Background and Introduction

CU-SeeMe Background

The CU-SeeMe project at Cornell University focuses on developing low-cost access to desktop video conferencing with an intent towards rapid diffusion of an essential technology for greater collaboration on the Internet. The overall effort in developing the CU-SeeMe technology consists of two major software components, (1) the end-user application for the Macintosh and Windows platforms and (2) the reflector program which serves to knit together multi-party conferences. In May 1995, Cornell University selected White Pine Software, Inc. as master licensee for the CU-SeeMe software. As such, White Pine will market an enhanced executable version of the Cornell software and will sublicense the university software as well as their enhanced software as described below. For a diagramatic overview of the CU-SeeMe licensing landscape click here.

Conditions for Use of CU-SeeMe Binary Executable Versions

Cornell grants permission to use and copy, for any purpose, and to redistribute the binary executable versions of CU-SeeMe and the reflector program according to conditions specified in the copyright notices included with the programs.

Source Code Access Agreement Options

Organizations that wish access to the source code or to redistribute CU-SeeMe under conditions other than those specified in copyright statements may do so under one of the agreements that are described below.

(a) Restricted Internal Use Only License Agreement - This agreement, from Cornell University, authorizes the use of the Cornell source code for experimentation and research. No redistribution rights are provided. Please refer to the specific license for a complete statement of rights and restrictions.

Examples of activities that are permitted under this license are:

Examples of activities that are not permitted under this license:

(b) Restricted Nominal Fee Redistribution CU-SeeMe Software License Agreement - This agreement, from White Pine Software, provides a license to obtain the Cornell source code for CU-SeeMe. Redistribution rights under specific conditions are granted. The agreement requires the signer to distribute the executables of the modified software to the user community freely and to realize no profit or gain, either direct or indirect, from the redistribution. The signer must also provide the source code of the modifications to both White Pine Software, Inc. and Cornell University with the understanding that it may be incorporated into future versions of CU-SeeMe. Please refer to the license for a complete statement of rights and restrictions.
Examples of activities that are permitted under this license are:

Examples of activities that are not permitted under this license:

(c) Commercial CU-SeeMe Software License Agreement - This agreement, from White Pine Software, will provide a license to obtain the Cornell source code to CU-SeeMe for modification and redistribution for commercial purposes. This license would be a logical next step after a product development under a Restricted Internal Use Only License Agreement. Payment of royalties and/or other fees shall be negotiated with White Pine. Please contact White Pine for the details of the license: 603-886-9050, [email protected]

(d) Commercial Enhanced CU-SeeMe Software License Agreement - Enhanced CU-SeeMe is the commercial product from White Pine Software. This agreement, from White Pine Software, will provide a license to obtain the source code to Enhanced CU-SeeMe for modification and redistribution for commercial purposes. Payment of royalties and/or other fees shall be negotiated with White Pine. Please contact White Pine for the details of the license: 603-886-9050,
[email protected]

CU-SeeMe is a trademark of Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
Enhanced CU-SeeMe is a trademark of White Pine Software, Inc.

For more information, contact Martyne Hallgren, Executive Director CU-SeeMe Consortium, [email protected] , 607-255-5421.