NA Digest Sunday, June 9, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 23

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Tim Davis <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 13:31:53 -0400
Subject: Looking for Very Large, Unsymmetric, Sparse Matrices

We're developing an unsymmetric sparse LU factorization algorithm that uses
the Level-3 BLAS in its innermost loops. It should perform best on very
large unsymmetric sparse matrices that have very asymmetric nonzero pattern
and that are not extremely sparse.

Unfortunately, the Harwell/Boeing sparse matrix collection [1] has only a few
matrices that fit this classification. We would be interested in getting in
contact with anyone who could contribute this type of matrix. In exchange
for your efforts you would be assisting in the development of an algorithm
that is targeted towards your application.

We would prefer to receive matrices on Sun cartridge tape in the Harwell/Boeing
format (see [1]), but any format would be suitable as long as it's readable.
We would prefer both values and pattern, but pattern-only would suffice.
Code that generates application-specific matrices of arbitrary size would
also be welcome.

Tim Davis

Computer and Information Sciences Department
301 CSE
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-2024, USA
email: [email protected] or [email protected]
phone: (904) 392-1481

[1] I. S. Duff, R. G. Grimes, and J. G. Lewis, "Sparse Matrix Test Problems,"
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., vol. 15, no. 1., March 1989, pp. 1-14.


From: David Halpern <[email protected]>
Date: 5 Jun 91 21:58:11 GMT
Subject: Boundary Element Method

I'm interested in finding out whether there are software packages in
Fortran that solve Stokes equations or linear elasiticity equations using
boundary element methods.

There is a new book on microhydrodynamics by S. Kim (Wisconsin) which
includes a big section on the application of BEM to fluid problems. There
is also an internet address (somewhere in Wisconsin?) from which one can
ftp various programs. Has anyone tried this and if so what is the address?

David Halpern
Biomedical Enginnering
Northwestern University
Evanston IL


From: Dave Chin <[email protected]>
Date: 5 Jun 91 21:28:41 GMT
Subject: Question on Non-Linear Least Squares


I am currently writing a driver to use SLATEC's
non-linear least-squares fitting routine to fit a curve to some
data. It works fine with simple stuff, but the results I get
don't look right (by looking at a plot of the fit against the data).

My question is: does anyone know in some detail how the
algorithm behaves? (SLATEC uses a version of the Levenson-Marquadt
algorithm -- I can't find any references in the libraries at Cornell
[maybe I'm not looking hard enough]).

Thanks in advance.

Dave Chin Class of '92, Cornell U.
[email protected]


From: Rick Vaccaro <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 10:08:01 EDT
Subject: SVD and Signal Processing Book Available

The following book has just been published

SVD and Signal Processing II
Elsevier Science Publishers
R.J. Vaccaro, editor
ISBN 0-444-88896-9.

The book is a spin-off of the 2nd International Workshop on SVD and
Signal Processing which was held in Kingston, Rhode Island, June 25-27,
1990. It consists of 32 papers divided into five sections: Survey
Papers, Algorithms and Architectures, Analysis of SVD-Based Algorithms,
Applications to Signal Modeling and Detection, and Other Applications.

This book examines in detail the singular value decomposition of a
matrix and its applications to problems in signal processing.
Algorithms and implementation architectures for computing the SVD are
discussed, and analysis techniques for predicting and understanding
the performance of SVD-based algorithms are given. The price is
US$ 85.00 / Dfl. 220.00 and the book may be ordered from

Elsevier Science Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 882, Madison Square Station
New York, NY 10159


Elsevier Science Publishers
P.O. Box 211
1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


From: D. F. Griffiths <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 08:45:40 BST
Subject: New Edition of Lambert's ODE book

Jack Lambert has recently completed a replacement for his 1973 book
Computational Methods in ODES. The new book is entitled

Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Systems

and will be published by Wileys (ISBN 0 471 92990 5) later this month.
It is expected that copies will be appear at the book exhibition at the
Dundee Conference.

David Griffiths


From: Robert Beauwens <BEAUWENS%[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 08 Jun 91 19:00:00 +0200
Subject: Vacant Position at Brussels Free University


L'Universite Libre de Bruxelles annonce la vacance externe, a la Faculte
des Sciences Appliquees, a partir du 1er octobre 1992 d'un poste de
Charge de cours a temps plein ,charge des enseignements suivants :

MATH101 - Analyse I (y compris calcul differentiel, calcul integral)
Theorie 75 h. Exercices 75 h.
1ere annee du grade de candidat ingenieur civil.

MATH102 - Analyse II (y compris calcul integral, elements du calcul des
variations et du calcul des differences)
Theorie 75 h. Exercices 75 h.
2eme annee du grade de candidat ingenieur civil.

Les demandes des candidat(e)s doivent parvenir, accompagnees d'un
curriculum vitae, a Mme le Recteur de l'Universite
50 avenue F.D. Roosevelt
B-1050 Bruxelles
avant le 15 decembre 1991.


From: Cheryl Checkoway <mathworks!ccheckoway>
Date: Fri, Jun 7, 1991 12:34:41 PM EDT
Subject: Opening for Contract Software Tester

Opening for Contract Software Tester

The MathWorks is interested in hiring a software tester on a contract basis
to work on alpha testing MATLAB, SIMULAB, and toolboxes. This position is
expected to last 2-4 months, full-time over the summer and, potentially,
part-time during the fall. The individual who fills this position will work
with our in-house testing staff to plan and implement testing in terms of both
electronic test suites and interactive testing.

Requirements include a solid background in mathematics, including linear
algebra, and proficiency as a Unix user. Working familiarity with PCs and
Macintosh computers as well as formal testing experience and prior use of
MATLAB are desirable. In addition, a bachelor's degree in math, engineering,
or computer science, and the ability to program in C would be definite pluses.

Please mail, fax, or email resumes. My email address is [email protected].
Our fax number is 508-653-2997.

Cheryl Checkoway
The MathWorks
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760


From: D. F. Griffiths <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 17:32:44 BST
Subject: Dundee Conference Talks

25 - 28 June, 1991

Matrices, moments and quadrature
G. H. Golub, Stanford University.

Invited talks

Pivoting and stability in the augmented system method
Ake Bjorck, Linkoping University, Sweden

Portable Numerical Software for High Performance Parallel Machines
James Demmel, University of California at Berkeley, USA.

A Parallel Algorithm for the Non-symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, USA.

A personal view of large-scale nonlinear programming
Nick Gould, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

A Review of Uniform Subdivision
John A. Gregory, Brunel University

Numerical analysis of functional equations with a variable delay
A. Iserles and Martin Buhmann, University of Cambridge.

The Slightly Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Jens Lorenz, The University of New Mexico, USA.

Upwinded Test Functions for Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods
K.W. Morton, University of Oxford.

The complexity of Karmarkar's algorithm for linear programming
M. J. D. Powell, University of Cambridge.

Variable steps for symplectic integrators
J. M. Sanz-Serna and M. P. Calvo,
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: Models, Criteria, Algorithms
Hubert Schwetlick, Martin Luther University, Germany

Unconventional methods for boundary integral equations in the plane
Ian H. Sloan

Numerical methods for hyperbolic integro-differential equations
Vidar Thomee, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Non-Normal Matrices and Pseudospectra
Lloyd N. Trefethen, Cornell University,USA.

Analysis of an adaptive finite-difference method for time
dependent PDEs
J. G. Verwer and R. A. Trombert, CWI, Amsterdam.

There will be, in addition, 100 contributed talks in four
parallel sessions. Authors of contributed papers will be
notified during the next few days.

A limited number of late registrations will be accepted.
Contact D F Griffiths
[email protected]
or [email protected]


From: Frank Plab <[email protected]>
Date: 5 Jun 91 19:41:15 GMT
Subject: Parallel Numerical Analysis Workshop

One-Day Workshop

sponsored by
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
University of Edinburgh
21 June 1991

A one-day workshop on Parallel Computing in Numerical Analysis will be
held at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) on Friday,
21 June 1991. The workshop should give numerical analysts and
other interested researchers an opportunity to exchange experiences in
parallelising numerical algorithms.

Invited presentations:

Prof Iain Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
"Exploitation of Parallelism in the Solution of Sparse Systems"

Dr Peter Mayes (Numerical Algorithms Group)
"Parallelism and the NAG library"

Organising committee:
Frank Plab (Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre)
Ken McKinnon (Dept of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Dugald Duncan (Dept of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University)

The Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) is a multi-disciplinary
institution engaged in research and commercial development in parallel
computing. It is home to a wide range of parallel computing equipment,
including: a Computing Surface with more than 400 T800 transputers and
over 300 users; the UK Grand Challenge machine, which contains 64
i860/T800 hybrid nodes; and both a 64x64 and a 32x32 AMT DAP. EPCC has
a full-time staff of 26, and a large number of associates in computer
science, physical and mathematical sciences.


From: George Corliss <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 19:02:34 CDT
Subject: Symposium on Computer Arithmetic

Conference of potential interest to numerical analysts:

International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and
Scientific Computing

Dates: October 1 - 4, 1991
Location: Universitaet Oldenburg, Germany (near Bremen)

The symposium provides a forum for interaction among researchers and
practitioners in computer arithmetic and scientific computing. The
themes of the meeting include contemporary computer arithmetic,
computer arithmetic and programming languages, environments, enclosure
methods, interval arithmetic algorithms.

Earlier instances of this symposium have been held in Karlsruhe
(Germany), Basel (Switzerland), and Albena (Bulgaria).

Potential contributors should submit one page abstracts to arrive
in Oldenburg no later than June 15, 1991.

Social activities will include a "gemuetlichen Bierabend" in the
"Hengelbraeu" (reception) and a whole day excursion to the island of
Helgoland on the October 3 national holiday.

For further official information, contact
Prof. Dr. J. Herzberger
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universitaet Oldenberg
W-2900 Oldenburg
For informal information, contact
George F. Corliss
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439-4844
Office: (708) 972-6188
Fax: (708) 972-5986
[email protected]


From: Alfio Quarteroni <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 09:29:44 -0500
Subject: Conference in Italy on Domain Decomposition

Announcement and Call for Papers:

6th International Conference on DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION METHODS

Location: Villa Olmo, COMO, Italy

Date: 15-19 June 1992

Organizers: A.Quarteroni, L.D.Marini, A.Valli, A.Russo
Scientific Committee: J.H.Bramble, T.F.Chan, G.H.Golub, R.Glowinski,
Yu.A.Kuznetsov, J.Periaux, A.Quarteroni, O.B.Widlund.

Conference Themes: Numerical Analysis of Domain Decomposition, Block
and Substructuring Methods, Multilevel Methods, Domain Decomposition for
Time Dependent Problems, Interface Conditions for Heterogeneous Domain
Decomposition, Parallel Implementation, Multibody Dynamics, Decomposition
Methods in Microelectronics, Environmental Sciences, Applications in Science
and Engineering.


Alfio Quarteroni


From: Marc Durand <MARCD%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 91 21:15:49 GMT
Subject: Conference in France on High Performance Computing

October 7-9, 1991

Organized by
Centre National Universitaire Sud de Calcul
Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique


This is the second of a series of biennial symposia, which intend to be a forum
for specialists working in various domains associated with Intensive Computing
(Parallelism, Vectorization and Scalar).The growth of scientific computing
devices, has led, through new disciplines such as Parallel Numerical Analysis,
to a rapprochement of domains usually separated.

So the main purpose of this meeting is to give scientists an opportunity to
investigate interactively areas such as Architecture of Supercomputers,
Compilers, Algorithms, Computational Methods, Mathematical Software,
Numerical Applications, etc.

The symposium will feature, in addition to 6 general purpose plenary sessions,
15 parallel sessions dedicated to more specialized topics. It will allow anyone
from academia or industry to gather information about state-of-the-art
achievements together with trends and perspectives in research.


W. Camp (USA) / Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
"Massively Parallel Computing for Scientific and Engineering Applications"

R. Glowinski (France) / University of Houston / INRIA
"Fictitious Domain Methods for Partial Differential Equations"

J. Killough (USA) / University of Houston / Elf-Aquitaine, Pau
"Improving Recovery from Hydrocarbon Reservoirs through High Performance

J. Lenfant (France) / IRISA / Universit{ de Rennes
"Parallel Memory Organization for High-Speed Computers"

G. Meurant (France) / CEA, Centre d'Etudes de Limeil-Valenton
"The Future of Scientific Computing on Parallel Computers"

R. Moulic (USA) / IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights
"Highly Parallel Machines"


1) Architectures
2) Algorithms and Languages
3) Compilers
4) Performance Analysis
5) Distributed Computing on Workstation Network

6) Vector/Parallel Algebraic Solvers
7) Numerical Discretization I
8) Numerical Discretization II
9) Numerical Discretization III
10) Stability and Reliability

11) Computational Fluid Dynamics I
12) Computational Physics and Chemistry
13) Computational Fluid Dynamics II
14) Transport Phenomena
15) Emerging Fields


For complete information about the conference, including contributed program
and registration information, please contact:

Anne Lefevre
950 Rue de Saint Priest - B.P. 7229
Tel : (+33) 67-14-14-14
Fax : (+33) 67-52-37-63
E-mail : [email protected]


From: Danny Hershkowitz <MAR23AA%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 91 09:05:31 IST
Subject: Guidelines for The Hans Schneider Prize

In May 1991, Hans Schneider, The ILAS President, has announced the
Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra.

The Guidelines Committee for the prize, consisting of Danny
Hershkowitz and Roger Horn, has prepared the enclosed draft of
guidelines for the prize. We would appreciate your comments and
suggestions concerning these guidelines. Please make those by e-mail

Danny Hershkowitz ( [email protected] )

or to

Roger Horn ( [email protected] )

no later than July 10.

Danny Hershkowitz Roger Horn

The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra


The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra ("the Prize") is awarded
by The International Linear Algebra Society ("ILAS") for research,
contributions, and achievements at the highest level of Linear
Algebra. The Prize may be awarded for an outstanding scientific
achievement or for lifetime contribution.


The Prize is awarded every three years at an appropriate ILAS
conference, as decided upon by the ILAS Executive Board. In any year
in which a Prize is awarded, there may be more than one recipient,
within the discretion of the ILAS Executive Board.


Aside from specific guidelines developed by the Prize Committee,
there shall be no restrictions on who may receive the Prize,
including without limitation, restrictions with respect to sex, race,
national origin, age, or the time since the recipient took his or her
last academic degree.


A Prize Committee shall make specific recommendations to the ILAS
Executive Board about the choice of recipients. However, recipients
shall actually be chosen by the ILAS Executive Board. The ILAS
Executive Board may decide on the preferred nature of the Prize each
time it is to be awarded, and instruct the Prize Committee to make
its recommendations accordingly.

The Prize Committee shall consist of five members who are appointed
by the ILAS President upon the advice of the ILAS Executive Board,
and the ILAS President as an ex-officio member. The appointments
shall be made at least nine months in advance of the Prize award
date. The term of office shall be from the date of appointment until
the date of the Prize award.

The committee shall solicit nominations for the Prize from the
general membership of ILAS, as well as from other members of the
scientific community. The ILAS President shall appoint a replacement
for any Prize Committee member who is nominated for the Prize and
does not remove his/her name from consideration.

The Prize Committee shall notify the ILAS President of its selection
at least three months prior to the award date. The notification must
be accompanied by a written justification, as well as a citation that
can be used for a certificate and read at award time. The ILAS
Executive Board may accept, reject, or change the nomination at least
three months prior to the award date.


The ILAS President shall notify the recipient(s) of the Prize at
least two months in advance of the award date. An invitation shall
also be extended to the recipient(s) to attend the award ceremony to
receive the Prize and to present a talk.


The ILAS President shall announce the Prize at the chosen conference
and present the Prize to the recipient(s) that are present. The
recipient(s) is not required to be present to receive the Prize. An
announcement of the Prize recipient(s) shall appear in ILAS' printed
and electronic media.


The Prize consists of a plaque and a certificate containing the
citation. The ILAS Executive Board may decide to grant the Prize
recipient(s) also a cash award and/or to cover all or some of the
expenses of the Prize recipient(s) in attending the award ceremony.


The Prize fund consists of a gift of $10,000.00 given to ILAS by
Professor Hans Schneider. Other donors may make gifts to the fund.
Such gifts shall be added to the principal. The principal amount of
the fund has been invested, and earned interest on the principal is
used to fund the Prize.


End of NA Digest
