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Builtin Tela functions
Pekka Janhunen,
[email protected]
Version 1.32, Wed Mar 21 16:13:54 EET 2001
This document has been automatically generated from the online help messages of builtin Tela functions.
1.1 BatchMode
1.2 CheckReadOnlyMode
1.3 DebugQueryMode
1.4 EPOCHbreakdown
1.5 FFT
1.6 GetInstructionData
1.7 HDFNewMode
1.8 HeavisideTheta
1.9 IGRF
1.10 Im
1.11 LU
1.12 LUbacksubst
1.13 NewHDFSupported
1.14 Re
1.15 SVD
1.16 SilentMode
1.17 T89
1.18 T89c
1.19 UsingReadline
1.20 VerboseMode
1.21 abs2
1.22 accum
1.23 acos
1.24 all
1.25 aniclose
1.26 aniopen
1.27 aniput
1.28 annotate
1.29 any
1.30 applyfilter
1.31 arg
1.32 asin
1.33 atan
1.34 atan2
1.35 autoglobal
1.36 autosource
1.37 avoid_constructors
1.38 axpy
1.39 bar
1.40 bsearch
1.41 cd
1.42 ceil
1.43 chol
1.44 clear
1.45 closefig
1.46 colormap
1.47 computeEPOCH
1.48 conj
1.49 contour
1.50 contour3
1.51 cos
1.52 cosFFT
1.53 cosh
1.54 cosqFFT
1.55 cot
1.56 cputime
1.57 csc
1.58 cumprod
1.59 cumsum
1.60 curve
1.61 det
1.62 diag
1.63 disasm
1.64 eig
1.65 encodeEPOCH
1.66 endpanels
1.67 error
1.68 eval
1.69 evalexpr
1.70 exit
1.71 exp
1.72 export_CDF
1.73 export_PBM
1.74 export_RIS8
1.75 export_matlab
1.76 export_matlab2
1.77 export_netCDF
1.78 export_sound_CDR
1.79 eye
1.80 fclose
1.81 feof
1.82 fformat
1.83 fgetc
1.84 fgets
1.85 figure
1.86 find
1.87 flatten
1.88 flip
1.89 floor
1.90 fopen
1.91 format
1.92 fparse
1.93 fprintf
1.94 fread
1.95 gaussrand
1.96 geotogsmXYZ
1.97 geotomag
1.98 geotomagXYZ
1.99 getenv
1.100 getpid
1.101 grid
1.102 grid3
1.103 gsetogsmXYZ
1.104 gsmtogeoXYZ
1.105 gsmtogseXYZ
1.106 help
1.107 herm
1.108 hide
1.109 hist
1.110 hold
1.111 holdmode
1.112 import
1.113 import1
1.114 import_CDF
1.115 import_PBM
1.116 info
1.117 input_string
1.118 intpol
1.119 inv
1.120 invFFT
1.121 invcosFFT
1.122 invcosqFFT
1.123 invrealFFT
1.124 invsinFFT
1.125 invsinqFFT
1.126 isCfunction
1.127 isTfunction
1.128 isarray
1.129 ischar
1.130 iscomplex
1.131 isdefined
1.132 isfinite
1.133 isfloat
1.134 isfunction
1.135 isint
1.136 islist
1.137 ismatrix
1.138 isreal
1.139 isscalar
1.140 isstr
1.141 isstring
1.142 isundefined
1.143 isvector
1.144 isvoid
1.145 length
1.146 limit
1.147 link
1.148 linsolve
1.149 load
1.150 log
1.151 m2i
1.152 magtogeo
1.153 magtogeoXYZ
1.154 map
1.155 mapmax
1.156 mapmin
1.157 matprod
1.158 meminuse
1.159 menu
1.160 mesh
1.161 ones
1.162 panel
1.163 parseEPOCH
1.164 pause
1.165 pcolor
1.166 perf
1.167 pixmap
1.168 plot
1.169 plot3
1.170 plotopt
1.171 printf
1.172 prod
1.173 pseudo
1.174 putenv
1.175 quit
1.176 rand
1.177 rank
1.178 read_CDF
1.179 realFFT
1.180 remove
1.181 reset_alt_display
1.182 reshape
1.183 round
1.184 run
1.185 save
1.186 sec
1.187 set_alt_display
1.188 sformat
1.189 showcompiled
1.190 sign
1.191 sin
1.192 sinFFT
1.193 sinh
1.194 sinqFFT
1.195 size
1.196 smenu
1.197 sort
1.198 sort_old
1.199 source
1.200 source_silent
1.201 sppcmark
1.202 sppcopts
1.203 sprintf
1.204 sqrt
1.205 srand
1.206 stencil2d_4
1.207 str2num
1.208 streq
1.209 strmat
1.210 strmat2
1.211 strstarteq
1.212 sum
1.213 system
1.214 t2ct
1.215 tan
1.216 tanh
1.217 telapath
1.218 tic
1.219 toc
1.220 tostring
1.221 transpose
1.222 ungetc
1.223 unhide
1.224 version
1.225 vplot
1.226 where
1.227 whos
1.228 xlabels
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