NA Digest, V. 23, # 24

NA Digest Wednesday, November 08, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 24

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Mitchell Graham [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2023
Subject: New Book, Computational Discovery on Jupyter

Computational Discovery on Jupyter by Neil J. Calkin, Eunice
Y. S. Chan, and Robert M. Corless

Computational Discovery on Jupyter uses Python to teach mathematics
not found in the standard curriculum, so students learn a popular
programming language as well as some interesting mathematics. Videos,
images, programs, programming activities, pencil-and-paper activities,
and associated Jupyter Notebooks accompany the text, and readers are
encouraged to interact with and extend the material as well as
contribute their own notebooks. Indeed, some of the material was
created/discovered/invented/published first by the authors' students.

Useful pedagogical features include using an active learning approach
with topics not typically found in a standard math curriculum;
introducing concepts using programming, not proof, with the goal of
preparing readers for the need for proof; and accompanying all
activities with a full discussion. Computational Discovery on Jupyter
is for upper-level high school and lower-level college
students. Graduate students in mathematics will also find it of

2023 / xvi + 385 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-749-3 / List $84.00 /
SIAM Member $58.80 / OT190

Bookstore link:

From: Alexander Heinlein [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Scientific Machine Learning, Netherlands, Dec 2023

The National Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI
Amsterdam) and the applied mathematics groups of the Dutch technical
universities (4TU.AMI) are pleased to announce the Scientific Machine
Learning Workshop, to be held at CWI in Amsterdam on December 6-8,
2023. This workshop aims to connect the international and national
research communities, bringing together academia and industry to
discuss the latest advances in scientific machine learning, a rapidly
growing field that is transforming the way we solve scientific and
engineering problems.

The workshop is organized around three themes: scientific computing
with machine learning, scientific computing for machine learning, and
scientific machine learning in applications. In addition to keynote
talks on these topics, the workshop will feature presentations by
Dutch scientific machine learning experts, a panel discussion, and a
session on the Dutch AIM (AI & Mathematics) network.

Registration is open now until November 17, 2023, via the website of
the workshop:

The website also contains the detailed program and further information
about the workshop. We encourage all researchers interested in
scientific machine learning to attend this exciting workshop!

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2023
Subject: Python for A-Level Mathematics and Beyond, ONLINE, Jan 2024

Python for A-Level Mathematics and Beyond
Friday 26th January and Saturday 27th January, 2024
Online Via Zoom, #IMAPython2024

This is a hands-on workshop and will introduce delegates to the freely
available, open-source and general-purpose programming language Python
- which is one of the most popular programming languages in the
world. Python will be used to enhance the teaching and learning of
Mathematics at A-Level and beyond. Delegates need no prior knowledge
of programming to benefit from this workshop.

Requirements: Delegates need to download Anaconda on to their own
computers: . For Google Colab: delegates will need a Google

Registration for this event is open via the Portal. This event
costs 10 GBP to book. Please note that the content for each workshop
day is the same so please only book for one date.

Registration will close on 24th January 2024. All joining information
will be sent 24 hours prior to the event. IMA Zoom Instructions and
Code of Conduct:

Additional Resources
- Python for employability:
- Jupyter notebook covering the A-Level syllabus:
- Beyond A-Level Maths:

From: Jørgen Schartum Dokken [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: FEniCS 24, Norway, Jun 2024

The FEniCS 2024 Conference is the premier event for the FEniCS
community, bringing together researchers and practitioners from
academia and industry to share the latest advances in the development
and use of FEniCS.

The conference will feature a variety of talks, tutorials and posters
on all aspects of FEniCS, including:
- Numerical methods for solving partial differential equations
- High-performance computing
- Software research and development
- Applications in all areas of science, including biomedicine and

We encourage you to mark your calendars and save the date for the
FEniCS 2024 Conference! More information about the conference will be
available in the coming months.
21 will be updated with the latest information and deadlines for
abstract submissions, travel awards and registration.

From: Tong Xin [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2023
Subject: Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, Singapore, Jul 2024

The registration for SciCADE 2024, the International Conference on
Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, to be held at the
National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 15-19, 2024, is

Confirmed plenary speakers are: Ann Almgren (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, USA); Elena Celledoni (Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Norway); Qianxiao Li (National University of
Singapore, Singapore); Jianfeng Lu (Duke University, USA);
Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb (University of Cambridge, UK); Jie Shen
(Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo, China); Gilles Vilmart
(University of Geneva, Switzerland); Lei Zhang (Peking University,

The webpage of SciCADE 2024 is live now at:

The submission for mini symposium and contributed session is ready at:

The deadlines are Jan 15, 2024 and Apr 15, 2024 respectively.

From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Symposium of Experimental Algorithms, Austria, Jul 2024

22nd Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA24)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Dates: July 23-26, 2024
Web site:
Paper submission deadline: Jan 29, 2024

SEA aims to attract papers from the Computer Science community, the
Operations Research/Mathematical Programming community and any other
scientific community that is concerned with the main theme of the
symposium, namely the role of experimentation and of algorithm
engineering techniques in the design and evaluation of algorithms and
data structures. Submissions should present significant contributions
supported by experimental evaluation, methodological issues in the
design and interpretation of experiments, the use of
(meta-)heuristics, or application-driven case studies that deepen the
understanding of the complexity of a problem.

Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but not
limited to: Algorithm Engineering; Algorithmic Libraries and Software
Repositories; Algorithmic Cryptography and Security; Algorithmic
Natural Language Processing; Algorithmics for Databases; Analysis of
Algorithms; Approximation Algorithms; Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology; Branch-and-Bound Algorithms; Combinatorial Problems and
Structures; Communication Networks; Computational Geometry;
Computational Optimization; Data Structures; Distributed and Parallel
Algorithms; Graph Algorithms; Heuristic Algorithms; Integer
Programming; Logistics and Operations Management; Machine Learning and
Data Mining; Mathematical Programming; Multiple Criteria Decision
Making; Network Analysis; Online Problems; Randomized Algorithms;
Semidefinite Programming; Streaming and External Memory Algorithms.

The authors should submit a paper not exceeding 12 pages, excluding
the bibliography, the front page (authors, affiliation, keywords,
abstract, ...), and brief appendix of up to 5 pages (figures and
tables should be counted as part of the space occupied by the

Authors are strongly encouraged to include a link to the source code
and/or datasets to increase confidence in the reproducibility of their
experiments; the code may be read and/or executed at the referees'

From: Tommaso Giovannelli [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2023
Subject: MOPTA Conference, USA, Aug 2024

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Lehigh
University is thrilled to announce the Modeling and Optimization:
Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2024 Conference. MOPTA 2024 will be
held from August 14-16, 2024, in Bethlehem, PA, USA.

MOPTA conferences are known for bringing together a diverse group of
researchers in both discrete and continuous optimization, covering
both theoretical and applied aspects. Our three-day event will feature
invited plenary talks by renowned speakers, organized sessions, and
contributed talks. Our aim is to present exciting new developments in
various optimization areas while fostering interaction among
participants. Information about important deadlines and the 16th
AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition will be made available
later this year.

The list of distinguished plenary speakers who have already confirmed
their participation includes Miguel Anjos (University of Edinburgh),
Harbir Antil (George Mason University), Dorit S. Hochbaum (University
of California, Berkeley), Madeleine Udell (Stanford University), and
Rene Vidal (University of Pennsylvania).

For more information, please visit

From: Winnifried Wollner [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: System Modeling and Optimization, Germany, Aug 2024

The 31st IFIP TC7 System Modeling and Optimization will be held in
Hamburg, Germany, on August 12-16, 2024.

We cordially invite you to prepare a mini-symposium in any of the
areas consistent with the conference theme. Please, send your proposal
including title, short info, chairperson's data, names of contributors
and tentative titles of their presentations by email to
[email protected] no later than February 29, 2024.

For more information, please visit the website

Contributed talks may be submitted starting end of November.

From: Uwe Naumann [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Algorithmic Differentiation (AD2024), USA, Sep 2024

Call for Papers: 8th International Conference on Algorithmic
Differentiation (AD2024)
September 16-20, 2024, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Conference website:

We are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference on
Algorithmic Differentiation (AD2024), hosted in Chicago, Illinois
(exact venue to be confirmed). AD2024 will provide a premier
interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and
educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends,
and challenges in the field of algorithmic differentiation.

Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024

We invite submissions of original research papers and contributions
related to, but not limited to, the following topics: Theoretical
foundations and fundamental principles; Tool development efforts;
Theory and design of differentiable and probabilistic programming
languages; Combinatorial models and problems; Sparsity in derivative
computations; Sensitivity analysis and adjoint methods; Applications
in computational science, engineering, data science, and related
fields; AD in industry and real-world applications; Interplay between
AD and numerical methods; Back-propagation or AD in statistical and
machine learning methods Interaction between AD and modern computing
platforms; AD in the context of memory hierarchies and parallelism.

Papers should be in PDF format and up to 10 pages, including figures
and tables (references do not count towards the page limit). Authors
are required to use the SIAM proceedings style files at the bottom of
the following page:

For inquiries and further information, please contact
[email protected].

From: Shiqian Ma [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Applied Math and OR, Rice Univ, USA

The Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations
Research (CMOR) at Rice University now invites applicants for the
following Faculty Openings at Rice University George R. Brown School
of Engineering. When applying, you will be prompted to select one
department of interest. Please be sure to choose CMOR if you wish to
be considered by the CMOR department. The review of applications will
commence November 15th, and candidates are highly recommended to apply
early in order to be given full consideration.

Please click the following links for details.

Assistant Professor of Energy & Sustainability

Assistant Professor of Future Computing

Open Rank Faculty Positions in Advanced Materials

Open Rank Faculty Positions in Resilient & Adaptive Communities

From: Francois Glineur [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Modelling/Optimization, UCLouvain, Belgium

UCLouvain invites applications for an academic position in Modelling
and Optimization of Electricity Systems and Markets. The application
deadline is Monday, November 13, 2023 at noon (UTC+1 Time Zone).
Starting date is September 1st, 2024.

UCLouvain is a comprehensive university offering, in the context of
the present position, the opportunity of cross-disciplinary research
and teaching collaborations. The position is attached to the Louvain
School of Engineering and the Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and
Modeling in economics and statistics, that offer opportunities for
diverse and stimulating teaching as well as an environment to carry
out ambitious research.

Further information can be found at

From: Bedrich Sousedik [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position, UMBC, USA

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) has an opening for a Tenure Track
Faculty Position in Applied Mathematics, starting from August
2024. The appointment is for 9 months per year.

Applicants should submit (a) a curriculum vitae that includes
publications; (b) a description of research interests and research
plans; (c) a brief teaching statement; (d) a statement of commitment
to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in higher education; and
(e) have at least three letters of recommendation submitted on their

Applicants should apply using the Interfolio system:

Applications submitted by December 7th, 2023 will be given full
consideration, although applications will continue to be reviewed
until the position is filled. Early application is encouraged.

From: Adrianna Gillman [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Applied Math, CU Boulder, USA

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at
Boulder (CU Boulder) invites applications for a tenure track faculty
position at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2024. We are
particularly interested in candidates whose research brings together
approximation theory, high-dimensional probability and stochastic
processes, numerical analysis, and optimization to develop a
comprehensive theoretical foundation of machine learning and modern
artificial intelligence.

Job posting:

Applications Due by January 30, 2024. (Submitting earlier is strongly

From: Aaron Melman [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Statistics, Santa Clara Univ, USA

The Department of Applied Mathematics at Santa Clara University
invites applications for a tenure-track position at a rank to be
determined by the qualifications of the successful candidate. The
department is particularly interested in candidates with a background
in probability and advanced statistics, who should be able to teach
any courses related to those areas that are required for statistical
learning (supervised and unsupervised), machine learning, deep
learning, and data analytics. The School of Engineering is creating an
M.S. program in AI to be housed in the department, and the successful
candidate will play an important role in the teaching and supervision
of the fundamental courses required.

Please apply directly to the job posting at

From: Barbara Verfuerth [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2023
Subject: Research Assistant Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Bonn, Germany

The Institute for Numerical Simulation (INS) at University of Bonn is
currently looking for a research assistant (75%, with possibility of
obtaining a PhD) in the area of numerical analysis or a period of
three years as soon as possible. The candidate will work in the group
of Prof. Barbara Verfuerth on the project "Homogenization of
time-varying metamaterials", which is funded by DFG within the
Collaborative Research Center 1173 Wave phenomena.

Review of applications will start after November 15.

For further information and how to apply, please see the full
advertisement at
or e-mail Barbara Verfuerth.

From: Yevgenii Rastigejev [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Research Associate Position, Analytical/Computational Modeling, USA

Mathematics and Statistics at North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, NC 27411

POSITION: Research Associate - Analytical and Computational Modeling
in Atmospheric Science.

Applications are invited for an NSF-funded Research Associate position
in the area of analytical and computational modeling of atmospheric
turbulent multiphase flows. This research pertains specifically to the
marine atmospheric boundary layer of a hurricane laden with
polydisperse evaporating sea spray. In-depth understanding and
accurate modeling of the interaction between ocean spray and turbulent
airflow under high-wind conditions of a hurricane is essential for
improving forecast accuracy of intensity of hurricanes and severe

The selected candidate will actively contribute to the development and
implementation of a mathematical and computational model for a marine
atmospheric boundary layer laden with evaporating polydisperse sea
spray. The model will enable us to accurately describe the effect of
ocean spray on the air-sea exchange of momentum, heat, and moisture in
high-wind condition of a tropical cyclone. This research project
combines the fields of applied mathematics, computational fluid
dynamics, and atmospheric science.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Master's or Ph.D. Degree either in Atmospheric
Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, or other relevant
field. Prior experience in theoretical and computational fluid
dynamics, turbulence, and multiphase flows. Hands-on background in
numerical methods and programming skills in Matlab and/or fortran90.


CONTACT: Dr. Yevgenii Rastigejev, E-mail: [email protected]

Please apply at:

From: Juan A. Acebron [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, INESC-ID, Portugal

The Center INESC-ID in Lisbon invites interested candidates to apply
for a postdoctoral position focusing on the development of new
randomized algorithms for solving efficiently relevant scientific
computing problems for current and future high performance
supercomputers. This position is funded by the Portuguese Science
Foundation FCT, and the successful candidate will be part of an
integrated team led by Prof. Jose Monteiro and Prof. Juan A. Acebron.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Physics,
Computer Science or a related field. They should possess a solid
knowledge in applied mathematics, numerical methods, good programming
skills, and a proven publication record.

Successful candidates will be able to work well within small cross
disciplinary teams, including working with researchers using both
theoretical and computational mathematics. Experience with common
scientific computing methods, computational tools, mathematical
software, and parallel computing is highly desired.

The successful Post Doctoral Fellow will interact closely with
national and international collaborators and will have the opportunity
to publish in high impact journals, present their work at
international conferences and gain access to major supercomputing
facilities through existing networks of collaborative partners.

This is a six months appointment, eventually renewable up until 3
years. There are no teaching duties associated with this position.

How to apply: Qualified candidates should send by email to jcm@inesc or [email protected] with a CV, a cover letter
describing your relevant expertise and research interests.

For further information of the project see the website

From: Sebastian Neumayer [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data-Driven Inverse Problems, TU Chemnitz, Germany

From 1st February 2024, the professorship 'Inverse Problems' at TU
Chemnitz, Germany, has a vacancy for a postdoctoral position in the
area of data-driven inverse problems.

The job and application details (English text is below the German one)
are available here:

From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Heriot-Watt Univ, UK

We seek a postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) for a period of 2
years (24 months). Closing date 30 November 2024.

The PDRA will be working within the auspices of the EPSRC project
"Hypocoercivity-preserving discretisations" under the guidance of
Professor Emmanuil Georgoulis. The project involves the design and
analysis of new structure preserving numerical methods for kinetic
equations and their computer implementation. We welcome applicants
with a strong background in the analysis of finite element methods
and/or knowledge of python/C++/MPI/OpenMP.

For more information see:

Informal enquires are welcome at: [email protected]

From: Federico Poloni [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra or Optimization, Italy

The department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa has
opened a call for a postdoctoral position on "Numerical algorithms for
analysis and optimization on complex networks".

We are looking for candidates in the areas of either Numerical Linear
Algebra (to work on algorithms and software for the solution of linear
systems with M-matrix and positivity structures, and applications to
complex network analysis), or Optimization (to work on algorithms and
components for large-scale optimization in the open-source software
framework SMS++, with attention to nested heterogeneous structures and
applications such as energy and logistics systems).

The successful candidate will work in collaboration with either
Federico Poloni ([email protected]) or Antonio Frangioni
([email protected]), in the context of a project funded by
the National Centre for Research in HPC, Big Data, and Quantum
Computing, as part of the Italian National Resilience and Recovery
Plan (PNRR). They will be part of the Computational Mathematics
Laboratory of the department of Computer
Science, and of the active community working on numerical mathematics
in Pisa.

Candidates can apply also before obtaining a PhD title, just with a
master's degree. The initial duration of the contract is 12 months,
but funds for extending it for a further year have already been

To apply, please visit

The deadline is November 25, 2023.

From: Giancarlo Sangalli [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for PDEs, UNIPV, Italy

The University of Pavia opens the selection procedure for 3
Post-doctoral positions (Assegni di Ricerca). The successful
candidates will work on numerical methods for PDEs and their
applications, including space-time discretizations, isogeometric
analysis and cardiac modelling.

Infos for application are at the website:

The deadline is 7th December 2023 at 12.00 a.m.

From: Ana López López [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, PDEs/Fluid Mechanics, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, offers two positions as
Postdoctoral Fellow on PDEs and Mathematical Analysis for Fluid
Mechanics in the Applied Analysis group. The selected candidates will
work under the supervision of one the permanent members of the group:
Francesco Fanelli, Arnab Roy and Arghir Zarnescu, to be determined
subsequently. This position is funded by Severo Ochoa project.

Apply here:

Requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their
Ph.D. completed before the contract starts. Ph.D. degree in
Mathematics Skills and track-record: Good interpersonal skills. A
proven track record in quality research, as evidenced by research
publications in top scientific journals and conferences. Demonstrated
ability to work independently and as part of a collaborative research
team. Ability to present and publish research outcomes in spoken
(talks) and written (papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate
and present research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with
different backgrounds. Fluency in spoken and written English. The
post holder will not be required to do any teaching but if desired
he/she can deliver short courses, of his/her choice, at
Ph.D. level. Also, if desired, the post holder can be involved in
supervision of graduate students.

Scientific Profile: Strong background in the analysis of partial
differential equations relevant to fluid mechanics.

From: Ana López López [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Robust Multioutput Supervised Learning, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, offers a Postdoctoral
Fellow on Robust multioutput supervised learning in the Machine
Learning group. The candidate will work under the supervision of
researcher Santiago Mazuelas. This position is funded 50% from
CNS2022-135203 and 50% from PID2022-137063NB- I00 projects.

Apply here:

Requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their
PhD completed before the contract starts. PhD degree preferable in
Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics or related fields.

Skills and track-record: Good interpersonal skills. A proven track
record in quality research, as evidenced by research publications in
top scientific journals and conferences. Demonstrated ability to work
independently and as part of a collaborative research team. Ability
to present and publish research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written
(papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate and present
research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with different
backgrounds. Fluency in spoken and written English.

Scientific Profile: Strong background in mathematics/
probability/statistics. Background in statistical modelling and
inference. Solid programming skills in python and/or matlab.

From: Benjamin Peherstorfer [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific ML, NYU, USA

There is an open PostDoc position at Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, New York University, in Benjamin Peherstorfer's group.

Topics of interest are broadly in scientific machine learning,
including data- driven modeling and model reduction via nonlinear
parametrizations such as deep networks, dynamical systems and control,
Monte Carlo methods and generative modeling, and randomized linear
algebra. Applications of interest are transport-dominated
parameterized problems, control, and uncertainty quantification. More
details about research topics:

Candidates should have a PhD degree and past work in applied and
computational mathematics, with a solid background in machine learning
and/or numerical analysis. Candidates should have an interest in
science and engineering applications. The position has no teaching
requirement and is available with a flexible start date. The initial
appointment will be for one year, with yearly extensions depending on
performance and funding.

Applications received via by Dec
22, 2023 will receive full consideration but the search will remain
open until the position is filled. For more information, contact
pehersto at cims dot nyu dot edu.

Documents to submit: Up-to-date CV with publication list, cover letter
explaining interests and goals, and 2 reference letters. More details

From: José Soares de Andrade Júnior [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Artificial Intelligence, Brazil

The Reference Center for Artificial Intelligence (CEREIA), a Research
Center based at Federal University of Ceara in Brazil, is offering a
set of postdoctoral fellowships in Artificial Intelligence. This
program offers an exciting opportunity for early-career researchers to
advance their academic and research careers in the dynamic field of
AI. CEREIA is committed to promoting excellence in AI research, with
specific focus on addressing healthcare-related problems and
challenges. CEREIA conducts several projects, including prediction of
chronic diseases; engagement of patients in health promotion and
chronic disease prevention programs; intelligent systems for remote
patient monitoring; analysis and processing of medical images; medical
history assisted by artificial intelligence; and others.

The position is a one-year contract funded by the Sao Paulo Research
Foundation (FAPESP). In general, fellowship recipients collaborate in
research under the supervision of one or more Center's members for one
year. The fellowship may be extended for an additional year, depending
on performance and availability of funds. Applications are due
November 30th, 2023 (late submissions will not be considered). Please
see the Announcement for more information:

From: Hristo Chipilski [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Data Assimilation, Florida State Univ, USA

The research group of Prof. Hristo Chipilski in the Department of
Scientific Computing at Florida State University (FSU) is recruiting
one (1) MS or PhD student to begin as a Graduate Research Assistant
(GRA) in Fall 2024. Research will be conducted in the growing field of
data assimilation for science and engineering applications. Students
will have considerable freedom in defining their own research
directions, but topics of special interest include (i) the development
of non-Gaussian ensemble filters, (ii) the assimilation of
ground-based remote sensors, and (iii) the use of artificial
intelligence/machine learning tools in data assimilation and numerical
weather prediction.

Prospective students should email Prof. Chipilski at
[email protected] with the subject line GRA Fall 2024, and include
(i) a short description of their research interests as well as (ii) a
CV/resume highlighting their training and experiences. After a
suitable candidate is determined, a formal application through FSU's
Office of Admissions will be required (,
and should be preferably completed before the end of December 2023.

Qualifications: Bachelor or Master degree in Computational/Computer
Science, Applied Mathematics, Meteorology, or other related fields
[required]. Demonstrated scientific programming skills with scripting
and compiled languages (e.g., Python and FORTRAN) [required]. Strong
background in Applied and Computational Mathematics [preferred]. Past
experience with data assimilation, machine learning and numerical
weather prediction software [preferred].

The Department of Scientific Computing was one of the first programs
in the nation to offer competitive graduate programs in Computational
Science with specializations in Atmospheric Science, Biochemistry,
Biological Science, Geological Science, Materials Science and Physics
(see for more information). Together
with the newly developed Master of Data Science program, the incoming
student will work and study in a truly interdisciplinary
environment. They will also benefit from Prof. Chipilski's connections
with various national labs in the US (NCAR, NASA JPL, NRL and NOAA),
creating additional research and training opportunities.

From: Joab Winkler [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Deep Learning, Sheffield Univ, UK

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield has
a fully funded PhD position in the area of unresolved mathematical
issues in deep learning. Deep neural networks are used in many
applications, including medical diagnosis, autonomous vehicles and the
detection of financial fraud, and thus high confidence in the
correctness of the result from a deep neural network is important,
with potential serious consequences of an incorrect result. The aim of
this project is the identification of the mathematical cause(s) of
these unresolved issues, and the development of mathematically robust
methods for their solution, thereby ensuring greater certainty in the
correctness of the result from a deep neural network.

Candidates with a background in numerical analysis and computational
methods, and an interest in deep learning are encouraged to apply. The
project involves theoretical development and software implementation.

The closing date for applications is 24 January 2024.

The starting date of the project is October 2024.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Winkler
([email protected]) to discuss their interest in, and
suitability for, the project prior to submitting their application.

The award will fund the full tuition fee and the UK stipend, which is
currently 18,622 GBP per annum.

From: Robert Altmann [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, OVGU Magdeburg, Germany

There is an open PhD position for Numerical Analysis at the Otto von
Guericke University Magdeburg (75%, 3 years). Deadline for
applications is November 15, 2023.

For more information and the online application web site please visit

From: Sebastian Aland [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Simulation of Cell Biology, Germany

A Ph.D. position in numerical mathematics is available in the research
group of Prof. Sebastian Aland in Dresden or Freiberg, Germany. The
group puts a strong focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and uses
numerical simulations to help other disciplines understanding
real-life systems in emerging branches of cell biology, materials
science and nanotechnology. The collaborative research group is shared
between HTW Dresden and TU Freiberg.

The project is concerned with the fluid-structure interaction of a
moving surface (the cell cortex) embedded in viscous fluids and aims
to answer fundamental questions on the organization of life by means
of mathematical modeling and simulations. The funding will run for 3
years starting at a flexible date in early 2024, with the option to be
extended. The salary is according to 75% of the German E13 scale
(~40.000 Euro per year). The position can be filled either in Dresden
or in Freiberg.

For detailed information, see

From: Ana López López [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Weakly Supervised Classification, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, offers a PhD position on
foundations and algorithms for weakly supervised classification in
the Machine Learning (ML) group. The student will be jointly
supervised by professors Sanjoy Dasgupta (UCSD, University of
California, San Diego) and Jose A. Lozano (BCAM, Basque Center for
Applied Mathematics).

Apply here:

Requirements: A master degree in maths or computer science Skills and
track-record: Good interpersonal skills. Demonstrated ability to work
independently and as part of a collaborative research team. Ability
to present and publish research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written
(papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate and present
research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with different
backgrounds. Fluency in spoken and written English.

Scientific Profile: Strong background in
mathematics/probability/statistics. Background in statistical
modelling and inference. Background knowledge in machine learning.
Solid pogramming skills in Python.

From: Matt Moores [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Statistical ML, Univ of Wollongong, Australia

PhD Scholarships are available in the area of statistical learning
with applications to metocean and ocean engineering. Research topics
in statistical learning identified as PhD projects include (1)
sequential decision making and optimal design to augment targeted and
efficient data acquisition; (2) data driven spatio-temporal
inference/prediction of complex ocean dynamic processes; (3)
statistical analyses, emulation, and uncertainty quantification of
physical models. The student will be a member of the Australian
Research Council's (ARC) Industrial Transformation Research Hub for
Transforming energy Infrastructure through Digital Engineering (TIDE),
situated in the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre (IOMRC) at the
University of Western Australia (UWA). TIDE brings together a vibrant
international team of researchers in statistics, data science, and
ocean engineering. The data science team within the Hub is comprised
of researchers located at the University of Western Australia,
University of Wollongong, Australia, and University of Lancaster, UK,
with expertise in statistics, machine learning, and applied
mathematics. Successful applicants will be hosted at one of the
aforementioned institutions, depending on research interests and
student circumstances, and will engage in collaboration across, and
travel between, institutions.

Applications are invited from domestic and international students who
are able to commence their PhD studies in early 2024. Applicants
should hold, or be close to completing, an Honours undergraduate
degree or a Masters degree in Statistics, Machine Learning, or a
closely related field. The ideal candidate will have an interest in
the development of statistical learning/machine learning methodology
and computation, excellent mathematical and programming skills, and an
interest in using them to model and predict environmental or
engineering phenomena. Self- motivation, strong research potential,
and good oral and written communication skills are essential criteria.

To apply, please send in academic transcripts, a CV, and a cover
letter outlining your motivation for conducting research in one of the
above areas to Kath Lundy ([email protected]). For informal queries,
please contact A/Prof. Andrew Zammit Mangion ([email protected]),
A/Prof. Edward Cripps ([email protected]) or Prof. David Leslie
([email protected]).

From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2023
Subject: CFP, Special Issue on MINLP, Mathematical Programming B

Special issue of Mathematical Programming B: "The MINLP Hatchery"

Special issues on MINLP often focus on the important aspects of
applications and algorithmic advances. A specific aim of this special
issue is to identify and highlight links between MINLP and modern
mathematics. We hope that this will nurture the exchange of
MINLP-related mathematical ideas and approaches across research and
community areas. We are now calling for high-quality papers about
MINLP: its theory, its methods, its applications, and most of all its
links with other mathematical areas. The idea for this issue was born
at the 2023 Oberwolfach workshop on MINLP, but participation to the
workshop is not a necessary requirement for contribution. On the
contrary, we call for MINLP-related contributions as widely as
possible. The submission deadline is March 31st, 2024. But if your
paper is ready, you can go and submit right now.

To submit a paper:
1. go to
2. log in using registered credentials or your ORCID account
3. follow the submission procedure:
a) in "Select article type" choose "MPB - Special issues only";
b) in "General information", in the menu under "Please select the
Special Issue you would like to submit to:" choose "Series B -
S.I.: The MINLP Hatchery";
4. send us an email notifying us of the submission, and give us: list
of authors, title, paper ID assigned by the system. This helps us
keep track of submissions without relying entirely on the editorial

The one described above is the only way to submit. MPB no longer
validates submissions sent directly to guest editors. Also, please do
not get step (3b) wrong. If you do, your paper might end up being
handled by the guest editors of another issue.

Warning: if you are submitting a paper and one of your co-authors is a
guest editor of this issue, or a member of the editorial board of
Mathematical Programming B, the editorial process is handled
differently to ensure anonymity and fairness. Contact us before
submission, and we'll tell you what to do.

From: Irena Lasiecka [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2023
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (6)

Contents: EECT-December 2023, vol 12, nr 6.

1.A Newtonian approach to general black holes, Alain Haraux

2.Numerical solution to the linearized model of a clamped-free plate
using nonconforming finite elements, Katarzyna Szulc

3.Null controllability of - Hilfer implicit fractional
integro-differential equations with -Hilfer fractional nonlocal
conditions, Mourad Kerboua, Ichrak Bouacida and Sami Segni

4. Stabilization of an interconnected system of Schrodinger and wave
equations with boundary coupling, Latifa Moumen, Fatima Zohra Sidiali
and Salah-Eddine Rebiai

5. Qualitative analysis of certain reaction-diffusion systems of the
FitzHugh-Nagumo type, B. Ambrosio

6. Boundary exact controllability for the longitudinal vibrations of a
bar in memoriam to Professor Luiz Adauto Medeiros, M. Milla Miranda
and Aldo T. Louredo

7.Controllability for the wave equation on graph with cycle and delta-
prime vertex conditions, Sergei Avdonin, Julian Edward and Gunter

8. Controllability results for second-order integro-differential
equations with state-dependent delay, Abdelhamid Bensalem, Abdelkrim
Salim, Mouffak Benchohra and Juan J. Nieto

9.Optimal feedback control results for a second-order evolution system
with finite delay, Hai Huang and Xianlong Fu

10. On the Cauchy problem for the Hartree type semilinear Schrodinger
equation in the de Sitter spacetime, Mikio Ichimiya and Makoto

11. Approximation of mild solutions of delay integro-differential
equations on Banach spaces, Mohammed Elghandouri and Khalil Ezzinbi

On the singular limit of a boundary delayed Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-
Korteweg-de Vries equation: Well-posedness and stability results,
Boumediene Chentouf and Baowei Feng

12. Global smooth solutions in a three-dimensional cross-diffusive SIS
epidemic model with saturated taxis at large densities, Youshan Tao
and Michael Winkler

13. A new regularity criterion for the 3D incompressible Boussinesq
equations in terms of the middle eigenvalue of the strain tensor in
the homogeneous Besov spaces with negative indices, Ben Omrane Ines,
Gala Sadek and Ragusa Maria Alessandra

End of Digest