NA Digest Sunday, June 19, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 25

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 94 11:20:45 PDT
Subject: Invited Mini-Symposia for ICIAM meeting

Hamburg , Germany

SIAM has been allotted 30 mini-symposia at the ICIAM meeting at
Hamburg, July 3 thru July 7, 1995. We invite you and your colleagues
to submit a proposal by July 15, 1994. THE PROPOSALS SHOULD BE SENT TO
THE SIAM OFFICE. The final decision on the mini-symposia will be made
by the the ICIAM Program Committee to insure a balanced program.
Forms for making the proposal can be obtained from SIAM
([email protected]) or from the SIAM gopher. (These forms are for the
genaral call for mini-symposia; ignore the dates and address of
return.) We welcome suggestions for other topics and organizers.

A final decision on mini-symposia will be made by Sept 15, 1994.

Here is some information and helpful comments. These suggestions are
guides but they are not inviolate.

1) In the interest of fairness, an individual should not participate
and/or organize more than one mini-symposium.

2) The organizer should be a member of SIAM but it is desirable that
the speakers be chosen to reflect the international character of the
ICIAM meeting.

3) If the organizer is a speaker then he/she should nominate another
person to chair the session.

4) No funding has been provided for the expenses of these mini-symposia.

5) The mini-symposium format allows for a variety of formats eg.
roundtable discussions, presentations of variable length, etc.

There will be a more general call for submission of mini-symposium at
a later date.



From: Robert Skeel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 11:24:29 -0500
Subject: Jack Wisdom Wins a MacArthur Fellowship

Professor Jack Wisdom of MIT has been involved in a number of mammoth
computational studies of the long time dynamics of the solar system,
some of them on specially designed computing equipment. These have
involved innovative numerical techniques including the use of special
symplectic integration algorithms.

Associated Press story, June 14:
"For his research into the role of chaos in the stars, Wisdom
was recognized Monday with a "genious grant" from the John D.
and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
The 41-year-old physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology will receive $260,000 over five years -- no strings
attached. Nineteen other people received similar awards.
Wisdom's reaction: "It's a complete gift from the sky."
Since 1981, the MacArthur Foundation, whose founder made his
fortune in insurance, has given out more than $120 million to
414 fellows. The recipients are nominated by anonymous talent
scouts and chosen on the basis of skill, creativity and

Official announcement:
"Jack Wisdom, 41, physicist, professor, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. Significantly advanced understanding of solar
system dynamics. Grant: $260,000."


From: Fred J. Hickernell <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 16:10:56 +0800 (EAT)
Subject: Mathematical Software Benchmarks for Workstations

We are in the process of setting up a Scientific Computing Laboratory
with 1-2 servers and 15 client workstations. In assessing the performance
of various models we would like to know how fast they execute numerical
and statistical software, such as MATLAB. Although the developers of
MATLAB and various workstation vendors have been quite helpful, we are
still unable to run the MATLAB benchmarks on certain workstations under
consideration (see ?? below). If anyone has done so, could they please
let me know? Thanks in advance.

Loops LU Sparse 3-D 2-D
HP735/99 1.5 1.5 2.7 6.6 2.6
HP712/60 3.8 4.1 4.3 6.6 4.4
SUN SparcServer1000-2CPU ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
SUN SparcServer20 Model 514 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
SUNstation5 Model 70 4.0 3.4 4.3 4.7 4.4
IBM RS/6000 Model 390 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
IBM RS/6000 Model 3BT ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
IBM Model 41T ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

We would also be interested to know of any benchmarks for these workstations
using other software such as Mathematica, IMSL, NAG, SAS, S+, etc. Would
the developers of these softwares consider maintaining a data base of
benchmarks that could be accessed by anonymous ftp, and that could be updated
by their own tests or those of their users?

Fred J. Hickernell
Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong Baptist College
224 Waterloo Road
Kowloon, HONG KONG
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Matthew Witten <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 12:18:24 +0600
Subject: Biomedical Databases

I am interested in any help from anyone out there on the
following subject.

We have become an information gathering
society. One of the areas of interest is the gathering of
large databases of information. I was wondering if
anyone out there might know of databases of biomedical
information and how to access them. For example,
GenBank, census data, databases of medical images,
databases of population statistics, environmental
toxicity data, dental data, etc. If you know of such data,
would you please send me the following information:

Name of Database:
Is the database public or private:
How to contact database or database owner.

I will summarize the responses for the list. This is a
rather urgent request so, rapid answers would be
appreciated. Do not worry about duplicating others.

Feel free to cross post this note to any other lists that
might be appropriate.

Matthew Witten, Ph.D.
Head, Department of Applications Research and Development
Associate Director
UT System Center For High Performance Computing
Balcones Research Center, 1.154 CMS
10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758-4497 USA
Phone: (512) 471-2472 FAX: (512) 471-2445
E-MAIL [email protected]


From: I. M. Ananievsky <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 10:32:32 +0400
Subject: Two New Books

F.L.Chernousko. State Estimation for Dynamic Systems.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1994, 304p.

Researchers and engineers working in the field of applied
mathematics, systems modeling, control, and identification
will find this book very interesting. It is devoted to the
guaranteed, or minmax, state estimation of dynamic systems
which is a new and very promising branch of the mathemati-
cal theory of systems and control. The book presents the
state-of-the-art in this field and expounds the new effi-
cient method of state estimation proposed by the author.
The method makes it possible to obtain optimal two-sided
ellipsoidal bounds for reachable sets of linear and non-
linear control systems with discrete and continuous time,
to analyze practical stability of dynamic systems subjec-
ted to disturbances, to obtain two-sided estimates (fil-
tering) for dynamic systems in the presence of external
disturbances and observation errors. Numerical algorithms
for state estimation and optimal control, as well as
a number of applications and examples, are presented.
The book will be useful to researcers, professors, and
students in the field of applied mathematics and automatic

Felix L. Chernousko, Nikolai N. Bolotnik,
and Valeri G. Gradetsky. Manipulation Robots:
Dynamics, Control, and Optimization. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Florida, 1994, 267 p.

Researchers and engineers interested in recent scientific
achievements in robotics will find this book very useful.
The book contains basic knowledge of robotics including
kinematics, dynamics, drives, control and sensor systems,
etc., as well as new results obtained by the authors.
The book covers challenging fields of research such as
dynamics of robots with elastic parts, optimal control
of manipulators, and new developments in robotics.
To evaluate the elastic compliance of robots and their
dynamic accuracy, the authors propose new efficient
computer techniques and give numerous experimental data.
Optimal control methods presented in the book allow
increasing the speed and productivity of robotic opera-
tions and reducing the energy consumption. New develop-
ments in robotics are covered including pneumatic sensors,
adaptive grippers, special robotic systems for measurement
and inspection, wall-climbing robots with technological
manipulators, etc.


From: Ronald F Boisvert <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 16:02:03 EDT
Subject: Transactions on Mathematical Software on the Web

I have developed an experimental home for the ACM Transactions on
Mathematical Software on the World Wide Web. It provides the
following information:

o Charter
o How to Order the Journal
o Editorial Board
o Instructions to Authors
o Referees Instructions

o List of Upcoming articles
o complete Table of Contents for Volumes 1-20 (current)
o search capability within Tables of Contents
o pointers to the Collected Algorithms of the ACM

This project was undertaken to experiment with on-line information that
can be provided in support of a traditional printed journal.

Its URL is


From: Omer Egecioglu <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 10:28:39 PDT
Subject: Parallel Circus

1994 California Parallel Circus/ NA Day

Dear NA-Netters,

1994 California Parallel Circus/ NA Day was held June 6-7 at UCLA's
Lake Arrowhead conference center. This 2-day Day was organized by Tony
Chan and Gene Golub, aiming to to bring together NA groups at San Diego,
LA and the Bay Area and beyond for an informal workshop, with lots of
graduate student participation.

As some of you know, Lake Arrowhead is a fantastic location, with pine
forests, a clear blue lake, and crisp clean air. The UCLA facility
has nicely furnished lodgings, conference rooms, fireplaces, and an
overall rustic atmosphere. The food is not bad either.

Most of us arrived at the site Monday afternoon, registered and checked
in. We had two sessions that day, one before dinner, and one after,
leaving time to socialize in the Lakeview room after the late session.
Tuesday's events were divided into a morning and an afternoon session
with a group photo-op break. The talks continued till about 3 in the

For next year's NA Day some of the sites suggested were Asilomar and
Stanford. A bit earlier than June, and maybe on a weekend seemed to be
the preference of most participants.

Below is a list of the talks we heard.

Thanks again to Tony and Gene for putting this together.

Omer Egecioglu
Dept. of Computer Science,
UC Santa Barbara ([email protected])

Monday afternoon:

"Parabolic multigrid methods", S. Vandewalle ([email protected]), Caltech.

"First-order system least squares for partial differential equations:
discretization and solution methods", Z. Cai ([email protected]), USC.

"ADI on the Connection machine", S. Levin ([email protected]), Mobil
Research/Stanford, (with J. Strzelec).

Monday evening:

"Scheduling iterative task computation on message-passing machines",
T. Yang ([email protected]), UC Santa Barbara (with P. Diniz).

"Flow of liquid crystalline polymers: parallel solution using PVM on a cluster
of workstations", A. Srinivasan ([email protected]), UC Santa Barbara (with
C. Chaubal, O. Egecioglu, A. Szeri)

"Computing the truncated SVD solution using two-sided orthogonal
decompositions", R. Fierro ([email protected]), CSU San Marcos
(with P. C. Hansen).

"Divide-and-conquer methods for the symmetric eigenproblem and the SVD, and
a fast solution to the rank-deficient least squares problem", M. Gu
([email protected]), UC Berkeley (with J. Demmel).

Tuesday morning:

"Using time-varying system theory for modeling large matrix computations",
A-J. van der Veen ([email protected]), Stanford.

"Interplay between inner and outer iterations for the Chebyshev method",
E. Giladi ([email protected]), Stanford.

"Homotopy algorithm for large bifurcation problems", S. H. Lui
([email protected]), HKUST.

"Least-squares on the Cray T3D with sequential accumulation and allowing
for variable bandwidth", C. Lawson ([email protected]), JPL.

"A comparison of graph partitioning heuristics for finite element meshes",
P. Ciarlet ([email protected]), CEA/UCLA (with F. Lamour).

"Sparse approximate inverses for parallel preconditioning", T. Huckle
(, Wurzburg/Stanford (with M. Grote).

"Multiresolution representation and numerical algorithms", A. Harten
([email protected]), Tel-Aviv/UCLA.

Tuesday afternoon:

"Data parallel finite element solution of large scale exterior problems
in structural acoustics", M. Malhotra ([email protected]),
Stanford (with P. Pinsky).

"The use of context variables in scientific software libraries", B. Smith
([email protected]), UCLA (with W. Gropp, L. Curfmann-Innes).

"Nonlinear forcing of thin-walled elastic cylinders", K. Dempsey
([email protected]), UCLA.

"Numerical study of thermal convection in slender cavities", P. Wang
([email protected]), JPL.

"Far-field behavior of slightly compressible flows", L. de Pillis, Harvey Mudd.


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 15:53:57 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference Deadlines and Dates


July 11, 1994 ------- Deadline for Advance Registration
SIAM Symposium on Control Problems in
Industry, July 22-23, 1994, San Diego

July 11, 1994 ------- Deadline for Advance Registration
SIAM Short Course on Simulated
Annealing, July 24, 1994, San Diego

July 11, 1994 ------- Deadline for Advance Registration
1994 SIAM Annual Meeting , July 25-29,
1994, San Diego

July 11, 1994 ------- Deadline for submission of
minisymposium proposals for the Third
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and
Computational Issues in the Geosciences
February 8-10, 1995, San Antonio

July 15, 1994 ------- Deadline for submission of 13 copies
extended abstracts -- 10 pages long,
typed double spaced (about 12,000
bytes) for the Sixth ACM-SIAM Symposium
on Discrete Algorithms, January 22-24,
1995, San Francisco

August 8, 1994 ------ Deadline for submission of contributed
abstracts for the Third SIAM Conference
on Mathematical and Computational
Issues in the Geosciences, February
8-10, 1995, San Antonio

To register, or to receive either the e-mail or hard copy of
the programs for the Symposium on Control Problems in
Industry, Short Course on Simulated Annealing, and 1994
SIAM Annual Meeting; to obtain the call for papers for SODA,
and Geosciences; and to receive information on other SIAM
conferences, please contact the SIAM Conference Department --
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 215-382-9800
Fax: 215-386-7999.


From: Malgorzata Peszynska <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 09:25:57 +0200
Subject: IFIP Conference on Distributed Parameter Systems

First Announcement and Call for Papers


Warsaw, Poland, July 17-21, 1995
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences


The conference is coordinated with the 17th IFIP Conference on System
Modelling and Optimiization, Prague (The Czech Republic), July 10-14,
1995. It is the next one in the series of the conferences sponsored by
the IFIP Working Group WG 7.2 "Computational Techniques in Distributed
The aim of the Conference is to present the newest results and exchange
the ideas between people working on theoretical and numerical aspects
of modelling and optimization of distributed parameter systems and
those interested in engineering applications (with emphasis on
mechanical engineering and environmental problems).


1. PDE's and variational inequalities with applications.
2. Inverse problems in PDE's.
3. Approximation and regularization methods.
4. Numerical methods and algorithms.
5. Control and optimization.
6. Sensitivity and stability analysis.
7. Shape optimization.
8. Modelling of behavior of nonlinear materials
(e.g., hysteresis, memory and shape memory effects) in DPS.


Chairperson:I. Lasiecka (Charlottesville, USA)

A. Bermudez (Santiago de Compostela), A. Bogobowicz (Waterloo),
G. Da Prato (Pisa), M. Delfour (Montreal), L. Demkowicz (Austin),
M. Dryja (Warsaw), R. Glowinski (Houston), K.-H. Hoffmann (Munich),
W. Krabs (Darmstadt), A. Kurzhanskii (Moscow), G. Leugering (Bayreuth),
K. Malanowski (Warsaw), Z. Mroz (Warsaw), M. Niezgodka (Warsaw),
J. Puel (Palaiseau), J. Simon (Aubiere), J. Sokolowski (Nancy),
F. Troeltzsch (Chemnitz), J. Wasniewski (Lyngby), A. Wierzbicki (Warsaw),
J.-P. Yvon (Compiegne), J.-P. Zolesio (Sophia Antipolis).


P. Holnicki, K. Malanowski (Chairman), A. Myslinski,
Z. Nahorski (Vice-Chairman), R. Ostrowski,
M. Peszynska (Secretary), A. Zochowski.


Dr. Malgorzata Peszynska
IFIP Conference
Systems Research Institute
Polish Academy of Sciences
Newelska 6, PL-01-447 Warsaw

tel. (4822) 364414, 370521
fax (4822) 372772
e-mail [email protected]


Authors wishing to present papers are requested to send a copy of an
enlarged abstract (1-2 pages in English) to the Secretary prior to
February 28, 1995 for reviewing by the International Program
Committee. Notification on acceptance will be mailed before April 30,
1995. Materials of the Conference shall be published after the


From: Bette Byrne <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 09:55:20
Subject: Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics

University of Oxford
3-6 April 1995

Invited Speakers include:

H Deconinck (VKI, Belgium)
J C R Hunt (Meteorological Office)
M A Leschziner (UMIST)
D Mavriplis (ICASE, NASA Langley)
K W Morton (Oxford)
K G Powell (Michigan)
A Quarteroni (Milan)
S Rill (Deutsche Airbus GmbH, Germany)
A N Staniforth (Quebec)
B Stoufflet (Dassault Aviation, France)
J Thomas (NASA Langley)
N P Weatherill (Swansea)
P Wesseling (Delft)

This is the fourth international conference on CFD
organised by the ICFD (Institute for Computational Fluid
Dynamics), a joint research organisation at the
Universities of Oxford and Reading set up in 1983 with
the support of the SERC to collaborate with industry in
this area. Previous conferences were held at the
University of Reading in 1985 and 1992 and at the
University of Oxford in 1988 in a series of conferences
on the same theme held on the two sites over the last
thirteen years.

The aim of the conference, as in previous years, is to
bring together mathematicians and engineers and other
scientists in the field of computational aerodynamics and
computational fluid dynamics to review recent advances in
mathematical and computational techniques for modelling
fluid flows.

The subject area is very large with many active
researchers in industry, government laboratories and
universities working on a wide variety of methods and
applications. The conference will cover all areas of CFD
but it is hoped to emphasise three main areas:


In addition to invited lectures the programme will
include contributed talks of twenty minutes and
poster sessions. These will be selected mainly on
the basis of their likely contribution to the above

Two page abstracts for contributed papers should be
submitted by 9 December 1994 stating preference for oral
or poster presentation. Notification of acceptance will be
given by 31 January 1995. Papers accepted for oral
presentation will be required at the meeting for
publication in the Proceedings.

Abstracts and enquiries regarding the conference should
be addressed to:

Mrs B Byrne
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QD
Tel: 0865 273883

Email: [email protected]


From: Stefan M. Vorkoetter <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 09:19:37 -0400
Subject: 2nd OpenMath Workshop

2nd O P E N M A T H W O R K S H O P

A workshop to formulate a character-based standard for the
exchange of mathematical formulas and other mathematical
objects between programs.

July 18 and 19, 1994
St. Catherine's College, Oxford

(scheduled to precede exactly the ISSAC 94 meeting)

During the recent past, enough interest was expressed in working
on a text-based standard for the inter-communication of mathematical
expressions. Several groups are presently working towards this goal:
OpenMath, Posso XDR, Multi, HCM proposal, etc. In December 1994, the
first OpenMath workshop took place in Zurich. The meeting was
considered very successful, and a second meeting was scheduled to
coincide with ISSAC. During the past months, several people have
made significant progress toward this goal.

Arrangements are now in place for this second workshop. We are
planning to arrive in Oxford on Monday (18th) morning. Although the
conference rooms are reserved for all day, there are no planned
activities for the morning. The meeting starts in the afternoon and
continues for all of Tuesday (19th).

This notice should serve a double purpose:

(1) Call for papers/contributions.

If you are interested in presenting a contribution at this
workshop (expected contributions should be 30 minutes long),
please send a title and abstract to [email protected]. This
should arrive in Zurich no later than June 30th in order to
have the final program ready for the meeting.

We are also expecting project updates from the groups mentioned
above. (But please, let us know about them too).

(2) Registration.

The Institute for Scientific Computation at ETH will cover the
expenses generated by the workshop (two lunches, coffee breaks,
conference rooms and one night of accomodation at the residences).

For this, we *must* have your registration on or before June 18th.
Please send your intention to register to:

Frau K. Wallimann
Institute for Scientific Computation
ETH Zentrum, 8092 Zurich

Fax: 41 1 262 3973
Phone: 41 1 632 7471
e-mail: [email protected]

Best wishes, see you all in July, Gaston Gonnet.


From: Omer Morgul <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 14:20:30 +0400 (EET DST)
Subject: European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design

European Conference on
Circuit Theory and Design
27-31 August 1995
Istanbul, TURKEY

The 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design
will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, between 27-31 August
1995. The conference will focus on recent trends and advances
on all aspects of Signal Processing and Circuits. The presentations
will be made in the form of contributed and invited papers in
regular or special sessions, student poster sessions and
state-of-the-art talks by keynote speakers.
Authors are invited to submit original technical papers describing
novel research or engineering developments in the following areas :

CIRCUITS : Analog, digital and mixed integrated circuits;
communication and microwave circuits, switched-capacitor networks,
neural networks.

SIGNALS : Analog and digital;adaptive signals; image, speech and
biomedical signal processing; multiresolution analysis;
knowledge-based signal analysis.

SYSTEMS : Analog, digital and hybrid systems; communication systems;
VLSI and large scale systems; expert, discrete event, neural and
fuzzy systems.

MATHEMATICAL METHODS : Transform theory; linear and nonlinear system
theory; fractals and chaos; large scale and multidimensional system
analysis; graph theory.

COMPUTATIONAL METHODS : Analysis and design tools; simulation,
modeling and emulation; fault analysis; fuzzy and soft computing.

Submission of full papers : 30 November 1994
Notification of acceptance : 1 April 1995
Camera ready copy : 15 May 1995

Prospective authors should send six copies of their paper by
30 November 1994 to the Secretariat.

TUTORIALS : The first day of the conference will be devoted to
half or full day tutorials. Topics planned will include : Knowledge
Based Signal Processing, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks,
Fractal Techniques for Image Compresion, and other current
subjects of interest.

Conference Chairman :
Prof. Izzet Cem Goknar
Istanbul Technical University
Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty
Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey.

Technical Program Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Siddik Yarman

Special Sessions and Tutorials Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Kemal Inan

Finance Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Ergul Akcakaya

Publications Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Bulent Sankur

Publicity Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Yorgo Istefanopulos

Exhibits Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Dervisoglu

Local Arrengements Chairman :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Guzelis

Correspondence Chairman :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Leblebici

Student Activities Chairman :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omer Morgul

Secretariat :
P.K. 34, Ataturk Havalimani
34831, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tel : (90-212) 246 60 47 ext. 12
Fax : (90-212) 240 13 49


From: Raymond Chan <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 21:45:07 EAT
Subject: Int'l Symposium on Methods and Applications of Analysis

Conference Announcement

The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for
an exchange of ideas among experts in various areas of applied
analysis. It also aims at disseminating information on recent
advances made in these areas.

DATE: DECEMBER 16-19, 1994.

Croucher Foundation,
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
City Polytechnic of Hong Kong.

Asymptotics & Perturbation Methods,
Differential Equations & Special Functions,
Integral Equations & Wave Propagation.

D.J. Benney, MIT
L. Lorch, York University
M.V. Berry, University of Bristol
J.B. McLeod, University of Pittsburgh
C.K.R.T. Jones, Brown University
M. Mimura, University of Tokyo
D.S. Jones, University of Dundee
F.W.J. Olver, University of Maryland
M.D. Kruskal, Rutgers University
R.E. O'Malley, University of Washington

Titles and abstracts of contibuted papers must be
received by JULY 31, 1994. The abstracts should be typed
double spaced, not to exceed one page, and sent to one of the
program organizers.

R.M. Miura, Dept. of Math., University of British Columbia
(e-mail:[email protected])
R.S.C. Wong, Dept. of Math., City Polytechnic of Hong Kong
(e-mail:[email protected])

Raymond Chan, Dept. of Math., Chinese University of Hong Kong
(e-mail:[email protected], FAX: 852-603-5154)
Daniel Ho, Dept. of Math., City Polytechnic of Hong Kong
(e-mail:[email protected], FAX:852-788-8561)


From: John Belward <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 09:32:25 EST
Subject: Position at The University of Queensland



A three year lectureship is available with the computational mathematics
group (led by Professor K. Burrage). This group has associated with
it 4 permanent staff, 3 postdoctoral fellows and 10 PhD students.
Its strengths include high performance computing, environmental and
spatial modelling and operations research. The group currently has
very strong collaborative links with Industry and Government and
recently a Government Technology Productivity Gold Award for the
development of a spatial modelling, visualization environment which
runs over a heterogeneous network of computers.

The successful applicant should have submitted a PhD by 31.12.94 on
some aspect of scientific computing/computational mathematics with a
practical applications focus. He/she should also have

(i) strong computing skills with experience in using parallel and/or vector
(ii) be able and willing to teach at both the undergraduate and
graduate level on a broad spectrum of topics in scientific computing
and mathematics.
(iii) be able to interact effectively with computational staff in
their research as well as be able to liaise with industry and Government.

Salary: (Australian Dollars) $41,000 - $48,688 per annum.
Closing Date for Applications: 31 July, 1994.

Further details may be obtained from Dr J.A.Belward,
('phone Int + 7 365 3257, Fax Int + 7 870 2272,
electronic mail: [email protected])
Acting Head of Computational Maths. Program,
The University of Queensland,
Queensland 4072, Australia.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 11:02:35 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Numerical Analysis

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Volume 31, Number 4, August 1994

Special Finite Element Methods for a Class of Second Order Elliptic
Problems with Rough Coefficients
Ivo Babuska, Gabriel Caloz, and John E. Osborn

Characteristic-Galerkin Methods for Contaminant Transport with Non
Equilibrium Adsorption Kinetics
C. N. Dawson, C. J. van Duijn, and M. F. Wheeler

The Behavior of Finite Element Solutions of Semilinear Parabolic
Problems Near Stationary Points
S. Larsson and J.-M. Sanz-Serna

The Immersed Interface Method for Elliptic Equations with
Discontinuous Coefficients and Singular Sources
Randall J. Leveque and Zhilin Li

Explicit/Implicit, Conservative Domain Decomposition Procedures for
Parabolic Problems Based on Block-Centered Finite Differences
Clint N. Dawson and Todd F. Dupont

Error Estimates for a Finite Element Method for the Drift-Diffusion
Semiconductor Device Equations
Zhangxin Chen and Bernardo Cockburn

An Efficient Implementation of Particle Methods for the
Incompressible Euler Equations
C. I. Draghicescu

Numerical Approximation of a Free Boundary Problem Arising in
Electromagnetic Shaping
O. Coulaud and A. Henrot

H^1-Norm Error Bounds for Piecewise Hermite Bicubic Orthogonal
Spline Collocation Schemes for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
Bernard Bialecki and Xiao-Chuan Cai

Stability of Runge-Kutta Methods for Stiff Ordinary Differential
Roger K. Alexander

Completely Imbedded Runge-Kutta Pairs
P. W. Sharp and J. H. Verner

Fast Multiresolution Algorithms for Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Ami Harten and Itai Yad-Shalom

Generalized Epsilon-Pseudospectra
Kurt S. Riedel

Preconditioned Gradient-Type Iterative Methods in a Subspace for
Partial Generalized Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
Andrew V. Knyazev and Alexander L. Skorokhodov

Quadrature Formulae and Asymptotic Error Expansions for Wavelet
Approximations of Smooth Functions
Wim Sweldens and Robert Piessens


From: Marilyn Radcliff <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 16:29:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Approximation Theory

Table of Contents
Journal of Approximation TheoryVolume 77, Number 2, May 1994.

J\"urgen Prestin and Yuan Xu. Convergence Rate for Trigonometric
Interpolation of Non-smooth Functions, 113-122.

Junjiang Lei. On Approximation by Translates of Globally Supported
Functions, 123-138.

Lefan Zhong. Mean Convergence of Interpolation Polynomials in a Domain
with Corners, 139-152.

R. K. S. Rathore. The Problem of A. F. Timan on the Precise Order of
Decrease of the Best Approximations, 153-166.

P. Goetgheluck. On the Problem of Sharp Exponents in Multivariate
Nikolskii-Type Inequalities, 167-178.

Xie-Hua Sun. On a Ditzian-Totik Theorem, 179-183.

Nikolaos Danikas. On an Identity Theorem in the Nevanlinna Class $\cal N$,

Chen Dirong. Perfect Splines with Boundary Conditions of Least Norm,

Johan Lithner. Comparing Two Versions of Markov's Inequality on Compact
Sets, 202-211.

G. W. Wasilkowski. Integration and Approximation of Multivariate
Functions: Average Case Complexity with Isotropic Wiener Measure, 212-227.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 17:38:13 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Computing
Volume 23, Number 5, October 1994

Diagnosis of t/(t+1)-Diagnosable Systems
A. Das, K. Thulasiraman, and V. K. Agarwal

Improved Algorithms for Bipartite Network Flow
Ravindra K. Ahuja, James B. Orlin, Clifford Stein, and Robert E. Tarjan

New Resultant Inequalities and Complex Polynomial Factorization
V. Y. Pan

Randomized Algorithms for Multiprocessor Page Migration
Jeffery Westbrook

Near-Optimal Time-Space Tradeoff for Element Distinctness
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Existence and Construction of Edge-Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs
Andrei Z. Broder, Alan M. Frieze, and Eli Upfal

Separating Distribution-Free and Mistake-Bound Learning Models Over
the Boolean Domain
Avrim L. Blum

Computing with Noisy Information
Uriel Feige, Prabhakar Raghavan, David Peleg, and Eli Upfal

On Competitive Group Testing
Ding-Zhu Du and Haesun Park

A Uniform Circuit Lower Bound for the Permanent
Eric Allender and Vivek Gore

The Joint Distribution of Elastic Buckets in Multiway Search Trees
William Lew and Hosam M. Mahmoud

Tight Bounds on the Complexity of the Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm
Richard Cole


End of NA Digest
