NA Digest, V. 20, # 1
NA Digest Sunday, January 05, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 1
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Gene Golub's thesis now online
- SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, USA, Mar 2020
- Numerical Solution of Fractional DEs: Sozopol, Bulgaria, Jun 2020
- Advances in Computational Relativity, ICERM, Fall 2020
- Deadline Extension, System Modelling and Optimization, Ecuador, Sep 2020
- Intelligent Computing & Optimization, Thailand, Oct 2020
- Professor/Associate /Assistant Positions, Computer Science, HKBU
- Postdoc Position, Brazil
- Postdoc Position, CS/ECE, Univ of California, Davis
- Postdoc Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Göttingen
- Postdoc Positions, Rice Univ
- PhD Positions, Givens Associate Program, Argonne
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: January 01, 2020
Subject: Gene Golub's thesis now online
I have scanned and posted the thesis of Gene H. Golub from March 1959,
from the University of Illinois, "The Use of Chebychev Matrix
Polynomials in the Iterative Solution of Linear Equations Compared to
the Method of Successive Relaxation." There is a link to it in my web
From: Junshan Lin [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2020
Subject: SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, USA, Mar 2020
Auburn University will be hosting the 44th SIAM Southeastern Atlantic
Section Conference (SIAM-SEAS) on March 14-15, 2020: The
conference consists of three plenary talks, several parallel sessions
and a poster session. There will be awards presented to graduate
students for the best presentation.
Plenary speakers:
- Oscar Bruno, Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
- Jianfeng Lu, Department of Mathematics, Duke University
- James Nagy, Department of Mathematics, Emory University
Important Deadlines:
- Submission for mini-symposium proposals: January 24, 2020
- Abstract submission for mini-symposium and contributed speakers:
February 21, 2020
- Early registration: February 15, 2020
- Student travel support and award application: February 15, 2020
More information is available at:
From: Svetozar Margenov [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2020
Subject: Numerical Solution of Fractional DEs: Sozopol, Bulgaria, Jun 2020
The International Workshop "Numerical Solution of Fractional
Differential Equations and Applications" (NSFDE&A'20) will take place
in June 8 - 13, 2020, Sozopol, Bulgaria:
Organizer: The workshop is organized by the Institute of Information
and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in
cooperation with the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, and the Center of
Excellence on Informatics and ICT
Place: The NSFDE&A'20 will be held in Sozopol (ancient Apolonia), a
picturesque town on the Black Sea coast, 33 km to the south from
Bourgas. The Bourgas International Airport is less than 50 km to the
north from Sozopol.
Scope: Specific topics of interest (but not limited to) are the
following: (i) fractional in space diffusion problems;(ii) fractional
in time problems; (iii) problems involving p-Laplacian; (iv) coupled
problems; (v) phase separation and image segmentation; (vi) parallel
algorithms and HPC tools; (vii) applications in science and
Approaching deadlines:
Registration/intention to participate: 31.01.2020
Submission of extended abstracts/short communications: 15.02.2020
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Scott Field [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2020
Subject: Advances in Computational Relativity, ICERM, Fall 2020
We would like to invite you to the semester program "Advances in
Computational Relativity" at ICERM, Brown University
The equations of general relativity, Einstein's field equations, are
among the most complicated partial differential equations in
mathematical physics. Depending on the problem under consideration,
these fundamental governing equations may be coupled to the Euler or
MHD systems defined on nonflat geometries. The resulting system is
non- linear, hyperbolic, and involves highly non-linear
constraints. Numerical solutions are crucial for computing
gravitational-wave signals, understanding neutron star mergers, or
supernovae events. Due to the complexity of this multi-scale,
multi-physics problem, there are many open questions and urgent areas
of attention in the design of numerical methods for solving these
equations, building models of the outputs, and related data analysis
efforts. Particular simulation challenges include the presence of
highly non-linear constraints, disparate length scales, the need for
transparent boundary conditions, and the presence of shocks and
singularities. With the first gravitational wave detection in 2014
(which led to a Nobel prize in 2016), numerical relativity has become
increasingly important to fundamental science. Yet despite its
fundamental importance, as compared to computational electromagnetism
or fluid dynamics there has been comparatively little input from the
applied and computational mathematics communities. For example, many
tools that have been widely popular in those fields (for example
finite element and discontinuous Galerkin methods, positivity
preserving numerical schemes, and model order reduction techniques)
have thus far remained either unexplored or under-explored. This
interdisciplinary program will bring together mathematicians,
statisticians, and the relativity community with the goals of (i)
working towards solving some of the most pressing mathematical
modeling, numerical simulation, and data analysis issues facing the
numerical relativity community and (ii) creating new subfields within
computational mathematics that focus on important, pressing issues
related to numerical relativity. Although the program will run over
the entire Fall 2020 semester, you are welcome to participate at any
convenient time for as long you can. Also, there will be four
week-long workshops organized by topic
has funding available to cover travel and accommodation for faculty,
postdocs and students. Please apply using the link "Apply with Cube"
at the program website listed above.
From: Juan Carlos De los Reyes [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2020
Subject: Deadline Extension, System Modelling and Optimization, Ecuador, Sep 2020
The local organizing committee of the IFIP TC7 conference on System
Modelling and Optimization decided to extend the deadline for
Minisymposium proposals to January 21, 2020.
The 29th edition of the IFIP TC7 conference on System modelling and
optimization will take place from August 31st to September 4th 2020 in
Quito, Ecuador, at the Escuela Politecnica Nacional. The
highly-regarded conference series covers topics such as: Modeling and
Simulation; Continuous, Discrete, and Stochastic Optimization; Optimal
Control; Inverse Problems; Imaging Science.
Invited speakers:
EROL GELENBE, Imperial College London, United Kingdom;
BANGTI JIN, University College London, United Kingdom;
MICHAL KOCVARA, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom;
JORGE NOCEDAL, Northwestern University, USA;
RICARDO NOCHETTO, University of Maryland, USA;
JUAN PEYPOUQUET, University of Chile, Chile;
CLAUDIA SAGASTIZABAL, University of Campinas, Brazil
Minisymposium proposals (4 talks per session, one or more sessions)
may be sent directly at: [email protected].
More information about the conference:
From: Dr. P. Vasant [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2020
Subject: Intelligent Computing & Optimization, Thailand, Oct 2020
Date: 8 - 9 October 2020
Hua Hin, Thailand
Conference website:
Submission link:
Submission deadline: July 24, 2020
E-mail: [email protected]
Innovative global optimization approaches have attracted many research
scientists, decision makers, managers, executives, engineers,
academicians, officers and practicing researchers in recent years as
powerful intelligent computational techniques for solving several
complex real-world application problems. The International Conference
on Intelligent Computing and Optimization (ICO'2020) highlights the
latest research innovations and applications of algorithms designed
for optimization applications within the fields of Science, Computer
Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Management, Finance and
Economics. Focusing on a variety of methods and systems as well as
practical examples, this conference is a significant resource for post
graduate-level students, decision makers, and researchers in both
public and private sectors who are seeking research-based methods for
modeling uncertain and unpredictable real- world problems.
Please submit your paper here
Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings
Please kindly contact us at e-mail: [email protected]
From: Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2020
Subject: Professor/Associate /Assistant Positions, Computer Science, HKBU
The Department of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University,
presently offers BSc, MSc, MPhil, and PhD programmes, is now seeking
outstanding applicants for the following faculty positions on
tenure-track. Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor
(Computer Science) (PR0311/18-19)
The appointees will perform high-impact research; to teach and manage
programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as to
contribute to professional and institutional services. Collaboration
with other faculty members in research and teaching is also
expected. They will be encouraged to collaborate with colleagues
within the Department to contribute to two special thematic
applications including (a) health informatics and (b) secure and
privacy-aware computing, and/or outside the Department to contribute
to interdisciplinary research projects under our University's Research
Cluster on Data Analytics and A.I. in X. Applicants should possess a
PhD degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information
Systems, or a related field, and sufficiently demonstrate abilities to
conduct high-quality research in one of the Department's key research
areas: (i) computational intelligence, (ii) databases and information
management, (iii) networking and systems, and (iv) pattern recognition
and machine learning. Applicants should also show strong commitment to
undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in computer science and/or
information systems, possess track record of innovative research and
high-impact publications, and be able to bid for and pursue
externally-funded research programmes. Special consideration will be
given to candidates with research background related to financial
technologies, and secure and privacy-aware computing. Initial
appointment will be made on a fixed-term contract of three years.
Re-appointment thereafter will be subject to mutual agreement. For
enquiry, please contact Dr. William Cheung, Head of Department (email:
[email protected]). More information about the Department can
be found at Those who have responded to
the advertisement posted in March 2019 need not re-apply. Rank and
salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Closing Date: 25 January 2020 (or until the positions are filled)
From: Jose A Cunminato [email protected]
Date: January 01, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Brazil
Post-Doc position in Modelling the Wheatley heart valve
This project involves the mathematical modelling of blood flow from
the left ventricle into and through a novel heart valve. The flow
emerges from the left ventricle as spiral flow and enters the aortic
valve. This artificial valve consists of a titanium ring attached to a
special flexible polymer with a complex mathematical shape designed to
rapidly open during systole and close rapidly during diastole. It has
three leaflets (flaps) which may be modelled as curved elastic plates.
Thus the modelling problem involves fluid/structure interaction. The
fluid (blood) may require to be treated as non-Newtonian.
The candidate will need to have expertise in computational fluid
dynamics, elasticity and a good working knowledge of a fluid
simulation package and a high-level programing language.
The candidate will be based in Sao Carlos, Brazil and will be required
to spend some time at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. The post is
initially for one year and can be renewed for another two depending on
To apply, please send a CV and a reference letter to
[email protected] . Applications are open until Jan/31st, 2020.
From: Naoki Saito [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, CS/ECE, Univ of California, Davis
Location: UC Davis Department of Computer Science or Electrical &
Computer Engineering
Description: The UC Davis TETRAPODS Institute of Data Science
(UCD4IDS) funded by the NSF HDR- TRIPODS grant, is soliciting
applications for a full-time UCD4IDS research postdoc position
starting July 1, 2020 for joint appointment in the Department of
Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) and Department of Computer
Science (CS). UCD4IDS seek applicants who demonstrate promise and the
capability of developing cutting edge computational, mathematical,
and/or statistical methodology pertaining to modern areas of data
science that involve large and complex data, as well as effective
teaching skills. In particular, those candidates whose research
interests are in the following three broad themes of the Institute are
strongly encouraged to apply: 1) Fundamentals of machine learning
directed toward biological and medical applications; 2) Optimization
theory and algorithms for machine learning including numerical solvers
for large- scale nontrivial learning problems; and 3) High-dimensional
data analysis on graphs and networks.
Qualifications: Applicants are required to have completed their
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, or
related fields, by the time of their appointment, but no earlier than
July 1, 2018. The starting annual salary is $50,760 and may be
adjusted according to experience level and estimated salary increase
for 2020. Supplemental salary is available through teaching positions
in either ECE or CS departments, and the exact amount depends on the
teaching load. Appointment is renewable for a total of up to two
years, upon demonstration of satisfactory performance in research.
Additional information about the UCD4IDS may be found at:
How To Apply: Please send cover Letter, CV, research statement, and
contact information for three references to: [email protected]
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Priority
will be given to applications received by January 31, 2020.
The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the
achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.
From: Gerlind Plonka-Hoch [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Göttingen
The Research Training Group "Discovering Structure in Complex Data:
Statistics Meets Optimization and Inverse Problems" at the Georg-
August University Gottingen offers 2 PostDoc Positions from April 1,
2020 - March 31, 2023. The salary is in accordance with the German
public service salary scale (E13 TV-L) with 100% of the regular
working hours (currently 39.8 hours per week). We are looking for
postdocs who have strong expertise related to at least one of the
fields inverse problems, optimization, mathematical statistics, data
analysis, probability theory, computational topology or mathematical
signal and image processing, but showing considerable breadth in
her/his previous research and a willingness to explore new topics.
For more information about our RTG, please check out our website:
Candidates should fulfill the following requirements:
- An excellent doctorate in mathematics and a strong publication record;
- A strong background in one of the mathematical disciplines covered by
the RTG; - Very good English skills (written and spoken);
- Willingness to work in interdisciplinary teams;
- Good programming skills are beneficial.
The complete advertisement can be found under Please use our
online portal for
your application with the usual documents (motivation letter, CV,
diplomas etc.).
Application deadline: January 22, 2020
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sieber, phone: +49 (0)
551 39 24523, e-mail: [email protected].
From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Rice Univ
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Rice University
The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
( at Rice University in Houston, Texas, invites
applications for a Pfeiffer Postdoctoral Instructorship. All
postdoctoral instructors in the Department are appointed for two
academic years, with possible extension for a third year. The term of
appointment may begin at any time after July 1, 2020. Candidates must
have a recent PhD in Applied Mathematics and have demonstrated
potential for excellence in both research and teaching. This
opportunity is restricted to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents
Instructors teach one lecture course each semester, and conduct
research in collaboration with a faculty mentor. The Pfeiffer
Instructorships honor Professor Paul Pfeiffer (1917-2012), a founding
member of the department.
Interdisciplinary work is a fundamental aspect of the Department's
program. The research interests of the Pfeiffer Postdoctoral
Instructors should align with the research programs of the Department.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and
descriptions of research plans and teaching experience should be
submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition, candidates
should arrange for at least three letters of recommendations, which
may be submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by February 15, 2020, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer: Females/Minorities/Veterans/
Disabled/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity.
From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Givens Associate Program, Argonne
The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne
National Laboratory is developing innovative techniques in numerical
computing and computational mathematics in its Laboratory for Applied
Math, Numerical Software, and Statistics (LANS, Our Givens Associate program is
intended to encourage graduate students who are beginning careers in
numerical analysis and computational mathematics in the broadest
Givens Associates will work actively with LANS scientists designing,
analyzing, and implementing numerical, statistical, and learning
algorithms and models.
The deadline for all application materials is March 1, 2020 but
applications will be processed starting January 15. Please see
complete details at Candidates must be in a
Ph.D. program at a U.S. university (U.S. citizenship is not required).
End of Digest