Distributed Information Management in the National HPCC Software Exchange


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Shirley Browne
(Corresponding Author)
University of Tennessee
107 Ayres Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-1301
Office: 615-974-5886, FAX: 615-974-8296

[email protected]

Jack Dongarra
(Presenting Author)
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory

[email protected]

Geoffrey C. Fox
Syracuse University

[email protected]

Ken Hawick
Syracuse University

[email protected]

Ken Kennedy
Rice University

[email protected]

Rick Stevens
Argonne National Laboratory

[email protected]

Robert Olson
Argonne National Laboratory

[email protected]

Tom Rowan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee

[email protected]
information management, information retrieval, HPCC, high performance computing, software repository


The National HPCC Software Exchange is a collaborative effort by member institutions of the Center for Research on Parallel Computation to provide network access to HPCC-related software, documents, and data. Challenges for the NHSE include identifying, organizing, filtering, and indexing the rapidly growing wealth of relevant information available on the Web. The large quantity of information necessitates performing these tasks using automatic techniques, many of which make use of parallel and distribution computation, but human intervention is needed for intelligent abstracting, analysis, and critical review tasks. Thus, major goals of NHSE research are to find the right mix of manual and automated techniques, and to leverage the results of manual efforts to the maximum extent possible. This paper describes our current information gathering and processing techniques, as well as our future plans for integrating the manual and automated approaches. The NHSE home page is accessible at http://www.netlib.org/nhse/.