Information for Downloaders:

MULTILANGUAGEtm Globalization Suite
Professional Edition 2.0

for Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++Builder (32-bit Setup)

Commercial demo - Released 15/9/1997
by Innoview Data Technologies Ltd.


A. System Requirements
B. General Information
C. Installing Innoview MULTILANGUAGE
E. Extensive On-line Documentation
F. Getting Technical Support
G. Commercial Version Availability
H. Registration
I. Other Globalization Suite products
J. Contact Info (Innoview Data Technologies Ltd.)

Follow these steps to complete the setup and take the product in use.


System Requirements for MULTILANGUAGE Standard Edition (32 bit setup):

  • Microsoft® Windows 95, or Windows NT
  • Borland® Delphi 2, Delphi 3 or C++Builder

NOTE: This evaluation version is for 32-bit environment only. For 16 bit environment (Delphi 1) download the appropriate 16-bit Standard Edition.


What is MULTILANGUAGETM Globalization Suite?

Innoview MULTILANGUAGETM Globalization Suite is a family of software products providing an easy and flexible way to upgrade your applications to international marketplace. The suite consists of the following products for software internationalization purposes:

  • MULTILANGUAGETM for Delphi and C++Builder
    - includes tools and utilities for adding complete multilingual support
    - for Delphi 1, 2 and 3 and C++Builder
    - includes tools and utilities for adding complete multilingual support
    - for Java 1.1 (and later)
  • MULTILANGUAGETM Dictionary Server (MDS)
    - dictionary data server for Internet/Intranet applications
    - for NT 4.0 (or later)

The following information is specific for MULTILANGUAGE for Delphi and C++Builder.
Click here for more information about the other Globalization Suite products.

MULTILANGUAGE for Delphi and C++Builder

MULTILANGUAGE for Delphi and C++Builder is a VCL component library that allows Delphi and C++Builder developers to produce products for international use with a single version of source code. With it a single executable can handle any number of different languages and allows the user to switch between them on the fly.

The package ships with Multilanguage Dictionary Editor, the utility for making the internationalization process practically automated. The multilingual equivalents of many familiar Delphi components makes the use of this advanced Globalization Suite both easy and productive.

The 30-day MULTILANGUAGE evaluation package consists of:

  • Over 20 specific VCL components for software Internationalization
  • Multilanguage Dictionary Editor Utility
  • Extensive On-line Documentation (Windows help)
  • Manual: "Getting Started with Software Internationalization"
  • Free Technical Support for 30-day trial period

Language Compatibility

MULTILANGUAGE for Delphi and C++Builder is available in two editions: Standard Edition and Professional Edition. They differ in their support for different character sets and languages:

  • The Standard Edition works with all the languages that use single byte, left to right character set such as the languages using either Latin, Greek or Cyrillic character sets. The compatible languages are e.g. English, Dutch, German, Greek, Turkish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian...
  • The Professional Edition. In addition to European character sets, the Professional Edition works with Far East (multi byte) charcater sets and Middle East (bi-directional) character sets. The compatible languages are, e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew. To ensure the maximal compatibility Multilanguage automatically mirrors the bi-directional texts. The languages in the dictionary must use the same character set if you want to switch language on the fly.

Both Standard Edition and Professinal Edition are available for both 16 bit (Delphi 1) and 32 bit (Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++Builder) environments.

NOTE: This evaluation version is 32-bit MULTILANGUAGE Standard Edition 2.0.

Multilanguage Dictionary Editor

Dictionary Editor is used for creating and maintaining dictionaries used by Dictionary components.

  • A project Wizard helps in creating a new dictionary. It automatically scans your application’s source file(s) and adds all the simple properties you specify to Innoview Multilanguage project dictionary.
  • The editor is easy to use, thus simplifying the editing of translation data.

The dictionary created by Dictionary Editor contains three tables. These tables can be either text files or database tables.

  • The translation table contains the words of the application in all supported languages. The first column contains the strings in the native language, which is the language you use to write your application.
  • The language table contains information about each supported language.
  • The locale table contains information about each supported locale.

Multilanguage VCL components

Innoview Multilanguage contains over 20 Delphi and C++Builder components to be included into your application. The components are used for managing dictionaries, doing translation, adding multilingual standard dialogs, etc.

Dictionary Components:
Dictionary components contain the information of translation, language and locale tables. In addition they define the current language and locale settings.
TIvServerDictionary This component is used for getting access to a dictionary on a server running Multilanguage Dictionary Server.
TIvFileDictionary Dictionary that uses external dictionary files.
TIvEmbeddedDictionary Dictionary that embedds the dictionary files into the exe-file Using this it is possible to build up a single file multilingual application.
TIvDBDictionary Dictionary that uses database tables.
Translator Components
Translator components do the actual translation. They need a dictionary component to function. Translators define, e.g., the target components to be translated.
TIvTranslator Standard translator for translating single properties, e.g., caption, text.
TIvExtendedTranslator Translator if the application uses TTreeView, TListView or TOutline components.
Common Dialog Components
Innoview Multilanguage Common Dialog components include one extra property Dictionary, which connects the component to the application's dictionary.
TIvOpenDialog Multilingual version of TOpenDialog.
TIvSaveDialog Multilingual version of TSaveDialog.
TIvColorDialog Multilingual version of TColorDialog.
TIvFontDialog Multilingual version of TFontDialog.
TIvPrinterSetupDialog Multilingual version of TPrinterSetupDialog.
TIvPrintDialog Multilingual version of TPrintDialog.
TIvFindDialog Multilingual version of TFindDialog.
TIvReplaceDialog Multilingual version of TReplaceDialog.
Multilanguage Standard Components
Innoview Multilanguage standard components include one extra property Bidirectional, which enables/disables bi-directional writing (Middle East character sets only).
TIvLabel Multilingual version of TLabel.
TIvGroupBox Multilingual version of TGroupBox.
TIvRadioGroup Multilingual version of TRadioGroup.
TIvListBox Multilingual version of TListBox.
TIvComboBox Multilingual version of TComboBox.
TIvStringGrid Multilingual version of TStringGrid.
TIvDrawGrid Multilingual version of TDrawGrid.
Multilanguage Data aware Components
Innoview Multilanguage data aware components include one extra property Bidirectional, which enables/disables bi-directional writing (Middle East character sets only).
TIvDBText Multilingual version of TDBText.
TIvDBRadioGroup Multilingual version of TDBRadioGroup.
TIvDBListBox Multilingual version of TDBListBox.
TIvDBComboBox Multilingual version of TDBComboBox.
TIvDBLookupListBox Multilingual version of TDBLookupListBox.
TIvDBLookupComboBox Multilingual version of TDBLookupComboBox.
TIvDBGrid Multilingual version of TDBGrid.


Installing routines for

Delphi 2.0

To set up Innoview Multilanguage component:

  1. Run the setup program by double clicking the EXE file.
  2. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
  3. Start Delphi
  4. Choose Component | Install. The Install Components dialog box appears.
  5. Choose Add to open the Add Module dialog box.
  6. Choose Browse to specify the multilanguage directory. Select IVMULREG.DCU.
  7. Choose OK to close the Add Module dialog box.
  8. Choose OK to close the Install Components dialog box and rebuild the library.

To add Multilanguage help to Delphi's help system:

  1. Copy the Multilanguage help file (IVMULTI.HLP and IVMULTI.CNT) to the directory that is located on the path.
  2. Copy the Multilanguage help keyword file (IVMULTI.KWF) to the \HELP subdirectory of Delphi.
  3. Open the HelpInst application (HELPINST.EXE) found from \HELP\TOOLS subdirectory of Delphi.
  4. Choose File | Open to open Delphis help index file (DELPHI.HDX) found from the \BIN subdirectory of Delphi.
  5. Choose + to browse the Multilanguage help keyword file.
  6. Choose File | Save to save and rebuild the help index file.

Delphi 3.0

To add the Multilanguage components to the component library:

  1. Choose Component | Install Packages. The Project Options dialog box appears.
  2. Choose Add to open the Add Design Package dialog box.
  3. Choose Browse to specify the DELPHI3 subdirectory of the multilanguage directory. Select IVMLD20.DPL.
  4. Choose OK to close the Add Design Package dialog box.
  5. Choose OK to close the Project Options dialog box.
  6. Choose Tools | Environment Options. The Environment Options dialog box appears.
  7. Select the Library tab.
  8. Add the Multilanguage path (the directory where to installed Multilanguage) to the Library Path.
  9. Choose OK to close the Environment Options dialog box.

To add Multilanguage help to Delphi's help system:

  1. Add a Link statement referencing the help file to the "Third-Party Help" section of DELPHI3.CFG (locates on Delphis BIN subdirectory). Example:     :Link C:\Program Files\Innoview\Multilanguage\IVMULTI.HLP
  2. Delete the DELPHI3.GID help database file (hidden file) locating on the same directory than DELPHI3.CFG. The Windows help system creates a new one when DELPHI3.HLP is used next time.


To add Multilanguage components to the component library:

  1. Choose Options | Environment. The Environment Options dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Library tab.
  3. Add the Multilanguage path (the directory where to installed Multilanguage) to the Include and Library paths. Add \CBUILDER1 to the path.
  4. Choose Component | Install. The Install Components dialog box appears.
  5. Choose Add to open the Add Module dialog box.
  6. Choose Browse to specify the multilanguage directory. Select CBUILDER1\IVMULREG.OBJ.
  7. Choose OK to close the Add Module dialog box.
  8. Choose OK to close the Install Components dialog box and rebuild the library.

To add Multilanguage help to C++Builders help system:

  1. Open OpenHelp application.
  2. Choose Add to browse the Multilanguage help (IVMULTI.HLP).
  3. Choose OK to make the Multilanguage help available to the OpenHelp.
  4. Select the Multilanguage help from the Available Help Files list box.
  5. Choose > to move the help to the Selected Help Files list box.
  6. Choose OK to close OpenHelp application.


The following steps will explain you a typical way to use Innoview Multilanguage. It is not the only way to use the product but it’s a good place to start. In time you will modify the procedure to meet your requirements.

The use is straightforward in standard cases:

1. Let Dictionary Editor's Wizard create a dictionary.
2. Add the Multilanguage components
3. Write the application
4. Let Dictionary Editor scan the application source file(s)
5. Translate the dictionary.
(6. Run your multilingual program!)


The main idea of a multilanguage component is to iterate each child component of the form or the component and translate their Labels, Hints, Text... to another language. The translation is made by finding the corresponding string and replacing the old one with the new one. For that, Multilanguage needs a lookup table - the translation table. It contains all the strings the application uses in each language. In addition to the translation table, Multilanguage (and Windows) needs to know, which is the current language. To provide this information each dictionary contains another table called the language table. It contains information about the languages that the translation table contains.

Switching between languages is not good enough in an advanced multilingual program. The program also have to adapt itself to some local customs and standards such as date and time formats, currency and measurement system. To provide this Multilanguage uses locale data, provided in a third table called the locale table.

Note: All the tables described are created easily by Dictionary Editor's Project Wizard.


Generally you have to create one dictionary for the application and one translator component for each form you have. You can visually insert a dictionary component and translator component to each form, set the properties and finally open the component in the constructor of the form. This might, however, be quite laborious in the case of several forms. In such case it is usually a good idea to derive your own form from the TForm and include TIvTranslator component to the derived form. Doing this you don’t have to manually include TivMultilanguage component to every form. (See online help to get more information.)


Each dictionary must contain the translation table, language table and the locales table.

If you use TIvFileDictionary or TivEmbeddedDictionary component, set the FileName, LanguageFileName and the LocaleFileName properties. If you use TIvDBDictionary, set the DatabaseName, TableName, LanguageTableName and LocaleTableName properties.

You must also specify the language using the PrimaryLanguage and the SubLanguage properties. Set the Targets and Dictionary properties of the TIvMultilanguage component.

You must open the TIvTranslator component in the constructor of the form by calling the Open method, which opens the dictionary (if not already open), iterates each component in the form and translates their texts. If you later want to change the language, just set the new value to the Locale or the Language property.

The Translate method of the TIvDictionary component can be used to translate other text (e.g. the system messages) from the native language to the current language. Use the multilingual routines to format measure quantities, format messages, show message or query boxes.


Every now and then it is a good place to scan the application with the Dictionary Editor. It informs you, if it found any new strings to translate.


Up till now you have programmed the application, created the dictionary and scanned the program files to update the dictionary. Your multilingual program is almost ready. The last task to accomplish is to translate the dictionary. It can be easiest with the Dictionary Editor.

If you use a file dictionary or an embedded dictionary, you can edit the dictionary file with any any Windows based text editor (e.g. Notepad), too. If you use a database dictionary, you can edit the dictionary file using the Database Desktop application. Of course, Dictionary Editor can be used for editing of all kind of dictionaries.


If you have downloaded the demo version of MULTILANGUAGE Standard Edition for Delphi and C++Builder, you may wish to obtain the official version of the product or order additional copies for other developers. The commercial version of Innoview Multilanguage is available by direct purchase from all Innoview's authorized resellers.

Suggested retail pricing for Multilanguage products is as follows:

# MULTILANGUAGE, Standard Edition 2.0 - $ 190 (USD)

  • Both 16 bit and 32 bit Setup (For Delphi 1, Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++Builder)
  • Over 20 specific VCL components for software Internationalization
  • Multilanguage Dictionary Editor Utility
  • Extensive On-line Documentation (Windows help)
  • Manual: "Getting Started with Software Internationalization"
  • Free Technical Support (by E-mail, Innoview On-line, Fax and Telephone)

# MULTILANGUAGE, Standard Edition 2.0 (With Source code) - $ 480 (USD)

  • Includes full source code
  • Both 16 bit and 32 bit Setup (For Delphi 1, Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++Builder)
  • Over 20 specific VCL components for software Internationalization
  • Multilanguage Dictionary Editor Utility
  • Extensive On-line Documentation (Windows help)
  • Manual: "Getting Started with Software Internationalization"
  • Free Technical Support (by E-mail, Innoview On-line, Fax and Telephone)

We also offer volume discounts for purchase of 5 or more licenses (Ask more: Contact Info).


After you have purchased the offical Multilanguage license, you can make the online registration at Innoview's web site or fill up the registration card and mail it to us. This will enable your personal account in at Innoview's Internet server (

Using the account you can download updates and product (build) updates. You can also join to mailing list that keeps you updated about Multilanguage Globalization Suite and multilingual programming technology.

Note: The registration card comes only with commercial product purchased from authorized Innoview reseller.


For complete instructions on using the Multilanguage Globalization Suite, see Multilanguage Online Help. You can also get more information and tips from Innoview's Internet site.


If you have a question about Innoview Multilanguage component,

  • first look in online Help.
  • Have a look at the Multilanguage FAQ
  • If you still cannot find the answer, contact Multilanguage Technical Support (provided by Innoview Data Technologies LTD):
    * Email: [email protected]
    * Internet:
    * TEL: +358-9-4762 0551 (time zone: +02:00 GMT)
    * FAX +358-9-4762 0555

I. Other Globalization Suite products

There are two other separate products completing the Innoview MULTILANGUAGETM Globalization Suite:

MULTILANGUAGETM for Java completes the Innoview Globalization Suite´s client site tools. It continues the family of easy-to-use components and tools for software internationalization. It enables the creation of multilingual and platform independent software. Follow the News and Press Releases section at Innoview's Internet site for news on this product.

MULTILANGUAGETM Dictionary Server (MDS) makes possible the world wide distribution of Multilanguage dictionaries. Using MDS, the dictionary is located on a server. Using a TIvServerDictionary component on your form instead of other dictionary, your program is able to use remote dictionaries. Then all your programs using Multilanguage components can use this remote dictionary. This enables centralized and cost-effective managing of your multilingual applications. You can obtain an evaluation version of MDS from Innoview's Internet site.


Innoview Data Technologies Ltd.
Advanced Globalization Tools

Etelaranta 14 A 6
FIN-00130 Helsinki
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +358-9-4762 0550
Fax: +358-9-4762 0555