This is a purely informative rendering of an RFC that includes verified errata. This rendering may not be used as a reference.

The following 'Verified' errata have been incorporated in this document: EID 5122, EID 5123, EID 5124, EID 5126
Network Working Group                                      E. Fleischman
Request for Comments: 2361                         Microsoft Corporation
Category: Informational                                        June 1998

                     WAVE and AVI Codec Registries

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.


   Internet applications may reference specific codecs within the WAVE
   and AVI registries as follows:
   * video/vnd.avi; codec=XXX identifies a specific video codec (i.e.,
     XXX) within the AVI Registry.
   * audio/vnd.wave; codec=YYY identifies a specific audio codec
     (i.e., YYY) within the WAVE Registry.

   Appendix A and Appendix B provides an authoritative reference for the
   interpretation of the required "codec" parameter. That is, the
   current set of audio codecs that are registered within the WAVE
   Registry are enumerated in Appendix A. Appendix B enumerates the
   current set of video codecs that have been registered to date within
   the AVI Registry.

1 Introduction

   Internet-oriented multimedia applications reference multimedia
   content via predefined mechanisms (e.g., [2]). In the general case,
   this content was created primarily for the use of these Internet-
   oriented applications. Unfortunately, this Internet-oriented
   multimedia content represents a small minority of the total amount of
   multimedia content that has been created to date.

   For this reason, a growing interest is forming in establishing
   mechanisms by which the repertoire of multimedia content available to
   Internet-oriented applications(e.g., for RTSP [3]) may be greatly
   extended to include multimedia content that has been created outside
   of distinctly Internet contexts. For this to occur, a mechanism must

   be created for Internet protocols (e.g., [1], [3], [4]) to be able to
   identify the codecs by which this so-called "traditional" multimedia
   content has been encoded.

   Unfortunately, several distinct encoding systems exist for
   traditional multimedia content. Each system has its own registry to
   ensure unique and stable codec identifications within that system.
   Perhaps the best known of these registries are Microsoft (for WAVE
   and AVI content) and Apple (for QuickTime content).

   The purpose of this paper is to establish a mechanism by which codecs
   registered within Microsoft's WAVE and AVI Registries may be
   referenced within the IANA Namespace by Internet applications.

2 References to Registries within the IANA Vendor Tree

   Reference [7] specifies that the IANA Namespace encompasses several
   trees. Discussions within the IETF-Types mailing list concluded that
   the most appropriate tree in which to reference codecs, which had
   already been registered by non-IANA Registries, is the Vendor Tree.

   As a result, the non-IANA registry is identified within the IANA
   Vendor tree by vnd.RegistryName. A specific codec, which has been
   registered within that registry, is identified by a required codec
   parameter as specified by Section 2.2.3 of [7].

3 WAVE and AVI Registries

   Both the WAVE and AVI Registries are historic databases that have
   been maintained by Microsoft as a free service. The Registries sought
   to assist developers of WAVE and AVI content and to standardize WAVE
   and AVI content by
   1) avoiding conflict and/or duplication with current definitions, and
   2) providing the registered information in a standard document and
      format that is publicly available.
   The historic nature of these databases implies that unless the
   original registrants informed the registrar of a change of status
   (e.g., company acquired, new contact, new location, new phone), the
   contact information has generally not been updated from the
   originally registered values.

   Audio codecs within the WAVE Registry are identified by WAVE Format
   IDs. The (audio) WAVE Format ID is officially known as "WAVE form
   Registration Number". The WAVE Format ID is a hexadecimal integer
   value. These codecs may be referenced within the IANA namespace as

   "audio/vnd.wave; codec=XXX", where XXX represents a valid WAVE Format
   ID (e.g., the WAVE Format ID of "123" is referenced within the IANA
   namespace by "audio/vnd.wave; codec=123").

   Video codecs within the AVI Registry are identified by AVI Codec IDs.
   The AVI Codec ID value is a FourCC encoding. A FourCC is 32-bits long
   and represents a (case-sensitive) four-character (i.e., ASCII) code
   value. These codecs may be referenced within the IANA namespace as
   "video/vnd.avi; codec=XXX", where XXX represents a valid AVI Codec ID
   (e.g., the WAVE Format ID of "SCRN" is referenced within the IANA
   namespace by "video/vnd.avi; codec=SCRN").

   Appendix A is an authoritative list of the complete set of audio
   codecs that have been registered (as of January 1998) within the WAVE
   Registry. Appendix B is an authoritative list of the complete set of
   video codecs that have been registered (as of January 1998) within
   the AVI registry.

4 Mapping Codec IDs to GUID Values

   Direct mappings exist between WAVE Format IDs and GUIDs and between
   FourCC codec values and GUIDs [5]. [Note: GUIDs are Globally Unique
   Identifiers that are also known as Universally Unique Identifiers
   (UUIDs). UUIDs have been standardized within the Open Software
   Foundation's (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).] These
   mappings enable GUID-oriented software to directly refer to these
   historic codec values. For example, the Advanced Streaming Format
   (ASF) [6] uses GUID values to refer to codecs, and the following
   mechanism is used to convert the historic WAVE and AVI codec values
   into the appropriate GUID value for use within ASF.

   WAVE Format IDs are converted to GUIDs by inserting the hexadecimal
   value of the WAVE Format ID into the XXXXXXXX part of the following
   template: {XXXXXXXX-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}. For example, a WAVE
   Format ID of 123 has the GUID value of {00000123-0000-0010-8000-

   FourCC values are converted to GUIDs by inserting the FourCC value
   into the XXXXXXXX part of the same template: {XXXXXXXX-0000-0010-
   8000-00AA00389B71}. For example, a conversion of the FourCC value of
   "H260" would result in the GUID value of {30363248-0000-0010-8000-
   00AA00389B71}. [Note: the 32-bit FourCC value of "H260" is converted
   into hexadecimal 32-bit value (i.e., 30363248) because the initial
   XXXXXXXX of the GUID is defined as a DWORD and thus takes a 32-bit
   hexadecimal value. Endian considerations account for the apparent
   re-ordering of the original ASCII text.]

5  Security Considerations

   This document merely registers a set of formats. It does nothing to
   address the security considerations of these formats.  The format
   itself must be investigated for security issues with each format.

Author's Address

   Eric Fleischman
   Microsoft Corporation
   One Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA

   EMail: [email protected]

   Subsequent to this submittal the author has changed employers. He now
   can be reached at:

   The Boeing Company
   PO Box 3707, MS 7M-FM
   Seattle, WA 98124-2207

   Phone: 425-865-2424
   EMail: [email protected]


   [1] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V. Jacobson,"RTP:
       A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", RFC 1889,
       January 1996.

   [2] Schulzrinne, H., "RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences
       with Minimal Control", RFC 1890, January 1996.

   [3] Schulzrinne, H., Rao, A., and R. Lanphier, "Real Time Streaming
       Protocol (RTSP)", RFC 2326, April 1998.

   [4] Handley, M., and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description
       Protocol", RFC 2327, April 1998.

   [5] "ASF Codec GUIDs",

   [6] Microsoft Corporation, "Advanced Streaming Format (ASF)
       Specification", September 1997,

   [7] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and J. Postel, "Multipurpose Internet
       Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures", RFC
       2048, November 1996.

Appendix A      Audio Codecs from the Microsoft WAVE Registry

EID 5122 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: Appendix A

Original Text:

WAVE form Registration Number (hex):    0x00111

Corrected Text:

WAVE form Registration Number (hex):    0x0111
The registration number can be no more than four hexadecimal places (i.e. two bytes) long, according to WAVE format specifications.
EID 5123 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: Appendix A

Original Text:


Corrected Text:

EID 5126 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: Appendix A

Original Text:

Codec ID in the IANA Namespace:         audio/vnd.wave;codec=1401
WAVE form wFormatTag ID:                WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO

Corrected Text:

Codec ID in the IANA Namespace:         audio/vnd.wave;codec=1401
WAVE form wFormatTag ID:                WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO_2
Codec 1401 has an ID of "WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO_2" according to "mmreg.h", from which it presumably derives. "WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO" is already the ID of codec 88, which appears earlier in the appendix.
A.1 Microsoft Unknown Wave Format WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0000 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=0 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.2 Microsoft PCM Format WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0001 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_PCM Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.3 Microsoft ADPCM Format WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0002 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=2 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.4 IEEE Float WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0003 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=3 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.5 Compaq Computer's VSELP WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0004 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=4 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VSELP Additional information: VSELP codec for Windows CE 2.0 devices Contact: Doug Stewart 713-374-7925 Compaq Computer Corporation 20555 SH 249 Houston, TX 77269-2000 USA A.6 IBM CVSD WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0005 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=5 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_IBM_CVSD Contact: IBM Corporation A.7 Microsoft ALAW WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0006 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=6 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.8 Microsoft MULAW WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0007 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=7 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.9 OKI ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0010 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=10 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OKI_ADPCM Contact: Oki A.10 Intel's DVI ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0011 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=11 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124 503-696-2448 A.11 Videologic's MediaSpace ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0012 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=12 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MEDIASPACE_ADPCM Contact: Videologic Home Park Estate Kings Langley England WD4 8LZ Telephone: 44-92-326-0511 A.12 Sierra ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0013 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=13 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_SIERRA_ADPCM Contact: Stuart Goldstein [email protected] Sierra Semiconductor Corp 2075 North Capitol Avenue San Jose, California 95132 USA 408-263-9300 A.13 G.723 ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0014 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=14 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G723_ADPCM Contact: Bob Bauman 310-532-3092 Antex Electronics Coporation 3184-H Airway Ave. Costa Mesa, California 92627 USA A.14 DSP Solution's DIGISTD WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0015 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=15 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIGISTD Contact: DSP Solutions, Inc 2464 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 415-494-8086 A.15 DSP Solution's DIGIFIX WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0016 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=16 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIFIX Contact: DSP Solutions, Inc 2464 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 415-494-8086 A.16 Dialogic OKI ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0017 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=17 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIALOGIC_OKI_ADPCM WAVEFORMAT use: for OKI ADPCM chips or firmware Contact: Dialogic Corporation 300 Littleton Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA 201-334-1268 A.17 MediaVision ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0018 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=18 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MEDIAVISION_ADPCM WAVEFORMAT Name: ADPCM for Jazz 16 chip set Contact: Alex Cheng Media Vision, Inc California USA A.18 HP CU WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0019 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=19 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CU_CODEC Contact: Cliff Chiang Telephone: 65-3747005 Hewlett-Packard Company 452 Alexandra Road Singapore 119961 Singapore A.19 Yamaha ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0020 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=20 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_YAMAHA_ADPCM Contact: Yamaha Corporation of America Systems Technology Division 981 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, California 95131 USA 408-437-3133 A.20 Speech Compression's Sonarc WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0021 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=21 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_SONARC Contact: Speech Compression A.21 DSP Group's True Speech WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0022 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=22 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DSPGROUP_TRUESPEECH Contact: DSP Group, Inc 2464 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 415-494-8086 A.22 Echo Speech's EchoSC1 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0023 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=23 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ECHOSC1 Contact: Billy Brackenridge [email protected] Echo Speech Corporation 6460 Via Real Carpinteria, California 93013 USA 805-684-4593 A.23 Audiofile AF36 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0024 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=24 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_AUDIOFILE_AF36 Contact: Alan Miller 617-271-0900 Virtual Music, Inc. 19 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730-1419 USA A.24 APTX WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0025 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=25 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_APTX Contact: Calypso Software Audio Processing Technology Edgewater Road Belfast, Northern Ireland 44-232-371110 A.25 AudioFile AF10 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0026 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=26 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_AUDIOFILE_AF10 Contact: Alan Miller 617-271-0900 Virtual Music, Inc. 19 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730-1419 USA A.26 Prosody 1612 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0027 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=27 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_PROSODY_1612 Additional Information: Prosody CTI Speech Card Contact: Phil Cambridge [email protected] Aculab plc Lakeside, Bramley Road Mount Farm, Milton Keynes MK1 1PT UK +44 1908 273800 A.27 LRC WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0028 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=28 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_LRC Contact: Patrick Wassmer [email protected] +41 21 931 50 11 Merging Technologies S.A. Le Verney, E Puidoux, Switzerland CH-1604 A.28 Dolby AC2 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0030 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=30 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC2 Contact: Dolby Laboratories 100 Portrero Avenue San Francisco, California 94103-4813 USA 415-558-0200 A.29 GSM610 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0031 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=31 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_GSM610 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.30 MSNAudio WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0032 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=32 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MSNAUDIO WAVEFORMAT Name: Microsoft MSN Audio Codec Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.31 Antex ADPCME WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0033 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=33 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ANTEX_ADPCME Contact: Bob Bauman Antex Electronics Corporation 3184-H Airway Ave. Costa Mesa, California 92627 USA 310-532-3092 A.32 Control Res VQLPC WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0034 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=34 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CONTROL_RES_VQLPC Contact: Charles Larson Control Resources Limited PO Box 8694 Roland Heights, California 91748 USA 818-912-5722 A.33 Digireal WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0035 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=35 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIREAL Contact: DSP Solutions, Inc 2464 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 415-494-8086 A.34 DigiADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0036 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=36 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIADPCM Contact: DSP Solutions, Inc 2464 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 415-494-8086 A.35 Control Res CR10 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0037 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=37 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CONTROL_RES_CR10 Contact: Charles Larson Control Resources Limited PO Box 8694 Roland Heights, California 91748 USA 818-912-5722 A.36 NMS VBXADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0038 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=38 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_NMS_VBXADPCM Contact: Joel Feldman, Steve Mors Natural MicroSystems A.37 Roland RDAC WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0039 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=39 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ROLAND_RDAC WAVEFORMAT Name: Roland RDAC Proprietary format Contact: Takera Tanigawa email: [email protected] 001-81-6-682-4584 A.38 EchoSC3 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x003A Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=3A WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ECHOSC3 WAVEFORMAT Description: Proprietary compressed format Contact: Billy Brackenridge [email protected] Echo Speech Corporation 6460 Via Real Carpinteria, California 93013 USA 805-684-4593 A.39 Rockwell ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x003B Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=3B WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ROCKWELL_ADPCM WAVEFORMAT Name: Rockwell ADPCM Contact: Rockwell International Digital Communications Division 4311 Jamboree Rd. PO Box C Newport Beach, California 92658-8902 USA 714-833-4600 A.40 Rockwell Digit LK WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x003C Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=3C WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ROCKWELL_DIGITALK WAVEFORMAT Name: Rockwell DIGITALK Contact: Rockwell International Digital Communications Division 4311 Jamboree Rd. PO Box C Newport Beach, California 92658-8902 USA 714-833-4600 A.41 Xebec WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x003D Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec= WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_XEBEC Additonal Information: proprietary compression Contact: David Emberton 44-453-835482 Xebec Multimedia Solutions Limited Smith House 1-3 George Street Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England GL6 OAG A.42 Antex Electronics G.721 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0040 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=40 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G721_ADPCM Contact: Bob Bauman 310-532-3092 Antex Electronics Coporation 3184-H Airway Ave. Costa Mesa, California 92627 USA A.43 G.728 CELP WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0041 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=41 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G728_CELP Contact: Bob Bauman 310-532-3092 Antex Electronics Coporation 3184-H Airway Ave. Costa Mesa, California 92627 USA A.44 MSG723 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0042 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=42 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MSG723 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.45 MPEG WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0050 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=50 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.46 RT24 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0052 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=52 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_RT24 Additional Information: This ACM codec is an alternative codec ID to refer to the Voxware Metavoice codec (Codec ID 0x0074). Only the Voxware reference should be used in the general case. Contact: Alexander V. Sokolsky 717-730-9501 InSoft, Inc. 4718 Old Gettysburg Rd Suite 307 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4378 USA A.47 PAC WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0053 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=53 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_PAC Contact: Alexander V. Sokolsky 717-730-9501 InSoft, Inc. 4718 Old Gettysburg Rd Suite 307 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4378 USA A.48 MPEG Layer 3 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0055 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=55 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3 Additional Information: ISO/MPEG Layer3 Format Tag Contact: Tomislav Grcanac (408) 576-1361 AT&T Labs, Inc. 2665 North First Street San Jose, California 95134 USA A.49 Lucent G.723 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0059 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=59 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_LUCENT_G723 Contact: Ray Jones ([email protected]) Lucent Technologies A.50 Cirrus WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0060 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=60 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CIRRUS Contact: Mr Scott MacDonald 512 442-7555 Cirrus Logic (USA) A.51 ESPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0061 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=61 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ESPCM Contact: Paul Sung 510-226-1088 ESS Technology 46107 Landing Parkway Fremont, California 94538 USA A.52 Voxware WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0062 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=62 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE Additional Information: This format is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] or compuserve 75570,3525 or [email protected] Voxware Inc 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.53 Canopus Atrac WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0063 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=63 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CANOPUS_ATRAC Additional Information: ATRACWAVEFORMAT Contact: Masayoshi Araki [email protected] 81-78-992-7812 Canopus, Co., Ltd. Kobe Hi-Tech Park 1-2-2 Murotani, Nishi-ku Kobe, Hyogo 651-22 Japan A.54 G.726 ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0064 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=64 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G726_ADPCM Contact: Jean-Claude Anaya [email protected] (33) 57-26-99-24 APICOM 218, Avenue du Haut-Leveque Pessac France 33605 A.55 G.722 ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0065 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=65 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G722_ADPCM Contact: Jean-Claude Anaya [email protected] (33) 57-26-99-24 APICOM 218, Avenue du Haut-Leveque Pessac France 33605 A.56 DSAT WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0066 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=66 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DSAT Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.57 DSAT Display WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0067 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=67 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DSAT_DISPLAY Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.58 Voxware Byte Aligned WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0069 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=69 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_BYTE_ALIGNED
EID 5124 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: Appendix A.58 says:

Original Text:


Corrected Text:

Additional Information: This format is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] or compuserve 75570,3525 or [email protected] Voxware Inc 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.59 Voxware AC8 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0070 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=70 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_AC8 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.60 Voxware AC10 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0071 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=71 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_AC10 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.61 Voxware AC16 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0072 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=72 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_AC16 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.62 Voxware AC20 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0073 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=73 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_AC20 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.63 Voxware MetaVoice WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0074 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=74 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_RT24 Additional Information: file and stream oriented Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.64 Voxware MetaSound WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0075 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=75 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_RT29 Additional Information: file and stream oriented Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.65 Voxware RT29HW WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0076 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=76 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_RT29HW Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.66 Voxware VR12 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0077 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=77 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_VR12 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.67 Voxware VR18 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0078 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=78 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_VR18 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.68 Voxware TQ40 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0079 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=79 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_TQ40 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.69 Softsound WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0080 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=80 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_SOFTSOUND Contact: AJ Robinson 44-1727-847949 Softsound, Ltd. 12 St. Stephens Avenue St. Albans, Herts, UK AL3 4AD A.70 Voxware TQ60 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0081 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=81 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VOXWARE_TQ60 Additional Information: This format ID is now obsolete Contact: Lee Stewart [email protected] Voxware Inc. 172 Tamarack Circle Skillman, NJ 08558 USA A.71 MSRT24 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0082 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=82 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MSRT24 Additional Information: This ACM codec is an alternative codec ID to refer to the Voxware Metavoice codec (Codec ID 0x0074). Only the Voxware reference should be used in the general case. Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA A.72 G.729A WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0083 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=83 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_G729A Contact: AT&T Laboratories A.73 MVI MV12 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0084 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=84 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_MVI_MV12 Contact: David R. Whipple [email protected] Motion Pixels 7802 North 132 East Court Owasso, OK 74055 USA (918) 272-5328 A.74 DF G.726 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0085 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=85 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DF_G726 Contact: Jarno van Rooyen [email protected] DataFusion Systems (Pty) (Ltd) PO Box 582 Stellenbosch Stellenbosch South Africa 27 21 888 2000 A.75 DF GSM610 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0086 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=86 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DF_GSM610 Contact: Jarno van Rooyen [email protected] DataFusion Systems (Pty) (Ltd) PO Box 582 Stellenbosch 7600 South Africa 27 21 888 2000 A.76 ISIAudio WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0088 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=88 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO Contact: Iterated Systems, Inc. 5550-a Peachtree Parkway Suite 650 Norcross, GA 30092 USA 404-840-0633 A.77 Onlive WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0089 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=89 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ONLIVE Contact: Dr. Ajit L. Lalwani [email protected] (408) 617 - 3595 OnLive! Technologies, Inc. 1039 S. Mary Ave. Sunnyvale, California 94087 USA (408) 617-7000 A.78 SBC24 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0091 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=91 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_SBC24 Contact: Dieter Rencken [email protected] (408) 492-6539 Siemens Business Communications Systems 4900 Old Ironsides Drive Santa Clara, California 95054 USA (408) 492-2000 A.79 Dolby AC3 SPDIF WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0092 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=92 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC3_SPDIF Contact: Monty Schmidt Sonic Foundry 100 South Baldwin, Suite 204 Madison, WI 53703 USA 608-256-3133 A.80 ZyXEL ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0097 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=97 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ZYXEL_ADPCM Contact: Nasser Tarazi [email protected] 714-693-0808 ext 206 ZyXEL Communications, Inc. 4920 E. La Palma Ave Anaheim, California 92807 USA 714-693-0808 A.81 Philips LPCBB WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0098 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=98 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_PHILIPS_LPCBB Contact: Kurt Kornmuller Philips Speech Processing Computerstrasse 6 Vienna A-1101 Austria 43 1 601 01 A.82 Packed WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0099 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=99 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_PACKED Contact: Alex Ruegg [email protected] 41-1-870-1252 Studer Professional Audio AG Althardstrasse 30 Regensdorf, CH 8105 41-1-870-7252 A.83 Rhetorex ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0100 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=100 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_RHETOREX_ADPCM Contact: Roger Dang [email protected] 408-371-0881-x195 Rhetorex, Inc. 200 E Hacienda Ave Campbell, California 95008 USA A.84 BeCubed Software's IRAT WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0101 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=101 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_IRAT WAVEFORMAT name: Contact: William J. Locke [email protected] BeCubed Software Inc. 1750 Marietta Hwy STE 240 Canton, GA 30114 USA 770-720-1077 A.85 Vivo G.723 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x00111 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=111 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VIVO_G723 Contact: Vivo Software 411 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 313 Waltham, MA 02154 USA (617) 899-8900 A.86 Vivo Siren WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0112 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=112 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VIVO_SIREN Contact: Vivo Software 411 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 313 Waltham, MA 02154 USA (617) 899-8900 A.87 Digital G.723 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0123 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=123 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DIGITAL_G723 Contact: John Forecast [email protected] 508-486-5264 Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754-2571 USA 1-800-DIGITAL A.88 Creative ADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0200 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=200 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CREATIVE_ADPCM Contact: Peter Ridge 408-428-2366 Creative Labs, Inc California, USA A.89 Creative FastSpeech8 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0202 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=202 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_CREATIVE_FASTSPEECH8 Contact: Peter Ridge 408-428-2366 Creative Labs, Inc California, USA A.90 Creative FastSpeech10 WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0203 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=203 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ CREATIVE_FASTSPEECH10 Contact: Peter Ridge 408-428-2366 Creative Labs, Inc California, USA A.91 Quarterdeck WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0220 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=220 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_QUARTERDECK Contact: Eugene Olsen 310-309-3700 Quarterdeck Corporation 13160 Mindanao Way FL 3 Marina del Rey, California 90292-9705 USA A.92 FM Towns Snd WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0300 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=300 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_FM_TOWNS_SND Contact: Fujitsu Corporation A.93 BTV Digital WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0400 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=400 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_BTV_DIGITAL Additional Information: Brooktree digital audio format Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA 1-800-228-2777 A.94 VME VMPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x0680 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=680 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_VME_VMPCM Contact: Tomislav Grcanac (408) 576-1361 AT&T Labs, Inc. 2665 North First Street San Jose, California 95134 USA A.95 OLIGSM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1000 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1000 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OLIGSM Contact: Harry Sinn Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Via G. Jervis 77 Via Montalenghe 8 Scarmagno Ivrea (To) 10015 Italy 39-125-527056 A.96 OLIADPCM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1001 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1001 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OLIADPCM Contact: Harry Sinn Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Via G. Jervis 77 Via Montalenghe 8 Scarmagno Ivrea (To) 10015 Italy 39-125-527056 A.97 OLICELP WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1002 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1002 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OLICELP Contact: Harry Sinn Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Via G. Jervis 77 Via Montalenghe 8 Scarmagno Ivrea (To) 10015 Italy 39-125-527056 A.98 OLISBC WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1003 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1003 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OLISBC Contact: Harry Sinn Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Via G. Jervis 77 Via Montalenghe 8 Scarmagno Ivrea (To) 10015 Italy 39-125-527056 A.99 OLIOPR WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1004 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1004 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_OLIOPR Contact: Harry Sinn Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Via G. Jervis 77 Via Montalenghe 8 Scarmagno Ivrea (To) 10015 Italy 39-125-527056 A.100 LH Codec WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1100 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1100 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_LH_CODEC Contact: David Ray Lernout & Hauspie 20 Mall Road Burlington, MA 01803 USA A.101 Norris WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1400 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1400 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_NORRIS Contact: Rick Davis Norris Communications, Inc 12725 Stowe Drive Poway, California 92064 USA 619-679-1504 A.102 ISIAudio WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1401 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1401 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_ISIAUDIO Contact: Tomislav Grcanac (408) 576-1361 AT&T Labs, Inc. 2665 North First Street San Jose, California 95134 USA A.103 Soundspace Music Compression WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x1500 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=1500 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_SOUNDSPACE_MUSICOMPRESS Contact: Tomislav Grcanac (408) 576-1361 AT&T Labs, Inc. 2665 North First Street San Jose, California 95134 USA A.104 DVM WAVE form Registration Number (hex): 0x2000 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=2000 WAVE form wFormatTag ID: WAVE_FORMAT_DVM Contact: Martin Regen FAST Multimedia AG Lansbergerstrasse 76 Munchen 80339 Germany 49-89-50206-0 Appendix B Video Codecs from the Microsoft AVI Registry B.1 Intel RDX Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ANIM Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ANIM Description: Intel RDX Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.2 AuraVision Aura 2 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: AUR2 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=AUR2 Description: AuraVision Aura 2: YUV 422 Bit Depth: 8 Contact: Steve Gibson 510-440-7180 Fast Multimedia 47865 Fremont Blvd Fremont, California 94538 USA B.3 AuraVision Aura 1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: AURA Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=AURA Description: AuraVision Aura 1: YUV 411 Bit Depth: 6 Contact: Steve Gibson 510-440-7180 Fast Multimedia 47865 Fremont Blvd Fremont, California 94538 USA B.4 Brooktree MediaStream Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: BT20 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=BT20 Description: Brooktree MediaStream Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA B.5 Brooktree Composite Video Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: BTCV Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=BTCV Description: Brooktree Composite Video Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA B.6 Intel YUV12 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CC12 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CC12 Description: AuraVision Aura 2: Intel YUV12 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.7 Canopus DV Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CDVC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CDVC Description: Canopus DV Contact: Masayoshi Araki 81-78-992-7812 [email protected] Canopus, Co., Ltd. Kobe Hi-Tech Park 1-2-2 Murotani, Nishi-ku Kobe, Hyogo 651-22 Japan B.8 Winnov Caviara Cham Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CHAM Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CHAM Description: Winnov Caviara Cham Contact: Winnov, Inc. 1230 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 312 Sunnyvale, California 94086 USA 408-733-7419 B.9 Proprietary YUV 4 pixels Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CLJR Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CLJR Description: Proprietary YUV 4 pixels/DWORD Contact: Mr Scott MacDonald 512 442-7555 Cirrus Logic B.10 Common Data Format in Printing Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CMYK Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CMYK Description: Common Data Format in Printing Bit Depth: 32bits (8 per component) Contact: Colorgraph (UK) 2 Mars House, Calleva Park Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire RG7 8LB UK +44-118-9819435 B.11 Weitek 4:2:0 YUV Planar Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CPLA Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CPLA Description: Weitek 4:2:0 YUV Planar Contact: Weitek 408-522-7541 B.12 Cinepak by Supermac Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CVID Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CVID Description: Cenepac by Supermac Contact: Lou Doctor Supermac B.13 Microsoft Color WLT DIB Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CWLT Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CWLT Description: Microsoft Color WLT DIB Bit Depth: 24 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.14 Creative Labs YUV Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: CYUV Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=CYUV Description: Creative Labs YUV Contact: Peter Ridge 408-428-2366 Creative Labs, Inc California, USA B.15 H.261 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: D261 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=D261 Description: H.261 Video Format Bit Depth: 24 Contact: John Forecast [email protected] 508-486-5264 Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754-2571 USA 1-800-DIGITAL B.16 H.263 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: D263 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=D263 Description: H.263 Video Format Bit Depth: 24 Contact: John Forecast [email protected] 508-486-5264 Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754-2571 USA 1-800-DIGITAL B.17 True Motion 1.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: DUCK Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=DUCK Description: TrueMotion 1.0 Contact: David Silver [email protected] (212)941-2403 The Duck Corporation 375 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10013 USA (212) 941-2400 B.18 DVE-2 Videoconferencing Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: DVE2 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=DVE2 Description: DVE-2 Videoconferencing Contact: Alexander V. Sokolsky InSoft, Inc. 4718 Old Gettysburg Rd, Suite 307 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4378 USA 717-730-9501 B.19 Field Encoded Motion JPEG Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: FLJP Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=FLJP Description: Field Encoded Motion JPEG With LSI Bitstream Format Contact: Dale Weaver [email protected] 312-714-1400 -2169 D-Vision Systems, Inc. 8755 W. Higgins, Second Floor Chicago, IL 60631 USA B.20 Fractal Video Frame Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: FVF1 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=FVF1 Description: Fractal Video Frame Contact: Iterated Systems, Inc. 5550-a Peachtree Parkway, Suite 650 Norcross, GA 30092 USA 404-840-0633 B.21 Microsoft Greyscale WLT DIB Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: GWLT Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=GWLT Description: Microsoft Greyscale WLT DIB Bit Depth: 8 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.22 H.260 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H260 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H260 Description: H.260 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.23 H.261 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H261 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H261 Description: H.261 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.24 H.262 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H262 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H262 Description: H.262 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.25 H.263 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H263 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H263 Description: H.263 Bit Depth: 12/pixel Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.26 H.264 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H264 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H264 Description: H.264 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.27 H.265 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H265 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H265 Description: H.265 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.28 H.266 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H266 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H266 Description: H.266 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.29 H.267 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H267 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H267 Description: H.267 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.30 H.268 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H268 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H268 Description: H.268 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.31 H.260 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: H269 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=H269 Description: H.269 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.32 I263 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: I263 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=I263 Description: Intel I263 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.33 Intel Indeo 4 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: I420 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=I420 Description: Intel Indeo 4 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.34 Intel RDX Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IAN Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IAN Description: Intel RDX Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.35 CellB Videoconferencing Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ICLB Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ICLB Description: CellB Videoconferencing Codec Contact: Alexander V. Sokolsky InSoft, Inc. 4718 Old Gettysburg Rd, Suite 307 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4378 USA 717-730-9501 B.36 Intel Layered Video Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ILVC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ILVC Description: Intel Layered Video Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.37 ITU-T H.263+ Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ILVR Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ILVR Description: nITU-T's H.263+ compression standard Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.38 Intel YUV Uncompressed Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IRAW Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IRAW Description: Intel YUV uncompressed Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.39 Intel Indeo Video 3 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV30 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV30 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.40 Intel Indeo Video 3.1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV31 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV31 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.1 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.41 Intel Indeo Video 3.2 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV32 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV32 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.2 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.42 Intel Indeo Video 3.3 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV33 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV33 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.3 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.43 Intel Indeo Video 3.4 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV34 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV34 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.4 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.44 Intel Indeo Video 3.5 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV35 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV35 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.5 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.45 Intel Indeo Video 3.6 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV36 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV36 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.6 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.46 Intel Indeo Video 3.7 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV37 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV37 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.7 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.47 Intel Indeo Video 3.8 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV38 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV38 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.8 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.48 Intel Indeo Video 3.9 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV39 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV39 Description: Intel Indeo Video 3.9 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.49 Intel Indeo Video 4.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV40 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV40 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.0 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.50 Intel Indeo Video 4.1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV41 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV41 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.1 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.51 Intel Indeo Video 4.2 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV42 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV42 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.2 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.52 Intel Indeo Video 4.3 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV43 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV43 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.3 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.53 Intel Indeo Video 4.4 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV44 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV44 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.4 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.54 Intel Indeo Video 4.5 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV45 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV45 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.5 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.55 Intel Indeo Video 4.6 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV46 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV46 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.6 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.56 Intel Indeo Video 4.7 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV47 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV47 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.7 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.57 Intel Indeo Video 4.8 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV48 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV48 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.8 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.58 Intel Indeo Video 4.9 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV49 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV49 Description: Intel Indeo Video 4.9 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.59 Intel Indeo Video 5.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: IV50 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=IV50 Description: Intel Indeo Video 5.0 Bit Depth: 8, 16, 24, 32 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.60 Still Image JPEG DIB Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: JPEG Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=JPEG Description: Still Image JPEG DIB Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.61 Motion JPEG DIB Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MJPG Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MJPG Description: Motion JPEG DIB Format Bit Depth: 24, 8 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.62 Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MP42 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MP42 Description: Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.63 MPEG 1 Video Frame Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MPEG Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MPEG Description: MPEG 1 Video I Frame Contact: Greg Stiehl [email protected] Chromatic Research, Inc 615 Tasman Dr Sunnyvale, California 94089 USA 408-752-9100 B.64 MR Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MRCA Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MRCA Description: MR Codec Contact: Martin Regen 49/89/50206-252 FAST Multimedia AG Lansbergerstrasse 76 Munchen 80339 Germany 49/89/50206-0 B.65 Run Length Encoding Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MRLE Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MRLE Description: Run Length Encoding Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.66 Video 1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: MSVC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=MSVC Description: Microsoft Video 1 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.67 Photomotion Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: PHMO Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=PHMO Description: Photomotion Contact: IBM Corporation B.68 QPEG 1.1 Format Video Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: qpeq Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=qpeq Description: QPEG 1.1 Format Video Codec Contact: Dr. Knabe 0049.2161.6181.0 Q-Team Brauereistr. 11 D-41352 Korschenbroich Germany 0049.2161.6181.0 B.69 RGBT Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: RGBT Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=RGBT Description: 32 bits support Contact: Andy Pennell Computer Concepts Ltd. Gaddesden Place Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 6EX UK 44 1442 63933 B.70 Run Length Encoded 4 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: RLE4 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=RLE4 Description: Run Length Encoded 4 Bit Depth: 4 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.71 Run Length Encoded 8 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: RLE8 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=RLE8 Description: Run Length Encoded 8 Bit Depth: 8 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.72 Indeo 2.1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: RT21 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=RT21 Description: Indeo 2.1 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.73 Intel RDX Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: RVX Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=RVX Description: Intel RDX Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.74 Sun Digital Camera Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SDCC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SDCC Description: Sun Digital Camera Codec Contact: Hideki Inoue [email protected] Sun Communications, Inc. GLORIA Bld. 6F, 1-3, AGEBA-CHO, SHINJYUKU-KU Tokyo 162 Japan 81-3-5261-1801 B.75 Crystal Net SFM Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SFMC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SFMC Description: Crystal Net SFM Codec Contact: Dr. Itzhak Levit Crystal Net Corporation 1485 Saratoga Ave. San Jose, California 95129 USA 408-446-2966 B.76 SMSC Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SMSC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SMSC Description: SMSC Contact: Lee Boekelheide Radius (USA) 503-968-1270 B.77 SMSD Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SMSD Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SMSD Description: SMSD Contact: Lee Boekelheide Radius (USA) 503-968-1270 B.78 Splash Studios ACM Audio Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SPLC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: audio/vnd.wave;codec=SPLC Description: Splash Studios ACM Audio Codec Contact: Mark Cutter Splash Studios 8573 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 USA 425-882-0300 B.79 Microsoft VXtreme Video Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SQZ2 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SQZ2 Description: Microsoft Vxtreme Video Codec V2 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.80 Sorenson Video R1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: SV10 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=SV10 Description: Sorenson Video R1 Contact: Evan Hillman [email protected] Sorenson Vision 570 East Research Park Way Logan, Utah 84341 USA 801-792-1114 B.81 TeraLogic Motion Infraframe Codec A Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: TLMS Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=TLMS Description: TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec Contact: Charles Chui [email protected] 650-526-6003 TeraLogic, Inc. 707 California Street Mountain View, California 94041 USA 650-526-2000 B.82 TeraLogic Motion Infraframe Codec B Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: TLST Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=TLST Description: TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec Contact: Charles Chui [email protected] 650-526-6003 TeraLogic, Inc. 707 California Street Mountain View, California 94041 USA 650-526-2000 B.83 TrueMotion 2.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: TM20 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=TM20 Description: TrueMotion 2.0 Contact: David Silver [email protected] (212) 941-2403 The Duck Corporation 375 Greenwich Street New York, New York 10013 USA (212) 941-2400 B.84 TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec 2 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: TMIC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=TMIC Description: TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec 2 Contact: Charles Chui [email protected] 650-526-6003 TeraLogic, Inc. 707 California Street Mountain View, California 94041 USA 650-526-2000 B.85 TrueMotion Video Compression Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: tmot Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=tmot Description: True Motion Video Compression Contact: Glen D. Johnson Horizons Technology, Inc 3990 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 USA 619-292-8331 B.86 TrueMotion RT 2.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: TR20 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=TR20 Description: TrueMotionRT 2.0 Contact: David Silver [email protected] (212) 941-2403 The Duck Corporation 375 Greenwich Street New York, New York 10013 USA (212) 941-2400 B.87 Ultimotion Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ULTI Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ULTI Description: Ultimotion Contact: IBM Corporation B.88 UYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: UYVY Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=UYVY Description: UYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Terri Hendry 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.89 24 bit YUV 4:2:2 Format Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: V422 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=V422 Description: 24 bit YUV 4:2:2 format (CCIR 601). For this format, 2 consecutive pixels are represented by a 32 bit (4 byte) Y1UY2V color value. Contact: Gueirard RJ 33 1 46 29 0300 Vitec Multimedia 99 rue Pierre Semard F-92320 Chatillon France 33-1-46-73-06-06 B.90 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 Format Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: V655 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=V655 Description: 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 Format Codec Contact: Gueirard RJ 33 1 46 29 0300 Vitec Multimedia 99 rue Pierre Semard F-92320 Chatillon France 33-1-46-73-06-06 B.91 ATI VCR 1.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR1 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR1 Description: ATI VCR 1.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.92 ATI VCR 2.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR2 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR2 Description: ATI VCR 2.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.93 ATI VCR 3.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR3 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR3 Description: ATI VCR 3.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.94 ATI VCR 4.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR4 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR4 Description: ATI VCR 4.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.95 ATI VCR 5.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR5 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR5 Description: ATI VCR 5.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.96 ATI VCR 6.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR6 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR6 Description: ATI VCR 6.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.97 ATI VCR 7.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR7 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR7 Description: ATI VCR 7.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.98 ATI VCR 8.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR8 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR8 Description: ATI VCR 8.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.99 ATI VCR 9.0 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VCR9 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VCR9 Description: ATI VCR 9.0 Contact: Ivan Yang [email protected] 905-882-2600 x3243 ATI Technologies Inc. 33 Commerce Valley Dr. E. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6 Canada 905-882-2600 B.100 Video Maker Pro DIB Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VDCT Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VDCT Description: Video Maker Pro DIB Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Gueirard RJ 33 1 46 29 0300 Vitec Multimedia 99 rue Pierre Semard F-92320 Chatillon France 33-1-46-73-06-06 B.101 YUV 4:2:2 CCIR 601 for V422 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VIDS Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VIDS Description: YUV 4:2:2 CCIR for V422 Bit Depth: 24, 16 Contact: Gueirard RJ 33 1 46 29 0300 Vitec Multimedia 99 rue Pierre Semard F-92320 Chatillon France 33-1-46-73-06-06 B.102 Vivo H.263 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VIVO (Note: it is also registered as vivo) Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VIVO (Note: it is also registered as video/vnd.avi;codec=vivo) Description: Vivo H.263 Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Vivo Software 411 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 313 Waltham, MA 02154 USA (617) 899-8900 B.103 VIXL Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VIXL Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VIXL Description: for use with the miro video and movie products Bit Depth: 8, 16, 24 Contact: Matthias Huebner 49-531-2113-519 Miro Computer Products AG Carl-Miele-Strasse 4 Braunsweig 38112 Germany 49-531-2113-0 B.104 VLCAP.DRV Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: VLV1 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=VLV1 Description: VLCAP.DRV Contact: Videologic Home Park Estate Kings Langley WD4 8LZ UK 44923260511 B.105 W9960 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: WBVC Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=WBVC Description: W9960 Contact: Jason Lin [email protected] Winbond Electronics Corp PG41, No. 9, Li Hsin Rd. Science-Based Industrial Park Hsinchu, Taiwan 886-3-5790666 x6641 B.106 mmioFOURCC('X",'2','6','3') Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: X263 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=X263 Description: mmioFOURCC('X",'2','6','3') Bit Depth: 12 bits/pixel Contact: Min-Hsiung Lin [email protected] Xirlink, Inc. 2210 O'Toole Ave. San Jose, California 95131 USA 408-324-2100 B.107 XL Video Decoder Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: XLV0 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=XLV0 Description: PC1 4:1:1 with transparency Contact: Gary Grandbois NetXL, Inc 48521 Warm Springs Blvd., Suite 310 Fremont, California 94539 USA 510-445-8734 B.108 YUV 2:1:1 Packed Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y211 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y211 Description: YUV 2:1:1 Packed Bit Depth: 8 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.109 YUV 4:1:1 Packed Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y411 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y411 Description: YUV 4:1:1 Packed Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Terri Hendry, 425-936-2069 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.110 YUV 4:1:1 Planar Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y41B Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y41B Description: YUV 4:1:1 Planar Contact: 408-522-7541 Weitek (USA) B.111 PC1 4:1:1 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y41P Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y41P Description: PC1 4:1:1 Bit Depth: 12 Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA 1-800-228-2777 B.112 PC1 4:1:1 with transparency Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y41T Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y41T Description: PC1 4:1:1 with transparency Bit Depth: 12 Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA 1-800-228-2777 B.113 YUV 4:2:2 Planar Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y42B Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y42B Description: YUV 4:2:2 Planar Contact: Weitek (USA) 408-522-7541 B.114 PCI 4:2:2 with transparency Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: Y42T Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=Y42T Description: PCI 4:2:2 with transparency Bit Depth: 12 Contact: Dave Wilson 512-502-1725 Brooktree Corporation 9868 Scranton Road San Diego, California 92121-3707 USA 1-800-228-2777 B.115 Intel YUV12 Codec Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YC12 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YC12 Description: Intel YUV12 Codec Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.116 Winnov Caviar YUV8 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YUV8 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YUV8 Description: Winnov Caviar YUV8 Contact: Winnov, Inc. 1230 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 312 Sunnyvale, California 94086 408-733-7419 B.117 YUV9 Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YUV9 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YUV9 Description: YUV9 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.118 YUYV 4:2:2 byte ordering packed Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YUY2 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YUY2 Description: YUYV 4:2:2 byte ordering packed Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.119 BI_YUYV, Canopus Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YUYV Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YUYV Description: BI_YUYV, Canopus Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Masayoshi Araki [email protected] 81-78-992-7812 Canopus, Co., Ltd. Kobe Hi-Tech Park 1-2-2 Murotani, Nishi-ku Kobe, Hyogo 651-22 Japan B.120 YVU12 Planar Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YV12 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YV12 Description: YVU12 Planar Contact: Weitek 408-522-7541 B.121 YVU9 Planar Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YVU9 Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YVU9 Description: YVU9 Planar Bit Depth: 9 Contact: Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 USA 503-696-2448 B.122 YVYU 4:2:2 byte ordering Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: YVYU Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=YUV9 Description: YVYU Bit Depth: 16 Contact: Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA B.123 Video Zipper Compression Code or FourCC Codec ID: ZPEG Codec ID in the IANA Namespace: video/vnd.avi;codec=ZPEG Description: for the Video Zipper Contact: Metheus 1600 NW Compton Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97006-6905 USA 503-690-1550 C. 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