NA Digest, V. 23, # 27
NA Digest Thursday, December 14, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 27
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Interim Report, 8-bit binary floating point formats for ML
- Software Release, pyMOR 2023.2
- Physics Informed Neural Networks, Italy, Feb 2024
- Scientific Computing and Machine Learning, Japan, Mar 2024
- Algebraic and Geometric Structure, Time-Integration, Italy, Apr 2024
- Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena, Cyprus, May 2024
- Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, USA, May 2024
- Numerical Methods for Random Differential Models, Switzerland, Jun 2024
- Preconditioning 2024, USA, Jun 2024
- Empowering a Diverse Comp Math Research Community, USA, Jul 2024
- Numerical Software for Special Functions, UK, Jul 2024
- Symposium of Experimental Algorithms (SEA24), Austria, Jul 2024
- Full-Time Position, AI, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France
- Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool Univ
- Tenure-Track Positions, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
- Tenure-Track Positions, Sustainable Earth Systems, UT Dallas, USA
- Assistant Professor Position, Computational PDEs, Tufts Univ, USA
- Research Assistant Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, INESC-ID, Portugal
- Postdoc Position, Distributed Optimization for ML, Czech Republic
- Postdoc Position, FEM & Topology Optimization, UNICAMP, Brazil
- Postdoc Position, Herman Goldstine Memorial Fellowship, IBM
- Postdoc Position, Oden Institute, UT-Austin, USA
- Postdoc Position, Virtual Element Methods, SISSA, Italy
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Multiobjective Optimization, TU Ilmenau, Germany
- PhD Position, Computational PDEs, Univ of Vienna, Austria
- PhD Position, Dynamic Integer Programming for Energy, Czech Republic
- PhD Position, HPC and Parallel Computing, Germany
- PhD Position, NA/Scientific Computing, TU Dresden, Germany
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Magdeburg, Germany
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Bonn, Germany
- PhD Position, Randomised Numerical Linear Algebra for PDEs, UK
- PhD Positions, Modelling, Analysis and Computation, UK
- Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 5(4)
- Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (6)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Michael Overton [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: Interim Report, 8-bit binary floating point formats for ML
The IEEE-SA P3109 Arithmetic Formats for Machine Learning working
group is providing an early draft of its Interim Report on 8-bit
Binary Floating Point Formats. As a member of this committee who
subscribes to NA-Digest, I've been asked to pass on this information.
For more information on the working group, please see
For the draft interim report, please see
To submit comments on the draft, please go to
From: Linus Balicki [email protected]
Date: December 07, 2023
Subject: Software Release, pyMOR 2023.2
We are proud to announce the release of pyMOR 2023.2!
This release features new and improved tutorials and new Operators
which enable fast computation for certain structured problems.
Read the full release notes at
From: Luca Bergamaschi [email protected]
Date: December 04, 2023
Subject: Physics Informed Neural Networks, Italy, Feb 2024
2-days PINN-PAD Workshop
Physics Informed Neural Networks in PADova
University of Padova (Italy), February 22-23, 2024
Cortile Antico - Aula Nievo, Palazzo BO.
Important dates:
- January 15, 2024. Deadline for sending (to [email protected])
a title and a 1-page abstract for a CONTRIBUTED TALK (20+5 minutes).
- February 01, 2024. Deadline for the registration (no fee).
The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to, the
following topics: PINN-based models for the forward numerical solution
of ODEs and PDEs; solution of ill-posed inverse problems by PINN-based
parameter identification; use of PINN as encoders and decoders for
reduced order models; PINN-based surrogate models of statistical
variables in stochastic simulations; encoding by PINN of matricial
operators and their use in numerical linear algebra applications; Deep
Neural Networks and Machine Learning for PDEs; Advances in Deep Neural
Networks; Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning.
The registration is free. However, an e-mail must be sent to
[email protected] not later than February 01, 2024.
From: Takaharu Yaguchi [email protected]
Date: December 06, 2023
Subject: Scientific Computing and Machine Learning, Japan, Mar 2024
We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the International
Conference on Scientific Computing and Machine Learning (SCML2024, ), which will be held in Kyoto (and online) in Japan
from March 19 to 23, 2024.
In recent years, machine learning methods for scientific computing,
such as physics-informed neural networks and operator learning, have
attracted much attention. Many methods are based on machine learning
and/or theories of physics and/or computational mathematics. This
conference aims to showcase the latest research in these areas, which
have been fragmented while pursuing research in the same direction,
thereby bridging the gap between them and promoting collaboration.
The deadline for submission is January 7 (but it may be postponed for
a week or so.) For more information, please visit:
From: Santolo Leveque [email protected]
Date: December 05, 2023
Subject: Algebraic and Geometric Structure, Time-Integration, Italy, Apr 2024
We are pleased to announce that the University of Pisa will host the
workshop "Exploiting Algebraic and Geometric Structure in
Time-Integration Methods" from April 3 to April 5, 2024.
The workshop focuses on the importance of exploiting hidden or
explicit structures in state-of-the-art time-integration methods, and
aims to foster the collaboration among the communities of numerical
linear algebra, parallel-in-time algorithms, geometric integration,
and related disciplines. The workshop will feature a series of plenary
lectures and talks, allowing the participants to share their latest
research findings and to explore interdisciplinary approaches.
The deadline for the registration will be January 31, 2024. Acceptance
notification will be sent on February 9, 2024. Registration is free,
but mandatory.
Due to logistic constraints, there is a limited number of contributed
talks scheduled for the workshop. Submissions will be evaluated by the
organizers and, in case, contributed talks might be turned into poster
For further informations, please, visit the workshop website:
From: Christos Xenophontos [email protected]
Date: December 04, 2023
Subject: Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena, Cyprus, May 2024
The 20th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer
Phenomena (also known as the "Limerick workshop") will take place in
Cyprus, 23-25 May 2024.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together people, in the
mathematics and general scientific community, who have particular
interests in the development and applications of numerical methods for
problems that exhibit layer phenomena, such as boundary and interior
layers in fluid flow and other applications.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 15 April 2024. An
early registration (possibly with a later abstract submission) will be
much appreciated. There is no registration fee.
For more information, visit the workshop's webpage:
From: jean-claude charr [email protected]
Date: December 01, 2023
Subject: Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, USA, May 2024
The 25th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC-2024)
( will be held on May 31, 2024 in
San Francisco, California, USA, in conjunction with IPDPS 2024.
PDSEC-2024 deadline: 19 Jan 2024 (AoE)
The focus of this workshop is on methodologies and experiences used in
scientific and engineering applications and algorithms to achieve
sustainable code development for better productivity, application
performance and reliability. In particular, we will focus on the
following topics in parallel and distributed scientific and
engineering applications, and not limited to: Big scientific data;
Performance modeling and simulation for the execution of scalable
scientific applications on new heterogeneous architectures; Graph
analytics with their (scientific) applications; Code modernization
methodologies and experiences for adapting the changes in future
computing systems; Languages for scientific computing on hybrid
systems (e.g. Python, MPI+X where X is OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA etc.);
Tools and techniques for improving the performance, reliability and
resilience of scientific applications; Use cases of enterprise
distributed computing technology (such as MapReduce, Data Analytics
and Machine-learning tools) in scientific and engineering
applications; Scalable parallel and distributed algorithms supporting
science and engineering applications; Performance portability across
heterogeneous architecture.
From: Fabio Zoccolan [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: Numerical Methods for Random Differential Models, Switzerland, Jun 2024
We are pleased to announce that the summer school "Numerical Methods
for Random Differential Models (NUMRAD24)" will be held at EPFL in the
week of 11th-14th of June 2024.
The summer school is designed for master's students, doctoral
students, and early-stage postdocs in order to give them a solid and
up-to-date knowledge on some of the most vibrant themes in uncertainty
quantification. The topics that will be covered are:
-Random Partial Differential Equations
-Optimization under Uncertainty
-Stochastic Differential Equations
-Scientific Machine Learning
Furthermore, a poster session will be held for Master students and
PhDs to present their works.
For further information and registration, please visit our homepage: (registration will close after the 31st of
March 2024). In case of any questions, please contact us at
[email protected].
From: Edmond Chow [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2023
Subject: Preconditioning 2024, USA, Jun 2024
The 13th International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Scientific and Industrial Applications will be held June 10-12, 2024,
in Atlanta, USA, on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology.
Invited Speakers:
Monica Dessole - CERN SFT-EP, Switzerland
Selime Gurol - CERFACS, France
Alexander Heinlein - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Rui Peng Li - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Lin Lin - University of California, Berkeley, USA
Will Pazner - Portland State University, USA
Tyrone Rees - STFC, UK
Jacob B. Schroder - University of New Mexico, USA
Submissions for minisymposia (3-4 talks) and contributed talks are
being accepted at:
Please submit by February 5, 2024.
From: Fengyan Li [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: Empowering a Diverse Comp Math Research Community, USA, Jul 2024
We would like to announce a topical workshop, Empowering a Diverse
Computational Mathematics Research Community, to be held at the
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
(ICERM) at Brown University during July 22 - August 2, 2024. The
application is now open, and more information can be found from:
The goal of this two-week research and professional development
workshop is to support the retention and success of junior and
mid-career computational mathematicians who are from groups that are
underrepresented in the field. Participants will forge strong
collaborations in mentored research groups and engage in professional
development via no-lead learning communities. The larger goal of the
workshop is to form a positive, diverse community of researchers who
are committed to supporting each other's professional and scholarly
In research teams led by experienced mentors, participants will be
introduced to cutting-edge opportunities in numerical analysis and
scientific computing, and will actively work on and contribute to a
research project with their team. The supportive formal and informal
mentoring will help participants grow their scientific and
collaborative skills. In addition, the collaborative learning
communities will provide the participants with a forum for personal
and professional growth in their self-identified areas of need and
will deliver professional and leadership development in a small group
setting. The workshop will also include panels and discussions on a
range of issues including addressing intersectional issues involving
gender, race, and LGBTQ+ status in the profession.
This research collaborative effort is run in collaboration with SIAM
which will provide support for sustained interaction and collaboration
even beyond the two-week workshop.
From: Amparo Gil [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2023
Subject: Numerical Software for Special Functions, UK, Jul 2024
A session on Numerical Software for Special Functions is planned at
the International Congress for Matematical Software 2024 (ICMS 2024),
Durham University, UK, 22-25 Jul 2024
If you would like to give a talk at our session, a short abstract
should be submitted to the session organizers (Amparo Gil,
U. Cantabria and Javier Segura, U. Cantabria) before February 15,
From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: December 14, 2023
Subject: Symposium of Experimental Algorithms (SEA24), Austria, Jul 2024
22nd Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA24)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Dates: July 23-26, 2024
Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but not
limited to: Algorithm Engineering; Algorithmic Libraries and Software
Repositories; Algorithmic Cryptography and Security; Algorithmic
Natural Language Processing; Algorithmics for Databases; Analysis of
Algorithms; Approximation Algorithms; Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology; Branch-and-Bound Algorithms; Combinatorial Problems and
Structures; Communication Networks; Computational Geometry;
Computational Optimization; Data Structures; Distributed and Parallel
Algorithms; Graph Algorithms; Heuristic Algorithms; Integer
Programming; Logistics and Operations Management; Machine Learning and
Data Mining; Mathematical Programming; Multiple Criteria Decision
Making; Network Analysis; Online Problems; Randomized Algorithms;
Semidefinite Programming; Streaming and External Memory Algorithms.
The authors should submit a paper not exceeding 12 pages, excluding
the bibliography, the front page (authors, affiliation, keywords,
abstract, ...), and brief appendix of up to 5 pages (figures and
tables should be counted as part of the space occupied by the
appendix). Authors are required to use the LaTeX style file supplied
for the LIPIcs style , without changing default values nor setting
font size options in the "documentclass" statement. Final proceedings
papers must be camera- ready in this format. We emphasize that a
clearly marked Appendix of up to 5 pages, which will not count toward
the 12 page submission limit, can be included and will be read at the
referees' discretion. All submissions have to be made via the
EasyChair submission page for the conference: .
Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously
unpublished work or surveys of important results. At the time the
paper is submitted to SEA, and for the entire review period, the paper
(or essentially the same paper) should not be under review by any
other conference with published proceedings or by a scientific
journal. At least one author of each accepted paper will be expected
to attend the conference and present the paper. Specifically, no
accepted paper will be published unless an author registers to
participate in the conference. Authors are strongly encouraged to
include a link to the source code and/or datasets to increase
confidence in the reproducibility of their experiments; the code may
be read and/or executed at the referees' discretion.
Full papers must be submitted via EasyChair by January 29, 2024, AoE
Authors will be notified of acceptance status by March 15, 2024, AoE
Final version due: April 28, 2024, AoE
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: December 05, 2023
Subject: Full-Time Position, AI, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France
A full-time permanent position is available in the Algo Team (the
Sparse Days team) at Cerfacs.
It is for someone in the interface between artificial intelligence and
scientific computing who will also be our leader for AI at Cerfacs.
The deadline for applications is 15 December and details of the post
can be found on the website:
From: Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool Univ
SCHOOL: School of Mathematics and Physics
DEPARTMENT: Department of Applied Mathematics
LOCATION: Suzhou Campus
SALARY: Salary and benefits packages are competitive and
commensurate with rank and experience.
JOB ID: 2945
CONTRACT TYPE: Full-time, 3-year contract (renewable) where the
3rd contract is open-ended.
Located in Suzhou, China, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)
is a young, dynamic university founded in 2006, and is a unique
collaborative institution and first joint-venture university in China
to offer both UK (University of Liverpool) and Chinese (Ministry of
Education) accredited undergraduate degrees for 103 programmes. XJTLU
also aims to become truly research-led and has committed significant
investment into research development and the expansion of master's and
PhD student numbers on campus. The university has over 18,000 students
and more than 920 academic staff representing in excess of 90
nationalities. The Department of Applied Mathematics invites
applications for positions at any level. Our international department
has academic staff actively engaged in research in the analysis of
differential equations, numerical analysis, optimisation, operational
research as well as their applications. We seek individuals with a PhD
in mathematics who will make a strong contribution to the research
output of the department. Successful candidates will show commitment
to a high standard of teaching at all levels. The department is
involved in the delivery of three four-year undergraduate mathematics
programmes as well as the provision of service teaching for other
programmes within the university. At the postgraduate level, we offer
a PhD programme in Mathematical Sciences.
A complete application package must include the following items: Cover
letter (Please clearly indicate which level you are applying for);
Current CV, including date of birth and country of citizenship;
Contact information for three references. All applications should be
received by the closing date.
For questions or inquiries about the position, please contact Head of
Department of Applied Mathematics, Dr. Hui Zhang at
[email protected]. For general enquiries, please email the
Recruiting Team at [email protected]. Please quote the position
and job ID 2945 in your enquiry.
From: Anthony P. Austin [email protected]
Date: December 08, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
The Department of Applied Mathematics at the Naval Postgraduate School
has two tenure-track openings in all topics of computational
mathematics. The positions may be at the Assistant to Professor
range. For further details, including instructions on how to apply,
please see the official listing at
Applicants submitting materials by January 15, 2024 will receive full
From: Sue Minkoff [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Sustainable Earth Systems, UT Dallas, USA
Open-Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Cluster Hire in Sustainable Earth
Systems The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) is pleased to announce a
cluster hiring initiative in Sustainable Earth Systems. Across the UT
Dallas campus, we are seeking eleven outstanding tenure-track faculty
(open- rank) through a cluster hiring initiative as follows: three
positions led by the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM),
one position led by the School of Economic, Political and Policy
Sciences (EPPS), and seven led by the Naveen Jindal School of
Management (JSOM). Joint appointments across schools and departments
may be possible where backgrounds and experience provide synergies
across campus. The appointments are expected to commence August 1,
2024, for the start of the Fall 2024 semester.
Three faculty positions in the School of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics (NSM) A PhD or equivalent in Earth, Environmental,
Physical, Biochemical Sciences, or a related discipline is required
prior to employment. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the
ability to work effectively in a highly collaborative, engaging, and
dynamic environment comprised of individuals with a range of
backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. We are seeking candidates able
to produce research and scholarly or creative achievements that
enhance the program and the discipline, and able to deliver high
quality teaching using evidence-based practices to effectively engage
students from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Highest
consideration will be given to applicants that have a demonstrated
record of interdisciplinary research, scholarly achievements, and
excellence with clear potential to develop a well- funded research
program (or with an established program, for applicants at the
Associate Professor or Full Professor level).
Interested candidates can apply online at:
Priority will be given to completed applications received by December
1, 2023. Reviews will continue until the position is filled or the
posting is closed on January 31, 2024.
For further information, please contact Search Chair Dr.
[email protected], Dept Head of Earth Sciences Dr.
[email protected], or Dean of NSM Dr. David
[email protected].
From: Xiaozhe Hu [email protected]
Date: December 08, 2023
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Computational PDEs, Tufts Univ, USA
Non-Tenure-Track Norbert Wiener Fellow
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a Norbert
Wiener Fellow in Computational PDEs to begin September 1, 2024, and
lasting up to three years pending satisfactory review. Preference will
be given to candidates with expertise in areas that overlap with those
of Tufts faculty. This includes areas such as numerical analysis and
scientific computing, numerical linear algebra, and computational
PDEs. Doctorate in Computational or Applied Mathematics or related
field is required. Applicants must show promise of outstanding
research and evidence of excellent teaching. The candidate will have
the opportunity to teach courses of fundamental importance to
computational applied mathematics in the department such as Numerical
Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Numerical PDEs. Applications
should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement,
and a teaching statement. All of these documents should be submitted
electronically through ( ).
In addition, applicants should arrange for three letters of
recommendation to be submitted electronically on their behalf through The cover letter should include a statement
describing the candidate's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion,
and justice. If a recommender cannot submit online, we will also
accept signed PDF attachments sent to [email protected] or paper
letters mailed to Search Committee Chair, Department of Mathematics,
177 College Avenue, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. In order for
your application to receive full consideration, it must be in by
January 1, 2024.
Further Information: [email protected]
From: Marie Stöbe [email protected]
Date: December 06, 2023
Subject: Research Assistant Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB
comprises seven non-university research institutes in Berlin which are
funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes
belong to the Leibniz Association. WIAS invites applications for a
Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) (Ref. 23/28) in the Research Group
"Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations" (Head:
Prof. Dr. M. Hintermuller) starting as soon as possible.
Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations and
variational inequalities. The holder of the position is qualified in a
modern field of optimization with partial differential equations. Of
particular interest are non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven
(e.g. machine learning) approaches to modeling and optimization,
variational problems in mathematical image processing or nonlinear
inverse problems. In addition to analytical considerations, the
development and implementation of numerical solution methods are of
central importance. Wanted: A motivated, outstanding researcher with a
very good degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as
previous experience in the fields mentioned above with the willingness
to take on responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further
experience within the framework of independent research in a
postdoctoral phase is desired as well as very good knowledge in one or
more of the areas: Optimal control with partial differential
equations; (Quasi-)Variational inequalities and their optimal control;
and Non-smooth variational problems with applications in image
processing, including experience in the computer-aided realization of
the associated numerical solution methods. This position is associated
with the production of publications in international peer-reviewed
journals, presentation of the results at international conferences and
co-support of students working at WIAS in this field as bachelors,
masters or doctoral students. Technical queries should be directed to
Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller ([email protected]).
The position is remunerated according to TVoD Bund and is initially
limited to two years, while a long-term perspective is envisioned.
Please upload your complete application documents via our online job-
application facility ( using the button
"Apply online" (
See here for more information:
From: Juan A. Acebron [email protected]
Date: December 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, INESC-ID, Portugal
The Center INESC-ID in Lisbon invites interested candidates to apply
for a postdoctoral position focusing on the development of new
randomized algorithms for solving efficiently relevant scientific
computing problems for current and future high performance
supercomputers. This position is funded by the Portuguese Science
Foundation FCT, and the successful candidate will be part of an
integrated team led by Prof. Jose Monteiro and Prof. Juan A. Acebron.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Physics,
Computer Science or a related field. They should possess a solid
knowledge in applied mathematics, numerical methods, good programming
skills, and a proven publication record.
Successful candidates will be able to work well within small
cross-disciplinary teams, including working with researchers using
both theoretical and computational mathematics. Experience with common
scientific computing methods, computational tools, mathematical
software, and parallel computing is highly desired.
The successful Post Doctoral Fellow will interact closely with
national and international collaborators and will have the opportunity
to publish in high impact journals, present their work at
international conferences and gain access to major supercomputing
facilities through existing networks of collaborative partners.
This is a six-months appointment, eventually renewable up until 3
years. There are no teaching duties associated with this position.
How to apply: Qualified candidates should follow the application
submission in
The deadline is on December, 31 2023.
For further information of the project see the website
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: December 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Distributed Optimization for ML, Czech Republic
As part of a project for using Physics Informed Neural Networks and
Reinforcement Learning for accelerating scientific discovery, the
Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
at Czech Technical University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher,
supervised by Vyacheslav Kungurtsev. The postdoc will conduct research
and development on machine learning training algorithms using High
Performance Computing Techniques. In particular, CTU is one of few
universities with access to an Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), a
device developed to be particularly suited for working with data with
geometric structure at similar thoroughput times as GPUs. The postdoc
position can start immediately, and is available for up to the end of
Czech Technical University (CTU) is the oldest non-military technical
university in Europe. In the academic year 2020/21, CTU offered
130-degree programs in Czech and 84 in English. QS 2021 ranking of
Computer Science programs worldwide has CTU at rank 150. The Czech
capital regularly ranks among the top five cities in Europe to live in
(cf. Time Out Magazine index for 2021). For more information, please
If interested, please send a CV to [email protected]
From: Maicon Ribeiro Correa [email protected]
Date: November 29, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, FEM & Topology Optimization, UNICAMP, Brazil
A call for applications for a postdoctoral position is open at the
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing of the
University of Campinas, on the topics of the project "Topology
Optimization for Additive Manufacturing."
This project involves the study, development and application of
mathematical models and numerical methods to problems related to the
topological optimization of mechanical structures built by additive
manufacturing. In such problems, it is common to use multiphysics
modeling, normally written in terms of partial differential equations,
where thermal and mechanical actions are considered. The objective of
this research is the development and use of mathematical and
computational tools in additive manufacturing modeling and topology
optimization. It is recommended that the candidate has experience in
finite elements, mathematical modeling, good practical knowledge of
optimization and in programming and scientific computing. The position
is initially for one year and can be extended depending on
performance. The scholarship is scheduled to start in February 2024
(flexible). To apply, send a CV and at least one letter of reference
(required) directly to [email protected] in an email with the
subject 'Postdoc Application'. Registration is open until 01/14/2024.
From: Vasileios Kalantzis [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Herman Goldstine Memorial Fellowship, IBM
The Mathematical Sciences department of IBM Research invites
applications for its 2024-25 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral
Fellowship for research in the mathematical and computer sciences.
IBM Research provides an atmosphere in which basic research is
combined with work on practical applications. Our permanent members,
academic visitors, and post-doctoral fellows pursue research in pure
and applied mathematics and in theoretical and exploratory computer
science. Core fields of research include: algorithms, applied
probability, complexity theory, dynamical systems, numerical analysis
and scientific computing, operations research, optimization and
statistics. Areas of particular interest include: algorithmic game
theory, artificial general intelligence, automated theorem proving and
program synthesis, bio-inspired information processing, theory and
analysis of foundation models and machine learning, and geometric data
analysis. Close interaction with permanent department members is
expected and encouraged, but fellows are free to pursue their own
research interests.
Up to two fellowships will be awarded. Candidates must have received a
Ph.D. degree after September 2019 or should expect to receive one
before the fellowship commences in the second half of 2024 (usually in
September). The fellowship has a period of one year, and may be
extended for another year by mutual agreement.
IBM is committed to work-place diversity and is proud to be an equal-
opportunity employer.
For full consideration, your application must be sent by December 31,
Additional information is available at
From: Per-Gunnar Martinsson [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Oden Institute, UT-Austin, USA
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The
University of Texas at Austin, in the research group of Gunnar
Martinsson. The targeted research area is fast algorithms in
scientific computing and data science, including randomized algorithms
for matrix computations and fast methods for solving PDEs and integral
Review of applications will start December 27, but the position will
remain open until filled. The starting date is flexible.
The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of
renewal based upon availability of funding and performance. The
appointment can be renewed up to 4 times, but an overall duration of 2
or 3 years would normally be expected.
For additional details on required qualifications, and how to apply,
You are also welcome to contact Gunnar Martinsson
([email protected]) directly with any questions.
From: Andrea Cangiani [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Virtual Element Methods, SISSA, Italy
The mathLab group ( of the International School for
Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy, invites applications for a
research associate position to work with Andrea Cangiani on the
development of Virtual Element Methods (VEM). The position is for 1
year renewable for 1 extra year. The start date is negotiable. The
applicant must hold a PhD degree by the start date. Deadline January
10, 2024. Interested candidates may enquiry by email at:
[email protected]
Further details and application at:
From: Martin Stoll [email protected]
Date: December 08, 2023
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany
An opening for a 3 year PhD/postdoc position is available in the group
of scientific computing at the Department of Mathematics at TU
The focus of this position will be on computational methods for
physics informed Gaussian processes in collaboration with several
engineering groups.
The start date for the position is the first of February or soon
afterwards. Expected background involves experience with numerical
methods and programming skills in Python, Matlab or similar.
Please send your application with the usual material to
[email protected]
More information in German is given here
From: Gabriele Eichfelder [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Multiobjective Optimization, TU Ilmenau, Germany
As part of a new research project, we search at the Institute of
Mathematics within the group of Mathematical Methods of Operations
Research at Technische Universitat Ilmenau a Research assistant (PhD
candidate) or a Postgraduate researcher (Post Doc) in mathematics
(f/m/d) from 01.03.2024.
The position is limited to 3 years. A later hiring date (within four
months) is possible. The position is 75% funded by the German research
foundation DFG within the project "Supportedness in Multiobjective
Optimization" and is particularly suitable for further academic
qualification (doctorate or first years as postgraduate researcher). A
full-time hiring is possible if teaching duties are taken
over. Part-time employment at 75% is also possible. The project aims
at the structural examination of optimization problems with multiple
competing objective functions. It tries to answer current research
questions that are important for the further development of numerical
methods in this area.
For further information on the job tasks, desired profile, what we
offer, and link to the application system, please see
Deadline to apply: 7th of January 2024
From: Oliver Hahn [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Computational PDEs, Univ of Vienna, Austria
The Vienna School of Mathematics currently announces a PhD position in
the area of "Computational PDEs for Cosmology" (University of Vienna,
Supervisor: O. Hahn).
A key challenge in numerical cosmology is the development of
computational methods for hyperbolic PDEs (Euler-Poisson, Vlasov-
Poisson). To infer parameters of physical models and the initial
conditions from incomplete observed data, efficient and domain
specific numerical methods for forward modelling are highly sought
after. Specifically, this project will focus on extending recent
progress in optimised integration schemes to the Euler- Poisson
system. Another focus will be on the actual implementation and
application of the new methods to HPC simulations in collaboration
with the research team. Our ideal candidate brings a strong background
in computational PDEs, experience with programming, and some prior
knowledge in machine learning or statistics.
For more information and to apply go here:
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: December 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Dynamic Integer Programming for Energy, Czech Republic
Czech Technical University in Prague is seeking a PhD student to
conduct research on real time optimization of time-varying
mixed-integer programs as a part of a project associated with CEZ, the
largest utility in Central and Eastern Europe with extensive
activities in the generation, distribution, trade in, and sales of
electricity and heat, as well as trade in and sales of natural gas.
The student will be responsible for developing methods that are able
to efficiently track a solution of a mixed integer linear and
nonlinear programs as coefficients of the problem changes
continuously, analyzing their properties theoretically, and
implementing them in prototypes. The optimization problems arise in
mathematical models for unit commitment and trading power and
ancillary services in response to changing demand and order book. To
improve computational tractability, semidefinite relaxations of the
integer programs will be used, which transform the problem into a
convex one. Important details regarding the relationship of these
relaxations to the integer solutions, and the computational
implications, will be the focus of the PhD study.
The PhD student will be co-supervised by Vyacheslav Kungurtsev and
Jakub Marecek. A degree in mathematics, computer science, or similar,
proficiency in written and spoken English, and competence with
programming are expected of the applicant. If in interested, please
send a CV and motivation letter to [email protected]
For more details, please see the contemporary references based on the
work of Toni Bellon, a PhD student of Vyacheslav and Jakub just
Bellon et al, MOR 2024,
Bellon et al., SIAM Optimization 2024,
Liu et al., submitted,
From: Edoardo Di Napoli [email protected]
Date: November 29, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, HPC and Parallel Computing, Germany
We are looking for a passionate student spearheading the expansion and
optimization of a cutting-edge code for the simulation of materials
with application in energy devices. At the Julich Supercomputing
Centre (JSC), we operate one of the most powerful supercomputer
infrastructures for scientific and engineering applications in Europe
and we aim at using these resources to execute large scale simulations
of realistic devices with energy applications.
Job description: We seek a candidate to join our research team, the
Simulation and Data Lab Quantum Materials, and carry out cutting-edge
research to extend a scientific software used to simulate quantum
transport in nano-electronic devices. You will play a key role in
enhancing code scalability on European pre-exascale and future
exascale systems. Your responsibilities will involve algorithm
development, parallel programming for distributed CPU and multi-GPU
architectures and the building of an efficient interface bridging
algorithms with implementation, and ultimately, the computing
Candidate profile: i) A completed university degree (Master or
equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, materials science,
physics, engineering or a related subject, ii) Very good knowledge of
numerical linear algebra algorithms, iii) Practical experience with
parallel programming and high-performance computing, in particular
with MPI, OpenMP and GPU programming models, iv) Strong programming
skills, preferably in C++, v) A self-motivated personality, curiosity
of working in a multi-disciplinary team environment on scientifically
challenging problems, team-oriented, vi) A very good command of
written and spoken English.
For further information and to apply, please visit . For inquires
please write to Dr. Edoardo Di Napoli at [email protected].
From: Simon Praetorius [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, NA/Scientific Computing, TU Dresden, Germany
The Faculty of Mathematics at TU Dresden is inviting applications for
a Research Associate/PhD Student position to work on vector and
tensor-valued PDEs on surfaces. The position is embedded in a DFG
Research Unit (FOR3013) and will be jointly supervised by Dr. Hanne
Hardering from the Institute of Numerical Mathematics and Dr. Simon
Praetorius from the Institute of Scientific Computing. The position
comprises 75% of the full-time weekly hours, is limited to three
years, and offers the opportunity to obtain further academic
qualifications, such as a PhD.
The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting numerical
analysis and implementing simulations using finite element schemes for
vector fields on surfaces that are subject to additional geometric
constraints. The candidate should have a university degree in
mathematics, experience in programming (preferably C++ or Python), and
a sound knowledge of the theory and application of finite element
methods. Additionally, the position offers the chance to participate
in joint seminars, workshops, and other activities.
TUD strives to employ more women in academia and research. We
therefore expressly encourage women to apply. The University is a
certified family-friendly university and offers a Dual Career Service.
We welcome applications from candidates with disabilities. If multiple
candidates prove to be equally qualified, those with disabilities or
with equivalent status pursuant to the German Social Code IX (SGB IX)
will receive priority for employment.
For further details, please visit
From: Robert Altmann [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Magdeburg, Germany
We invite applications for a PhD position in Numerical
Analysis/Scientific Computing at the Otto von Guericke University in
Magdeburg within the Numerical Mathematics group of Prof. Robert
Funding: 75% TV-L E13 for three years.
Prerequisites: Master degree in a relevant field (e.g., Mathematics,
Computer Sciences, Computational Engineering) with an emphasis on
Numerical Analysis. Proficient programming skills. Keen interest in
the development and implementation of numerical methods. Ability to
teach in German.
Application Deadline:
January 2nd, 2024 using the online application form
From: Gregor Gantner [email protected]
Date: December 04, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Bonn, Germany
The Institute for Numerical Simulation at the University of Bonn is
looking to fill as soon as possible a PhD position (research
associate, 75%) in the field of numerical analysis on a fixed-term
contract for a period of 3 years with the possibility for
prolongation. The candidate will work in the research group of
Prof. Dr. Gregor Gantner on the design, numerical (error) analysis,
and implementation of (adaptive) space-time methods. The position is
funded by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Review of applications will start after December 31.
For further information and how to apply, please see the full
advertisement at
or e-mail Gregor Gantner.
From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: December 03, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Randomised Numerical Linear Algebra for PDEs, UK
We invite applications for a PhD studentship (entry fall 2024) with
the institute of Imaging, Data and Communications (IDCOM) at the
University of Edinburgh.
The post is suitable for candidates with background in applied
mathematics or computer science with a sound understanding of
numerical analysis and applied probability. Areas of focus include
numerical solvers for PDEs and ill-posed inverse problems at the
classical or neural network context where randomised numerical algebra
is intended for model order reduction. The aim is to develop
subsampling algorithms for linear systems and ridge regression with
provable error and convergence guarantees.
For further details please enquire with Nick Polydorides at
[email protected]. Deadline Jan 31st, 2024.
From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Modelling, Analysis and Computation, UK
The PhD Programme in Modelling, Analysis and Computation of the
Maxwell Institute Graduate School (MAC-MIGS) is now accepting
applications for the Autumn 2024 cohort, starting in September
2024. The duration of the PhD programme is 4 years. Deadline for
applications: 22nd January 2024.
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences brings together
research activities in mathematical sciences at Edinburgh and
Heriot-Watt Universities. Members of the Maxwell Institute are
academics from the School of Mathematics at the University of
Edinburgh and the Departments of Mathematics and of Actuarial
Mathematics and Statistics at Heriot-Watt University. The Maxwell
Institute builds on the long history of collaboration between the
three departments, best exemplified by the establishment and continued
operation of the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
(ICMS). Since 2018, the Maxwell Institute (incuding its Graduate
School) has a physical home on the top floor of the Bayes Centre which
it shares with the ICMS, creating a hub for mathematical sciences
research, training and applications in central Edinburgh.
More information can be found at:
From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [email protected]
Date: December 08, 2023
Subject: Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 5(4)
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Volume 5, Number 4, December 2023
L1/LDG Method for the Generalized Time-Fractional Burgers Equation in
Two Spatial Dimensions, Changpin Li, Dongxia Li, Zhen Wang
Four-Order Superconvergent Weak Galerkin Methods for the Biharmonic
Equation on Triangular Meshes, Xiu Ye, Shangyou Zhang
Efficient Sparse-Grid Implementation of a Fifth-Order Multi-
resolution WENO Scheme for Hyperbolic Equations, Ernie Tsybulnik,
Xiaozhi Zhu, Yong-Tao Zhang
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Fluid Flow Through a Cylindrical
Layer with Due Account for Barodiffusion, N. N. Nazarenko,
A. G. Knyazeva
Fourier Continuation Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Linear
Hyperbolic Problems, Kiera van der Sande, Daniel Appelo, Nathan Albin
A Sparse Kernel Approximate Method for Fractional Boundary Value
Problems, Hongfang Bai, Ieng Tak Leong
Semi-regularized Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting
Preconditioning for Saddle-Point Linear Systems, Kang-Ya Lu, Shu-Jiao
Three Kinds of Discrete Formulae for the Caputo Fractional Derivative,
Zhengnan Dong, Enyu Fan, Ao Shen, Yuhao Su
Standard Dual Quaternion Optimization and Its Applications in Hand-
Eye Calibration and SLAM, Liqun Qi
Norms of Dual Complex Vectors and Dual Complex Matrices, Xin-He Miao,
Zheng-Hai Huang
Separable Symmetric Tensors and Separable Anti-symmetric Tensors,
Changqing Xu, Kaijie Xu
Inequalities for Sums and Products of Complex Zeros of Solutions to
ODE with Polynomial Right Parts, Michael Gil'
High-Order Method with Moving Frames to Compute the Covariant
Derivatives of Vectors on General 2D Curved Surfaces, Sehun Chun
An Efficient Randomized Fixed-Precision Algorithm for Tensor Singular
Value Decomposition, Salman Ahmadi-Asl
Existence of Two Limit Cycles in Zeeman's Class 30 for 3D Lotka-
Volterra Competitive System, Yaoqi Li
Efficient Finite Difference/Spectral Method for the Time Fractional
Ito Equation Using Fast Fourier Transform Technic, Dakang Cen, Zhibo
Wang, Seakweng Vong
Two-Parameter Block Triangular Splitting Preconditioner for Block
Two-by-Two Linear Systems, Bo Wu, Xingbao Gao
On High-Resolution Entropy-Consistent Flux with Slope Limiter for
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Xuan Ren, Jianhu Feng, Supei Zheng,
Xiaohan Cheng, Yang Li
On Fixed-Parameter Solvability of the Minimax Path Location Problem,
Hao Lin, Cheng He
On the Fractional Derivatives with an Exponential Kernel, Enyu Fan,
Jingshu Wu, Shaoying Zeng
Finite Difference Schemes for Time-Space Fractional Diffusion
Equations in One- and Two-Dimensions, Yu Wang, Min Cai
Robust Falk-Neilan Finite Elements for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate,
Shangyou Zhang
From: Irena Lasiecka [email protected]
Date: November 29, 2023
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (6)
Contents EECT-December 2023, vol 12, nr 6
A Newtonian approach to general black holes, Alain Haraux
Numerical solution to the linearized model of a clamped-free plate
using nonconforming finite elements, Katarzyna Szulc
Null controllability of - Hilfer implicit fractional
integro-differential equations with -Hilfer fractional nonlocal
conditions, Mourad Kerboua, Ichrak Bouacida and Sami Segni
Stabilization of an interconnected system of Schrodinger and wave
equations with boundary coupling, Latifa Moumen, Fatima Zohra Sidiali
and Salah-Eddine Rebiai
Qualitative analysis of certain reaction-diffusion systems of the
FitzHugh-Nagumo type, B. Ambrosio
Boundary exact controllability for the longitudinal vibrations of a
bar in memoriam to Professor Luiz Adauto Medeirosm M. Milla Miranda
and Aldo T. Louredo
Controllability for the wave equation on graph with cycle and delta-
prime vertex conditions, Sergei Avdonin, Julian Edward and Gunter
Controllability results for second-order integro-differential
equations with state-dependent delay, Abdelhamid Bensalem, Abdelkrim
Salim, Mouffak Benchohra and Juan J. Nieto
Optimal feedback control results for a second-order evolution system
with finite delay, Hai Huang and Xianlong Fu
On the Cauchy problem for the Hartree type semilinear Schrodinger
equation in the de Sitter spacetime, Mikio Ichimiya and Makoto
Approximation of mild solutions of delay integro-differential
equations on Banach spaces, Mohammed Elghandouri and Khalil Ezzinbi
On the singular limit of a boundary delayed Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-
Korteweg-de Vries equation: Well-posedness and stability results,
Boumediene Chentouf and Baowei Feng
Global smooth solutions in a three-dimensional cross-diffusive SIS
epidemic model with saturated taxis at large densities, Youshan Tao
and Michael Winkler
A new regularity criterion for the 3D incompressible Boussinesq
equations in terms of the middle eigenvalue of the strain tensor in
the homogeneous Besov spaces with negative indices, Ben Omrane Ines,
Gala Sadek and Ragusa Maria Alessandra
End of Digest