Submitted by: Joe Thong [email protected] Site URL:
Description: A PHP database wrapper for various database servers with a powerful Recordset for result data manipulation. Database results are flushed automatically by phpDB.
To get this file, in the web-browser, save this file as 'Text' type as phpDBTest.php3
<html> < head> < title>Untitled< /title> < /head> < body> <?php // Assumed this file is placed in the same directory with include(""); $db = new phpDB(); $db->pconnect("hostName", "userName", "passWord", "databaseName") or die ("Can't connect to database server or select database"); $rs = $db->execute("SELECT * FROM Items"); $numOfRows = $rs->getNumOfRows(); echo "Number of Rows: $numOfRows"; $rs->firstRow(); // optional, but recommended while (!$rs->EOF) { // Fields collection accessible as associative arrays too echo "<br>" . $rs->fields[0]; $rs->nextRow(); // NOTE: nextRow() is placed at below } $rs->close(); $db->close(); // optional ?> < /body> < /html>