NA Digest Saturday, October 31, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 76

This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 16:07 EDT
From: Jack Sharer <JWS%[email protected]>
Subject: Generating Normal Deviates With A DSP Chip
To: [email protected]

This is a request for help in designing a fast algorithm to generate normal
deviates with a 16-bit DSP chip.

It appears that a feedback shift register algorithm (1) will work well for
generating the uniform deviates because of its long cycle length on small
word architectures. My difficulty is identifying an algorithm to map the
uniform deviates to normal deviates. The algorithms I know of are either
time consuming (like add ten or so uniform deviates) or use logarithms
(polar method and inverse error function).

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance, Jack Sharer, JWS@PSUARLC

(1) Lewis&Payne. "Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number
Algorithm," JACM 20(3), pp 456-568, July 1973.


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 18:18:58 EST
From: Brent Lindquist <[email protected]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at Courant
To: [email protected]


One or more postdoctoral positions may be available for
work in computational fluid dynamics and hyperbolic conser-
vation laws. Diverse applications including oil reservoir
modeling, gas dynamics and fluid instabilities are being
studied using front tracking, grid refinement and related

To apply for these positions, please send a vita,
resume and a statement of scientific interests to James
Glimm at

Courant Institute,
New York University,
251 Mercer Street,
New York, NY 10012.

Applicants should also list three references, who have
been requested to send letters of recommendation to the
above address.


From: Samuel Rankin <[email protected]>
Date: Thu 29 Oct 87 15:01:26-EST
Subject: Faculty Positions at WPI
To: [email protected]

The Department of Mathematical Sciences will have several tenure track openings
at all levels beginning in August, 1988. Visiting appointments are also
available. The following areas of applied mathematics are of interest:

scientific computing
numerical analysis
applied discrete mathematics
mathematical fluid mechanics
control theroy

Quality teaching and an active research program are expected.
Inquires should be sent to,

Samuel M. Rankin, III
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609

E-MAIL: [email protected]


Date: 29 Oct 87 18:24 EST
From: Malvin Kalos <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: A Workshop Announcement

Workshop on Numerical Quantum Simulations
(emphasis on Monte Carlo methods and on calculations in physical time)
sponsored by

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University

Saturday, December 19, 1987
10AM to 3PM
Courant Insitute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York N.Y. 10012

Talks by D. Ceperley (Illinois) and J. Hirsch (UC San Diego)
as well as by the Courant and Rutgers groups are planned.

Note: this is the second semi-annual workshop on this subject
The first was held last spring and included talks by B. Berne
(Columbia), D. Chandler (Berkeley), W. H. Miller (Berkeley), R. Stratt
(Brown), and J. Doll (LANL).

Others who wish to speak, or who wish additional information,
should call or write to

M. H. Kalos, CIMS
(212) 998 3342
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
J. L. Lebowitz
Department of Mathematics
Hill Center - Busch Campus
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903


Date: 29 Oct 87 18:13:09 GMT
From: Sid Dalal <[email protected]>
Subject: Evaluation of Hypergeometric Functions
To: [email protected]

I am interested in knowing about programs for evaluating the function
(see p555, Abramowitz & Stegun, note this is not the same as confluent
hypergeometric function defined on p.505) for integers l, m,n and z in [0,1].
Specifically I am interested in situation where n=m+1. Thank you.

Please respond by mail as I don't often read netnews. Thanks.

Sid R. Dalal
[email protected]


Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 13:41:09 EST
From: Kermit Sigmon <sigmon%[email protected]>
Subject: Positions at University of Florida
To: [email protected]


University of Florida
Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics is in its second year of a five year program to
fill over 20 new tenure track faculty positions with mathematicians of
exceptional caliber. At least one third of these positions will be
senior positions.

The Department invites applications for six tenure track positions beginning
Fall l988, two of which will be filled with senior appointments. Senior
candidates chosen by the department will be given a role in the selection of
this year's candidates for junior positions.

The Department is especially interested this year in attracting candidates in
the fields of:
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Physics

Candidates should have strong research potential and a documented interest
in teaching. Preference will be given to applicants with at least two years
of postdoctoral experience. Rank and salary will be commensurate with
experience and achievements.

Candidates should forward a resume (including a list of publications) and
should arrange for at least three letters of reference to be sent to:
Gerard G. Emch, Chairman
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

All applications for the academic year 1988-89 must be complete by
December 31, l987. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer.

If further information is desired, candidates in numerical analysis may
contact: Kermit Sigmon


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 87 11:55:55 cst
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Special Issue of LAA on Image Reconstruction


Special Issue in


Contributions are invited for a special issue of Linear Algebra and
Its Applications which will be devoted to Image Reconstruction From
Projections. Original research articles that make a significant
contribution to the field of image reconstruction from projections
through the use of matrix theory and finite dimensional linear algebra
are welcome. In this context, finite dimensional optimization theory
and techniques are not ruled out.

Any discipline for which image reconstruction is used will be
considered, e.g., medicine, material testing, astronomy, optics,
geophysics, atmospheric research. There is no restriction as to the
modalities or underlying physical models, in medical imaging, for
example, CT, PET, MRI, Ultrasound are included.

Usually discretization (full or partial) of the model at an early
stage of the analysis leads to finite dimensional linear algebra;
authors are encouraged to include a concise introductory section
describing the particular image reconstruction problem(s) they address
and the modeling process.

Papers may include mathematical results within the scope of LINEAR
ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS (published in every issue of the journal)
which are motivated by, contributing to, or applicable to problems and
methods of image reconstruction. Papers demonstrating through
computational experimental work the use of established linear algebra
based methods in image reconstruction are also very welcome.

The issue is open to all and papers will be refereed in the usual way.
The deadline for submission is 30 November 1988, with expected
publication in the Fall of 1989. Authors should submit five copies of
the manuscript (prepared according to the guidelines described in
"Information for Authors" published in every issue of LAA) to one of
the following special editors:

Yair Censor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Haifa
Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31999, Israel.
e-mail: [email protected]

Tommy Elfving
Department of Mathematics
Linkoping University
S-58183, Linkoping, Sweden.
e-mail: t-elfving%[email protected]

Gabor T. Herman
Medical Imaging Section
Department of Radiology
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, U.S.A.
e-mail: [email protected]


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 87 17:15:43 CST
From: Phuong Vu <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Positions at Cray Research

The Mathematical Software Group at Cray Research, Inc.
located in Mendota Heights, Minnesota
have immediate openings for several numerical analysts
to conduct research/development of algorithms and software
for large scale scientific computations. Candidates should
have a Ph.D. in computer science or mathematics, some
experience in computations on vector/parallel computers
in one of the following areas (sparse matrix methods,
numerical linear algebra, numerical PDE, numerical optimization)
and a strong interest in software development.

The group is highly visible and the growth potential is
tremendeous. Cray Research offers a competitive salary and
benefits package along with an excellent working environment.
Qualified candidates should forward resume, letters of
recommendation and academic transcripts to

Phuong Vu
Cray Research, Inc.
2000 Bering Drive, Suite 830
Houston, Texas 77057

Requests for further information can be done using either of the
following E-addresses: [email protected] or na@[email protected].


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 87 15:51 EST
From: Edward Wegman <EWEGMAN%[email protected]>
Subject: 20th "Interface" Symposium
To: [email protected]

(The 20th Meeting)
Theme: Computationally Intensive Methods in Statistics

April 21-23, 1988
Reston, VA (Suburban Washington, DC)

The Interface Foundation of North America, Inc.
George Mason University
The National Bureau of Standards

Cooperating Societies:
American Statistical Society
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Washington Statistical Society
International Association for Statistical Computing
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
American Mathematical Society
Operations Research Society of America
National Computer Graphics Association


The Twentieth Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and
Statistics will be held at the Sheraton International Conference
Center in Reston, Virginia on April 21-23, 1988. The Symposium is
a long-standing interdisciplinary forum focusing on the interface
between statistics and computing. The focus of the 20th Symposium
will be computationally intensive methods in statistics. Professor
Brad Efron of Stanford University will give the keynote address on
this theme and sessions are organized with this theme in mind. Planned
invited sessions on computationally intensive methods include:

Computational Aspects of Time Series
Design of Computer Experiments
Image Processing and Spatial Processes
Computation and Stochastic Modeling
Computation for Simulated Annealing
Inference and Expert Systems
Bayesian Computation
Density Estimation and Smoothing
Dynamical High Interaction Graphics
Design of Experiments for Productivity Enhancement
Entropy Methods

In addition, planned invited sessions which support computationally
intensive methods include:

Computational Geometry
Parallel Architectures
Visualizing High Dimensional Spaces
Object Oriented Programming
Computational Discrete Mathematics
Communication Networks
Symbolic Computing
Numerical Methods
Neural Networks


Sessions will include invited talks, contributed talks and exhibits.
An opening night reception is planned as well as a banquet. An
extensive exhibit area is also planned. Contributed presentations
will be selected by the program committee and will last for 20 minutes.
Authors who wish to contribute a paper should submit a written abstract
no later than January 15, 1988. The abstract should be no longer than
one page. Abstract of both contributed and invited papers will be
available at the Symposium. The abstract and inquiries should be
sent to:

Professor Edward J. Wegman
Interface Symposium
P.O. Box 7460
Fairfax Station, VA 22039-7460
(703) 323-2723

Conference Proceedings will be published by the American Statistical
Association after the Symposium. Camera-ready copy of the contributed
and invited papers will be due on June 1, 1988. The Proceedings will
include both invited and contributed papers.


The Symposium will be held at the Sheraton International Conference
Center in Reston, VA (suburban Washington, DC) on the 21st through
the 23rd of April, 1988. April is an extremely attractive time in
Washington coinciding with the blooming of the famous cherry blossoms.
Free shuttle service is provided by the Sheraton to and from nearby
Dulles Airport. A commercial airport bus service is available from
Washington National Airport. Hotel rates are quite reasonable for the
peak of the tourist season ($79 for a single on Wednesday and Thursday and
$45 for a single on Friday and Saturday). A block of rooms has been
reserved and attendees are expected to make their own reservations.
Because this is a peak tourist season, early reservations are strongly
encouraged. Reservations can be made by calling (800) 325-3535 or (703)
620-9000. Make sure to identify yourself as being associated with the
Interface Symposium. Registration and welcoming reception will take place
on Wednesday, April 22, 1988.


Edward J. Wegman, Program Chairman
George Mason University

Emanuel Parzen, Texas A & M University
Werner Stuetzle, University of Washington
Jerome Sacks, University of Illinois
Donald McClure, Brown University
Richard Ringeisen, Clemson University
Martin Fischer, Defense Communications Agency
Nozer Singpurwalla, George Washington University
Donald T. Gantz, George Mason University
Prem Goel, Ohio State University
David Scott, Rice University
Paul Tukey, Bell Communications Research
Mervin Muller, Ohio State University
Raoul LePage, Michigan State University
Sallie McNulty, Kansas State University
Muhammed Habib, University of North Carolina
John Miller, George Mason University


The Interface Symposium has for 20 years been operated by an informal,
loosely organized group. While this has worked well in the past, as
the scale of computing in statistics and the scale of the Symposium has
grown, it has been increasingly difficult to operate on this informal basis.
In August of 1987, the Interface Foundation of North America, Inc. (IFNA)
was founded. IFNA is a non-profit, educational foundation whose aim is
to promote the Interface Symposium and all related activities at the interface
of comptuing science and statistics. The 20th Symposium will be the first
formal activity of the new foundation. Additional Symposia are scheduled
for Orlando, Florida in 1989 and for East Lansing, Michigan in 1990.


The IFNA has applied for support from the AFOSR, the ARO, the ONR, the
NSF and the NSA> Contingent upon support from these organizations, a fund
for graduate students and young investigators will be established to support
travel and per diem. Please send in the attached form for further information.


The regular registration fee for members of cooperating societies is $105
and for non-members is $130. A preregistration discount is being offered
to those who register early. For registrations received before January 15,
1988 the registration fee will be $95 for members of cooperating societies
and $120 for non-members. The registration fee will include a copy of the
Proceedings and the opening night reception. For further information, to
be put on the IFNA mailing list and/or to register, please return the
form below.


April 21 - 23, 1988

Sheraton International Conference Center
Reston, Virginia





Electronic Mail Address:

Registration Fee Enclosed /_/ $105 Members /_/ $130 Non-members
Early Registration /_/ $ 95 Members /_/ $120 Non-members
(Before January 15, 1988)

/_/ Please send additional information when it becomes available
/_/ I am interested in presenting a contribute paper with the title
/_/ I cannot come but am interested in purchasing the Proceedings
/_/ I would be interested in a reduced subscription rate to CHANCE,
the new Springer-Verlag statistics magazine
/_/ I would be interested in joining a new professional society
oriented to the interface of statistics and computing. (If there
is sufficient interest, the Board of Directors of the Interface
Foundation will consider establishing such a society.


Date: Sat 31 Oct 87 16:52:23-PST
Subject: Golub Receives Guggenheim Fellowship
To: [email protected]
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>

Gene is too modest to mention this himself, but he has just been
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. About one out of ten who apply
for the fellowship are successful. It will cover his summer salary
next year. He plans to continue his research on sparse linear systems.
A list of all receipients in the mathematical sciences is included
in a recent issue of SIAM News. Congratulations, Gene!


End of NA Digest
