Art Crimes: Chicago 70

All artwork on this page is © copyright 2008 the artists. Please send caption corrections to [email protected] and mention Chicago 70.

From Chucho, painting from August 2007:
Omens, Rude, Scribe, and Rapes on the car together. Enimy, Solar (top), Arize (character), Jash, Revise, Chucho (backround and other characters).

hotrod_product1ex.jpg Zink (w/help from Rude), Omens, Quetzal (characters), Rude

Scribe, Rapes (rat/blue piece), Solar (top), Enime (bottom), Arize (yellow devil character) Jash (top), and Quetzal (characters)

Arize (yellow character), Jash (top), Quetzal (characters) and Revise Chucho did all the background and most of the characters.

From Slice:
cmw2008x.jpg chi_characters2008x.jpg chi_wall2008x.jpg
Tese, Exhaust/ Xhaust

chi2008x.jpg Asend c_h_i2008x.jpg ?

omens2008x.jpg Omens omens22008x.jpg Omens detail omens32008x.jpg Omens detail

p_o_s_e2008x.jpg Pose detail pos_e2008bx.jpg Pose pos_e002008ax.jpg Pose detail

pose2008x.jpg Pose


City Walls

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