From: Alexander Ostermann <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 11:24:14 +0100
Subject: Nonlinear Constrained Optimization and PDEs
A student of mine asked me to post the following problem in the NA digest.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome at my address.
Alexander Ostermann
Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria
[email protected]
We have to solve a quasilinear system of two partial differential equations
a u_x + b u_y + c v_x + d v_y = 0
u_x v_y - u_y v_x = e
with unknowns u=u(x,y), v=v(x,y) and coefficients a=a(x,y,u,v), etc.
on a square. We discretized with finite differences. Since we do not
know the appropriate boundary conditions for this problem, we consider the
boundary points as unknowns, too.
To guarantee the injectivity of the mapping (u,v), we impose the inequalities
const1 < u_{1,1} < u_{1,2} < ... < u_{1,N} < const2
const3 < u_{2,1} < ... < u_{2,N} < const4
... and so on ...
This gives a system of 2(M-2)(N-2) nonlinear equations with (N-2)M+(M-2)N
unknowns and (N-3)M+(M-3)N linear constraints. As the number of unkonwns
exceeds the number of equations we replaced our problem by the following:
Minimize an object function (the sum of squares of the above nonlinear
functions) subject to the above constraints.
Using NAG's E04VDF we implemented a code that solves the system, but E04VDF
is very RAM-consuming (we can only use a 486 PC under MS-DOS) as it does
neither consider that the object function is a sum of squares of nonlinear
functions, nor that its Jacobian is sparse, nor that the constraints are
sparse. We managed to solve a 8x7-mesh but we wish solve the problem for
at least M=40 and N=40, preferably for M=100 and N=100.
We also tried a (conjugate) gradient method and introduced slack-variables
to keep the constraints. Unfortunately, this did not work (maybe due to the
high number of variables). We are still searching literature on gradient
methods for constrained minimization.
To summarize: We are interested in literature and software for minimizing an
- object function (the norm of several thousand nonlinear functions
containing sin,cos,...) with sparse Jacobian
- with several thousand unknowns
- subject to sparse linear constraints (inequalities).
- Recall that our problem is underdetermined (more unknowns than functions).
If you think that our approach to the problem, sketched above, is not
very promising, please let us know. Thank you very much for your kind help!
Andreas Unterkircher, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria
From: Daniel A. Asimov <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 14:55:12 -0800
Subject: Test for Containment in Convex Hull
Suppose we are given a finite set S = {v_1,...,v_k}
of points in Euclidean space R^n, where it is assumed that k > n.
Is there an efficient algorithm for determining whether the
origin 0 of R^n lies in the convex hull Hull(S) of S ?
(I suspect there is a route that uses linear algebra
exclusively, without the need to explicitly compute Hull(S).)
One way to look at this question is as follows:
Let L: R^k -> R^n be the linear transformation whose matrix
with respect to the standard bases is given by (v_1,...,v_k).
Then 0 lies in Hull(S) if and only if the kernel of L intersects the
positive orthant O_k of R^k.
So, the Question is equivalent to the following: given any linear
transformation L: R^k -> R^n with k > n, determine whether ker(L)
intersects the positive orthant O_k of R^k.
Dan Asimov
Mail Stop T045-1
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
[email protected]
(415) 604-4799
From: Kermit Sigmon <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 12:02:46 EST
Subject: MATLAB Primer, 3rd Ed. Available
MATLAB Primer, Third Edition
The Third Edition of the MATLAB Primer is now available. It is
based on version 4.0/4.1 of MATLAB and reflects an extensive revision
of the Second Edition. It is available via anonymous FTP from:
Address: math.ufl.edu Directory: pub/matlab File: primer.tex
and at
Address: ftp.mathworks.com Directory: pub/doc/primer File: primer.tex
Also available at these FTP sites are both
English (primer35.tex,primer35.ps) and
Spanish (primer35sp.tex, primer35sp.ps)
versions of the Second Edition of the Primer, which was based on
version 3.5 of MATLAB. The Spanish translation is by Celestino
Montes, University of Seville, Spain. A Spanish translation of the
Third Edition is under development.
The MATLAB Primer was written to help students begin to use MATLAB.
It is intended to serve as an introduction to and *not* a manual for
MATLAB. While its primary purpose is for use in courses which
require use of MATLAB, it could, of course, serve as an introduction
to MATLAB for others. It is intended to be distributed via a local
copy center.
Kermit Sigmon [email protected]
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
From: Bob Voigt <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 11:33:02 -0500
Subject: NSF High Performance Computing
We are writing to ask you to help us plan the future of High Performance
Computing at the National Science Foundation.
The NSF Blue Ribbon Panel on High Performance Computing chaired by
Professor Lewis Branscomb has issued their report. It is the product of a
cross-disciplinary panel of scientists and engineers who were asked to
consider a breadth of contributions, barriers, and opportunities for High
Performance Computing (HPC), primarily within an NSF context. If you do not
have a copy of the report you may get one electronically or by contacting
one of the individuals listed below.
The Panel identified four challenges and four broad recommendations. The
spirit of the recommendations are embodied in the two "pyramid" figures on
page viii, involving computing environments (equipment) and computing
institutions (researchers, organizations).
The challenges focus on the need to remove barriers to effective and
efficient use of HPC, to broaden the base of participation in HPC, to
provide "scalable" access to a pyramid of computing resources including the
software and infrastructure required to make them useable by the scientific
community, and to create the intellectual and management leadership for the
future of HPC in the US.
An NSF internal working group has been established to develop a response to
the recommendations in this report. The timetable for this working group is
short; its work is expected to be done by the beginning of April. The
working group consists of individuals from each Directorate, who have been
appointed by their respective Assistant Directors:
William Bainbridge Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences
Richard Hirsh Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Clifford Jacobs Geosciences
George Lea Engineering
Nora Sabelli Education & Human Resources
Karen Sigvardt Biology
Alvin Thaler Mathematical & Physical Sciences
We would appreciate it if you would share this note and the report with
members of your community. Please direct comments or recommendations on
issues raised in this report to the co-chairs of the NSF HPCC planning
group listed below. Your comments must be received by January 14, 1994
in order to have the most impact on our response.
Peter Arzberger Robert Voigt
[email protected] [email protected]
Co-Chair Co-Chair
Copies of the report are available electronically on the
Internet from the NSF Science and Technology Information System (STIS).
This can be reached by using Mosaic or Gopher; via telnet at stis.nsf.gov,
and typing public at the prompt; or by sending an e-mail message to
[email protected] and putting stisdirm in the text, instructions will be
sent back to you.
From: ConPar 94 <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 12:28:07 +0100
Subject: Conference on Parallel Processing, CONPAR 94
International Conference on Parallel Processing: CONPAR 94 - VAPP VI,
September 6 - 8, 1994, Linz, Austria
We invite submissions of papers presenting original research in parallel
processing including the following areas: languages / software tools,
hardware / architecture, algorithms, models / semantics, testing and
debugging, automatic parallelization and mapping, performance analysis,
applications, paradigms for concurrency, and portability. A special session
will be organized on Parallel Symbolic Computation.
Paper submission:
Send five copies by February, 15, 1994, to the program committee chairman at
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz)
Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstr. 69,
email: [email protected]
Siegfried Grabner, University of Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69,
A-4040 Linz, Austria, Europe
Telephone: ++43-(0)732-2468-887(884)
Fax : ++42-(0)732-2468-10
email : [email protected]
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 93 09:35:16 EST
Subject: Deadlines for SIAM Meetings
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104
December 13, 1993: Deadline for submission of titles
of presentations for a common-interest
session in the Fifth SIAM Conference
on Applied Linear Algebra, June 15-18,
1994, Snowbird, Utah.
December 20, 1993: Deadline for submission of contributed
abstracts for the Seventh SIAM
Conference on Discrete Mathematics, June
22-25, 1994, Albuquerque, New Mexico
December 27, 1993: Deadline for submission of minisymposium
proposals for the 1994 SIAM Annual
Meeting, July 25-29, 1994, San Diego,
January 10, 1994: Deadline for advance registration,
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithmns, June 23-25, 1994,
Arlington, Virginia
January 24, 1994: Deadline for submission of contributed
abstracts for the 1994 SIAM Annual
Meeting, July 25-29, 1994, San Diego,
To receive your copy of the calls for papers, either the
electronic or hard copy versions; to obtain the macros,
either plain TeX or LaTeX versions, for submitting
abstracts; to obtain minisymposium proposal forms; and
to register for SODA, contact the SIAM Conference Department
NOW! E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 215-382-9800 Fax:
From: John R. Gilbert <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 11:24:38 PST
Subject: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference Deadline
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
June 15-18, 1994
Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
Snowbird, Utah
To submit a paper, you must return a reply card to SIAM with a
provisional title (not an abstract) by this DECEMBER 13. You can
do this either electronically or in hard mail.
To get the reply card and the complete call for papers, either
(1) Use anonymous ftp to machine ae.siam.org (IP number
and retrieve file "pub/la-net/call94.text", or
(2) Send e-mail with the body "send call94.text from la-net" to
[email protected], or
(3) Call SIAM at 215-382-9800 for a hardcopy version.
SIAGLA members and participants in previous conferences should have
already received the hardcopy call for papers and reply card by mail.
December 1,1993: Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposal
December 13,1993: Deadline for submission of reply card
March 7,1994: Deadline for camera-ready papers for conference proceedings
March 21,1994: Deadline for advance registration for contributed participants
June 15-18,1994: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
This meeting will experiment with a new format for contributed papers,
in response to concerns about conflicts between parallel sessions.
The new format is described in the complete call for papers.
* Eigenvalue Computation
James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley
* Geometry and Eigenvalues
Persi Diaconis, Harvard University
* Control Theory and Linear Algebra
Israel Gohberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Anne Greenbaum, Courant Institute, New York University
* Nonnegative Matrices: Can the Next Century Top This One?
Charles R. Johnson, College of William and Mary
* Parallel Matrix Computations
Robert S. Schreiber, RIACS-NASA Ames Research Center
* Linear Algebraic Duality for Discrete Optimization
Leslie E. Trotter, Cornell University
* Numerical Methods for Structured Matrices
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, University of Bremen, Germany
* Linear Algebra in Optimization
Thomas F. Coleman, Cornell University
* Direct Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Iain Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, U.K., and CERFACS, France
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Roland Freund, AT&T Bell Laboratories
* The Algebraic Ricatti Equation and Applications
Peter Lancaster, University of Calgary, Canada
* Graph Theory and Linear Algebra
Alex Pothen, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Teaching of Linear Algebra
Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Six minisymposia will be selected from contributed proposals to
complete the set of conference themes. Minisymposia will be two-hour
sessions, intended to provide a high-level survey of current research
in an important area of applied linear algebra. This conference will
have significantly fewer minisymposia than previous Applied Linear
Algebra meetings; most of the topics that would otherwise be minisymposia
will instead be discussed in the common-interest sessions (see below).
The complete call for papers contains instructions for proposing a
As an experiment, this meeting has been organized so that the
presentation of contributed papers will be a dialogue rather than
a monologue. Each paper may be presented in three forms: in a
proceedings volume, as a poster display, and as part of a 2-hour
"common interest" discussion session. We expect most of the
contributed papers to be presented in all three forms, though this
is not required. The complete call for papers contains details.
The conference program and registration information will be available
in early March 1994. To ensure receiving your copy, complete the reply
card attached to the complete call for papers and return it to SIAM by
either email or hard mail.
**Prospective participants must complete and return this card by
December 13, 1993.**
Hard copy of the call for papers and reply card is (as usual) being
mailed to SIAM members.
Beresford N. Parlett (Chair), University of California, Berkeley
Harm Bart, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Richard A. Brualdi, University of Wisconsin
John R. Gilbert, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group
John G. Lewis, Boeing Computer Services
Paul Van Dooren, University of Illinois
From: A. T. Hill <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 16:07:56 GMT
Subject: Bath-Bristol NA Day
to be held in Lecture Room 6 East 2.1, Bath University, UK on Friday
14th January 1993.
All are invited to attend this informal (and free!) set of
talks on current research to be given by members of the
Universities of Bristol and Bath and by our guest speaker,
Professor Herb Keller of Caltech.
The provisional timetable is
10.50 Ivan Graham (Bath)
Parallel solution of semiconductor equations.
11.25 Yves Tourigney (Bristol)
Analyticity and bifurcations.
12.00 Herb Keller (Caltech)
Numerical computation of folds with CFD applications.
2.15 Adrian Hill (Bath)
G-stability for dissipative problems.
2.50 Gabriel Lord (Bath)
Dynamical Systems Analysis of Numerical Methods for the Complex
Ginzburg--Landau equation.
3.50 Chris Budd (Bristol)
Self--similar solutions of numerical discretisations of PDEs.
4.25 To be announced
Adrian Hill
[email protected]
(+44 0225 826185)
From: Miki Neumann <NEUMANN%[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 93 14:00:29 EST
Subject: Position at University of Connecticut
The University Mathematics Department of the University of Connecticut
expects to hire one person in a tenure-track junior faculty position.
At the current time, the serach is primarily for candidates in logic,
numerical analysis, and combinatorics, but will consider outstanding
candidates from other fields as well.
Applications should be sent to Professor Evarist Gin\'e, Chair of the
Hiring Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, Connecticut 06269--3009.
From: Jim Verner <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 08:40:24 EST
Subject: Position at Queen's University, Ontario
The Department will be making a renewable (tenure-track) appointment
in Applied Mathematics at the Assistant or possibly Associate
Professor level to begin July 1994. Membership or eligibility for
membership in a Canadian professional engineering association is
required. The successful applicant will have excellent research
promise and a demonstrated potential to give leadership in
promoting scholarly activities within the Department.
Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience.
Interested candidates are requested to arrange that a curriculum
vitae and letters of recommendation from three or more referees
be received at the address below by February 1, 1994. At least one
letter should comment on the candidate's teaching ability.
Professor Leslie Roberts, Associate Head
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent
residents. Queen's University has an employment equity programme and
encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including
women, aboriginal peoples, people with disabilities and visible
minorities. Queen's University is willing to help the spouse of
a new appointee seek suitable employment.
FAX: 613-545-2964 e-mail: [email protected]
From: Randy LeVeque <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 93 15:29:39 -0800
Subject: Position at University of Washington
Mathematics Department, University of Washington
The department anticipates one or more tenure-track positions and one or
more non-tenure-track positions to be available, subject to budgetary
approval. Applicants should have a PhD and be highly qualified for
undergraduate and graduate teaching and independent research.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and
teaching interests, and three letters of recommendation, should be sent to:
Chair of Appointments Committee, Department of Mathematics, GN-50,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Priority will be given to
applications received before February 1, 1994.
The University of Washington is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
employer. It is building a multicultural faculty and strongly encourages
applications from female and minority candidates. Preference will be
given to applicants who can serve well an increasingly diverse university
From: E. B. Saff <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:26:27 EST
Subject: Contents: Constructive Approximation
Volume 10 Numbers 1 1994
1 Constructive Approximations to the Invariant Densities of
Higher-Dimensional Transformations
A. Boyarsky, P. Gora, and Y. S. Lou
15 On the Darling-Mandelbrot Probability Density and the Zeros
of Some Incomplete Gamma Functions
John S. Lew
31 Convex Polynomial and Spline Approximation in C[-1,1]
Yingkang Hu, Dany Leviatan, and Xiang Ming Yu
65 Fourier Series of Functions Whose Hankel Transform is
Supported on [0,1]
Juan L. Varona
77 Best Uniform Approximation by Harmonic Functions on
Subsets of Riemannian Manifolds
P. M. Gauthier and D. Zwick
87 Simultaneous Lagrange Interpolating Approximation Need
Not Always Be Convergent
S. P. Zhou
95 Strong Converse Inequality for Kantorovich Polynomials
W. Chen and Z. Ditzian
107 Lehmer Pairs of Zeros, the de Bruijn-Newman Constant \Lambda,
and the Riemann Hypothesis
George Csordas, Wayne Smith, and Richard S. Varga
131 Maximal Polynomial Subordination to Univalent Functions
in the Unit Disk
Vladimir V. Andrievskii and Stephan Ruscheweyh
From: Daniel Baltze <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 14:53:14 +0100
Subject: Contents: Algorithms for Approximation III
Algorithms for Approximation III
M.G. Cox,
Division of Information Technology & Computing,
National Physical Laboratory,
Middlesex TW11 0LW,
J.C. Mason,
Applied and Computational Mathematics Group,
RMCS (Cranfield),
Shrivenham, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN6 8LA,
Algorithms for Approximation III is published as Volume 5, 1993 of
Numerical Algorithms, ISSN 1017-1398, a primary journal covering all
aspects of numerical algorithms: theoretical results, implementation,
numerical stability, complexity, subroutines and applications.
Editor-in Chief:
Claude Brezinski
Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique et d'Optimisation,
Universite de Sciences et Technologies de Lille,
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France.
E-mail: [email protected]
Postal Address: Paris Drouot BP 18, 75433 Paris Cedex 09, France
Contents Numerical Algorithms volume 5, Algorithms for Approximation III
Part I Development of Algorithms
1. Spline Approximation and Applications
C. de Boor, On the evaluation of box splines
J.C. Mason, G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu, Orthogonal splines based on
B-splines - with applications to least squares, smoothing and
regularization problems
B.L. MacCarthy, C.S. Syan and M. Caulfield-Browne, Splines in motion - An
introduction to MODUS and some unresolved approximation problems
G. Plonka, An efficient algorithm for periodic Hermite spline interpolation
with shifted nodes
L. Traversoni, An algorithm for natural spline interpolation
R. van Damme, An algorithm for determining the approximation orders of
multivariate periodic spline spaces
2. Radial Basis Functions and Applications
I. Barrodale, R. Kuwahara, R. Poeckert and D. Skea, Side-scan sonar image
processing using thin plate splines and control point matching
M.J.D. Powell, Truncated Laurent expansions for the fast evaluation of thin
plate splines
D. Handscomb, Local recovery of a solenoidal vector field by an extension
of the thin-plate spline technique
3. Interpolation
M.G. Cox, Reliable determination of interpolating polynomials
J.-P. Berrut, A closed formula for the Chebyshev barycentric weights of
optimal approximation in H2
M. Dohlen and M. Floater, Iterative polynomial interpolation and ata compression
J. Prestin, Lagrange interpolation on extended generalized Jacobi nodes
4. Multivariate Approximation
I.J. Anderson, M.G. Cox and J.C. Mason, Tensor-product spline interpolation
to data on or near a family of lines
L. Lenarduzzi, Practical selection of neighbourhoods for local regression
in the bivariate case
S. Thiry, Extremal signatures for bivariate Chebyshev approximation problems
5. Generic Approximation
W. Dahmen, Decomposition of refinable spaces and applications to operator
W.A. Light, Techniques for generating approximations via convolution kernels
G.A. Watson, On matrix approximation problems with Ky Fan k norms
6. Nonlinear Approximation
I.D. Coope and P.R. Graves-Morris, The rise and fall of the vector epsilon
B. Fischer and J. Modersitzki, An algorithm for complex linear
approximation based on semi-infinite programming
M.-P. Istace and J.-P. Thiran, On computing best Chebyshev complex rational
K. Jonasson, A projected conjugate gradient method for sparse minimax problems
J. Williams and Z. Kalogiratou, Nonlinear Chebyshev fitting from the
solution of ordinary differential equations
7. Constrained Approximation
M.T. Bozzini and C. Paracelli, An algorithm for constrained smoothing functions
R.H. Chan and P.T.P. Tang, Constrained minimax approximation and optimal
preconditioners for Toeplitz matrices
G.H. Elliott, Least squares data fitting using shape preserving piecewise
8. Smoothing and Regularization
C.A. Micchelli, Optimal estimation of linear operators from inaccurate
data: a second look
G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu, Approximation methods for the finite moment problem
K.W. Bosworth and U. Lall, An L1 smoothing spline algorithm with cross
D. de Falco, KM. Frontini and L. Gotusso, A unifying approach to the
regularization of Foutier polynomials
9. Integrals and Integral Equations
C. Barone and E. Venturino, On the numerical evaluation of Cauchy transforms
L. Brutman, An application of the generalized alternating polynomials to
the numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations
C. Dagnino, V. Demichelis and E. Santi, An algorithm for numerical
integration based on quasi-interpolating splines
M. Tasche, Fast algorithms for discrete Chebyshev-Vandermonde transforms
and applications
10. Metrology
B.P. Butler and A.B. Forbes, An algorithm for combining data sets having
different frames of reference
P. Ciarlini and F. Pavese, Application of special reduction procedures to
metrological data
M.G. Cox, P.M. Harris and D.A. Humphreys, An algorithm for the removal of
noise and jitter in signals and its application to picosecond electrical
R. Drieschner, Chebyshev approximation to data by geometric elements
A.B. Forbes, Generalised regression problems in metrology
H.-P. Helfrich and D. Zwick, A trust region method for implicit orthogonal
distance regression
11. Geometric Modelling
E. Galligani, C1 surface interpolation with constraints
B.J. Hogervorst and R. van Damme, Degenerate polynomial patches of degree
11 for almost GC2 interpolation over triangles
P.R. Pfluger and M. Neamtu, On degenerate surface patches
S. Rippa, Scattered data interpolation using minimum energy Powell-Sabin
elements and data dependent triangulations
12. Applicated in Other Disciplines
E. Grosse, Approximation in VLSI simulation
R. Model and L. Trahms, An inverse problem of magnetic source localization
A. Potchinkov and R. Reemtsen, A globally most violated cutting plane
method for complex minimax problems with application to digital filter
V.V.S.S. Sastry, Algorithms for the computation of Hankel functions of
complex order
Working session on splines
Panel discussion on applications of approximation
Working session on metrology
Panel discussion on geometric modelling
Panel discussion on multivariate problems
Panel discussion on parallel processing
Free sample copy Numerical Algorithms, ISSN 1017-1398, available.
Volume 5, 1993, Algorithms for Approximation III, 650 pages, available at
US$ 233.- (institutions) and US$ 126.- (individuals and institutions in
developing countries). All major credit cards accepted!
In the United States please send your order to: J.C. Baltzer AG, Science
Publishers, P.O. Box 8577, Red Bank, NJ 07701-8577
From all other countries please send your order to: J.C. Baltzer AG,
Science Publishers, Wettsteinplatz 10, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland.
Fax: +41-61-692 42 62, E-mail: [email protected]
J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers
Asterweg 1A
1031 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31-20-637 0061
fax. +31-20-632 3651
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Kearfott Ralph B <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 18:33:13 -0600
Subject: Contents: Interval Computations
Interval Computations, ISSUE 5
A.Akunova, T.A.Akunov and A.V.Ushakov
Construction of a comparison system
for multivariate control processes
with interval state matrix 8
A.B.Babichev, O.B.Kadyrova, T.P.Kashevarova, A.L.Semenov
UniCalc as a tool for solving problems
with inaccurate and sub-definite data 13
Interval inclusions
for Dawson's integral 17
A.F.Bochkov and L.A.Yakovleva
Algorithm for experimental
zero-order optimization for plant
with bounded amplitude errors 27
A.F.Bochkov and N.V.Zung
Identification of nonlinear
dynamic objects using interval experimental data 31
D.M.Claudio, M.H.Escardo and B.R.T.Franciosi
An order-theoretical approach to interval analysis 38
A.I.Demchenko, B.V.Peltsverger, O.V.Khavronin
Syntesis of transport networks structures
under conditions of uncertain initial information 46
Interval methods based on a posteriori estimates 50
An algorithm of interval matrix asymptotic stability testing 56
Two-sided method for solving system of ordinary
differential equations with automatic determination
of guaranteed estimates 63
Optimization problems for static plants under
uncertainty conditions 70
Ellipsoidal error estimates for Adams method 75
On interval extensions of computer algebra systems 80
T.Henriksen and K.Madsen
Parallel algorithms for global optimization 88
B.Kearfott, M.Dawande, K.Du and C.Hu
INTLIB: A portable Fortran-77 elementary function library 96
Interval automatic systems - theory, computer-aided design
and applications 106
A New application of interval mathematics 116
International conference on interval and computer-algebraic
methods in science and engineering (INTERVAL'94) 122
Contents 126
Interval Computations, ISSUE 6
V.N.Krishchuk, N.M.Vasilega and G.L.Kozina
Interval operations and functions library for
FORTRAN 77 programming system and its practice using 2
Algorithmic aims of reliability provision
for large-scale dynamic systems with interval parameters 9
Errort auto-correction in rational approximation 14
S.M. Markov
On the presentation of ranges of monotone functions
using interval arithmetic 19
Interval co-integration of differential
equations connected by a substitution of the variable 32
An approach to reliable computations with
the minimal representation 37
Ne-factors and natural pragmatics: what do
the intervals represent 42
Estimating a range of values of functions using extended
interval arithmetics 48
P.S.Pankov and B.D.Bayachorova
Using interval methods in cluster analysis and
verified representation of connected sets 54
P.S.Senio and P.S.Vengersky
Solving systems of special form nonlinear equations
by means of some modifications of Runge type
interval iterative method 59
On controlled solution set of interval
algebraic systems 66
PASCAL-XSC. A Portable programming system for scientific
computations 76
Interval approximate reasoning for expert systems 83
N.V.Skybytsky and T.Yuping
Control of the linear dynamic plant with intervally
given parameters from the guarantee condition of
the required accuracy of the solution 88
General problem of the asymptotic steady-output
tracking for plant with interval parameters 94
Synthesis of optimal control under interval
uncertainty in models 100
Some questions of application of interval mathematics in
parameter estimation and decision making 107
J. Wolff von Gudenberg
Programming language support for scientific computation 116
The extension of the Frechet derivative concept in
the interval-segment analysis 127
Contents 133
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 93 12:20:21 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Scientific Computing
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing
Data Analysis, Matrix Decompositions, and Generalized Inverse
Agnar Hoskuldsson
A Higher-Order Godunov Method for Mutidimensional Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Andrew L. Zachary, Andrea Malagoli, and Phillip Colella
Timely Communication
Computing Large Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation
Brett M. Averick, Jorge J. More, Christian H. Bischof, Alan Carle,
and Andreas Griewank
Special Section on Iterative Methods in Numerical Linear Algebra
Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick
Residual Smoothing Techniques for Iterative Methods
Lu Zhou and Homer F. Walker
An Implementation of the QMR Method Based on Coupled Two-Term Recurrences
Roland W. Freund and Noel M. Nachtigal
A Quasi-Minimal Residual Variant of the BI-CGSTAB Algorithm for
Nonsymmetric Systems
T. F. Chan, E. Gallopoulos, V. Simoncini, T. Szeto, and C. H. Tong
Max-Min Properties of Matrix Factor Norms
A. Greenbaum and L. Gurvits
GMRES/CR and Arnoldi/Lanczos as Matrix Approximation Problems
Anne Greenbaum and Lloyd N. Trefethen
Alternating Direction Preconditioning for Nonsymmetric Systems of
Linear Equations
Gerhard Starke
Semicirculant Preconditioners for First-Order Partial Differential Equations
Sverker Holmgren and Kurt Otto
On Adaptive Weighted Polynomial Preconditioning for Hermitian Positive
Definite Matrices
Bernd Fischer and Roland W. Freund
A Robust GMRES-Based Adaptive Polynomial Preconditioning Algorithm
for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
Wayne Joubert
A Comparison of Preconditioned Nonsymmetric Krylov Methods on a
Large-Scale MIMD Machine
John N. Shadid and Ray S. Tuminaro
Memory Aspects and Performance of Iterative Solvers
Claude Pommerell and Wolfgang Fichtner
A Parallel Version of a Multigrid Algorithm for Isotropic Transport Equations
T. Manteuffel, S. McCormick, J. Morel, S. Oliveira, and G. Yang
From: [email protected]
Date: 3 Dec 93 12:44:21 CDT
Subject: Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics
No. 1-3, 31 DECEMBER (1993) (contents)
Special Volume: Contributed papers of the 7th Spanish Symposium on
Orthogonal Polynomials, Granada, Spain, September 1991
H. Bavinck, G. Hooghiemstra and E. De Waard, An
application of Gegenbauer polynomials in queueing
theory 1
S. Belmehdi, On Appell--Laguerre polynomials 11
J. Bustamante and G. L\'{o}pez Lagomasino, Rate of
convergence of Hermite--Pad\'{e} approximants to a
Nikishin-type system of analytic functions 19
M.G. De Bruin, A tool for locating zeros of
orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev inner product
spaces 27
M.G. De Bruin, K.A. Driver and D.S. Lubinsky,
Convergence of simultaneous Hermite--Pad\'{e}
approximants to the {\it n}-tuple of {\it
q}-hypergeometric series $\{_{2}\Phi_{0}((A,
\alpha_{j}), (1, 1); z)\}^{n}_{j=1}$ 37
L. De Michele, M. Di Natale and D. Roux, F\'{e}jer
kernels and noisy Fourier series 45
W.D. Evans, W.N. Everitt, K.H. Kwon and L.L.
Littlejohn, Real orthogonalizing weights for Bessel
polynomials 51
K.-J. F\"{o}rster, Inequalities for ultraspherical
polynomials and application to quadrature 59
M. Frontini and L. Gotusso, A regularization method
for discrete Fourier polynomials 71
J. Gilewicz and A.P. Magnus, Inverse Stieltjes
iterates and errors of Pad\'{e} approximants in the
whole complex plane 79
P. Gonz\'{a}lez-Vera, S. Gonz\'{a}lez-Pinto and
J.C. Santos-Le\'{o}n, A note on certain
generalizations of the midpoint rule 85
J.J. Guadalupe, M. P\'{e}rez, F.J. Ruiz and J.L.
Varona, Endpoint weak boundedness of some polynomial
expansions 93
E.K. Ifantis and P.D. Siafarikas, On the zeros of a
class of polynomials including the generalized
Bessel polynomials 103
R. Koekoek, The search for differential equations
for certain sets of orthogonal polynomials 111
S.V. Lapin, Identification of time-varying nonlinear
systems using Chebyshev polynomials 121
J. Letessier, On co-recursive associated Laguerre
polynomials 127
S. Lewanowicz, Results on the associated Jacobi and
Gegenbauer polynomials 137
J. Llovet, R. Mart\'{\i}nez and J.A. Ja\'{e}n,
Linear recurring sequences for computing the
resultant of multivariate polynomials 145
F. Marcell\'{a}n, A. Branquinho and J. Petronilho,
On inverse problems for orthogonal polynomials, I 153
F. Marcell\'{a}n and G. Sansigre, Orthogonal
polynomials and cubic transformations 161
J.C. Mason, Chebyshev polynomials of the second,
third and fourth kinds in approximation, indefinite
integration, and integral transforms 169
H.G. Meijer, On real and complex zeros of orthogonal
polynomials in a discrete Sobolev space 179
G.V. Milovanovi\'{c}, On polynomials orthogonal on
the semicircle and applications 193
E.I. Moiseev and A.P. Prudnikov, On a complete
orthonormal system of special functions 201
M. Morandi Cecchi and M. Redivo Zaglia, Computing the
coefficients of a recurrence formula for numerical
integration by moments and modified moments 207
F.-J. Mu\~{n}oz Delgado and V. Ram\'{i}rez
Gonz\'{a}lez, Orthogonal polynomials and conservative
approximation 217
T.E. P\'{e}rez and M.A. Pi\~{n}ar, Global properties
of zeros for Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials 225
P. Sablonni\`{e}re, Discrete Bernstein bases and
Hahn polynomials 233
A.L. Schmidt, Generalized {\it q}-Legendre
polynomials 243
S.Yu. Slavyanov, A ``differential'' derivation of
the recurrence relations for the classical
orthogonal polynomials 251
F.H. Szafraniec, A (little) step towards
orthogonality of analytic polynomials 255
E. Torrano and R. Guadalupe, On the moment problem
in the bounded case 263
K. Trim\`{e}che, The Radon transform and its dual
associated with partial differential operators and
applications to polynomials on the unit disk 271
G. Valent, Orthogonal polynomials for a quartic
birth and death process 281
E.A. Van Doorn and P. Schrijner, Random walk
polynomials and random walk measures 289
J. Van Iseghem, Generating function, recurrence
relations, differential relations 297
D. Van Melkebeek and A. Bultheel, Block orthogonal
systems for symmetric {\it P}-forms 305
H. Van Rossum, Polynomial sequences with prescribed
power sums of zeros 317
E. Venturino, An unconventional algorithm for
singular integral equations 329
M. Voit, A formula of Hilb's type for orthogonal
polynomials 339
A. Zarzo, A. Ronveaux and E. Godoy, Fourth-order
differential equation satisfied by the associated of
any order of all classical orthogonal polynomials. A
study of their distribution of zeros 349
End of NA Digest