CU-SeeMe for Windows - 3-04-96

Frequently Asked Questions

The Questions

  1. What Video Capture card/Sound card/Winsock Stack will work with CU-SeeMe?
  2. QuickCam doesn't work with Win'95.
  3. "GetHostByName() failed (nnnnn)" error. Hostname Requirement for CU-SeeMe.
  4. "No Response from (ip address)" error.
  5. Capture card is not detected by CU-SeeMe
  6. "WSAAsyncSelect blew chow (11004)" error.
  7. LAN WorkPlace - CU-SeeMe can't connect.
  8. Audio does not work, even though I've got an audio card and speakers.
  9. I can't see my local video window anywhere.
  10. What is "Enhanced CU-SeeMe by White Pine"?

If you don't find the answer to your question here or in readme.txt or cuseeme.txt, you can join the mail list cu-seeme-L. See README.TXT for info. Rich Kennerly ([email protected]).

The Answers

  1. What Video Capture card/Sound card/Winsock Stack will work with CU-SeeMe?


    The latest copy of COMPAT.TXT is available via FTP at and on the web at:

  2. QuickCam doesn't work with Win'95?

    Here are the steps to take to install a QuickCam with Window '95

    1. Run the QuickCam installer.

    2. Make sure the capture driver, called QUICKCAM.DRV, is in the /WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory.

    3. Check the file SYSTEM.INI (in the /WINDOWS directory) and make sure there's an entry in the [drivers] section for msvideo like this:


      If you've had another capture driver installed you might see another driver listed as msvideo and another entry, msvideo1=quickcam.drv. In this case you should switch the quickcam to be msvideo and the other driver to be msvideo1.

    4. Use the Win'95 Control Panel for Multimedia. On the 'Advanced' section, double click on the Video Capture Devices icon. You should see an entry for QuickCam. Double click on the icon for QuickCam. Make sure the "Use the video capture device" choice is selected.

    5. Restart Win'95.

  3. "GetHostByName() failed (nnnnn)" error.

    Hostname Requirement for Windows CU-SeeMe.

    Your Windows machine will need a hostname. CU-SeeMe for Windows will not work without it (this requirement may disappear soon). The way to provide a hostname is to make an entry into the hosts file called "hosts" (with no extension): The format for the hosts file is:

    your-IP-address   name-for-your-PC

    For example, you might decide to use the hostname WillieBob. If your IP address was, the entry in your hosts file would look like:    WillieBob

    Your HOSTS file should be in your Windows Sockets directory (the same directory that contains your 'winsock.dll'). This directory must be in the PATH before windows is started. Note: the HOSTS file needs to be accessed by the Winsock stack, not CU-SeeMe - putting the HOSTS file in the directory with CU-SeeMe will not accomplish anything.

    If you don't already have a hostname for your PC, you may want to contact your network administrator about getting one assigned. If your host name is defined in a Domain Name Server (DNS) accessible to your PC, you won't need to have a HOSTS file. Keep in mind, in this case, that if you can't reach your DNS, you'll get the "GetHostByName() Error" message.

    While this issue has been a problem for many it has worked on all stacks after some work (The FTP software hitch mentioned below took many phone calls to a very patient user at NSF before solving).

    Things to verify:

    Possible stumbling blocks:

  4. "No Response from (ip address)" error.

    Assuming that you have tested other winsock network applications so you know you have basic network connectivity, there are several possible reasons why you might be getting this response:

    Or, if you're using a PC with Winsock, it could be:

  5. Capture Card is not detected by CU-SeeMe

    Sometimes a video capture card (especially Creative Labs Video Blasters) can be installed in the system and the Video Capture program supplied by Creative Labs works fine. But, CU-SeeMe does not generate a local video picture and the 'File-Video Devices' option is greyed out.

    Edit your system.ini file in the /windows directory and, in the [drivers] section, make sure there's an entry for msvideo=. For example, one user with a blaster FS200 has the entry:


    in system.ini. Check your installation guide to see what it should be for your model. This entry is needed for software to locate the driver; apparently the Creative labs software itself does not require this.

    For Windows '95 you should also check:

  6. WSAAsyncSelect blew chow (11004)!

    Some Winsock stacks, especially Lan WorkPlace for Dos, often report this error. The error 11004 means that your winsock stack either does not support UDP or is not set up to do so. Check the configuration options for your network installation to make sure UDP is enabled if possible. If you're using LAN WP see the other FAQ answer for LAN WP.

  7. LAN WorkPlace - CU-SeeMe can't connect.

    We received a report about an IMPORTANT configuration detail required for CU-SeeMe. In the NET.CFG file you can specify the number of sockets for TCP and UDP. You must change this number to 30 or less in order for CU-SeeMe to work:

    tcp_sockets     30
    udp_sockets     30
    raw_sockets     1

  8. Audio does not work, even though I've got an audio card and speakers

    Audio will only work if you've got enough bandwidth to support it. At this point, you need to have at least a 28.8K modem, ISDN at 64K or 128K, or a faster network connection to the Internet. If you have a 28.8K modem you STILL will only receive audio if the sender has set their audio encoding method to DeltaMod 16K. Unfortunately, at this point, there's no way to tell what method they're using - you just won't hear them (or perhaps you'll hear pops and tiny segments of sound).

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If your computer is audio capable but you DON'T have a camera you can only choose the audio encoding method by editting CUSEEME.INI. The two choices for audio encoding method are:

    [Audio Settings]
    Encoding Method=Delta-Mod (16 Kb/s)
    Encoding Method=Intel DVI (32 Kb/s)
    If you are using a MODEM at 28.8 or less you MUST use Delta-Mod encoding!!!!
  9. I can't see my local video window anywhere.

    Especially for Win'95 users, sometimes the local window does not appear anywhere on the screen even though the camera still works and you're sending video. The File / Video Format... dialog still works.

    For some reason, the local video window is off-screen. You might find it under the task bar (Windows '95) in the lower right corner. Or, you can edit the /windows/cuseeme.ini file and remove or edit the settings for [Video Position] for Window0=x,y.

    LI>What is "Enhanced CU-SeeMe by White Pine"? Cornell has an agreement with