NA Digest Sunday, January 10, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 09:26:08 -0500
Subject: New Version of Xnetlib Available

Announcing the release of Xnetlib ver. 3.3

What it is -

Xnetlib is a new version of netlib recently developed at the
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Unlike netlib, which uses electronic mail to process requests
for software, xnetlib uses an X Window graphical user
interface and a socket-based connection between the user's
machine and the xnetlib server machine to process software
requests. Xnetlib is available to anyone who has access to
the TCP/IP Internet.

Xnetlib provides access to files and a whois style database
residing on the Netlib server at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Xnetlib also connects to two other xnetlib servers, one at
Rice University, and the other at the Army Research Laboratory.
Our intention is to release the xnetlib server code in a few

Xnetlib requires the Athena widget set (Xaw).

How to get it -

By anonymous ftp from in pub/xnetlib/xnetlib3.3.tar.Z

By email, send a message to [email protected] containing the line:
send xnetlib.shar from xnetlib

If you have any questions, please send mail to [email protected]

Jack Dongarra, Tom Rowan, and Reed Wade


From: Pierre-Jean Laurent <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 08:13:09 +0100
Subject: Jean Kuntzmann

Jean KUNTZMANN had been gifted with almost visionary foresight and
extraordinary obstination and energy.

He was among the first in France to recognize the revolutionary importance
of applied mathematics and computer science, pushing and developping both
fields at a very early time and all alone against the general tide... So,
not too surprisingly, it is also thanks to him that the first computer
entered a French university!

In course of time, he founded the IMAG institute of Grenoble, created an
Engineering School of Applied Mathematics (ENSIMAG), initiated the French
Association for Computation (AFCAL) and was also the founder and first
editor of the applied maths' journal "Chiffres" ("Numbers").

As if all this wasn't yet enough, he also guided the work of a great number
of Ph. D. students in Numerical Analysis, Boolean Algebra, Didactics, as
well as wrote and published ten books in these fields.

We deeply mourn our loss, for Professor Jean Kuntzmann passed away on Dec.
18, 1992 in Grenoble (France), at the age of 80 years.

Pierre-Jean Laurent


From: Danny Hershkowitz <MAR23AA%[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 93 09:06:41 IST
Subject: ILAS Hans Schneider Prize

On the recommendation of the ILAS Linear Algebra Prize Committee, the
ILAS Executive Board has awarded the first Hans Schneider Prize in
Linear Algebra jointly to Miroslav Fiedler (Czech Academy of Sciences,
Prague), Shmuel Friedland (U. Illinois, Chicago) and Israel Gohberg (U.

The prizes will be awarded at the Pensacola meeting in March 1993. The
prize talks will be delivered at three consecutive meetings as
follows: Fiedler - Pensacola (March 1993), Gohberg - Rotterdam (August
1994), and Friedland - Atlanta (August 1995).

The prize committee consisted of Tom Laffey (chair), Gene Golub, Alan
Hoffman, Hans Schneider (ex officio) and Robert Thompson.

ILAS congratulates the prize winners on their outstanding and deeply
influential research contributions.


From: Todd Torgersen <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 11:26:05 EST
Subject: Correction to the Report on the Twelvth Parallel Circus

My apologies for any errors in the report on the Twelvth Parallel Circus.
Please note yet another correction.

The paragraph describing ``PYRROS: Static Scheduling and Code Generation
for Parallel Programs'' was incorrect. It should read:

The last talk of the day was ``PYRROS: Static Scheduling and Code
Generation for Parallel Programs'' by Tao Yang, joint work with
Apostolos Gerasoulis from Rutgers University. This was an overview of
the PYRROS project and included discussions of how PYRROS maps tasks
to processors and schedules those tasks.


From: Bill Mitchell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 19:54:42 EST
Subject: Email Problems for Bill Mitchell

Due to an error on the part of our purchasing department, ATL has been
disconnected from the Internet. It will probably be several weeks before
it is corrected. Please send email to my na.mitchell address, which is
temporarily being redirected to my wife. Also, if you have sent me any
mail since December 17, please resend it.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.

-- Bill
William F. Mitchell | [email protected] <-- disabled
GE Advanced Technology Labs | [email protected] <-- use this
Bldg. 145-2 Moorestown Corp. Center | Voice: (609) 866-6536
Moorestown, N J 08057 | Fax: (609) 866-6397


From: jacumina%[email protected]
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 12:39:31 EDT
Subject: Help on Eigenvalues of an Elliptic Operator

Help is sought on references on the numerial calculation of the eigenvalues and
eigenfuntions of the 2nd order elliptic operator L, given in divergence form:

Lu = (a(x,y)u_x)_x +(b(x,y)u_y)_y

where a and b are C^1 functions defined on the closure of a piecewise smooth
region of R^2. The case of a square region is also of interest.

Please reply to: [email protected], [email protected]


From: Henry Wolkowicz <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 16:43:18 -0500
Subject: Workshop on Quadratic Assignment Problems


A workshop on Quadratic Assignment and Related Problems is to be held
May 20-21, 1993, at the DIMACS (Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science) Center at Rutgers University.

About twenty invited speakers will present recent results on
many different aspects of quadratic assignment problems,
including, algorithms, applications, software development,
efficient algorithms for certain classes of problems,
complexity, and collection of test problems.

If you intend to participate, please inform one of the organizers listed
below. If you decide to present a paper, please send us the title of
your talk. We are also planning to publish Proceedings of the workshop.

Additional information on travel and local accommodations will
be provided at a later date. More information on the workshop can
be obtained from: Panos Pardalos ([email protected]) or
Henry Wolkowicz ([email protected]). Please send us your e-mail
address (by e-mail or by surface mail) so that we can keep you informed
on the workshop.

Currently, the following people have expressed an interest in participating.

Adams Warren, Egon Balas, E. Boros, Donald E. Brown, C.L. Huntley,
A.R. Spillane, R.E. Burkard, Paolo Carraresi, Federico Malucelli,
Bintong Chen, Charles Delorme, A. Frieze, Kenneth C. Gilbert, P. Hammer
R. Bisgrove Hofstra, Fred Glover, Scott W. Hadley, P. Kouvelis,
Vipin Kumar, Yong Li, Joseph B. Mazzola, H. Muhlenhein, Svatopluk Poljak,
Aubrey Poore, Alex Pothen, K.G. Ramakrishnan, M.G.C. Resende, Franz Rendl,
WanSoo T. Rhee, Catherine Roucairol, Hanif Sherali, J. Skorin-Kapov,
J. MacGregor Smith, E. Tailard, E.-G. Talbi, P. Bessiere, Tony Vannelli,
Mickey R. Wilhelm, and Thomas L. Ward.

Panos Pardalos ([email protected])
Henry Wolkowicz ([email protected])


From: Piyush Mehrotra <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 14:30:59 -0500
Subject: ICASE/LaRC Short Course on Parallel Computation


July 26-30, 1993
Radisson Hotel, Hampton, Virginia

We are pleased to announce that the Institute for Computer
Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) and NASA Langley Research
Center (LaRC) will conduct a Short Course on Parallel Computation at the
Radisson Hotel in Hampton, Virginia from July 26 to July 30, 1993.

The objective of this course is to provide scientists and engineers
with a fairly broad overview of parallel computing and the issues that
affect the performance of programs running on multiprocessor machines. The
course is intended for scientists and engineers who would like to exploit
the potential performance of the new parallel architectures for their
application needs.

The course is divided into three broad themes. There will be two three
hour lectures a day, each covering a particular subtopic. The topics and
lecturers are:

- Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University
- David Nicol, The College of William and Mary

- David Walker, Oak Ridge National Laboratories
- Piyush Mehrotra, ICASE
- Daniel Reed, University of Illinois
- Ken Kennedy, Rice University
- Joel Saltz, University of Maryland

- Ahmed Sameh, Center for Supercomputing Research & Development, IL
- John Van Rosendale, ICASE
- David Keyes, Yale University

Due to space considerations, attendance will be limited to about 100
people. There will be a registration fee which is still undecided. If you
wish to attend or would like further information, please contact us for
a registration form and return it by MARCH 1, 1993.
Emily Todd
ICASE, Mail Stop 132C
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-0001

Telephone: (804) 864-2175
FAX: (804) 864-6134
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Donna McCammon <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 14:03:20 EST
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship Position at Syracuse

The Alex G. Nason Prize
Two-year Computational Science
Postdoctoral Fellowship
at Syracuse University

OBJECTIVE: This fellowship encourages talented postdoctoral researchers to
participate in the research of the Syracuse Center for Computational Science
(SCCS) at Syracuse University. SCCS offers an interdisciplinary program
where researchers use high performance parallel computers on scientific and
industrial applications and develop hardware, software, and algorithms.
SCCS offers a full range of the most up-to-date parallel computers. The
Nason Prize encourages researchers to apply these or other innovative
computers to scientific and/or industrial applications.

BACKGROUND: Computational Science is a relatively new academic field that
combines Computer Science and more traditional disciplines, including
Engineering, Economics, Physics, and Chemistry. Recognizing Computational
Science as an important new field, Syracuse University began the Syracuse
Center for Computational Science as a major initiative in 1990. The Nason
Prize was established by the Nason Foundation in recognition of alumnus
Alex G. Nason's commitment to the advancement of Syracuse University and
the furtherance of knowledge and useful applications in Computational Science.

AWARD: In 1993-1994, the Nason Prize will include a salary of $50,000 plus
fringe benefits; a $5,000 annual research fund to be used at the discretion
of the Fellow; and a $5,000 departmental fund to assist the Fellow with
relocation, personal workstation support, conference travel, etc. Support
for the Nason Fellow's second year is expected to be enhanced. A new two-year
Fellow will be named each year through 1995.

BASIS FOR AWARD: A Syracuse University committee, chaired by Geoffrey Fox,
Director of the Syracuse Center for Computational Science, will review
applications. Leading applicants will be invited for an interview, and
only candidates of exceptional quality will be appointed.

Candidates will be identified through an international search. Preference
will be given to those who have completed their PhDs in the last three years.
Applicants' research interests can be in any area in Computational Science,
but preference will be given to those whose interests overlap with existing
groups at Syracuse University, and who have demonstrated ability in inter-
disciplinary research, combining Computer Science with application areas. Both
academic and industrial research areas will be considered. The recipient
will be encouraged to collaborate with the Center for Research on Parallel
Computation (CRPC), the parallel computing consortium to which Syracuse
University belongs. All of the CRPC parallel computing facilities will be
available to the recipient, in addition to the facilities of Syracuse
university, including the Connection Machine CM5, the DECmpp, nCUBE2, and
Intel IPSC/860.

APPLICATION GUIDELINES: Send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three
letters of reference to:

Donna McCammon, Personnel Administrator, NPAC/SCCS, 111 College Place,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100.

DEADLINE: Materials must be postmarked on or before March 1, 1993.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Awards will be announced by April 15, 1993.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 93 13:54:09 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Matrix Analysis

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
April 1993 Volume 14 Number 2

Optimization by Direct Search in Matrix Computations
Nicholas J. Higham

Elimination Structures for Unsymmetric Sparse LU Factors
John R. Gilbert and Joseph W. H. Liu

A Systolic Array for SVD Updating
M. Moonen, P. Van Dooren, and J. Vandewalle

An Algorithm for the Banded Symmetric Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problem
Linda Kaufman

Maximum Submatrix Traces for Positive Definite Matrices
I Olkin and S. T. Rachev

Sign Controllability of a Nonnegative Matrix and a Positive Vector
Charles R. Johnson, Volker Mehrmann, and D. Dale Olesky

A New Criterion to Guarantee the Feasibilty of the Interval
Gaussian Algorithm
A. Frommer and G. Mayer

Efficient Computation of the Solutions to Modified Lyapunov Equations
Stephen Richter, Larry D. Davis, and Emmanuel G. Collins, Jr.

Incremental Unknowns in Finite Differences: Condition Number of the Matrices
Min Chen and Roger Temam

On Computations of the Perron Root
L. Elsner, I. Koltracht, M. Neumann, and D. Xiao

The Use of Pivoting to Improve the Numerical Performance of
Algorithms for Toeplitz Matrices
Douglas R. Sweet

Updating A Rank-Revealing ULV Decomposition
G. W. Stewart

On A Matrix Algebra Related to the Discrete Hartley Transform
Dario Bini and Paolo Favati

Robust Stability and Diagonal Liapunov Functions
Eugenius Kaszkurewicz and Amit Bhaya

Spectral Properties of Preconditioned Rational Toeplitz Matrices:
The Nonsymmetric Case
Ta-Kang Ku and C. C. Jay Kuo

On the Completion of Partially Given Triangular Toeplitz Matrices
to Contractions
Geir Naevdal

Newton Methods for Large-Scale Linear Equality-Constrained
Anders Forsgren and Walter Murray

Bunch--Kaufman Factorization for Real Symmetric Indefinite Banded
Mark T. Jones and Merrell L. Patrick

Perturbation Bounds for the Polar Decomposition
Roy Mathias

Error Analysis of Update Methods for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Jesse L. Barlow


End of NA Digest
