motors, and morphogenesis. The workshop brings together
computational, mathematical, and experimental scientists, with
attention falling on both current research and promising avenues for
future research. It reports on the exciting synergistic interplay
between advanced experimental, computational, and mathematical
techniques that together provide a deeper understanding of the
biological system.

Speakers: John Albeck (UC Davis); Rosalind Allen (Edinburgh); Kevin
Burrage (Oxford and Queensland University of Technology); Yang Cao
(Virginia Tech); Simon Cotter (Manchester); Eric Deeds (Kansas);
Andrew Duncan (Imperial College London); Omer Dushek (Oxford); James
Faeder (Pittsburgh); Ramon Grima (Edinburgh); Ankit Gupta (ETH );
Xingye Kan (University of Minnesota); Markos Katsoulakis (University
of Massachusetts); Mustafa Khammash (ETH ); Allon Klein (Harvard);
Thomas Kurtz (University of Wisconsin); Carlos Lopez (Vanderbilt);
Carmen Molina-Paris (University of Leeds); Jay Newby (UNC); Christian
Ray (Kansas); Vahid Shahrezaei (Imperial College London); Erkki
Somersal (Case Western Reserve); Vikram Sunkara (Free U. Berlin); Raul
Tempone (KAUST); Pieter Rein ten Wolde (FOM Institute/Amsterdam);
Thomas Vejchodsky (Institute of Mathematics at the Czech Academy of
Sciences); Darren Wilkinson (Newcastle)

More details and the application form are available here:

Closing date for applications: 12 February 2016

This workshop is part of a 6-month programme on "Stochastic Dynamical
Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications" which is
taking place at the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, England) from
January till June 2016. The programme will feature three workshops in
Cambridge, as well as a satellite meeting in Edinburgh. More details
about the whole programme can be found here:


From: Mirjam Dür [email protected]
Date: January 22, 2016
Subject: SIGOPT 2016, Germany, Apr 2016

6-8 April 2016, University of Trier, Germany

and Official Opening of the
Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg)
Algorithmic Optimization

Invited speakers:
- Volker Kaibel (Magdeburg)
- Kathrin Klamroth (Wuppertal)
- Oliver Stein (Karlsruhe)
- Günter Leugering (Erlangen)

The conference is organized by the Special Interest Group in
Optimization within the German Mathematical Society (DMV). It covers
theory and practice of all branches of mathematical
optimization. Young researchers from all areas of optimization are
especially encouraged to participate and to present their work. The
conference will provide a good opportunity to exchange ideas and to
establish contacts with colleagues in a friendly atmosphere.

Deadline for Abstract Submission (extended): 15 February 2016

More details:


From: Marie E. Rognes [email protected]
Date: January 18, 2016
Subject: FEniCS '16, Norway, May 2016

We are pleased to announce the 2016 edition of the FEniCS workshop
(FEniCS'16) which will take place May 18-20 2016 at the Center for
Biomedical Computing (CBC) at Simula Research Laboratory (Simula),
Oslo, Norway.

The FEniCS‘16 workshop is an opportunity for all those interested in
the FEniCS Project and related projects to exchange ideas, communicate
their results and network with the automated scientific computing
community. We welcome developers, existing and potential users of the
FEniCS ecosystem as well as mathematicians, computer scientists and
application domain specialists interested in numerical methods, their
implementation and applications. The FEniCS ‘16 workshop will
emphasize an open and inclusive atmosphere, contributed talks from a
diverse range of scientific areas, and dedicated time for discussions
and coding.

We very much welcome scientific contributions (talks and posters) to
the workshop. See more information (including abstract submission) at
the FEniCS'16 web page:

Important dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: April 4 2016
- Early-bird registration deadline: May 1 2016
- Workshop: May 18-20 2016


From: Kati Wolter [email protected]
Date: January 22, 2016
Subject: Mixed Integer Programming (MIP 2016), USA, May 2016

Date: May 23 - 26, 2016
Location: University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL
Web site and registration: Poster submission
Deadline: March 1, 2016
Registration deadline: April 1, 2016

You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming workshop in
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP 2016). The registration page is now
open until April 1, 2016:

All workshop participants are invited to submit a poster abstract
before March 1, 2016. There will be an award for the best poster
presented by a student. To submit an abstract, please email a two
page PDF containing a detailed abstract of the poster to:
[email protected]

One of the aims of the workshop is to facilitate research
collaboration; thus it is designed to provide ample time for
discussion and interaction between the participants. Thanks to the
generous support by our sponsors, registration is free; and travel
support is available for some students and postdocs who present
posters at the workshop. Students and postdocs who wish to apply
for travel support must submit a poster abstract by the March 1
deadline and indicate that they wish to be considered for funding.
We expect to make funding decisions around March 15.

This year's confirmed speakers are: Tobias Achterberg, Amir Ali
Ahmadi, Shabbir Ahmed, Gustavo Angulo, Egon Balas, Merve Bodur,
Natashia Boland, Claudia D'Ambrosio, Daniel Espinoza, Vineet Goyal,
Qie He, Stefan Heinz, Ruth Misener, Timm Oertel, Dimitri Papageorgiou,
Kostya Pashkovich, Mohit Tawarmalani, Hans Raj Tiwary, Alejandro
Toriello, Levent Tuncel, Tallys Yunes, Giacomo Zambelli


From: Chauvier [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: Numerical Methods for PDEs, France, Sep-Dec 2016

It is our pleasure to announce a Trimester (3-month program) on
"Numerical methods for PDEs", organized with the collaboration of the
Centre Emile Borel at the Institut Henri Poincare in Paris, from
September 5th to December 16th, 2016 (poster attached).

Information on the scientific programme can be found at:

The registration for the programme is free but mandatory:

The deadline to apply for financial support is March 15th, 2016. The
Institut Henri Poincare can help you find a room or an apartment
during your stay in Paris.

3 conferences will be organized:
- Advanced numerical methods: Recent developments, analysis and
applications, October 3-7
- Recent developments in numerical methods for model reduction,
November 7-10
- Industry and Mathematics, November 21-25

Read more:


From: Joel Phillips [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: R&D Position, Cadence Design Systems

Cadence Design Systems is seeking candidates with a scientific
computing background for an R&D position in the area of electrical
circuit simulation. The candidate should possess an advanced degree
in applied mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science or a
related area, and focused experience in one or more areas of
scientific computing such as numerical linear algebra, sparse matrix
techniques, parallel algorithm design and implementation,
ordinary/differential-algebraic equation solution. Candidate should
be proficient in C/C++ development with a good understanding of
efficient implementation of high-performance numerical algorithms and
associated data structure design. This position is responsible for
creating and advancing state-of-the-art electrical circuit simulation
technologies and a successful candidate will be expected to work with
an engineering cross-functional team to deliver innovative
technologies in a production environment. Previous exposure to
integrated circuit design/analysis is a positive but not a

Interested candidates may contact Joel Phillips, [email protected], or
apply online at :


From: Paul Constantine [email protected]
Date: January 23, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dimension Reduction for UQ

There is an immediate opening for a postdoc in Professor Paul
Constantine's research group at Colorado School of Mines' Department
of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. The position is part of a
DARPA- funded project in collaboration with Stanford, University of
Michigan, and Sandia National Labs on methods for uncertainty
quantification in large- scale simulations. We are looking for someone
with experience and interest in dimension reduction for large-scale
uncertainty quantification and design.

Qualifications: (i) PhD in computational mathematics or related
discipline, (ii) experience with uncertainty quantification
techniques, (iii) familiarity with high performance computing and
large-scale simulation models

Compensation: 55k/year plus benefits

Term: one year renewable up to two years

Applicants should submit a CV and a research statement via Mathjobs at

Send questions to Paul Constantine at [email protected]


From: Shahriar Afkhami [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Fluid Dynamics

Postdoctoral Position Available for September 1, 2016 Hire:

Posting Number: 0603145

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of
Technology seeks to fill a one year postdoctoral research associate
position starting in the Fall of 2016 (one year renewal is possible by
mutual agreement). Candidates with research focus on mathematics
applied to problems in the general area of fluid dynamics are
encouraged to apply.

The successful applicant will be encouraged to seek collaborations
with faculty members in the fluids group. Besides research, teaching
one course per semester may be an option depending on individual
interest and/or departmental budget.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. with strong research experiences in
fluid dynamics and good communication skills.

At the university's discretion, the education and experience
prerequisites may be excepted where the candidate can demonstrate to
the satisfaction of the university, an equivalent combination of
education and experience specifically preparing the candidate for
success in the position.

To apply, visit, posting number 0603145, and submit
online (1) a cover letter, (2) a CV, and (3) a research statement. In
addition, three reference letters are required. Reference letter
writers should email their letters to [email protected]. Review of
applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is


From: Xiao Chen [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) has an opening for
a postdoctoral researcher to perform research and development in
uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, and model
reduction. Specific research opportunities exist for the development
of scalable algorithms for stochastic data assimilation and their
application to several areas of our programmatic interest including
subsurface technology and engineering research, seismic inversion,
power grid management, and reservoir simulation. Candidate will work
with other members of Uncertainty Quantification Team, as well as
application researchers internally and externally to the
Laboratory. Candidate will be expected to perform independent research
contributing both to the theory and the development of novel
large-dimensional stochastic data assimilation techniques, and to
pursue complementary research interests. This position will report to
the Computational Physics Group Leader within CASC.

This is a one year Postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of
extension to a maximum of three years. Eligible candidates are recent
PhDs within five years of the month of the degree award at time of
hire date. The annual salary is around $89k.

The posting ID is #100383 at LLNL career website. To apply, please
visit the following link.


From: Tammy Kolda [email protected]
Date: January 19, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Sandia Natl Labs, Livermore, CA

Postdoctoral Appointee - Scientific Computing (Job ID: 652197)
Sandia National Labs, Livermore, CA

The Data Science & Cyber Analytics Department has an opening for a
postdoctoral researcher in scientific computing, with an emphasis on
data-intensive numerical computing on parallel computing systems. The
goal will be to develop and implement high-performance parallel
tensor-based method for compression of large-scale scientific data
sets, leading to fundamental advances for Sandia's customers and
sponsors in the U.S. Department of Energy and other government
agencies. The successful applicant will be expected to conduct
innovative research, to develop open-source software, to present his
or her findings at leading conferences and workshops, and to publish
his or her results in leading journals. This postdoctoral position is
for motivated and enthusiastic individuals with a background in
computer science, applied mathematics, or related areas.

Minimum Qualifications: (1) Ph.D. in computer science, applied
mathematics, scientific computing, or a related area, with a strong
record of academic performance; (2) software development competence in
C++ or a related language; (3) evidence of relevant research expertise
in the form of technical publications, presentations, software, and/or
knowledge of applications.

Desired Qualifications: (1) High-performance computing experience; (2)
expertise in one or more numerical linear algebra, numerical
optimization, data analysis, or statistics; (3) a background in
solving practical problems in science and engineering that involve
encounters with real-world data; and (4) evidence of professional
service to the community, such as engagement in student service
activities or seminar/workshop organization.

This position does not currently require a Department of Energy
(DOE)-granted security clearance. For more information, go to and search for Job ID 652197.

You can also click the following link directly:


From: Ray Tuminaro [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Solvers for Emerging Architectures

Postdoctoral Appointee - Solvers for Emerging Architectures (Job ID: 652198)
Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM

The Computational Mathematics Department is seeking a Postdoctoral
Appointee with a focus on Solvers for Emerging Architectures.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to (1) Conduct
leading-edge research in Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) methods for
advanced architectures in support of coupled multi-physics
applications, (2) Software development and numerical experimentation,
(3) Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and to thrive in an
expanding, fast-paced technical environment, (4) Collaborate with
other staff members, (5) Travel as needed to support ongoing projects.

The Post-Doctoral Appointee Program is designed to recruit outstanding
Ph.D. applicants to assist a line organization in meeting its mission
objectives and to provide a professional technical work environment
for the employee. The Ph.D. must have been conferred within five years
prior to employment. These assignments are for a one-year period, with
the option at management's discretion to serve no more than five
additional one-year assignments.

Minimum Qualifications: (1) Ph.D. in physics, engineering, computer
science, mathematics, or a related area received within 5 years prior
to employment, (2) Demonstrated expertise in high performance
numerical linear algebra, including parallel iterative solvers and/or
multilevel preconditioners, (3) Research experience as evidenced by
presentations, technical publications, released software, and/or work
with applications.

Desired Qualifications: (1) Strong C++ software development skills and
experience utilizing component software for scientific software
development, (2) Experience with Python and/or Matlab, (3) Experience
with parallel programming such as MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, and threaded
programming models, (4) Experience in high-performance computing on
distributed, parallel, and/or other specialized architectures (e.g.,
GPUs), (5) Interest in enabling solver technology within
computationally challenging advanced simulations such as uncertainty
quantification via stochastic partial differential equations,
data-driven inverse problems, PDE-based optimization, and
sophisticated multi-physics systems, (6) Ability to work in a
collaborative research environment on problems comprising diverse
application domains, (7) Excellent written and oral communication
skills, (8) Ability to obtain and retain a Department of Energy
security clearance preferred but not required

This position does not currently require a Department of Energy
(DOE)-granted security clearance. For more information, go to and search for Job ID 652198.

Feel free to send me, Ray Tuminaro ([email protected]), email
if you have any questions.


From: Dominik Meidner [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, IGDK Munich-Graz, Germany/Austria

The International Research Training Group (IGDK Munich-Graz)
"Optimization and Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential
Equations with Nonsmooth Structures" is funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and is associated
with the four universities
- Technische Universität München,
- Universität der Bundeswehr München,
- Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, and
- Technische Universität Graz

For its second funding period the IGDK invites applications for
Doctoral Positions (75%) in Munich and Graz.

Applicants should hold a master's degree in mathematics or related
areas with a strong background in one of the fields of numerics,
optimization, or analysis. Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum
vitae, copies of certifications of academic qualifications held, a
copy of a degree thesis or of a peer-reviewed publication (if
available) and two letters of recommendation. Additionally, the
candidates are asked to inform themselves beforehand about the
spectrum of the available PhD topics from the web page of the IGDK and
to order them according to their interest, giving written explanations
for their choice within the application letter.

Furthermore, the IGDK also invites applications for Postdoctoral
Positions (100%) in Munich.

Applicants should hold a PhD degree in mathematics or related areas
with a strong background in one of the fields of numerics,
optimization, or analysis. Applicants are asked to submit a
curriculum vitae, copies of certificates of academic qualifications, a
copy of a degree thesis, of a peer-reviewed publication, and two
letters of recommendation. Applicants are additionally asked to give a
written explanation for their interest in at least two of the Core
Research Areas of the IGDK within the application letter.

The IGDK Munich-Graz aims at increasing the proportion of female staff
and especially encourages women to apply. This policy applies also to
disabled persons. Applications in English (main language of the IGDK)
should be sent by email to [email protected], addressed to the speakers of
the IGDK Munich- Graz, Prof. Dr. Boris Vexler and Prof. Dr. Karl

For further information about the scientific topics covered and the
conditions for applications, please visit our website


From: Josef Weinbub [email protected]
Date: January 18, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, 3D Parallel Mesh Generation, TU Wien, Austria

A PhD position (3 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien is available. The area of research is
parallel 3D unstructured mesh generation for modern multi- and
many-core platforms.

Candidates should have a strong background in developing parallel
C++ code (e.g. OpenMP); previous exposure to numerical simulations
for micro- and nanoelectronics is not required.

Starting Date: Approximately March 2016

More information:


From: Simon W. Funke [email protected]
Date: January 24, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Simula Research Laboratory

Applications are invited for a PhD position in the Biomedical
Computing Department at Simula Research Laboratory, with the
Simulation-based optimisation with dynamic domains (OptCutCell)
project. The position is for 3 years. The official announcement with
full details of the position and online application instructions can
be found here:

The OptCutCell project aims to develop mathematical methods and
generic, high-level software to solve optimisation problems governed
by partial differential equations with dynamic domains, and to apply
these methods to a set of research questions stemming from biomedicine
and renewable energy. For more details on the OptCutCell project, see

The application deadline is 1st March 2016, and starting date as early
as appropriate.


From: Julia Schmitt-Holtermann [email protected]
Date: January 21, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematics, RWTH Aachen Univ

Applications are invited for two doctoral positions in mathematics at
RWTH Aachen University. The positions are funded through the EU Marie-
Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) ModCompShock
(Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces). ModCompShock
provides an international and highly visible framework covering a wide
range of conceptual expertise. It focuses on the development of
innovative mathematical methods and computational techniques in the
general area of nonlinear hyperbolic and convection dominated partial
differential equations; see for more

The positions will be for three years, at least three months of which
are to be spent abroad at one of the partner universities or industry
partners in the ITN. Doctoral researchers are hired under an
employment contract and benefit from a monthly living allowance,
social security cover, a mobility and family allowance.

At the time of recruitment, the candidates must be in their first four
years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research
careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree, and
researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity
(work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the reference date.

Please check for
additional information.


From: Miguel A. Benïtez [email protected]
Date: January 19, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, la Caixa, Severo Ochoa

In the framework of the initiative funded by "la Caixa" Foundation,
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, as a Severo Ochoa
research Centre has opened an international call for researchers,
offering three-positions for PhD Fellowships in the center Research

CFD-CT (supervisor: Johan Jansson)
RFES (supervisor: David Pardo)
FM (supervisor: Carlos Pérez)
SP (supervisor: Gianni Pagnini)
ML (supervisor: Jose Antonio Lozano)
for further information visit the website:

Applications must be submitted on-line at:

Deadline for submission: March 30th 2016 17:00 h (CET)

The timeline should be the following:
The call deadline is on March 30th 2016 at 17:00 h.
The Committee will communicate the candidates selection before the end
of May 2016.
The candidates should join the center in September/October 2016.
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and
potential candidates. Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any
additional information: [email protected].


From: Alex Bihlo [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: MSc/PhD Positions, Maths & Stats, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland

Multiple MSc and PhD projects are available in Numerical Analysis and
Scientific Computing in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Possible advisers include
Dr. Alex Bihlo, Dr. Ronald Haynes, and Dr. Scott MacLachlan, with
projects available in the areas of geometric numerical integration,
domain decomposition and multigrid methods, adaptive mesh generation,
and simulation of complex fluid and solid mechanics. Please see for details. Applications received
before January 31, 2016, will be given full consideration for
financial aid.


From: Edward B. Saff [email protected]
Date: January 20, 2016
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 43 (1)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 43 Number 1
Table of Contents

Tractability of the Approximation of High-Dimensional Rank One
Tensors, Erich Novak, Daniel Rudolf

Uniform Approximation and Explicit Estimates for the Prolate
Spheroidal Wave Functions, Aline Bonami, Abderrazek Karoui

Sharp Lower Bounds for the Hyperbolic Metric of the Complement of a
Closed Subset of the Unit Circle and Theorems of Schwarz-Pick-,
Schottky- and Landau-type for Analytic Functions, Daniela Kraus,
Oliver Roth

Rational Approximation, Oscillatory Cauchy Integrals, and Fourier
Transforms, Thomas Trogdon

Randomized Subspace Actions and Fusion Frames, Xuemei Chen, Alexander
M. Powell

Covering Numbers of L p -Balls of Convex Functions and Sets,
Adityanand Guntuboyina

Asymptotic Behavior and Zero Distribution of Polynomials Orthogonal
with Respect to Bessel Functions, Alfredo Deaño, Arno B. J. Kuijlaars,
Pablo Román

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

End of Digest