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NA Digest, V. 20, # 17
NA Digest Monday, May 04, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 17
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- emgr -- EMpirical GRamian Framework 5.8
- POSTPONED, IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, Jun 2020
- POSTPONED, EUROPT 2020, France, Jul 2020
- Summer School, Learning Models from Data, Virtual, Jul 2020
- IMA Mathematics in Signal Processing, UK, Dec 2020
- Teaching Fellow Position, Applied Mathematics, Imperial College London
- Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, UPC-CIMNE
- Postdoc Position, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson Univ
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Shape Optimization, HSU Hamburg, Germany
- PhD/Postdoc Positions, Multi-Modal Data Mining Methods, Simula, Norway
- PhD Position, Inverse Problems and Optical Computing, LightOn, France
- PhD Position, Laser Dynamics, WIAS, Berlin
- PhD Positions, THREAD Innovative Training Network
- Nature Computational Science, Launching January 2021
- Contents, Constructive Approximation, 51 (2)
- Contents, EECT, 9 (2)
- Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40 (2)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 84 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Christian Himpe [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2020
Subject: emgr -- EMpirical GRamian Framework 5.8
emgr -- EMpirical GRamian framework version **5.8** has been released.
In control and system theory the system Gramian matrices of linear
input-output systems have wide-spread use. Empirical Gramian matrices
correspond to the system Gramians for linear systems, but extend to
parametric and nonlinear systems due to a data-driven computation. The
empirical Gramian framework is an open-source Matlab toolbox, enabling
the computation of the following empirical system Gramians:
- Empirical Controllability Gramian
- Empirical Observability Gramian
- Empirical Cross Gramian
- Empirical Linear Cross Gramian
- Empirical Sensitivity Gramian
- Empirical Identifiability Gramian
- Empirical Joint Gramian
and a wrapper frontend for:
- Model reduction (POD, Modified POD, DSPMR, Balanced POD)
- Parameter identification and parameter reduction
- Combined state and parameter reduction
- Decentralized control
- State and parameter sensitivity analysis
- Nonlinearity quantification
- Uncertainty quantification
- Gramian indices (ie for Optimal actuator and sensor placement)
- Approximate system norms and system indices
- Tau functions
For more information see: https://gramian.de
From: Maria Grazia Russo [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2020
Subject: POSTPONED, FAATNA20, Italy
As a consequence of the COVID-19 emergency, on the behalf of the
Organizing Committee I announce that we are forced to postpone the
conference FAATNA20 (http://web.unibas.it/faatna20/index.html) until
the next year, precisely to the period 6-9 July, 2021.
We will leave all aspects of the current organisation unchanged.
Hope to see you in Matera next year!
From: Tibor Csendes [email protected]
Date: April 27, 2020
Regarding the present and probable future COVID-19 pandemy situation,
in accordance with the collected opinion of the respective Scientific
Committees and some interested future participant suggestions,
organization committees of the HUGO and SCAN2020 conferences decided
to postpone both meetings by one year. The exact dates are not found
yet, but we position both events within the first two weeks of
September 2021. All deadlines are reset accordingly. We hope the
interested future participants understand this decision, and that we
shall be able to have two nice conferences in 2021.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: POSTPONED, IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, Jun 2020
7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
24-26 June 2020, Birmingham
In response to the Covid-19 situation, we have decided to delay the
Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization until late
June or early July of 2022, with a date to be confirmed within the
next few months.
From: Sonia Cafieri [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2020
Subject: POSTPONED, EUROPT 2020, France, Jul 2020
We hope this message finds you healthy and safe. Due to the difficult
situation all around the world related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
EUROPT 2020 Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization
http://europt2020.recherche.enac.fr/ appears no longer possible to
hold as originally scheduled on July 2020. We are deeply concerned to
the safety and well-being of attendees, and aware of the difficulty to
forecast the near and medium-term future, thus we decided to postpone
EUROPT 2020 to 2021. It will take place in the same location, in
Toulouse (southern France) hosted by ENAC, around June-July 2021. The
precise dates will be furtherly announced.
We sincerely hope to see you there next year!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Sonia Cafieri
EUROPT 2020 Program Committee Chair
Giancarlo Bigi
From: Petar Mlinarić [email protected]
Date: April 29, 2020
Subject: Summer School, Learning Models from Data, Virtual, Jul 2020
We are glad to announce the GAMM Juniors' Summer School on Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics (SAMM) on "Learning Models from Data: Model
Reduction, System Identification and Machine Learning".
Due to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, the
event will take place virtually during the week July 27-31, 2020.
Lectures and exercise courses will be given by
- J. Nathan Kutz (University of Washington),
- Benjamin Peherstorfer (New York University),
- Feliks Nuske (Paderborn University).
We invite young researchers from disciplines related to the topic of
the school to apply. The application will be open from now until June
19, 2020.
For more details, please refer to
Contact: [email protected]
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: IMA Mathematics in Signal Processing, UK, Dec 2020
12th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing
14-16 December 2020, Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Signal processing and machine learning constitutes an important area
for the application of mathematical concepts and techniques, in an era
where learning algorithms must be transparent, robust, explainable and
understandable, and ethical. It is a thriving area, as demonstrated by
the success of the UK hosting the recent International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) in Brighton in 2019.
Signal and information processing is at the heart of our technological
world, fuelled by developments in, for example, mobile communications,
networks and graphs, multimedia systems, medical image analysis,
genomics and bioengineering, neural signal processing, big data
processing and internet of things. The aim of the conference is to
bring together mathematicians, statisticians and engineers with a view
to exploring recent developments in mathematics for signal processing
and machine learning and identifying fruitful avenues for further
research. It is hoped that the meeting will help to attract more
mathematicians into this important and challenging field.
Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics in signal
processing and will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word
abstract which should be submitted by 13 July 2020 via
https://my.ima.org.uk. The majority of contributed papers will be
presented in the poster sessions. Successful authors will be invited
to submit a four page paper for inclusion in the conference
proceedings by 2 November 2020.
From: Colin Cotter [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2020
Subject: Teaching Fellow Position, Applied Mathematics, Imperial College London
A one year fixed term Teaching Fellow in Applied Mathematics position
is available, starting on or as close as possible to 1st July
2020. The Teaching Fellow will support transition to online delivery
of Applied Mathematics undergraduate courses in the Department of
Mathematics at Imperial College London. For more information please
see the website:
The closing date is 28th May 2020. Please direct queries about the
position to Prof Greg Pavliotis ([email protected]).
From: Matteo Giacomini [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, UPC-CIMNE
One position is available for a junior postdoctoral researcher in
Prof. Antonio Huerta's group "Innovative Algorithms for Fast Accurate
Computing", within the Laboratori de Calcul Numeric (LaCaN) at
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and the International Centre for
Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) in Barcelona.
The successful candidate will integrate an active research team under
the supervision of Prof. Antonio Huerta (UPC) and Dr. Matteo Giacomini
(CIMNE), in CIMNE. CIMNE recently received the Severo Ochoa Excellence
Award, which identifies and promotes public research centres in Spain
that stand out as international references in their specialized
fields. The selected candidate will participate to the development
and efficient implementation of computational methodologies for
applications of industrial interest. Ground-breaking research for
artificial decision-making strategies in credible and high-fidelity
simulations are required in many challenging problems both in
computational fluid and solid mechanics. More precisely, hybrid
discretization methods and reduced order models will be at the core of
this research. The position is initially available for one year
(renewable upon positive evaluation), starting in September 2020 or
soon afterwards. Evaluation of applicants will start immediately and
continue until the position is filled.
Requirements: PhD degree in computational science and engineering,
computational mechanics, applied mathematics or related disciplines;
knowledge of numerical methods for the approximation of partial
differential equations, with special emphasis on finite element and
finite volume methods; knowledge of reduced order models is not
compulsory but will be considered an advantage; advanced programming
skills (Matlab and/or Fortran/C++); hard-working and enthusiastic
attitude; commitment to develop high-quality research.
Interested candidates may apply by sending a CV including a list of
publications, a statement of research experience and the contacts of
at least three academic references to [email protected] and
[email protected].
From: Matthew Saltzman [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson Univ
Applications still being accepted
The Clemson School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (SMSS) seeks
to fill an SMSS Postdoctoral position in Statistics or Operations
Research, starting in the Fall 2020 semester. This is a 9 month
position (August 15-May 15) with job duties consisting of teaching two
courses per semester, conducting research, and light service
duties. The appointment is initially for one year but is renewable for
two additional years provided a satisfactory job performance. The
research area is open to any area of Statistics and/or Operations
Research that is currently an active research area in the
SMSS. Applicants must indicate in their cover letter which faculty
their research overlaps with and who could serve as their research
mentor. Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
unofficial transcript, research statement, teaching statement, and
four letters of reference with at least one addressing the applicant's
teaching. Applications must be submitted through the following
INTERFOLIO URL: http://apply.interfolio.com/75455 Applications will be
accepted until the positions have been filled, but applications
received before April 10, 2020 will receive full consideration. The
SMSS contains two divisions: Mathematics and Statistics & Operations
Research, and includes the areas of algebra and discrete mathematics,
data science, computational mathematics, operations research,
probability and mathematical statistics, and pure and applied
analysis. The school offers the full range of Baccalaureate, Master's,
and Doctoral degrees. For further information regarding the school,
its research areas and programs, please visit the web site
From: Kathrin Welker [email protected]
Date: April 29, 2020
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Shape Optimization, HSU Hamburg, Germany
The Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces
in Hamburg (Germany) offers a position as a Research Assistant (f/m/d)
to be filled by either a PhD student or a post-doctoral
researcher. The position is initially limited to 3 years and can be
extended depending on performance.
The successful candidate will be working in the DFG project P19 'Semi-
Smooth Newton Methods on Shape Spaces (SNewS)' of the priority
programme SPP 1962 (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Welker,
HSU Hamburg). The project is carried out in collaboration with the
research partner Prof. Dr. Volker Schulz (Trier University). The main
aim of project is the investigation of optimization problems
constrained by variational inequalities (VI) and efficient numerical
methods for VI- constrained shape optimization problems.
For more information, please see
Inquiries and applications (including at least a cover letter, CV,
certificates of academic degrees and references for possible
recommendation letters) should be directed by e-mail to
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Welker ([email protected]) by May 30, 2020. Late
applications will be considered until the position is filled.
From: Evrim Acar [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Multi-Modal Data Mining Methods, Simula, Norway
In our projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and Novo
Nordisk Foundation, we now have multiple openings for PhD students and
postdoctoral researchers interested in matrix/tensor factorizations,
multi-modal data mining and challenging applications. The positions
are in the Machine Intelligence Department at Simula Metropolitan
Center for Digital Engineering (SimulaMet), Oslo, Norway.
The Machine Intelligence Department at SimulaMet has expertise in
machine learning, with a particular focus on matrix and tensor
factorizations, signal processing, and statistical learning theory. We
are interested in developing and applying methods to address
challenging problems in various real-life applications. Open positions
will involve model and algorithm development for multi-modal data
mining methods with a focus on applications (i.e., multi-modal
neuroimaging data fusion, and omics data fusion) and with the
opportunity to work closely with domain experts.
For more details, please see the full job posting:
From: Igor Carron [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Inverse Problems and Optical Computing, LightOn, France
As part of the newly EU-funded ITN project 'Post-Digital', LightOn has
an opening for a fully-funded 3 year PhD studentship to join its R&D
team, at the crossroads between Computer Science and Physics.
The goal of this 3 year PhD position is to theoretically, numerically
and experimentally investigate how optimization techniques can be used
in the design of hybrid computing pipelines, including a number of
photonic building blocks ('photonic cores'). In particular, the
optimized networks will be used to solve large-scale physics-based
inverse problems in science and engineering - for instance in medical
imaging (e.g. ultrasound), or simulation problems. The candidate will
first investigate how LigthOn's current range of photonics
coprocessors can be integrated within task-specific networks. The
candidate will then develop a computational framework for the
optimization of electro optical systems. Finally, optimized systems
will be built and evaluated on experimental data. This project will be
part of LightOn's internal THEIA project, aiming at automating the
design of hybrid computing architectures, including combinations of
LightOn's photonic cores and traditional silicon chips. In the
framework of the EU funded ITN Post-Digital network, this project
involves collaborations and 3-month secondments with two research
groups led by: Daniel Brunner (Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte /
FEMTO-ST Besancon), who will be the academic supervisor - The
candidate will be registered as a PhD student at UBFC; and Pieter
Bienstman (IMEC, Leuven, Belgium).
The supervisor at LightOn will be Laurent Daudet, CTO - currently on
leave from his position of professor of physics at Universite de
Paris. Due to the EU funding source, please make sure you comply with
the mobility and eligibility rule before applying. Application:
Position to be filled no later than Sept 1st, 2020. Send your
application with a CV to [email protected] with [Post-Digital PhD] in
the subject line. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to provide
references. This project has received funding from the European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860830.
For more information: https://lighton.ai/careers/
From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Laser Dynamics, WIAS, Berlin
WIAS invites applications for a PhD Student Position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 20/08) in the Research Group 'Laser Dynamics' (Head: PD Dr. Uwe
Bandelow) starting at the earliest possible date.
Precondition is a completed scientific university education in the
field of physics or mathe-matics. Very good English skills and
willingness for a research stay in Australia are required.
The candidate should have worked with at least one programming
language such as Matlab, Mathematica, C/C++. A proven experience in
the fields of optics, nonlinear dynamics, soliton theory and numerical
simulations is an advantage. The successful candidate will work on
the theory and applications of solitons in optical fibers. This
project is part of a collaboration between WIAS and the Institute of
Photonics and Opti-cal Science at the University of Sydney.
See here for more information: https://short.sg/j/6706031
From: Elena Celledoni [email protected]
Date: April 27, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, THREAD Innovative Training Network
Applications are invited for two PhD positions (Early Stage
Researchers) funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training
Network "Joint Training on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible
Structures for Industrial Applications [THREAD]" within the Horizon
2020 Programme of the European Commission. For more information about
the project see https://thread-etn.eu/.
One position is in computational mechanics at the University of Liege,
Belgium, under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Bruls
([email protected]) and on the topic "Nonlinear rod models for
system-level braiding process simulation.
The second position is in numerical analysis at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, under the
supervision of Prof Elena Celledoni ([email protected]) and on
the topic "Data driven modelling of beams.
The deadline for applying is May 24, 2020.
For more information about these positions do not hesitate to see
https://thread-etn.eu/apply/ or to contact us.
Applications should be submitted at https://thread-etn.eu/apply/
From: Fernando Chirigati [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: Nature Computational Science, Launching January 2021
I'm happy to announce that Nature Computational Science, a new Nature
Research journal, is open for submissions. This will be a multidisciplinary
journal that focuses on publishing both fundamental and applied research,
from groundbreaking algorithms and tools that notably help advance
scientific research, to methodologies that use computing capabilities in
novel ways to solve challenging real-world problems in a range of scientific
disciplines. We also encourage the submission of tools and systems with
high impact in computational science.
You can find more information about the journal in our website:
And here is a blog post explaining the vision for this journal:
From: Joe Marshall [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2020
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 51 (2)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 51, Issue 2, April 2020
Table of Contents
An Extension of Laplace's Method, Gergo Nemes
Szego Condition and Scattering for One-Dimensional Dirac Operators,
R.V. Bessonov
Sharp Approximations for the Ramanujan Constant, Song-Liang Qiu,
Xiao-Yan Ma and Ti-Ren Huang
Menshov Type Correction Theorems for Sequences of Compact Operators,
Grigori A. Karagulyan
Jacobi-Angelesco Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials on an r-Star,
Marjolein Leurs and Walter Van Assche
Fejer Polynomials and Control of Nonlinear Discrete Systems,
D. Dmitrishin, P. Hagelstein, A. Khamitova, A. Korenovskyi,
A. Stokolos
Bounds for Lp-Discrepancies of Point Distributions in Compact Metric
Measure Spaces, M.M. Skriganov
Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer
From: lasiecka [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2020
Subject: Contents, EECT, 9 (2)
Evolution Equations & Control Theory
June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
Select all articles Export/Reference:
On the three dimensional Kelvin-Voigt fluids: global solvability,
exponential stability and exact controllability of Galerkin
approximations, Manil T. Mohan
Regularized solution for a biharmonic equation with discrete data,
Tran Ngoc Thach, Nguyen Huy Tuan and Donal O'Regan
Decay rates for second order evolution equations in Hilbert spaces
with nonlinear time-dependent damping, Jun-Ren Luo and Ti-Jun Xiao
Stochastic porous media equations with divergence Ito noise, Ioana
Null-controllability properties of a fractional wave equation with a
memory term, Umberto Biccari and Mahamadi Warma
Existence of mass-conserving weak solutions to the singular
coagulation equation with multiple fragmentation, Prasanta Kumar Barik
Moving and oblique observations of beams and plates, Philippe Jaming
and Vilmos Komornik
Robust attractors for a Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type equation, Zhijian
Yang, Na Feng and Yanan Li
On a Kirchhoff wave model with nonlocal nonlinear damping, Vando
Uniform stabilization of a wave equation with partial Dirichlet
delayed control, Xiaorui Wang and Genqi Xu
Null controllability for a heat equation with dynamic boundary
conditions and drift terms, Abdelaziz Khoutaibi and Lahcen Maniar
On a backward problem for two-dimensional time fractional wave
equation with discrete random data, Nguyen Huy Tuan, Tran Ngoc Thach
and Yong Zhou
From: Alex Beaumont [email protected]
Date: April 29, 2020
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40 (2)
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Numerical solution of fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial
white noise, David Bolin, Kristin Kirchner, Mihaly Kovacs
Numerical analysis of a time domain elastoacoustic problem, Rodolfo
Araya, Rodolfo Rodriguez, Pablo Venegas
A Leray regularized ensemble-proper orthogonal decomposition method
for parameterized convection-dominated flows, Max Gunzburger, Traian
Iliescu, Michael Schneier
A spectral interpolation scheme on the unit sphere based on the nodes
of spherical Lissajous curves, Wolfgang Erb
Optimal proximal augmented Lagrangian method and its application to
full Jacobian splitting for multi-block separable convex minimization
problems, Bingsheng He, Feng Ma, Xiaoming Yuan
Extending the unified transform: curvilinear polygons and variable
coefficient PDEs, Matthew J Colbrook
Strong approximation of monotone stochastic partial differential
equations driven by white noise, Zhihui Liu, Zhonghua Qiao
Discrete maximum principles for nonlinear elliptic finite element
problems on surfaces with boundary, Janos Karatson, Balazs Kovacs,
Sergey Korotov
Optimal error estimates of finite difference time domain methods for
the Klein-Gordon-Dirac system, Wenfan Yi, Yongyong Cai
Simple bespoke preservation of two conservation laws, Gianluca
Frasca-Caccia, Peter Ellsworth Hydon
From: Brezinski Claude [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2020
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 84 (1)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 84, No. 1
Multidomain spectral method for the Gauss hypergeometric function
S. Crespo, M. Fasondini, C. Klein, N. Stoilov , C. Vallee, Fast
solvers for finite difference scheme of two-dimensional time-space
fractional differential equations
Yun-Chi Huang , Siu-Long Lei, A priori error estimates of a Jacobi
spectral method for nonlinear systems of fractional boundary value
problems and related Volterra-Fredholm integral equations with smooth
Mahmoud A. Zaky , Ibrahem G. Ameen, Regularized dual gradient
distributed method for constrained convex optimization over unbalanced
directed graphs
Chuanye Gu, Zhiyou Wu , Jueyou Li, Adaptive SOR methods based on the
Wolfe conditions
Yuto Miyatake, Tomohiro Sogabe , Shao-Liang Zhang, A finite difference
approximation of reduced coupled model for slightly compressible
Forchheimer fractures in Karst aquifer system
Wei Liu, Jintao Cui , Zhifeng Wang, Unfitted finite element for
optimal control problem of the temperature in composite media with
contact resistance
Qian Zhang, Tengjin Zhao , Zhiyue Zhang, High-precision computation of
the weak Galerkin methods for the fourth-order problem
John Burkardt, Max Gunzburger , Wenju Zhao, Approximation properties
and error estimation of q-Bernstein shifted operators
Mohammad Mursaleen, Khursheed J. Ansari , Asif Khan, Numerical
solution of boundary value problems by using an optimized two-step
block method
Higinio Ramos , M. A. Rufai, An explicit second-order numerical scheme
for mean-field forward backward stochastic differential equations
Yabing Sun , Weidong Zhao, New strong convergence theorem of the
inertial projection and contraction method for variational inequality
Duong Viet Thong, Nguyen The Vinh , Yeol Je Cho, Two-grid methods of
finite element solutions for semi-linear elliptic interface problems
Yanping Chen, Qingfeng Li, Yang Wang , Yunqing Huang, Adaptive
solution of linear systems of equations based on a posteriori error
A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, L. Grigori, Z. Jorti, J. Papez , S. Yousef, An
efficient projection-type method for monotone variational inequalities
in Hilbert spaces
Yekini Shehu, Xiao-Huan Li , Qiao-Li Dong, Convergence of a
subgradient extragradient algorithm for solving monotone variational
Jun Yang, Hongwei Liu , Guaiwei Li, Conservative Local Discontinuous
Galerkin method for the fractional Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger system
with generalized Yukawa interaction
P. Castillo , S. Gomez, Multidomain spectral method for the Gauss
hypergeometric function
End of Digest