NA Digest Sunday, May 27, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 21

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Youcef Saad <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 May 90 10:23:57 PDT
Subject: Sparsenet and SPARSKIT

1) I would like to inform those interested in sparse matrix
computations that there is now an e-mail group called
`sparsenet' which was started after the discussion on sparse
matrix standards that took place in the recent meeting
on iterative methods in Copper Mountain, Colorado.
One of the main purposes of sparsenet is to stimulate
discussion on standards for sparse matrix computations
but also to exchange ideas and software across the network.
To reach everybody in the mailing list send the message
[email protected]

If you would like to be added to the list send me e-mail.

2) version 1 of SPARSKIT (a basic tool package for sparse
computations) is now being made publically available
(message sent through sparsenet recently). If interested
send me e-mail and I will mail you instructions on how
to get the package.

Youcef Saad
[email protected]

to contact me send e-mail to: [email protected],
between May 25 and July 2, contact Carl Williams: [email protected].


From: Lee Henderson <[email protected]>
Date: 24 May 90 19:37:51 GMT
Subject: Unstable Eigenvalue Routines

I am doing research on testing mathematical software. As part of that
research I am collecting unstable routines that are supposed to find
the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices, such as is found in
Wilkinson (Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, page 567). Overflow and
underflow problems are separate issues. I have a few unstable routines
now, but I am quite interested in finding more. Pointers to published
algorithms are especially helpful. Please respond by e-mail.

Lee Henderson
Penn State Computer Science
[email protected]


From: Jeff Sondeen <[email protected]>
Date: 23 May 90 19:33:55 GMT
Subject: Quadratic Programming

I'm having trouble getting termination (convergence?) with CACM Alg. 431,
"... Routine for Linear and Quadratic Programming Problems", giving it random
cost matrices (Q's) which are therefore not necessarily positive semidefinite.
1) Must the Q's be positive semidefinite? (Not clear from the article
on CACM Alg. 431)
2) Can someone give me an already coded algorithm for checking
positive semidefinite-ness? (Any language is fine).
3) (That is, are the CACM Algorithms available on-line (internet?))
and finally
4) I would appreciate any suggestions and experiences using
Quadratic Programming algorithms. (Perhaps someone could send
me a record of any previous discussion in this group on this subject.)

Jeff Sondeen
Information Sciences Institute, Univ. of So. California
Internet: [email protected]
CSnet: sondeen%[email protected]
Bitnet: sondeen%[email protected]


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 May 90 12:25 EDT
Subject: SISSC Contents, September 1990

SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing

Volume 11, Number 5, September 1990


A Block Ordering Method for Sparse Matrices
James O'Neil and Daniel B. Szyld

A Time-Stepping Algorithm for Parallel Computers
David E. Womble

The Effect of Time Constraints on Scaled Speedup
Patrick H. Worley

Efficient Polynomial Preconditioning for the Conjugate
Gradient Method
S. C. Eisenstat, J. M. Ortega, and C. T. Vaughan

Accurate Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices
James Demmel and W. Kahan

Use of the P and P Algorithms for In-Core Factorization of
Sparse Matrices
M. Arioli, I. S. Duff, N. I. M. Gould, and J. K. Reid

A Modified Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation for Elongated
Louis H. Howell and Lloyd N. Trefethen

Numerical Study of the Mechanisms for Initiation of Reacting
Shock Waves
A. J. Majda and V. Roytburd

Column Relaxation Methods for Least Norm Problems
Achiya Dax and Brian Berkowitz

QR Factorization of a Dense Matrix on a Hypercube
Eleanor Chu and Alan George


From: Caroline J Foers <CAROLINE%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 May 90 10:33 GMT
Subject: NAG Users Group Meeting in Glasgow

NAGUA'90 - 10th NAG Users Assocition Annual Conference
11-14 September 1990, Glasgow, UK

The Conference will commence on Tuesday 11 September 1990 with a tutorial on
"Parallel Computing" to be given by members of NAG's senior technical staff.
It is not necessary to have any prior in-depth knowledge of the subject in
order to attend this tutorial.

The main meeting will be held from Wednesday 12 to Friday 14 September 1990 and
will consist of a mix of news from NAG, invited lectures, software product
demonstrations, contributed papers from users and a User Forum. The two keynote
speakers are Professor Sean McKee from the University of Strathclyde and
Dr Peter Kemp from Glasgow University.

There will also be social gatherings, the highlight of which will be the
Conference Dinner, to be held at the Burrell Collection.

The Conference is open to all users of NAG products and services, with special
rates available for NAGUA members.

For an invitation and booking form, please contact Caroline Foers at the
following address:
NAG Users Association
PO Box 426
0X2 8SD
United Kingdom
Provisional bookings will be accepted by telephone or email
Telephone: 0865 311102
International: +44 865 311102
email: [email protected]


From: Bart De Moor <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 May 90 17:54:46 GMT
Subject: Reports from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The following 1990-reports are available from the EE department of
the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
A complete list of publications can also be obtained.
Don't forget to include your surface mail address with any request.

Bart De Moor

Vandenberghe L., Vandewalle J., Variable dimension algorithms for
solving resistive circuits., ESAT-SISTA Report 1990-01, 50 pp., February 1990,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

De Moor B., Total linear least squares with inequality
constraints, ESAT-SISTA Report 1990-02, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 25 pp., March 1990.

Van Huffel S., Iterative algorithms for computing the singular
subspace of a matrix associated with its smallest singular values, ESAT-SISTA
Report 1990-03, Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium, 31 pp., March 1990.

Van Huffel S., Chebyshev Acceleration Techniques for solving
slowly varying total least squares problems, ESAT-SISTA Report 1990-04,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,
20 pp., April 1990.

De Moor B., Vandenberghe L., Vandewalle J., The generalized linear
complementarity problem and an algorithm to find all its solutions,
ESAT-SISTA Report 1990-06, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 35 pp., May 1990.


From: D. F. Griffiths <dfg%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 May 90 10:14:38 BST
Subject: Dundee Conference 91


25th - 28th June 1991

The conference will celebrate the 70th birthday of A R Mitchell and,
to mark the occasion, there will be a special invited lecture in his
honour to be presented by G H Golub (Stanford).
Other Principal Speakers include

J W Demmel (Courant Institute, USA)
J Dongarra (Tennessee, USA)
N I M Gould (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)
J A Gregory (Brunel, UK)
A Iserles (Cambridge, UK)
J Lorenz (Cal Tech, USA)
K W Morton (Oxford, UK)
M J D Powell (Cambridge, UK)
J M Sanz-Serna (Valladolid, Spain)
H Schwetlick (Halle, GDR)
I Sloan (New South Wales, Australia)
V Thomee (Goteborg, Sweden)
L N Trefethen (MIT, USA)
J G Verwer (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

A limited number of submitted papers will be presented. Full details
of submission dates, conference fees, etc. will be available towards
the end of 1990 and may be obtained by writing to either
Dr D F Griffiths or Dr G A Watson:
The Organizing Secretaries
Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University
Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK
Tel: (0382) 23181 ext 4467/4474

e-mail: [email protected]
or: [email protected]

The Conference will be preceded by a one day meeting on Monday,
24 June at which presentations will be given by those shortlisted
for the Leslie Fox Prize.


From: D. F. Griffiths <dfg%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 May 90 10:18:18 BST
Subject: A. R. Mitchell Fund

A R Mitchell Fund

The 1991 Dundee Numerical Analysis Conference will celebrate the 70th
birthday of A R Mitchell. In addition to his distinguished contributions
to numerical analysis extending over many years, Ron has been known for
the outstanding encouragement he has given to young numerical analysts and
the Organizing Committee therefore felt it appropriate to mark his birthday by
instituting a special fund to provide assistance to young numerical analysts
to attend this and subsequent Dundee meetings.

We extend an invitation to all numerical analysts to contribute to this fund
and cheques should be made payable to "The University of Dundee: A R Mitchell
Fund". It is not intended that there should be any formal means of applying
for support from the fund but the organisers welcome enquiries from anyone who
feels that they may be eligible. Allocation of funds will be made on the
basis of need, and also on the basis of abstracts of papers intended for
presentation at the conference.

D F Griffiths
G A Watson
Conference Secretaries
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University
Dundee, DD1 4HN e-mail: [email protected]
Scotland, UK or: [email protected]


From: John Holt <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 May 90 15:12:40 EST
Subject: Position at University of Queensland


The University of Queensland, Department of Mathematics, is seeking
a mathematician with an outstanding research record and with
considerable experience in the practical applications of mathematics.
Specialisation is expected in at least one major area of applied
computational mathematics such as numerical analysis, operations
research or mathematical programming.

The professor will lead the computational mathematics group within
the Department and will be required to engage in the teaching of
undergraduates and the promotion of research and postgraduate studies.
Consultation with industry is strongly encouraged.

It is expected that the professor will begin duties on, or as soon as
possible after, 2 January 1991.

Salary: AUD$65,837 per annum.

Applicants should forward an original plus three copies of
application and resume, quoting reference no.26490 to -- The Director,
Personnel Services, The University of Queensland, 4072, Queensland,
Australia, to reach him no later than 13 July 1990.

Further details may be obtained from Dr. V.G. Hart, Head
of Department, telephone: (07)377 2673 or FAX (07)870 2272.


From: Melvyn Ciment <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 May 90 16:01:31 -0400
Subject: Faculty Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers

ANNOUNCEMENT - Abstracted from full NSF announcement available
from source mentioned below.


Faculty Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers

Guidelines (Abbreviated) for Submission of Nominations

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a
competition for National Science Foundation Faculty
Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers (FAW), to be
made in FY 1991. The awards are established to achieve
the following objectives: To recognize the nations most
outstanding and promising women scientists and engineers
in academic careers of research and teaching. To retain
these women scientists and engineers in academia and to
facilitate the further development of their careers.
Academic institutions will nominate their outstanding
women faculty in a competition that will award up to 100
new National Science Foundation Faculty Awards for Women
Scientists and Engineers. Awards in support of the
planned research activities will be made for five years
based on the annual determination of continuing
achievement and subject to the availability of funds.


Applicants for the FAW program must be nominated by an
appropriate official of their institution. Nominees must
be U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents as
of September 1. To be eligible, a nominee must hold a
Ph.D degree in science or engineering (or equivalent) and
be a tenured faculty member but not a Full Professor (or
equivalent rank) when nominated.


The National Science Foundation Faculty Awards for Women
Scientists and Engineers will consist of an annual grant
of $50,000 per year, for up to five years, to be used to
support the research activities of the awardee. Such
research activities may include (but are not limited to)
support of: research assistants, professional travel,
supplies and equipment, and summer salary. Institutions
are also expected to make a significant commitment to the
support of their awardees, including full academic-year
salary for the awardee. Up to ten percent of the funds
may be used to defray administrative expenses in lieu of
indirect costs.


Nominations must originate from a U.S. university or
college. The Nomination Forms are included in a booklet
obtainable from the NSF FAW Program Director, Room 1225,
National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550.


The FAW awardees will be announced in late April and have
until June 1 to accept the offers from NSF.


Applications must be postmarked no later than September 1.


Inquiries regarding the awards may be addressed to the
National Science Foundation Faculty Awards for Women
Scientist and Engineers, Room 1225, National Science
Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550, or telephoned
inquiries to (202) 357-5052.


End of NA Digest
