NA Digest, V. 16, # 34

NA Digest Monday, September 12, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 34

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ron Boisvert [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2016
Subject: Reminder: TOMS Editor-in-Chief nomination period closing soon

The open nomination period for the next Editor-in-Chief of the ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software ends in just a few days. Details
can be found here:

From: Andy Wathen [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2016
Subject: 18th IMA Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis

The Eighteenth IMA Leslie Fox Prize meeting will take place on Monday
June 26th, 2017, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, just before the 27th
Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis.

Entries for the Eighteenth Leslie Fox Prize competition should be
submitted by January 31, 2017. Any person who is less than 31 years
old on January 1st, 2017 and has not already won a first prize is
eligible. Each entry should consist of a paper, describing some of the
candidate's research, that is suitable for a 40 minute lecture at a
numerical analysis meeting.

The entries will be considered by an Adjudicating Committee comprising
Andy Wathen (Oxford University, Chair), Ben Leimkuhler (University of
Edinburgh) and Des Higham (University of Strathclyde).

Full details of the prize, and the submission procedure, may be found

From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2016
Subject: 2016 COIN-OR Cup Competition, Deadline October 7

Announcing the twelfth annual "COIN-OR Cup" competition, sponsored by
the COIN-OR Foundation.

- A submission or nomination must contain:
1. a synopsis of an effective use of COIN-OR or valuable
contribution to COIN-OR (or both!),
2. an explanation of its significance.
- The winner must accept the prize in person at the 2016 INFORMS
Annual Meeting so we can all celebrate appropriately (see
"Celebration" below).
- Submission deadline: Friday, October 7th, 2016.
- Self-nominations are welcome.
- We especially encourage nominations of effective use of COIN-OR that
the community may not know about.

Celebration: The 2016 COIN-OR Cup will be awarded at a celebration
during the INFORMS Annual meeting in Nashville, TN. All entrants,
their supporters, and other interested parties are welcome to join the
celebration and regale, rile, and roast the prize winners. The
celebration will take place Monday, November 14, 7:30 pm. The precise
location will be announced later.

Details of the winning entry will be announced at this celebration
event, and posted on the COIN-OR Cup website . Please e-mail your submissions to
[email protected].

2016 COIN-OR Cup Committee: Stefan Wild (chair), Argonne National
Laboratory; Joey Huchette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Jeffrey Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Miles Lubin,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

From: Yousef Saad [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2016
Subject: EVSL - spectrum slicing library for large eigenvalue problems

We are happy to announce the release of the first version of EVSL (the
EigensValues Slicing Library). EVSL provides routines for computing
eigenvalues located in a given interval, and their associated
eigenvectors, of real symmetric matrices. It also provides tools for
spectrum slicing, i.e., the technique of subdividing a given interval
into p smaller subintervals and computing the eigenvalues in each
subinterval independently. EVSL implements a polynomial filtered
Lanczos algorithm (thick restart, no restart) a rational filtered
Lanczos algorithm (thick restart, no restart), and a polynomial
filtered subspace iteration. For details see the following web-page
from where you can also access the code:

From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2016
Subject: New Book, Methodes Probabilistes ...

The second edition of the book "Methodes probabilistes pour l'etude
des phenomenes reels" (in French) is now available.

Please see:

From: Andres Iglesias [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2016
Subject: Harmony Search Algorithm, Spain, Feb 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS, 3rd Int. Conference on the Harmony Search Algorithm
(ICHSA 2017) Bilbao (Spain), February 22nd-24th 2017

The 3rd International Conference on the Harmony Search Algorithm
(ICHSA 2017) will be held in Bilbao (Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain),
a beautiful venue internationally recognized for business, trading and
its devotion to first-level R&D. The conference is devoted not only to
harmony search, but also to all meta-heuristics methods and their

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Analytical convergence studies of meta-heuristics
- Theoretical foundations of meta-heuristics
- Improved variants of the HS algorithm
- Hybridization of HS and other meta-heuristic solvers
- Parallel and distributed computing implementations of bio-inspired
optimization schemes over Big Data architectures
- Examples of the application of meta-heuristics to data mining
- Applications of bio-inspired optimization algorithms to different

All accepted papers will be published by Springer as part of "Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing". Extended versions of the best
papers accepted and presented at ICHSA 2017 will be considered for a
special issue of the journal "Swarm and Evolutionary Computation" (JCR
impact factor: 2.963). Further information (dates, committees,
invited speakers, registration, paper submission, venue, etc.)
available at:

From: Margenov, S. [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2016
Subject: Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Bulgaria, Jun 2017

The 11th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific
Computations will take place in June 5-9, 2017, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
LSSC'17 is organized by the Institute of Information and Communication
Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. A detailed information is
available at:

The following special sessions are currently announced:
1. Space-Time Methods for Solving Time-Dependent PDEs
2. Advanced Discretizations and Solvers for Coupled Systems of PDEs
3. Least-Squares Finite Element Methods
4. Advances in Heterogeneous Numerical Methods for Multiphysics
5. Advanced Numerical Methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
6. Solvers and Error Estimators for Mixed Finite Elements in Solid
7. Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems
8. HPC and Big Data: Algorithms and Applications
9. Monte Carlo Methods: Theory, Applications and Distributed Computing
10. Applications of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems
11. Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations
and Applications

Applications for organizing special sessions are still welcome till
the end of September.

E-mail: [email protected]

From: Tim Kelley [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2016
Subject: Chaired Professorship Position, NC State

The Mathematics Department at North Carolina State University invites
applicants for an Endowed, Tenured Professorship in Mathematics. We
are seeking exceptionally well-qualified, world-renowned individuals
with research interests compatible with those in the department. All
areas of pure and applied mathematics will be considered. Candidates
must have a PhD in the mathematical sciences, and qualifications for
appointment as a tenured associate or full professor. The successful
applicant must have an internationally recognized research program,
demonstrated ability to attract external funding, a strong record of
mentoring PhD students and post-docs, and a commitment to effective
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department of
Mathematics has strong research programs in both pure and applied
mathematics. Many members of the department participate in
interdisciplinary programs and research groups on campus and in the
broader Research Triangle community. More information about the
department can be found at

To submit your application materials, go to For consideration, applicants
should submit a vita and a list of four references with complete
contact information. You will then be given instructions to go to and complete a Faculty Profile
for the position. Write to [email protected] for questions
concerning this position.

NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion,
sex, age, veteran status, or disability. In addition, NC State
University welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation
or genetic information. Persons with disabilities requiring
accommodations in the application and interview process please call
(919) 515-3148. We welcome the opportunity to work with candidates to
identify suitable employment opportunities for spouses or partners.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website:
Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Research Statement
Teaching Statement
Publication List
Four References (no actual letters, just names and email addresses )
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:,, Ralph Smith

Department of Mathematics
Box 8205
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695

From: Christoph Ortner [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2016
Subject: Faculty Positions, Univ of Warwick

The department of Mathematics as the University of Warwick invites
applications in (applied) mathematics at all career stages: Temporary
Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (deadline 9 October
2016), Full Professor (deadline 16 October 2016).

There are no formal divisions between "pure" and "applied" mathematics
in the Warwick Mathematics department, and so "Applied Mathematics"
can be understood in a broad sense. Naturally, we expect appointees to
be able to interact across disciplines within and/or outside
mathematics. Areas of interest include mathematical modelling,
numerical analysis and PDEs, in particular with focus on stochastic
simulation, datascience, or industrial applied mathematics.

Applicants should complete the relevant online application at

From: Min Hyung Cho [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2016
Subject: Asst/Assoc Professor Position, Applied Math/Stats, UMass Lowell

The Mathematical Sciences Department at the University of
Massachusetts Lowell invites applications for one or more full-time
tenure- track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor or
Associate Professor to start on September 1, 2017. Preference will be
given to statisticians and applied mathematicians with an established
research record. Successful candidates will be expected to initiate
and participate in funded research programs and to contribute to the
department's teaching mission. The University of Massachusetts Lowell
is committed to increasing diversity in its faculty, staff, and
student populations, as well as curriculum and support programs, while
promoting an inclusive environment. We seek candidates who can
contribute to that goal and encourage you to apply and to identify
your strengths in this area. Minimum Qualifications: An earned
Doctorate in Mathematics or a related discipline; A record of quality
research; The ability to work effectively with diverse groups; Three
letters of reference will be required (Email addresses of three
references will be required during the application process) Review of
applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is
filled. However, the position may close when an adequate number of
qualified applications is received. For full job details and to apply,
please visit the following link(s):

Assistant/Associate Professor - Statistics - Mathematical Science:

Assistant/Associate Professor Applied Mathematics - Mathematical

The University of Massachusetts Lowell is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Title IX employer. All qualified
applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to
race, sex, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age over 40,
protected veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender
identity/expression, marital status, or other protected class.

From: Mini Das [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Inverse Problems, Univ of Houston

Postdoctoral fellowships/Research Scientist positions are open at the
Imaging Physics Laboratory at University of Houston (UH), Houston, TX.
Applications of our research/methods span areas of material science,
defense and security, medical/biological applications, chemical
imaging and geophysics thus offering a wide array of
opportunities/career paths for individuals trained in our
group. Candidates seeking to enter these emerging research areas from
other related fields are welcome to apply if they have demonstrated a
strong academic record. Positions offer an opportunity to be creative
and quickly gain experience in wide range of imaging related research
topics of interest in our group with national and international
academic and industry collaborations. We offer competitive benefits
and opportunities for career growth. Analytical, Applied Mathematics
and Computational Research: Successful candidate will lead development
of analytical and computational platforms for several high impact
ideas. Work will involve forward simulation methods and inverse
problems based on novel and multi-modality imaging geometries (x-ray,
ultrasound and optical); photon counting x-ray detector design and
correction models. Requires strong mathematical, analytical and
computer programming skills. A key skill required will be quick
analytical and computational prototyping of new ideas being developed
in the group, developing novel mathematical and computational methods
to effectively use data from multiple imaging modalities (such as
x-ray, ultrasound and optical) or spectral data in x- ray imaging and
validating developed methods in collaboration with
experimentalist. While a Physics background is not required, ability
to appreciation underlying Physics behind modelling and computation is
strongly desirable. Strong communication skills and ability to work
effectively in a group and with collaborators are required. Will have
the opportunity to mentor graduate and undergraduate students.

Prior experience in any of the following is desirable but not
necessary - imaging (x-ray, nuclear imaging, optical or ultrasound),
inverse problems, analytical methods, applied mathematics, high
performance computation, tomographic image reconstruction methods,
hyperspectral imaging, Monte Carlo simulations, quick prototyping for
new ideas. Technical skills : C/C++, Linux platform as well as shell
scripting. Familiarity with Geant4, Matlab, IDL, root or python also
desirable. Academic Qualifications Required : A recent PhD in
Physics, Applied Mathematics or Engineering.

Interested candidates should email their CV, research statement and
names of three references to Dr. Mini Das ([email protected]). Positions are
available immediately with a flexible start date.

From: Lihong Feng [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Model Order Reduction

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems,
Germany, is seeking a PhD candidate (f/m) to carry out research in
model order reduction (MOR) of large-scale nonlinear systems resulting
from discretization of partial differential equations. The research
aims at developing novel MOR methods and algorithms applicable to
industry-relevant engineering problems, such as crystallization and

The successful candidate will be sponsored with competitive salary
according to TVoD E13 (75%). English is the working language. He/she
will work in the department of Computational Methods in Systems and
Control Theory.

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, Diploma and transcript
of records, two reference letters with contact details. Please send
your application (and any inquiries) via e-mail (subject:
PhD2016_fullname) to [email protected].

Further details and requirements about the position can be find at:

From: Dietmar Hoemberg [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, UQ and Optimal Control

Weierstrass Institute in Berlin invites applications for a Research
Assistant Position (Ref. 16/12) in the Research Group "Nonlinear
Optimization and Inverse Problems" (Head: Dietmar Homberg) starting at
the earliest possible date for a third- party funded project on
multiscale failure analysis under uncertainty of wind turbine rotor
blades. Applicants must hold a master's degree or diploma in
mathematics, physics or computational engineering. Besides a varied
experience in implementing numerical algorithms, the successful
candidate should have profound knowledge in at least two of the fields
Uncertainty Quantification, Multiscale Finite Elements, Model
Reduction, and Optimal Control. Please direct your queries to
Prof. D. Homberg (Dietmar.Hoemberg@wias- The salary is
according to the German federal public service tariff. The appointment
is limited to three years. The Weierstrass Institute is an equal
opportunity employer. We explicitly encourage female researchers to
apply for the offered position. Among equally qualified applicants,
disabled candidates will be given preference. All applicants'
materials (curriculum vitae, photocopies of certificates and a list of
publications, including a cover letter) shall be sent with the
reference number 16/12 exclusively in electronic form in a single pdf
file by October 9, 2016 to [email protected].

From: Peter Richtarik [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Edinburgh

There is a PhD opening at the School of Mathematics, University of

Area: Big Data Optimization, Machine Learning, Randomized Methods in
Optimization, Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra

Starting Date: As soon as possible (before or on January 1, 2017)

PhD Supervisor: Peter Richtarik,

Application Procedure: Apply for PhD in "OR & Optimization" via our
online application form:

There is no application deadline. Applications will be reviewed as
they arrive, and the position will be open and advertised until a
suitable candidate is found and the post is filled. You may consider
sending an email to Peter Richtarik before or after you apply.

Funding: The position is funded by the School of Mathematics, and is
associated with the EPSRC Grant "Randomized Algorithms for Extreme
Convex Optimization"

From: Tessa Blackman [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Cambridge

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: PhD positions in Mathematics at the Cambridge
Centre for Analysis, University of Cambridge

Applications are sought for the CCA PhD course in Mathematical
Analysis starting in October 2017.

We are looking for first-class applicants who are either doing (or
have completed) a Masters-level course in mathematics or a four-year
degree course in a mathematical subject, and who ideally have some
prior experience of studying mathematical analysis.

The Cambridge Centre for Analysis is a Centre for Doctoral Training
based at the University of Cambridge, funded by the UK Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The Centre offers a unique
four-year PhD programme spanning pure, stochastic, computational and
applied analysis.

We believe that excellence in mathematical analysis requires a very
broad basis and our aim is to train students to be able and willing to
deploy a very wide range of techniques. This unique course has an
emphasis on team working and communication, alongside personal effort
and excellence, to foster a spirit of breadth and collaboration.

Positions may be funded by either EPSRC studentships, University of
Cambridge scholarships or other means.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2017. Applicants from
outside the UK/EU who seek scholarships should apply well before:
refer to for

To find out more, visit or
email [email protected].

From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2016
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation 44 (2)

Constructive Approximation, Volume 44 Number 2
Table of Contents

Sampling Theory with Average Values on the Sierpinski Gasket, Robert
J. Ravier, Robert S. Strichartz

Asymptotic Behavior of the Fourth Painleve Transcendents in the Space
of Initial Values, Nalini Joshi, Milena Radnovic

Divergence-Free Wavelets on the Hypercube: General Boundary
Conditions, Rob Stevenson

Constructive Approximation in de Branges-Rovnyak Spaces, Omar
El-Fallah, Emmanuel Fricain, Karim Kellay, Javad Mashreghi, and Thomas

On Higher-Order Szego Theorems with a Single Critical Point of
Arbitrary Order, Milivoje Lukic

On One Class of Hermite Projectors, Boris Shekhtman

Constructive Approximation, An International Journal for
Approximations and Expansions, Published by Springer

From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2016
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 68 (3) and 69 (1)

Journal of Scientific Computing

Volume 68, Number 3, September 2016

Convergence Rate for the Ordered Upwind Method, Alex Shum, Kirsten
Morris and Amir Khajepour

Explicit Strong Stability Preserving Multistage Two-Derivative
Time-Stepping Schemes, Andrew J. Christlieb, Sigal Gottlieb, Zachary
Grant and David C. Seal

A Posteriori Error Analysis of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for
Two-Dimensional Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Cartesian
Grids, Mahboub Baccouch

High Order Semi-implicit Schemes for Time Dependent Partial
Differential Equations, Sebastiano Boscarino, Francis Filbet and
Giovanni Russo

High Order Finite Difference Methods for the Wave Equation with
Non-conforming Grid Interfaces, Siyang Wang, Kristoffer Virta and
Gunilla Kreiss

Efficient High Order Semi-implicit Time Discretization and Local
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Highly Nonlinear PDEs, Ruihan Guo,
Francis Filbet and Yan Xu

Jacobian-Free Implicit Inner-Iteration Preconditioner for Nonlinear
Least Squares Problems, Wei Xu, Ning Zheng and Ken Hayami

Point Source Super-resolution Via Non-convex L1 Based Methods, Yifei
Lou, Penghang Yin and Jack Xin

Notes on RKDG Methods for Shallow-Water Equations in Canal Networks,
Maya Briani, Benedetto Piccoli and Jing-Mei Qiu

Fast Computing of Conformal Mapping and Its Inverse of Bounded
Multiply Connected Regions onto Second, Third and Fourth Categories of
Koebe's Canonical Slit Regions, Ali W.K. Sangawi, Ali H.M. Murid and
Lee Khiy Wei

Discretization of div-curl Systems by Weak Galerkin Finite Element
Methods on Polyhedral Partitions, Chunmei Wang and Junping Wang

An Integrated Linear Reconstruction for Finite Volume Scheme on
Unstructured Grids, Li Chen and Ruo Li

Variational Multiplicative Noise Removal by DC Programming, Zhi Li,
Yifei Lou and Tieyong Zeng

An Entropy Satisfying Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear
Fokker-Planck Equations, Hailiang Liu and Zhongming Wang

Semi-Discrete Energy-Stable Schemes for a Tensor-Based Hydrodynamic
Model of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows, Jia Zhao and Qi Wang

Modelling of Biological Decontamination of a Water Resource in Natural
Environment and Related Feedback Strategies, S. Barbier, A. Rapaport
and A. Rousseau

Numerical Blow-Up of Nonlinear Parabolic Integro-Differential
Equations on Unbounded Domain, Hermann Brunner, Tao Tang and Jiwei

Analysis of SDFEM on Shishkin Triangular Meshes and Hybrid Meshes for
Problems with Characteristic Layers, Jin Zhang and Xiaowei Liu

Volume 69, Number 1, October 2016

Optimal Error Estimates of Linearized Crank-Nicolson Galerkin Method
for Landau-Lifshitz Equation, Rong An

Lp Error Estimates of Two-Grid Method for Miscible Displacement
Problem, Yanping Chen, Jiaoyan Zeng and Jie Zhou

Iteration Complexity Analysis of Multi-block ADMM for a Family of
Convex Minimization Without Strong Convexity, Tianyi Lin, Shiqian Ma
and Shuzhong Zhang

A Multiphase Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Membership Functions
and L1-Norm Fidelity, Fang Li, Stanley Osher, Jing Qin and Ming Yan

Numerical Solution of the Robin Problem of Laplace Equations with a
Feynman-Kac Formula and Reflecting Brownian Motions, Yijing Zhou and
Wei Cai

Numerical Discretization of Coupling Conditions by High-Order Schemes,
Mapundi K. Banda, Axel-Stefan Hack and Michael Herty

Source Term Discretization Effects on the Steady-State Accuracy of
Finite Volume Schemes, Jonathan Thorne and Aaron Katz

High Order Weighted Extrapolation for Boundary Conditions for Finite
Difference Methods on Complex Domains with Cartesian Meshes, A. Baeza,
P. Mulet and D. Zorio

Fast Multilevel Solvers for a Class of Discrete Fourth Order Parabolic
Problems, Bin Zheng, Luoping Chen, Xiaozhe Hu, Long Chen, Ricardo
H. Nochetto and Jinchao Xu

Modified Gauss-Laguerre Exponential Fitting Based Formulae, Dajana
Conte and Beatrice Paternoster

Stabilized Finite Element Methods for the Oberbeck-Boussinesq Model,
Helene Dallmann and Daniel Arndt

Application of a Multi-dimensional Limiting Process to Central-Upwind
Schemes for Solving Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws, Seongju
Do, Youngsoo Ha, M. Kang and Chang Ho Kim

On the Use of ANOVA Expansions in Reduced Basis Methods for Parametric
Partial Differential Equations, Jan S. Hesthaven and Shun Zhang

Finite Volume Scheme with Local High Order Discretization of the
Hydrostatic Equilibrium for the Euler Equations with External Forces,
Emmanuel Franck and Laura S. Mendoza

A Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Model for General
Nonlinear Anisotropic Convection-Diffusion Equations, Zhenhua Chai,
Baochang Shi and Zhaoli Guo

On Solving the Singular System Arisen from Poisson Equation with
Neumann Boundary Condition, Myoungho Yoon, Gangjoon Yoon and Chohong

A Posteriori Error Analysis of Two-Step Backward Differentiation
Formula Finite Element Approximation for Parabolic Interface Problems,
Jhuma Sen Gupta, Rajen K. Sinha, G.M.M. Reddy and Jinank Jain

Error Analysis of a B-Spline Based Finite-Element Method for Modeling
Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation, Nella Rotundo, Tae-Yeon Kim, Wen Jiang,
Luca Heltai and Eliot Fried

End of Digest