I would like to thank especially all the people who contributed in any way to improve this HOWTO :
Pierre-Antoine Angelini <[email protected]>
Tim Bell <[email protected]>
Jeroen ten Berge <[email protected]>
Sylvain Berg� <[email protected]>
St�phane Bortzmeyer <[email protected]>
Brendan Burns<[email protected]>
Jean-Bernard Chaffardon <[email protected]>
Khalil Chawoshi <[email protected]>
B�atrice Cornec <[email protected]>
Ludovic Didierlaurent <[email protected]>
Fr�d�ric Dubuy <[email protected]>
Michael Dwyer <[email protected]>
Mark Eve <[email protected]>
Greg Ferguson <[email protected]>
Laurent Frey <[email protected]>
Bertrand Gambier <[email protected]>
Stein Roar Gj�en <[email protected]>
Grant Grundler <[email protected]>
J�r�mie Guillaume <[email protected]>
Yann Guillemot <[email protected]>
Werner Heuser <[email protected]>
Marc Hia Bali� <[email protected]>
Jesse Don Hickson III <[email protected]>
Chris Holden <[email protected]>
Masanari Iida <[email protected]>
Markus Kuhn <[email protected]>
Pascal Lemonnier <[email protected]>
Maciej Macowicz <[email protected]>
Olivier Martinet <[email protected]>
Mad Matt <[email protected]> - his site :
Craig McCluskey <[email protected]>
David Mentr� <[email protected]>
Jacques Misselis <[email protected]>
Andreas Nierula <[email protected]>
Gilles Noisette <[email protected]>
Harry Page <[email protected]>
Alain Pascal <[email protected]>
Daryl Poe <[email protected]>
Fons Rademakers <[email protected]> - his site :
Lane Rollins <[email protected]>
Hester van Rooyen <[email protected]>
Eric Rueda <[email protected]>
Klamer Schutte <[email protected]>
Thierry Simonnet <[email protected]>
Tech Support <[email protected]>
Dirk De Wachter <[email protected]>
Norman Walsh <[email protected]>