The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Annotated Bibliography on Abstract State Machines (ASMs)
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Number of references: 283 Last update: May 8, 2008 Number of online publications: 5 Supported: yes
Most recent reference: 2008
Egon Börger <boerger @ di . unipi . it> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
James K. Huggins <huggins @ acm . org> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Kettering University Flint, MI, 48504-4898 USA
BibTeX bibliography of all known papers using the formal method for specification and verification known as Abstract State Machines (ASMs), formerly known as Evolving Algebras.
Abstract State Machines, ASMs, Evolving Algebras, Formal Methods
Author Comments:
Comments, additions and corrections are welcome and should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] Many of the listed papers are available at the ASM Home Page at
inproceedings(128), article(57), incollection(38),
techreport(38), phdthesis(12), mastersthesis(6),
book(2), misc(1), unpublished(1) Fields:
author(283), title(283), year(282), note(278),
pages(193), booktitle(166), editor(130), volume(123),
number(105), publisher(105), month(84), series(81),
journal(57), address(55), type(41), institution(38),
organization(37), school(17), chapter(1), editors(1),
howpublished(1), optaddress(1) Distribution of publication dates: