CU-SeeMe for Windows and information about:

4-26-95 Richard Kennerly [email protected]


Your Windows PC itself

System Requirements:

For receive-only:
  1. 386SX processor or higher.
  2. Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode.
  3. Windows Sockets compliant TCP/IP stack. See below.
  4. A 256 color (8 bit) video driver at any resolution
    (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, or higher).
To send video as well as receive:
  1. 386DX processor or higher.
  2. Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode.
  3. Windows Sockets compliant TCP/IP stack. See below.
  4. A 256 color (8 bit) video driver at any resolution
    (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, or higher).
  5. Video capture board that supports Microsoft Video For Windows.
    (See below)
  6. A video camera to plug into the video capture board.

Video Capture Cards (by Albert Foo):

Folks, here's my updated list of video capture boards that work with CU-SEEMe for Windows. Thanks to those to posted and replied by emails. If you have tested a board that work with CU-SEEme and it's not on this list, please email me with your information. I'll try to periodically post this information.

List of Video Capture Boards that work with CU-SEEMe for Windows.

Product: Video Spigot (Discontinue)
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly
Made by: Creative Labs
List Price: - unknown -

Product: Video Blaster FS200
Confirmed by: Bennett Frankel
Made by: Creative Labs
List Price: - unknown -

Product: ComputerEyes RT
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly
Made by: Digital Vision
List Price: $399

Product: ComputerEyes 1024
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly
Made by: Digital Vision
List Price: $599

Product: miroVideo DC1 TV
Confirmed by: [email protected]
Made by: miro Computer Products
List Price: $899

Product: Reveal tv300
Confirmed by: [email protected] (Jack Nguyen)
Made by: Reveal
List Price: - unknown -

Product: Orchid Vidiola Pro/D
Confirmed by: [email protected]
Made by: Orchid Technology
List Price: $699

Product: Win/TV Cinema/TV-Celebrity/TV-HighQ
Confirmed by: [email protected], [email protected]
Made by: Hauppauge Computer Works
List Price: Cinema - $349, Celebrity - $449, HighQ - $499

List of Video Capture boards that do NOT work with CU-SEEme

Product: Pro Movie Studio/Spectrum
Confirmed by: [email protected] (arvell hairston)
Made by: MediaVision
Problems: - Upside down image -
List Price: - unknown -
Product: Intel Smart Video Recorder Pro
Confirmed by: [email protected] (J. T. Montgomery)
Made by: Intel Corp.
Problems: - unknown -
List Price: $570

Product: Video Blaster RT300
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly
Made by: Creative Labs
Problems: - unknown -
List Price: $499.95

List of untested Video Capture Boards for Windows available in the market:

Product Company MSRP

WatchIT! Pro New Media Graphics $595.00
Reveal VC500 Reveal - unknown -
Video Blaster MP400 Creative Labs - unknown -
WaveWatcher TV-II Aztech International $429
Megamotion Alpha Systems Lab $1095
Video Basic ATI Technologies $249
Video-It! ATI Technologies $499
Video Galaxy Gamma Aztech Labs $199
SNAPplus VL Cardinal Technologies $695
VideoStar Pro Diamond Multimedia Systems $529
ComputerEyes/VLB Digital Vision $499
Movie Machine Pro Fast Electronic U.S. $999
Picture Perfect Pro In-Motion $699
MovieMan Logitech $299
Marvel II Matrox $795
Marvel Matrox $995
Vidiola Orchid Technology $399
Maxmedia VR UMAX Technologies $299
Maxmedia MR Pro UMAX Technologies $699
Captivator VideoLogic $349
VideoPacker Plus VIC Hi-Tech Corp $375
Albert Foo ([email protected])
Missouri Research and Education Network
University of Missouri - Columbia

Winsock Stacks:

The following winsock stacks have been found to work with CU-SeeMe:

  • Netmanag Chameleon
  • Trumpet
  • FTP Software's PCTCP
  • Microsoft's winsock stack

The following winsock stacks have had problems:

  • Beame and Whiteside - does not work at all.
  • Lan WorkPlace for DOS - works for a few, not most people though;
    we don't know why yet.

Last updated May 25, 1995.