NA Digest, V. 16, # 31
NA Digest Monday, August 22, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 31
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Three prizes offered by SCM
- Intel® Math Kernel Library Community License
- MMSC 2016, Bulgaria, Sep 2016
- Sustainable SW for Science (WSSSPE4), UK, Sep 2016
- Scientific Computing, Sweden, Oct 2016
- Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equations, Germany, Nov 2016
- IEEE HiPC 2016, India, Dec 2016
- IMA Maths in Signal Processing Conference, UK, Dec 2016
- SIAM CSE17, USA, Feb 2017
- Tenure /Tenured Track Position, ORIE Faculty, Cornell Univ
- Lectureship/Senior Lectureship Position, Univ of Kent, UK
- Postdoc Position, Florida State Univ
- Postdoc Position, Tomography, Technical Univ of Denmark
- Postdoc Positions, Hybrid Tomography, Technical Univ of Denmark
- PhD Positions, Computational Mathematics, Monash Univ
- Doctoral Positions, Computing, UPRM
- Doctoral Positions, NA and Scientific Computing, SISSA, Trieste
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: August 22, 2016
Subject: Three prizes offered by SCM
We offer 3 prizes (total 2500 Euros) for a new approach, energy-based,
of Khinchin's law of the iterated logarithm, in the general theory of
random walks.
Please see:
From: Shane Story [email protected]
Date: August 11, 2016
Subject: Intel® Math Kernel Library Community License
The Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) provides highly vectorized
and threaded dense and sparse linear algebra, fast Fourier transform,
vector math, and statistical functions. The latest version of Intel
MKL is now available at no cost under a community license. This
license requires registration, places no restrictions on the company
or project size and provides access to the current version of the
Intel MKL library. In addition to Intel MKL, Intel® Data Analytics
Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL), Intel® Threading Building Blocks
(Intel® TBB), and Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel®
IPP) are also available under a community license. Please see for more details or
visit the Intel MKL forum at
us/forums/intel-math-kernel-library for the latest Intel MKL news.
From: Ivan G. Ivanov [email protected]
Date: August 10, 2016
Subject: MMSC 2016, Bulgaria, Sep 2016
An international Workshop "Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computing (MMSC 2016)" will take place in Dobrich, Bulgaria, September
18-24, 2016,
The deadline is extended to 22nd August 2016.
The goal of MMSC 2016 is to bring together scientists from diverse
areas of mathematics and computer science, as well as their
application in biology, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, physics,
chemistry, engineering, social sciences, etc. Among the goals of the
workshop is the stimulation of new research cooperation which would
lead to novel results.
The workshop is focused on modern aspects of mathematical modelling
and scientific computing that involve deep interplay between
computational problems and pure mathematical modeling questions. We
especially encourage participation of students and early career
Keynote speakers:
Pavel Drabek, Dept. of Mathematics and NTIS,
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic;
Vasile Dragan, Inst. of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow",
Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania;
Claudia Timofte, Faculty of Physics,
University of Bucharest, Romania
Conference presentation will be published in special issues of
suitable journals including the Wiley journal "Mathematical Methods in
the Applied Sciences"
From: Michael Heroux [email protected]
Date: August 16, 2016
Subject: Sustainable SW for Science (WSSSPE4), UK, Sep 2016
Registration is open for the 4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for
Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4)
Location: University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Dates: 2 1/2 days from Sept. 12th noon - Sept. 14th 5 pm, 2016
Immediately preceding and co-located in Manchester with First
Conference of Research Software Engineers (RSE Conference) (Sept 15-
16 at Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, UK)
WSSSPE provides a forum for discussion of scientific software
challenges, including both positions and experiences, and a forum for
the community to assemble and act.
WSSSPE4 will consist of two separate tracks with some joint sessions:
Track 1: Building a sustainable future for open-use research software
has the goals of defining a vision of the future of open-use research
software, and in the workshop, initiating the activities that are
needed to get there. The idea of this track is to first think about
where we want to be 5 to 10 years from now, without being too
concerned with where we are today, and then to determine how we can
move to this future.
Track 2: Practices & experiences in sustainable scientific software
has the goal of improving the quality of today's research software and
the experiences of its developers by sharing practices and
experiences. This track is focused on the current state of scientific
software and what we can do to improve it in the short term, starting
with where we are today.
From: Lina von Sydow [email protected]
Date: August 18, 2016
Subject: Scientific Computing, Sweden, Oct 2016
This is a reminder that the final date to submit abstracts and to
register for the workshop "Scientific Computing in Sweden 2016" is
approaching. The workshop is held October 19-20 and is hosted by the
Division of Scientific Computing at Uppsala University. The aim of the
workshop is to bring together researchers and teachers in Scientific
Computing in Sweden to share news and ideas.
The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is August
29. Everyone that submits an abstract will be accepted for
presentation, the organizing committee will decide whether it is going
to be an oral presentation or a poster. This is in order to ensure a
good balance between presentations.
Both abstracts related to research and teaching/development of courses
in Scientific Computing are most welcome. Here Scientific Computing is
interpreted in a broad sense, including mathematical modeling,
algorithms, analysis, software development and high-performance
computing for many different application areas.
There is no registration fee for the workshop, it is kindly supported
by eSSENCE ( and the Section for
Mathematics and Information Technology at Uppsala University. Coffees
and lunches October 19-20 are included as well as refreshments with a
poster session and a workshop dinner, both on October 19.
For more information, see .
From: Raphael Kruse [email protected]
Date: August 12, 2016
Subject: Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equations, Germany, Nov 2016
We are organizing a workshop on "Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution
Equations: Analysis and Numerics".
The event takes place on November 3-5, 2016, at TU Berlin.
Invited speakers: Lubomir Banas, Andrea Barth, Zdzislaw Brzezniak,
Arnaud Debussche, Anne de Bouard, Eduard Feireisl, Benjamin Gess,
Annika Lang, Stig Larsson, Annie Millet (*), Andreas Prohl, Michael
Röckner, David Siska, Mechthild Thalhammer, Guy Vallet, Julien
Vovelle, Hendrik Weber; (*) = to be confirmed
Registration is open and participation is free of charge. Please
contact pde_conf(at)
This workshop is financially supported by the Einstein Center for
Mathematics (ECMath).
From: Anand Panangadan [email protected]
Date: August 17, 2016
Subject: IEEE HiPC 2016, India, Dec 2016
23rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing,
Data, and Analytics (HiPC 2016)
December 19-22, 2016, Hyderabad, India
- August 12th: Foundations of Big Data Computing (BigDF) (contact
organizers for late submissions)
- August 31st: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- August 24th: HPC and Big Data in Molecular Engineering (HBME)
- August 31st: Software Composable Infrastructure (SCI)
For details, see
HiPC 2016 Student Research Symposium (SRS): Call for Papers
- September 16th: SRS Submission Deadline
- November 1st: SRS Accept/Reject Decision Notification
HiPC 2016 Student Parallel Programming Challenge
- September 8th: Team Registration deadline
- October 1st: Final submission deadline
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: August 16, 2016
Subject: IMA Maths in Signal Processing Conference, UK, Dec 2016
12-14 December 2016, Austin Court, Birmingham
This event builds upon a very successful series of previous
conferences. From the first event held in Bath in 1985 to the most
recent one held in Birmingham in 2014 as successful as its
predecessors, the organising committee is delighted to announce the
11th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing
to be held 12-14 December, 2016. Signal processing constitutes an
important area for the application of mathematical concepts and
techniques fuelled, for example, by developments in mobile
communications, networks, multimedia system, genomics and
bioengineering, neural signal processing, big data processing and
internet of things. The aim of the conference is to bring together
mathematicians, statisticians and engineers with a view to exploring
recent developments and identifying fruitful avenues for further
research. It is hoped that the meeting will help to attract more
mathematicians into this important and challenging field.
Please note that the deadline for submissions has now passed.
Successful authors were invited to submit a four page paper for
inclusion in the conference proceedings by 4 November 2016.
Topics include: Statistical Signal Processing; Compressive Sampling;
Inverse Problems; Adaptive Signal Processing; Numerical Linear
Algebra; Pattern Recognition; Audio/Image/Video Processing; Array
Signal Processing; Bayesian Signal Processing; Signal Separation
Techniques; Applications of Finite Mathematics; Nonlinear
Optimisation/Modelling; Blind Deconvolution / Equalisation;
Approximation Techniques; Time-frequency / Time-scale Analysis;
Space-Time Adaptive Signal Processing; Vector Sensors and Geometric
Processing; High Resolution Spectral Analysis; Graph Signal
Processing; Signal Processing aspect of digital communications;
Simultaneous localisation and mapping; Inference for diffusion
To register, please download, complete and return the application form
available on the conference webpage:
From: Sherry Li [email protected]
Date: August 20, 2016
Subject: SIAM CSE17, USA, Feb 2017
We would like to remind you the upcoming deadline:
September 12, 2016: Abstracts for contributed and
minisymposium speakers
September 12, 2016: Abstracts for contributed posters
and minisymposterium posters (thematic groups)
Details can be found at the submission page:
In particular, we encourage you to consider presenting your poster in
the new e-poster format, see details below.
New at CSE17: E-Posters. An e-poster is a large electronic display
that you can plug your laptop into to show rich, interactive material
at the poster session. CSE17 will have up to 25 e-poster displays that
we will make available to presenters who wish to use them. In order to
select the poster presenters, we request a description of between
100-500 words explaining why we should select you to use an e-poster.
Important information to include would be a description of how you
will take advantage of the e-poster format to go beyond what is
possible in a regular poster and also how you will distinguish what
you'll do with an e-poster from a standard projector
presentation. Please fill out the Google form we are using to collect
the information about e-poster explanations. In addition to the Google
form, be sure to submit a standard poster using the online system
Deadline for submission of e-poster abstracts and e-poster
utilization explanations: September 12, 2016
E-poster decisions will be emailed by late October 2016.
From: Human Resources [email protected]
Date: August 10, 2016
Subject: Tenure /Tenured Track Position, ORIE Faculty, Cornell Univ
Tenure/Tenured Track ORIE Faculty, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Cornell University's School of Operations Research and Information
Engineering (ORIE) seeks to fill multiple tenured/tenure-track faculty
positions for its Ithaca campus. Applicants with research interests in
e-commerce- and healthcare-related areas of supply chain logistics,
and in integer programming, will receive primary consideration,
although we welcome strong applicants from all research areas
represented within ORIE. One of the faculty positions may include
responsibilities within Cornell's Systems Engineering Program.
Requisite is a strong interest in the broad mission of the School,
exceptional potential for leadership in research and education, an
ability and willingness to teach at all levels of the program, and a
PhD in operations research, mathematics, statistics, or a related
field by the start of the appointment. Salary will be appropriate to
qualifications and engineering school norms. Cornell ORIE is a
diverse group of high-quality researchers and educators interested in
probability, optimization, statistics, simulation, and a wide array of
applications such as e-commerce, supply chains, scheduling,
manufacturing, transportation systems, health care, financial
engineering, service systems and network science. We value
mathematical and technical depth and innovation, and experience with
applications and practice. Ideal candidates will have correspondingly
broad training and interests. ORIE participates in particular in
Cornell's interdisciplinary Systems Engineering Program. Please apply
online at with a cover
letter, CV, statements of teaching and research interests, sample
publications, at least three reference letters and, for junior
applicants, a doctoral transcript. Applicants attending the INFORMS
annual meeting are strongly encouraged to submit all application
materials by October 30, 2016. All applications completed by November
15, 2016 will receive full consideration, but candidates are urged to
submit all required material as soon as possible. Applications will be
accepted until the positions are filled. ORIE and the College of
Engineering at Cornell embrace diversity and seek candidates who can
contribute to a welcoming climate for students of all races and
genders. Cornell University seeks to meet the needs of dual career
couples, has a Dual Career program, and is a member of the Upstate New
York Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to assist with dual
career searches. Visit to see positions
available in higher education in the upstate New York area. Diversity
and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University's heritage. We are a
recognized employerand educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans,
and Individuals with Disabilities. We strongly encourage qualified
women and minority candidates to apply. Apply Here:
From: John Pearson [email protected]
Date: August 19, 2016
Subject: Lectureship/Senior Lectureship Position, Univ of Kent, UK
The School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science at the
University of Kent invites applications for a Lectureship or Senior
Lectureship in Mathematics. As it is a priority of the School to
strengthen its research group in numerical analysis, preference may be
given to outstanding candidates working in this area.
The successful candidate will have a doctorate in Mathematics or a
closely aligned field, a strong research record in Mathematics
evidenced by publications in leading journals, conference
presentations, etc, and will ideally have experience of teaching
Mathematics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Applications are
particularly welcomed from researchers whose interests complement and
enhance existing work within the School (see
The closing date for applications is 18 September 2016, with
interviews to be held on 7 October. Please see
for further particulars.
From: Max Gunzburger [email protected]
Date: August 15, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Florida State Univ
Postdoc position
Florida State University
Department of Scientific Computing
A postdoctoral position is available in computational ocean
modeling. The project involves the design, implementation, and testing
of advanced algorithms for spatially-dependent time stepping methods,
for coupling climate system components, and for variable resolution
spatial mesh generation. The postdoc joining the team would work on
one or more of these research directions.
Regardless of the degree obtained, desirable skills include algorithm
development, testing, and implementation and sophisticated computing
capabilities. Some knowledge of climate modeling is desirable.
Inquiries and applications should be addressed to
Max Gunzburger
[email protected]
If applying, please send, to this email address, a current CV and have
2 letters of reference sent to this address as well.
From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: August 18, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Tomography, Technical Univ of Denmark
A 1-year Post Doc position in "Formulation and Application of Priors
in Spectral CT" is available at DTU Compute, Technical University of
Denmark, starting October 1, 2016. It is funded by the ERC project
"High-Definition Tomography" headed by Professor Per Chr. Hansen.
A decisive factor behind computing reliable tomographic
reconstructions is the ability to incorporate prior information - an
organized accumulation of experience with similar objects.
This Post Doc will focus on scenarios where we want to utilize
spectral information in the reconstruction algorithm, and the goal is
to study different approaches to incorporating spectral prior
information into the reconstruction models and the associated
computational methods. Experience with computed tomography is
preferred but not required.
The research will be carried out in a research team of 10 faculty
members, PhD students and Post Docs. The team is embedded in the
section for Scientific Computing at DTU Compute.
For more information, see the home page:
Applications must be written in English and submitted online via the
above home page by September 18, 2016.
Professor Per Christian Hansen, DTU Compute
Email pcha@
Tel +45 4525 3097
From: Kim Knudsen [email protected]
Date: August 17, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Hybrid Tomography, Technical Univ of Denmark
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the
Technical University of Denmark ( invites
applications for 2 post doc position starting October 2016 (or shortly
thereafter), see
487d-8703-adc065da5a3a. The positions are affiliated with the project
"Improved Impedance Tomography using Hybrid data"
( funded by the Danish
Research Council for Independent Research.
Candidates must have a PhD degree in applied mathematics, or
equivalent academic qualifications, and some experience with
mathematical analysis or numerical computations for inverse or imaging
Applications must be submitted ONLINE by September 15, 2016.
More information can be obtained from Assoc. Prof. Kim Knudsen
([email protected]).
From: Hans De Sterck [email protected]
Date: August 16, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Mathematics, Monash Univ
The Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing group at the Monash
University School of Mathematical Sciences invites applications for
PhD Fellowships in Computational Mathematics (with a start date in
early 2017).
PhD projects are available with the following supervisors and topic
- Hans De Sterck (optimization methods for big data, multigrid
methods, compressible fluid dynamics, models and algorithms for
social networks) ([email protected])
- Jerome Droniou (numerical methods for PDEs (design and convergence
analysis), theoretical study of PDEs) ([email protected])
- Janosch Rieger (numerical analysis, set computation, control theory,
computational dynamics) ([email protected])
- Tiangang Cui (Bayesian computation, geophysics, inverse problems and
uncertainty quantification) ([email protected])
The fellowships provide full tuition and stipend support. The deadline
for formal applications is October 31. Interested students should
contact one of the researchers listed above via email by the beginning
of October to discuss possible projects and how to apply. Please
include in your initial email: your CV, some information on your
interests, and scans of your transcripts.
Monash University is a leading Australian research university, and the
School of Mathematical Sciences is a research leader in Computational
and Applied Mathematics. Monash University is located in Melbourne,
which is a major cosmopolitan centre and has consistently been named
among the world's most liveable cities.
From: Wilson Rivera [email protected]
Date: August 17, 2016
Subject: Doctoral Positions, Computing, UPRM
The University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) is seeking graduate
students for the doctoral program in Computer and Information Science
and Engineering (CISE). Research and teaching assistantships are
available. Admitted student will begin studies on January 2017.
For further information about the doctoral program please visit
Deadline to apply: October 15, 2016. Potential candidates are
encouraged to apply to the UPRM Graduate Studies Office at
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: August 15, 2016
Subject: Doctoral Positions, NA and Scientific Computing, SISSA, Trieste
At SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy
there is an open call for PhD students (evaluated by a written
admission exam and a further oral discussion).
In the Mathematics Area there are 16 new positions next academic year
and 8 positions are for the PhD program in Mathematical Analysis,
Modelling and Applications. This PhD program enjoys the collaboration
of the recently established applied math laboratory: SISSA mathLab
The call is open, deadline for application is August 31, 2016.
Admission exams will be on September 12 (written) and 13 (oral), 2016.
If you know students potentially interested I kindly ask you to
forward this info. It may be an opportunity.
SISSA is an international doctoral school and the official scientific
language is English, administration is bilingual (Italian/English).
Link to the doctoral call with instructions:
SISSA Official website:
SISSA Mathematics Area website:
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications Phd Courses:
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications Phd Topics:
End of Digest