NA Digest, V. 16, # 47

NA Digest Saturday, December 31, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 47

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Carlos F. Borges [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2016
Subject: William B. Gragg, 1936-2016

It is with deep sadness that I report the passing of my friend and
colleague William B. Gragg. Bill was one of the great numerical
analysts of our time and made many fundamental contributions in
numerical analysis, particularly the areas of numerical linear algebra
and numerical methods for ordinary differential equations.

He received his PhD at UCLA in 1964 under the direction of Peter
Henrici. His dissertation work resulted in the Gragg Extrapolation
method[1] for the numerical solution of ordinary differential
equations (sometimes also called the Bulirsch-Stoer algorithm).

Bill is also well known for his work on the QR algorithm for unitary
Hessenberg matrices, on updating the QR factorization,[2] superfast
solution of Toeplitz systems,[3] parallel algorithms for solving
eigenvalue problems,[4][5] as well as his exposition on the Pade table
and its relation to a great number of algorithms in numerical

From: Karel Segeth [email protected]
Date: December 29, 2016
Subject: 2016 Babuska Prize Awarded

In December 2016, the Czech Association for Mechanics and the Union of
Czech Mathematicians and Physicists again awarded the I. Babuska Prize
for the best work in computational mechanics and computational
mathematics submitted by students and young scientists. The Prize
winner for 2016 is Dr Adam Kosik from the Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics of Charles University in Prague. The work honored is his PhD
thesis Fluid-strucuture interaction.

Further winners were delivered diplomas of honor. The second position
was awarded to Dr Radek Stefan from the Faculty of Civil Engineering
of the Czech Technical University in Prague for his PhD thesis
Transport processes in concrete at high temperatures.

The third and fourth positions belong equally to Dr Vaclav Hapla who
presented his PhD thesis Massively parallel quadratic programming
solvers with applications in mechanics and to Dr Michal Merta and his
thesis Parallel boundary element methods in space and time. Both they
are from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of
the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava.

A further diploma of honor was delivered to a BS thesis whose author
was Jakub Kruzik from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava.

The Prize was established in 1994 by an outstanding Czech
mathematician Ivo Babuska, now at the Institute for Computational
Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX. Ivo Babuska
celebrated his 90th birthday in March 2016.

From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2016
Subject: LAPACK 3.7.0 released

LAPACK 3.7.0 was released on December 24th 2016.

To download LAPACK 3.7.0: lapack-3.7.0.tgz or directly from Github:

LAPACK 3.7.0 includes TSQR for Least Square, Communication-avoiding
Symmetric-indefinite Factorization with Aasen\371s triangular
tridiagonalization, Level 3 BLAS use by Rook Pivoting form of LDL, the
reduction to tridiagonal routine using the two stage algorithm. and an
improved Complex Jacobi SVD. Since 2011, LAPACK has included LAPACKE,
a native C interface for LAPACK developed in collaboration with INTEL,
which provides NAN check and automatic workspace allocation.

For more details, please see

The LAPACK team would like to thank all the users who contributed to
this release.

From: Volker John [email protected]
Date: December 31, 2016
Subject: New Book, Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flow Problems

This book explores finite element methods for incompressible flow
problems: Stokes equations, stationary Navier-Stokes equations and
time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations. It focuses on numerical
analysis, but also discusses the practical use of these methods and
includes numerical illustrations. It also provides a comprehensive
overview of analytical results for turbulence models. The proofs are
presented step by step, allowing readers to more easily understand the
analytical techniques.

- Uniform presentation of finite element methods for incompressible
flow problems
- Covers stationary and time-dependent problems
- Emphasis on numerical analysis
- Overview of analytical results for turbulence models
- Step-by-step presentation of proofs for facilitating the

Springer Series in Computational Mathematics 51, 812 pages

From: Matthias Gobbert [email protected]
Date: December 30, 2016
Subject: REU on HPC at UMBC, USA, Jun-Aug 2017

We are very excited to announce the 2017 edition of our REU Site on
High Performance Computing with interdisciplinary application projects
of mathematics and statistics. We highly appreciate your forwarding of
this announcement to your undergraduate students with an interest in
scientific, statistical, or parallel computing!

The program is conducted in 8 weeks from June 19 to August 11, 2017.
For all information and to apply, please visit

All activities are conducted in teams, each supported by dedicated
graduate assistants and faculty mentors. The instruction includes
lectures and hands-on computer labs on C, MPI, Matlab/Octave, R,
Linux, and LaTeX, using the state-of-art cluster maya with more than
300 nodes in the UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
( The research projects using scientific, statistical,
and parallel computing are posed by application researchers from
industry and government agencies.

The program's webpage offers a detailed schedule and a comprehensive
description of the activities from a student viewpoint. For specific
questions, please e-mail [email protected]

From: Rita Varela [email protected]
Date: December 22, 2016
Subject: Faculty-Equivalent Position, Data Analytics

As part of an expansion of its program focused on advancing new
measurement technologies for biopharmaceuticals at the Institute for
Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR), the National Institute
for Standards and Technology (NIST) Biomolecular Structure & Function
Group seeks a "faculty-equivalent" investigator to establish an
applied mathematics research program in the area of computational
biology and data analytics. We are particularly interested in
candidates with a focus on developing tools in the areas of machine
learning, multimodal dataset integration, multivariate statistics,
data visualization, and predictive modeling.. The successful
candidate will join a group of well-established experimentalists
focused on biopharmaceutical protein characterization; providing the
candidate an extensive and diverse dataset consisting of structural
[nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry, x-ray
crystallography, capillary electrophoresis, and ultra-performance
liquid chromatography] as well as functional methods [in vitro
biological assays, ligand binding assays, and flow cytometry]. The
successful candidate should have a PhD in Applied Mathematics,
Computer Science or related field, at least 2 years relevant
post-doctoral research experience and an excellent publication record.
He/she will be expected to work within a network of internal and
external collaborators, engage stakeholders and display the potential
to become a recognized leader in the field. The IBBR is a joint
NIST/University of Maryland System research institute focused on basic
and applied sciences in the field of biotechnology that provides
solutions to major scientific problems important to society. IBBR
operates state-of-the-art research facilities and is located in the
heart of the biotechnology corridor in Rockville, Maryland. The
IBBR-NIST group is also part of the NIST Biochemical Measurement
Division and is linked programmatically to the NIST Center for Neutron
Research (NCNR). Salary: Commensurate with qualifications.
Applications: Applicants should send cover letter, curriculum vitae,
research statement, and contact information of three references to:
[email protected]. Closing Date: Review of candidates will begin
January 23, 2017 and continue until the position is filled.

From: Akil Narayan [email protected]
Date: December 21, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, SCI Institute, Univ of Utah

The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University
of Utah invites applications for one post-doctoral researcher for
interdisciplinary work spanning applied mathematics and computer
science, with particular application to the interface between
multiscale engineering (such as material science, electrical circuit
reliability, etc.) and uncertainty quantification. The successful
candidate will perform research in the development, implementation and
application of computational and applied mathematics methods to
multiscale algorithms developed at various scales (i.e. continuum,
mesoscale, microscale, etc.), and will work closely with SCI Institute
researchers and external collaborators to integrate research into SCI
Institute software applications and apply this software to compelling
problems in science and engineering. This position has three main
responsibilities: 1) Development of applied mathematics (kriging and
surrogate surface modeling, approximation theory, reduced-order
modeling, uncertainty quantification, numerical methods, etc.)
techniques for various multiscale systems. 2) Implementation and
evaluation of these methodologies within collaborative codes bases.
3) Scientific interaction between the Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Uncertainty Quantification Groups of Narayan and Kirby
and various engineering areas.

Please contact Akil Narayan ([email protected]) for further
information, and send all applications to both Profs. Akil Narayan
([email protected]) and Mike Kirby ([email protected]).

Start Date: As soon as possible, preferably before February 1, 2017.
More application details:

From: Sebastian Sager [email protected]
Date: December 21, 2016
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Positions, Germany

The newly formed DFG Research Training Group 2297 "Mathematical
Complexity Reduction" in Magdeburg, Germany, invites applications for
13 PhD student positions (75% E13, 3 years) and for one postdoctoral
position (100% E14, 3+3 years) in diverse areas of mathematics. The
positions have no teaching duties and offer a competitive salary as
well as a set of specially tailored compact courses.

Hiring commences now for starting dates after April 1, 2017, and
continues until all positions are filled. Interested candidates are
invited to get in contact with the spokesperson [email protected] or with
the PIs as early as possible. Female candidates are especially
encouraged to apply.

For details, visit

From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath, UK

We are seeking 10 or more exceptionally qualified students for
fully-funded PhDs working at the interface between applied
mathematics, stochastic modelling, statistics, and computation in the
Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath,
starting from September 2017.

Please note: opportunities are currently limited to UK and EU
applicants. However, in exceptional circumstances, it may be possible
to find funding for excellent students from outside of the EU.

Successful applicants will hold, or will be expecting, a first or high
upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, or
in a subject with substantial mathematical content.

Expressions of interest should be sent to Jessica Ohren
([email protected]) and should include:
- Approximately 250 words on your motivation for applying to SAMBa
- A 2-page CV which includes your academic and work experience
- Scans of your academic transcript(s)
- Information on where you heard about SAMBa

Further information is available on our website
( and on YouTube

From: Bryan Quaife [email protected]
Date: December 28, 2016
Subject: PhD and MS Programs in Computational Science

The Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University is
accepting applications for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computational
Science for Fall 2017. The Department of Scientific Computing offers
truly cross-disciplinary graduate degree programs in computational
science with specializations in atmospheric science, biochemistry,
biological science, geological science, materials science, physics,
and more.

Assistantships are available for qualified individuals. Minorities and
women are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should hold, by
the time of entry into the graduate program, a baccalaureate degree in
a natural science, engineering, computer science, mathematics, or
statistics. Interested applicants should go to

Requests for more information and questions about the graduate
programs or about the Department of Scientific Computing should be
addressed to Dr. Sachin Shanbhag (Graduate Coordinator) at
[email protected] or Gordon Erlebacher (Chair) at [email protected].

From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: December 31, 2016
Subject: Special Issue, High Performance Computing Solutions for Complex Problems

Special Issue "High Performance Computing Solutions for Complex

Journal Scalable Computing: Practise and Experience

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts which present original and
unpublished research in all areas related with complex problems
solving via parallel and distributed processing, i.e., works focused
on emerging solutions to face with big computing challenges on HPC
systems are specially welcome. Relevant topics include, but are not
limited to: Benchmarking, performance and scalability of algorithms,
data structures, tools; Code adapting to take advantages of latest
computational features; New strategies to improve performance;
Auto-tuning computing systems; New transparent, portable, and hardware
diagnostic programming paradigms; Advances in current or upcoming HPC
platforms; and Communication, synchronization, load balancing.

Submission Deadline: January 7, 2017

From: Prof. David G. Yu [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2016
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 4 (1-4)

Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing,
Vol. 4 No. 1-4, 2016

Matrix Factorizations based on induced norms, Vartan Ohanes Choulakian

Generalized Second-Order Parametric Optimality Conditions in
Semiinfinite Discrete Minmax Fractional Programming and Second- Order
Univexity, Ram Verma, G. Zalmai

A cubic B-spline Galerkin approach for the numerical simulation of the
GEW equation, S. Battal Gazi Karakoc, Halil Zeybek

Accurate, Fast and Noiseless Image Binarization, Wassim Al-Khawand,
Seifedine Kadry, Riccardo Bozzo, Khaled Smaili

A Splitting-based Iterative Method for Sparse Reconstruction, Liquan
Kang, Ying Chen, Zefeng Yu, Heng Wu, Zijun Zheng, Shanzhou Niu

Filtering Problem for Functionals of Stationary Sequences, Mikhail
Moklyachuk, Maksym Luz

An improved partial bundle method for linearly constrained minimax
problems, Chunming Tang, Huangyue Chen, Jinbao Jian

Efficient Experimental Design Strategies in Toxicology and Bioassay,
Timothy E. O'Brien

Estimation Procedure for Reduced Rank Regression, PLSSVD, Willin
Alvarez, Victor John Griffin

The Best Model of the Swiss Banknote Data -Validation by the 95% CI of
coefficients and t-test of discriminant scores, Shuichi Shinmura

Morgenstern type bivariate Lindley Distribution, V S Vaidyanathan,
Sharon Varghese, A

Memetic Algorithm and its Application to the Arrangement of Exam
Timetable, Wenhua Huang, Guisheng Yi, Sulan He

Optimality and duality in set-valued optimization using higher-order
radial derivatives, Guolin Yu, Xiangyu Kong

Second-order optimality and duality in vector optimization over cones,
Surjeet Kaur Suneja, Sunila Sharma, Malti Kapoor

Two-Step Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Low-Rank Matrix Completion,
Qiuyu Wang, Wenjiao Cao, Zhengfen Jin

Relaxed resolvent operator for solving a variational inclusion
problem, Iqbal Ahmad, Mijanur Rahaman, Rais Ahmad

A Comparison of Compressed Sensing and Sparse Recovery Algorithms
Applied to Simulation Data, Ya Ju Fan, Chandrika Kamath

A Criterion for Testing Hypothesis about Impulse Response Function,
Iryna Rozora, Yu. V Kozachenko

A statistical model of macromolecules dynamics for Fluorescence
Correlation Spectroscopy data analysis, Dmitri Koroliouk, Vladimir
Semenovich Koroliuk, Eleonora Nicolai, Paolo Bisegna, Lorenzo Stella,
Nicola Rosato

Learning Unknown Structure in CRFs via Adaptive Gradient Projection
Method, Wei Xue, Wensheng Zhang

On Size Biased Kumaraswamy Distribution, Dreamlee Sharma, Tapan Kumar

Nonmonotone Spectral Gradient Method for l_1-regularized Least
Squares, Wanyou Cheng, Qingjie Hu

Robust C-optimal Design For Estimating Multiple EDps Under The
4-parameter Logistic Model, Anqing Zhang, Seung Won Hyun

Approximations of the solutions of a stochastic differential equation
using Dirichlet process mixtures and Gaussian mixtures, Saba Infante,
Cesar Luna, Luis Sanchez, Aracelis Hernandez

Filtering Problem for Stationary Sequences with Missing Observations,
Mikhail Moklyachuk, Maria Sidei

Mixed input and output orientations of Data Envelopment Analysis with
Linear Fractional Programming and Least Distance Measures, Qaiser
Farooq Dar, Tirupathi Rao Padi, Arif Muhammad Tali

Characterization of Generalized Invexity in Multiobjective Fractional
Variational Problem, Promila Kumar, Jyoti Dagar, Bharti Sharma

End of Digest