Today's Topics:
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 18:47:24 PDT
Subject: Applied Linear Algebra Year
As many of you know, there will be an APPLIED LINEAR ALGEBRA YEAR at
the IMA of the UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA, beginning in September, 1991.
The program and list of confirmed attendees is available through
netlib. Here's how to get some information as TeX files. Send the
following msgs to netlib:
send index from meetings
send la-ima from meetings.
I think this is going to be a very exciting year. We owe much thanks
to Dick Brualdi for his great efforts in putting this program
From: Linda Petzold <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 10:32:02 PDT
Subject: Change of Address for Linda Petzold
Effective immediately, I am moving to the University of Minnesota.
My new address is:
Linda Petzold
Computer Science Department
University of Minnesota
200 Union Street S.E., Room 4-192
Minneapolis, MN 55455
phone: (612) 625-2013
FAX: (612) 625-0572
email: [email protected]
From: James Epperson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 91 23:41:16 CDT
Subject: Methods for Parabolic Equations on (0,inf).
I have developed an algorithm for efficiently solving parabolic equations on
the positive axis. However, since this isn't my usual area of research I am
not familiar with the literature and am a little concerned that I have
discovered something already known. Accordingly, I would appreciate any
references to papers in this area which the na-digest community might be
able to provide. I haven't been able to find much, frankly.
Thanks much -- Jim Epperson
Mathematical Sciences Dept., Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville
From: Fred Kus <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1991 16:02:00 -0400
Subject: Timing Routine for the RS6000
I want to run some benchmark programs (LINPACK, etc.) on
an IBM RS6000 system. However this requires a function SECOND
to return the cpu time. Usually, SECOND just calls ETIME, but
ETIME is not available on this system. If anyone has a version
for the RS6000, please email me a copy.
Thank you.
Fred W. Kus
[email protected]
Computing & Information Services
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada L8S 4K1
From: Heinz W. Engl <k310773%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 91 14:07:13 SDT
Subject: Position at Johannes Kepler Universitaet
At the Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz (Austria), the
tenured position of a
Full Professor for
Numerical Mathematics
(formerly held by Prof. Wacker)
is to be filled.
The Search Committee looks for an established
researcher in a computer-oriented subarea of Numerical
Mathematics with teaching experience, who is also willing
and able to perform research cooperations with industry and
extra-university research organisations.
The legal requirements for an appointment are:
1. a doctorate in a field relevant for the position,
2. qualification in research equivalent to the Austrian
"venia docendi" ("habilitation"),
3. proof of teaching qualification.
Qualified women are explicitely encouraged to apply.
Applications should be addressed to "Dekan der
Technisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet der Johannes
Kepler Universitaet Linz, A-4040 Linz, Austria" and should
arrive there by October 11, 1991.
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 16:23 +1200
Subject: Chair in Operations Research at Auckland
The University of Auckland, New Zealand is inviting applications for
the newly established
held jointly in the Department of Engineering Science, and
the Department of Management Science and Information Systems.
Conditions of appointment and application procedure are available from
The Registrar
University of Auckland
Private Bag
New Zealand
Quote Vacancy UAC-46
Applications close August 30, 1991.
Further information may be obtained from Professor J. Diaz, Dept. of MSIS
[email protected]
or from Associate Professor M.J. O'Sullivan, Dept. Eng. Science
[email protected]
From: Wolfgang Roensch <ROENSCH%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 91 16:31:25 CST
Subject: Conference Parallel Computing 91, London, 3-6 Sept. 91
P A R A L L E L C O M P U T I N G 9 1
September 3 - 6, 1991
London, United Kingdom
The Parallel Computing 91 conference is a continuation of the Parallel
Computing 83, 85 and 89 conferences which were held in Berlin and Leiden
Gerhard R. Joubert (Germany) (Chairman)
David J. Evans (UK)
Heather M. Liddell (UK)
Frans J. Peters (NL)
David J. Evans (UK) (Chairman) W.L. Miranker (USA)
B.L. Buzbee (USA) N.M. Mirenkov (USSR)
M. Cosnard (France) D. Mueller-Wichards (Germnay)
L.C.W. Dixon (UK) D. Parkinson (UK)
I.S. Duff (UK) R.H. Perrot (UK)
I. Galligani (Italy) F.J. Peters (NL)
R. Hiromoto (USA) M.J. Quinn (USA)
T. Hoshino (Japan) G.H. Rodrigue (USA)
F. Hossfeld (Germany) W. Roensch (Germany)
J.S. Kowalik (USA) A. Sameh (USA)
D.J. Kuck (USA) U. Schendel (Germany)
P. Lee (UK) W. Strasser (Germany)
T. Legendi (Hungary) C. Sutti (Italy)
H.M. Liddell (UK) U. Trottenberg (Germany)
M. Malek (USA) H.A. van der Vorst (NL)
Elsevier Science Publishers
British Computing Socienty Parallel Processing Specialist Group (PPSG)
Maspar Computer Corporation
NCUBE Deutschland GmbH
Office of Naval Research European Office
Transtech Ltd.
The aim of the conference is to give an overview of the state-of-the-
art of the development, application and future trends in parallel
The emphasis of the conference will be on applications of parallel
computing. The following sections will be included:
1. Numerical and non-numerical algorithms for all types of parallel
computers, including vector and array processors, distributed
systems, data flow machines, hypercube systems, cellular/systolic
architectures, neural nets.
2. All aspects of the applications of parallel computers, including
business, industrial, scientific and engineering applications.
3. Software for all types of parallel computers, software engineering,
programming paradigms, programming languages, programming environ-
ment, user interfaces, system software, etc.
4. Taxonomy, models and architectural trends of parallel processing;
general architecture concepts, simulation and enabling technologies.
5. Performance prediction, benchmarking, measurement and analysis.
M. Cosnard (France)
Designing Non-Numerical Algorithms for Distributed Memory Computers
D. DeGroot (USA)
Parallel Logic Programming and Speculative Computation
D.J. Evans (UK)
Design of Parallel Numerical Algorithms
J.L. Gustafson (USA)
Compute Intensive Applications on Advanced Computer Architectures
H. Muehlenbein (Germany)
Neural Nets
For further details, please contact
Heather M. Liddell
Centre for Parallel Computing
Queen Mary and Westfield College
University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom
tel.: UK -(0) 71 - 975 - 5167
fax.: UK -(0) 81 - 981 - 9803
email.: heather at
From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 91 10:20 EDT
Subject: Contents: SIAM Matrix Analysis and Applications
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
October 1991 Volume 12, Number 4
Iterative Descent Algorithms for a Row Sufficient Linear Complementarity
Jong-Shi Pang
A Black Box Generalized Conjugate Gradient Solver with Inner Iterations and
Variable-Step Preconditioning
O. Axelsson and P. S. Vassilevski
A Class of Arbitrarily Ill-Conditioned Floating-Point Matrices
Siegfried M. Rump
An Algorithm for Ax=(lambda)Bx with Symmetric and Positive-Definite A and B
Wang Shougen and Zhao Shuqin
Diagonalizing the Adaptive SOR Iteration Method
Jerome Dancis
Order Reductions of the Marginals and Identification of Multiple ARMA Models
Antonie Stam and Steven C. Hillmer
Globally and Rapidly Convergent Algorithms for Symmetric Eigenproblems
Giles Auchmuty
The Effective Computation of Equilibrium Point for N-Person Games Cyclic
to the Next Person
Ezio Marchi
Reducing the Computations of the Singular Value Decomposition Array Given by
Brent and Luk
B. Yang and J. F. Bohme
On Monotone Linear Operators and the Spectral Radius of Their Representing
Harry H. Tigelaar
On the Identification of Local Minimizers in Inertia-Controlling Methods for
Quadratic Programming
A. L. Forsgren, P. E. Gill, and W. Murray
On the Smith Normal Form of Structured Polynomial Matrices
Kazuo Murota
Minimax Polynomial Preconditioning for Hermitian Linear Systems
Steven F. Ashby
Some Inequalities on the Decomposable Numerical Radii of Matrices
Chi-Kwong Li
From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 10:24 EDT
Subject: Contents: SIAM Control and Optimization
Table of Contents -- SIAM J. Control Optim. 29-6, November 1991
Balanced Parameterization of Classes of Linear Systems
Raimund Ober
Stochastic Regulator Theory for a Class of Abstract Wave Equations
A. V. Balakrishnan
Feedback Equivalence for Nonlinear Systems and the Time Optimal Control
B. Bonnard
Some Characterizations of Optimal Trajectories in Control Theory
Piermarco Cannarsa and Halina Frankowska
New Size $\times$ Curvature for Strict Quasiconvexity of Sets
Guy Chavent
$H_\infty$ Control with Transients
Pramod P. Khargonekar, Krishnan M. Nagpal, and Kameshwar R. Poolla
$H^\infty$ Control of Linear Time-Varying Systems: A State-Space Approach
R. Ravi, K. M. Nagpal, and P. P. Khargonekar
Velocity Method and Lagrangian Formulation for the Computation of the Shape
Michel C. Delfour and Jean-Paul Zol\'{e}sio
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Singular Control Problems
Harold J. Kushner and Luiz Felipe Martins
A Framework for the Two-Dimensional Hyperstability Theory Based Provably
Convergent Adaptive Two-Dimensional IIR Filtering
Sankar Basu
From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 91 13:40 EDT
Subject: Contents: SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computing
November 1991 Volume 12, Number 6
Stability Analysis of a Householder-Based Algorithm for Downdating the Cholesky
Adam W. Bojanczyk and Allan O. Steinhardt
Sensitivity Analysis for Regularized Estimation in Some System Identification
Finbarr O'Sullivan
Some Stability Aspects of Schemes for the Adaptive Integration of Stiff Initial
Value Problems
Luca Dieci and Donald Estep
Computation of Thin-Plate Splines
Robin Sibson and G. Stone
Damped Jacobi Preconditioning and Coarse Grid Deflation foro Conjugate
Gradient Iteration on Parallel Computers
Lois Mansfield
Structure-Preserving and Rank-Revealing QR-Factorizations
Christian H. Bischof and Per Christian Hansen
The Dynamics of the Theta Method
A. M. Stuart and A. T. Peplow
The Nested Recursive Two-level Factorization Method for Nine-Point Difference
Owe Axelsson and Victor Eijkhout
Front Tracking Applied to a Nonstrictly Hyperbolic System of Conservation Laws
Nils Henrik Risebro and Aslak Tveito
What Is the Covariance Analog of the Paige and Saunders Information Filter?
M. R. Osborne and Tania Prvan
The Parallel Multipole Method on the Connection MachineR
Feng Zhao and S. Lennart Johnsson
Axially Symmetric Acoustic Wave Propagation through Flows with Vorticity
Noel J. Walkington
Parallelization of Robust Multigrid Methods:ILU Factorization and Frequency
Decomposition Method
Peter Bastian and Graham Horton
Timely Communications
Eigendecomposition of Domain Decomposition Interface Operators for Constant
Coefficient Elliptic Problems
Tony F. Chan and Thomas Y. Hou
Solution of Linear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations on an INTEL
L. Lustman, B. Neta, and C. P. Katti
A Domain Decomposition Preconditioner Based on a Change to a Multilevel
Nodal Basis
Charles H. Tong, Tony F. Chan, and C. C. Jay Kuo
End of NA Digest