NA Digest Monday, January 15, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 02
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Paul Nevai <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 90 16:45:25 EDT
Subject: New Editors for Journal of Approximation THeory
The new editors-in-chief of Journal of Approximation Theory are Allan
Pinkus and Paul Nevai. Inquiries and requests can be emailed to
[email protected] (Internet) and jampohstpy (BITNET)
Above addresses will become operational within appr. 2 weeks.
Paul Nevai [email protected] (Internet)
Department of Mathematics nevai@ohstpy (BITNET)
The Ohio State University 1-(614)[email protected]
231 West Eighteenth Avenue 1-(614)-292-4975.department
Columbus, OH 43210-1174 1-(614)-292-3317.secretary
The United States of America 1-(614)-459-5615.fax
From: Ilhan Dilber <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 90 10:29:49 CST
Subject: NCSA Conference on FE Applications in Computational Mechanics
First NCSA Conference on Finite Element Applications in
Computational Mechanics
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
May 14-15, 1990
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is sponsoring a conference on finite
element applications in computational mechanics. The conference will
take place on the UIUC campus, on May 14-15, 1990. Some of the most
distinguished names in the finite element community have been invited
to be key speakers at the conference. If you are a supercomputer user
and interested in making a presentation at the conference, or would
like to have more information on atttending the conference, please
Dr. Ilhan Dilber
152 Computing Applications Building
605 East Springfield Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 244-1973
FAX: (217) 244-1987
Electronic: [email protected] (Internet)
13024@ncsavms (BITNET)
From: Deepankar Medhi <[email protected]>
Date: 9 Jan 90 08:50:00 CDT
Subject: Request for Code to Solve K-shortest Path Problem
Does anyone have a public domain (Fortran or C) code to solve the
K-shortest path problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Deep Medhi
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Internet: [email protected]
Bitnet: [email protected]
Tel : (816) 276-2006
Fax : (816) 276-5192
From: Roger Horn <RHORN%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 90 10:07 EST
Subject: Position at Johns Hopkins
The Eliezer Naddor Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Mathemati-
cal Sciences were established to encourage achievement of the
heights of excellence in research and graduate teaching by young
men and women at the beginning of their academic careers. They are
named in honor of Professor Eliezer Naddor, who played a crucial
role in founding the graduate programs in operations research and
mathematical sciences at The Johns Hopkins University.
The Fellow is to be an outstanding graduating doctoral student
in mathematics, statistics, or operations research who is to be
fully supported for a twelve-month postdoctoral period in residence
at the Mathematical Sciences Department at The Johns Hopkins
University. Current stipends are $29,000 per year. The fellowship
provides a year to concentrate on postdoctoral research in an area
of interest to some department faculty member, free from teaching
and administrative duties.
Applicants for the 1990-91 academic year should provide a
current vita, a letter describing career aspirations and a research
plan for the fellowship year, and transcripts, and should arrange
for three letters of recommendation to be sent, by February 28,
1990, to:
Prof. John C. Wierman, Chairman
Mathematical Sciences Department
220 Maryland Hall
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218
Current Department faculty and their research interests:
James A. Fill, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Chicago, 1980) Probabil-
ity, statistics, stochastic processes.
Alan J. Goldman, Professor (Ph.D, Princeton, 1956) Operations
research, game theory, discrete optimization, graph theory.
Shih-Ping Han, Professor (Ph.D., Wisconsin 1974) Nonlinear
optimization, parallel optimization.
Roger A. Horn, Professor (Ph.D., Stanford, 1967) Matrix analysis,
complex variables, analysis.
Alan F. Karr, Professor and Associate Dean (Ph.D., Northwestern,
1973) Stochastic processes, probability, image analysis.
Daniel Q. Naiman, Associate Professor (Ph.D., Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 1982) Statistics, probability.
Jong-Shi Pang, Professor (Ph.D., Stanford, 1976) Mathematical
programming, network equilibrium, parallel optimization,
linear complementarity.
Edward Scheinerman, Associate Professor (Ph.D., Princeton, 1984)
Combinatorics, graph theory.
Michael Schneider, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Northwestern, 1984)
Network optimization, nonlinear optimization, equilibrium
Robert J. Serfling, Professor (Ph.D., North Carolina, 1967)
Probability, statistics, asymptotic theory.
John C. Wierman, Professor and Chairman (Ph.D., Washington, 1976)
Probability, statistics, random graphs.
From: John Coleman <John.Coleman%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 09:07:58 GMT
Subject: Lectureship at University of Durham
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Numerical Analysis or Statistical Science
Applications are invited for a Lectureship tenable from 1st October, 1990,
or as soon as possible thereafter. Candidates should have research interests
in any area of Statistical Science or Numerical Analysis, including
Computational Fluid Mechanics or Optimization.
The initial salary is expected to be on the Lecturer A scale
(10,458 - 15,372 pounds) but may, exceptionally, be on the Lecturer B
scale (16,014 - 20,469 pounds).
Further particulars may be obtained from the Registrar, Science Laboratories,
South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, England (Tel. 091-374 2265), to whom applications
(three copies including full CV and the names of three referees) should be
sent not later than 2nd February 1990.
Please note that the University does not issue application forms; it would be
helpful if candidates would submit applications in the form of a covering
letter together with an orderly curriculum vitae which should give details
such as name and address, date of birth, nationality, education, and
qualifications (with dates and awarding bodies clearly stated), posts held,
other relevant experience and the names of three referees.
From: Daniel Boley <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 17:00:08 CST
Subject: Senior Faculty Positions at Univ. of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota
Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science invites applications and nominations
for two endowed chairs within the Department. Together with these
chairs, the Department of Computer Science is also recruiting for up to
five additional positions at all ranks. The recent establishment at
the University of Minnesota of the Army High Performance Computing
Research Center and the continuing development of the Minnesota
Supercomputer Institute and of the Department of Computer Science will
permit the holders of these chairs unusual opportunities for leadership
in research, education, and outreach activities.
The William Norris Land-Grant Chair in Large Scale Computing is a new
endowed chair named in honor of William Norris, founder and Chairman
Emeritus of Control Data Corporation. The holder of this Chair should
have an outstanding research and scholarly record, a commitment to
teaching, and a desire to lead the development of a nationally
recognized program in the computer science aspects of large scale
computing. Emphasis is placed on the following areas of activity:
methods and software of large scale computing, numerical algorithms,
visualization, and computer graphics.
The U S WEST Land-Grant Chair in Telecommunications is a new chair
endowed by U S WEST Communications and U S WEST Advanced Technologies.
The holder of this Chair must provide leadership for the development of
a nationally recognized program of research, instruction, and
industrial collaboration in the area of software technology applied to
integrated broad band communications and computing environments,
network architecture and protocol design for broad band high speed
communications, interconnection of local area networks, and performance
analysis and modeling of multi- media communications. The Chair holder
must have an outstanding research record, a commitment to teaching, and
a desire for active participation in industrial collaboration.
Interested persons should contact Professor David Fox, Chair of the
respective search committees, and Chairman of the Department of
Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 200 Union Street,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. Tel. (612) 625-0726. Applications will
be accepted until February 28, 1990.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and
specifically invites and encourages applications from women and
More details on these two positions:
University of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science
The University of Minnesota, the St. Paul Area Chamber of
Commerce, and the Contol Data Corporation established in 1989 a
Land-Grant Chair in Large-Scale Computing to honor William Norris,
founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Control Data Corporation. This
Chair in the Department of Computer Science will promote excellence
in scholarship, research and teaching in large-scale computing.
Nominations and applications to fill this chair are sought. The
Chairholder is expected to be a national figure in a significant
computer science area of large-scale computing. Especially
appropriate specializations are methods and software for large-scale
computing, especially the design and analysis of numerical
algorithms for very large computations, for large sparse matrices, or
for visualization and computer graphics
Candidates must have an outstanding research record, a strong
interest in teaching, and a commitment to lead the development of a
nationally recognized program in computer science aspects of large-
scale computing.
University of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science
The University of Minnesota invites nominations and applications for
the U S WEST Land Grant Chair in Telecommunications. Of particular
interest are candidates with a strong research background
appropriate to software technology for broadband public
communications and computing environments.
Candidates for the position must be capable of providing leadership
in collaborative research with industry and contributing significantly
to the current research programs at the University of Minnesota,
which include network architecture and protocol design for
broadband high-speed communications, voice-data-video integration,
interconnection of local area networks, performance analysis and
modelling and multi-media communications.
Applicants and nominees must have an outstanding research record,
a strong interest in teaching, and a commitment to the development
of a nationally recognized research program in telecommunications.
Separate from the above two positions, I'd like to add unofficially
that there are several open tenured faculty positions for which
applicants are actively sought through the Minnesota Supercomputer
Institute. They are interested in leading researchers actively working
in some area of large-scale computing. For precise information on
these positions, contact Prof. H. T. Davis, Search Committee Chair,
Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, 1200 Washington Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55415.
From: John W. Eaton <[email protected]>
Date: 11 Jan 90 02:38:17 GMT
Subject: Schittkowski's Test Problems for NLP Codes Wanted
I have a copy of the book `More Test Examples for Nonlinear
Programming Codes' by Klaus Schittkowski. In the preface, the author
states that the 188 test problems are available from him on magnetic
tape. If anyone out there has a copy of these programs I'd appreciate
hearing from you.
(Yes, I could contact the author directly, but I thought I'd give this
a shot first, as it has a good chance of being faster than paper-mail
to Germany!)
John Eaton
[email protected]
Department of Chemical Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
From: Michael Overton <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 90 12:19:22 EST
Subject: Optimization Problems with Eigenvalue Constraints
Reply Concerning Optimization Problems with Eigenvalue Constraints
(In response to question raised by F. Alizadeh)
Let A(x) be a real symmetric matrix depending on a vector x of several
variables. In general it is not possible to order the eigenvalues of A(x)
so that they are individually differentiable functions of x; for example
consider A(x_1,x_2) = [1+x_1 x_2 ]
[x_2 1-x_1]
so that the eigenvalues are 1 +/- sqrt(x_1^2 + x_2^2). For further details
see Kato, A Short Intro to Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators, p.133.
It is commonly the case that an optimization problem involving eigenvalues
of A(x) has a solution x where A(x) has multiple eigenvalues. For example,
this is the case when the maximum eigenvalue of the example given above is
minimized, or equivalently an extra variable x_3 is minimized subject to
x_3 >= the eigenvalues of A(x_1,x_2). As pointed out by F. Alizadeh in his
message, standard optimization methods fail to work on these problems.
In an article in SIMAX (SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Appl.) 9 (1988) 256-268,
I presented an algorithm for minimizing the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix
A(x) which has generic quadratic convergence even to nonsmooth solutions,
i.e. those where multiplicity > 1 occurs at the solution. The algorithm is
very efficient (for small-scale problems) because it takes full account
of the structure of the subdifferential of the max eigenvalue function.
Furthermore, if a solution has an active multiple eigenvalue of
multiplicity t, the algorithm generates a t by t symmetric "dual matrix",
which is used for sensitivity analysis of the solution and is the
generalization of the idea of a dual variable (Lagrange multiplier)
familiar from linear or nonlinear programming. The ideas underlying the
algorithm make use of work of Fletcher on optimization subject to matrix
semi-definite constraints and Friedland, Nocedal and Overton on inverse
eigenvalue problems. The same ideas can be used to handle optimization
problems where the eigenvalues appear in the constraints rather than in
the objective function. Rob Womersley and I are currently writing a paper
showing how to extend these ideas to minimize sums of largest eigenvalues.
The presence of the t by t symmetric dual matrix is intimately related
to the von Neumann-Wigner "crossing-rule" well known in quantum mechanics,
which states that for an eigenvalue to have a particular value with
multiplicity t amounts to imposing, not t, but t(t+1)/2 linearly independent
conditions on the parameter space. This formula is also well known in matrix
factor analysis, where a particular rank is imposed on a matrix. In the
latter case the formula is usually derived using determinants, but there
are good reasons to avoid the use of determinants either for theoretical
development or for computational purposes.
A paper which will be available soon describes my experience on
extending the ideas of the algorithm given in SIMAX to solve large-scale
eigenvalue optimization problems. Steve Cox and I have successfully used
this approach to compute the shape of the strongest beam, a classical
problem of Lagrange which has led to great controversy in the literature
because of the presence of a double eigenvalue of the associated fourth-order
differential equation at the solution. Anne Greenbaum and I are
applying the same approach to compute optimal preconditioners
for large linear systems, extending the work of Greenbaum and Rodrigue
which used my SIMAX algorithm to find, for example, that the optimal
tridiagonal preconditioner for the discrete Laplacian involves double
eigenvalues. I have also used the new large-scale algorithm to solve
eigenvalue optimization problems for graphs, which have applications
to bounding the Shannon capacity of a graph, a problem brought to my
attention by J. Zowe. In this case solutions typically have moderately
large eigenvalue multiplicity. Another application of interest is computing
the structural singular values of a matrix, an important topic in control.
I mention all these applications because I am sure there are many more
out there, to which these ideas can be applied. If you are interested
in receiving a copy of the paper on large-scale eigenvalue optimization,
send me e-mail ([email protected]).
Michael Overton (CS Dept, Courant Institute, NYU)
From: Melvyn Ciment <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 90 16:27:05 -0500
Subject: Post Doc Research Associateships at NSF
Division of Advanced Scientific Computing
Washington, DC 20550
January 11, 1990
Dear Colleague;
The New Technologies Program in the Division of Advanced
Scientific Computing will provide support for Postdoctoral
Research Associateships in Computational Science. The deadline
for submission of proposals and application materials is APRIL 1,
1990. Awards will be announced in May, 1990. In FY 1990, the
Division of Advanced Scientific Computing anticipates making
approximately five to six awards. The objective of the
Associateship Awards is to provide opportunities for young
scientists to broaden their knowledge and experience and to
prepare them for significant research careers on the frontiers of
contemporary computational science. The Associateships awards
will be based on proposals submitted by the research associate in
cooperation with a host institution and including a named
principal investigator who will serve as an unreimbursed
scientific advisor. Each proposal must include a research and
training plan for the proposed research associate in an activity
of computational science and engineering in any of the fields
supported by NSF.
To be eligible for this support, individuals must;
(1) be eligible to be appointed as a research associate in
the host institution which has submitted the proposal,
(2) fulfill the requirements for the doctoral degree in
computational science or a closely related discipline by
September 30, 1990,
(3) have research interests that fall within the program
areas of the Division of Advanced Scientific Computing,
Location of Work
The New Technologies Program Postdoctoral Research Associateships
in Computational Science are intended to support scientific
research in high performance computing at academic research
institutions, such as, one of the NSF supported Supercomputer
Centers, or other centers or institutions which provide access to
high performance computing systems and concentrate on associated
research programs. The proposal must contain a statement
indicating a commitment for center, or institutional, facilities
and resources.
Stipends, Research Expense Allowances and Cost Sharing
Normally, awards will provide support through a standard grant
for 24 months. The NSF Associateship awards will range from
$32,000 - $40,000 over a 24 month period, to be matched equally
by the sponsoring institution. The annual award to the research
associate will be composed of two parts; an annual stipend
(salary and benefits), and a $4,000 per year research expense
allowance to aid in defraying costs associated with the
research.The stipend will be paid to the research associate at an
annual rate that may range from $28,000 - $36,000. To the extent
that the sponsoring institution increases its cost sharing by
providing an additional stipend increment, of up to $8,000 over
the 24 month award period, the NSF will provide a matching award
over the 24 month period. The annual $4,000 research expense
allowance is expendable at the Associate's discretion and will
normally be used for travel, publication expenses, and other
research-related costs. There is no allowance for dependents. The
award will start upon request by the Associate after acceptance
of an award offer, but not later than January, 1991.
Evaluation and Selection of Associates
An ad hoc review panel will be asked to consider the adequacy of
the institutional high performance computational resources
available in support of the proposed research plan. The
evaluation of applicants will be based on their ability,
accomplishments, and potential as evidenced by the quality and
significance of past research, long range career goals and the
likely impact of the proposed postdoctoral training and research
plan on the future scientific development of the applicant. The
selection of Associates will be made by the National Science
Foundation on the basis of the recommendations of the panel and
with due consideration to the effect of the awards on the
infrastructure of computational science in the United States.
Successful applicants will be notified by letter in May 1990.
Application Procedures and Proposal Materials
To be eligible for consideration, a proposal must contain;
(1) one original and nine copies of;
(a) a cover page with institutional certifications (Form
1207) and a budget with details regarding institutional
matching (Form 1030, see NSF Publication 83-57, Grants for
Research and Education in Science & Engineering).
(b) a personal statement not to exceed one single-spaced
page, written by the research associate applicant, that
describes the career goals of the applicant and what role the
chosen research, scientific advisor and host institution
will play in enhancing the realization of these long-range career
(c) a complete up-to-date curriculum vitae;
(d) a complete list of the research associate applicant's
publications, but no reprints; (a thesis should not be
included, but a thesis abstract may be included);
(e) an abstract, less than 250 words, of the training and research plan;
(f) a training and research plan, not to exceed three single-spaced
typewritten pages. This should be an original research proposal
which could be carried out during the award period. Although the
postdoctoral advisor may be consulted, the creativity, description
and essential elements of the research proposal must be those of
the research associate applicant.
(2) a statement from the proposed postdoctoral advisor
indicating the nature of the postdoctoral supervision to be
given if the award is made.
(3) three recommendations, sent directly to the address below,
normally including one from the doctoral advisor. Be sure to
provide a copy of your training and research plan to your
(4) a Supplementary Application Information Form (NSF Form 1225).
[one copy]
All application materials must be received by April 1, 1990. If
complete applications are not received by this date, the
documents received will be returned to the senders. It is the
applicant`s responsibility to ensure that the recommendations are
received by this date.
Thomas A. Weber
Division Director
From: Paul Messina <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 90 22:35:35 PST
Subject: Conference in Italy on Parallel Computing
June 3 - 7, 1990, Capri, Italy
PURPOSE OF THE CONFERENCE: To assess the progress made in the 1980's in
parallel computation for scientific applications and to examine trends
in large-scale computation as we enter the 1990's and to provide an
opportunity for discussion among researchers and some of the well-known
experts in the field of parallel computing.
KEY TOPICS: Parallel Computer Architectures, Operating Systems and
Environments, Algorithms and their implementations, mathematical
software, and large-scale scientific applications.
INVITED LECTURERS: James Demmel (Courant Institute), Ilio Galligani
(University of Bologna), Morven Gentleman (National Research Council
of Canada), Paul Messina (California Institute of Technology),
Anthony Patera (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), John Rice
(Purdue University), Marco Vanneschi (University of Pisa), and
David Wallace (University of Edinburgh).
CALL FOR PAPERS: A limited number of short (20 minutes) talks and
poster presentations will be accepted for presentation. Contributors
should submit a title and abstract (1 - 2 pages) no later than February
8, 1990 to either of the conference coordinators. Email submission is
preferred. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 15, 1990.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The conference is organized by the Mathematics
Department of the University of Naples and the Italian National
Research Council. It will take place on the island of Capri in the
Gulf of Naples, Italy, June 3 - 7, 1990, at the Europa Palace Hotel.
There will be invited talks the mornings of June 4 - 7 with contributed
papers and poster sessions the afternoons of June 4 - 6. Registration
fee will be US $200 or Lit. 280,000.
Paul Messina Almerico Murli
California Institute of Technology Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Caltech Concurrent Supercomputing Universita di Napoli
Facilities, Mail Code 158-79 via Mezzocannone, 16
Pasadena, California 91125 80134 Napoli, Italy
Telephone: (818) 356-3907 Telephone: (081) 551-6996/551-6355
FAX: (818) 584-5917 FAX: (081) 552-0863
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Please contact either of the conference coordinators for additional
information on any aspect of the conference.
From: Paul Messina <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 90 22:39:49 PST
Subject: DMCC5 Conference announcement
April 9-12
Omni Hotel
Charleston, South Carolina
DMCC5 is a continuation of the highly successful Hypercube Concurrent
Computers and Applications conference series. While DMCC5 will
continue to play an important role in the development and use of
distributed memory MIMD computers, DMCC5 will also explicitly include
SIMD machines, thereby covering the whole class of distributed memory
CONFERENCE THEME: In order to foster more widespread use of
distributed memory computers, the theme is "Education". Students are
encouraged to participate by reduced registration fees and
accommodation rates and by a Student Paper Competition featuring cash
prizes. A limited number of Student Conference Awards is also
available to assist in covering the cost of attending DMCC5.
Applications for these awards are due February 1, 1990; details on how
to apply may be obtained by calling Ms Jane W. Squires at (803)
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Paul G. Huray (General Chairman) and Jane W. Squires
(DMCC5 Administrator) University of South Carolina, Don Austin (DOE),
Ron Bailey (NASA-Ames), Sudhir Bhagwan (Oregon Advanced Computing Institute),
Terry Cole (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Michael Heath and Ed Oliver
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Stephen Squires (DARPA), Gilbert Weigand
(DARPA), and Pat Windham (U.S. Senate CST Committee).
PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS: Quentin Stout (University of Michigan) and
David Walker (University of South Carolina).
TECHNICAL PROGRAM: There will be approximately 125 contributed papers,
300 poster presentations, mini-symposia and tutorials on selected topics
and several invited talks, including the following: Terry Cole (Jet
Propulsion Laboratory) "Parallel Computers in Space Research",
Anthony Hey (Southampton University) "Concurrent Supercomputing in Europe",
Stephen Squires (DARPA) title to be announced, and Leslie Valiant
(Harvard University) "Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Computers".
Ms Jane W. Squires
DMCC5 Administration
Department of Mathematics
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina 29208
(803) 777-7660
From: Allison Bogardo <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 09:28 EDT
Subject: SIAM Student Paper Competition
We are pleased to announce the second SIAM Student Paper Competition. If you
have a student or know of a student who should be included in the
competition, here are the details:
The student authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
mathematics submitted to SIAM will be invited to attend its annual
meeting in Chicago, July 15-20, 1990. Each winner must present his/her paper
at the meeting and will receive up to $750 to offset expenses. The winners
will be awarded a calligraphed certificate at a special prize ceremony at the
meeting. Papers must be singly authored to be eligible for consideration.
To qualify, authors must be students in good standing who have not received
their PhDs at the time of submission.
In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to consider the
SIAM journals.
Submissions must be received by SIAM on or before April 2, 1990
Submissions can be sent by regular mail or fax. Each submission must include
(1) an extended abstract (3-4 pages), double-spaced, in English; (2) the
signature of the author on the submission; (3) a statement by the student's
faculty advisor (also on the submission) that the paper has been prepared by
the author indicated and that the author is a student in good standing; and
(4) a short biography of the student.
Each submission must also include a letter of recommendation from the
student's advisor or department chair. Submissions will be judged on the
basis of originality, applicability, and clarity of exposition.
The winners will be notified by May 30, 1990.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Allison Bogardo
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Telephone: (215) 382-9800
E-mail to [email protected]
Fax to (215) 386-7999
From: Douglas N. Arnold <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 11:06:17 EST
Subject: Course on the MODULEF Finite Element Library
Pennsylvania State University
July 16-20, 1989
Club MODULEF was created in 1974 to bring together researchers
from academics, government, and industry interested in developing
a finite element program library with the following features:
o access to source code, enabling users to add and modify
o modular organization
o rapid incorporation of current theoretical developments
At present the club has about 250 institutional members from around the
world. The MODULEF library presently contains over 300,000 lines of
FORTRAN code and is being expanded continually. Though based in
France, at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
Automatique (I.N.R.I.A.), there is presently a major effort to make all
the documentation available in English.
Courses in the use of MODULEF have been offered regularly in France.
Because of the increasing American membership in Club MODULEF, such a
course is being offered for the first time in the United States. The
aim of the course is to introduce new users to the MODULEF library and
teach them both to use existing modules and incorporate new modules.
I. Using existing modules
o A sample physical problem
- variational formulation
- approximation by finite elements
- steps in the implementation
o The MODULEF library
- organization of the library
- principle modules
- interactive use
- writing a calling program
o Examples and hands-on use
II. Creating new modules
We will explain how to create new modules to
be used with existing modules in order to
expand the capability of the library
The course will be held at the Pennsylvania State University in
University Park, Pennsylvania. It will run from Monday to Friday,
July 16-20, 1990.
Tuition is $200 for full-time academic participants and $500 for
industrial participants. Tuition includes a copy of "MODULEF: A
Modular Library of Finite Elements", a 350 page tutorial and reference
PARTICIPANTS TO REGISTER. Tuition must be paid at the time of
DOUGLAS ARNOLD. Professor Arnold is a leading researcher in numerical
analysis and differential equations at the Pennsylvania State
University and is a user and contributor to the MODULEF library.
MICHEL BERNADOU. Professor Bernadou is a leading researcher in
numerical analysis and computational shell theory and the director of
the MODULEF project at I.N.R.I.A.
PAUL LOUIS GEORGE. Dr. George is a full time researcher with the
Modulef project at I.N.R.I.A. He works on mesh generation techniques
and is the principal author of the extensive mesh generation facilities
in the MODULEF code.
MARINIA VIDRASCU. Dr. Vidrascu has been a full-time researcher with
the MODULEF project at I.N.R.I.A. since its inception and is the
largest single contributor to the design and coding of the MODULEF
library. She works in nonlinear elasticity.
University Park/State College has direct air service to Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, and Harrisburg, served by US Air and
United Air Lines. The conference has reserved a block of rooms at the
Atherton Hilton. Rooms are available at a rate of $50 per night. To
obtain this rate call the Hilton at (814) 231-2100 and mention the
MODULEF Course. Rooms must be reserved before June 15, 1990. To
obtain information about other hotels in State College write the
address on the registration form.
Questions about the course may be directed to
Douglas Arnold,
Department of Mathematics
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
telephone: (814) 865-0246
electronic mail: [email protected].
For information on membership in Club MODULEF and obtaining the Modulef
software library contact
I.N.R.I.A electronic mail: [email protected]
Domaine de Voluceau, B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, FRANCE
Telephone : (1) 39635432
End of NA Digest