NA Digest Sunday, October 23, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 42
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Phil Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 10:37:24 CDT
Subject: The Sixth Texas Symposium on Approximation Theory
The Sixth Texas Symposium on Approximation Theory will be held at Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas on January 6-10, 1989. There
will be a special session on 'mathematical software for approximation'
organized by Phil Smith. Anyone interested in additional information
on the conference should call Charles Chui (409-845-7136) for general
information. Those interested in the special session should contact
Phil Smith at (713-782-6060) or at the address below. The deadline is
November 15 for participants to communicate their title and abstract.
Philip Smith
IMSL, Inc.
2500 ParkWest Tower One
2500 CityWest Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77042-3030
Internet: [email protected]
UUCP: ...!uunet!imsl!smith
From: Phil Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 10:38:29 CDT
Subject: Job opening at IMSL
IMSL, Inc., a leader in the development and distribution of scientific,
engineering, and statistical software is searching for a senior
mathematical software designer.
The successful individual would be expected to direct IMSL's development
of numerical linear algebra software for vector and parallel computers,
such as Cray, IBM 3090 with vector facility, CDC 205, Alliant and Convex.
Candidates should have a PhD in computer sciences or mathematics.
Our projects are challenging and offer excellent growth opportunities.
Salary is competitive and we provide an excellent benefit package.
For confidential consideration, send a resume and salary history to
Philip Smith
IMSL, Inc.
2500 ParkWest Tower One
2500 CityWest Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77042-3030
Internet: [email protected]
UUCP: ...!uunet!imsl!smith
From: Pat Gaffney <FSCPG%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 09:02:00 EMT
Subject: Positions at Bergen Scientific Centre
The Bergen Scientific Centre would be interested to hear from senior
applied mathematicians who wish to work at the Centre for periods of
one to two years.
The Centre is engaged in Numerical Reservoir Modelling, Numerical
Seismic Processing, Boundary & Finite Element Computations,
Oceanographic Modelling and Computer Animation.
The research conducted in the Centre involves the application of
analytical and numerical techniques for the development of algorithms
and software for parallel processing applied to the above areas.
Visitors are expected to participate in the existing projects at the
Centre and they are encouraged to publish the results of their research
in both the Centre's and their home institution's technical report series
and in refereed journals.
Because of the nature of the work at the Centre it is possible for visiting
academics from the United States and Israel to apply to the Norwegian
authorities for tax exemption.
For further information please send a detailed resume to Patrick Gaffney,
Bergen Scientific Centre, Allegaten 36, 5007 Bergen, NORWAY.
From: Burt Holland <V5730E%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 15:31:49 EDT
Subject: Faculty Positions in Statistics at Temple University
We have a number of openings for September 1989. Applications are
invited for a regular faculty position at the full or senior associate
professor level. Applicants must have a proven national reputation for
excellent research and a commitment to quality teaching. Several
visiting positions are also available, and there is a possibility of one
or more additional tenure-track openings. All applicants should have an
active record of publication in major refereed statistics journals.
Researchers in biometry or categorical data analysis are particularly
encouraged to apply.
The Department has 24 full-time and 10 affiliated faculty, and 50
students in our M.S. and Ph.D. programs. We have our own UNIX-based
VAX 11/750 computer and Sun Workstations, Statistics Library, and
extensive computing and library facilities available throughout the
University. AA/EOE. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Send a curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to:
Professor Burt Holland
Search Committee Chair
Department of Statistics - 006-00
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
From: Henry Wolkowicz <hwolkowicz%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 88 09:24:25 EDT
Subject: GAMS Software
I am interested in using the GAMS software in teaching a modeling course.
This course uses linear programming as the basic tool for solving
management science problems, though some nonlinear and mixed-integer
models can be expected. Has anyone else used this package in a
teaching environment? The packaged can be purchased from Scientific Press.
Henry Wolkowicz; Department of Combinatorics and Optimization;
Faculty of Mathematics; University of Waterloo;
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 (519-888-4597)
{[email protected]; [email protected]}
{[email protected]; [email protected] }
From: Eric Grosse <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 88 13:09:48 EDT
Subject: More About the Catalog of Algorithms for Approximation
Thank you all for your comments on the catalog mentioned in the last
na-digest. A couple people asked about keyword searching;
mail [email protected]
whois de Boor in approximation.
will return the matching BibTeX items. Because this file is updated
frequently, it is only being maintained at, not
As mentioned in the paper version (to appear in proceedings of the
Shrivenham conference), this catalog tries only to cite papers most
closely related to final code, not necessarily the original source;
don't take offense if your favorite paper isn't listed.
From: Roland England <R_ENGLAND%[email protected]>
Date: 21-OCT-1988 12:07:14 GMT
Subject: London ODE Conference
Subject: London ODE Conference
Conference on
Imperial College, London 3rd-7th July, 1989
The IMA is organising a conference on Computational Ordinary Differential
Equations, to be held at Imperial College, London, in July, 1989.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together research workers and
practitioners in theory and algorithms for the numerical solution
of ordinary differential equations . All relevant topics are to be
covered and contributions in application areas will be encouraged .
The invited speakers are
# J.C. Butcher (Auckland)
# H.B. Keller (Caltech)
# R.E. O'Malley Jr. (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
# L.R. Petzold (Lawrence Livermore)
# R.D. Russell (Vancouver)
# J.M. Sanz-Serna (Valladolid)
# L.F. Shampine (Dallas)
# M.N. Spijker (Leiden)
In addition , the programme will feature `` highlighted '' talks ,
contributed papers and posters . The highlighted and contributed
papers will be of 40 and 20 minutes presentation time respectively.
The highlighted papers will be selected by the Organising Committee on
the basis of an extended abstract ( 1000 words ) , contributed papers and
posters on the basis of a 300 word abstract. Abstracts for all categories
should be sent to the IMA and must be received by 15th January 1989.
Authors will be notified of the committee's decision during March 1989.
The members of the Organising Committee are:
Dr. J.R. Cash (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London),
Dr. R. England, AFIMA (The Open University, Milton Keynes),
Prof. I. Gladwell, FIMA (Southern Methodist University, USA) and
Dr. A. Iserles, AFIMA (University of Cambridge).
There will be a reduced conference fee for full-time research students.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Oxford
University Press in the IMA Conference Proceedings Series .
Abstracts and all other enquiries should be sent to:
Conference Officer , Institute of Mathematics and its Applications ,
Maitland House , Warrior Square , Southend-on-Sea , Essex SS1 2JY
or , by electronic mail , to: [email protected]
To: Conference Officer, The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications,
Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY, England
Final date for abstracts: 15 January 1989. Notice to authors: March 1989.
Please tick where appropriate:
I wish to submit an extended abstract for consideration as a highlighted _
paper [_]
I am willing for my paper to be considered as a contributed paper Yes/No
or as a poster Yes/No
I wish to submit an abstract for consideration as a contributed paper [_]
I am willing for my paper to be considered as a poster Yes/No
I wish to submit an abstract for consideration as a poster [_]
I wish to attend the conference [_]
End of NA Digest