at the original site for the bibliography collection!
#Refs | Bibliography | Date |
10773 | Author Bibliographies of the Bibliography Network Project (BibNet) | |
1595 | Subject Bibliographies of the Bibliography Network Project (BibNet) | |
12368 | Total number of references in this section |
BibNet is a public-domain bibliography archive in BibTeX format. The archive contains three types of bibliographies:BibNet allows you to contribute and maintain bibliographies via email without human intervention, read the FAQ and find out how.This initiative is a step toward sharing information electronically, and it allows scientists to:
- by author (as in a curriculum vitae),
- by subject (as in a review article), and
- by institution (for example, the tech-reports of a university department).
- provide complete and updated information on their own work,
- find information about ongoing research or specific topics,
- have an efficient pointer to electronically accessible material, and
- simplify the work of preparing publications.
The BibNet archive is maintained at the University of Utah, on, where the files are stored in /pub/bibnet. It is mirrored nightly from there to a few other Internet archive sites. BibNet is accessible through anonymous ftp, Netlib, Mosaic, Gopher and e-mail.
New or updated contributions will be standardized and checked and the bibliographies will be incorporated in the BibNet archive.
We hope that the community will understand the convenience and power of a bibliography database.
We anticipate that the success of this initiative will likely generate motivation to render the work as automatable as possible, to increase the features of this service, and to scale the project to other fields.