NA Digest, V. 23, # 17
NA Digest Monday, September 18, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 17
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- ERC Funding Opportunities, w/EMS, ECMI and ERC, ONLINE, Sep 2023
- Call for Nominations, EMS/ECMI Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software
- 2024 SIAG/LA Prizes Nominations, Close October 15, 2023
- UQ Software Release, PSUADE v2.2
- X-ray CT Data Set for Machine Learning
- New Book, Calculus for the Natural Sciences
- New Book, Classical Analysis of Real-Valued Functions
- New Book, Computational Mathematics
- New Book, The Prosecution of Chandler Davis
- MFEM Finite Element Community Workshop, ONLINE, Oct 2023
- Computational Mathematics for Data Science, Denmark, Nov 2023
- Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2023
- Faculty Position, Comp Math and Data Science, UCLouvain, Belgium
- Faculty Positions, NA, Mathematical Physics & Probability, GSSI, Italy
- Faculty and Postdoc Positions, Computational Math, Emory Univ
- Full Professor Position, Numerical Mathematics, TU Clausthal
- Associate Professor Positions, Numerical Computing, Umea Univ
- Assistant or Associate Professor Position, Notre Dame, USA
- Research Associate Positions, Michigan State Univ, USA
- Postdoc Fellowship Position, UT Austin, USA
- Postdoc Position, HPC/NLA, Sorbonne Univ, France
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for PDEs, Univ Vienna
- Postdoc Positions, HESCOR, Univ of Cologne
- PhD and Postdoc Positions, Applied Math, Germany
- PhD Position, Computational Maths, TUHH, Hamburg, Germany
- PhD Position, Optimization, U Halle, Germany
- PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Univ Waterloo, Canada
- PhD Position, Sketchy Numerical Solvers, Digital Twins, UK
- PhD Positions, Computational Science, SDSU UCI, USA
- Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 19 (1)
- Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 41 (4)
- Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Carola-Bibiane Sch=F6nlieb [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2023
Subject: ERC Funding Opportunities, w/EMS, ECMI and ERC, ONLINE, Sep 2023
The Committee for Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations of the
EMS together with ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in
Industry), in cooperation with the ERC Mathematics Panel coordinator
Maria Gonzalez, organize the online webinar on ERC funding
opportunities in Mathematics and the ERC evaluation process. The event
will include contributions of ERC grant holders.
Date: September 19, 2023 at 11am (CET)
Meeting ID: 928 9977 7272
Passcode: 373722
For more information see
From: Patrick Farrell [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2023
Subject: Call for Nominations, EMS/ECMI Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software
One of the main ways mathematical advances have impact in science,
engineering, society, and industry is via their implementation in
software. In order to reward and recognise exceptional research in the
development of mathematical software, the European Mathematical
Society (EMS) and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry
(ECMI) have decided to establish the Lanczos Prize for Mathematical
The Prize is to be awarded to a mathematician or scientist, or a group
of mathematicians and scientists, for the development of outstanding
mathematical software with important applications in mathematics,
science, engineering, society or industry.
Eligibility for the Prize is restricted to software whose source is
available to the general public for scrutiny. Commercial software
meeting this criterion is explicitly welcomed.
For full details of evaluation criteria and self-nomination procedure,
please see . The deadline for
self-nominations is 31 December 2023.
From: Agnieszka Miedlar [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2023
Subject: 2024 SIAG/LA Prizes Nominations, Close October 15, 2023
SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra kindly asks the community to
submit nominations for the 2024 SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
Submit a Nomination at
If you previously submitted a nomination last cycle that is still
eligible, you can also update your old nomination with new materials,
such as an updated CV or letter of recommendation. You can update an
old nomination by either sending these materials to
[email protected] or by completely re-submitting the
nomination. Note that updated nominations count as new nominations, so
please consider updating yours!
All nomination materials must be submitted by Sunday, October 15, 2023
at 11:59 PM Eastern.
SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Best Paper Prize
SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Early Career Prize
You can learn more about our prize program at and view all prizes with open
calls at
Contact [email protected] with questions regarding nomination
From: Charles Tong [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2023
Subject: UQ Software Release, PSUADE v2.2
Version 2.2 of the PSUADE (Problem Solving environment for Uncertainty
Analysis and Design Exploration), has been released. This software is
a collection of computational kernels and user interfaces for various
types of non-intrusive UQ analysis such as
- uncertainty analysis
- dimension reduction
- response surface analysis
- local/global sensitivity analysis
- statistical inferences
- optimization/optimization under uncertainty
- optimal experimental design
- tools for visualizing UQ analysis results
The software can be downloaded from
From: Felix Lucka [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2023
Subject: X-ray CT Data Set for Machine Learning
We recently published a large 2D expandable, trainable, experimental
Computed Tomography data collection for machine learning (2DeteCT). A
diverse mix of samples with high natural variability in shape and
density mimicking abdominal CT was scanned slice-by-slice (5,000
slices in total) with high angular and spatial resolution and three
different beam characteristics: A high-fidelity, a low-dose and a
beam-hardening- inflicted mode. Our aim was to provide the
computational imaging community with a versatile data collection for
the development and evaluation of both classical and learned CT image
reconstruction algorithms.
The 2DeteCT data collection includes: the raw-projection data
(sinograms) of the three acquisition modes (low dose, high dose,
unfiltered); description of the scanning geometry; pre-processing,
reconstruction and segmentation scripts; iterative reference
reconstructions; four-class reference segmentations.
The corresponding "Data Descriptor" paper is published in "Nature
Scientific Data" under
02484-6. The dataset can be found on zenodo at and all other links contained in the
description of the data upload. The corresponding collection of Python
scripts for loading, pre-processing, reconstructing and segmenting the
X-ray CT projection data of the 2DeteCT data collection can be found
at .
If you have any comments about the dataset, your feedback is highly
From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2023
Subject: New Book, Calculus for the Natural Sciences
Calculus for the Natural Sciences by Michel Helfgott
In this textbook on calculus of one variable, applications to the
natural sciences play a central role. Examples from biology,
chemistry, and physics are discussed in detail without compromising
the mathematical aspects essential to learning differential and
integral calculus.
Calculus for the Natural Sciences distinguishes itself from other
textbooks on the topic by: "balancing theory, mathematical techniques,
and applications to motivate students and bridge the gap between
mathematics and the natural sciences and engineering; "employing real
data to convey the main ideas underlying the scientific method; and
"using SageMath and R to perform calculations and write short
programs, thus giving the teacher more time to explain important
This textbook is intended for first-year students in mathematics,
engineering, and the natural sciences and is appropriate for a two-
semester course on calculus I and II (freshman calculus of one
variable). It can also be used for self-study by engineers and natural
2023 / xii + 444 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-768-4 / List $94 /
SIAM Member $65.80 / OT194
Bookstore link:
From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2023
Subject: New Book, Classical Analysis of Real-Valued Functions
Classical Analysis of Real-Valued Functions by V.S. Serov
Divided into two self-contained parts, this textbook is an
introduction to modern real analysis. More than 350 exercises and 100
examples are integrated into the text to help clarify the theoretical
considerations and the practical applications to differential
geometry, Fourier series, differential equations, and other subjects.
The first part of Classical Analysis of Real-Valued Functions covers
the theorems of existence of supremum and infimum of bounded sets on
the real line and the Lagrange formula for differentiable
functions. Applications of these results are crucial for classical
mathematical analysis, and many are threaded through the text. In the
second part of the book, the implicit function theorem plays a central
role, while the Gauss-Ostrogradskii formula, surface integration,
Heine-Borel lemma, the Ascoli-Arzela theorem, and the one-dimensional
indefinite Lebesgue integral are also covered.
This book is intended for first and second year students majoring in
mathematics although students of engineering disciplines will also
gain important and helpful insights. It is appropriate for courses in
mathematical analysis, functional analysis, real analysis, and
calculus and can be used for self-study as well.
2023 / x + 412 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-766-0 / List $94.00 /
SIAM Member $65.80 / OT193
Bookstore Link:
From: Dimitrios Mitsotakis [email protected]
Date: August 23, 2023
Subject: New Book, Computational Mathematics
Computational Mathematics: An introduction to Numerical Analysis
and Scientific Computing by Dimitrios Mitsotakis
This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to computational
mathematics and scientific computing suitable for undergraduate
and postgraduate courses. It presents both practical and
theoretical aspects of the subject, as well as advantages and
pitfalls of classical numerical methods alongside with computer
code and experiments in Python. Each chapter closes with modern
applications in physics, engineering, and computer science.
- No previous experience in Python is required.
- Includes simplified computer code for fast-paced learning and
transferable skills development.
- Includes practical problems ideal for project assignments and
distance learning.
- Presents both intuitive and rigorous faces of modern scientific
- Provides an introduction to neural networks and machine
ISBN 9781032262390
528 Pages 92 B/W Illustrations
Published June 19, 2023 by Chapman & Hall
For corrections, updates and additional downloads visit:
From: Steve Batterson [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2023
Subject: New Book, The Prosecution of Chandler Davis
The Prosecution of Professor Chandler Davis: McCarthyism, Communism,
and the Myth of Academic Freedom by Steve Batterson
NA Digest readers know Chandler Davis through his scholarship in
linear algebra and editorial work for the Mathematical
Intelligencer. Some are familiar with Chandler's 1954 hearing before a
subcommittee of the House Un-American Activities Committee where he
asserted the First Amendment to justify his refusal to answer
questions about his Communist associations. In the midst of the
McCarthyism hysteria he was then fired by the University of Michigan,
blacklisted by American universities, convicted of contempt of
Congress, and sentenced to six months in federal prison. This book
examines Chandler's ordeal. The research relies on archival records
from the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, the
House Un-American Activities Committee, the FBI (via Freedom of
Information Act request) and former Supreme Court justices at the
Library of Congress and other repositories. Special features of the
book are deep dives into the University of Michigan's enabling of
McCarthyism and the role of Justice Felix Frankfurter in court cases
that eventually determined Chandler's fate on a 5-4 decision in a
related case.
The book is available in paper, cloth, and ebook from Amazon and other
booksellers. More information is available from the publisher Monthly
Review Press at
From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2023
Subject: MFEM Finite Element Community Workshop, ONLINE, Oct 2023
The third MFEM Community Workshop will take place on October 26, 2023,
as a one-day virtual meeting.
The workshop's goals are to foster collaboration among all users and
developers of the MFEM Modular Finite Element Methods library
(, share the latest MFEM features with the broader
community, deepen application engagements, and solicit feedback to
guide future development directions for the project.
We would like to invite all who are interested in MFEM, as well as
anyone in the broader finite element community, to join this workshop.
Please register by October 19th at
There is no registration fee. Videoconferencing details will be
distributed to participants prior to the event date.
As in previous years, we will be hosting a simulation and
visualization competition for registered participants. There is also a
new option for student lightning talks.
For more information, please see the workshop webpage at
From: Martin S. Andersen [email protected]
Date: August 25, 2023
Subject: Computational Mathematics for Data Science, Denmark, Nov 2023
We are pleased to announce a three-day workshop Computational
Mathematics for Data Science, which will be held at the Technical
University of Denmark on November 15-17, 2023. The first day of the
workshop will consist of tutorials led by experts in the field and
poster presentations, and the following two days will feature a
series of invited talks.
Registration is now open and will close on September 30, 2023.
For further information, please visit
From: Jianlin Xia [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2023
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2023
This is a reminder that the Center for Computational & Applied
Mathematics (CCAM) at Purdue University will be hosting the 2023
Conference on Fast Direct Solvers on November 4-5, 2023. The
conference themes include:
- Structured matrices and structured direct solvers
- Sparsity and data sparsity
- Randomized numerical linear algebra
- Fast solvers for data analysis and machine learning
- Structured preconditioning and FMM solvers
- High performance direct solvers and matrix factorizations
- Fast PDE and IE solvers
- Applications of fast solvers
- Other relevant subjects
The invited speakers are:
Wei Cai, Southern Methodist University
Edmond Chow, Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert Krasny, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Daniel Kressner, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Alex Townsend, Cornell University
David Woodruff, Carnegie Mellon University
Yuanzhe Xi, Emory University
Contributed talks are welcome. Registration is free but is
required. More details may be found from the conference webpage:
From: Pierre-Antoine Absil [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Comp Math and Data Science, UCLouvain, Belgium
UCLouvain invites applications for an academic position in
computational mathematics and data science.
The application deadline is Monday, 13 November 2023 at noon (UTC+1
Time Zone). The position is expected to start on 1 September 2024.
UCLouvain is a comprehensive university offering, in the context of
the present position, the opportunity of cross-disciplinary research
and teaching collaborations. Within the Science and Technology Sector,
the position is attached to the Louvain School of Engineering and to
the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies,
Electronics and Applied Mathematics that offer opportunities for
diverse and stimulating teaching as well as an environment to carry
out ambitious research.
Further information can be found at
From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2023
Subject: Faculty Positions, NA, Mathematical Physics & Probability, GSSI, Italy
Call for expression of interest (EOI) for faculty positions at GSSI -
Gran Sasso Science Institute - Italy. We are specifically looking for
one Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis and one tenure-track
Assistant Professor in Mathematical Physics and Probability. However,
we invite expressions of interest for direct calls of researchers at
any rank and any specialization within the areas of interest of the
Mathematics Division at GSSI.
GSSI is an international school of advanced studies in Mathematics,
Physics, Computer Science, and Social Science. Located in L'Aquila,
Italy, a city in the heart of the Apennine Mountains east of Rome, the
institute offers a stimulating environment, with numerous PhD students
and postdoctoral researchers selected internationally every year.
English is the official language of the institute.
At the recent National Research Assessment Exercise (VQR), run by the
Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research
Institutes (ANVUR), the Mathematics and Computer Science areas of GSSI
have been ranked at the top level for the quality of their research
output and these faculty positions are part of a 7.5M Euro programme
grant on "Patterns Analysis and Engineering" within the Italian
Departments of Excellence framework.
To apply and for more details about the EOI:
For more details about GSSI:
From: Matthias Chung [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2023
Subject: Faculty and Postdoc Positions, Computational Math, Emory Univ
The Department of Mathematics at Emory University seeks to expand and
diversify its faculty through an ambitious recruitment plan, which
includes an open rank Tenure Track Faculty position (Assistant,
Associate, or Full Professor) in Computational Mathematics for AI and
Postdoc Fellowship positions for an NSF-funded Research Training Group
in Computational Mathematics for Data Science
For further details on these positions, including desired
qualifications and required application materials, please see:
Applications can be submitted using one of the following links: TTF
Position in Computational Math for AI: RTG Postdoc Fellowship Position:
Screening of Applications will begin on October 1. Applications
received by November 1 will be given full consideration, and review
will continue until the position is filled. Faculty positions are
expected to start on August 1, 2024. RTG Postdoc positions can have a
starting date of either January 1, 2023, or August 1, 2024, or January
1, 2024.
Emory University is a top-ranked private institution recognized
internationally for its outstanding colleges, graduate and
professional schools, and one of the world's leading healthcare
systems. Emory scholars and experts generate more than $894 million in
research funding annually while also highly valuing excellence in
teaching. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and
affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with
disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.
From: Andreas Potschka [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2023
Subject: Full Professor Position, Numerical Mathematics, TU Clausthal
Clausthal University of Technology invites applications for a full
professorship position in Numerical Mathematics (Salary W3) at the
Institute of Mathematics.
Application deadline: Oct 8, 2023
The research focus of the professorship should be in the area of
numerics of partial differential equations. Experience with the
treatment of nonlinear or non-smooth evolution equations is
desired. Possible research topics include a priori and a posteriori
error analysis or adaptivity of numerical discretization
methods. Besides the relation to current research topics of other
groups at the Institute of Mathematics, for example on continuous
optimization or stochastic partial differential equations, experience
with applications in engineering, economics, or natural sciences is
also desired.
Further information in English and German is available at:
From: Paolo Bientinesi [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2023
Subject: Associate Professor Positions, Numerical Computing, Umea Univ
The Department of Computing Science at Umea University is hiring up to
2 Associate professors in numerical computations.
Duties of the successful candidate include research on numerical
computations related to computer science, teaching and development of
courses mainly in numerical computation, supervision of bachelor and
master level theses, as well as participation in administration and
The application deadline is October 13, 2023.
For info:
Paolo Bientinesi, [email protected]
Lars Karlsson, [email protected]
From: Martina Bukac [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2023
Subject: Assistant or Associate Professor Position, Notre Dame, USA
Assistant or Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics
The Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics
(ACMS) in the College of Science at the University of Notre Dame is
accepting applications for either an assistant or Robert and Sara
Lumpkins associate professor in applied mathematics which is expected
to be filled this year. There is a preference for applicants whose
research includes multi-disciplinary collaborations including
numerical optimization, numerical analysis, or mathematical modeling
of collective behavior.
ACMS includes research groups in applied mathematics, statistics, and
computational science. ACMS offers a Bachelor of Science, a doctoral
degree, a research master's degree, and a professional master's
degree. The teaching load in ACMS is competitive and the position is
expected to begin in August 2024.
We will begin reviewing completed applications on October 15 and
continue accepting applications through November 30, 2023.
Qualifications: The successful applicant must have a doctorate in
applied mathematics, data science, mathematics, statistics, or a
closely related field.
Application Instructions: Applications, including a cover letter,
curriculum vitae, research statement, and teaching statement, should
be submitted at the following link: Applicants should also arrange for
at least three letters of recommendation to be submitted via
Questions about the position may be addressed to Department Chair,
Jonathan Hauenstein, at [email protected].
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement: Equal Employment Opportunity
Statement The University of Notre Dame seeks to attract, develop, and
retain the highest quality faculty, staff and administration. The
University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and is committed to
building a culturally diverse workplace. We strongly encourage
applications from female and minority candidates and those candidates
attracted to a university with a Catholic identity. Moreover, Notre
Dame prohibits discrimination against veterans or disabled qualified
individuals, and requires affirmative action by covered contractors to
employ and advance veterans and qualified individuals with
disabilities in compliance with 41 CFR 60-741.5(a) and 41 CFR
From: Guowei Wei [email protected]
Date: August 19, 2023
Subject: Research Associate Positions, Michigan State Univ, USA
The Department of Mathematics at Michigan State University invites
applications for Mathematical Biology/Computational Topology
Research Associates with an open starting date from October 1,
2023, to August 16, 2024. Candidates will be evaluated
continuously until multiple positions are filled. These are
one-year, benefits-eligible positions that are potentially
renewable on an annual basis contingent upon satisfactory
performance and availability of funding.
Candidates will be mainly evaluated on their potential in research.
Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in Mathematics or an
equivalent area, such as computational chemistry/biology/biophysics
and computer science. Applications will be considered from any of
the focus areas: AI-based drug design and discovery;
Bioinformatics/protein engineering/single-cell RNA sequence
analysis; Machine learning/deep learning; Computational
Research Associates will be affiliated with Professor Guowei Wei,
who will direct their research activities. The research associates
will engage in our active instructional mentoring program if their
appointment includes an instructional component.
Applicants must submit their application materials for the
Mathematical Biology/Computational Topology Research Associate job
posting on at
to be considered. A complete application includes a vita, a
research statement the indicates their experience in any of the
four-focus areas, and at least 3 letters of recommendation, one of
which must address their teaching experience.
Minimum Requirements: Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in
Mathematics or an equivalent area before the starting date.
Review of applications will begin on August 1, 2023, and continue
until positions are filled. A background check is required for
From: Kelly Tagle [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, UT Austin, USA
The Oden Institute seeks outstanding researchers trained at the
interfaces of computer science, mathematics, statistics, high
performance computing, and applications across science, engineering,
and medicine for the prestigious Peter O=19Donnell, Jr., Postdoctoral
Fellowship. Candidates will have recently completed doctoral
studies. Fellowship stipends are $74,000 per year. In addition,
fellows receive UT employee benefits and relocation expenses up to
$1,000. Under the terms of the endowment, preference is given to
applicants who are U.S. citizens, but qualified foreign students will
also be considered.
The Oden Institute has a number of strategic partnerships with other
institutions, including MD Anderson Cancer Center, The Alan Turing
Institute, and several European universities. Depending on the
particular circumstances there may be opportunities for Peter
O'Donnell, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellows to participate in exchange
programs with these partners. In general, fellowship recipients
collaborate in research under the supervision of one or more Oden
Institute faculty members for one year. The fellowship may be
extended for an additional year, depending on performance and
availability of funds.
Applications are due December 1, 2023 (late submissions will not be
considered). All applicants will be notified of the evaluation
committee's decision by the beginning of February. Please see our
website for more information:
From: Theo Mary [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC/NLA, Sorbonne Univ, France
We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral position at Sorbonne
University, LIP6 laboratory, in Paris, France in the field of high
performance computing and numerical linear algebra.
The position is a two-year contract funded by the French National
Agency for Research (ANR). The start date is January 2024 or
later. The gross salary follows the standard grid of Sorbonne
University and ranges between 2643 and 3647 Euro per month, depending
on experience.
To apply please send your CV and cover letter to
[email protected]. For full consideration, applications should be sent
before October 31st, 2023, although the position will remain open
until filled.
For more details, see
From: Ilaria Perugia [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for PDEs, Univ Vienna
The Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna (Austria)
invites applications for a Postdoctoral University Assistant position
(3 years) in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
The application deadline is October 27, 2023.
The detailed announcement can be found here:
From: Angela Kunoth [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, HESCOR, Univ of Cologne
In the framework of the Profile Building 2022 of the Ministry for
Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, a
new project on "Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and
Earth System Coupled Research (HESCOR)" will be established at the
University of Cologne. HESCOR aims to develop a new science field of
Human and Earth system coupled research through a cross-faculty
multi-disciplinary structure and to investigate how the constellation
of and interaction between the Human and Earth systems influenced
human cultural evolution during the main phases of human expansion. We
now invite applications for postdoctoral research associate positions
in the areas of Earth system modelling, Human system modelling,
applied numerical mathematics, scientific computing and/or machine
learning, environmental humanities, archeology and paleoclimate
environment. The researcher associates are expected to interact with
the principal investigators and build a cross-disciplinary cohesive
research team. The positions include two Research Associates in
Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing. They are available on
a full-time basis (39,83 hours per week), starting from 1 November
2023. The employment is on a fixed-term basis for 3 years. The job
description, duty statement and qualification requirements for each of
these positions can be found at the website
From: Gunther Reissig [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2023
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, Applied Math, Germany
We invite applications for a doctoral (or post-doctoral) researcher
position in the field of Control Theory/Applied Mathematics, in
Munich, Germany, the city of the Oktoberfest. The successful
candidate is expected to advance the state of the art of the numerical
approximation of reachable sets of continuous-time linear, and
possibly nonlinear, control systems.
Position is fully funded (E-13 or E-14, full-time).
The full announcement can be found at:
From: Daniel Ruprecht [email protected]
Date: September 18, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Maths, TUHH, Hamburg, Germany
A PhD position at the interface of computational mathematics and
computational engineering is available at TUHH in Hamburg, Germany.
The position is part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1615 SMART
Reactors and an interest in working with the chemical process
engineering department is expected. The successful applicant will
develop, implement and validate a real-time capable trajectory model
based on the Maxey-Riley integral-differential equations. The deadline
for applications is 24 September 2023.
From: Axel Kroener [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization, U Halle, Germany
Applications are invited for a PhD position (TV-L 13, 0.7%) in the
optimization group at the Institute for Mathematics at Martin-Luther-
University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. The proposed research will be in
the area of optimization with partial differential
equations. Candidates should have a good knowledge in partial
differential equations, functional analysis, and optimization. The
deadline for applications is September 30, 2023.
For further information see:
From: Sander Rhebergen [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Univ Waterloo, Canada
The Scientific Computing group in the Department of Applied
Mathematics at the University of Waterloo is looking for two PhD
students. Both positions are available on a project related to
discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for incompressible flows
(analysis, solvers, implementation). Applicants must have completed a
Master's degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, scientific computing,
or similar, before the expected starting date (September 2024). The
applicant will ideally have a strong background in numerical analysis
or numerical linear algebra. For more information, and to apply,
contact me at [email protected]. The deadline to apply is November
1, 2023.
From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: August 24, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Sketchy Numerical Solvers, Digital Twins, UK
We anticipate a funded PhD position to become available for
September 2024 entry on the use of randomised numerical linear
algebra for PDEs and inverse problems. Interested applicants
should email Nick Polydorides at [email protected] before
December 2023. Preference should be given to those with a strong
masters degree in a computational subject.
Numerical approximation methods like the finite element method
(FEM) and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) schemes are
at the forefront of engineering design and scientific computing.
Ingrained in physical laws and engineering principles, these
schemes have played a pivotal role in providing quantitative
insights of complex phenomena including electrodynamics, heat
transfer, and photonics, but due to their computational complexity
their use was restricted exclusively to offline simulation. To
serve the needs of modern engineering, like AI, IoT and digital
twins, these schemes must be redesigned to become more agile and
suitable for online and edge (in-situ) computing. This
transformation requires (i) a capability to perform model
prediction/calibration at arbitrary scale (up to a few billion
parameters), (ii) a capability to operate with low storage/energy
resources (embedded within battery operated processing units),
(iii) extending their prediction skill by augmenting with
non-physics (data driven) model extensions, and (iv) execution in
almost real-time to inform decision making processes. To provide
robust solutions to these challenges one must exploit the inherent
structures of the FEM/FDTD schemes in order to dramatically reduce
their computational complexity and allow speed ups of 1000x or
more without a significant compromise (< 1%) in their accuracy or
increase in prediction uncertainty. An approach to enable such a
transformational research is to utilize the framework of
randomised numerical linear algebra (aka randomized sketching)
whilst leveraging algorithms from deep learning research (e.g.
learned continuous operators). Randomised algebra provides a
prudent way to "replace" expensive matrix-vector operations of
extremely large dimension with simple-to-implement random
projections or sample-based estimators that utilize only a tiny
fraction of the available data/computational objects. The
project will focus on the numerical solution of the wave equation
that underpins a multitude of physical phenomena and consider its
application in the context of modelling data from a sensor
network. This research will lead to significant advances in the
areas of edge computing, and machine learning for
From: Jose [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, SDSU UCI, USA
The Interdisciplinary Ph.D.Program in Computational Science is aimed
at training scientists and engineers who will create advanced
computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging
problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. The doctoral
program offers coursework andr esearch in a broad range of subjects
that develop expertise in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific
Computing with applications to Biological Science,Earth Science,
Engineering Science, Health, Physical and/orChemicalScience. UCI and
SDSU campuses are recognized as Hispanic Serving Institutions offering
a welcoming and supportive environment for diverse students. Admitted
graduate students are offered a range of financial assistance options
while they are pursuing advanced degrees,including
Teaching,Graduate,and Research Assistantships and Fellowships. We have
20 positions available. A virtual information session for the program
will be held on October 5th, 2023 from 3:00 =13 5:00 pm on Gather
( To attend, please register using the link
below. Link to the virtual space will be sent only to registered
participants 2 days before the event. This will be a great opportunity
to meet and interact with current students in the program, potential
faculty advisors and program coordinators. Register here -
For questions about the event contact Prof Parag Katira
[email protected]
From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2023
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 19 (1)
The following papers can be downloaded freely via the link:
Hassan Rashed Yassein, Abbas Chichan Fadeel, HAQTR: NTRU-Like Public
Fuad A. Abushaheen, Fadi Alrimawi, Hani Kawariq, Co-Lindelof Open Sets
Pirapong Singsathid, Jeerayut Wetweerapong, Pikul Puphasuk, Parameter
estimation of solar PV models using self-adaptive differential
evolution with dynamic mutation and pheromone strategy
Abdallah Assiry, Symplectic Forms and the Yang-Baxter Equation in
Jacobi-Jordan algebras
Baneen Najah Abbas, Hassan Rashed Yassein, A High-Security Encryption
Based on Hexadecnion Polynomials
Satinee Lertprapai, Comparison of the Mean Estimates of 2-Parameter
Exponential Distribution by Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method
Amaraporn Bumpendee, Sarun Wongwai, Wasana Thongkamhaeng, Pseudo
NQ-principally Projective Modules
Kankullanat Arnuphap, Dawud Thongtha, A Logistic Black-Scholes Partial
Differential Equation with Stochastic Volatility, Transaction Costs
and Jumps
Josephine B. Nalzaro, Absolute -Continuous Function in Bigeneralized
Topological Spaces
Helaa Mohammed Yassien, Maha Ammar Mustafa, The use of modern
technology in the analysis and compression of color images
Amara Chandoul, Abdallah Assiry, On the metallic ratio and the
Diophantine equations
Sutthiwat Thongnak, Theeradach Kaewong, Wariam Chuayjan, On the
Exponential Diophantine equation
Nonthiya Makate, Patchateeya Rattanajak, Boonyarat Mongkhol, Bi-
Periodic k-Pell Sequence
Mona Sakkijha, Shatha Hasan, Hadamard Determinant Inequalities for
Accretive-Dissipative Matrices
Napassanan Srisarakham, Chawalit Boonpok, Some properties of -closed
Montri Thongmoon, Chawalit Boonpok, On characterizations of -spaces
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, On -regular spaces and -normal
Prapart Pue-on, Chawalit Boonpok, On -connected spaces
Napassanan Srisarakham, Chawalit Boonpok, Characterizations of
-symmetric spaces and sober spaces
Majd Hamid Mahmood, Fuad A. Abushaheen, Three Types of Fuzzy Group
Topological Spaces and a Comparison Among Them
Abu Zaid Ansari, Faiza Shujat, Functional identities on prime rings
with Involution
Ameer Dehyauldeen A. Al-Zamili, Ahmed Sabah Ahmed Aljilawi, Using
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers to solve optimization
problem in Statistics
Dina Mahdi Abdulhussein, Laith Jasim Saud, An analysis of a hybrid
algorithm for face detection and emotion recognition
Muzahem M. Al-Hashimi, Heyam A. A. Hayawi, Nonlinear Model for
Precipitation Forecasting in Northern Iraq using Machine Learning
Sutthiwat Thongnak, Theeradach Kaewong, Wariam Chuayjan, On the
Exponential Diophantine equation
Warud Nakkhasen, Atikan Thongot, Tanyalak Sangsriho, Some
characterizations of regular duo Gamma-semigroups
Abderrahim El Moussaouy, Modules whose - small epimorphisms are
Muzahem M. Al-Hashimi, Heyam A. A. Hayawi, Mowafaq Al-Kassab, A
Comparative Study of Traditional Methods and Hybridization for
Predicting Non-Stationary Sunspot Time Series
Jairo E. Castillo H., Jorge E. Pinzon Q., Jamel Castillo M., Solution
of Helmholtz's nonlinear differential equation and its application in
Ruma Kareem K. Ajeena, A proposed modification of Diffie-Hellman key
exchange based on integer matrices
Abdulkareem Alhuraiji, Mashhour Al-Ali Bani-Ata, Root elements and
root subgroups in for fields K of characteristic two
Fairouz Sherali, A New Approach for Enhancing AES-Based Data
Encryption Using ECC
Supawadee Prugsapitak, Corrigendum to the Egyptian fraction of the
Asmiati, Wenty Okzarima, Notiragayu, La Zakaria, Upper Bounds of the
Locating Chromatic Numbers of Shadow Cycle Graphs
Hayat Zaydi, Zohra Bakkoury, Advancing Healthcare Data Management: IoT
Edge-Fog-Cloud Architectures for Medical IoT Devices' Data Storage and
Hayat Zaydi, Zohra Bakkoury, Holistic Data Processing: Designing the
Intelligent Edge-to-Cloud Pathway for IoMT
From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: August 23, 2023
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 41 (4)
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 41 (2023), issue 4
Construction of B=B4ezier Surfaces from Prescribed Boundary,
Yongxia Hao and Ting Li
A Low Order Nonconforming Mixed Finite Element Method for
Non-stationary Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics System,
Zhiyun Yu, Dongyang Shi and Huiqing Zhu
Two-phase Image Segmentation by Nonconvex Nonsmooth Models
with Convergent Alternating Minimization Algorithms,
Weina Wang, Nannan Tian and Chunlin Wu
Positivity-preserving Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for
Pattern Formation Dynamical Model in Polymerizing Actin Flocks,
Xiuhui Guo, Lulu Tian, Yang Yang and Hui Guo
Solving Nonlinear Delay-differential-algebraic Equations with
Singular Perturbation via Block Boundary Value Methods,
Xiaoqiang Yan, Xu Qian, Hong Zhang, Songhe Song and Xiujun
The Convergence of Truncated Euler-Maruyama Method for
Stochastic Differential Equations with Piece-wise Continuous
Arguments Under Generalized One-sided Lipschitz Condition,
Yidan Geng, Minghui Song and Mingzhu Liu
A Trust-region Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization,
Ziang Chen, Andre Milzarek and Zaiwen Wen
A Priori Error Estimates for Obstacle Optimal Control Problem,
Where the Obstacle Is the Control Itself, Yazid Dendani and
Radouen Ghanem
Graph Sparsification by Universal Greedy Algorithms,
Ming-Jun Lai, Jiaxin Xie and Zhiqiang Xu
An Energy-stable Parametric Finite Element Method for
Simulating Solid-state Dewetting Problems in Three Dimensions,
Weizhu Bao and Quan Zhao
From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2023
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28 (3)
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations, ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online,
Electronical edition:
Raimondas {\v{C}}iegis (Editor) Volume 28, Issue 3, 2023 (p.360-541)
Olga Martin, Convergence of a Variational Iterative Algorithm for
Nonlocal Vibrations Analysis of a Nanotube Conveying Fluid
Jiajia Zheng, Kun Li and Zhaowen Zheng, Eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville
Problems with Eigenparameter Dependent Boundary and Interface
Lhoucine Hmidouch, Ahmed Jamea and Mohamed Laghdir, Existence of
Entropy Solution for a Nonlinear Parabolic Problem in Weighted Sobolev
Space via Optimization Method
Mohammad Heidari, Maryam Mohammadi and Stefano De Marchi,
Curvature-Based Characterization of Radial Basis Functions:
Application to Interpolation
Yongtang Chen and Qi Wang, Convergence and Stability of Galerkin
Finite Element Method for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation
with Piecewise Continuous Arguments of Advanced Type
Volodymyr Zavialov, Oleksii Lobok, Taras Mysiura, Nataliia Popova,
Valentyn~Chornyi and Taras Pohorilyi, Identification of Unknown
Parameters of the Dynamic Model of Mass Transfer
Ruifeng Xie, Jian Zhang, Jing Niu, Wen Li and Guangming Yao, A
Reproducing Kernel Method for Solving Singularly Perturbed Delay
Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Franck Assous and Irina Raichik, A Numerical Method for 3D
Time-Dependent Maxwell's Equations in Axisymmetric Singular Domains
with Arbitrary Data
Matteo Dalla Riva, Gennady Mishuris and Paolo Musolino, A Degenerating
Robin-Type Traction Problem in a Periodic Domain
Mifodijus Sapagovas, Kristina Pupalaig{\.e}, Regimantas {\v C}iupaila
and Tadas Me{\v s}kauskas, On the Spectrum Structure for one
Difference Eigenvalue Problem with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions
End of Digest