XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO

Doug Holland

         [email protected]

Updated by: Hal Burgiss

         [email protected]

v1.55, 11 Oct 2000

How to improve ugly and unreadable X Window fonts. Various tips for improving font handling for XFree86, including sections on fonts servers, TrueType fonts, Netscape, and related topics.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Conventions
1.2. Change Log
1.3. New Versions
1.4. Copyright
1.5. Credits
2. X Server Configuration
2.1. Setting The FontPath
2.2. X Server Command Line Options
3. TrueType Fonts (One of the few things Windows is good for)
3.1. Making TrueType Fonts Available
3.2. Font Servers
3.3. xfsft
3.4. The fonts.alias File
4. XFree86 4.x
4.1. Redhat 7.0 Differences
5. Adjusting Fonts in Specific Applications
5.1. KDE
5.2. Netscape
6. Odds and Ends
6.1. Notes
6.2. Links