Nick Kline <kline @ cs . arizona . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
University of Arizona
temporal database management systems
Author Comments:
The time.bib file contains all of the entries published in
McKenzie, E. Bibliography: Temporal Databases, ACM SIGMOD Record, 15, No. 4, Dec. 1986, pp. 40-52.
Stam, R. and R. Snodgrass, A Bibliography on Temporal Databases, Database Engineering, 7, No. 4, Dec. 1988, pp. 231-239.
Soo. M. Bibliography on Temporal Databases. ACM SIGMOD Record, 20, No. 1, March, 1991.
Kline, N. An Update of the Temporal Database Bibliography, ACM SIGMOD Record, 22, 4, Dec. 1993.
Tsotras, V. J. and A. Kumar, Temporal Database Bibliography Update, ACM SIGMOD Record 25, 1, Mar. 1996.
Ozsoyoglu, G. and R.T. Snodgrass, Temporal and Real-Time Databases: A Survey, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 7, No. 4, Aug. 1995, pp. 513-532.
as well as many of the entries in Bolour, A., T.L. Anderson, L.J. Dekeyser, and H.K.T. Wong. The Role of Time in Information Processing: A Survey. SIGART Newsletter, 80, Apr. 1982, pp. 28-48. We would appreciate receiving corrections and additions; please send them to Richard Snodgrass ([email protected])