About This Document

This is a LinuxPorts.Com Document for the Linux Documentation Project

This is the Linux Consultants HOWTO. It is a listing of companies providing commercial Linux related support. If you contact any companies listed in this document, please mention the Linux Consultants HOWTO. If you need to know more about the Linux Documentation Project or about Linux HOWTO's, feel free to contact the [email protected].

The Linux Consultants HOWTO can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.linuxports.com/. New versions of the Linux Consultants HOWTO are always placed at this site first, so please be sure to check if the copy you are reading is still up to date! This site also contains all information needed to submit to this howto or search this howto via a database. Companies providing Linux support are invited to fill out the form at http://www.linuxports.com/. . Please note that we have temporarily stopped accepting 8-bit characters (German umlauts, etc).