The mission of the CORNELL CU-SeeMe CONSORTIUM is the development and distribution of widespread video communication on the Internet and the facilitation of the user experience using this technology. It achieves these goals by:

The CU-SeeMe Consortium is Proud to Recognize it's Members

Advanced Networks & Services

*BellSouth Wireless

*Cisco Systems

*Cornell Medical Center

*National Science Foundation


National University of Singapore


Swiss Academic & Research Network

Tandem Computers Europe

*University of No. Carolina

*White Pine Software

*Founding Members

* Please Join Us!

The Cornell CU-SeeMe Consortium is an international strategic alliance between universities, corporations, and government agencies who have joined together to promote and support video communication as the next growth application of the global information superhighway.

For more information on supporting or participating in the Consortium, the benefits Consortium members receive, Consortium events, or CU-SeeMe software licensing,
read our CU-SeeMe Consortium FAQ or contact:

Martyne M. Hallgren
Executive Director
CU-SeeMe Consortium
[email protected]