NA Digest Sunday, July 18, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 26

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Reading University <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 08:45:22 BST
Subject: Reading University NA Reports

A selection of recent Numerical Analysis reports, MSc dissertations and PhD
theses from Reading University Mathematics Department is available via
anonymous ftp from ( under the directory /pub.
All are in compressed Postscript form with accompanying README files.


From: Michael W. Berry <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 21:20:06 -0400
Subject: XNetlib and Performance Database Server

Announcing the release of XNetlib ver. 3.4

What it is -

Xnetlib is a new version of netlib recently developed at the
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Unlike netlib, which uses electronic mail to process requests
for software, xnetlib uses an X Window graphical user
interface and a socket-based connection between the user's
machine and the xnetlib server machine to process software
requests. Xnetlib is available to anyone who has access to
the TCP/IP Internet.

Xnetlib provides access to files and a whois style database
residing on the Netlib server at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Xnetlib also connects to two other xnetlib servers, one at
Rice University, and the other at the Army Research Laboratory.
Our intention is to release the xnetlib server code in a few

New to this release is the Performance Database Server (described
more fully below) and a conference database.

Xnetlib requires the Athena widget set (Xaw), however, precompiled
executables are available.

How to get it -

By anonymous ftp from in xnetlib/xnetlib3.4.shar.Z

By email, send a message to [email protected] containing the line:
send xnetlib3.4.shar from xnetlib

Precompiled executables for various platforms are also available.
For information get the index file for the xnetlib library:
via anonymous ftp from get xnetlib/index
via email send a message to [email protected] containing the line:
send index from xnetlib

If you have any questions, please send mail to [email protected]

PDS: A Performance Database Server

The process of gathering, archiving, and distributing computer
benchmark data is a cumbersome task usually performed by computer
users and vendors with little coordination. Most important, there
is no publicly-available central depository of performance data
for all ranges of machines from personal computers to supercomputers.

This Xnetlib release contains an Internet-accessible performance
database server (PDS) which can be used to extract current benchmark
data and literature. The current PDS provides an on-line catalog of
the following public-domain computer benchmarks: Linpack Benchmark,
Parallel Linpack Benchmark, Bonnie Benchmark, FLOPS Benchmark, Peak
Performance (part of Linpack Benchmark), Fhourstones and Dhrystones,
Hanoi Benchmark, Heapsort Benchmark, Nsieve Benchmark, Math Benchmark,
Perfect Benchmarks, and Genesis Benchmarks. Rank-ordered lists of
machines per benchmark available as well as relevant papers and
bibiliographies. A browse facility allows the user to extract a
variety of machine/benchmark combinations, and a search feature permits
specific queries into the performance database. PDS does not reformat
or present the benchmark data in any way that conflicts with the
original methodology of any particular benchmark; it is thereby
devoid of any subjective interpretations of machine performance.
PDS is invoked by selecting the "Performance" button in the Xnetlib
Menu Options. Questions and comments for PDS should be mailed to
"[email protected]."


From: Daniel B. Szyld <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 93 15:42:59 EDT
Subject: Congress Hearings on the Future of the Internet

As many of you may know there is a push to privatize the Internet
and charge per connect time and/or per bit transmitted.
Congress has scheduled hearings on the subject.
If you have an opinion on the subject, the following message
might be of interest:

From: Ted Baker <[email protected]>
Subject: on-line congressional hearing on internet

This is an abbreviation of a longer message I received. I think
all internet users should probably drop our Congress a line.

--Ted Baker

On July 26 at 9:30AM EDT, the Subcommittee on Telecommunications
and Finance of the U.S. House of Representatives will hold the first
Congressional Hearing ever held over a computer network....

One of the primary points that we are hoping to demonstrate is
the diversity and size of the Internet. We have therefore established
an electronic mail address by which people on the Internet can communicate
with the Subcommittee before and during the hearing:

[email protected]

We encourage you to send your comments on what the role of government
should be in the information age to this address. Your comments to this
address will be made part of the public record of the hearing. Feel free
to carry on a dialogue with others on a mailing list, cc'ing the e-mail

Your cards and letters to [email protected] will help
demonstrate that there are people who use the Internet as part of their
personal and professional lives. We encourage you to send comments on
the role of government in cyberspace, on what role cyberspace should play
in government (e.g., whether government data be made available on the
Internet), on how the Internet should be built and financed, on how you
use the Internet, and on any other topic you feel is appropriate. This
is your chance to show the U.S. Congress that there is a constituency
that cares about this global infrastructure.

If you would like to communicate with a human being about the
hearing, you may send your comments and questions to:

[email protected]


From: Piero Morasso <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 16:52:41 MET DST
Subject: Conference on Articifical Neural Networks


is the fourth Annual Conference of ENNS and it comes after
ICANN'91(Helsinki), ICANN'92 (Brighton), ICANN'93 (Amsterdam).
It is co-sponsored by INNS, IEEE-NC, JNNS. It will take place at
the Sorrento Congress Center, near Naples, Italy, on May 26-29, 1994.


Interested authors are cordially invited to present their work
in one of the following "Scientific Areas" (A-Cognitive Science;
B-Mathematical Models; C- Neurobiology; D-Fuzzy Systems;
E-Neurocomputing), indicating also an "Application domain"
(1-Motor Control;2-Speech;3-Vision;4-Natural Language;
5-Process Control;6-Robotics;7-Signal Processing;
8-Pattern Recognition;9-Hybrid Systems;10-Implementation).

For information about paper format and submission procecedures,
contact the conference co-chair listed below.

DEADLINE for CAMERA-READY COPIES: December 15, 1993.


The preliminary program committee is as follows:

I. Aleksander (UK), D. Amit (ISR), L. B. Almeida (P),
S.I. Amari (J), E. Bizzi (USA), E. Caianiello (I),
L. Cotterill (DK), R. De Mori (CAN), R. Eckmiller (D),
F. Fogelman Soulie (F), S. Gielen (NL), S. Grossberg (USA),
J. Herault (F), M. Jordan (USA), M. Kawato (J), T. Kohonen (SF),
V. Lopez Martinez (E), R.J. Marks II (USA), P. Morasso (I),
E. Oja (SF), T. Poggio (USA), H. Ritter (D), H. Szu (USA),
L. Stark (USA), J. G. Taylor (UK), S. Usui (J), L. Zadeh (USA)

Conference Chair: Prof. Eduardo R. Caianiello, Univ. Salerno,
Italy, Dept. Theoretic Physics; email: [email protected]

Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Pietro G. Morasso, Univ. Genova,
Italy, Dept. Informatics, Systems, Telecommunication;
email: [email protected]; fax: +39 10 3532948


The preliminary list of tutorials is as follows:
1) Introduction to neural networks (D. Gorse), 2) Advanced
techniques in supervised learning (F. Fogelman Soulie`),
3) Advanced techniques for self-organizing maps (T. Kohonen)
4) Weightless neural nets (I. Aleksander), 5) Applications of
neural networks (R. Hecht-Nielsen), 6) Neurobiological modelling
(J.G. Taylor), 7) Information theory and neural networks
(M. Plumbley).
Tutorial Chair: Prof. John G. Taylor, King's College, London, UK
fax: +44 71 873 2017


From: Alexander Peters <APETERS%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 10:25:21 CET
Subject: Computational Methods in Water Resources

Heidelberg, Germany, July 19-22, 1994

Scope and Topics
The conference provides a forum of dissemination of the latest
ideas in applications of computational techniques to problems
in surface and subsurface hydrology. Broadly stated, this encompasses
the entire modeling process (conceptual, physical and mathematical
models; discretization schemes; numerical solutions; computer
implementations and applications) insofar as it relates to computations.
The organizers welcome submissions that either directly involve
computations for water resources or present concepts relevant to
such computations. Important conference topics are:
water quality, hydrodynamics, flow and transport in porous and fractured
media, microbial and reactive processes, heterogeneity, multiphase flow,
data investigation and uncertainty, pararameter estimation, scaling up, p
coastal flow, flow in rivers and channels, sedimentation,
mathematical concepts, numerical methods, software development.

Receipt of abstracts October 1, 1993
Notice of acceptance November 15, 1993
Receipt of manuscripts January 31, 1994

Organizing Committee:
C. A. Brebbia (UK), W. G. Gray (US), B. Herrling (Germany),
U. Meissner (Germany), A. Peters (Germany), G.F. Pinder (US),
G. Wittum (Germany)

Invited Speakers
P. Ackerer (France), A.J. Baker (USA), H.G. Bock (Germany),
M.A. Celia (USA), J. Carerra (Spain), G. Dagan (Israel),
H. Daniels (Germany), M. Eiermann (Germany), R.E. Ewing (USA),
E.O. Frind (Canada), P. Gresho (USA), W. Hackbusch (Germany),
I. Herrera (Mexico), G. Gambolati (Italy), H.P. Holz (Germany)
W. Jaeger (Germany), W. Kinzelbach (Germany), P.K. Kitanidis (USA),
H. Kobus (Germany), M. Kawahara (Japan), S.P. Neuman (USA),
K. Pruess (USA), R. Rannacher (Germany), J. Troesch (Switzerland),
T. van Genuchten (USA), P. Wesseling (Netherlands), J.J. Westerink (USA)
W.G. Yeh (USA), W. Zielke (Germany)

For more information please contact
Alexander Peters
IBM Heidelberg Scientific Centre,
Institute of Supercomputing and Applied Mathematics,
Vangerowstr. 18,
D-69020 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221 594 430
Fax: +49 6221 593 500
Email: [email protected]


From: J. J. H. Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 12:23 GMT
Subject: Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers


Boole Press has just published the second volume in its BAIL series, entitled
"Applications of Advanced Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior
Layers," ed. J.J.H. Miller. Chapter headings and authors follow:

1. Application of domain decomposition to semiconductor device modelling and
simulation in diagnostics of semiconductor structures, by I.P. BOGLAEV and

2. Uniformly convergent schemes for singular perturbation problems combining
alternating directions and exponential fitting techniques, by C. CLAVERO,

3. Boundary conditions for models of slightly compressible flows, by

4. Key to the computation of transfer of a substance by convection-diffusion
in a laminar fluid, by A.F. HEGARTY, J.J.H. MILLER, E. O'RIORDAN and

5. Special finite difference methods for calculating heat fields in solid
bodies with rapidly changing surface temperature, by J.J.H. MILLER,

6. A multigrid formulation for steady Euler equations on unstructured
adaptive grids, by K. RIEMSLAGH and E. DICK

7. Exponential fitting techniques in thermal and hydrodynamic semiconductor
device simulation, by W.H.A. SCHILDERS

8. Stabilized finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes problem, by

9. Numerical solution of non-linear singular perturbation problems modelling
chemical reactions, by R. VULANOVI\'C, PAUL A. FARRELL and P. LIN

The book is available in hardback (ISBN 1-85748-001-5) at US$72, or paperback
(ISBN 1-85748-002-3) at US$54, from Boole Press, 26 Temple Lane, Temple Bar,
Dublin 2, Ireland (tel. +353-1-679-7655; fax +353-1-679-2469). Cheques, bank
drafts or eurocheques should be made payable to Boole Press. Payment may also
be made by bank transfer to account no. 00147250 (branch code 93-11-01) at
Allied Irish Banks, Capel St., Dublin 1, Ireland. Please quote ref. Boole
and your name when making the transfer, and attach a copy of your bank's
skip to your order so that we can identify your payment. We accept credit
cards: Access/Master Card, Visa and Diners Club. Please give the name of the
cardholder, the card no. and its expiration date, and authorise us to debit
the card, adding your signature.

Our series began with "Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers
in Several Dimensions," ed. J.J.H. Miller, copies of which are available at
the same prices as for volume 2 (hardback ISBN 0-906783-92-5, paperback ISBN


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 15:14:13 EST
Subject: Numerical Methods in Control, Signal and Image Processing


Numerical Methods in Control, Signal and Image Processing

August 15, 1993, University of Washington, Seattle

Organizer: Biswa Nath Datta, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Northern Illinois University,

Tutorial Description and Objectives
In the last few years many numerically reliable algorithms
have been developed for important linear algebra problems arising
in the design and analysis of control systems, and in signal and
image processing. These methods do not seem to be widely known
and the software based on these methods are not readily
available to control theorists, applied mathematicians and the
practising engineers. The researchers and practising engineers
working in these important applications areas will be exposed to
these numerically reliable algorithms and the associated
softwares through this course.

Who Should Attend
Mathematicians; computer scientists; and control, systems,
and signal and image processing engineers. Practising engineers,
graduate students and researchers looking for some future
exciting areas of research are especially encouraged to attend.

Recommended Background
A first course in linear and numerical linear algebra and
some basic knowledge in control and systems theory and/or signal
and image processing. No rigorous knowledge of control theory and
signal processing will be assumed.

George Cybenko, Dartmouth College
Biswa Nath Datta, Northern Illinois University
Alan J. Laub, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Robert J. Plemmons, Wake Forest University
Paul Van Dooren, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

The course will be divided into two parts. Part I -- Numerical Methods
in Control and Systems Theory will be taught by Biswa Datta, Alan Laub,
and Paul Van Dooren . Part II -- Numerical Methods in Signal and Image
Processing will be taught by George Cybenko and Robert Plemmons.

Attendees are advised to pre-register for the tutorial. On-site registration
cannot be guaranteed. Notes of the lecture materials will be distributed upon
check-in at the SIAM registration desk.


From: David Walker <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1993 20:02:47 -0400
Subject: Scalable High Performance Computing Conference


GENERAL CHAIR: Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
107 Ayres Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-1301
615 974-8295 (office)
615 974-8296 (fax)
[email protected]

PROGRAM CHAIR: David W. Walker
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bldg. 6012, P. O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6367
615 574-7401 (office)
615 574-0680 (fax)
[email protected]

David Bailey, NASA Ames Research Center
William Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
Rolf Hempel, Gesellschaft fur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, Germany
Anthony Hey, University of Southampton
Charles Koelbel, Rice University
Steve Otto, Oregon Graduate Institute
Cherri Pancake, Oregon State University
Sanjay Ranka, Syracuse University
Gary Sabot, Thinking Machines Corporation
Robert Schreiber, NASA RIACS
Bernard Tourancheau, LIP, CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Robert van de Geijn, University of Texas, Austin
Katherine Yelick, University of California, Berkeley

SPONSORED BY: IEEE Computer Society

The 1994 Scalable High Performance Computing Conference (SHPCC94) is a
continuation of the highly successful Hypercube Concurrent Computers and
Applications (HCCA), and Distributed Memory Concurrent Computing (DMCC)
conference series. SHPCC takes place biennially, alternating with the SIAM
Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing.

SHPCC94 will provide a forum in which researchers in the field of high
performance computing from government, academia, and industry can presents
results and exchange ideas and information. SHPCC94 will cover a broad range
of topics relevant to the field of high performance computing. These topics
will include, but are not limited to, the following;

Architectures Load Balancing
Artificial Intelligence Linear Algebra
Compilers Neural Networks
Concurrent Languages Non-numerical Algorithms
Fault Tolerance Operating Systems
Image Processing Programming Environments
Large-scale Applications Scalable Libraries

THE SHPCC94 program will include invited talks, contributed talks, posters,
and tutorials. SHPCC94 will take place at the Holiday Inn Convention Center
in Knoxville, Tennessee. Registration details will be made available later.

Authors are invited to submit contributed papers describing original work
that makes a significant contribution to the design and/or use of high
performance computers. All papers presented at the conference will be
published in the Conference Proceedings. For further information contact
David Walker at [email protected]

Poster presentations are intended to provide a more informal forum in which to
present work-in-progress, updates to previously published work, and
contributions not suited for oral presentation. To submit a poster
presentation send a short (less than one page) abstract to the Program Chair,
David Walker, at the address above. Poster presentations will not appear
in the Conference Proceedings.

Half-day and full-day tutorials provide opportunity for a researchers and
students to expand their knowledge in specific areas of high performance
computing. To propose a tutorial, send a description of the tutorial and
ts objectives to the Program Chair, David Walker, at the address above.


From: Norm Schryer ([email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 13:11 EDT
Subject: Position at AT&T Bell Laboratories

The scientific-computing group in the Computing Science Research
Center at AT&T Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, New Jersey) anticipates
an opening to be filled later in 1993 or in 1994. We are particularly
interested in someone specializing in algorithms for partial
differential equations, yet broadly trained in numerical analysis and
computer science. Candidates should also have significant interest in
and experience with computation for realistic scientific or engineering
problems. Strong preference will be given to candidates who anticipate
receiving their Ph.D. by the spring of 1994 or received their Ph.D.
within the last 2 years.

The Computing Science Research Center conducts research in operating
systems, networks and protocols, theory, programming languages,
computer architecture, numerical analysis, and graphics and image
processing. The scientific-computing group does research in core
numerical analysis and computation, often motivated by important
applications. The current group members and their specialties are:

Bill Coughran differential equations; computational
microelectronics; distributed computing; visualization
Roland Freund iterative methods; sparse & structured matrices;
approximation; optimization
David Gay optimization; linear algebra; modeling languages
Eric Grosse approximation; distributed computing; netlib;
visualization; computational microelectronics
Linda Kaufman linear algebra; optimization
Claude Pommerell parallel and distributed computing; iterative
solvers; irregularly structured sparse matrices;
portable high-performance computing
Norm Schryer differential equations
Margaret Wright optimization; linear algebra

If you are interested, please send a curriculum vita, including a
description of your computational experience, in ASCII or PostScript
form to [email protected]. All inquiries should also be directed
to [email protected].

AT&T is an equal opportunity employer.


From: John Mason <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 JUL 93 14:36:56 BST
Subject: Post Doctoral Position at Reading / RMCS


SERC Research Grant in "Stability of Neuro-controllers"

Areas: approximation theory, computational mathematics, neural networks,

A three-year appointment is available at a postdoctoral or possibly post-MSc
level to work on a project sponsored by the UK Science and Engineering
Research Council. It will be suporvised jointly by Professor Kevin Warwick
of Department of Cybernetics at University of Reading and Professor John
Mason of Applied and Computational Mathematics Group at Royal Military College
of Science (Cranfield) in Shrivenham, with consultation from Professor
Patrick Parks of RMCS (Cranfield) and Oxford University.
The appointee will be located primarily at Reading, but will visit the other
(nearby) universities for significant periods.

The project is concerned with four main areas, and the applicant should
ideally have potential/strength related to one or more of these, namely :
approximation theory and algorithms, nonlinear least squares and
optimization algorithms, stability and adaptive control, neural networks.

Ideally the appointee should be available to start work in October 1993,
or shortly after. The appointment would normally be on the Post Doctoral
RA (Grade 1A) scale (13,601 - 20,442 pounds), subject to age and experience.

Please send your CV and request applications forms or further information
from: Prof. J. C. Mason, or from: Prof. K. Warwick,
ACM Group, Dept of Cybernetics,
RMCS (Cranfield), University of Reading,
Shrivenham, Whiteknights,
Swindon, Reading,
SN6 8LA, RG6 2AY,
England. England.
or 'phone Prof Mason (0793 785311) or Prof K Warwick (0734 318210)
or Email: [email protected]


End of NA Digest
