The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliographies on Object-Oriented Programming and Systems

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6139 Bibliography on object-oriented systems (2009)
1289 Object-Oriented and Operating Systems bibliography (1996)
1034 Bibliography on object-oriented languages and models (1998)
756 Bibliography on testing object-oriented software (1995)
284 Bibliography of the Object Systems Group at the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva (2004)
214 A (Not Very Much) Annotated Bibliography on Integrating Object-Oriented and Logic Programming (1993)
73 Bibliography on object-oriented graphics (1991)
73 Bibliography on object-oriented systems and programming languages (2006)
66 Bibliography on object-oriented modelling (1996)
45 Small bibliography on object-oriented logic programming (1992)
9973Total number of references in this section