P3P Base Data Set

W3C Working Draft 26 August 1999

This Version 
Latest Public Version: 
Previous Version:
Massimo Marchiori, W3C, ([email protected])


This document, part of the P3P specification, specifies the names of base P3P data elements, sets, and their data types.

Status of This Document

This is a subspecification of the P3P specification for review by W3C members and other interested parties. This document has been produced as part of the P3P Activity, and will eventually be advanced toward W3C Recommendation status. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress." The underlying concepts of the draft are fairly stable and we encourage the development of experimental implementations and prototypes so as to provide feedback on the specification. However, this Working Group will not allow early implementations to affect their ability to make changes to future versions of this document.

This draft document will be considered by W3C and its members according to W3C process. This document is made public for the purpose of receiving comments that inform the W3C membership and staff on issues likely to affect the implementation, acceptance, and adoption of P3P.

Send comments to [email protected] (archived at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-p3p-public-comments/).

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Required Base Data Elements and Sets
    1. User Data
    2. Dynamic Data
  3. Data Types
    1. Dates
    2. Names
    3. certificates
    4. Telephones
    5. Contact Information
      1. Postal
      2. Telecommunication
      3. Online
    6. Primitive Data Types
  4. The Data Schema
  5. Appendix: References

1. Introduction

P3P uses a set of Base Data Elements to provide a common platform for services and user agents to request and exchange information. All P3P-compliant user agent implementations MUST be aware of these data elements. The P3P Base Data set includes two element sets, user. and dynamic.. The user. set includes elements that users might provide values for, while the dynamic. set includes elements that are dynamically generated in the course of a user's browsing session. User agents may support a variety of mechanisms that allow users to provide values for the elements in the user. set, including mechanisms that support multiple personae. Users may choose not to provide values for these data elements.

Data Elements can be classified along two axes: whether or not they are in a fixed category (using the category attribute), and whether or not they are part of the user's repository (using the source attribute.) Schema Designers can use these attributes within their schema definitions to define an invariable category and/or source value for each element. Once defined, these values cannot be changed when referencing such elements from within user preferences, P3P proposals, or other schema definitions.

However, if left undefined, those attributes MUST be explicitly listed in each P3P proposal referencing such elements. Users can have different preferences depending on different attribute-values for the same element. And in the case of undefined attributes within data types, other schema definition can explicitly set categories and/or source information in derived elements (otherwise the original definition overrides any value in the derived schema).

Please refer to the section Creating New Data Sets in the P3P Syntax Specification for more information on the usage of these two attributes.

Finally, remember that, as specified in the syntax spec, when soliciting data via an HTML form the form field names should instead use an underscore ("_") to separate the different levels of the attribute name (e.g. user.name.First must be referenced as User_Name_First). This allows interoperability with client-side javascript which also uses the dot notation to access form field names and values.

2. Required Base Data Elements and Sets

The following are the base data elements and sets. The members of this working group expect that in the future, there will be demand for the creation of other data sets and elements. Obvious applications include catalogue, payment, and agent/system attribute schemas. (An extensive set of system elements is provided in a white paper draft (W3C Members only) and are based on http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-agent-attributes.)

Each table below specifies a set, the elements within the set, the category associated with the element, its type, and the display name shown to users. More than one category may be associated with a fixed data element. However, we have tried to assign each base data element to only one category whenever possible. We recommend that data schema designers do the same.

Note that variable data elements list a wildcard "*" in the category field, indicating that services must explicitly choose one or more categories for this element should they include it in a proposal. They also feature a different background color.

2.1 User Data

The user. data set includes general information about the user. 

user. Category Type Short display name
name. Physical Contact Information, Demographic and SocioEconomic Data personname. User's Name
bdate. Demographic and  SocioEconomic Data  date. User's Birth Date
cert. Unique Identifiers certificate User's Identity certificate
gender  Demographic and SocioEconomic Data gender User's gender
employer Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text User's Employer
department Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Department or division of organization where user is employed
jobtitle Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text User's Job Title
home. Physical Contact Information,
Online Contact Information, Demographic and  SocioEconomic Data
contact. User's Home Contact Information
business. Physical Contact Information,
Online Contact Information, Demographic and  SocioEconomic Data 
contact. User's Business Contact Information

Note, that this data set includes elements that are actually sets of data themselves. These sets are defined in the data types subsection of this document. The short display name for an individual element contained within a data set is defined as the concatenation of the short display names that have been defined for the set and the element, separated by commas. For example, the short display name for user.home.postal.Postalcode would be "User's Home Contact Information, Postal Address Information, Postal code". User agent implementations may prefer to develop their own short display names rather than using the concatenated names when prompting users for information.

2.2 Dynamic Data

In some cases, there is a need to specify data elements that do not have associated data values in the user's repository (e.g., when a service wishes to declare it keeps HTTP logs): these are the so-called non-repository elements explained in the P3P Syntax Specification. In the P3P Base Data Set, all such non-repository elements are grouped under the dynamic. data set. While elements from other data sets (such as user.) might require the user agent to perform steps to retrieve such information from the user repository, elements from the dynamic. data set are never to be found in the repository but instead are collected outside the scope of P3P, for example through HTTP headers, HTML forms, or implicitly on the server side by collecting clickstream logs.

dynamic. Category Type Short display name
clickstream.client Navigation and Click-stream Data boolean Click-stream collected on the client
clickstream.server Navigation and Click-stream Data boolean Click-stream collected on the server
cookies * boolean cookies are processed (read/write)
http.useragent Computer Information text User Agent information
http.referrer Navigation and Click-stream Data uri Last URI requested by the user
miscdata * text Miscellaneous non-base data set information
searchtext Interactive Data text Search terms
interactionrecord Interactive Data boolean server stores the transaction history

These elements are often implicit in navigation or Web interactions. They should be used with categories to describe the type of information collected through these methods. A brief description of each element follows.

"clickstream.client" should be used when the server accesses off-line browsing information that has been collected by the user's client. Some versions (e.g. 5.0) of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are known to support such behavior.

"clickstream.server" will probably apply to almost all sites on the Web today. It must be used whenever page access data is kept on the server side. Almost all known Web server implementations today will by default create such an access log, often including origin of the request (IP address or DNS name), time, requested resource, HTTP answer code and transferred bytes. Any combination of resource name and originating address should be considered clickstream data (i.e. it allows the reconstruction of a visitors movements through the site) and should be declared.

Please note that the logging of referer or user agent information (included in the headers of the HTTP request by many browsers) should explicitly by declared using the http.useragent and http.referrer data elements.

"cookies" should be used whenever information is placed on a user's machine using the HTTP cookie mechanism in order to be "solicited" (i.e. automatically sent) later. Please note that "cookies" is a variable data element and requires the explicit declaration of usage categories in a proposal.

"http.useragent" indicates that the server stores additional information about the user agent in its logs, such as operating system, browser software and version.

"http.referrer" indicates that the server stores additional information about the page the user viewed previously, as indicated by the HTTP_REFERER header (the HTTP spec uses two "R" instead of three!).

The "miscdata" element references information collected by the service that is not described by any element in the currently available (base) data element sets. Sites MUST reference a separate miscdata element in their proposals for each category of miscdata they collect.

"searchtext" is a specific type of solicitation used for searching and indexing sites. For example, if the only fields on a search engine page are search fields, the site only needs to disclose that data element.

The "interactionrecord" element should be used if the server is keeping track of the interaction it has with the user (i.e. information other than clickstream data, for example account transactions, etc). This element is only meant to inform the user that such information will be retained, but does not indicate how long such data will be kept.

Proposals that contain one or more of the Variable Data Elements above explicitly declare the category (as defined by the Vocabulary) of the information they solicit, for example:

   <DATA:REF name="dynamic.miscdata" VOC:category="1">

when asking (through a form) for a user's IRC name (which would be in category 1 Online Contact Information).

Please note that if a form asks for elements from a known schema set -- for example the user's name or postal address -- these SHOULD be explicitly listed in the proposal using the element's name and the "source="service"" attribute, instead of referencing them indirectly through a "dynamic.miscdata" element.

3. Data Types

3.1 Dates

The date. type is a structured type that specifies a date. Since date information can be used in different ways, depending on the context, all date. information is tagged as being of "variable" category. Schema definitions have to explicitly set the corresponding category in the element referencing this data type. For example, soliciting the birthday of a user might be "Demographic and SocioEconomic Data", while the expiration date of a credit card belongs to the "Financial Account Identifiers" category.

date. Category Type Short display name
year * number Year
month * number Month
day * number Day
hour * number Hour
minute * number Minute
second * number Second
fractionsecond * number Fraction of Second
timezone * text Time Zone

All the fields in the date. type correspond to those in the most informative profile of the time standard ISO8601.

3.2 Names

The personname. type is a structured type that specifies information about the naming of a person.

personname. Category Type Short display name
prefix Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Name Prefix
first Physical Contact Information text  First Name
middle Physical Contact Information text  Middle Name
last Physical Contact Information text  Last Name
suffix Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Name Suffix
formatted Physical Contact Information, Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text formatted Name
nickname Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Nickname

3.3 certificates

The certificate. type is a structured type to specify identity certificates (like, for example, X.509).

certificate. Category Type Short display name
key Unique Identifiers binary Certificate Key
format Unique Identifiers text  Certificate Format

The "format" field is an IANA registered public key or authentication certificate format, while the "key" field contains the corresponding certificate key.

3.4 Telephones

The phonenum. type is a structured type that specifies the characteristics of a phone number.

phonenum. Category Type Short display name
intcode Physical Contact Information number International Phone code
loccode Physical Contact Information number  Local Phone Area code
number Physical Contact Information number  Phone Number
ext Physical Contact Information number Phone Extension
comment Physical Contact Information text  Phone Optional Comments

3.5 Contact Information

The contact. type is a structured, redirected, type to other types. This is done so that services can specify precisely which set of data they need.

contact. Category Type Short display name
postal. Physical Contact Information, Demographic and SocioEconomic Data postal. Postal Address Information
telecom. Physical Contact Information telecom. Telecommunications Information
online. Online Contact Information online. Online Address Information

3.5.1 Postal

The postal. type is a structured type that specifies a postal mailing address.

postal. Category Type Short display name
name. Physical Contact Information, Demographic and SocioEconomic Data personname. Name
street.line1 Physical Contact Information text Street Address 1
street.line2 Physical Contact Information text Street Address 2
street.line3 Physical Contact Information text Street Address 3
city Physical Contact Information text City
stateprov Physical Contact Information text State or Province
postalcode Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Postal code
countrycode Demographic and SocioEconomic Data Country Country code
country Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Country Name
organization Physical Contact Information, Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text Organization Name
formatted Demographic and SocioEconomic Data text formatted Postal Address

Using three distinct fields for the street information allows service providers and user agents to split long addresses into multiple lines during solicitation. However, since all fields share the common street. prefix, this shorthand form can be used in both preference files and proposals to reference all three fields at once.

The "formatted" field is used to specify the formatted text corresponding to the delivery address, as it could for example be printed on a label.

3.5.2 Telecommunication 

The telecom. type is a structured type that specifies telecommunication information about a person.

telecom. Category Type Short display name
phone. Physical Contact Information  phonenum. Phone number
fax. Physical Contact Information  phonenum. Fax number
mobile. Physical Contact Information  phonenum. Mobile Phone number
pager. Physical Contact Information  phonenum. Pager number

 3.5.3 Online

The online. type is a structured type that specifies online information about a person.  

online. Category Type Short display name
email Online Contact Information text Email Address
uri Online Contact Information uri Home Page Address

3.6 Primitive Data Types

This specification uses the following primitive data element datatypes:

Primitive DataType Definition
text [UTF-8]
gender "M" or "F".
boolean "0" or "1".
binary Base64 per RFC-1531. [MIME]
number text composed with the digits "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9".
Country [ISO3166]
uri [URI

4. The Data Schema

The data schema corresponding to the P3P base data set follows. In order to improve legibility, we have indented and aligned the code along various attribute names.

<PROP xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-P3P/syntax/"
<!-- ********** Base Data Types ********** -->

<!-- "date." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="date.year"
                          type="number" size="6"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.month"
                          type="number" size="2"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.day"
                          type="number" size="2"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.hour"
                          type="number" size="2"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.minute"
      ;  short="Minutes"
                          type="number" size="2"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.second"
                          type="number" size="2"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.fractionsecond"
          short="Fraction of Second"
                         type="number" size="6"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="date.timezone"
          short="Time Zone"
                          type="text"   size="10"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->

<!-- "personname." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="personname.Prefix"
          short="Name Prefix"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.first"
          short="First Name"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.middle"
          short="Middle Name"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.last"
          short="Last Name"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.suffix"
          short="Name Suffix"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.formatted"
          short="formatted Name"
                         VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.formatted"
          short="formatted Name"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="personname.nickname"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>

<!-- "certificate." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="certificate.key"
          short="Certificate Key"
                          type="binary" size="0"
                          VOC:category="uniqueid" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="certificate.format"
          short="Certificate format"
                          type="number" size="128"
                          VOC:category="uniqueid" template="yes"/>

<!-- "phonenum." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="phonenum.intcode"
          short="International Phone Code"
                          type="number" size="11"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="phonenum.loccode"
          short="Local Phone Area Code"
                          type="number" size="11"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="phonenum.number"
          short="Phone Number"
                          type="number" size="30"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="phonenum.ext"
          short="Phone Extension"
                          type="number" size="11"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="phonenum.comment"
          short="Phone Optional Comments"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>

<!-- "contact." Data Type" -->
<DATA:REF name="contact.postal."
          short="Postal Address Information"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="contact.postal."
          short="Postal Address Information"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="contact.telecom."
          short="Telecommunications Information"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="contact.online."
          short="Online Address Information"
                          VOC:category="online" template="yes"/>

<!-- "postal." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="postal.name."
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.name."
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.street.line1"
          short="Street Address, Line 1"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.street.line2"
          short="Street Address, Line 2"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.street.line3"
          short="Street Address, Line 3"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.city"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.stateprov"
          short="State or Province"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.postalcode"
          short="Postal Code"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.organization"
          short="Organization Name"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.organization"
          short="Oranization Name"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.formatted"
          short="Formatted Postal Address"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.formatted"
          short="Formatted Postal Address"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.country"
          short="Country Name"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="postal.countrycode"
          short="Country Code"
                          type="Country" size="2"
                          VOC:category="demograph" template="yes"/>

<!-- "telecom." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="telecom.phone."
          short="Phone Number"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="telecom.fax."
          short="Fax Number"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="telecom.mobile."
          short="Mobile Phone Number"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="telecom.pager."
          short="Pager Number"
                          VOC:category="physical" template="yes"/>

<!-- "online." Data Type -->
<DATA:REF name="online.email"
          short="Email Address"
                          VOC:category="online" template="yes"/>
<DATA:REF name="online.uri"
          short="Home Page Address"
                          VOC:category="online" template="yes"/>

<!-- ********** Base Data Sets ********** -->

<!-- "dynamic." Data Set -->
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.clickstream.client"
          short="Click-stream collected on the client"
                          type="boolean" source="service"
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.clickstream.server"
          short="Click-stream collected on the server"
                          type="boolean" source="service"
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.cookies"
          short="cookies are processed (read/write)"
                          type="boolean" source="service"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.http.useragent"
          short="User Agent information"
                          type="text" source="service"
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.http.referrer"
          short="Last URI requested by the user"
                          type="uri" source="service"
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.miscdata"
          short="Miscellaneous non base data set information"
                          type="text" source="service"
                          template="yes"/>  <!-- Variable Data Element -->
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.searchtext"
          short="Search terms"
                          type="text" source="service"
<DATA:REF name="dynamic.interactionrecord"
          short="server stores the transaction history"
                          type="boolean" source="service"

<!-- "user." Data Set -->
<DATA:REF name="user.name."
          short="User's Name"
<DATA:REF name="user.name."
          short="User's Name"
<DATA:REF name="user.bdate."
          short="User's Birth Date"
<DATA:REF name="user.cert."
          short="User's Identity certificate"
<DATA:REF name="user.gender"
          short="User's gender"
<DATA:REF name="user.jobtitle"
          short="User's Job Title"
<DATA:REF name="user.home."
          short="User's Home Contact Information"
<DATA:REF name="user.business."
          short="User's Business Contact Information"
<DATA:REF name="user.employer"
          short="Name of User's Employer"
<DATA:REF name="user.department"
          short="Department or division of organization where user is employed"


5. Appendix: References (Normative).

R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J.C. Mogul, H. Frystyk, T. Berners-Lee, "RFC2068 -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1," UC Irvine, Digital Equipment Corporation, MIT.
"ISO3166: Codes for The Representation of Names of Countries." International Organization for Standardization.
N. Freed, N. Borenstein. "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies." November 1996.
M. Marchiori (Ed.). "P3P Syntax Specification." World Wide Web Consortium, Working Draft.
T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and L. Masinter. "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax and Semantics." August 1998. RFC 2396. [Updates RFC1738]
F. Yergeau. "RFC2279 -- UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646." January 1998.
"vCard - The Electronic Business Card Version 2.1." Internet Mail Consortium, September 18, 1996.
T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification." World Wide Web Consortium, Recommendation. 10 February 1998.
A. Layman et al. "XML-Data." World Wide Web Consortium, Note. 05-January-1998.

6. Acknowledgements

[fill in later]