NA Digest Thursday, May 7, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 41

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 7-May-87 11:38:04
Date: 7 MAY 87 20:07-GMT
From: MHG%[email protected]
To: [email protected]
ReSent-Date: Thu 7 May 87 11:38:04-PDT
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]


In 1988 a top-of-the-line supercomputer will be installed at
ETH Zurich (make and model are still open). For the user support
two groups are being established: one giving the usual kind of
system support, the other being more scientifically oriented,
giving advice on how to solve the problems with well vectorizable
state-of-the-art algorithms. This second group, which will be
lead by the undersigned, is supposed to interact actively with
some (of the not so many) users, to contribute to their projects,
and to provide basic algorithmic research related to the upcoming
problems. There are three open positions in this group, and we
hope to fill them with highly qualified people. Required is a
Ph.D. in an area related to scientific computing, experience in
using a vector computer, and demonstrated ability of doing high
quality research. Two of the positions are in numerical analysis,
one in another area, e.g., graphics. The beginning of the assign-
ment is negotiable, the funds are guaranteed until September 1991.
Starting salary at least Sfr. 54,000, considerably higher with
experience. (Sfr. 54,000 = $ 36,000 currently.) Visiting positions
are also conceivable.
Please send applications (with at least three references or
letters of recommendation) to

Dr. Martin H. Gutknecht
Seminar fuer Angewandte Mathematik
ETH-Zentrum HG
CH-8092 Zurich / SWITZERLAND

Tel. (41) (1) 256 3464

P.S. I will be away in the U.S. from May 11 till May 23.
For those who want to contact me there, these are my stations:

Tu May 12 pm: c/o Dr. Eric Grosse, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J.
May 13-15: Conf. "History of Scientific and Numeric Computing",
Hyatt Regency, Princeton, N.J.
May 16-17: c/o Prof. L.N. Trefethen, MIT, Boston
May 18-19: c/o Linda Yetzer, Cray Research, Mendota Heights, Minn.
May 20 : c/o Peter Warn, ETA Systems, St.Paul, Minn.
May 21 pm: National Center for Supercomputer Applics, Urbana, Ill.
Fr May 22 pm: c/o Dr. J. Dongarra, Argonne National Lab.


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 7-May-87 19:01:05
Date: Thu 7 May 87 19:01:05-PDT
From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
Subject: NA-net introduction
To: [email protected]


There are several conveniencies associated with NAnet.

1. Sending messages to eveyone on the net
2. Sending a message to an individual
3. Sending a message to SIAM
4. Obtaining software
5. Obtaining address information for an individual
6. Distributing and obtaining titles and abstracts

A. To send a message to EVERYONE, mail to NA@SU-SCORE and
everyone on the distribution list will be sent the message.
To obtain the distribution list, send me a message.
(Those on ARPA net can FTP the file <GOLUB>na.dis.)

B. To mail to an individual, send a message to na.<last name>@SU-SCORE and
the message will automatically be forwarded. Try your own name.
Some addresses are quite complex so it's often easier to use this device.
If you send a message to NA.GOLUB@SU-SCORE that will automatically be

C. You can send mail to SIAM simply as SIAM@SU-SCORE or NA.SIAM@SU-SCORE.

D. You can get some software as indicated below. This effort is due
to Jack Dongarra and Eric Grosse.

E. You can get address information for individuals as indicated below.

F. Richard Bartels (na.bartels) maintains an irregular title and abstract
distribution service. He would appreciate electronic notices of
preprints and technical reports. Send
1. title
2. list of authors
3. authors' addresses
4. abstract
5. means of requesting a copy of the work
When enough (about 10-15) notices have come in, these will be posted
to na@su-score.

G. Other suggestions are welcome.

H. Please be careful in using the REPLY command. On some systems,
if "r" is used everyone on the mailing list receives the response;
a reply with "R" will go to the sender.

I. Address any problems to NA.PROBLEM@SU-SCORE.



You can now get mathematical software automatically by electronic mail.
Send mail of the form:
send qag from quadpack
to either:
netlib@anl-mcs (on the Arpa/Csnet network)
or: research!netlib (on the Unix network).
This gets you the code for routine x in library y and all routines x calls.
To get just x itself, say "send only ...." You can ask for several
routines at once, and can make several requests, as in the mail:
send i1mach r1mach from core
send svd from eispack
send only ssvdc from linpack
If your request is all upper case, the returned code will be in upper case.

Currently we offer routines from LINPACK, EISPACK, MINPACK, the special
function library FNLIB, the book by Forsythe, Malcolm, and Moler,
QUADPACK, golden oldies (like gaussq), Collected Algorithms of the ACM,
BIHAR, and many others including recent research codes.
To get a table of contents:
send index
To get an index for a library y, append "for y."

For advice on what routine to try, you still need a numerics expert;
we're just trying to simplify code distribution. Comments are welcome.

Also, it is possible to get address information on certain individuals.
To do this, use the mail to netlib with the whois command.
For example
whois wilkinson
will give you the address of both Wilkinson's in the data base.

Jack Dongarra 312-972-7246 dongarra@anl-mcs Argonne National Lab, Chicago
Eric Grosse 201-582-5828 research!ehg ATT Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ

The following entries can be used to reach (potentially) all numerical
analysts at a particular institution. There is
no guarantee exactly who will be reached by using these names.
For example, na.riceu may not reach every numerical analyst at rice

To find out who is on a particular list you can look in
the na distribution list. If you still have questions about
who is on a particular list then mail to [email protected].

NA.ARGONNE (Argonne National Lab)
NA.AUSTRALIA (Australia)
NA.BC (British Columbia and Alberta)
NA.BELL (Bell Labs)
NA.BOULDER (Boulder)
NA.BRL (Ballistics Res. Lab.)
NA.CANADA (Canada)
NA.CANADIANS (Canadian type people here and there)
NA.CLEMSON (Clemson)
NA.CORNELL (Cornell)
NA.DREA (Defense Research Estab. Atlantic, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia)
NA.DUKE (Duke)
NA.IBM (IBM: Palo Alto, Yorktown)
NA.ICASE (ICASE - Virginia)
NA.ILLINOIS (Urbana-Champaign)
NA.LANL (Los Alamos)
NA.LBL (Lawrence Berkeley Lab)
NA.LLL (Lawrence Livermore Lab)
NA.MARYLAND (U of Maryland)
NA.MICH (Michigan)
NA.NORWAY (Norway)
NA.NYU (New York)
NA.ORNL (Oak Ridge National Lab)
NA.PENN-STATE (Pennsylvania State)
NA.PITTSBURGH (Pittsburgh U)
NA.PURDUE (Purdue)
NA.RICEU (Rice University)
NA.RUTGERS (Rutgers)
NA.SANDIA (Sandia Natl Lab)
NA.STANFORD (Stanford University)
NA.TEXAS (U of Texas at Austin)
NA.TORONTO (University of Toronto)
NA.UK (United Kingdom)
NA.WAYNE (Wayne University)
NA.WATERLOO (University of Waterloo)
NA.WISC (U of Wisconsin at Madison)
NA.YALE (Yale University)

For example, the address to mail to the argonne list is:
[email protected]


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 7-May-87 19:01:40
Date: Thu 7 May 87 19:01:40-PDT
From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
Subject: NA-net addresses
To: [email protected]

crowley, jim (na.crowley) [email protected]
rankin, sam (na.rankin) [email protected]
thomas, john (na.johnthomas) [email protected]

harvey, steve (na.harvey) "harvey%uab.csnet"
jones, warren (na.wjones) "jones%uab.csnet"
reilly, kevin (na.reilly) "reilly%uab.csnet"
suter, bruce (na.suter) "suter%uab.csnet"
young, wei (na.wyoung) "young%uab.csnet"

argonne, na (na.argonne) [email protected]
boyle, jim (na.boyle) [email protected]
byrne, george (na.byrne) [email protected]
cody, jim (na.cody) [email protected]
cowell, wayne (na.cowell) [email protected]
datta, karabi (na.kdatta) [email protected]
diaz, julio (na.diaz) [email protected]
dongarra, jack (na.dongarra) [email protected]
dritz, kenneth (na.dritz) [email protected]
ducroz, jeremy (na.ducroz) [email protected]
duff, iain (na.duff) [email protected]
dupont, todd ( [email protected]
gabriel, john (na.gabriel) [email protected]
garbow, burt (na.garbow) [email protected]
jordan, kirk (na.jordan) [email protected]
lewis, john (na.lewis) [email protected]
lyness, james (na.lyness) [email protected]
minkoff, mike (na.minkoff) [email protected]
more, jorge (na.more) [email protected]
netlib, na (na.netlib) [email protected]
simon, horst (na.simon) [email protected]
smith, brian (na.bsmith) [email protected]
sorensen, danny (na.sorensen) [email protected]
thompson, chris (na.cthompson) [email protected]

austin, derek (na.daustin) "mulga!psych.uq.oz!derek"
australia, na (na.australia) "munnari!na-dis"
brent, richard (na.brent) "mulga!anucsd.oz!rpb"
burrage, kevin (na.burrage) "mnetor!calgary!vuwcomp!auccvaxb!csc_burrage"
cook, dianne (na.cook) "dhc308%cscunix.anu.oz"
dehoog, frank (na.dehoog) "munnari!dmscanb.oz!frank"
elhay, sylvan (na.elhay) "munnari!!elhay"
gupta, gopal (na.ggupta) "munnari!moncsbruce.oz!gopal"
harris, rex (na.harris) "rph%mulga.oz"
holt, john (na.holt) "munnari!psych.uq.oz!jholt"
jennings, les (na.jennings) "robyn%wacsvax.oz"
kautsky, jerry (na.kautsky) "munnari!flinders.oz!kautsky"
kautsky, jerry (na.kautsky) [email protected]
maeder, anthony (na.maeder) "munnari!moncsbruce.oz!ajm"
osborne, mike (na.osborne) "dhc308%cscunix.anu.oz"
paine, john (na.paine) "munnari!!jpaine"
robinson, ian (na.robinson) "munnari!latcs1.oz!ian"
sloan, ian (na.sloan) "munnari!napier.maths.unsw.oz!sloan"
somogyi, zolton (na.somogyi) "zs%[email protected]
sweet, doug (na.dsweet) "munnari!sheila.oz!doug"
thompson, mark (na.mthompson) "munnari!pleiades.oz!mct"

belllabs, na (na.belllabs) nadist%[email protected]
coughran, william (na.coughran) wmc%[email protected]
gay, david ( dmg%[email protected]
grosse, eric (na.grosse) ehg%[email protected]
hastie, trevor (na.hastie) "research!tukey!trevor"
kaufman, linda (na.kaufman) lck%[email protected]
mckenna, jim (na.mckenna) jmck.alice%[email protected]
schryer, norm (na.schryer) nls%[email protected]
singhal, kishore (na.singhal) "ksinghal.aluxz"%[email protected]

cuccia, nick (na.cuccia) [email protected]
donoho, david (na.donoho) [email protected]
mcdonald, stuart (na.mcdonald) [email protected]
nour-omid, nour (na.bahram) [email protected]
osullivan, finbarr (na.osullivan) [email protected]
parlett, beresford (na.parlett) [email protected]

atkinson, kendall (na.atkinson) "blakeawy%uiamvs.bitnet"
augenbaum, jeffrey (na.augenbaum) "augenbau%uconnvm.bitnet"
bai, dov (na.bai) "fatbk%usu.bitnet"
beasley, leroy (na.beasley) "fatns%usu.bitnet"
bercovier, michel (na.bercovier) "berco%hujics.bitnet"
bogomolny, alexander (na.bogomolny) "blabogwy%uiamvs.bitnet"
bosworth, ken (na.bosworth) "uf7048%usu.bitnet"
brown, kevin (na.kbrown) "kcb1%aplvm.bitnet"
bruckstein, alfred (na.bruckstein) "freddy%techsel.bitnet"
buchanan, jim (na.buchanan) "acad8005%ryerson.bitnet"
chow, sum (na.chow) "amathsc%wyocdc2.bitnet"
christie, iain (na.christie) "vm0acb%wvnvm.bitnet"
crownover, richard (na.crownover) "mathrmc%umcvmb.bitnet"
dalcher, amnon (na.dalcher) "w3and%vpfvm.bitnet"
delillo, thomas (na.delillo) "unctkd%unc.bitnet"
depillis, john (na.jdepillis) "fscjp%nobergen.bitnet"
donley, ed (na.donley) "fac_donl%jmuvax1.bitnet"
elden, lars (na.elden) ""
elden, lars (na.elden) "lelden%semax51.bitnet"
foster, leslie (na.foster) "tfnaac2%calstate.bitnet"
friedland, shmuel (na.friedland) "u12735%uicvm.bitnet"
gerlach, juergen (na.gerlach) "mathjg%umcvmb.bitnet"
goodman, gerald (na.ggoodman) "gerald%ifiidg.bitnet"
goovaerts, danny (na.goovaerts) "fhgaa20%blekul11.bitnet"
grandison, chris (na.grandison) "fcty7042%ryerson.bitnet"
gupta, suchitra (na.sgupta) "gupta%psuvax1.bitnet"
hagstrom, thomas (na.hagstrom) "thagstro%sbccmail.bitnet"
hanson, floyd (na.fhanson) "u12688%uicvm.bitnet"
heiberger, rich (na.heiberger) "v5807e%templevm.bitnet"
henderson, lee (na.lhenderson) "gfa0002%calstate.bitnet"
horn, roger (na.horn) "msc_hrah%jhuvms.bitnet"
horwitz, stanley (na.horwitz) "v4039%templevm.bitnet"
ip, chi (na.ip-ming) "cip%sbccmail.bitnet"
jacobs, marc (na.jacobs) "mathmqj%umcvmb.bitnet"
jimenez, javier (na.jimenez) "sendin%eearn.bitnet"
kamel, aladin (na.kamel) "kamel%iecsec.bitnet"
kelley, tim (na.kelley) "ctk%ncsumath.bitnet"
kirch, murray (na.kirch) "h154041%njecnvm.bitnet"
koltracht, israel (na.koltracht) "koltrach%uncamult.bitnet"
liebling, tom (na.liebling) "liebling%clsepf51.bitnet"
lotstedt, per (na.lotstedt) "perl%semax51.bitnet"
luecke, glenn (na.luecke) "gm.grl%isumvs.bitnet"
magnus, alphonse (na.magnus) "annu76%buclln11.bitnet"
mccurley, kevin (na.mccurley) "mccurley%uscvm.bitnet"
meinguet, jean (na.meinguet) "annu76%buclln11.bitnet"
messamore, steve (na.messamore) "uowslm%uofmcc.bitnet"
mittelmann, hans (na.mittelmann) "aihdm%asuacad.bitnet"
neuwirth, erich (na.neuwirth) "a4422dab%awiuni11.bitnet"
nichols, nancy (na.nichols) "nancy%ncsumath.bitnet"
peled, uri (na.peled) "u32799%uicvm.bitnet"
potra, florian (na.potra) "blafapwy%uiamvs.bitnet"
renaut, rosie (na.renaut) "atrzr%asuacad.bitnet"
solmi, silvia (na.solmi) "laratta%icnucevm.bitnet"
staat, ben (na.staat) "ben%ymir.bitnet"
stephens, michael (na.stephens) "eke50zz%wyocdc1.bitnet"
stynes, martin (na.stynes) stmt8007%[email protected]
tewarson, reginald (na.tewarson) "rtewarso%sbccmail.bitnet"
thomee, vidar (na.thomee) "cmsvt%seguc21.bitnet"
toint, phillipe (na.toint) "phtoint%bnandp10.bitnet"
trapp, g (na.trapp) "un106020%wvnvaxb.bitnet"
vagoun, voyta (na.vagoun) "vm0291%wvnvm.bitnet"
vandegriend, jaap (na.vandegriend) "vdgriend%hlerul5.bitnet"
vanderlaan, kees (na.vanderlaan) "cgl%hgrrug5.bitnet"
vanness, alan (na.vanness) a4v%[email protected]
vial, jean-phillipe (na.vial) "jpvial%cgeuge11.bitnet"
walker, homer (na.walker) "uf7099%usu.bitnet"
wegman, ed (na.wegman) "ewegman%gmuvax.bitnet"
wilson, howard (na.wilson) "hwilson%ua1vm.bitnet"
winkel, rich (na.winkel) "ccuc%umcvmb.bitnet"
winkel, rich (na.winkel) "mathpg1%umcvmb.bitnet"
wisz, t (na.wisz) "fcty7098%ryerson.bitnet"
zaccone, rick (na.zaccone) "zaccone%bucknell.bitnet"
zwick, dan (na.zwick) zwick%[email protected]

fickie, kurt (na.fickie) [email protected]
ploskonka, joe (na.ploskonka) [email protected]
srivastav, ram (na.srivastav) [email protected]
wolff, stephen (na.wolff) steve%[email protected]
wouk, arthur (na.wouk) [email protected]

caltech, na (na.caltech) [email protected]
kreiss, barbro (na.kreiss) [email protected]
lorenz, jens (na.lorenz) [email protected]
messina, paul (na.messina) [email protected]
vandevelde, eric (na.vandevelde) [email protected]
vortex, na (na.caltech) [email protected]

acadia, na (na.acadia) "numanal%acadia.bitnet"
addison, cliff (na.addison) "clifford%nocmi.bitnet"
ascher, uri (na.ascher) ascher%[email protected]
bartels, richard (na.rbartels) [email protected]
bartels, richard (na.rbartels) rhbartels%[email protected]
bartels, richard (na.rhbartels) [email protected]
bartels, richard (na.rhbartels) rhbartels%[email protected]
barzilai, jonathan (na.barzilai) "dalcs!barzilai"%[email protected]
bc, na (na.bc) na%[email protected]
brunner, hermann (na.brunner) "herman%garfield.mun.cdn%ubc.csnet"
buckley, bert (na.buckley) "mcvax!inria!!lemarech"
calamai, ph (na.calamai) phcalamai%[email protected]
chipman, fred (na.chipman) "chipman%acadia.bitnet"
conn, andy (na.conn) ""
dempster, michael (na.dempster) "dalcs!dempster"%[email protected]
dereck, meek (na.dereck) "dmeek%cc.uofm.cdn%ubc.csnet"
dieci, luca (na.dieci) "luca%lccr.sfu.cdn%ubc.csnet"
drea, na (na.drea) [email protected]
enright, wayne (na.enright) enright%[email protected]
gentleman, morven (na.gentleman) ""
gergely, peter (na.gergely) [email protected]
goffin, jean-louis (na.goffin) "ma56%mcgilla.bitnet"
gould, nick (na.gould) ""
grundke, ernst (na.grundke) "dalcs!grundke"%[email protected]
gstyan, george (na.gstyan) "MT71%mcgilla.bitnet"
gunn, eldon (na.gunn) "dalcs!gunn"%[email protected]
halifax, na (na.halifax) "dalcs!nalist"%[email protected]
jackson, ken (na.jackson) krj%[email protected]
jepson, allan (na.jepson) jepson%[email protected]
keast, pat (na.keast) "dalcs!keast"%[email protected]
merkovsky, bob (na.merkovsky) "dalcs!merk"%[email protected]
morrow, jim (na.morrow) "hilbert!morrow"
muir, paul (na.muir) "dalcs!muir"%[email protected]
nicol, tom (na.nicol) "ubcna%ubc.mailnet"
olesky, dale (na.olesky) "uvicctr!dolesky"
paige, chris (na.paige) chris%[email protected]
roberts, frank (na.roberts) "uvicctr!froberts"
ross, john (na.ross) "yjohn%utorscs.bitnet"
russell, bob (na.russell) "russell%lccr.sfu.cdn"%[email protected]
sedgwick, art (na.sedgwick) "dalcs!sedgwick"%[email protected]
sharp, philip ( sharp%[email protected]
simpson, bruce (na.simpson) rbsimpson%[email protected]
styan, george (na.styan) "MT56%mcgilla.bitnet"
sutherland, dick (na.sutherland) "dalcs!wrss"%[email protected]
trojan, george (na.trojan) ""
varah, james (na.varah) varah%[email protected]
waterloo, na (na.waterloo) "ml_na%waterloo.csnet"
wolkowicz, henry (na.wolkowicz) ""
wolkowicz, henry (na.wolkowicz) "ubc-vision!alberta!uqv-mts!sunn"

cox, chris (na.ccox) clcox%[email protected]
moss, bill (na.moss) bmoss%[email protected]
shier, doug (na.shier) drshier%[email protected]
warner, dan (na.warner) warner%[email protected]

barton, michael (na.barton) "michael.barton"
cmu, bb (na.cmu) "arpalists#na"
kung, ht (na.kung) [email protected]
parzen, michael (na.parzen) [email protected]

allgower, eugene (na.allgower) "allgowr%csugreen.bitnet"
byrd, richard (na.byrd) richard%[email protected]
colorado-state, na (na.colorado-state) "appmath%csugreen.bitnet"
curry, jim (na.curry) curry%[email protected]
duchateau, paul (na.duchateau) "duchato%csugreen.bitnet"
fosdick, lloyd (na.fosdick) lloyd%[email protected]
gary, john (na.gary) ""
georg, kurt (na.georg) "georg%csugreen.bitnet"
gustafson, karl (na.gustafson) gustafs%[email protected]
hunter, john (na.hunter) "hunter%csugreen.bitnet"
mccormick, steve (na.mccormick) ""
poore, aubrey (na.poore) "poore%csugreen.bitnet"
prenter, patricia (na.prenter) "prenter%csugreen.bitnet"
scheurle, jurgen (na.scheurle) "scheurl%csugreen.bitnet"
schnabel, bobby (na.schnabel) ""
shultz, jerry (na.shultz) shultz%[email protected]
sweet, roland (na.rsweet) sweet%[email protected]
taylor, gerald (na.gtaylor) "taylor%csugreen.bitnet"
thomas, james (na.jamesthomas) "thomas%csugreen.bitnet"

bischof, christian (na.bischof) [email protected]
coleman, tom (na.tcoleman) [email protected]
khan, shahin (na.khan) "vfxy%cornelld.bitnet"
luk, franklin (na.luk) [email protected]
neves, kenneth (na.neves) "cpty%cornelld.bitnet"
park, haesun (na.park) [email protected]
pottle, chris (na.pottle) [email protected]
qiao, sanzheng (na.qiao) [email protected]
todd, mike (na.todd) "wft%cornellc.bitnet"
vanloan, charles (na.vanloan) [email protected]

hansen, perchristian (na.hansen) "mcvax!cuobs!pch"
houbak, niels (na.houbak) "ergniels%neuvm1.bitnet"
jensen, jesper (na.jensen) "amfjhj%neuvm1.bitnet"
thomsen, per (na.thomsen) "nmipgt%neuvm1.bitnet"
zlatev, zahari (na.zlatev) "lflzl%neuvm1.bitnet"

gallie, tom (na.gallie) [email protected]
gardner, carl (na.gardner) [email protected]
greenside, henry (na.greenside) [email protected]
ma, shing ( [email protected]
patrick, merrell (na.patrick) [email protected]
rose, don (na.rose) [email protected]
szyld, daniel (na.szyld) [email protected]

oliker, vladimir (na.oliker) oliker%[email protected]
so, joseph ( so%[email protected]

finland, na (na.finland) "nanet%finhutc.bitnet"
miekkala, ulla (na.miekkala) "mat-um%finhut.bitnet"
nevanlinna, olavi (na.nevanlinna) "mat-on%finhut.bitnet"

bardos, claude (na.bardos) "bardos%frulm11.bitnet"
bossut, regis (na.bossut) "rparbs%frfupl11.bitnet"
chatelin, francoise (na.chatelin) "chatelin%frpoi11.bitnet"
depolignac, chr (na.depolignac) "polignac%frill51.bitnet"
polignac, chr (na.polignac) "polignac%frill51.bitnet"

bader, georg (na.bader) "h39%dhdurz2.bitnet"
badke, ruediger (na.badke) "unp03d%dbnrhrz1.bitnet"
bunse-gerstner, angelika (na.bunse-gerstner) "umatf112%dbiuni11.bitnet"
cryer, colin (na.cryer) "onm02%dmswwu1a.bitnet"
dahl-jensen, ingrid (na.dahl-jensen) "dahli%dknbi01.bitnet"
deuflhard, peter (na.deuflhard) "zb6201%db0zib21.bitnet"
elsner, ludwig (na.elsner) "umatf105%dbiuni11.bitnet"
geers, klaus (na.geers) "rz81%dkauni11.bitnet"
heimann, martin (na.heimann) "211037%dhhmpi5d.bitnet"
hornung, ulrich (na.hornung) "hug143ac%dm0lrz01.bitnet"
jeltsch, rolf (na.jeltsch) "jeltsch%dacth51.bitnet"
jeltsch, rolf (na.jeltsch) "zdv614%djukfa11.bitnet"
klingenberg, christian (na.klingenberg) "b07%dhdurz2.bitnet"
krug, dieter (na.krug) "onm35%dmswwu1a.bitnet"
mehrman, volker (na.mehrman) "umatf108%dbiuni11.bitnet"
meyer-spasche, rita (na.meyer-spasche) "rim%dgaipp1s.bitnet"
mittwollen, norbert (na.mittwollen) "i6081501%dbstu1.bitnet"
schaumburg, kjeld (na.schaumburg) "km5sch%dkuccc11.bitnet"
schwandt, hartmut (na.schwandt) "1301%db0tuz01.bitnet"
trottenberg, ulrich (na.trottenberg) "gmap18%dbngmd21.bitnet"
veselic, k (na.veselic) "ma704%dhafeu11.bitnet"
vogell, wolrad (na.vogell) "umatf004%dbiuni11.bitnet"
wasniewski, jerzy (na.wasniewski) "rkujw%dkccre01.bitnet"
weimann, lutz (na.weimann) "zb6101%db0zib21.bitnet"

cohen, hirsh (na.cohen) [email protected]
cooley, jim (na.jcooley) "cooley%yktvmt.bitnet"
cullum, jane (na.cullum) [email protected]
douglas, craig (na.douglas) [email protected]
dubrulle, austin (na.dubrulle) [email protected]
henderson, michael (na.mhenderson) [email protected]
henshaw, bill (na.henshaw) "whensha%yktvmv.bitnet"
karp, alan (na.karp) [email protected]
klawe, maria (na.klawe) [email protected]
mayo, anita (na.mayo) [email protected]
oshiro, cm (na.oshiro) [email protected]
paul, george (na.paul) [email protected]
reyna, luis (na.reyna) [email protected]
willoughby, ralph (na.willoughby) [email protected]

gottlieb, david (na.gottlieb) [email protected]
hussaini, yousuff (na.hussaini) [email protected]
icase, na (na.icase) [email protected]
kamowitz, david (na.kamowitz) "davek%work11"
voigt, robert (na.voigt) [email protected]

ashby, steve (na.ashby) [email protected]
berry, mike (na.berry) berry%[email protected]
gallivan, kyle (na.gallivan) gallivan%[email protected]
gallopoulis, stratis (na.gallopoulis) [email protected]
gallopoulos, stratis (na.gallopoulos) ""
gear, william (na.gear) [email protected]
harrod, william (na.harrod) harrod%[email protected]
jalby, william (na.jalby) jalby%[email protected]
juang, fen-lien (na.juang) [email protected]
kerkhoven, thomas (na.kerkhoven) [email protected]
leimkuhler, ben (na.leimkuhler) [email protected]
lo, sy (na.lo-shin) slo%[email protected]
meier, ulrike (na.meier) meier%[email protected]
mitchell, william (na.mitchell) [email protected]
saad, youcef (na.saad) "alliant!uicsrd!saad"
sameh, ahmed (na.sameh) [email protected]
saylor, paul (na.saylor) [email protected]
scroggs, jeff (na.scroggs) "scroggs%uicsrd"
skeel, bob (na.skeel) [email protected]

brophy, john (na.brophy) "imsl!brophy%soma.uucp"
gentle, james (na.gentle) "soma.uucp!imsl!gentle"
smith, philip (na.psmith) "soma.uucp!imsl!smith"

bar-deroma, zvi ( "aer7101%technion.bitnet"
brandt, achi (na.brandt) "mabrandt%weizmann.bitnet"
hershkowitz, danny (na.hershkowitz) "mar23aa%technion.bitnet"
pinkus, allan (na.pinkus) "mar12aa%technion.bitnet"
rothblum, uriel (na.rothblum) "ieru10%technion.bitnet"
weil, chanoch (na.weil) "ccanacw%technion.bitnet"

brezzi, franco (na.brezzi) mar02%[email protected]
canuto, claudio (na.canuto) "matema1%ipruniv.bitnet"
comincioli, valeriano (na.comincioli) val01%[email protected]
marini, donatella (na.marini) "mar02%ipvian.bitnet"
notarnicola, filippo (na.notarnicola) ba0107%[email protected]
paolini, maurizio (na.paolini) mau08%[email protected]
pietra, paola (na.pietra) "pie06%ipvian.bitnet"
sartoretto, flavio (na.sartoretto) "map3%ipduniv.bitnet"

fairweather, graeme (na.fairweather) "mat110%ukcc.bitnet"
gragg, bill (na.gragg) ""
leigh, anne (na.leigh) "anne%ukcc.bitnet"
reichel, lothar (na.reichel) ""
thomson, steve (na.thomson) "steve%ukcc.bitnet"

brown, david (na.dbrown) [email protected]
buzbee, bill (na.buzbee) [email protected]
hyman, mac (na.hyman) [email protected]
manteuffel, tom (na.manteuffel) [email protected]
wendroff, bert (na.wendroff) [email protected]
white, andy (na.white) [email protected]

austin, don (na.donaustin) [email protected]
borgers, christoph (na.borgers) [email protected]
concus, paul (na.concus) [email protected]
fogelson, aaron (na.fogelson) [email protected]
hald, ole (na.hald) [email protected]
johnson, john (na.johnjohnson) "johnson%msuhep.hepnet"
lbl, na (na.lbl) [email protected]
mesirov, jill (na.mesirov) [email protected]
oliver, ed (na.oliver) [email protected]
pool, jim (na.pool) [email protected]
sethian, james (na.sethian) [email protected]

albert, jay (na.albert) "albert%ppl"
attenberger, stan (na.attenberger) "attenberger%orn.mfenet"
bolstad, john (na.bolstad) [email protected]
braams, bastiaan (na.braams) "bbraams%ppc.mfenet"
hedstrom, gerald (na.hedstrom) [email protected]
johnson, joe (na.joejohnson) "Johnson Joe"
koniges, alice (na.koniges) "koniges alice%e.mfenet"
lll, na (na.lll) [email protected]
nitao, john (na.nitao) "nitao%lll-es-s13"
perkins, louise (na.perkins) "perkins a. louise%b.mfenet"
petzold, linda (na.petzold) [email protected]
rodrigue, gary (na.rodrigue) [email protected]
seager, mark (na.seager) [email protected]
smiriga, nora (na.smiriga) [email protected]
taylor, derek (na.dtaylor) [email protected]

ehrlich, lou (na.ehrlich) [email protected]
elman, howard (na.elman) [email protected]
fontecilla, rodrigo (na.fontecilla) [email protected]
jou, emery (na.jou) [email protected]
lomonaco, sam (na.lomonaco) [email protected]
oleary, dianne (na.oleary) [email protected]
seidman, thomas (na.seidman) [email protected]
stewart, pete (na.gstewart) [email protected]
stewart, pete (na.pstewart) [email protected]

arnold, doug (na.arnold) arnold%[email protected]
beattie, chris (na.beattie) [email protected]
boley, dan (na.boley) [email protected]
boley, dan (na.boley) [email protected]
chronopoulos, anthony (na.chronopoulos) "chronos%umn.csnet"
fox, david (na.dfox) [email protected]
hanson, richard (na.rhanson) "unmvax!hanson"
infante, jim (na.infante) [email protected]
jensen, richard (na.jensen) [email protected]
luskin, mitchell (na.luskin) [email protected]
maier, robert (na.maier) maier%[email protected]
miller, willard (na.miller) "miller%umn-cs-fsa"
minn, na (na.minn) [email protected]
phillips, andrew (na.phillips) [email protected]
rosen, jb (na.rosen) [email protected]
sell, george (na.sell) [email protected]
walsh, t (na.walsh) [email protected]
weinberger, hans (na.weinberger) [email protected]

berman, robert (na.berman) [email protected]
harten, leo (na.harten) [email protected]
izraelevitz, david (na.izraelevitz) [email protected]
klema, virginia (na.klema) [email protected]
raines, don (na.raines) [email protected]
storey, david (na.storey) ftd%[email protected]
strang, gil (na.strang) ""
sundar, narasimhan (na.sundar) [email protected]
trangenstein, john (na.trangenstein) [email protected]
trefethen, nick (na.trefethen) ""
trummer, manfred (na.trummer) [email protected]

avila, john (na.avila) [email protected]
jespersen, dennis (na.jespersen) "jespersen%eul"
johnson, gary (na.gjohnson) [email protected]
warming, bob (na.warming) [email protected]
woo, alex (na.woo) [email protected]

beichl, isabel (na.beichl) [email protected]
blue, james ( [email protected]
boggs, paul (na.boggs) [email protected]
boisvert, ron (na.boisvert) [email protected]
burns, tim (na.burns) [email protected]
kafafi, sharif (na.kafafi) [email protected]
kahaner, david (na.kahaner) [email protected]
knapp-cordes, janice (na.jknapp-cordes) [email protected]
knapp-cordes, martin (na.mknapp-cordes) [email protected]
lozier, daniel (na.lozier) [email protected]
mcfadden, jeff (na.mcfadden) [email protected]
nbs, na (na.nbs) [email protected]
rumble, john (na.rumble) [email protected]
rust, bert (na.rust) [email protected]
sims, jim (na.sims) [email protected]
sullivan, francis (na.sullivan) [email protected]

byers, ralph (na.byers) "byers%ncsumath.bitnet"
campbell, steve (na.campbell) "slc%ncsumath.bitnet"
chu, moody (na.chu) "moody%ncsumath.bitnet"
meyer, carl (na.cmeyer) "cdm%ncsumath.bitnet"
meyer, carl (na.cmeyer) "ncmeyer%tucc.bitnet"
plemmons, bob (na.plemmons) ncsrjp%[email protected]
singer, michael (na.singer) "nsinger%tucc.bitnet"
stewart, william (na.bstewart) "ece-csc!billy%mcnc.csnet"
wright, steve (na.swright) "sjw%ncsumath.bitnet"

aase, jan (na.aase) aase%[email protected]
ammar, greg (na.ammar) "niuvax!ammar"
ashcraft, cleve (na.ashcraft) [email protected]
aspinall, john (na.aspinall) [email protected]
astfalk, gregg (na.astfalk) "allegra!pruxd!ga"
bank, randolph ( "ir145%sdcc17"
bayliss, alvin (na.bayliss) "bayliss%nwu.csnet"
blum, ed (na.blum) "blum%usc-cse"
broman, vincent (na.broman) "broman%bugs"
bunch, james (na.bunch) "ir166%sdcc17"
butcher, john (na.butcher) "calgary!vuwcomp!auccvaxb!csc_jcb"
chan, raymond (na.rchan) chan%[email protected]
chesshire, geoff (na.chesshire) ""
clark, ken (na.clark) [email protected]
cooley, don (na.dcooley) [email protected]
corliss, george (na.corliss) "uwmcsd1!marque!georgec"
csnet, archives (na.csnet) [email protected]
cybenko, george (na.cybenko) gc%[email protected]
dalton, george (na.dalton) [email protected]
datta, biswa (na.bdatta) "niuvax!dattab"
davis, paul (na.davis) pdavis%[email protected]
davis, stephen (na.davis) [email protected]
dedoncker, elyse (na.dedoncker) [email protected]
delaware, na (na.delaware) [email protected]
dodson, dave (na.dodson) dodson%[email protected]
drake, barry (na.drake) [email protected]
durham, wc (na.durham) [email protected]
eberlein, pat (na.eberlein) "eberlein%buffalo.csnet"
engel, gernot (na.engel) "macomw!engel"
ferguson, warren (na.ferguson) ferguson%[email protected]
fisher, josh (na.fisher) "mfci!fisher%uucp"
fourer, bob (na.fourer) fourer%[email protected]
fox, phyl (na.pfox) [email protected]
fram, david (na.fram) [email protected]
frishkopf, michael (na.frishkopf) [email protected]
gannon, dennis (na.gannon) gannon%[email protected]
ginsberg, myron (na.ginsberg) "ginsberg%gmr.csnet"
grinstein, georges (na.grinstein) grinstein%[email protected]
harker, patrick (na.harker) [email protected]
heller, don (na.heller) "shell!heller"
iannucci, dave (na.iannucci) "allegra!sjuvax!nanet"
iserles, arieh (na.iserles) "amethyst!ai"
kapur, sanjay (na.kapur) "kapur%sbcstesla"%[email protected]
kearfott, baker (na.kearfott) kearfottrb%[email protected]
koblinsky, chet (na.koblinsky) "koblinsky@[]"
krenz, gary (na.krenz) "uwvax!uwmcsd1!marque!garyk"
laub, alan (na.laub) "ucsbcsl!laub"
leon, steve (na.leon) [email protected]
lin, avi (na.lin) "v5008e%templevm.bitnet"
medlar, art (na.medlar) [email protected]
mejia, ray (na.mejia) "ram%nihcudec.bitnet"
melhem, rami (na.melhem) melhem%[email protected]
mikes, petyer (na.mikes) [email protected]
moler, cleve (na.moler) "dana!moler"
monk, peter (na.monk) [email protected]
monma, clyde (na.monma) [email protected]
nash, stephen (na.nash) [email protected]
nocedal, jorge (na.nocedal) nocedalj%[email protected]
oklahoma, na (na.oklahoma) ""
ortega, james (na.ortega) jmo%[email protected]
pagallo, giulia (na.pagallo) giulia%[email protected]
pan, victor (na.pan) "kiv%albany.csnet"
pasciak, joseph (na.pasciak) [email protected]
pavelle, richard (na.pavelle) [email protected]
pierce, dan (na.pierce) [email protected]
proskurowski, wlodek (na.proskurowski) [email protected]
rew, russell (na.rew) russ%[email protected]
roadarmel, ron (na.roadarmel) [email protected]
rosencrantz, peter (na.rosencrantz) "ucscc!ucsch.pravda"
ruttenberg, alan (na.ruttenberg) [email protected]
scott, david (na.dscott) ""
scott, david (na.dscott) [email protected]
serbin, steve (na.serbin) "serbin%tennessee.csnet"
shuttic, george (na.shuttic) shuttic%[email protected]
speiser, jeff (na.speiser) "speiser%cod"
sperry, na (na.sperry) "numerical-analysis%sperry-csd.csnet"
summers, nancy (na.summers) [email protected]
tonellato, peter (na.tonellato) "uwmcsd1!marque!tone"
vanwieren, jack (na.vanwieren) [email protected]
vanzandt, james (na.vanzandt) [email protected]
varga, richard (na.varga) varga%[email protected]
wachsmuth, markus (na.wachsmuth) "wachsmuth%gvaic2.dec"
watson, layne (na.watson) watson%[email protected]
wayne, na (na.wayne) "na%wayne-mts%umich-mts.mailnet"
whitehouse, harper (na.whitehouse) [email protected]
zenios, stavros (na.zenios) [email protected]

aspvall, bengt (na.aspvall) "nmiba%nobergen.bitnet"
bjorstad, petter (na.bjorstad) "petter%gran.uucp"
depillis, lisette (na.ldepillis) "lisette%nocmi.bitnet"
gaffney, pat (na.gaffney) "fscpg%nobergen.bitnet"
kverno, anne (na.kverno) "kverno%vax.runit.unit.uninett"
munthe-kaas, hans (na.munthe-kaas) "munthe_kaas%vax.runit.unit.uninett"
norsett, syvert (na.norsett) "norsett%vax.runit.unit.uninett"
norway, na (na.norway) [email protected]
owren, brynjulf (na.owren) "owren%vax.runit.unit.uninett"
petersen, johnny (na.petersen) "johnny%nocmi.bitnet"
simonsen, harald (na.simonsen) "simonsen%vax.runit.unit.uninett"

ciment, mel (na.ciment) [email protected]
deken, joe (na.deken) [email protected]
flournoy, nancy (na.flournoy) [email protected]
keenan, thomas (na.keenan) [email protected]
manitius, a (na.manitius) [email protected]
mittal, yash (na.mittal) [email protected]
polking, john (na.polking) [email protected]
sunley, judy (na.sunley) [email protected]
thaler, al (na.thaler) [email protected]

berger, marsha (na.berger) [email protected]
bleich, chaya (na.bleich) [email protected]
bukiet, bruce (na.bukiet) [email protected]
dee, dick (na.dee) [email protected]
demmel, james (na.demmel) [email protected]
glimm, james (na.glimm) [email protected]
goodman, jonathan (na.jgoodman) [email protected]
greenbaum, anne (na.greenbaum) [email protected]
greengard, claude (na.greengard) [email protected]
isaacson, eugene (na.isaacson) [email protected]
jones, jim (na.jjones) [email protected]
kalos, malvin (na.kalos) [email protected]
krasny, robert (na.krasny) [email protected]
lindquist, brent (na.lindquist) [email protected]
maesumi, mohsen (na.maesumi) [email protected]
mascagni, michael (na.mascagni) [email protected]
mcbryan, oliver (na.mcbryan) [email protected]
nyu, na (na.nyu) [email protected]
overton, michael (na.overton) "munnari!FAC.anu.oz!OVEMCMA"@seismo.CSS.GOV
peskin, charles (na.peskin) [email protected]
schlick, tamar (na.schlick) [email protected]
sherman, arthur (na.sherman) "elsie!art!sherman"
widlund, olof (na.widlund) [email protected]

alexiades, vasili (na.alexiades) [email protected]
drake, john (na.drake) [email protected]
geist, al (na.geist) [email protected]
george, alan ( [email protected]
gray, len (na.lgray) [email protected]
heath, mike (na.heath) [email protected]
ng, esmond ( [email protected]
ornl, na (na.ornl) [email protected]
ostrouchov, george (na.ostrouchov) [email protected]
romine, charles (na.romine) [email protected]
serbin, cindy (na.serbin) [email protected]
solomon, alan (na.solomon) [email protected]
thompson, skip (na.sthompson) [email protected]
ward, bob (na.ward) [email protected]
worley, pat (na.worley) [email protected]

barlow, jesse (na.barlow) "princeton!psuvax1!barlow"
barlow, jesse (na.barlow) barlow%[email protected]
pardalos, panos (na.pardalos) pardalos%[email protected]
pothen, alex (na.pothen) pothen%[email protected]

hall, chuck (na.chall) "up-icma!cahall%pitt.csnet"
porsching, tom (na.porsching) "up-icma!tom"%[email protected]
rheinboldt, werner (na.rheinboldt) wcr%[email protected]

cools, ronald (na.cools) "prlb2!kulcs!ronald"
cuppen, jan (na.cuppen) "prlb2!cuppen"
cuyt, annie (na.cuyt) "prlb2!uiag!cuyt"
quisquater, jean (na.quisquater) "prlb2!jjq"
vanbarel, marc (na.vanbarel) "prlb2!kulcs!marc"
vandooren, paul (na.vandooren) "prlb2!vandooren"
woltring, herman (na.woltring) "prlb2!woltring"

conte, sam (na.conte) [email protected]
dyksen, wayne (na.dyksen) [email protected]
gautschi, walter (na.gautschi) [email protected]
houstis, elias (na.houstis) [email protected]
lucier, brad (na.lucier) [email protected]
lynch, robert (na.lynch) [email protected]
rice, john (na.rice) [email protected]
vavalis, emmanuel (na.vavalis) [email protected]

raugh, mike (na.raugh) [email protected]
riacs, na (na.riacs) [email protected]
smith, diane (na.dsmith) [email protected]

archer, david (na.archer) [email protected]
celis, maria (na.celis) [email protected]
dennis, john (na.dennis) [email protected]
meza, juan (na.meza) [email protected]
olkin, julia (na.jolkin) [email protected]
phuong, vu (na.phuong) [email protected]
sherman, andy (na.sherman) sherman%[email protected]
tapia, dick (na.tapia) [email protected]
urice, na (na.urice) "ots!numanal"
wheeler, mary (na.wheeler) [email protected]
woods, dan (na.woods) "soma!imsl!woods"

flaherty, joe (na.flaherty) flaherje%[email protected]
omalley, robert (na.omalley) omalley%[email protected]
schreiber, rob (na.schreiber) "schreibr%rpics.csnet"
shroff, gautam (na.shroff) [email protected]

gerasoulis, apostolos (na.gerasoulis) [email protected]
grigoriadis, michael (na.grigoriadis) [email protected]
richter, gerard (na.richter) [email protected]
steiger, w (na.steiger) [email protected]
vichnevetsky, robert (na.vichnevetsky) [email protected]

grcar, joe (na.grcar) [email protected]
jones, rondall (na.rjones) "g.jones"

bojanczyk, adam (na.bojanczyk) "wucs1!wucs2!ab"
dedoncker, elise (na.dedoncker) "mcvax!dutentb!dutenta!elise"
dekker, theodorus (na.dekker) "mcvax!uva!dirk"
della-dora, della (na.jean) "mcvax!vmucnam!imag!dirtim"
dirlewanger, roland (na.dirlewanger) "prlb2!lri!rd"
duc-jacquet, duc (na.marc) "mcvax!vmucnam!imag!duc-jaq"
elving, tommy (na.elving) "enea!liuida!linnea!t-elfving"
funderlic, bob (na.funderlic) "mcnc!ece-csc!ref"
hager, william (na.hager) hager%[email protected]
hemker, piet (na.hemker) "mcvax!pieth"
lascaux, patrick (na.lascaux) "mcvax!vmucnam!lascaux"
lichnewsky, alain (na.lichnewsky) "mcvax!inria!lich"
madsen, kaj (na.madsen) "mcvax!diku!kmadsen"
mattheij, bob (na.mattheij) "mcvax!eutrc3!wstanw10"
mulani, narendra (na.mulani) "topaz!andromeda!mulani"
periaux, jacques (na.periaux) "ens!periaux"
philippe, bernard (na.philippe) "mcvax!irisa!phi"
pironneau, olivier (na.pironneau) "mcvax!inria!pironnea"
schneider, michael (na.mschneider) "princeton!macbeth!michael"
schnepf, eric (na.schnepf) "unido!ztivax!schnepf"
shemesh, danny (na.shemesh) "calgary!vaxa!shemesh"
shemesh, danny (na.shemesh) "shemesh%uncamult.bitnet"
vanderhouwen, pieter (na.vanderhouwen) "mcvax!dik"
vandervorst, henk (na.vandervorst) "mcvax!dutinfd!numan"

block, ed (na.block) [email protected]
siam, x (na.siam) [email protected]

arbenz, peter (na.arbenz) [email protected]
bjorck, ake (na.bjorck) [email protected]
boyd, stephen (na.boyd) [email protected]
bratvold, reidar (na.bratvold) [email protected]
buneman, oscar (na.buneman) [email protected]
comon, pierre (na.comon) [email protected]
copies, gene (na.copies) "*<golub>[email protected]"
craig, walter (na.craig) [email protected]
eaves, curtis (na.eaves) [email protected]
ferencz, robert (na.ferencz) [email protected]
ferziger, joel (na.ferziger) [email protected]
foulser, david (na.foulser) [email protected]
fraley, chris (na.fraley) [email protected]
gill, phil (na.gill) [email protected]
golub, gene (na.golub) [email protected]
golub, gene (na.golub) [email protected]
herriot, john (na.herriot) [email protected]
johnstone, iain (na.johnstone) [email protected]
kailath, tom (na.kailath) [email protected]
keller, joseph (na.jkeller) [email protected]
kent, mark (na.kent) [email protected]
lee, willy (na.lee) "whlw6%slacvm.bitnet"
levin, stuart (na.levin) "stew%hanauma"
lucas, bob (na.lucas) [email protected]
meurant, gerard (na.meurant) "mcvax!inria!meurant"
meurant, gerard (na.meurant) [email protected]
mkent, mark (na.mkent) [email protected]
morton, sally (na.morton) [email protected]
murray, walter (na.murray) [email protected]
newton, paul (na.newton) [email protected]
nodera, takashi (na.nodera) [email protected]
oliger, joe (na.oliger) [email protected]
olkin, ingram (na.iolkin) [email protected]
orciere, olivier (na.orciere) [email protected]
owen, art (na.owen) [email protected]
pereyra, victor (na.pereyra) [email protected]
ponceleon, dulce (na.ponceleon) [email protected]
saunders, michael (na.saunders) [email protected]
serra, na (na.serra) [email protected]
suhr, steve (na.suhr) [email protected]
switzer, paul (na.switzer) [email protected]
tang, wei (na.tang-pai) [email protected]
thisted, ron (na.thisted) [email protected]
tiemann, jerry (na.tiemann) [email protected]
tuminaro, ray (na.tuminaro) [email protected]
vanderwijngaart, rob (na.vanderwijngaart) [email protected]
wiederhold, gio (na.wiederhold) [email protected]
wright, margaret (na.mwright) [email protected]

dahlquist, germund (na.dahlquist) "Germund_Dahlquist%[email protected]"
dahlquist, germund (na.dahlquist) "enea!ttds!dahlquis"
edberg, eva (na.edberg) "eva_edberg_programlibr%qzcom.mailnet"
edberg, eva (na.edberg) "p793%qzcom.bitnet"
gustafsson, bertil (na.gustafsson) "bertil_gustafsson%qzcom.mailnet"
gustafsson, bertil (na.gustafsson) [email protected]
kagstrom, bo (na.kagstrom) "bo_kagstrom_university_of_umea%qzcom.mailnet"
kagstrom, bo (na.kagstrom) "bokg%seumdc51.bitnet"
palme, jacob (na.palme) "c630%qzcom.bitnet"
ruhe, axel (na.ruhe) "ruhe%chalmers.csnet"
skollermo, gunilla (na.skollermo) "gunilla_skollermo%qzcom.mailnet"
smedsaas, tom (na.smedsaas) "enea!agaton!malin!tom"
soderlind, gustaf (na.soderlind) "enea!ttds!capella!duvan!gustafs"
xxxx, mr (na.xxxx) "c630%qzcom.mailnet"

friedli, armin (na.friedli) "friedli%czheth5a.bitnet"
gander, walter (na.gander) gander%[email protected]
gander, walter (na.gander) gander%[email protected]
gutknecht, martin (na.gutknecht) "mhg%czheth5a.bitnet"
herrigel, aleaxander (na.herrigel) "mcvax!cernvax!ethz!ah"
morf, martin (na.morf) "mcvax!cernvax!ethz!morf"

cheney, ward (na.cheney) [email protected]
cline, alan (na.cline) [email protected]
daniel, jim (na.daniel) [email protected]
hayes, linda (na.hayes) [email protected]
hazlewood, carol (na.hazlewood) [email protected]
joubert, wayne (na.joubert) [email protected]
kincaid, david (na.kincaid) [email protected]
mai, t (na.mai) [email protected]
oppe, tom (na.oppe) [email protected]
respess, john (na.respess) [email protected]
rowan, tom (na.rowan) [email protected]
wu, albert (na.wu) [email protected]
young, david (na.dyoung) [email protected]

anderson, chris (na.anderson) [email protected]
brenan, kathryn (na.brenan) [email protected]
bube, ken (na.bube) [email protected]
cantor, david (na.cantor) [email protected]
chan, tony (na.tchan) [email protected]
dalva, david (na.dalva) [email protected]
thobe, glenn (na.thobe) "ucla-an!remsit!stb!thobe"
trainor, douglas (na.trainor) [email protected]
ucla, na (na.ucla) [email protected]
ucla, na (na.ucla) [email protected]

auchmuty, giles (na.auchmuty) "math3%uhrcc.bitnet"
brown, peter (na.brown) "math4%uhrcc.bitnet"
dean, edward (na.dean) "math6%uhrcc.bitnet"
keyfitz, barbara (na.keyfitz) "math8%uhrcc.bitnet"
sanders, richard (na.sanders) "math5%uhrcc.bitnet"

UK *
brankin, richard (na.brankin) ""
cash, jeff ( [email protected]
coleman, john (na.jcoleman) ""
coleman, john (na.jcoleman) "mal5%durham.mts"
delves, mike (na.delves) [email protected]
duncan, z (na.duncan) "na"
england, roland (na.england) [email protected]
fernando, vince (na.fernando) "nagkvf%ox.vax2"
gladwell, iain (na.gladwell) [email protected]
graham, ivan (na.graham) ""
greenstadt, john (na.greenstadt) ""
griffiths, david (na.griffiths) ""
hall, george (na.ghall) [email protected]
hammarling, sven (na.hammarling) "mcvax!ukc!ox-prg!vax2!nagsven"
hammarling, sven (na.hammarling) [email protected]
hammarling, sven (na.hammarling) [email protected]
higham, nick (na.higham) [email protected]
hopkins, tim (na.hopkins) ""
hurley, stephen (na.hurley) ""
liddell, heather (na.liddell) ""
mayes, peter (na.mayes) ""
mcwhirter, john (na.mcwhirter) "jgm%rsre"
morris, john (na.morris) ""
npl, na (na.npl) "mcvax!nplpsg!dist-na"
patterson, tom (na.patterson) bfdf2544%[email protected]
quinney, doug (na.quinney) ""
sehmi, navtej (na.sehmi) ""
sheng, qin (na.sheng) "NEWELL3%ARIZRVAX.bitnet"
spence, alastair (na.spence) ""
sweetenham, philip (na.sweetenham) ""
wathen, andy (na.wathen) ""

bartels, bob (na.bbartels) "robert_bartels%umich-mts.mailnet"
neumann, michael (na.neumann) "neumann%uconnvm.bitnet"
scott, ridgway (na.rscott) "ridgway_scott%umich-mts.mailnet"
umich, na (na.umich) [email protected]

adams, loyce (na.adams) [email protected]
buja, andreas (na.buja) [email protected]
curtis, ed (na.curtis) "entropy!curtis"
genz, alan (na.genz) acg%[email protected]
goldstein, al (na.goldstein) [email protected]
leveque, randy (na.leveque) "entropy!rjl"
stuetzle, werner (na.stuetzle) [email protected]
washington, na (na.washington) "compsci%wsuvm1.bitnet"

deboor, carl (na.deboor) [email protected]
deleone, renato (na.deleone) [email protected]
hollig, klaus (na.hollig) [email protected]
mangasarian, olvi (na.mangasarian) [email protected]
meyer, r (na.rmeyer) [email protected]
nagel, yvonne (na.nagel) [email protected]
parter, seymour (na.parter) [email protected]
rall, louis (na.rall) [email protected]
sauer, fred (na.sauer) [email protected]
schneider, hans (na.hschneider) "pade!hans"
strikwerda, john (na.strikwerda) [email protected]
wahba, grace (na.wahba) [email protected]

baxter, doug (na.baxter) [email protected]
dembo, ron (na.dembo) [email protected]
eisenstat, stanley (na.eisenstat) [email protected]
gropp, william (na.gropp) [email protected]
ipsen, ilse (na.ipsen) [email protected]
johnsson, lennart (na.johnsson) [email protected]
saltz, joel (na.saltz) [email protected]
schultz, martin (na.schultz) [email protected]
yale, na (na.yale) [email protected]


End of NA Digest
