From: James F. Epperson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 14:59:13 CST
Subject: Is There a Probability and Statistics Network
A colleague of mine in probability wants to know if there is an organization
analogous to na.net for folks in probability and statistics. Do any
of you know of any such thing? More generally, it might be useful for some
of the societies to publish all the known network groups in things like
Notices and SIAM News.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Jim Epperson
[email protected]
From: Dan Hughes <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 10:28:41 MST
Subject: Autodifferentiation and C Source
Does anyone know of any auto-differentiation programs
that will work on source code written C?
Dan Hughes
INEL/EG&G Idaho, inc.
P.O.Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415-2414
[email protected]
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 22:43:28 CST
Subject: LAA Issue Honoring Chandler Davis
Special Issue Honoring CHANDLER DAVIS
Chandler Davis will reach the mandatory retirement age at the
University of Toronto this year. While he remains as vigorously active
as ever, this is an appropriate time to recognize his contributions to
this journal, to mathematics, and to our lives. A special issue of
scheduled for publication in the first half of 1994. The purpose of
this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue.
Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its
applications, and its interactions with the theory of operators on
Hilbert space. All contributions will subject to the normal reviewing
Submissions should be sent by March 31, 1993 to one of the special
editors of this issue:
Rajendra Bhatia
Indian Statistical Institute
New Delhi 110016
[email protected]
Shmuel Friedland
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois at Chicago
Box 4348, M/C 249
Chicago, IL 60680
[email protected]
Peter Rosenthal
Mathematics Department
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
[email protected]
Papers may also be submitted to the editor-in-chief of this Journal.
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 12:53:37 EST
Subject: SIAM 1993 Annual Meeting
SIAM 1993 Annual Meeting
July 12-16, 1993
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Meeting Themes (partial list)
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Materials Science
Inverse Problems
Dynamical Systems
Nondestructive Testing
Industrial Problems
Discrete Mathematics and Applications
If you are planning to give a presentation and have not
submitted an abstract, about 100 words in length, now is the
time to submit it. SIAM offers two methods for submitting
your abstract:
1. Hard Copy
Contact SIAM now. Call 215-382-9800, Fax 215-386-7999,
E-Mail: [email protected]
and an abstract form will be mailed to you.
2. Electronic File
To help in formatting your submission, plain TeX or LaTeX
macros are available. Contact us now at
[email protected]
If you are not using TeX, you can send your abstract as
plain text e-mail, but no embedded symbols from
mathematics editor should be used.
Thank you and we look forward to your participation.
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 17:30:14 EST
Subject: Inverse Problems and Optimal Design in Industry
Symposium on Inverse Problems and Optimal Design in Industry
July 8-10, 1993
Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Sponsored by ECMI and SIAM
with the cooperation of IMA (Minnesota), INRIA, and SIMAI
Organizing Committee
Vinicio C. Boffi, SIMAI, and Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone", Italy
Guy Chavent, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
Automatique, France
David L. Colton, University of Delaware
Heinz W. Engl (Co-chair), Johannes-Kepler Universitaet, Austria
Avner Friedman, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications,
Joyce R. McLauglin (Co-chair), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Invited Participants
(Final confirmation has not been received from all
invitees as of January 15, 1993).
Kinji Baba, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan
Mario Bertero, Universita di Genova, Italy
Leonard Borucki, Motorola Advanced Technology Center, Mesa, Arizona
Catherine Chardaire-Riviere, Institut Francais du Petrole, France
Tito A. Ciriani, IBM-SEMEA, Italy
J. Allen Cox, Honeywell Inc., Bloomington, Minnesota
Ugo F. D'Elia, ALEMIA, Rome
Richard E. Ewing, Texas A&M University, College Station
Leonid Gurvits, Siemens Corporate Research, Inc., Princeton
Patrick S. Hagan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ichiro Hagiwara, Nissan Motor Company, Japan
Svenn Anton Halvorsen, Elkem Research, Norway
David Isaacson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Maurice Maes, Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands
Tim Monks, BHP Melbourne Research Laboratory, Australia
Pekka Neittaanmaki, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Jacques Periaux, Avions Marcel Dassault, France
Alfred Preuer, SFT-Voest Alpine Stahl, Austria
David S. Ross, Eastman Kodak Company
Gregory R. Shubin, The Boeing Company
Vijaya Shankar, Rockwell International Science Center
Hans-Georg Stark, Techmath, Germany
Paolo Vestrucci, MIER-Bologna, Italy
Michael Vogelius, Rutgers University
Kiyoshi Yoda, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
A three-day symposium immediately preceding the SIAM annual meeting, July 12-16,
1993 that will bring together academe and industry on the complex inverse
problems in a broad segment of industry.
For more information, contact SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. Telephone: 215-382-9800 Fax: 215-386-7999
E-Mail: [email protected]
From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 14:30:42 EST
Subject: Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation
2nd. IMACS International Symposium on Mathematical
and Intelligent Models in System Simulation
Date: April 12-16 1993
Place: Brussels, BELGIUM
(organized by the Imacs Technical Committee on Control Systems and Robotics)
Scope: The symposium aims to provide a forum for presentation and
discussion of recent advances of System Modelling and Simulation in
different disciplines with emphasis on the coupling of the
mathematical and intelligent techniques.
For further information contact:
Conference Secretariat MIM-S2 '93
Laboratoire d'Automatique
Cp. 165 - U.L.B.
av. F.D. Roosevelt, 50
B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
Tel: 32.2.6502613
Fax: 32.2.6502677
Telex: 23069.unilib.b
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 15:03:39 EST
Subject: Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies
3rd. IMACS International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning
and Decision Technologies - QUARDET '93
Date: June 16-18, 1993
Place: Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, SPAIN
(Organized by the IMACS Technical Committee on Computing and
Simulation for Management Systems)
Scope and Aims: One of the most characteristic and complex human tasks
is decision making, and for it people often need to use purely
qualitative reasoning. Therefore, it is not surprising that
Qualitative Reasoning and Computer Aided Decision Making are two of
the most dynamic, interesting and up to date areas of research.
The basic aim of QUARDET'93 is to provide an active exchange of
information on recent advances in these two areas and also to point
out the links between them. Some of the topics of particular interest
are given below, but this is by no means an exhaustive list:
-Theoretical aspects of Qualitative Reasoning.
-Qualitative Simulation.
-Temporal aspects of Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies.
-Fuzzy Decision Making.
-Diagnosis and Troubleshooting.
-Knowledge Based Decision Technologies.
-Approximate Reasoning.
-Learning and Adaptive Systems.
-Knowledge Representation.
-Formal approaches to Knowledge Based Systems.
-Conflict Analysis.
-Intelligent Systems in Process Control.
-Fuzzy Control.
-Applications to real-world problems, particularly in Industrial and
Technological environments, Marketing, Business Policy, Banking,
Retailing, Manufacturing, Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Music,
Deadline: Final papers due: May 1, 1993
For further information contact:
Prof. N. Piera
Facultat de Informatica de Barcelona
Dept. de Matematica Aplicada II
c/.Pau Gargallo, 5
08028 Barcelona, SPAIN
Tel: 34-3-401 69 22
Fax: 34-3-401 70 40
e-mail [email protected]
From: Joseph Oliger <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 93 13:14:07 PST
Subject: Visiting Positions at RIACS
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA
The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) at the
NASA Ames Research Center, located in the San Francisco Bay Area
adjacent to Silicon Valley, is inviting applications for visiting
research positions for graduate students and advanced undergraduates
for the Summer of '93 and for post-doctoral appointments of up to two
years begining in the Fall of '93. Summer student visitors must be
U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.
RIACS carries out a basic research program in the computational
sciences to support the needs of NASA Ames scientific missions.
Specific areas of interest are: algorithms and software for parallel
scientific computation with applications to computational fluid
dynamics, adaptive and composite mesh methods for solving partial
differential equations, the design and implementation of compilers and
tools for parallel computers, and the analysis of high performance
Visitors to RIACS are expected to collaborate with NASA Ames scientists.
Additional opportunities for collaboration abound with the many local
research universities and institutions.
Applicants should send resumes and descriptions of research interests
with references to:
Joseph Oliger, Director
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop T041-5
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Applications and inquiries may also be made via e-mail to:
[email protected]
RIACS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
From: Paul Concus <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 10:29:00 PST
Subject: LBL Postdoctoral Position
The University of California Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory invites
applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship in computational
and applied mathematics. The fellow would work in a group whose
interests include, but are not limited to, computational fluid
mechanics, turbulence theory, many-body systems, percolation theory,
Monte-Carlo methods, grid generation, combustion, interface problems,
and parallel computing. The position is for one year, beginning in the
summer or fall of 1993, with possibility of renewal for a second year.
Support is provided primarily by special funds from the Department of
Energy's Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Subprogram, for which
there is a stipulation that the recipient be a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident. Interested persons should send a curriculum vitae
and the names of three references before February 28, 1993 to Prof.
Alexandre Chorin, 90-1042 (A7989), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
From: Martin H. Gutknecht <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 19:16:24 +0100
Subject: Parallel Computing Position at ETH Zurich
Dear colleagues,
The Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland,
is planning the installation of a parallel supercomputer in the summer 1993,
such as a CM-5, CS-2, KSR1, or Paragon. In connection with this enterprise,
the Interdisciplinary Project Center for Supercomputing (IPS) at ETH
expects to have an opening for a position, and is inviting applications.
Depending on the qualification and seniority of the successful candidate,
the position will be on the postdoc or long-term staff level, at a
competitive salary.
The Interdisciplinary Project Center for Supercomputing (IPS),
headed by Martin H. Gutknecht, was founded in 1988 to support and
promote supercomputing at ETH Zurich. Its service duties include the
individual support of supercomputers users and software developers at ETH,
the occasional organization of tutorials and courses, and the like. Besides,
research in numerical analysis, computational chemistry, computational
physics, and other application areas is done, typically in cooperation
with other institutes. IPS also has a service oriented visualization lab.
The candidate is expected to be versed in parallel computing, and
preferably to have intimate experience with the machine to be installed.
His/her duties will involve giving expert advice to prospective users,
porting and developing software, and providing software maintenance.
The fraction of time available for research is expected to be around 50%.
Candidates from any branch of parallel scientific computing are
invited to apply. They should be able to interact with the other members
of the IPS, and to complement their activities.
Applicants should submit their resume and list of publications
by March 31, and have 3 letters of recommendation sent to
Dr. Martin H. Gutknecht
IPS, ETH-Zentrum
CH-8092 Zurich
Tel: (+41) (1) 256-3464 (office), Fax: (+41) (1) 261-0468
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
For inquiries contact:
Dr. Martin H. Gutknecht (before March 1) : [email protected]
Dr. Armin Friedli (numerical analysis) : [email protected]
Dr. Philippe de Forcrand (computational physics): [email protected]
Dr. H.P. Luethi (computational chemistry) : [email protected]
From: Rene Rehmann <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 14:21:02 +0100
Subject: Positions in Parallel Computing in Switzerland
Swiss Scientific Computing Center
Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico
Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS)-ETHZ, located in Manno,
Ticino, a subsidiary of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich, has created on January 1, 1993, the new Section of Research and
Development (SeRD). SeRD will conduct an application-oriented research
and development program in the fields of computer and computational
sciences. The current CSCS production facility consists of a NEC
SX-3/22 two-processor shared memory multiprocessor computer with a peak
performance of 5.5 GFlops and a memory capacity of 2 GBytes. Several
different distributed parallel systems will be available soon. CSCS
has about 25 full-time staff.
CSCS is currently seeking to fill the following full-time positions in
software engineering and applications development:
Software Engineers (tools for parallel distributed computers):
This work involves the development and implementation of tools for
large multicomputer systems. Applicants must have a high level of
competence in C/C++ and proven experience with system software and
message-passing systems for distributed memory parallel computer
systems. Additionally, expertise in at least one of the following
fields is required: software engineering, CASE tools, parallel
debugging tools, performance analysis and tuning support tools,
parallelization support tools.
Software Engineers (parallel distributed algorithms):
This work involves analyzing, designing, implementing, testing, and
maintaining parallel distributed algorithms. Applicants must have a
high level of competence in C/C++ and a successful track record in
parallel programming. Additionally, expertise in software engineering
and experience with CASE tools would be an asset.
Applications Scientists (parallel distributed algorithms):
This work concentrates on experimenting with and prototyping of new
parallel distributed algorithms in such areas as domain decomposition,
adaptive grid generation, finite difference and finite element
methods. Applicants must have a high level of competence in Fortran
and/or C/C++ and a successful track record in parallel programming.
All applicants should have two to four years of working experience with
parallel computer systems, a relevant degree in Computer Science,
physical sciences, or mathematics.
These appointments are initially for one to two years, but can be
extended. None of these positions involve teaching duties. CSCS
offers excellent working conditions.
Applicants should send a CV, and a letter indicating the posts in which
they are most interested, to:
Swiss Scientific Computing Center
Galleria 2
Via Cantonale
CH-6928 Manno
att: Ms. Carla Nart
The closing date for applications is February 26, 1993.
Applications through recruitment agencies or by electronic mail will
not be considered.
Rene Rehmann, Swiss Scientific Computing Center
Via Cantonale, CH-6928 Manno, Switzerland
phone: +41 91 50 82 34 email: [email protected] or
fax : +41 91 50 67 11 [email protected]
From: Beth Gallagher <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 10:46:47 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Scientific Computing
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
May 1993 Volume 14, Number 3
Computing Reproducing Kernels with Arbitrary Boundary Constraints
C. J. Dalzell and J. O. Ramsey
Sparse Matrix Computations on Parallel Processor Arrays
Andrew T. Ogielsky and William Aiello
Some Aspects of Circulant Preconditioners
Thomas Huckle
A Parallel Algorithm for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Jack J. Dongarra and Majed Sidani
On Row Relaxation Methods for Large Constrained Least Squares Problems
Achiya Dax
Preconditioning the Lanczos Algorithm for Sparse Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
Ronald B. Morgan and David S. Scott
The Hermite Spectral Method for Gaussian-Type Functions
Tao Tang
Accelerated Multigrid Convergence and High-Reynolds Recirculating Flows
A. Brandt and I. Yavneh
Solution of Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations by
Cell Discretization
John Greenstadt
A Parallel Graph Coloring Heuristic
Mark T. Jones and Paul E. Plassmann
A Cholesky Up- and Downdating Algorithm for Systolic and SIMD Architectures
Christian H. Bischof, Ching-Tsuan Pan, and Ping Tak Peter Tang
Index Reduction in Differential-Algebraic Equations Using Dummy Derivatives
Sven Erik Mattsson and Gustaf Soderlind
Ill-Conditioning in Neural Network Training Problems
S. Saarinen, R. Bramley, and G. Cybenko
Iterative Line Cubic Spline Collocation Methods for Elliptic
Partial Differential Equations in Several Dimensions
A. Hadjidimos, E. N. Houstis, J. R. Rice, and E. A. Vavalis
An Algorithm for Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblems: Divide and
Conquer with Homotopy Continuation
Kuiyuan Li and Tien-Yien Li
Timely Communication
The Dual Schur Complement Method with Well-Posed Local Neumann
Problems: Regularization with a Perturbed Lagrangian Formulation
Charbel Farhat, Po-Shu Chen, and Francois-Xavier Roux
End of NA Digest