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NA Digest, V. 20, # 28
NA Digest Sunday, July 26, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 28
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Call for Nominations, Michael and Sheila Held Prize
- New preCICE Release v2.1
- Software Release, pyMOR 2020.1
- JuliaCon, ONLINE, Jul 2020
- Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics, ONLINE, Aug 2020
- Imaging meets Computational PDEs, ONLINE, Sep 2020
- pyMOR Course, ONLINE, Sep-Oct 2020
- Extended Deadlines/FAQ, SIAM CSE21, Mar 2021
- Professor & Tenure Track Positions, NA, TU Delft
- Research Technician Position, ML for COVID-19 Prognosis, BCAM
- Postdoc Position, Data Assimilation, Univ of Potsdam
- Postdoc Position, Randomized NA, NC State Univ
- Postdoc Position, Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra, UT-Austin
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Data Science/High Performance Computing
- PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, Aalto Univ, Finland
- PhD Position, Biomechanics and Cardiovascular Modeling, Norway
- PhD Position, ML for COVID-19 Prognosis, BCAM
- Contents, Computational Mathematics, 38 (4)
- Contents, Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 9 (3)
- Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Margaret Wright [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: Call for Nominations, Michael and Sheila Held Prize
Nominations are encouraged for the Michael and Sheila Held Prize of
the (US) National Academy of Sciences. The Held Prize, which includes
an award of $100,000, honors innovative, creative, and influential
work in combinatorial and discrete optimization, or in related parts
of computer science such as the design and analysis of algorithms and
complexity theory. The prize is intended to recognize work published
within the last eight years. The deadline for nominations is Monday,
October 5, 2020. Further information, including eligibility
requirements, the list of previous recipients, and procedures for
submitting a nomination, can be found at
From: Benjamin Uekermann [email protected]
Date: July 23, 2020
Subject: New preCICE Release v2.1
The new version comes with significantly improved error messages, an
alternative RBF mapping implementation based on Eigen,
nearest-projection mapping with quads, and many more smaller additions
and bugfixes. For more information please have a look at our blog post:
What is preCICE? preCICE is a coupling library for partitioned
multi-physics simulations, including, but not restricted to
fluid-structure interaction and conjugate heat transfer
simulations. The software offers methods for transient equation
coupling, communication, and data mapping. preCICE is written in C++
and offers additional bindings for C, Fortran, Matlab, and
Python. Ready-to-use adapters for many solvers, such as OpenFOAM,
deal.II, FEniCS, SU2, or CalculiX, are available. Due to the
minimally-invasive approach of preCICE, adapters for in-house codes
can be implemented and validated in only a few weeks. preCICE is an
open-source software under the LGPL3 license.
From: René Fritze [email protected]
Date: July 23, 2020
Subject: Software Release, pyMOR 2020.1
The pyMOR development team is happy to announce the release of version
2020.1 of pyMOR (www.pymor.org).
pyMOR is a software library for building model order reduction
applications with the Python programming language. Implemented
algorithms include reduced basis methods for parametric linear and
non-linear problems, as well as system-theoretic methods such as
balanced truncation or IRKA. All algorithms in pyMOR are formulated in
terms of abstract interfaces for seamless integration with external
PDE solver packages. Moreover, pure Python implementations of finite
element and finite volume discretizations using the NumPy/SciPy
scientific computing stack are provided for getting started quickly.
Highlights of this release are support for non-intrusive model order
reduction using artificial neural networks, the subspace accelerated
dominant pole algorithm (SAMDP) and the implicitly restarted Arnoldi
method for eigenvalue computation. Parameter handling in pyMOR has
been simplified, and a new series of hands-on tutorials helps getting
started using pyMOR more easily.
You can read the full release notes at
From: Viral B. Shah [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: JuliaCon, ONLINE, Jul 2020
JuliaCon 2020 is online and free.
JuliaCon is the annual conference for developers and users of the
Julia Programming Language. It brings together the entire Julia
community, and features several workshops for hands-on learning as
Free registration: https://juliacon.org/
Schedule: https://live.juliacon.org/agenda/
Live conference streaming: https://live.juliacon.org/live
Conference registrants will have the opportunity to purchase
conference- only t-shirts.
From: Erik Bates [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics, ONLINE, Aug 2020
We invite you to join us for the Eighth Pacific Rim Conference in
Mathematics, which will be held online from Monday, 3rd August to
Tuesday, 11th August. This high-profile event features nine plenary
addresses and ten discipline-specific sessions, including one on
mathematical modelling and analysis in the life sciences, August 3-5
(depending on time zone):
Plenary speaker: Yihong Du, University of New England
Session speakers:
- Chiun-Chuan Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Yong-Jung Kim, KAIST, Korea
- Yoichiro Mori, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Yoshihisa Morita, Ryukoku University, Japan
- Michael Ward, University of British Columbia, Canada
We kindly ask prospective attendees to complete a very short
registration form on the conference website so that we may email you
information about how to access the live-stream (over Zoom):
Further information and the full conference schedule are located at:
From: Matthias J Ehrhardt [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: Imaging meets Computational PDEs, ONLINE, Sep 2020
The registration for the LMS-workshop on "Imaging meets Computational
PDEs", 17 September 2020,
is now open (deadline 14 September 2020).
Registration is free of charge. The event will be held on Zoom,
details to join the event will be communicated after registration.
Confirmed speakers: Andrea Cangiani (Nottingham, UK); Teo Deveney
(Bath, UK); Hanne Kekkonen (Delft, Netherlands); Tobias Kluth (Bremen,
Germany); Malena Landman (Bath, UK)
Scope: Imaging and PDE-based numerical modeling are fascinating
mathematical research fields and play an important role in numerous
medical diagnosis tools. To mention a few examples, they lie at the
core of electrical impedance tomography and computed tomography.
Although there is a natural overlap between these disciplines, there
has been little effort to connect the two research communities, who
often ended up working on parallel research agenda. The goal of this
event is to give researchers from these communities an opportunity to
gather, exchange research ideas, and design joint research plans. A
closer collaboration would allow both research communities to widen
their research perspective, and to develop together a new vision with
solid theoretical foundations and robust numerical algorithms.
From: Petar Mlinarić [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: pyMOR Course, ONLINE, Sep-Oct 2020
We are very happy to invite you to the pyMOR Online Course 2020
replacing the in-person pyMOR School 2020, which will take place from
September 28 to October 2, 2020. https://school.pymor.org
This course is targeted at anyone interested to apply model order
reduction in their work using pyMOR (https://pymor.org). The course
will consist of lectures using pyMOR and exercises with discussion
sessions. The tentative timetable, that might be modified to
accommodate different time zones, is available at:
You can register before August 28, 2020, at:
Website: https://school.pymor.org
Contact: [email protected]
From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2020
Subject: Extended Deadlines/FAQ, SIAM CSE21, Mar 2021
The submission deadlines for the 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational
Science and Engineering (CSE21) have been extended by 3 weeks; no
additional extensions are expected.
For minisymposia submissions, please note the change in format for the
number of talks per minisymposia.
Updated deadlines from
August 10, 2020: Minisymposium Proposals
September 7, 2020: Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts
September 21, 2020: Poster & Minisymposterium Presentation Abstracts
September 21, 2020: Contributed Presentation Abstracts
Additional Conference Information:
Since opening the call for participation, we have received several
inquiries about the conference format. We want to definitively state
that anyone (from attendees to speakers to poster presenters to
panelists) who would like to participate remotely will be able to do
so. A complete set of FAQs will continue to be updated at
Please send any of us additional questions or suggestions for CSE21,
which will take place March 1-5, 2021.
From: Kees Vuik [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: Professor & Tenure Track Positions, NA, TU Delft
There are three open positions in our section Numerical Analysis at
the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics.
There is an open position for a full professor on High Performance
Computing in our group:
There are two open positions for tenure track in our group, one on
computational finance and one on solvers for large systems:
From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: Research Technician Position, ML for COVID-19 Prognosis, BCAM
IC2020_07_Research Technician for COVID-19 prognosis_AXA
Machine learning for COVID-19 prognosis: The Research Technician will
work on the research project "Early prognosis of COVID-19 infections
via machine learning" funded by AXA Research Fund.
APPLY AT: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2020-07-research-technician-for-
From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data Assimilation, Univ of Potsdam
The University of Potsdam in Germany invites applications for a
Research Assistant Position in the Research Group "Data Assimilation"
at the Institute of Mathematics.
The starting date is flexible and as soon as possible. The candidate
should have a completed scientific university education as well as a
doctorate in the field of mathematics.
For more information:
From: Arvind Saibaba [email protected]
Date: July 25, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Randomized NA, NC State Univ
The Department of Mathematics at NC State University has an open
postdoctoral position under its NSF funded Research Training Group
RTG, DMS-1745654 in Randomized Numerical Analysis
(https://wp.math.ncsu.edu/rna/). The position is restricted to US
citizens, nationals, and permanent residents. The postdoctoral
associate must hold a PhD in mathematics or a closely related
discipline awarded after January 1, 2020, and the applicant should not
have any prior postdoc appointments. An exception to this rule,
occasioned for instance by a career interruption, may be requested in
the cover letter. The postdoctoral associate is expected to engage in
research related to at least one of the three complementary research
thrusts of the project in randomized numerical linear algebra, random
nonlinear solvers, and global sensitivity analysis. Based on
background, strengths, and interests, the postdoc will be assigned one
research mentor from the faculty associated with the RTG: Alen
Alexanderian, Mohammad Farazmand, Pierre Gremaud, Ilse Ipsen, Tim
Kelley, Arvind Saibaba, and Ralph Smith. An academic mentor will be
chosen from this group to oversee the postdoc's training and
professional development. The postdoc will also play a leading role in
mentoring students associated with some of the project's working
groups; the postdoc will be expected to assist in organizing seminars
and activities related to the general research of the RTG. In
addition, the postdoc will teach, on average, one course per semester
in the Department of Mathematics. Inclusiveness and diversity are
critical to the success of the College of Sciences and the University.
The selected candidate will be expected to foster an environment that
is supportive and welcoming to all groups. This position is for a
term of up to three years, contingent upon performance. The starting
date is anticipated between January and August 2021. The 11-month
salary of $62,500 includes summer support. In addition, the postdoc
will be given an annual travel budget of $3,000.
Through the mathjobs.org system
(https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/14743), applicants should submit a
cover letter, a CV, a research statement, and the names of at least
three potential letter writers. Women and members of underrepresented
minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications
will be evaluated on a rolling basis until the position is filled;
please apply as soon as possible. Inquiries may be directed to Pierre
Gremaud (RTG Director): [email protected]. The deadline for full
consideration is December 1, 2020, although later applications will be
considered as resources permit.
From: Per-Gunnar Martinsson [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra, UT-Austin
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the
University of Texas at Austin, in the research groups of Gunnar
Martinsson and Rachel Ward.
The new position will form an important component of an NSF funded
Focused Research Group targeted at developing randomized algorithms
for solving linear systems of equations, and related questions within
linear algebra and optimization. In addition to the group at
UT-Austin, the project also involves coordinated efforts at Yale and
The position is available immediately. However, the start date is
flexible and the position will remain open until filled.
The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of
renewal based upon availability of funding and performance. The
appointment can be renewed up to 4 times, but an overall duration of 2
or 3 years would normally be expected.
For additional details on required qualifications, and how to apply, see:
From: Philipp Neumann [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Data Science/High Performance Computing
A two-year position (TVoD E13, 100%) is available at PhD or Postdoc
level, working at the cross-section of high performance computing,
data science and numerical simulation. The focus can be, but is not
fully restricted to, multiscale simulation scenarios in fluid
Experiences in C/C++ and/or Python programming are desirable, as well
as command on OpenMP/MPI and related programming approaches. The
Helmut-Schmidt-University and the chair of high performance computing
operate different HPC platforms and thus provide an excellent research
For detailed inquiries, feel free to contact
[email protected]. To apply, please send the usual documents
(CV, transcript of records, etc.) to [email protected]
including the reference number MB-2620. The OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT is
available at:
From: Vanni Noferini [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, Aalto Univ, Finland
A position at PhD student level in applied mathematics is available at
Aalto University, Finland, under the supervision of Prof. Vanni
Noferini ( https://math.aalto.fi/~noferiv1/ ). The student will work
in the area of complex network analysis, in the project
"Non-backtracking centrality measures and beyond". The deadline for
applications is 21 August 2020.
For further information and for instructions on how to apply please see
From: Jacob Sturdy [email protected]
Date: July 23, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Biomechanics and Cardiovascular Modeling, Norway
Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for a PhD
research fellowship position in Biomechanics and Personalized
Cardiovascular Modelling
The position is supported by the ENTHRAL project for Non-invasive
in-vivo assessment of local stiffness of human artery walls.
The successful candidate will work on a cross-disciplinary research
project to develop methods for estimating arterial stiffness from
non-invasive measurements.The ambition of the project is to enable
personalized treatment of cardiovascular diseases based on the
integration of an individual's characteristics and personal physical
The principal areas of research will include computational modeling,
optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification based
measurement design.
The qualification requirements are that you have completed a master's
degree or equivalent with a strong academic background in biomedical
engineering or a related field such as physics, computer science,
mathematics or equivalent education. The salary is according to the
government salary (code 1017; NOK 479 600 gross p.a.)
To apply, visit:
Application deadline: August 30, 2020
From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, ML for COVID-19 Prognosis, BCAM
IC2020_07_Phd Fellowship in Supervised Learning for COVID-19
Supervised learning for COVID-19 prognosis. The PhD Student will work
on the research project "Early prognosis of COVID-19 infections via
machine learning" funded by AXA Research Fund.
APPLY AT: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2020-07-phd-fellowship-in-
From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2020
Subject: Contents, Computational Mathematics, 38 (4)
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 38 (2020), Issue 4
A Two-grid Method for the C0 Interior Penalty Discretization of the
Monge-Amp`Ere Equation, Gerard Awanou, Hengguang Li and Eric Malitz
Order Reduced Methods for Quad-curl Equations with Navier Type
Boundary Conditions, Weifeng Zhang and Shuo Zhang
High Order Finite Difference/Spectral Methods to a Water Wave Model
with Nonlocal Viscosity, Mohammad Tanzil Hasan and Chuanju Xu
The Shifted-inverse Power Weak Galerkin Method for Eigenvalue
Problems, Qilong Zhai, Xiaozhe Hu and Ran Zhang
Implicity Linear Collocation Method and Iterated Implicity Linear
Collocation Method for the Numerical Solution of Hammerstein Fredholm
Integral Equations on 2D Irregular Domains, H. Laeli Dastjerdi and
M. Nili Ahmadabadi
Solving Systems of Quadratic Equations via Exponential-type Gradient
Descent Algorithm, Meng Huang and Zhiqiang Xu
On New Strategies to Control the Accuracy of Weno Algorithm Close to
Discontinuities II: Cell Averages and Multiresolution, Sergio Amat and
Chi-Wang Shu
From: lasiecka [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2020
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 9 (3)
New issue Evolution Equations & Control Theory Vol. 9, no. 3
September 2020
1.Forward controllability of a random attractor for the non-autonomous
stochastic sine-Gordon equation on an unbounded domain, Shuang Yang
and Yangrong Li
2. Local null controllability of coupled degenerate systems with
nonlocal terms and one control force, R. Demarque, J. Limaco and
L. Viana
3.Semiglobal exponential stabilization of nonautonomous semilinear
parabolic-like systems, Sergio S. Rodrigues
4.Boundary controllability of the Korteweg-de Vries equation on a
tree- shaped network, Eduardo Cerpa, Emmanuelle Crepeau and Julie
5. Pointwise control of the linearized Gear-Grimshaw system, Roberto
de A. Capistrano-Filho, Vilmos Komornik and Ademir F. Pazoto
6. Remarks on the damped nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Tarek
7.Approximate continuous data assimilation of the 2D Navier-Stokes
equations via the Voigt-regularization with observable data, Adam
Larios and Yuan Pei
8. Existence and asymptotic stability of periodic solutions for
neutral evolution equations with delay, Qiang Li and Mei Wei
9. Continuity with respect to fractional order of the time fractional
diffusion-wave equation, Nguyen Huy Tuan, Donal O'Regan and Tran Bao
10. Design of boundary stabilizers for the non-autonomous cubic
semilinear heat equation driven by a multiplicative noise, Ionut
11.On stochastic maximum principle for risk-sensitive of fully coupled
forward-backward stochastic control of mean-field type with
application, Adel Chala and Dahbia Hafayed
12. Time-varying integro-differential inclusions with Clarke sub-
differential and non-local initial conditions: existence and
approximate controllability, Yong-Kui Chang and Xiaojing Liu
13.On the management fourth-order Schrodinger-Hartree equation, Carlos
Banquet and Elder J. Villamizar-Roa
14.Nonlocal final value problem governed by semilinear anomalous
diffusion equations, Dinh-Ke Tran and Tran-Phuong-Thuy Lam
From: Alex Beaumont [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2020
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40 (3)
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Numerical approximation of curve evolutions in Riemannian manifolds,
John W Barrett, Harald Garcke, Robert Nurnberg
Open Access, Analysis of finite element methods for vector Laplacians
on surfaces, Peter Hansbo, Mats G Larson, Karl Larsson
Open Access, Stabilization of high order cut finite element methods on
surfaces, Mats G Larson, Sara Zahedi
Numerical approximation of fractional powers of elliptic operators,
Beiping Duan, Raytcho D Lazarov, Joseph E Pasciak
Coupled time discretization of dynamic damage models at small strains,
Tomas Roubicek
A cell-centred pressure-correction scheme for the compressible Euler
equations, Raphaele Herbin, Jean-Claude Latche, Chady Zaza
A mass conserving mixed stress formulation for the Stokes equations,
Jay Gopalakrishnan, Philip L Lederer, Joachim Schoberl
Sparse tensor product finite element method for nonlinear multiscale
variational inequalities of monotone type, Wee Chin Tan, Viet Ha Hoang
On the average condition number of tensor rank decompositions, Paul
Breiding, Nick Vannieuwenhoven
Residual-type a posteriori error estimator for a quasi-static
Signorini contact problem, Mirjam Walloth
Open Access, Analysis of a new class of rational RBF expansions,
Martin D Buhmann, Stefano De Marchi, Emma Perracchione
Fast Poisson solvers for spectral methods, Daniel Fortunato, Alex
Fast algorithms for Jacobi expansions via nonoscillatory phase
functions, James Bremer, Haizhao Yang
Richardson extrapolation allows truncation of higher-order digital
nets and sequences, Takashi Goda
Space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for the \epsilon-dependent
stochastic Allen-Cahn equation with mild noise, Dimitra C Antonopoulou
Adaptive finite element methods for sparse PDE-constrained
optimization, A Allendes, F Fuica, E Otarola
End of Digest