NA Digest Sunday, March 4, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 09

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 1990 12:19:31 PST
Subject: A Great Little Book

SIAM has just republished a great little book. It is "Numerical
Analysis: A Second Course" by Jim Ortega. It does not describe
numerical methods but the book gives the fundamental ideas behind
numerical mathematics. It should be required reading for all graduate
students in scientific computing.

The book is in paperback and the cost to SIAM members is about $20.
You might try ordering it by e-mail ([email protected] will



From: Paul Levrie <paul%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 90 15:03:03 +0100
Subject: Oskar Perron

Are there any people out there who can tell me something or give
references about the life (and work) of Oskar Perron (who wrote the beautiful
"Die Lehre von den Kettenbruechen")?
Thanks in advance. Please send to:

Paul Levrie [email protected]
Department of Computer Sciences
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3030 Heverlee


From: Rolf Jeltsch <[email protected]>
Date: 02 Mar 90 20:24:43+0100
Subject: Change of Address of Rolf jeltsch

I have accepted a position at the ETH in Zurich and
can now be reached at the following address:

Seminar fur Angewandte Mathematik
ETH Zurich
CH-8092 Zurich

Phone +41-1-256 3452
E-Mail [email protected]
FAX +41-1-252 3401 (This probably will operate
only starting April 1. 1990)

Until April 1 use FAX +41-1-2520192
Telex 817 379 ehhg ch

My private address is:
In der Hub 14
CH-8057 Zurich

Phone +41-1-363 9708

Rolf Jeltsch


From: Steve Hammond <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 90 11:53:21 PST
Subject: Parallel Circus

Final Announcement
for the
Seventh Parallel Circus

March 30-31, 1990 at Stanford University

The Parallel Circus is an informal conference focusing on
parallel scientific computing. A strength of the Circus is
the discussion of current research topics and a healthy mix
of industrial and academic participants.

Continuing the tradition that began at Yale in 1986, the
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS)
and Stanford University are jointly hosting the Seventh
Parallel Circus at Stanford on Friday and Saturday,
March 30-31, 1990.

This is the first time the Circus will be held outside of
the Northeast, and we hope to have many attendees from
around the country as well as those who have been

A partial list of titles of talks from people who have
registered is below:

"Incremental Condition Estimator for Parallel Sparse Matrix

"Cyclops: A Stochastic Bayesian Approach to Stereo Matching"

"Parallel Rational Interpolation"

"Parallel Multilevel Algorithms"

"Asynchronous Multilevel Adaptive Methods"

"Parallel Sparse Matrix Factorization"

"Graph Embedding for Efficient Unstructured Iterative Methods
on Massively Parallel Computers"

Organizers: Gene Golub, Steve Hammond and Rob Schreiber

If you are interested in attending and giving a talk or
or just attending, contact Cathy Salazar for more infor-

Cathy Salazar
RIACS Mail Stop 230-5
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
[email protected]


From: CERFACS <BENNETT%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 15:33:44 GMT
Subject: CERFACS Offer for Research Position




C.E.R.F.A.C.S. aims at developing new tools and algorithms for parallel
computation with a view to applying them to large scale scientific problems.

Another major mission involves advanced training in scientific computation.

Based in Toulouse, France, C.E.R.F.A.C.S. has researchers and engineers
from many countries in Europe.

C.E.R.F.A.C.S. offers, for October 1990, Post-Doctorate and PhD grants.


* Parallel Algorithms: numerical computation.
* Instability and Turbulence: direct simulation.
* Computational Aerodynamics: numerical modelling of flowfields.
* Visualization Methods : for computational fluid mechanics.
* Global Climate Modelling and Numerical Simulation of
Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling.


Candidates should submit :

* a cover letter indicating the research theme of interest to you,
your motivations for applying and the way in which you will be able
to contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of CERFACS

* a Curriculum Vitae with a detailed description of your training
in maths, applied maths, AND physical maths (especially fluid dynamics)
OR computing (especially in the use of supercomputers)

* copy of qualifications (either a Masters in Science or a Masters
in Engineering or equivalent)

* Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three persons who will
write a letter of reference


Candidates should submit :

* a cover letter indicating the research theme of interest to you,
a statement of a specific problem you would like to work on, your
motivations for applying and the way in which you will be able to
contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of CERFACS

* a Curriculum Vitae highlighting experience and results obtained in
numerical analysis and parallel algorithms and/or fluid mechanics, in
particular in aerodynamics and turbulence

* a one-page summary of your PhD thesis and a copy of your thesis and
list of publications

* a transcript of you graduate course work

* a copy of your qualifications (PhD or equivalent)

* Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three persons who will
write a letter of reference


* the duration of the PhD grant is 2 years (with a possibility of
extending it for 1 year) and the monthly gross amount is 10590 FF ;
(ie. before social security and income tax).

* the post doctorate grant covers a period of 1 year (with a
possibility of extending it for 1 year) and the monthly gross amount
is 14290 FF ; (ie. before social security and income tax).

* The geographical location will be Toulouse at the premises of

* All applications which do not have the information mentioned
above will be refused

* Final application forms must be received before 20th April,1990 at:

42 Avenue Gustave Coriolis
31057 TOULOUSE Cdex
Tel.: (33) 61 07 96 96
Fax: (33) 61 07 96 13


From: Bo Kagstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 2 Mar 90 15:45:25 GMT
Subject: Position in Sweden in Computer Graphics and Visualization

Hello there,
I would very much appreciate if you could make this announcement known
to as many people as possible (via email, newsletter, etc).
Thank you in advance. If you are interested to apply for the position
or for a visiting position so do not hesitate to contact me.

Dead-line is March 31, 1990.

Regards, Bo Kagstrom
For full address (including email) see the announcement!

Announcement of SWEDEN's first chair as professor in
Computer Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing
at University of Umea in Sweden

Umea university is a young university that lies at the mouth of the
river Ume, equidistant from both the capital, Stockholm, and Sweden+s
most northerly town Kiruna. Today the campus has some 3 000 employees
and 11 000 students. The university has achieved prominence in many
fields, of which bio-technology, environmental ecology and information
technology are some of those in which now intensive activity is taking

Expertise in the field of information technology in its broadest sense
is rapidily growing and in certain areas such as Scientific computing
great progress has already been made, and international collaboration
established, primarily with European and American researchers.
A couple of years ago a special action program for Information technology
- Scientific Computing was established at the faculty of Mathematical
and Natural Sciences. The program aims towards development of advanced
methods, algorithms and software in Scientific computing for different
parallel computer architectures.

The university is together with the Technical University of Lulea,
the Institute of Space Physics i Kiruna and the Industrial Development
Center in Skelleftea, founder of Supercomputer Center North (SDCN).
SDCN is one of two national centers for supercomputing in Sweden and
is connected to all swedish universities through the Swedish University
Network (SUNET). Thereby scientists have access to an IBM 3090-600 E/VF,
placed in Skelleftea, soon to be upgraded to a 600 S-model.

At the university we have a distributed-memory multiprocessor-system
Intel iPSC/2 hypercube with 64 nodes of which 16 nodes have a vector
facility and are about to aquire a shared-memory multiprocessor-system
with both high-performance computing power and advanced graphic
facilities for visualization.

Due to the partnership in SDCN Sweden+s first chair as professor in
Computer Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing is now
established at the university.

The field is very wide and interdisciplinary to its nature and candidates
for the chair can have different scientific profiles ranging from
research in tools and methods for Computer Graphics and Visualization
in Scientific Computing to graphics computing and visualization in
Scientific Computing with an emphasis on applications from biology,
biotechnology, chemistry, physics and medicine.
At the university we have applications/possible applications in for
instance biotechnology - molecular biology, chemometry, environmental
chemistry, geographical information systems, industrial design,
medicine, physical chemistry, psychology, theoretical physics and
space physics.

The professorship is placed at the department of Computing Science.
At the department there are professors in numerical analysis, computer
science, and numerical analysis and parallel computing.
Since a couple of years there has been an intense development of knowledge
in the fields of parallel computing and environments and tools for
parallel computer architectures.

The university now announces a professorship in Computer Graphics and
Visualization in Scientific Computing as vacant, reference number
DNR 321-189-90. Notice that the reference number must be mentioned on
the application.

To get started in the field as soon as possible the position can also be
a visiting professorship.
Send the application to University of Umea, S-901 87, Sweden before
the 30th of March 1990. Enclosed to the application should be curriculum
vitae, short summary of scientific and educational work, and publications
and ev interest of a visiting professorship. Everything in 4 copies!!

Questions will be answered by Professor Bo Kagstrom, Dept of Computing
Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, phone +46-9016 54 19,
email [email protected] (or [email protected])
or by Project coordinator Torbjorn Johansson, Supercomputer Center North,
Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, phone +46-9016 65 85, email
[email protected].


From: R. Beauwens <BEAUWENS%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 16:09:58 +0100
Subject: IMACS Symposium on Iterative Methods in Belgium

April 2-4, 1991

First Call for Papers

SCOPE. Recent advances in the analysis and implementation of
iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear
equations and for determining eigenvalues , eigenvectors and
singular values of large sparse matrices.

TOPICS. Matrix analysis (convergence, conditioning), imple-
mentation (on vector and parallel computers), software deve-
lopments (sparse linear systems, sparse eigenproblems), ma-
thematical applications (partial differential equations,
systems theory).

SPECIAL SESSIONS. Coupled inner-outer iteration methods (O.
Axelsson), spectral methods (M.Deville and E.Mund) , complex
variable methods for non-positive definite systems (R.S.Varga),
the Lyapunov equation (E.L.Wachspress).

Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 15,1990.

For more information, contact the Conference address:

R.Beauwens,IMACS International Symposium.
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, C.P.165.
50, Av.F.D.Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, BELGIUM.
E-mail: beauwens at bbrnsf11.bitnet


From: Karl Gustafson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 90 11:40:27 MST
Subject: IMACS Conference on Computational Physics in Boulder

First International Conference on Computational Physics
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado USA 80309-0426

Sponsored by IMACS (Association Internationale Pour
Les Mathematiques et Calculateurs en Simulation) and the University of
Colorado at Boulder (Mathematical Physics Ph.D. Program)


Karl Gustafson Walter Wyss
Mathematics, UC-Boulder Physics, UC-Boulder
[email protected] (303) 492-8744 (work); (303) 499--5641
(303) 492--7752 (303) 499--9977 (FAX)

R. Agarwal (USA), P. Christiansen (DENMARK), R. Temam (FRANCE),
K. Winters (ENGLAND).

R. Agarwall (McDonnell--Douglas, USA), A. Brandt (Weizmann Inst.,
ISRAEL), F. Kang (Beijing, CHINA),
M. Marion (Ecully, FRANCE), J. Sethian (Berkeley, USA),
R. Sugar (Santa Barbara, USA), R. Swendsen
(Carnegie--Mellon, USA), K. Winters (Harwell Lab., ENGLAND).

C. Baillie (Cal. Tech., USA), S. Biringen (UC--Boulder, USA),
R. Brickner (Los Alamos, USA), C. Bruneau (Orsay, FRANCE), J. Cary
(UC--Boulder, USA), T. deGrand (UC--Boulder, USA),
T. Gatski (NASA Langley, USA), K. Ghia (U. Cincinnati, USA), J. Goodrich
(NASA Lewis, USA)
B. Herbst (U. Orange Free St., S. AFRICA),
S. McCormick (UC--Denver, USA), E. Shang (NOAA Boulder, USA),
R. K. Smith (AT\& T, USA), N. Sobh (Old Dominion U.,
USA), Y. Wong (Edmonton, CANADA), G. Xie (CHINA), Q. Zou (USA).

Spin Methods and New Algorithms, Stability, Bifurcation, and
Transition in Shear and Turbulent Flows, Applications of the Connection
Machine, Highly Convective Viscous Flows, Computations in Nonlinear
Dynamics and Plasma Physics, Quantum Chromodynamics, Computational
Unsteady Aerodynamics and Dynamic Stall, Computational Methods in
Hamiltonian Systems, Multilevel Methods in Computation, Lattice Gauge
Theory, Semiconductor Device Simulation, Numerical Methods of Inverse
Problems, Computational Ocean Acoustics, other Computational Physics.

All papers accepted by 1 April will be published in the meeting
Proceedings, to be given to all registered attendees of the Conference.
Instructions and forms for papers may be obtained from the Conference
Secretary (see below).

Plenary Lectures and Selected Papers will appear in a special
(refereed) issue of Computer Physics Communications (North Holland).
A special hardbound copy will be discounted to registered attendees who
place an order at the Conference.

Late talks for presentation by registered participants in
Contributed Paper Sessions may be received until the Program
Deadline, 1 May. Other Conference participants are welcome at
any time and may register before or at the Conference. An Evening
Session for informal papers is planned.

All attendees are encouraged to pre-register for the
Conference. The registration fee will be $185.00 if postmarked by
April 15. The registration fee after this date will be $200.00. The
fee includes a copy of the Conference Proceedings, reception, banquet,
coffee breaks and other conference activities.

For registration materials, paper forms, and all other
Conference matters, please contact:

Debbie Cook, IMACS Conference Secretary
University of Colorado, Office of Conference Services
Boulder, CO 80309--0454
(FAX: (303) 492-5959; Telephone (303) 492-5151


End of NA Digest
