Common Markup for Web Micropayment Systems

W3C Working Draft 15 Mar 1999

This version:
Latest version:
Thierry Michel ([email protected])


This specification provides an extensible way to embed in a Web page all the information necessary to initialize a micropayment (amounts and currencies, payment systems, etc). This embedding allows different micropayment electronic wallets to coexist in a interoperable manner.

Status of this document

The Micropayment Markup Working Group (W3C Members only), with this 1999 March 15 first working draft, invites comment on our specification for "Common Markup for Web Micropayment Systems".
This Working Group is part of the Micropayment task within the ECommerce Activity.

The W3C Membership and other interested parties are invited to review this public specification and report implementation experience. Please send comments to the publicly archived list [email protected] (public archive).

While we welcome implementation experience reports, the Micropayment Markup Working Group will not allow early implementation to constrain its ability to make changes to this specification prior to final release.

In the current document, open issues remain : Embedding micropayment information using RDF and encoding with XML. Before this specification is submitted as a Proposed Recommendation, all open issues will be resolved.

This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current W3C working drafts can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Origin and Goals
    2. Relationship to Existing Payment Systems
    3. Principles and Parties
  2. Architecture
    1. Basic architecture
  3. Requirements
    1. Embedding Requirements
    2. Conformance Requirements
  4. Required fields
    1. Merchant Identifier
    2. Client Buy
    3. Client Request
    4. Text and Image to be linked
    5. Price field
    6. Longdesc field
    7. Duration
    8. Expiration date
    9. Specific field
  5. Embedding information in HTML pages
    1. Encoding for Plug-in or Applets
    2. Encoding for RDF
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. References

1. Introduction

1.1 Origin and Goals

Micropayments provide an alternative revenue source for content providers (initially of text and pictures, presumably multimedia later on) beyond advertising and subscriptions. Micropayments may also provide revenue streams for service providers (database lookup, proxy services etc.).

Currently, there is no clear definition of a "Web micropayment" that encompasses all systems claiming to be micropayment systems. However, these systems all share the goal of minimizing the cost overhead of a single transaction. Most of these micropayment systems try to save costs, both monetary (bank and transactions) and network (packet round trips). To do so, systems embed vital information in hyperlinks, using proprietary encodings.

This document proposes an extensible and interoperable way to embed in a Web page all the information necessary to initialize a micropayment.

1.2 Relationship to Existing Payment systems

Several types of payment systems exist on the Web today:

All these types of systems share a common requirement: the ability to attach payment information to transaction (e.g., pricing).

Today, a merchant willing to support multiple payment systems needs to embed in each Web page payment information specific to each target system, using a proprietary encoding for each one. Proprietary encodings introduce redundancy of information and extra work for Web page authors. This situation obviates the need for a common markup supported by multiple payment systems.

As the systems listed above are all in various stages between final design, pilots and early adoption phase, it is crucial to specify the common markup as quickly as possible (to not disturb the market and before a large base would need to migrate to a new format). Rapid market development is likely to close this window of opportunity by the end of the year 2000 with the growth of the installed user base.

Obviously, the time for developing a common markup supporting multiple payment system appears well chosen.

1.3 Principles and Parties

Micropayment usually involves three parties, a customer C who makes the payment, a Merchant M who receives the payment and a broker B who keeps accounts for the parties concerned.

This document will mainly consider the two parties Customer (Client) C and Merchant (Server) M, as they are the only ones to be involved in the initialization of a micropayment.

2. Architecture

Parties involved in this specification architecture are Client and Merchant.

The Client initiates the micropayment when requesting information from the server.

2.1 Basic architecture

The basic architecture consist of:

  1. On the Client side:
  2. On the Merchant side:

basic architecture:Server,PFLH,Wallet,Browser,

[1] Merchant HTTP Server to Per Fee Link Handler flow
[2] Per Fee Link Handler to Wallet and Wallet to Per Fee Link Handler flows

This document focuses on the Merchant server to Per Fee Link Handler-Browser flow and specifies the payment markup information.

This document does not handle:

Note. The API from Per Fee Link Handler (PFLH) to Wallet will be addressed in another specific API Working Draft. The PFLH functionalities will also be addressed in another specific PFLH Working Draft.

3 Requirements

This document section specifies requirements for interoperability among micropayment systems.

3.1 Embedding requirements:

Requirements for embedding micropayment information in Web pages are:

3.2 Conformance requirements

The words "MUST" (or "required"), "SHOULD" (or "recommended"), and "MAY" (or "optional") are used throughout the document and should be read as interoperability requirements. The words are used as defined in RFC2119 [RFC2119] for defining the significance of each particular requirement.

An implementation conforms to this specification if it satisfies all of the normative statements ("MUST" or "required") in this document.

4. Required fields

All the following parameters MUST be provided for conformance: merchantID, buyurl, buycode, requesturl, one of textlink or imagelink plus imagealt, price, longdesc, duration, and expiration.

In addition, there may be information that a specific payment system requires.

4.1 Merchant Identifier

The merchantID parameter, which takes a URI, identifies the merchant site where the purchase is to occur.

4.2 Client Buy

The buyurl parameter, which takes a URI, identifies what the client is buying. It does not mention the site of the merchant.

The buycode parameter, which takes a character string, allows a code naming a product code designation.

Both parameters MUST be supplied.

4.3 Client Request

The requesturl parameter, which takes a URI, identifies what the client is actually requesting. It does not mention the site of the merchant.
This parameter may be identical to the buyurl parameter. It may be different if, for example, the client has purchased a collection of pages and requests only one of these pages. In this case, buyurl is larger than requesturl parameter.

4.4 Text or Image to be linked

The textlink parameter, which takes a character string, specifies the linked text to be displayed to the Customer.

The imagelink parameter, which takes a URI, identifies the linked image to be displayed to the Customer. When using this parameter, the imagealt parameter MUST also be used. This parameter, which takes a character string, provides a textual equivalent for the image and is necessary for accessibility.

One of these two parameters textlink and/or imagelink is mandatory ; a text and/or an image link MUST be provided to Customer.

4.5 Price field

The price parameter, which takes a character string, displays the amount and currency to the Customer. The character string MUST be encoded as an amount followed by a currency unit as follows:

4.6 Longdesc field

The Longdesc parameter, which takes a character string, describes in details the content of what the client is buying and is intended for display.

4.7 Duration

The duration parameter, which takes an integer number of minutes, indicates the time after purchase any URI can be retrieved with payment.

4.8 Expiration date field

The expiration parameter, which takes a date, indicates a date until which the offer from the merchant is valid. After this given date offer is out of date.

The value of this parameter, a date/time string, MUST use the following format as described in [DATETIME]:


This format includes the complete date (YYYY-MM-DD) separated from the time (T), which must include hours (hh), minutes (mm), seconds (ss) and a time zone designator (TZD). An example of such a string is "1999-07-16T19:20:30+01:00" Please consult [DATETIME] for the meaning of each field.

4.9 Specific field

To insure coexistence among the different payment systems, a specific field provides each payment specific information.

When specific payment system requires additional information, a URI MUST be used to refer to a unique payment system name. Additional specific information are provided with a character string.

5. Embedding information in HTML pages

Due to Requirements expressed above, embedding micropayment information must work with all browsers.

5.1 Encoding for plug-ins or Applets

All requested information needed to start micropayment must be present in the HTML page sent from the merchant server.
For current Browser, embedding information in HTML pages can be done using a Per Fee Link Handler, which may be a plug-in or JAVA Applet.

In order to allow the Per Fee Link Handler to process this information, it will be stored in an OBJECT element.

For user agents that do not support the OBJECT element, and for reasons of backward compatibility, authors may use the APPLET or EMBED element. Note. The APPLET element is deprecated in HTML 4.0 and should be avoided. The EMBED element is not part of a W3C Recommendation and should be avoided. Authors should use the  OBJECT element.

5.1.a OBJECT element

HTML 4.0 introduced the OBJECT element ([HTML40], section 13.3) to allow HTML authors to specify everything required by an object for its presentation by a user agent: source code, initial values, and run-time data. The term "object" refers to applets, plug-ins, media handlers, etc.

<OBJECT codetype="application/java" 
<PARAM name="duration" value="60" valuetype="data"> A Per Fee Link that needs an applet for rendering </<OBJECT>

The HTML 4.0 specification defines the attributes of the OBJECT element.
The "classid" attribute specifies the location of the OBJECT's implementation with a URL.
The "codetype" attribute specifies the content type of data to expect when downloading the OBJECT.
The PARAM element within an OBJECT element specifies values to give to the object at run-time (as name/value pairs).

5.1.b APPLET element

For user agents that do not support the OBJECT element and for reasons of backward compatibility, authors may use the APPLET element. HTML 3.2 ([HTML32]) introduced the APPLET element to allow designers to embed a Java applet in an HTML document. It is supported by all Java-enabled browsers, but has been deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of the OBJECT element.

<APPLET codebase="http://www.miamachina.org/applet/" 
     <PARAM name="duration" value="60" valuetype="data">
A Per Fee Link that needs an applet for rendering.

The HTML 4.0 specification ([HTML40], section 13.4) defines the attributes of the (deprecated) APPLET element.
The "codebase" attribute specifies the base URL for the applet.
The "code" attribute specifies either the name of the class file that contains the applet's compiled applet subclass or the path to get the class.
The "archive" attribute specifies a comma-separated list of URIs designated resources to preload such as signed (trusted) code such as a Per Fee Link Handler.
The PARAM element within an APPLET element specifies values to give to the object at run-time (as name/value pairs).

5.1.c EMBED element

For user agents that do not support the OBJECT element and for reasons of backward compatibility, authors MAY use EMBED element.
Whenever the OBJECT element can be used, authors SHOULD avoid EMBED because it is not defined by a W3C Recommendation.

This EMBED element, supported by all plug-in-enabled browsers, allows designers to embed a plug-in in an HTML document.

<EMBED src="http://www.miamachina.org/MicropaymentPlugin.exe" 
A Per Fee Link that needs a plug-in for rendering.

Optional parameters within EMBED element will be used to pass required information by the plug-in at run-time.


5.1.d Per Fee Link Handler for OBJECT, APPLET, and EMBED element.

The PFL Handler is a module that can either be a plug-in or a Java Applet.
It could be implemented in Java 1.2 allowing signed JAVA applets in browsers supporting it, and otherwise as a plug-in.

The Per Fee Link Handler (PFLH) functionalities will be addressed in a specific Working Draft.

5.1.e Syntax for embedded Fee Link using OBJECT, APPLET, and EMBED element.

The merchantID data field:


<PARAM name="merchantID" value="http://www.merchant.org/shop"



The ClientBuy data field:


<PARAM name="buyurl" value="catalog.html" valuetype="ref">
<PARAM name="buycode" value="a254df10" valuetype="data">



The ClientRequest data field:


<PARAM name="requesturl" value="page.html" valuetype="ref">



The textlink and imagelink data fields :


<PARAM name="textlink" value="click here to by the product"
<PARAM name="imagelink" value="http://www.merchant.org/product.gif"
<PARAM name="imagealt" value="text description of the image"


textlink="click here to by the product"
imagealt="text description of the image"

The Price data field:


<PARAM name="price" value="+0.01USD" valuetype="data">
statement for one cent of a US Dollar.


statement for one cent of a French Franc.

The Longdesc data field:


<PARAM name="longdesc" value="Description of what you are actually buying"


longdesc="Description of what you are actually buying"

The Duration data field


<PARAM name="duration" value="60" valuetype="data">



The Expiration date data field:


<PARAM name="expiration" value="1999-11-05T08:15:30-05:00 "
corresponds to November 5, 1999, 8:15:30 am, US Eastern Standard Time.


corresponds to the same instant as above.

For data fields specific to a micropayment system:


<PARAM name="http://www.foo.it/micropay1" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<PARAM name="http://www.foo.it/micropay2" value="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" valuetype="data">



5.1.f  HTML example of embedded Fee Link using OBJECT element.

<HEAD> <TITLE>Example of embedded Fee Link for an Java Applet PFLH</TITLE>
</HEAD> <BODY> <OBJECT codetype="application/java" classid="http://www.miamachina.org/applet/micropayment.class"> <PARAM name="merchantID" value="http://www.merchant.org/shop" valuetype="ref"> <PARAM name="buyurl" value="catalog.html" valuetype="ref"> <PARAM name="buycode" value="a254df10" valuetype="data"> <PARAM name="requesturl" value="page.html" valuetype="ref"> <PARAM name="textlink" value="click here to by the product"
valuetype="data"> <PARAM name="price" value="+0.01USD" valuetype="data">
<PARAM name="longdesc" value="Description of what you are actually buying"
valuetype="data"> <PARAM name="duration" value="60" valuetype="data"> <PARAM name="expiration" value="1999-11-05T08:15:30-05:00 "
<PARAM name="http://www.foo.it/micropay1" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<PARAM name="http://www.foo.it/micropay2" value="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
valuetype="data"> </OBJECT> </BODY></HTML>

5.2 Encoding using RDF

5.2.a The Embedding using RDF

[An RDF encoding of the micropayment information is under design within the Working Group.
Members may refer to the Micropayment Markup Working Group home page for status.]

5.3 Embedding micropayment information in XML.

5.3.a The Embedding of micropayment information in XML
[Under construction]


The current and former members of the Micropayment Markup Working Group are:

Amir Herzberg, Chair (IBM); Anat Sarig, (IBM); Mark Manase, (Compaq); Thierry Michel, Editor (W3C); Jean Claudes Pailles (France Telecom); Phillipe Michon (France Telecom); Jon Ziegler (Sun); Liza Ezrol (Citibank).


"Cascading Style Sheets, level 2", B. Bos, H. W. Lie, C. Lilley, and I. Jacobs. This W3C Recommendation is available at:
"Date and Time Formats", M. Wolf and C. Wicksteed, 15 September 1997. This W3C Note is available at:
"HTML 3.2 Reference Specification", D. Raggett, 14 January 1997. This W3C Recommendation is available at:
"HTML 4.0 Specification", D. Raggett, A. Le Hors, I. Jacobs, Revised 24 April 1998. This W3C Recommendation is available at:
"Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1700, USC/ISI, J. Reynolds and J. Postel, October 1994. Available at:
"ISO3166: Codes for The Representation of Names of Countries." International Organization for Standardization.
"Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification.", O. Lassila and R. Swick, 22 February 1999. This W3C Recommendation is available at:
"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", S. Bradner, March 1997. Available at:
"Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, August 1998. Available at:
[XML 1.0]
"Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification", T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, 10 February 1998. This W3C Recommendation is available at:
"Namespaces in XML", T. Bray, D. Hollander, A. Layman, 14 January 1999. This W3C Recommendation is available at:

Last updated: $Date: 1999/03/15 18:42:16 $