NA Digest Sunday, March 21, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 12

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: C. Zhu <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 93 14:59:44 EST
Subject: Fitting Experimental Data by Best Approximation

A scientist records observations Z to true values Y over a set X which
he believes is generated by a model F with parameter A (unknown). He then
obtains a ``near best'' approximation on X by F with parameter B to data Z.
He believes B should be close to A, at least if Z is close to Y.
Unfortunately no quantitative results have appeared and recent experinece in
exponential sums suggests that even if the closeness belief is correct,
constants are unfavorable. The situation may be so bad that data fitting for
the more complicated models F may be no more valid than astrology.

The author would be glad to exchange opinions and experiences with those
interested in this topic.

Charles B. Dunham, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada.
[email protected]


From: Gil Strang <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 15:18:26 EST
Subject: New Textbook, Introduction to Linear Algebra

New Textbook : Introduction to Linear Algebra

Gil Strang's new linear algebra textbook will be published for classes
this fall. It combines theory and applications, starting more gradually
than his current book - it is for a wide range of students. This basic
course can show how linear algebra is really used.

To go with the text Cleve Moler has written MATLAB Teaching Codes (even
including Cramer's rule) . Thanks go also to many people on NA NET who
suggested exercises. Reading the short codes in the text gives students
a new and different look at linear algebra . So does using them.

The preliminary version, for faculty only, will be printed in April.
Letters have gone to many departments with a reply card to Wellesley -
Cambridge Press, Box 812060, Wellesley MA 02181. You could write directly
to me at [email protected] if this book might fit your department's plans.
Thank you.


From: Joseph Liu <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1993 08:02:03 -0500
Subject: Annual Meeting of Canadian Applied Math Society

14th Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Applied Mathematics Society/
Societe Canadienne de Mathematiques Applique

The annual meeting of CAMS/SCMA will be held at York University
North York, Ontario, May 30-June 2, 1993. (North York is a suburb
of Toronto located about ten miles north of downtown Toronto).
Three symposia associated with the meeting are Fluid Dynamics,
Functional Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, and
Numerical Algorithms. Plenary speakers will include R. Bartels,
J. Gilbert, J. Hale, S. Leibovich, M. Mackey, L. Mysak, J. Nocedal,
R. Nussbaum, and Y. Wu.

The Academic Committee consists of W. Enright (Toronto),
H. Freedman (Alberta), J. Liu (York), S. Shen (Alberta),
S. Sivaloganathan (Waterloo), H. Van Roessel (Alberta), and
J. Wu, Chair (York). Deadline for submission of abstracts
for contributed papers is April 2, 1993.

For further information, please contact:
Professor J. Wu
Dept of Math and Statistics
York University
North York, Ontario CANADA
M3J 1P3.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (416) 736-5250
Fax: (416) 736-5735


From: Suzanne Lenhart <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 10:27:59 -0500
Subject: Workshop for Women Students and Post-docs

The Association for Women in Mathematics will sponsor
a workshop for women graduate students and postdocs.
Funding and research opportunites and career choices
will be discussed. It will take place on July 11, l993
at the site of the SIAM National Meeting (July 12-16)
in the Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel in Philadelphia.
Funding will be provided by NSF and the Office of Naval

Up to 10 women graduate students and 10 women postdocs
can receive funding for travel and subsistence to attend
this workshop. To be eligible for funding, graduate
students must have started on a thesis problem and
have a letter of recommendation from their advisor.
Postdocs must have received their PhDs within 5 years.
Each application should include a vitae and a concise
description of research. Letters of reference may be

Application (5 copies) should be sent to
AWM Workshop Selection
4114 Computer and Space Sciences Building
University of MAryland
College Park, MD 20742-2431

Application deadline April 1, l993

For further information, call Suzanne Lenhart at 615-974-4270
or send email [email protected]


From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 93 07:54:09 CST
Subject: Workshop on Industrial Postdoc Programs



May 22 - 23, 1993

Supported by a grant from Special Projects Section,
Division of Mathematical Sciences, National Science
Foundation. Cosponsored by the Joint Policy Board for
Mathematics (JPBM)

The Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation
is considering modifications of its Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral
Research Fellowship activity. The modifications may include the option
of an industrial postdoctoral fellowship. If approved by the Foundation,
the modifications are planned to be implemented in the fall of 1994.

This Tutorial Workshop is designed to discuss how interested faculty
from various universities might develop proposals for this modified
fellowship activity. It is anticipated that the fellowships may require
industrial matching funds and that each industrial postdoctoral fellow
will spend half-time on an industrial project and half-time working with
a university faculty mentor. Prospective mentors would be responsible for
initiating the industrial contact and securing university and industrial
commitments for the postdoctoral fellowships.

The overall program goal is to develop mutual research and technology
transfer between mathematics and industry through the mechanism of
(i)preparing math Ph.D's for productive research in industry, while
maintaining viable contact with universities and (ii) exposing math Ph.D's,
who will go into an academic career, to the excitement of industrial
research. Potential benefits to industry include contact through postdocs
to cutting edge knowledge, technology transfer at ``lower'' levels, and
hiring possibilities. Potential benefits to universities include a
broadening of mathematics research and education activities, and the
development of job opportunities for young mathematicians beyond college
and university mathematics departments. The immediate goal of the workshop
is to attract prospective faculty mentors from across the US and to show
them how to learn the language of industrial research and to nurture
relationships with industrial scientists to the level of developing a joint
industrial mathematics project.

Mathematics faculty interested in acting as a mentor for an Industrial
Postdoc are invited to apply to attend. Those who wish financial support
for their travel and local expenses should submit their vitae and a
statement of interest and background appropriate for a faculty mentor.
The registration cost is $16 for the dinner. To preregister contact the
IMA (or obtain the registration form and schedule by anonymous ftp at and return it) by April 14, 1993.

The program will feature (in order):

Richard Herman, Director, JPBM
Avner Friedman, Director, IMA
J. Allen Cox, Honeywell researcher
David Dobsen, former IMA Industrial Postdoc
Bernard McDonald, Head Special Projects, Division of Math Sciences, NSF
Ellis Cumberbatch, Claremont Graduate School
Robert Fennell, Clemson University
James Glimm, SUNY Stony Brook
Mary Wheeler, Rice University

University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
FAX (612) 626-7370 telephone (612) 624-6066
[email protected]
files of announcements, forms and preprints via
anonymous ftp:


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 93 10:42:34 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference on Geometric Design

Third SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
November 1-5, 1993
Tempe, Arizona

The DEADLINE for submission of contributed abstracts to the
conference has been EXTENDED TO MARCH 29, 1993. For those
of you who have not sent in your 100-word abstracts, please
do so NOW! You can submit your abstracts electronically.
To help in formatting your submission, plain TeX or LaTeX
macros are available. Contact SIAM at: [email protected]

If you are not using TeX, submissions can be made by plain
text e-mail, but no embedded symbols from mathematics editor
should be used.

You may also send your abstracts via FAX 215-386-7999.

We look forward to receiving your submission on or before
March 29, 1993.


From: Moody Chu <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 93 16:56:47 -0500
Subject: Lanczos International Centenary Conference

December 12-17,1993
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA

To celebrate the birth of Cornelius Lanczos in 1893, North
Carolina State University together with other sponsors will
hold an international conference from Sunday 12 December
through Friday 17 December 1993. The conference will reflect
the wide interests of Cornelius Lanczos in computational
mathematics, theoretical physics, and astrophysics.


The program of the conference includes approximately twenty-six
invited plenary speakers and twenty-five minisymposia which will
deal with the research topics listed below. The conference will also
include sessions of contributed papers in the form of twelve minute
talks and poster sessions. The contributed talks and posters can be on
any topic in the areas of computational mathematics, theoretical
physics, and astrophysics, including:

-Software for Lanczos-based Algorithms
-Least Squares
-Control Applications
-Moments in Numerical Analysis
-Eigenvalue Computations
-Development of the FFT
-Tau Method
-The FFT in Signal Processing
-Chebyshev Polynomials
-Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
-Computational Magnetohydrodynamics in Astrophysics
-Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
-Numerical Simulations of Collisionless Space Plasmas
-Detection of Gravitational Radiation from Astrophysical Sources
-Cauchy Problem of General Relativity
-Cosmic Censorship
-Lanczos H-tensor
-Symplectic Methods in Physics
-Canonical Quantum Gravity and the Problem of Time
-Decoherence and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
-New Variables and Loop Quantization
-SSC Physics
-Open Questions in Particle Theory

The closing date for receiving abstracts for oral contributed papers
is 1 May 1993. The closing date for receiving abstracts for poster papers
is 2 August 1993. Please see FURTHER INFORMATION below for information on
submitting an abstract.



James W. Cooley V.I. Arnold*
Jane K. Cullum James B. Hartle
Roland W. Freund Christopher J. Isham
Gene H. Golub Jerrold E. Marsden
Anne Greenbaum Roger Penrose
Martin H. Gutknecht Tsvi Piran
Eduardo L. Ortiz John J. Stachel
Christopher C. Paige Yasushi Takahashi
Beresford N. Parlett Claudio Teitelboim
Pal Rozsa Kip S. Thorne
Youcef Saad Michael S. Turner
G. W. Stewart John A. Wheeler
John Todd * To be confirmed


We have funding from the NSF for partial support for some advanced Ph.D.
students or junior researchers to attend this conference. Please see
FURTHER INFORMATION below. Women, minorities and disabled individuals
are particularly encouraged to apply. No other forms of financial
support are available.


A first circular has been sent out through the SIAM, APS and GRG
mailing lists. A second circular giving details about the program
and related information will be distributed during May, 1993.
If you wish to receive the second circular, please complete and
return the reply form attached in the first circular, or write to:

Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary
Conference, Attn: Sheehan/Heggie,
NCSU/OCE&PD, Box 7401, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7401, USA

or contact through e-mail:

[email protected].

A mail server has been set up to answer most of your questions.
Simply include the text "send information" in the "Subject" line
of your e-mail message. You will receive a file that will direct you
to instructions on how to submit an abstract, how to apply for
financial support, etc.


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 93 12:16:56 -0500
Subject: PVM Users' Group Meeting

1993 PVM Users Group Meeting
Knoxville, Tennessee
May 10 - 11

The first PVM Users' Group Meeting will be held May 10th and 11th, 1993,
at the Downtown Knoxville Hilton, Knoxville, TN. The meeting will provide
a chance for users of PVM to meet each other and members of The PVM Team.

The conference will include:
* Invited talks by experts in fields of interest to PVM users.
* Contributed papers from the PVM user community.
* Technical presentations by the developers of PVM.
* Social activities.

There will be invited talks by the following individuals:

Donna Bergmark, Cornell University
Dennis Duke, Florida State University
Weicheng Jiang, University of Tennessee
Neil Lincoln, Sessco
Bob Manchek, University of Tennessee
Peter Rigsbee, Cray Research
Karl-Heinz Winkler, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Call For Papers:
The PVM Team welcomes abstracts of papers for possible presentation
at the Users' Group meeting. Abstracts should be approximately 300 words
in length. The deadline for submitting abstracts is April 15, 1993.
Abstracts will be reviewed and authors notified of their acceptance by
April 30. Please submit abstracts to:

Jan Jones
Computer Science Department
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996
phone: 615-974-8295, fax: 615-974-8296

or to: [email protected]

If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive additional
information on the Users' Group Meeting, please send your name,
postal mailing address and phone number to: [email protected].


From: E. Gallopoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 93 15:33:23 CST
Subject: XIII Parallel Circus


XIII Parallel Circus
Urbana, Illinois
April 23-24, 1993

The Parallel Circus is an informal meeting of the numerical
analysis community with particular emphasis on parallel algorithms
for scientific computing. The XIIIth Circus will be held this spring
and will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science and the
Center for Supercomputing Research and Development of the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
As with previous Circuses, we hope to have many attendees from
the USA, Canada, and other countries. The circus is unique in that
it is very informal, and thus allows us to talk about the very
latest results as well as interesting work in progress. In previous
meetings there have been many informal discussions and a good mix
of attendees from universities, industry and national
laboratories. Although there are no proceedings, a circus diary
is kept and posted in NAnet.

Complete announcements, including registration form, are available
via anonymous ftp from ( in directory
CSRD_Info/announcements. Get file pc13.1ascii (ASCII) or pc13.1ps (PostScript).
These forms can be also obtained by sending e-mail to [email protected]
with the single line request "send pc13.1ascii from announcements"
for the ASCII version. A nicer PostScript version is available sending
the message "send pc13uenc.1ps from announcements".
To restore the latter you must run it through "uudecode" first.

The actual lengths of presentations will depend on the
number of participant that wish to speak. Experience shows that
it is reasonable to plan for 30 minute long talks, including questions
and discussion. The circus will begin on Friday morning and
end Saturday afternoon. The schedule of talks will be set
Friday morning. Participants who give a talk and leave are generally
regarded as anti-social, so you should plan to attend all
of the talks. A major event of the Circus is the Friday evening dinner,
to be held at a local restaurant.

Graduate students are especially welcome. There is modest
support from the National Science Foundation for student travel
to the Parallel Circus. Those students requesting support
should give reasons for attending the meeting and a budget
for expenses. The student(s) should indicate their research
interests and plans; a one page abstract of
a proposed talk is desirable. A letter verifying that
the student is in good standing should be sent
independently by a faculty adviser. This letter should
give the student's GPA. We will be pleased to consider joint
proposals which would include the expenses of several students.
Send your application to:
FAX: (415) 723-2411 (Write "Student Support" on Fax.)
E-mail: [email protected]

Registration is important. Due to space limitations
we must limit participation to the first 100 registrants.
There are no registration fees but attendees are responsible
for their expenses, including dinner Friday night.
Note however that the restaurant will be reasonably priced. Please
address your registration form and enquiries for local arrangements to
Ms. Cathy Warmbier, Attn. Parallel Circus
465, CSRL
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801-2307
[email protected]
FAX: (217)244-1351; Tel. (217)244-1340

Gene Golub
Dept. Computer Science
Stanford University
[email protected]

Stratis Gallopoulos
CSRD and Dept. Computer Science
University of Illinois
[email protected]

Paul Saylor
Dept. Computer Science
University of Illinois
[email protected]

Paul Van Dooren
CSL and Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Illinois
[email protected]


From: Jan Mandel <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 93 13:49:17 MST
Subject: Postdoc at University of Colorado at Denver

Postdoctoral Research Associate

University of Colorado at Denver

The Computational Mathematics Group at the University of Colorado
at Denver expects to offer one visiting position for the academic
year 1993/94 for work on NSF funded projects in the areas of high-performance
computing and intelligent iterative solution methods for finite element
equations. The successful candidate should have background in some of
the following areas:

1. parallel computing and software engineering, including experience with
team development and large software projects
2. multigrid and domain decomposition methods for finite elements for PDEs,
either practical or theoretical
3. artificial intelligence, in particular neural networks, self-organizing
systems, and expert systems
4. mathematical foundations of finite element analysis

The candidate should have recently obtained or be about to obtain a PhD degree
in a relevant area of Mathematics, Computer Science, or Engineering. The search
starts immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The stipend
will be up to $30,000 per year.

The postdoctoral associate will be expected to design, develop, implement,
analyze, and publish new solution methods and to successfully interact with
the rest of the team at the Department of Mathematics in Denver and
the Departments of Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science at
the University of Colorado at Boulder. He or she will have access to
advanced computers, including CM-5, KSR-1, and Intel Paragon, as well as
a local area network of SUN and DEC workstations, and the use of own SUN SPARC

The Denver/Boulder area is located at the foothills of Rocky Mountains and
offers excellent opportunities for skiing and hiking.

Please send vita, selected publications, and arrange for two letters of
recommendation to be sent to

Jan Mandel
Computational Mathematics Group
Campus Box 170
University of Colorado at Denver
Denver, CO 80217-3364
e-mail: [email protected]

The University of Colorado is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity


From: University of Dortmund <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 11:23:27 SET
Subject: Position at the University of Dortmund, Germany

Am Fachbereich Mathematik der Universitaet Dortmund ist eine
Hochschuldozentur (C2)
zu besetzen. Bevorzugt werden Bewerber/Bewerberinnen der Arbeitsrichtung
Von dem Stelleninhaber wird die Beteiligung an der Ausbildung der
Studenten der Mathematik, der Wirtschaftsmathematik und anderer
Fachrichtungen in Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung erwartet.
Erwartet wird ferner die Beteiligung an Aufgaben der Selbstverwaltung.
Habilitation fuer das Fach Mathematik oder habilitationsadaequate
Leistungen werden vorausgesetzt. Die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen fuer
Hochschuldozenten bestimmen sich nach Paragraph 49 WissHG des Landes NRW.
Hiernach werden Hochschuldozenten fuer die Dauer von sechs Jahren zu
Beamten auf Zeit ernannt.

Schwerbehinderte Bewerber oder Bewerberinnen mit gleicher Eignung werden
bevorzugt behandelt.

Die Universitaet Dortmund strebt eine Erhoehung des Anteils von Frauen in
Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb Wissenschaftlerinnen
nachdruecklich um ihre Bewerbung.

Bewerbungen sind bis zum 4. Mai 1993 zu richten an den Dekan des
Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universitaet Dortmund, Postfach 50 05 00,
4600 Dortmund 50, Tel. 0231/755-3050.

Bitte benutzen Sie nur den schriftlichen Weg fuer Ihre Bewerbung,
der Dekan.


From: Zhao Jin-xi <[email protected]>
Date: 20 Mar 1993 10:07:36 +0000
Subject: Contents, Numerical Mathematics


Numerical Mathematics (A Journal of Chinese Universities, English Series)
Volume 1, Number 1

Wang Yu, Feng Guo-chen, Liu Ting-zhan:
A interior point algorithm for convex nonlinear programming problems

Wu Bai-sheng, Li Rong-hua:
Theory and computation of secondary bifurcations near a double eigenvalue

Sun Ji-guang:
Condition numbers of a multiple eigenvalue

Deng Nai-yang, Xiao Yi, Zhou Fang-jun:
Nonmonotone curved search methods for unconstrained optimization

Jiang Er-xiong, Peter C.B. Lam:
Two kinds of shift using \beta_{2} in QL algorithm

Lei Jin-gan, Lin Chun-lei:
Approximate bifurcation of obstacle prolems with Out-volume force

Han Hou-de:
A boundary element method for signorini problem in linear elasticity

Zhao Feng-guang, Wang De-ren:
On the global algorithm for finding zeros of general mappings over R^{2}

Lu Lin-zhang:
On sign function and square root methods for solution of real algebraic
Riccati equations

Zhang Ping-wen:
A symmetrical viscosity splitting scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations

Yu De-hao:
The approximate computation of Hypersingular integrals on interval

== Zhao Jin-xi ( Dept. of Math., Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008,China)
E-mail: [email protected]


End of NA Digest
