From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]
Date: Sun May 30 07:43:35 EDT 1993
Subject: NA News Digest Mailing List Exceeds 3000 Names
I thought you might be interested to know that this week's issue
of the NA News Digest is being sent to 3008 people. Last week's
mailing list had 2992 names. This rate of growth is typical.
Every week we add 10 to 20 new names to the list. Then, every
once in a while, we delete the entries whose mail has bounced
three times.
-- Cleve
From: Axel Ruhe <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 May 93 16:11:30 +0200
Subject: W. M. Kahan Honored
Today, May 14 1993, William M Kahan was named Doctor Honoris Causa
at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
A short presentation for those that need to know:
He was born 1933 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he got his education,
with a Ph D in 1958, and became a professor. Since 1969 he has been
professor in Mathematics and Computer Science at University of California
at Berkeley. In 1989 he got the ``ACM Turing award'', the greatest
distinction in Computer Science.
He is a specialist in Numerical Analysis, and has made fundamental
contributions to numerical linear algebra, error analysis and computer
arithmetic. He has found some of the sharpest perturbation results
available for matrix eigenvalues, especially he showed how a change
in the elements of a matrix rotated its eigenvectors.
Most recently he has shown the way to the elementwise error bounds,
that has made new superaccurate algorithms possible.
For a wider audience, his best known feat is the floating point standards
IEEE~754 and IEEE~854. He seized the initiative in 1977, just when it was
clear that it was possible to build an entire arithmetic unit on a single
silicon chip, and then waged a campaign with a wide participation from
universities and industry, all the way to the adoption of the standards
in 1985.
All of us that admire him congratulate!
Axel Ruhe
From: Volker Mehrmann <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 13:44:25 MESZ
Subject: Benchmark Examples in Systems and Control
Call for Benchmark Examples in Systems and Control
The Working Group on Software WGS, which consists of a number of experts in
both control theory, numerical analysis and software design from Belgian,
Dutch, English and German Universities, Research Institutes and Industry,
develops in cooperation with the Numerical Algorithms Group NAG from Oxford
a Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory, called SLICOT.
The original goal of the SLICOT endeavor is the realization of a portable
library of basic, high-quality routines for systems and control theory and
signal processing, particularly with respect to numerical reliability and
computational efficiency. The current release 2.0 includes about 90
user-callable Fortran 77 subroutines mainly for the analysis, synthesis and
design of linear time-invariant systems.
Since numerical robustness and efficiency are the basic requirements for all
contributions to future releases, the group is looking for good benchmark
examples for the evaluation and testing of numerical algorithms in this area.
We are particularly interested in examples which represent ill-conditioned
problems and examples which test the limits of the numerical methods with
respect to parameters like accuracy and speed.
Special areas of interest are the following:
Reduction to state space forms, minimal realization
Filtering problems
Riccati, Sylvester and Lyapunov equations
Pole placement problems
identification problems
variable coefficient problems
descriptor systems in control
robust control problems
adaptive control
These examples will be collected in a test set, which will be available on
request, and used for our testing purposes.
Examples in the form of FORTRAN subroutines, MATLAB m-files or hardcopy papers
are welcome. They should contain values for all used parameters as well as
a reference solution for which the accuracy is known.
The benchmark examples should be sent to
Volker Mehrmann Tel.: 049 (0)371-561-2659
Fachbereich Mathematik Fax.: 049 (0)371-561-2657
TU Chemnitz-Zwickau email: [email protected]
Reichenhainer Str.41
D-09009 Chemnitz
From: Matthias Mann <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 May 93 19:04:20 MEZ
Subject: Question about Adaptive Stepsize Control in ODE
Dear Members of NA-NET,
I have a question which is perhaps stupid. Anyway we could not find an
answer until now. We have a wonderful routine for adaptive stepsize
control in integrating of ordinary differential equations.
It is called "MERSON". I assume after the inventor of this method.
Unfortunately we cannot find any description how this method works in any
textbook about numerical analysis. I would be very glad if someone could
point me to a source where this method for regulating the stepsize in ODE
integration is described.
Thanks for your kind assistance in advance.
Matthias Mann
University of Osnabrueck
Physics Department
D-W-4500 Osnabrueck
Phone : +49-541-969-2684
Fax : +49-541-969-2670
BITNET : [email protected]
Internet: [email protected] and
[email protected]
From: Zeynep Oya Aksin <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 May 93 14:20:20 EDT
Subject: QP Problem Generator
I would like to post the following message to NANET:
I am looking for a QP problem generator. Ideally,
the generator should be able to generate problems
of the form:
Min 1/2 xT Q x + cT x
s to
A x = b
l .leq. x .leq. u
(or simply x .geq 0)
where Q is diagonal pos. definite.
I would appreciate any pointers and assistance on this.
Zeynep Aksin
Decision Sciences Dept.
Univ of Penn.
From: John Prentice <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 May 93 02:10:28 MDT
Subject: Fortran 90 Performance Benchmark Results
I have completed my initial report on the performance of code generated
using the ParaSoft, NAG, and Pacific-Sierra Research Fortran 90 compilers.
The report is being published in the May/June 1993 Fortran Journal, which
should be out shortly. A summary of the results will be available in
about a week via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.unm.edu. Log in as anonymous
and give a valid e-mail address as your password. The summary report, as
well as a copy of the benchmark codes themselves, will be in the
pub directory under another directory called smith-quetzal (or something to
that effect). In about 2 weeks I will update the benchmark
results with timings using the latest versions of the F90 compilers. This
and future updates will be posted in the anonymous ftp site. There will
also be some additional benchmark codes added in a couple weeks. The codes
are available to anyone interested, though please say where you got them if
you decide to pass them on or publish any parts of them.
For those of you interested in the report that is being published in
the Fortran Journal, here is some information about that publication.
Please note that I am not in any way affiliated with the Fortran Journal, so
if you have questions about it or wish a free copy, please contact them
directly at the address given below.
The basic purpose of the Fortran Journal is to make
information of interest to Fortran programmers
available as quickly as possible. It is published
six times per year and each issue is typically
16-20 pages. It started publication in 1988.
To subscribe to the Fortran Journal, it is $28/year
($48/year outside the US). Send check (US bank only) to
Fortran Journal
235 Mt Hamilton Ave
Los Altos, CA 94022 USA
or provide MC/Visa information (including name on card
and expiration date). The latter may be sent via fax to
If you would like a free sample copy, please send your US mail
address to [email protected] and they will send you one.
Chuck Ritz and Walt Brainerd are co-editors.
Send e-mail to [email protected] if you have any questions.
If you have any questions about my benchmark results, please feel free to
contact me at [email protected] . Be patient, I am swamped right now and so
I am sometimes terribly slow to reply to my mail :-) . If you have
questions about prices of these compilers, ordering information, etc...,
you should contact the companies directly. Their snail and e-mail
addresses are given in the summary report and the Fortran Journal report.
See ya!
Dr. John K. Prentice
Quetzal Computational Associates
3200 Carlisle N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87110-1664 USA
Phone: 505-889-4543 Fax: 505-889-4598 E-mail: [email protected]
From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 09:58:11 CDT
Subject: Andrew J. Conley Named the 1993 Wilkinson Fellow
Andrew J. Conley has been awarded the 1993
Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing.
Conley is currently finishing the requirements for a doctorate
in applied mathematics from the California Institute of Technology
under the direction of Herb Keller.
His research interests include computational fluid dynamics
and partial differential equations, with emphasis on three
dimensional steady incompressible flow.
The Wilkinson fellowship was created in memory of
Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson, F.R.S., who had a
close association with the Mathematics and Computer Science Division
as a consultant and guiding spirit for the EISPACK and LINPACK projects.
The Wilkinson Fellowship is supported by a special grant from the
Applied Mathematical Sciences program of the U.S. Department of Energy.
From: Stavros Zenios <[email protected]>
Date: 24 May 1993 15:05:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Change of Address for Stavros A. Zenios
Change of address for STAVROS A. ZENIOS,
Decision Sciences Department,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Please note the following changes of address.
E-mail sent to [email protected] will be forwarded.
June 1 --- June 30
c/o Prof. Rita D'Ecclesia
Instituto di Scienze Economiche
Universit\'{a} di Urbino
Piazza della Repubblica 3
61029 Urbino, ITALY.
FAX: (39) 722-327655. Tel: (39) 722--4475
July 1 --- Aug. 10
c/o Prof. Marida Bertocchi
Dipartimento di Matematica, Statistica, Informatica e Applicazioni
Universit\'{a} di Bergamo
Piazza Rosate 2
24129 Bergamo, ITALY.
FAX: (39) 35--234693. Tel: (39) 35--277517
Academic year 1993--1994
Department of Public and Business Administration
University of Cyprus
Nicosia, CYPRUS.
FAX: (357) 2--491685. Tel: (357) 2--491434
From: Bill Mitchell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 May 93 08:51:53 EDT
Subject: Address Change for Bill Mitchell
Friends and colleagues,
I will be leaving my current position at Martin Marietta (formerly GE) ATL
effective June 4, and joining NIST on September 7. I'll post my new address
later in the year. In the interim, my na.mitchell address will be forwarded
someplace where I can check it occasionally. Or you can check na.whois for
my home address and try to reach me there.
-- Bill
William F. Mitchell | [email protected]
Martin Marietta Adv. Tech. Labs | [email protected]
Bldg. 145-2 Moorestown Corp. Center | Voice: (609) 866-6536
Moorestown, NJ 08057 | Fax: (609) 866-6397
From: Tony Skjellum <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 May 93 11:21:46 CDT
Subject: Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference
Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference
(including Multicomputer Toolbox Developers' & Users' Meeting)
October 6-8, 1993
National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center
for Computational Field Simulation
Mississippi State, Mississippi
The Scalable Libraries Conference is designed to
. complement other, larger, general conferences in HPC area.
. bring together key researchers from national laboratories, industry,
and academia to effect technology transfer of high performance
computing software and effect an interchange of ideas,
. include vendors as attendees, but not include promotional activities,
. provide invited talks on topics involving application of scalable
libraries in applications, developments in scalable libraries,
and related issues (such as message-passing technology),
. provide for contributed posters to allow further interchange of
ideas; deadline for submission: August 1, 1993.
. introduce potential users to the work done at our center on
scalable libraries, a specific example of technology we hope
to transfer.
. provide user of scalable libraries with an opportunity to impact
research in the area (ie, complain/suggest needs/requirements),
. There will be no parallel sessions (except that posters will be
displayed for at least one full day).
. A proceedings of the invited papers and contributed posters will
be made; the paper deadline will be at the conference.
More information: Request from [email protected] OR
anonymous ftp announcement: aurora.cs.msstate.edu
directory: SCL, file: SCL.1
From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 15:59:20 EDT
Subject: IMACS Symposium on Symbolic Computation
SC 93
New Trends and Developments
Lille, France June, 14-17, 1993
Organized by:
Universit des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Villeneuve d'Ascq -- France
Sponsored by:
the European Research Project POSSO.
Chairman : G. JACOB (F)
Co-Chairman: S. STEINBERG (U.S.A.)
Local Organizers: G. JACOB and N.E. OUSSOUS
The Symposium will cover new trends in computer algebra systems, and
high level software methods and tools in application fields.
Symbolic computing:
--Rewriting rules
--Types and algebraic structures
--Dynamical evaluation
--Canonical bases and caracteristic sets
--Symbolic-numerical devices
Application fields:
--Systems of algebraic equations
--Differential algebra
--ODE, PDE, Singularities
--Continuous and discrete time dynamical systems
--Computational geometry
--Applications in Engineering and Physics
For further information contact: IMACS -- SC93
N. E. Oussous
LIFL, Bt. M3 - Informatique
Universite Lille I
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, FRANCE
Tel. [33] 20 43 47 (24,28,31)
Fax: [33] 20 43 65 66
E-mail: [email protected]
or the IMACS Secretariat: E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 1-908-932-0537
Advanced registration is strongly recommended
From: Adolfy Hoisie <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 May 1993 09:12:47 -0400
Subject: Position at Cornell
The Cornell Theory Center, a National Science Foundation center for high
performance computing in science and engineering, is seeking a highly
motivated individual to head its Supercomputing Technologies Group and to
provide leadership in building technical and scientific collaborations and
partnerships on a national level.
This person will direct a diverse group of computing professionals and
scientists in support of a national research community using leading-edge
scalable parallel computers and visualization systems. Areas of leadership
will include: parallel software development, tools and performance
analysis; visualization technologies and high-end user support; and
technology leadership relating to high performance computing technologies
broadly, including the effective exploitation of high-speed networks for
high performance applications both at the Theory Center and in
collaboration with other leading institutions nationwide.
The successful candidate will have a strong background in a computational
science, engineering, computer science or computational mathematics,
including a Ph.D. degree and 8-10 years relevant experience in successfully
establishing and overseeing complex technical projects in a scientific
environment. Individuals with demonstrated experience in the national high
performance computing community may be especially strong candidates.
Excellent technical, written and oral skills and the ability to thrive in a
rapidly changing, collaborative setting are essential.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to: Julie
Addy, Personnel Manager, Cornell Theory Center, Engineering & Theory Center
Bldg., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801
Cornell University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 May 93 10:42:12 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Mathematical Analysis
The Initial Value Problem for a System Modelling Unidirectional
Longitudinal Elastic-Plastic Waves
Michael Shearer and David G. Schaeffer
A Level Set Formulation for the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem
for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Stanley Osher
Three-Dimensional Steady Water Waves Generated by Partially
Localized Pressure Disturbances
Tien-Yu Sun
Travelling Waves in Predator-Prey Systems
Konstantin Mischaikow and James F. Reineck
Singularities of the X-Ray Transform and Limited Data Tomography in
R2 and R3
Eric Todd Quinto
Homogenization of Degenerative Wave Equations with Periodic
Youcef Amirat, Kamel Hamdache, and Abdelhamid Ziani
Regional Blow Up In a Semilinear Heat Equation with Convergence to
a Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
Victor A. Galaktionov and Juan L. Vazquez
On the Nodal Sets of the Eigenfunctions of Certain Homogeneous and
Nonhomogeneous Membranes
Chao-Liang Shen
On the Zeros of Solutions to Ginzburg-Landau Type Systems
Patricia Bauman, Neil N. Carlson, and Daniel Phillips
Superharmonic Solutions for Some Second-Order Differential
Equations with Singularities
Alessandro Fonda, Raul Manasevich, and Fabio Zanolin
Boundedness of Prime Periods of Stable Cycles and Convergence to
Fixed Points in Discrete Monotone Dynamical Systems
Peter Hess and Peter Polacik
Strictly Nonautonomous Cooperative System with a First Integral
Baorong Tang, Yang Kuang, and Hal Smith
On the Instability of Arbitrary Biorthogonal Wavelet Packets
A. Cohen and I. Daubechies
An Arithmetic Characterization of the Conjugate Quadrature Filters
Associated to Orthonormal Wavelet Bases
Albert Cohen and Qiyu Sun
An Elementary Approach to Some Analytic Asymptotics
Nicholas Pippenger
Time-Frequency Localization via the Weyl Correspondence
Jayakumar Ramanathan and Pankaj Topiwala
End of NA Digest