NA Digest Sunday, April 3, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Lars Elde'n <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 15:24:03 +0200
Subject: Conference Honoring Ake Bjorck


In celebration of Ake Bjorck's 60'th birthday a conference will be
held at Linkoping University, January 9-10, 1995. The theme of the
conference will be


The aim of the conference is to celebrate the many contributions of
Ake Bjorck to numerical analysis. This is best done by bringing
together scientists working in the field of numerical linear algebra
to discuss the latest development concerning least squares methods.
It is an interesting coincidence that in 1995 it will be 200 years
since the the least squares method was first used (according to Gauss
in his dispute with Legendre).

The following speakers have agreed to give a talk:

Iain Duff Rutherford Laboratory and CERFACS
Gene Golub Stanford University
Chris Paige McGill University
Haesun Park University of Minnesota
Mike Saunders Stanford University
Pete Stewart University of Maryland
Charles Van Loan Cornell University
Jim Varah University of British Columbia

In addition there will be a number of contributed 20 min. talks.
No conference proceedings will be published. Participants and
contributors should notice the following dates.

June 1, 1994 Second announcement
September 1, 1994 Deadline for paper submission
October 15, 1994 Notification of acceptance
November 15, 1994 Final date for registration
January 9-10, 1995 Conference

A conference dinner and birthday party will be held on the evening of
Monday, January 9.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Lars Elde'n and Tommy Elfving, Linkoping, Gene
Golub, Stanford, Bo Kagstrom, Umea, and Axel Ruhe, Gothenburg.

INFORMATION: If you want to receive further information about the
conference by e-mail, please send a message to either of the addresses
below. Conference information will also be distributed by ordinary

CORRESPONDENCE should be addressed to either:

Lars Elde'n Theresia Petersson
Department of Mathematics Conference secretary
Linkoping University Same address as Lars Elde'n
S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: +46 13 28 21 83 +46 13 28 14 02
Fax: +46 13 10 07 46 +46 13 10 07 46

NOTE: January 11-13, 1995, a symposium will be held in Stockholm to
celebrate Germund Dahlquist's 70'th birthday. This will be announced
separately. For information, contact Gustaf Soderlind, e-mail
[email protected].


From: Hank Bosch <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 11:21:04 -0500
Subject: Mathematicians on Coins and Bills

I am interested in knowing of any coins or bills
that have a mathematician's picture on them.

The German two-mark coin, for example, shows Max Planck
(I know he's really not a mathematician per se, but a
physicist of that stature sure comes close!)

I would appreciate hearing from you if you know.

Heinrich Bosch
[email protected]


From: Francoise Chatelin <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 09:09:46 +0200
Subject: Report on Finite Precision Computation

A report is available from CERFACS to anyone who reads French and is
interested in finite precision computations.

The expert report TR/PA/94/05 realised for DRET
(French Ministry of Defence Research Organization)
is available via anonymous ftp from : (
in the directory

It is entitled : Le calcul sur ordinateur a
precision finie - Theorie et Etat de l'Art.

CERFACS contact : Valerie Fraysse
Email : [email protected]


From: Christian Lubich <lubich@wmax53>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 94 17:53:26 +0200
Subject: Change of address for Christian Lubich

Dear Colleagues,

As of April 1, 1994, my new address is

Christian Lubich
Mathematisches Institut
Universit\"at T\"ubingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
D-72074 T\"ubingen

"[email protected]" will continue to be
a valid e-mail address.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 94 10:57:17 EST
Subject: 1994 SIAM Forum - Mathematics in Industry

FUTURE July 23, 1994 Holiday Inn at the Embarcadero, San Diego,

Panel sessions and presentations for mathematicians in business,
industry, government, and academia will focus on The Job Market
of the Future:

Mathematics in Smaller Firms A panel discussion of practices,
opportunities, and experiences of mathematicians working in
smaller firms, a rapidly growing segment of American business.

Experiences of Recent Industrial Hires Brief presentations and
discussions from some who recently started working in industry.
How did they find their positions? What do they do? What do
they wish they knew in graduate school that they know now?

Hiring: the Manager's Perspective Managers discuss the processes
and practices of hiring industry and government. Who makes the
decisions and how? What are current needs, practices and
opportunities? Who is getting what kinds of positions?

Bridging from Academia to Industry How do academic
mathematicians build bridges to industry? What programs are
available for student and faculty internships in industry and
government? What support can university relations offices
provide? How are alumni networks built?

Non-Mathematicians Who Do Mathematics In Industry Many
individuals whose terminal degrees are not in mathematics work
in industry as applied mathematicians. How did they come to
applied mathematics? What kinds of problems do they work on?
How did they get their positions? What can those with
mathematics degrees learn from their experiences?

The Forum is sponsored by SIAM to promote exchange within the
community on important issues and to inform and energize it.
Extensive audience participation is always a key feature of the
SIAM Forum. Informal meals and receptions will offer further
opportunities for interaction and networking.

This forum is being conducted with partial support from the
Department of Energy.

Other SIAM meetings you may want to attend while in San Diego:

Symposium on Control Problems in Industry July 22-23, 1994
Holiday Inn at the Embarcadero, San Diego, California

SIAM Tutorial on Ensemble Based Simulated Annealing July 24,
1994 Sheraton Harbor Island East, San Diego, California

1994 SIAM Annual Meeting July 25-29, 1994 Sheraton Harbor Island
East, San Diego, California

E-MAIL: ([email protected])
TELEPHONE: 215-382-9800
FAX: 215-386-7999
REGULAR MAIL: SIAM Conference Department, 3600
University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688


From: Kelly Black <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 1994 07:27:10 -0500
Subject: Spectral Multi-Domain Workshop

Dear Colleagues,

The final plans for the Multi-Domain Workshop 94 are being drawn up
and we are looking forward to the event. Please note that the
registration fee for the event has been reduced to $60 ($50 for
grad students). All who have registered at the previous amount
will be reimbursed for the difference.

Kelly Black
[email protected]

Announcement for Spectral Multi-Domain Methods Workshop
May 16-18, 1994
Center for Research in Scientific Computing
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Topic: Spectral multi-domain methods. A major theme will be the topic
of interface conditions. There is an intricate balance between what
happens at the interfaces and the trade-offs between the discrete-
ization and the actual implementation. This is further compounded
when considering different computational architectures. Other topics
will include how to implement the methods and some basic results. The
presentations will begin with an introduction to the techniques and
will include some of the latest results to this growing field. Our
primary interest is to provide a forum for attendees to freely
exchange ideas with a view to collaboration.

Format: We anticipate each speaker providing an introductory lecture
and a lecture on their area of expertise. The introductory lectures
can be coordinated so that topics central to spectral multi-domain
techniques are covered. Presentations are limited to the invited
speakers; however, there will be a poster session. Also, the number
of attendees will be limited in the interest of providing a more
intimate setting.

Organizing committee:
Kelly Black North Carolina State University
Wei Cai University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Jeffrey S. Scroggs North Carolina State University

Scientific committee:
H.T. Banks North Carolina State University
Paul Fischer Brown University

List of speakers:
Paul Fischer Brown University
Daniele Funaro Universita di Pavia
David Gottlieb Brown University
George Karniadakis Princeton University
Yvonne Maday Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Steven Orszag Princeton University
Einar Ronquist Nektronics
Jinchao Xu Penn State University

For more information, please contact
Kelly Black
Center for Research in Scientific Computing
Box 8205, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27695-8205, USA
[email protected]


From: Lars-Erik Andersson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 94 16:50:30 +0200
Subject: Linkoping Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Second Announcement and Call for Talks.

Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Conference, June 6-10, 1994,
University of Linkoping, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden.

Organizing Committee: Vladimir Maz'ya (chairman), Lars-Erik Andersson (co-
chairman), Tommy Elfving, Lars Inge Hedberg and Anders Klarbring.

The Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in the Department of
Mathematics of the University of Linkoping will organize the second
Linkoping Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathemathics,
June 6-10, 1994.

Similarly to the first conference, December 1991, we address engineers
and mathematicans who are interested in mutual contacts. We anticipate
that people from industry will present practical problems which require
mathematical support. On the other hand mathematicians will give
lectures on the state of the art in domains important for applications.

No proceedings of the conference are planned.

The conference will focus on the use of differential equations for
modelling in science and industry as well as on numerical solution
techniques for differential and integral equations.

By now the following persons have agreed to give an invited lecture.

G. Fichera (Rome): On the influence of functional topology in problems
of applications.
R.S. Anderssen (Canberra): The value of solving industrial problems
using mathematics.
I. Babuska (College Park, Maryland): Reliability of the numerical
treatment of engineering problems.
H. Brezis (Paris): Liquid crystals, superconductivity and phase transition
phenomena giving rise to singularities and vertices.
G. Eskin (Los Angeles): Inverse scattering problems at fixed energy
for the Schrodinger operator with magnetic potential.
L. Frank (Reims), Travelling waves in shallow water revisited.
I. Gohberg (Tel Aviv): Interpolation problems and control.
B. Gustafsson (Uppsala): High order difference methods for first
order systems of partial differential equations.
J. Haslinger (Prague), Optimization of composite materials.
B. Haggblad (Vasteras): Model reduction methods for large scale
engineering problems.
D. Kinderlehrer (Pittsburgh): Mathematical methods in the study of
shape memory materials and magnetostrictive materials.
R. Kleinman (Newark, Delaware): New approaches of numerical solution of
integral equations.
A. Koshelev (S:t Petersburg): Regularity of solutions of the Navier-Stokes
and some other quasi-linear systems.
E. Meister (Darmstadt): On systems of Wiener-Hopf equations arising
in the theory of diffraction by parallel half-planes.
P.D. Panagiotopoulos (Thessaloniki): Theory and applications of
hemivariational inequalities.
S. Prossdorf (Berlin): Wavelet approximation methods for solving
integral and pseudo-differential equations.
R. Temam (Orsay): Some questions related to the control of turbulence.
V. Thomee (Goteborg), On the numerical solution of evolution equation
with memory.
W.L. Wendland (Stuttgart), On strongly elliptic boundary integral
equations and the computation of higher order Cauchy data.
J. Whiteman (London): The use of finite element methods with recovery
for problems of solid mechanics.

If you are interested in further information, please
contact the organizing committee.

Phone Numbers:
V. Maz'ya +46 13 28 23 73 (national 013-28 23 73)
L.-E. Andersson +46 13 28 14 17 (national 013-28 14 17)
FAX +46 13 10 07 46 (national 013-10 07 46)

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


From: Fran Mailian <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 11:17:19 -0500
Subject: Position at Rice University

Rice University
Computational & Applied Mathematics Department

The Department of Computational & Applied Mathematics invites
applications for tenure-track assistant professorship appointment in
mathematical programming (integer and combinatorial optimization), and
numerical optimization. Applicants should demonstrate both breadth of
interest and promise in research and teaching.

Rice University is a private research university with a long tradition
of excellence in undergraduate science and engineering education. The
Computational & Applied Mathematics Department hosts research programs
in Linear and Integer Programming, Numerical Optimization, Numerical
Linear Algebra, Parallel Computing, Flow in Porous Media, and Optimal
Design and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations.

Please furnish vita, transcripts, reprints, and three letters of
recommendation before April 1, 1994, to:

Chair, Staffing Committee
Computational & Applied Mathematics Department
Rice University
PO Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892

Rice University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: Rolf Jeltsch <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 94 15:38:29 +0200
Subject: Full Professorship Position in Innsbruck

Here is the announcement of an open full professorship in
Numerical Analysis and a little bit of computer science
at the University of Innsbruck. The official Text is in German and will
be added to this message. For further information you may contact
Professor Helmberg with the e-mail address: [email protected] L


An der Fakultaet fuer Bauingenieurwesen und Architektur ist mit
1. Oktober 1995 die Planstelle einer(s)

Ordentlichen Universitaetsprofessorin/Universitaetsprofessors
Numerik und Bauinformatik

zu besetzen (Nachfolge Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert KREMSER).

Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet
der Mathematik mit besonderer Betonung der Numerik und technik-
bezogenen Informationswissenschaften. Die Bewerbin/der Bewerber
soll wissenschaftlich hervorragend ausgewiesen sein und ueber
die Faehigkeit zur Loesung mathematischer Probleme im Bereich
der technischen Wissenschaften verfuegen.

Ernennungserfordernisse sind:

a) eine abgeschlossene inlaendische oder gleichwertige
auslaendische mathematische Hochschulbildung (Doktorat),

b) eine an einer oesterreichischen Universitaet erworbene oder
gleichwertige auslaendische mathematische Lehrbefugnis
(venia docendi) oder eine gleichzuwertende wissenschaftliche

c) der Nachweis paedagogischer Eignung.

Da die Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck eine Anhebung des
Anteils der Frauen am wissenschaftlichen Personal anstrebt, werden
qualifizierte Frauen ausdruecklich aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben.

Die Bewerbungen sind unter Beilage des Lebenslaufes mit
Beschreibung des wissenschaftlichen und beruflichen Werdeganges
(Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veroeffentlichungen bzw. der sonstigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten) sowie der Vortrags- bzw. Lehrtaetigkeit
an das Dekanat der Fakultaet fuer Bauingenieurwesen und Architektur
der Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 13,
A-6020 Innsbruck, bis zum 10. Juni 1994 zu richten.


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 07:10:47 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications

Contents Volume 202

Erich W. Ellers (Toronto, Canada)
Products of Transvections in One Conjugacy Class in the Symplectic
Group Over GF(3) 1

Luca Dieci (Atlanta, Georgia)
Structure Preserving Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation for Definite
Matrices 25

M. Gasca and J. M. Pena (Zaragoza, Spain)
A Matricial Description of Neville Elimination With Applications to
Total Positivity 33

Sergej Rjasanow (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Effective Algorithms With Circulant-Block Matrices 55

A. Messaodi (Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France)
Matrix Recursive Projection and Interpolation Algorithms 71

Michael Shmoish (Rehovot, Israel)
On Generalized Spectral Functions, the Parametrization of Block Hankel
and Block Jacobi Matrices, and Some Root Location Problems 91

Estelle L. Basor and Kent E. Morrison (San Luis Obispo, California)
The Fisher-Hartwig Conjecture and Toeplitz Eigenvalues 129

Sandro Zampieri (Padova, Italy)
A Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Multidimensional Discrete
Linear Shift-Invariant Systems 143

I. Gohberg and V. Olshevsky (Ramat Aviv, Israel)
Complexity of Multiplication With Vectors for Structured Matrices 163

P. Do@a2rfler (Leoben, Austria) *Xand G. Schmeisser (Erlangen,
Construction of Unitary and Normal Companion Matrices 193

L. Lopez (Bari, Italy)
Bounds for the Solutions of a Class of Tridiagonal Linear Systems 221

Arieh Lev (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Products of Cyclic Similarity Classes in the Groups GL*Dn(*IF)*b4 235

Hugo J. Woerdeman (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Toeplitz Minimal Rank Completions 267

Author Index 279


From: Sandra Nelson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 94 08:17:16 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Matrix Analysis and Applications


Sensitivity of the Stationary Distribution of a Markov Chain
Carl D. Meyer

Strongly Inertia-Preserving Matrices
Abraham Berman and Dafna Shasha

Dynamical Systems that Compute Balanced Realizations and the
Singular Value Decomposition
U. Helmke, J. B. Moore, and J. E. Perkins

Trust Region Problems and Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Perturbations
Ronald J. Stern and Henry Wolkowicz

The Generalized Order Linear Complementarity Problem
M. Seetharama Gowda and Roman Sznajder

A Matrix Approach to Finding a Set of Generators and Finding
the Polar (Dual) of a Class of Polyhedral Cones
Carolyn PIllers Dobler

A Uniform Approach for the Fast Computation of Matrix-type Pade Approximants
Bernard Beckermann and George Labahn

A Block-Parallel Newton Method via Overlapping Epsilon Decompositions
A. I. Zecevic and D. D. Siljak

Factorization of Matrix Polynomials with Symmetries
A. C. M. Ran and L. Rodman

Decomposability and Quotient Subspaces for the Pencil sL-M
V. L. Syrmos and Frank L. Lewis

Numerical Gradient Algorithms for Eigenvalue and Singular Value Calculations
J. B. Moore, R. E. Mahony, and U. Helmke

A Note on Extreme Correlation Matrices
Chi-Kwong Li and Bit-Shun Tam

On Preconditioning for Finite Element Equations on Irregular Grids
Alison Ramage and Andrew J. Wathen

The Reverse Bordering Method
C. Brezinski, M. Morandi Cecchi, and M. Redivo-Zaglia

Some Spectral Properties of Hermitian Toeplitz Matrices
William F. Trench

Theory of Decomposition and Bulge)Chasing Algorithms for the
Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
David Watkins and Ludwig Elsner

The Diagonal Torus of a Matrix Under Special Unitary Equivalence
Robert C. Thompson

Fast Estimation of Principal Eigenspace Using Lanczos Algorithm
Guanghan Xu and Thomas Kailath

LCP Degree Theory and Oriented Matroids
Walter D. Morris, Jr.

Variation of the Unitary Part of a Matrix
Rajendra Bhatia and Kalyan Mukherjea

Upper Bound for the Real Part of Nonmaximal Eigenvalues of
Nonnegative Irreducible Matrices
Shmuel Friedland and Leonid Gurvits

Block Downdating of Least Squares Solutions
L. Elden and H. Park

An Attainable Lower Bound for the Best Normal Approximation
Lajos Laszlo


End of NA Digest
